**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Jun 19 03:00:04 2017 Jun 19 12:12:05 jkridner: Hi, there? Jun 19 14:05:01 hi Jun 19 14:09:48 jkridner: hi(2) Jun 19 14:22:25 jkridner: I identified the problem on windows, the rndis device first needs to be initialized on windows for use Jun 19 14:23:20 jkridner: I got this from BBBlfs' windows-partial branch https://github.com/ungureanuvladvictor/BBBlfs/tree/windows-partial Jun 19 14:23:44 jkridner: See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/network/example-connectionless--802-3--initialization-sequence Jun 19 14:24:23 jkridner: I added code for rndis initialization and I was able to transfer spl binary Jun 19 14:25:02 k Jun 19 14:25:13 jkridner: But, I had to install the WinUSB driver again for the SPL device (rndis) Jun 19 14:26:03 jkridner: One more problem, it works only when I connect BB to usb 3.0 port Jun 19 14:26:48 jkridner: When I connect to a 2.0 port, the device can't be opened as it can't get the config descriptor Jun 19 14:32:11 jkridner: Currently, getting some issues while getting interface of SPL device, SPL is running though, I checked the serial output Jun 19 14:32:38 jkridner: Here's the code https://github.com/ravikp7/node-beagle-boot/tree/windows-dev if you want to test things out Jun 19 14:35:15 jkridner: Here's log when I connect to usb 2.0 port Jun 19 14:36:03 jkridner: I even checked with BBBlfs' windows port, same problem, so node-usb is fine here Jun 19 14:36:24 log https://pastebin.com/mPtGqjsx Jun 19 14:38:57 ravikp7_: does the microsoft link you sent me mean that you are using the driver that they install rather than using libusb? Jun 19 14:40:07 no, I'm using libusb (WInUSB) Jun 19 14:42:10 ravikp7_: then what is the significance of the microsoft link? Jun 19 14:42:52 jkridner: the rndis initialization code Jun 19 14:43:12 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/network/remote-ndis-messaging Jun 19 14:43:15 why is rndis initialization needed if you aren't using the microsoft driver? Jun 19 14:43:29 ravikp7_: again, this implies you are using the microsoft driver and not libusb. Jun 19 14:45:04 jkridner: I used zadig to install the WinUSB driver, device manager shows drivers provided by libwdi Jun 19 14:46:08 still sounds like the Windows RNDIS driver is taking priority. Jun 19 14:46:15 have you tried using https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/938323/you-cannot-synchronize-a-windows-mobile-based-device-by-using-activesync-4.x to disable it? Jun 19 14:46:42 doh... Jun 19 14:46:46 that's on the client side. :( Jun 19 14:55:02 jkridner: now, I installed libusb-win32 driver, it was listed as libusb-win32 device in device manager, again code didn;t work without rndis initialization Jun 19 14:55:54 also, kernel driver attach check also doesn't work on windows Jun 19 15:08:44 ravikp7_: I'm not sure what the rndis initialization is, but it sounds like it is something to use the rndis driver that is automatically loaded by Windows. Jun 19 15:09:08 and further, it sounds like the driver attach check fails because of that installed driver. Jun 19 15:10:50 jkridner: the rndis initialization is done by two usb control transfers to the device Jun 19 15:13:34 I wonder if linux does this automatically Jun 19 15:22:05 jkridner: I think initialization is part of the rndis protocol, so every platform must follow it independent of the usb driver Jun 19 16:08:26 jkridner: after spl transfer, the spl device detected is not showing any interfaces :( Jun 19 16:08:45 but on Linux it does, right? Jun 19 16:08:53 jkridner: yes Jun 19 16:09:29 jkridner: can you test it on windows? Jun 19 16:11:01 Windows 7 I think. Jun 19 16:15:56 nice, I'm using windows 10 and couldn't test it on 7 Jun 19 16:30:42 * ravikp7 tests if matrix is up again for chat.. Jun 19 16:32:40 jkridner: please also do test on OSX, I'm unware of its status Jun 19 16:32:49 k Jun 19 16:41:09 ravikp7: osx https://pastebin.com/SxYwyrvm Jun 19 16:42:35 jkridner: weren't you able to claim interface earlier? Jun 19 16:43:03 ravikp7: hi I received your msg just now, some how missed it earlier..... Jun 19 16:43:05 what would you like me to test on mac Jun 19 16:43:39 ravikp7: for my system, it requires 'sudo /sbin/kextunload /Library/Extensions/HoRNDIS.kext', because I still have HoRNDIS installed. Jun 19 16:44:05 jkridner: k, otherwise working? Jun 19 16:44:07 ravikp7: probably needs to be done at the higher-level integration. Jun 19 16:44:47 nerdboy:, ds2: how to trigger epwm, I tried to google it, but few resources said that drivers are not good.... Jun 19 16:45:09 thetransformerr: Hi, please you too test it https://github.com/ravikp7/node-beagle-boot/tree/master this server on your mac Jun 19 16:45:35 does robert nelson kernel have updated drivers or I should try nerdboy: