**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Mar 15 02:59:58 2012 Mar 15 03:35:34 * Russ presents https://github.com/russdill/ttypersist Mar 15 03:53:01 hmmm Mar 15 03:57:14 Russ: why not use a console multiplexer? Mar 15 03:58:07 * Russ looks at conmux Mar 15 03:59:07 Hmmmm Mar 15 03:59:32 that is what i use. Mar 15 03:59:55 i love being able to reset my board within one console interface Mar 15 04:01:41 mranostay: reset? Mar 15 04:02:22 mranostay, you could do the same reset thing with screen via a key binding Mar 15 04:02:44 mranostay: you have a switch soldered in parallel with the reset button? Mar 15 04:04:02 mranostay, if its a system that provides its own usb/serial interface, does conmux handle that during a power cycle? Mar 15 04:04:13 (eg, /dev/ttyUSB0 goes away, then comes back) Mar 15 04:05:35 ds2: i used too until openocd got fixed Mar 15 04:06:21 Russ: i bind to the /dev/serial/by-*/blah usually Mar 15 04:06:44 right, but during a reboot, when that dev node goes away and then comes back... Mar 15 04:07:27 mranostay: openocd works well enough to reset the am33x now? Mar 15 04:07:32 yep Mar 15 04:07:41 special branch or the main tree? Mar 15 04:07:53 i'm running the main tree Mar 15 04:08:08 it happened recently like two weeks ago Mar 15 04:08:13 ah okay Mar 15 04:08:21 I just drop them on a power cycler Mar 15 04:08:29 but I like open ocd better Mar 15 04:09:01 i have a reset command that does "echo reset | nc localhost 4444" Mar 15 04:09:15 in conmux Mar 15 04:10:16 wonder if openocd works well with other sitara chips Mar 15 04:12:57 heh, minicom's serial port name is limited to 62 characters Mar 15 04:13:16 use kermit Mar 15 04:13:24 forget minicom, it is more hassle then it is worth Mar 15 04:14:08 c- or g-? Mar 15 04:14:35 c-kermit Mar 15 04:14:49 minicom likes to emulate vt100 by itself... xterm does a better job Mar 15 04:15:36 besides, minicom wants ctrl-a's... screen uses ctrl-a Mar 15 04:16:07 what does ckermit give you over screen? Mar 15 04:16:35 c-kermit can upload directly to u-boot? :D Mar 15 04:16:38 or x-loader Mar 15 04:18:00 technically you can use lrzsz with screen Mar 15 04:18:14 u-boot implements zmodem thesedays? Mar 15 04:18:39 ymodem Mar 15 04:18:43 lrzsz implements more than just zmodem these days Mar 15 04:18:50 oh Mar 15 04:20:07 x, y, and z Mar 15 04:23:48 but that won't help x-load Mar 15 04:29:34 mranostay, do you use cu with conmux? Mar 15 04:43:37 Russ: yes Mar 15 04:44:23 `~$' seems like an odd choice for an escape sequence Mar 15 04:44:58 prehaps Mar 15 04:45:02 *perhaps Mar 15 04:59:05 how is ~$ odd? Mar 15 05:00:07 seems perfectly consistant in the unix world Mar 15 05:00:15 albert a bit annoying Mar 15 05:24:31 * mranostay thinks he needs to retire the old macbook... Mar 15 05:24:48 USB controller is acting odd Mar 15 05:24:58 or i'm hanging too many devices off of it Mar 15 05:34:44 Russ: how likely are you going to type ~$ though for some thing else? :) Mar 15 05:53:21 other programs use ~sequences Mar 15 05:54:41 of course i use minicom and screen within screen... Mar 15 05:54:55 too lazy to remap commands Mar 15 05:55:37 for your next trick...use screen with in screen with in screen Mar 15 05:56:03 inception? Mar 15 05:56:36 still need to watch that movie drunk. can't make less sense :) Mar 15 05:57:50 ds2: wait does ssh use a ~ sequence? Mar 15 05:58:01 *doesn't Mar 15 05:58:38 yep! Mar 15 05:58:41 so does rlogin Mar 15 05:58:50 it is almost a defacto thing for *nix Mar 15 06:10:04 Dammit Mar 15 06:10:58 If I, say, accidentally crossed the 5V and 1.8V supplies on my BB xM, and my board won't boot any more, is there any remedy other than RMAing it? Mar 15 06:20:23 is there some kind of trick to making a bootable disk? Mar 15 06:20:42 