**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Jun 15 02:59:58 2020 Jun 15 05:01:55 I will be using sakethr98 for the time being. Losing messages with my current bouncer. Jun 15 05:04:21 sakethr98: we need to resolve the issue with my code today Jun 15 05:08:26 sakethr98: https://github.com/deebot/Beaglebone-BidirectionBus/blob/master/PRUDummyShift.c here is the one that has same fuctionality as we need in the PRU but doesnot use the macros specific to PRU and runs well on my ubuntu Jun 15 05:08:48 The problem is in the PRU the code is not performing the Tasks Jun 15 05:09:12 The PRU version uses the __R30 macro to address the right register Jun 15 05:39:59 > sakethr98: https://github.com/deebot/Beaglebone-BidirectionBus/blob/master/PRUDummyShift.c here is the one that has same fuctionality as we need in the PRU but doesnot use the macros specific to PRU and runs well on my ubuntu Jun 15 05:40:00 Its __R31 and __R30 Jun 15 05:40:52 > sakethr98: https://github.com/deebot/Beaglebone-BidirectionBus/blob/master/PRUDummyShift.c here is the one that has same fuctionality as we need in the PRU but doesnot use the macros specific to PRU and runs well on my ubuntu Jun 15 05:40:52 It should be volatile *** "__R30" Jun 15 05:56:12 This is just a test code that i wrote once the code was not running on PRU. Uploading the code with PRU macros that can be compiled with CLPRU Jun 15 06:13:04 vedant16: here is the PRU variant which compiles with no problems but doesnot blink the LED. I have added my own functions to bitread and bitwrite on the r30 register Jun 15 06:13:41 https://github.com/deebot/Beaglebone-BidirectionBus/tree/master/blinkLED Jun 15 06:14:53 > vedant16: here is the PRU variant which compiles with no problems but doesnot blink the LED. I have added my own functions to bitread and bitwrite on the r30 register Jun 15 06:14:53 Ohhk, you could use helper header files for input outputs too Jun 15 06:16:44 vedant16: Did you figure out where is this file if you worked with Prugcc. I need to look inside it to know how the fuction is working in the background Jun 15 06:18:31 when the PRU code dint do what it had to i slightly modified it and wrote the code that i can run on unbuntu. Just created a uint32_t type of variable to represent r30 and did the bit operations using my fuctions and i was getting correct results here Jun 15 06:29:58 > vedant16: Did you figure out where is this file if you worked with Prugcc. I need to look inside it to know how the fuction is working in the background Jun 15 06:29:58 I think it is installed in root directory Jun 15 06:30:03 I will have to check once Jun 15 06:39:16 https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=GCC-10-TI-PRU-Target Jun 15 06:39:16 GCC 10 ships with support for PRU Jun 15 06:55:12 sakethr98: i found it /usr/lib/pru/include/pru/io.h Jun 15 06:55:38 two folders named pru in the path :P Jun 15 07:07:08 cool Jun 15 07:52:19 Hello everyone i am trying to understand a assembly snippet Jun 15 07:52:29 * deepankarmaithan sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/VBTDoJQomKNXNqzttTiwHRHW > Jun 15 07:52:49 what are the :: doing here . can anyone explain it Jun 15 07:57:41 Check this: http://www.cs.fsu.edu/~baker/devices/restricted/GCC-Inline-Assembly-HOWTO.html Jun 15 07:58:28 thanks Jun 15 08:01:46 welcome :0 Jun 15 08:01:51 * welcome :) Jun 15 13:49:14 lorforlinux: https://github.com/beagleboard/bb.org-overlays/pull/173#pullrequestreview-423739382 Jun 15 13:55:28 jkridner: I have updated the DT file please review this -> https://github.com/beagleboard/bb.org-overlays/pull/174 Jun 15 14:27:16 * lorforlinux[m]1 uploaded a video: VID_20200615_195413895.mp4 (17617KB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/PJhENZvhfClFSJuWRrNepKAD > Jun 15 14:28:33 My BeagleBone wireless refuses to boot sometimes until i provide power through barrel jack, anybody else facing this problem? Jun 15 14:30:24 It was happening from Day1 when I tried using 4DLCD4 cape with it, first i thought it's because of the cape but not sure now. Jun 15 14:34:38 Solved this issue too. Looking forward to today's meet. Jun 15 14:35:08 > <@vedant16:matrix.org> Abhishek_: pratimugale hendersa https://ve0x10.me/gsoc2020/2020/06/15/week2.html check my progress for this week. Current blocker is implementing scoped symbol table, all previous blockers were solved. Jun 15 14:35:09 * Solved this issue too. Looking forward to today's meet. Abhishek_ pratimugale hendersa Jun 15 15:50:13 https://groups.google.com/d/msg/beagleboard-gsoc/ejF6F3EdE48/fFicO9WqAQAJ Abhishek_ @pratim Jun 15 15:50:56 * https://groups.google.com/d/msg/beagleboard-gsoc/ejF6F3EdE48/fFicO9WqAQAJ Abhishek_ pratimugale hendersa cwicks jkridner Updated progress of week 2 on mailing list thread. Jun 15 16:01:03 Hi all Jun 15 16:05:42 Hi @pratimugale:matrix.org Jun 15 16:06:00 hendersa Abhishek Are you around? Jun 15 16:06:11 vedant16: What are you working on next? Jun 15 16:07:11 > vedant16: What are you working on next? Jun 15 16:07:11 Implementing functions Jun 15 16:09:53 gm all Jun 15 16:12:25 jkridner: Good morning! Jun 15 16:13:11 vedant16: Did you try out your language on the PRU? Jun 15 16:14:52 With the backend / code generation Jun 15 16:18:19 gm jkridner Jun 15 16:18:21 * good morning jkridner Jun 15 16:18:35 not yet, I want to finish front end part first. Jun 15 16:18:53 > <@pratimugale:matrix.org> vedant16: Did you try out your language on the PRU? Jun 15 16:18:53 * not yet, I want to finish front end part first. which i will this week. Jun 15 16:19:35 start working on LLVM backend then. before that i have to implement, abstract syntax tree too. Jun 15 16:19:54 * I will start working on LLVM backend then. before that i have to implement, abstract syntax tree too. Jun 15 16:23:03 vedant16: How much is left on the frontend part? As Abhishek said, a demo with the backend would be good Jun 15 16:25:04 Implementing functions Jun 15 16:25:42 Okay Jun 15 16:26:04 demo with llvm will be tough Jun 15 16:26:38 Once syntax tree stuff is done, demo will be easy Jun 15 16:27:41 Okay, have you tried out PRU assembly, or any other PRU programs? Jun 15 16:28:28 yup basic stuff Jun 15 16:28:31 LED blink, button led blink Jun 15 16:29:28 I tinkered with it, I can say i am bit confident with PRU C/asm Jun 15 16:35:25 Okay, keep working on it, having a working demo at the earliest would be good Jun 15 16:35:55 I could make it happen soon. Jun 15 16:36:12 but it will be like, I output relevant snippets in asm. Jun 15 16:36:25 discrete snippets. Jun 15 16:38:22 vedant16: Discrete as in? Jun 15 16:38:43 vedant16: As long as it is correct Jun 15 16:38:45 should do Jun 15 16:38:52 like for defining variables, one snippet, for loops another snippet. Jun 15 16:39:22 Oh, combining them is difficult? Jun 15 16:39:56 It will be correct, but I'd rather output code in C, as such a approach won't give optimised code. Jun 15 16:40:14 Yes, for complex programs it won't work, for simple hello world yes. Jun 15 16:42:30 vedant16: Okay Jun 15 16:42:31 Need to go Jun 15 16:42:53 Okay, I will keep you updated. Jun 15 16:43:11 GCC-10 has official support for PRU Jun 15 16:43:18 should i use that ? Jun 15 16:43:26 or the one on github Jun 15 16:43:35 Thanks, if you see Abhishek around, discuss the milestones for next two weeks too Jun 15 16:44:29 Okay. Jun 15 16:44:39 > <@pratimugale:matrix.org> Thanks, if you see Abhishek around, discuss the milestones for next two weeks too Jun 15 16:44:39 * Okay :) Jun 15 16:46:39 vedant16: I don't have much knowledge regarding this, please ask Abhishek Jun 15 16:47:10 Alright Jun 15 16:47:30 Abhishek_: GCC-10 has official support for PRU Jun 15 16:47:30 should i use that ? Jun 15 16:47:30 or the one on github Jun 15 16:47:31 I was supposed to complete my complers course this sem, got cancelled due to covid Jun 15 16:48:09 Ohhh Jun 15 16:48:32 I did watch gate academy playlist for compiler design. Jun 15 16:52:00 Cool, will try to read and get back to you regarding GCC-10 Jun 15 16:54:38 vedant16: Have to go, see you Jun 15 16:55:04 Ok, bye Jun 15 17:00:44 vedant16: Give GCC 10 a shot Jun 15 17:08:35 Ohk Jun 15 17:08:55 https://pp.ipd.kit.edu/firm/Introduction.html I found this better documented for backend, I will try this Abhishek Jun 15 17:09:31 jkridner: I have ordered MCP2515 CAN Module to test comms cape, HV230Q modules