**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Sep 07 03:00:01 2017 Sep 07 13:23:33 nerdboy: ack Sep 07 13:23:44 nerdboy: next year we have hardware shipped before students apply! Sep 07 13:23:54 nerdboy: so polish that xtal ball Sep 07 17:15:53 av500: understanding the requirements, mapping to appropriate hardware/etc would be good Sep 07 17:16:27 minimize extraneous blah blah Sep 07 17:57:38 i thought the murata sensors should work okay, turned out more painful... Sep 07 22:31:09 Powerful In the sense??? Sep 07 23:06:49 tlwoerner: sorry about the shipping cost on the lofive Sep 07 23:07:06 it is just crazy for international shipping Sep 07 23:07:32 m_w: no probs, normal part of the process Sep 07 23:07:41 I have heard multiple complaints so far Sep 07 23:07:51 i'm just playing around with the riscv-tools now :-) Sep 07 23:08:00 nah, no complaints from me :-) Sep 07 23:08:11 cool Sep 07 23:08:31 did you order the ftdi breakout for the jtag programming of the unit? Sep 07 23:09:32 yes, i ordered one of those too Sep 07 23:09:52 okay good that is the easiest route to getting started Sep 07 23:10:07 i probably already have some form of an ftdi breakout already somewhere, but i figured this would be easier Sep 07 23:10:19 cool Sep 07 23:10:19 m_w: how power hungry is the riscv? Sep 07 23:10:32 not too bad Sep 07 23:10:55 CortexM0+ range, i think? Sep 07 23:11:13 worse or better then a BBB? Sep 07 23:11:36 much better than BBB for this board Sep 07 23:12:15 12mA at 5V Sep 07 23:12:26 hmmm not quite battery friendly Sep 07 23:12:27 that is idle though Sep 07 23:12:33 not really Sep 07 23:12:52 is this a real chip or a FPGA? Sep 07 23:12:53 lipo maybe but not coin cell Sep 07 23:13:07 this one is an actual chip Sep 07 23:13:11 https://hackaday.io/project/26909-lofive Sep 07 23:13:23 https://riscv.org/faq/ question10 Sep 07 23:13:33 https://www.sifive.com/products/freedom-e310/ Sep 07 23:13:59 it is always about the implementation Sep 07 23:14:46 this particular chip was probably not focused on low power Sep 07 23:15:10 *nod* just like the MIPS Sep 07 23:15:50 in the same lines Sep 07 23:16:12 the architecture is pretty text book ;) Sep 07 23:16:57 but the ISA in free and anyone can make a chip based on it Sep 07 23:17:44 wonder if it will fit in an ICE40... :D Sep 07 23:17:47 I would like to move onto a Linux capable risc-v board soon Sep 07 23:18:01 the picorv32 does Sep 07 23:18:27 https://github.com/cliffordwolf/picorv32 Sep 07 23:18:36 cool! Sep 07 23:18:48 I actually got this to work Sep 07 23:19:01 which board? my BlackIce board just arrived yesterday Sep 07 23:19:21 the code space was limited but I was able to use gcc and blink leds on the ice40 eval Sep 07 23:19:40 I used the 8k Sep 07 23:20:09 a little bird told me that the 4k actually has 8k cells in it, it is just blocked by the vendor tools Sep 07 23:20:19 hahahaha Sep 07 23:20:23 figures Sep 07 23:20:36 so if you use icestorm you get 8k on the 4k chips Sep 07 23:20:42 like on the beaglewire Sep 07 23:21:03 which I should launch next huh? Sep 07 23:21:25 what did you launch just now? Sep 07 23:21:33 nice Sep 07 23:21:48 you need to launch self modifying HW that can control a PnP and an oven }:-) Sep 07 23:22:04 HW needs to be able to self propagate Sep 07 23:22:42 skynet baseline? Sep 07 23:22:55 m_w: http://ca.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Lattice/ICE40HX8K-B-EVN/?qs=ooqgTKD20drSds2K%2FEAnQg%3D%3D ? Sep 07 23:23:08 :) Sep 07 23:24:20 * tlwoerner needs to figure out how to do IRC on my chromebook :-) Sep 07 23:25:20 * ds2 needs to figure a solution for the next Linux laptop before the current one completely dies :( Sep 07 23:26:34 ds2, yea... me too Sep 07 23:27:01 tlwoerner: know of ones that will painlessly install? apparently the recent intel chip based ones are broken left and right :( Sep 07 23:27:04 i actually _like_ my chromebook: small, flip, touchscreen Sep 07 23:28:44 i haven't tried linux on mine yet, i don't like to admit it out loud, but i actually don't mind CrOS, it's grown on me! but i did put it into "developer" mode, so at least i have access to a "real" shell and can ssh from there Sep 07 23:28:48 tlwoerner: freenode web is about it Sep 07 23:28:58 no irc and no imap on chrome Sep 07 23:29:21 feel free to write the missing chrome apps though Sep 07 23:29:54 nerdboy: okay, worth a try. i had found a chrome extension, but wasn't too happy with it Sep 07 23:30:00 chrome is based on gentoo so how bad can it be? Sep 07 23:30:05 then again, maybe i just don't like IRC enough... haha Sep 07 23:30:12 except for the apps they won't write Sep 07 23:31:27 m_w: is that the eval board you tried? Sep 07 23:31:46 tlwoerner: yes sorry Sep 07 23:32:06 m_w: i also ordered one of those 8k ice boards from olimex. figured i should throw them some love too :-) haha Sep 07 23:32:57 good idea, they do good stuff Sep 07 23:33:34 oh! clifford wolf is the same guy behind the blackice! (?) Sep 07 23:33:58 got a link? Sep 07 23:34:05 http://hamsterworks.co.nz/mediawiki/index.php/MyStorm_Blackice Sep 07 23:34:19 oh whoops, my bad Sep 07 23:35:01 icestorm are the tools, blackice is the board Sep 07 23:36:52 Mike Field is the guy it seems Sep 07 23:37:22 right, Mike Field is "hamster", the fpga dude from NZ Sep 07 23:38:01 nice board though Sep 07 23:38:02 http://hamsterworks.co.nz/mediawiki/index.php/FPGA_Projects Sep 07 23:38:27 we just need a version where the STM32 is swapped out for an E310 :-D Sep 07 23:38:30 busy little beaver ... er hamster Sep 07 23:39:00 you know I thought about doing something like that Sep 07 23:39:10 ice40 + fe310 Sep 07 23:39:29 sweet! Sep 07 23:40:15 maybe poke the blackice people (Ken Boak) and see if they're interested Sep 07 23:40:29 now let make up a catchy name first Sep 07 23:40:32 lets Sep 07 23:40:39 Ken Boak Sep 07 23:40:47 BlackFive Sep 07 23:40:55 nah Sep 07 23:41:06 IceFive Sep 07 23:41:10 meh Sep 07 23:41:28 ice45 Sep 07 23:41:48 :-/ Sep 07 23:41:49 ice40-five Sep 07 23:42:33 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_V Sep 07 23:43:11 that's not bad Sep 07 23:44:48 https://hackaday.io/project/26848-tinyfpga-b-series Sep 07 23:45:10 have you seen this guy ^^ Sep 07 23:45:11 ? Sep 07 23:46:34 crazy small! Sep 07 23:46:43 no, hadn't heard of that project Sep 07 23:46:51 same size as the lofive Sep 07 23:49:24 wow! could you squeeze an e310 on a tinyfpga-b ? Sep 08 00:04:14 I dunno Sep 08 00:04:28 probably would have to make the board a little bigger **** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Sep 08 02:59:59 2017