mark it as such Mar 15 06:21:04 ds2 it was marked Mar 15 06:21:19 geometry good? Mar 15 06:21:35 alledgedly Mar 15 06:21:45 how do i make sure? Mar 15 06:22:56 print it? :D Mar 15 06:23:09 what would i be looking for? Mar 15 06:40:39 newbe here any help? Mar 15 06:41:55 anyone there? Mar 15 06:42:23 mranostay, if I'm writing a readme. foo@machine:~$ ... Mar 15 06:43:59 Russ: that should not make it go off Mar 15 06:45:34 ds2, then I'm misunderstanding Mar 15 06:46:21 Russ: if it is done the traditional way, the full sequence is ~$ Mar 15 06:46:30 i.e. you have to have had enter first Mar 15 06:46:40 and what if you don't want to send to the host? Mar 15 06:47:02 also, this page seems to contradict that in the example Mar 15 06:47:03 https://github.com/autotest/autotest/wiki/Conmux-OriginalDocumentation Mar 15 06:47:13 okay, then it is different Mar 15 06:47:21 slogin/rlogin/etc uses the ~ sequence Mar 15 06:53:34 hmm...3am..doubt SilicaGel is awake Mar 15 06:56:22 hmmm Mar 15 07:20:39 So my BB xM has the D5 and D14 LEDs (Power indicator and USB Power) are solid green, D13 (overvoltage) blinks when I plug it in. Other than that, nothing happens. Is my board dead? Is there anything I can do other than RMA it? Mar 15 07:20:53 I think I shorted the 1.8v and 5v lines on the expansion header :/ Mar 15 07:22:26 i expect that would damage multiple components, if the OMAP chip has been damaged (likely) then i guess you need a new board Mar 15 07:22:40 Yeah, that's what I was afraid of Mar 15 07:33:36 weird, if you run screen, it demands that `Directory '/var/run/screen' must have mode 777.' Mar 15 07:33:59 if you strace it, it insists that `Directory '/var/run/screen' must have mode 775.' Mar 15 07:34:03 er, switch those two Mar 15 08:05:42 Good Morning Mar 15 08:06:17 I have a litte issue on my beaglebone Mar 15 08:07:13 when my bone starts the kernel, the 3v3 pin gives 5v instead of 3v3 Mar 15 08:07:23 has anyone experienced this ? Mar 15 08:25:33 hmm. so I'm trying to get my toy OS to boot straight via JTAG, because u-boot's doing weird stuff and I don't feel like wading through uboot docs on top of the AM335x TRM, Cortex A-8 TRM, and ARMv7A ARM Mar 15 08:26:40 looks like the easiest way to do it is to load into the 0x40000000 address space and the 0x80000000 space Mar 15 08:26:55 the sdram you need to setup 1st Mar 15 08:27:19 but why not use serial boot or usb? Mar 15 08:27:41 leave a little loader sw running on your pc and hit reset on the board Mar 15 08:27:50 loader kicks in and sends the sw Mar 15 08:27:57 not sure where the xmodem loader in boot rom goes Mar 15 08:28:11 where? Mar 15 08:28:19 in address space Mar 15 08:28:30 where you tell I I think Mar 15 08:28:49 internal ram most likely since you need to set up sdram first Mar 15 08:29:39 yeah Mar 15 08:29:46 looks like 0x40000000 Mar 15 08:31:05 hmm, okay then Mar 15 08:32:42 ooh, just found amd starterware Mar 15 08:32:45 this looks promising Mar 15 08:38:57 alright, so my plan is: write a bootloader that sets up SDRAM and the MMU, in order to map all SDRAM to 0xC0000000, then loads the actual kernel into 0xC0000000, then branches to the kernel Mar 15 08:39:20 ok Mar 15 08:39:25 make it so Mar 15 08:40:41 kernel then maps memory-mapped devices into the higher half too, maps the lower half to the current process's section of kernel heap, enters user mode, branch to process, then does other kernelly stuff Mar 15 08:41:03 great Mar 15 08:42:21 * XMPPwocky will probably, at least at first, do the actual kernel loading via JTAG Mar 15 08:42:33 when can it read email? Mar 15 08:43:10 :P Mar 15 08:44:46 I give it 3 months, tops, until it can read RSS feeds Mar 15 08:45:03 2013 IS THE YEAR OF WockyOS ON THE DESKTOP Mar 15 08:45:28 literally Mar 15 