are not available. Jun 15 17:14:37 lorforlinux: cool Jun 15 17:23:41 * lorforlinux[m]1 sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/PnnVZgCLZEBeJaYtRjBuwzaz > Jun 15 17:26:17 Also, i am using IoT image and don't have lightdm installed. I will be using keyboard inputs to test the board, that's fine right? Jun 15 17:30:46 hmmm.... I think that could be the user button. Not sure what other input devices there might be. Jun 15 17:31:01 can you share a full log? Jun 15 17:31:38 yes, I have just rebooted it. Jun 15 17:33:58 here is the fill log -> https://pastebin.com/zfyu0e2W Jun 15 17:48:58 jkridner: as you said beagle-tester will be used to test current and new capes, I think we should have some generalized way access buses. Like if we want to test i2c device on our new cape we can specify what i2c bus we want to acquire and beagle-tester will enable that bus and show the details of all the device connected and then you can choose what device you are interested in and then after checking everything Jun 15 17:48:58 we can go on to create a new DT for the cape. Even better would be to generate the DT overlay automatically. Jun 15 17:55:32 can you break that down a bit? Jun 15 17:55:50 why would beagle-tester be so generic? Jun 15 17:56:08 it's goal is to test each board and each cape. Jun 15 17:56:28 I guess it could be augmented to easily test new capes, but I'm not clear on how you are proposing that. Jun 15 18:01:41 I was thinking If we have created a new cape and wanted to test it we have to write new code into beagle-tester what if we could just specify the hardware we have on the cape just to know everything is working. Maybe that's not a good idea, I will focus to work on testing each board and each cape. Jun 15 18:09:17 https://"> I guess this was run on PocketBeagle? Jun 15 18:09:47 No, on BeagleBone Black Wireless. Jun 15 18:10:02 odd. I should probably have it print more base platform information. Jun 15 18:11:04 I have corrected the /sbin/bb-connect-ap -> /usr/sbin/bb-connect-ap Jun 15 18:13:57 jkridner: do you have any guide on how to use it with a keyboard? Jun 15 18:16:00 This message `Unable to write to /dev/fb0` is due to not using lightdm service right? Jun 15 18:19:29 https://"> Input device comes from https://github.com/beagleboard/BeagleBoard-DeviceTrees/blob/v4.19.x-ti/src/arm/tps65217.dtsi#L26-L30, https://github.com/beagleboard/linux/blob/7a920684860a790099061b67961d0b5ffa033fdf/drivers/input/misc/tps65218-pwrbutton.c#L57, Jun 15 18:19:29 https://github.com/beagleboard/linux/blob/7a920684860a790099061b67961d0b5ffa033fdf/drivers/input/misc/tps65218-pwrbutton.c#L119, https://github.com/beagleboard/linux/blob/c0c1bb5fc955015dfe71ba831cb03defd8d0f37d/include/uapi/linux/input-event-codes.h#L39, https://github.com/beagleboard/linux/blob/c0c1bb5fc955015dfe71ba831cb03defd8d0f37d/include/uapi/linux/input-event-codes.h#L191 -- I think Jun 15 18:20:08 I was trying to find where the bus ID, vendor, product, and version got defined. Jun 15 18:23:45 hmmmm.... odd that https://github.com/jadonk/beagle-tester/blob/master/beagle-tester.c#L3136 didn't print out. Jun 15 18:24:07 so, that file actually exists, /dev/input/beagle-barcode ? Jun 15 18:24:21 seems like a bug in the udev rules if that is the case. Jun 15 18:24:59 to use it from a keyboard, just put the argument on the command line as mentioned previously. Jun 15 18:25:02 can I split the code into different files? for example you have included the code common.h & common.c into beagle-tester.c Jun 15 18:25:21 beagle-tester Jun 15 18:26:05 there is no beagle-barcode in /dev/input/ directory. Jun 15 18:26:37 jkridner: Hey Jason. I just posted my week 2 progress report. I allready finished a lot of tasks from this and next week last week, so I came up with additional tasks for this week: Documentation of the Driver and Overlays and Overlay Implementation for BBB. Here is the link https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/beagleboard-gsoc/QwMJGBXj8DQ Jun 15 18:26:48 You can propose a refactoring of the code to make it more maintainable, but please don't mix refactoring commits with feature commits. I will review and approve/reject