patch for ecap to generate triggers Jun 19 16:46:13 ravikp7: currently sits here: https://pastebin.com/hQ22L5U0 Jun 19 16:48:30 ravikp7: just a ques, I already had a hard time to connect bbb, so you r sure that this wouldn't mess with bbb in such a way that I have to do flashing or other thing again........... ;) Jun 19 16:49:51 thetransformerr: no, it would just be trying to boot uboot in usb boot mode and put BB into mass storage mode. no tinkering with file system Jun 19 16:50:38 okk then I get back to you in a while..... Jun 19 16:51:01 k, thnaks Jun 19 16:51:07 *thanks Jun 19 16:51:07 nerdboy:, ds2: any of you here?? Jun 19 16:53:24 ravikp7: seems to be hung waiting for the BOOTP request. Jun 19 16:53:43 jkridner: didn't go past that? Jun 19 16:53:58 pastebin log? Jun 19 16:54:15 ^^^ https://pastebin.com/hQ22L5U0 Jun 19 16:56:28 jkridner: logs show inendpoint accessed, outendpoint is not showing yet Jun 19 16:56:40 yet? Jun 19 16:56:53 should it? Jun 19 16:57:12 its showing on windows log Jun 19 16:58:31 jkridner: can you test the windows branch by changing the platform variable in code? Jun 19 16:58:46 on the mac? Jun 19 16:59:39 ravikp7: I'm getting 2 endpoints. Jun 19 16:59:46 one in each direction. Jun 19 17:00:15 jkridner: yes, it also hung while waiting for bootp on windows, can't think of other options now Jun 19 17:01:43 jkridner: yeah, I see it now two endpoints Jun 19 17:03:56 ravikp7: looks like you don't wait for the SPL device to show up. Jun 19 17:04:40 jkridner: windows? Jun 19 17:04:56 ravikp7: btw, your synchronous code is driving me nuts. however, I see it as early development only and looks like it should be easy to remove. Jun 19 17:05:22 ravikp7: this is one of those places where depending on "sleep" is very non-javascript-y. Jun 19 17:06:55 ravikp7: k, seems SPL never does start a USB device. Jun 19 17:07:08 ravikp7: does the SPL build have an EEPROM dependency? Jun 19 17:07:27 ravikp7: can we get any debug output from SPL at any point? Jun 19 17:07:37 jkridner: do you refer to the bulk transfer sync by synchronous code? Jun 19 17:08:10 jkridner: EEPROM, I don't think so Jun 19 17:08:22 ravikp7: yeah. don't try to remove it now... I have some solid suggestions on how to make all the code asynchronous. Jun 19 17:09:35 jkridner: I expected those coming :) Jun 19 17:10:52 jkridner: I checked with serial output, spl booted Jun 19 17:14:18 ravikp7: k. I can check that. Jun 19 17:18:22 ravikp7: https://pastebin.com/GgzpK25J <- SPL boots, but I'm not seeing any USB devices. Jun 19 17:21:25 jkridner: see my log https://pastebin.com/eVVdnU0r Jun 19 17:22:45 ravikp7: mine eventually timed out: https://pastebin.com/V0uQnMj6 Jun 19 17:26:41 jkridner: I'm getting that error only after two retries https://pastebin.com/tfUptR11 Jun 19 17:27:41 jkridner: using windows 7? Jun 19 17:34:22 I'm using OSX Jun 19 17:36:06 jkridner: oh, what was causing it to hang on bootp request? Jun 19 17:37:03 ravikp7: oops, wrong paste. Jun 19 17:37:14 ravikp7: still hanging on BOOTP Jun 19 17:37:28 ravikp7: I accidentally copied part of yours. Jun 19 17:37:41 thetransformerr[: that is an additional driver (mdp's) and should be in the latest kernel package Jun 19 17:37:43 ravikp7: accurate paste: https://pastebin.com/Gbu4FQPK Jun 19 17:39:51 jkridner: I see it exactly same as the last one Jun 19 17:40:23 jkridner: hanging but still eventually going ahead to transfer spl? Jun 19 17:49:00 jkridner: now I see the rndis initialization in BBBlfs' OSX branch also Jun 19 17:49:47 jkridner: https://github.com/ungureanuvladvictor/BBBlfs/blob/osx/src/main.c Jun 19 17:55:48 jkridner: if current code still doesn't work, please give the windows-dev branch a try with platform variable change to 'darwin' in code Jun 19 18:05:56 * nerdboy updating now... Jun 19 18:06:22 thetransformerr[: let's see if that's true Jun 19 18:59:04 check your install, if you have the latest image it should be there Jun 19 18:59:31 => /lib/modules/4.4.68-ti-rt-r109/kernel/drivers/iio/pulse/tiecap.ko and /lib/modules/4.4.68-ti-rt-r109/kernel/drivers/pwm/pwm-tiecap.ko Jun 19 18:59:50 modinfo is helpful... Jun 19 19:03:10 ravikp7: SPL transfer succeeded. my issue is claiming the SPL interface. Jun 19 20:05:38 okk Jun 19 20:06:29 nerdboy: I am trying to go like this, to calcualte tof Jun 19 20:08:27 store smaples from daq for transmitter and receiver into array and then find cross correlation b/w them using a language like python Jun 19 20:36:19 i'm still not clear what exactly you're trying to do, do you have a circuit to interface between dac and tx/rx? Jun 19 20:37:07 depending on what is possible with maxq board we might not need a dac at all **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Jun 20 00:13:02 2017 **** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Jun 20 03:00:02 2017