08:45:31 it's on my desktop Mar 15 08:45:39 next to some pens and an Arduino Mar 15 08:49:27 oh, anyone happen to know the speed of the UART base clock on the bone? Mar 15 08:50:34 the TRM knows Mar 15 08:51:53 nope, it doesn't Mar 15 08:51:56 54? Mar 15 08:52:03 just says see documentation for the board Mar 15 08:52:09 and I can't find it in the SRM Mar 15 08:52:44 oh, I can pull it from u-boot with openocd Mar 15 08:52:59 or at least calculate it Mar 15 08:53:20 or read the uboot source Mar 15 08:53:27 or the linux source where it sets baudrate Mar 15 08:53:48 well Mar 15 08:55:51 eh, I'll do it later Mar 15 08:56:05 sure Mar 15 08:56:31 yay, JTAG! Mar 15 08:57:25 ._. note to self- when board won't power on, ensure that it's plugged in. Mar 15 09:00:57 it's the EMIF I need to initialize to get the delicious 256MB, right? Mar 15 09:04:52 yes Mar 15 09:07:26 hoora Mar 15 09:58:57 my beaglebone has just received:) if someone inside EU is planning to order it from digikey.com, be aware that you need to pay 30% additional tax Mar 15 09:59:08 digikey pissed me off Mar 15 09:59:26 not digikeys fault Mar 15 09:59:37 and I order from digikey.de Mar 15 09:59:39 no tax Mar 15 09:59:46 I ordered from digikey.se Mar 15 10:00:04 they said that they have only one warehouse which is located in the USA Mar 15 10:00:11 yes Mar 15 10:00:18 all components shipped from the USA Mar 15 10:00:26 how come you did not pay for the VAT? Mar 15 10:00:31 ah yes, maybe I paid tax as well Mar 15 10:00:36 but they tell you thatz Mar 15 10:00:56 if they had a warehouse inside EU, we would not need to pay tax Mar 15 10:01:05 haha Mar 15 10:01:16 if they had a warehouse in eu, you would pay VAT Mar 15 10:01:17 they are the 4rd largest supplier, and they have no warehouse inside EU Mar 15 10:01:28 which at least here is the *Same* as the tax Mar 15 10:01:41 or they would mimize their profit Mar 15 10:01:44 in fact, I dont pay tax, I pay VAT on imported goods Mar 15 10:01:44 minimize Mar 15 10:02:00 so, its irrelevant where the warehouse is Mar 15 10:02:22 do you know if farnell ship components from the USA or inside EU? Mar 15 10:02:27 in one case you "import" it, in the other case "they" importit Mar 15 10:02:36 the end price is the same more or less Mar 15 10:02:43 UPS guy told me that I need to pay VAT if I order something from outside of the EU Mar 15 10:02:51 yes Mar 15 10:03:02 in the farnell, the price is a little bit higher Mar 15 10:03:02 its called "import VAT" here Mar 15 10:09:19 it's actually two taxes here, customs import + VAT Mar 15 10:09:51 yes sometimes Mar 15 10:10:02 but for stuff like beagle, the actual tax is 0 Mar 15 10:10:12 you just pay the VAT Mar 15 10:10:29 which is conveniently calculated inlcuding shipping cost :) Mar 15 10:10:35 yep, bastards Mar 15 10:14:52 on the plastic bag of beaglebone, there are warnings like static sensitive etc. Do I need to ground myself:) before I touch beaglebone Mar 15 10:15:13 yes Mar 15 10:15:23 always cover yourself in sheet metal Mar 15 10:17:27 *grounded* sheet metal ! Mar 15 10:17:53 and get rid of that polyester underwear Mar 15 10:21:55 On which partition android BCB lies? Mar 15 10:23:27 BCB? Mar 15 10:23:38 boot control block Mar 15 10:24:25 what is that? Mar 15 10:24:48 recovery related structure Mar 15 11:14:52 hey I'm playing with my fresh beaglebone (A4). However, I can't seem to get the Bonjour service to work. I tried both the angstrom distribution (the recent 2012 image), and ArchLinux. It does seem to work locally (avahi-browse -a shows the BBs services), but other bonjour clients in my network can't discover it. The same version (with the same configuration) of avahi-daemon runs on my ubuntu box, which is working fine... Mar 15 11:17:38 (Note that I plan