them separately. Jun 15 18:27:39 there is nothing related to barcode in the whole `/` directory Jun 15 18:28:07 I suggest not getting too distracted. If you want to propose something, doing it near the end of the project might be fine. Jun 15 18:28:43 okay Jun 15 18:29:48 lorforlinux: also, I'm really confused how /dev/fb0 isn't there on Black Wireless, unless you have edited uEnv.txt to disable it. Jun 15 18:30:02 * jkridner[m] has to go to a meeting and will be back in about 30-60 minutes. Jun 15 18:30:58 okay thanks, I will look for solving those issues. Jun 15 19:08:42 Sorry forgot to tell you that, I have not edited anything in uEnv.txt. What should be there to enable the `/dev/fb0` frame buffer device? Jun 15 20:30:19 gone longer than expected. Jun 15 20:30:34 There is an HDMI output on BeagleBone Black Wireless. Jun 15 20:32:01 what is the output of ```sudo /opt/scripts/tools/version.sh``` Jun 15 20:32:16 lorforlinux: ^^^ Jun 15 20:34:58 on BBAI, booting the BBWL board, 2 minutes please. **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Jun 15 20:36:34 2020 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Jun 15 20:39:11 2020 Jun 15 20:39:52 I wrote a new post jkridner sakethr98 ds2 Abhishek_ pdp7_ I wrote a new post https://deebot.github.io/PRURegisterMapping.html. vedant16 May be you would also like to look into it as we discussed in the after noon Jun 15 20:40:08 https://pastebin.com/vdnck4f1 Jun 15 20:40:15 sure would be nice if we could just load the overlays at the beginning of the tests. It worked with 4.14 and https://github.com/beagleboard/linux/commit/8b581615719a3467bdb70cc63d5488fe8c4fdd9d. Jun 15 20:40:30 Maybe someone could forward-port the above. Jun 15 20:41:49 jkridner: sakethr98 Abhishek_ ds2 pdp7_ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/beagleboard-gsoc/cjJrXAPbY7M/tcNe9jXuAwAJ Here is the weekly update Jun 15 20:42:11 The 'quiet' makes this less useful, but still ok. The HDMI overlay is there. Only thing I can imagine that makes /dev/fb0 not show up is the lack of a connected monitor. Perhaps the driver recognizes the monitor isn't there and doesn't enable /dev/fb0. Jun 15 20:43:46 or maybe it's because I am using the IoT image without any DE? Jun 15 20:44:13 I will try xfce image Jun 15 20:45:06 We can use LCD cape instead of a HDMI monitor right? Jun 15 20:47:09 sure. LCD works fine and is still at /dev/fb0 Jun 15 20:47:26 no, gui is not needed. Jun 15 20:49:27 jkridner: I was working on virtual cape overlays for BBAI and saw that we have aliases written in dra7.dtsi that am5729-beagleboneai.dts file uses, for example, we get i2c-0 which is i2c1 of BBAI. If I change those aliases It might affect the usability of other boards as well. what should I do other than assigning symlinks to the buses? Jun 15 20:50:27 * lorforlinux[m]1 sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/hIycFtzkAPMPliveiFzXIeFk > Jun 15 20:52:34 I think this makes it a double layer of confusion for users as the I2C5 of BBAI will be available as i2c-4 device but also as /dev/bone/i2c/1. Jun 15 20:53:08 What do you suggest? Jun 15 20:56:37 okay, you said to have the production image installed to use beagle-tester and we get the Xfce image preinstalled when we get a new board does that means it is the recommended production image? Jun 16 01:36:06 It might be other places, but we recommend the ones under /dev/bone for consistency based on cape header locations. Jun 16 01:36:19 they seem to change the device names, i2c1 is i2c-0 on the board. Jun 16 01:37:09 > <@lorforlinux:matrix.org> for I2C we have these aliases, Jun 16 01:37:10 > i2c0 = &i2c1; Jun 16 01:37:10 ...(truncated) Jun 16 01:38:08 jkridner: I am trying to use uboot overlays with BBAI but no success, I also tried loading overlays on BBWL but it is not loading the overlays either. Jun 16 01:38:55 * uboot overlays are not loading when i use uEnv.txt to load them. Jun 16 01:39:51 Also, there is no /proc/device-tree/chosen/overlays folder on BBAI, why is that? Jun 16 01:41:15 For BBBWL i think the problem is that the pins are already used by some other overlay. **** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Jun 16 03:06:37 2020