to use Bonjour for my project, and not just for the .local domain name, so it's important to me that it works) Mar 15 12:07:40 hi all, how to decrease the bootdelay variable from uEnv,txt Mar 15 12:10:23 you can't Mar 15 12:10:47 y is it so with bootdelay only?? Mar 15 12:11:17 uenv.txt is read after the delay Mar 15 12:12:05 ya tht i saw, anyother way on beagle-xM i can set the bootdelay Mar 15 12:12:24 rebuild u-boot with whatever value you want Mar 15 12:13:39 mru, ok thnks Mar 15 12:32:02 can anybody help me with Bonjour/Avahi troubles? I need it for my project, but the beaglebone simply isn't showing up in any discovery software I use Mar 15 12:36:36 another question: what is the proper way to make a backup of my current sd-card? (i.e. create an image similar to the .img.xz files) Mar 15 12:36:48 jouz: use dd Mar 15 12:40:44 LetoThe2nd: all partitions/etc. will be stored with it, then? Mar 15 12:41:44 jouz: if you run it on the whole block device, yes. Mar 15 12:42:00 LetoThe2nd: thanks! Mar 15 12:52:07 hi Mar 15 12:53:13 i need a voltage translator compatible with beagleboard-xM Mar 15 13:20:41 starter: I might clarify the VAT issue a bit. Are you inside or outside eu? Mar 15 13:22:50 SilicaGel: from what you said, the pruss instruction memory is accessible from the host right? and I can halt the pruss too, right? can I also alter the program counter? O:) Mar 15 13:34:16 hey Mar 15 13:46:34 dwery: I am inside EU, Sweden Mar 15 13:46:44 I am in EU Mar 15 13:49:34 What is the use of SD card that comes with beaglebone. I plugged it on my laptop, however the laptop can not see it. Have you experienced the same problem before? Mar 15 13:55:40 starter: then, if you buy within EU, you pay the VAT tax directly with the goods (with the rate of the selling country). If you order outside of the EU, you pay your local VAT when importing. Mar 15 13:56:03 so you always pay a VAT, no matter where you order ;) Mar 15 14:03:34 starter: laptop running a sane system, e.g. one that understands ext filesystems? Mar 15 14:04:15 yeah sure we all pay VAT even when we shop from a market, but shelf prices includes VAT. It just pissed me off when UPS asked me 30% VAT and I thought the VAT is included to the price that I paid Digikey. I am upset about it Mar 15 14:04:45 online sellers are usually biased toward corporate customers and the do not display the vat Mar 15 14:05:00 also because they would display the wrong one, unless you tell them where you live Mar 15 14:05:22 30% vat? Mar 15 14:05:27 what hell-hole do you live in? Mar 15 14:05:38 LetoThe2nd: I have a windows on my laptop, NTFS file system on it Mar 15 14:05:58 do I need to have a linux for this SD card? Mar 15 14:06:04 starter: then of course it will not be able to mount a extX formatted sd card. Mar 15 14:06:27 taxes in sweden is hell high Mar 15 14:06:27 you should see the boot partition probably, but thats all. Mar 15 14:06:57 is it ok if I install a linux OS to the VMware? Mar 15 14:07:00 starter: I've got a job offer from .se.. and it was very nice ;) Mar 15 14:07:15 Stockholm? Mar 15 14:07:15 high tax rates but also high salary Mar 15 14:07:27 yeah the swedish system is quite good Mar 15 14:07:34 starter: no, can't remeber the city but was a smaller one Mar 15 14:07:55 if it is sony or st ericsson then it should be Lund Mar 15 14:08:02 probably Mar 15 14:08:12 it is a quite nice city Mar 15 14:08:49 what is the use of SD card? Mar 15 14:09:09 since when does sweden have 30% vat? Mar 15 14:09:30 starter: what are you talking about anyway? the microsd card adapter? the microsd card thats comes with it? please be precise. Mar 15 14:10:36 the cost of my order was 677 and UPS guy asked me 220 SEK additional for VAT, 220 is approximately 30% of 677 Mar 15 14:11:17 LetoThe2nd: the SD card that comes with beagle bone, I wonder what is the use of it? Mar 15 14:11:23 oh, that probably included their insane customs processing fee too Mar 15 14:11:36 starter: the bone does not come with a sd card. Mar 15 14:12:03 it does come with a microsd Mar 15 14:12:05 in my package there is kingston micro SD card Mar 15 14:12:23 starter: depending on the revison/order date, it comes with one or two micro sd card incl. adapters. Mar 15 14:12:30 *facepalm* Mar 15 14:12:47 lol yeah it is my fault, it is adapter :) Mar 15 14:13:26 sorry Mar 15 14:13:27 so i repeat. what are we talking about? that you have inserted an empty adapter and wondered why you see no data? Mar 15 14:13:45 mount it as /dev/null Mar 15 14:14:07 I thought it is a SD card, my fault sorry Mar 15 14:14:24 so it's possible to not pay customs taxes to ups/fedex/you name it trolls? Mar 15 14:14:27 * LetoThe2nd would in that case suggest to donate the board to the next lug or school for better, more competent use ;) Mar 15 14:14:41 I mean for development boards/spare parts it makes no sense Mar 15 14:15:09 have it delivered to someone in the US who can then mail it to you Mar 15 14:15:11 there's probably some tax exception for such things Mar 15 14:15:18 ynezz: no, it isn;t Mar 15 14:15:32 we've it here in .cz Mar 15 14:15:48 I've avoided taxes on stuff labeled 'gift' or 'commercial sample' Mar 15 14:15:58 the only exception is that if your package comes with regular mail it's not usually inspected Mar 15 14:16:08 that's not true Mar 15 14:16:24 they've opened the "gifts" from seeedstudio :) Mar 15 14:16:34 then you're lucky ;) Mar 15 14:16:35 and this is normal post Mar 15 14:16:51 they usually declare a fake price Mar 15 14:16:58 so it falls under a certain amount Mar 15 14:17:00 yep Mar 15 14:17:06 but it's not a correct practice Mar 15 14:17:34 if you buy a gadget, you have to pay tax. that's the law Mar 15 14:17:47 if you lie about the purpose, you can avoid taxes Mar 15 14:17:57 VAT is fine, duty tax is not Mar 15 14:18:05 well, not fine, but acceptable Mar 15 14:18:22 both are the law, like it or not Mar 15 14:19:11 customs duty are there to pay for both the processing work and adapt the marketing conditions Mar 15 14:19:24 imho if you import from china, the duties should be much higher Mar 15 14:19:38 I'm not selling anything, so what market? Mar 15 14:19:38 because thy labor conditions are much different Mar 15 14:19:50 we're talking here about 1pc quantity, aren't we? Mar 15 14:19:51 ynezz: you're buying, it's the same :D Mar 15 14:20:13 1 or 100K doesn't make any differenct, it's all in % Mar 15 14:21:54 http://fpaste.org/4UZy Mar 15 14:21:59 I'm talking about this Mar 15 14:22:50 yes, and beagleboards don't qualify Mar 15 14:22:59 it sucks, but it's the way things are Mar 15 14:23:31 but hey, I'm fucking 32-bit scientist! Mar 15 14:24:34 :D Mar 15 14:25:01 write your MP and ask him to change the law for you Mar 15 14:25:05 but don't hold your breath Mar 15 14:29:00 and those tax excemptions are same within EU? Mar 15 14:29:50 here we've $25 USD limit for tax/duty free stuff, for example in Poland it's around $120(or little bit more) I think Mar 15 14:29:56 Hi, I got a beagleboard C4 and I am Unable to Enable the USB port Mar 15 14:30:16 can somebody help ? Mar 15 14:31:38 ynezz: probably not Mar 15 14:32:05 ynezz: each country has its own vat rates, duty rations and exemptions Mar 15 14:32:40 well, so let's find some top notch one and rent a P.O.Box forwarding service there :) Mar 15 14:33:12 similar service exists in the US already, but they're well known to the customs already too... Mar 15 14:34:53 mru: cisco bought your ex Mar 15 14:35:11 av500: ? Mar 15 14:35:42 oh Mar 15 14:35:55 yep Mar 15 14:36:11 where's is ex wife working? Mar 15 14:36:20 s/is/his/ Mar 15 14:36:29 lol Mar 15 14:36:39 she was on sale ? Mar 15 14:36:46 ogra_: sold for 5 Mar 15 14:36:51 camels ? Mar 15 14:36:57 billions Mar 15 14:37:04 5 billion camels? Mar 15 14:37:25 geez, that needs a big staple Mar 15 14:40:31 ynezz: cisco buys NDS Mar 15 15:02:35 more stuff from Boris i see Mar 15 15:07:43 * mranostay hides from Tartarus Mar 15 15:07:53 :P Mar 15 15:10:11 yes, boris is out of control today Mar 15 15:20:33 * mdp notes that we can get more beaglebone tutorials by donating $$$ Mar 15 15:23:05 mdp: is the AIN on a bone 1.8v? Mar 15 15:23:39 VDD_AIN is 1.8v Mar 15 15:24:40 does 1.801V set the carry flag? Mar 15 15:27:49 can't tell if av500 is trolling or being serious Mar 15 15:42:00 mranostay: if in doubt, assume he's trolling Mar 15 15:42:44 how mean Mar 15 15:42:57 see, that's what I mean Mar 15 15:43:18 how mean to even doubt it Mar 15 15:43:51 special discount today - order two or more professional trolls and get one free. Mar 15 15:44:11 LetoThe2nd: are you the "free" one? Mar 15 15:44:19 where's koen? Mar 15 15:44:28 nah, i'm still amateur troll level. Mar 15 15:44:40 mru: barcelona Mar 15 15:44:57 the YL needs new shoes it seems Mar 15 15:47:48 oO( ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the plague ) Mar 15 15:49:08 * prpplague takes a bow Mar 15 15:49:43 * prpplague grumbles at all the bits and pieces still left to do before official release of the animal-lvds-mini board Mar 15 15:49:47 mranostay, sorry, that's s/VDD_AIN/VDD_ADC/. but for future reference it's covered in Table 2 of the SRM Mar 15 15:52:54 mranostay, you can see the "why" if you look at the maximums on the datasheet, of course Mar 15 15:53:35 mdp: just thinking of the best way to interface a geiger counter Mar 15 15:54:05 purchase usb one from amazon…plug Mar 15 15:54:26 it is only a series of square waves. so pretty much anything will work including a free GPIO Mar 15 15:54:36 mdp: that is uber cheating :) Mar 15 15:54:54 and it invites disaster since it involves usb Mar 15 15:55:34 ecap? Mar 15 15:56:04 prpplague: meanwhile you could feed us with schematics :) Mar 15 15:57:00 ynezz: hehe not till the release Mar 15 15:57:30 hm, what IC would you guys recommend for LCD backlight which does have 3 strings of 8 leds in series, fw current for each led is rated at 30mA max Mar 15 15:57:56 mranostay, can you better describe the output? is it period/duty encoded with fixed amplitude that ecap can handle? Mar 15 15:57:57 ynezz: http://elinux.org/Animal_LVDS_Board#Design Mar 15 15:58:09 ynezz: the full size lvds board schematic is available Mar 15 15:58:31 mranostay, with the right level shifting from whatever that thing runs at you could capture that way Mar 15 15:59:12 ynezz: TPS61181A Mar 15 15:59:38 thanks! Mar 15 16:17:17 hello! may i ask a question here? Mar 15 16:17:25 only a good one Mar 15 16:17:41 okay i will try. Mar 15 16:17:41 MattRichardson: Thanks for such a great Getting Started video! Mar 15 16:18:17 jkridner__: now you make one about "asking questions on IRC" Mar 15 16:18:36 jkridner__: Sure thing! Mar 15 16:19:37 av500: :-) if you write the script, I'll make the video! Mar 15 16:20:07 MattRichardson: Do you mind if I put this video on the http://beagleboard.org/bone page? Mar 15 16:20:08 i want to use s-video instead of dvi monitor. now i can succesfully see color codes from my tv. after i setup amstrong, can i use this as a main screen instead of dvi-d? Mar 15 16:20:42 yes Mar 15 16:20:49 jkridner__: Of course I wouldn't mind. That would be great! Mar 15 16:20:50 i mean, until that still i could not see anything so this should be automatic.. Mar 15 16:21:02 yes? Mar 15 16:21:05 its not automatic Mar 15 16:21:14 you have to tell the kernel to use s-video out Mar 15 16:21:32 um.. okay.. Mar 15 16:21:41 jkridner__, is there any errata for the PRUSS documentation in the TRM? Mar 15 16:21:59 so i need to make changes on the runscript? Mar 15 16:22:20 no, the PRUSS documentation is being removed from the TRM and being added to a separate addendum. Mar 15 16:22:24 you need to change the kernel command line Mar 15 16:22:24 but that can be done offline isn't it? Mar 15 16:22:39 jkridner__: how much time between the two? Mar 15 16:22:59 pilote: you can edit uEnv.txt to have that effect Mar 15 16:23:08 or boot.scr if you are still using that Mar 15 16:23:09 jkridner__, just picked up and moved or modified? Mar 15 16:23:27 okay. thanks a lot! wow that is great info. thanks a lot! Mar 15 16:23:32 have a nice day! Mar 15 16:24:33 it will be moved and modified. the new docs should come with the assembler and examples later this month. Mar 15 16:24:47 okay. Mar 15 16:26:12 looks like I should wait then Mar 15 16:33:01 ka6sox: I also eagerly await it :) Mar 15 17:11:17 prpplague, Is the zippy2 still in production? Mar 15 17:18:41 alan_o: no, but there are some stock around at a few places Mar 15 17:19:17 alan_o: we still have the zippy - http://tincantools.com/product.php?productid=16147&cat=0&page=2&featured Mar 15 17:19:33 alan_o: and you really don't get full 100baseT speeds out of the zippy2 Mar 15 17:20:09 do you get 10baseT? Mar 15 17:20:18 1baseT? Mar 15 17:20:44 av500: hehe Mar 15 17:20:47 av500: no Mar 15 17:20:55 0.1baset? Mar 15 17:20:57 av500: more like 5baseT Mar 15 17:21:21 5th base, not bad :) Mar 15 17:22:28 hehe Mar 15 17:24:24 heh Mar 15 17:33:42 reminds me of the old rg59 days Mar 15 17:34:51 that newfangled stuff? Mar 15 17:35:00 what about the yellow cable! Mar 15 17:37:26 rg-8 ftw! Mar 15 17:39:16 yep Mar 15 17:39:54 * av500 remembers running around uni and opening ceiling tiles to find the AUI with the collision LED on.... Mar 15 17:40:15 that stuff was so expensive too Mar 15 17:40:23 or vampire taps going bad over time.... Mar 15 17:40:52 jay6981: well, we used it well past it's due date Mar 15 17:41:59 but then, that institute has a switched circuit RS232 network still running when I joined it :) Mar 15 17:42:05 haha Mar 15 17:42:06 RG-8 is nice stuff - for radio comms :) Mar 15 17:42:27 * djlewis founds tons of unused copper in the ceilings. Mar 15 17:42:34 it was an impressive work of art Mar 15 17:42:50 i remember working at places that had Xenix/386 serving up 75+ wyse terminals Mar 15 17:42:57 djlewis: considerable scrap value nowadays :) Mar 15 17:42:58 lots of digiboards Mar 15 17:43:04 whow that was up town Mar 15 17:43:48 djlewis: how much did the scrapyard give you? :P Mar 15 17:44:08 they gave him an empty truck to fetch more Mar 15 17:44:37 av500: whoa a RS232 switched network? Mar 15 17:45:10 mranostay: yes, people had rs232 terms and could connect to a number of mainframes Mar 15 17:45:32 some special escape char would get you into the switch thing where you could select another machine Mar 15 17:46:00 i think it wasa z80 and a ton of relays Mar 15 17:46:09 heh trippy Mar 15 17:46:14 something like a cyclades Mar 15 17:46:15 * mranostay is way too young.. :) Mar 15 17:46:29 also you had several lines per room, so you could have mutlitple sessions open or so Mar 15 17:46:51 but when I was there, all you could access was the actual switch, no more mainframes :) Mar 15 17:47:04 bummer Mar 15 17:47:29 ah no, you could still print to a photoplotter for PCB desings Mar 15 17:47:48 thats when I used it once Mar 15 17:48:40 in 96 they had also setup a fully diskless DOS+win3.11 thing Mar 15 17:48:56 you could login at any PC with netware and have your dos+win311 session Mar 15 17:49:22 * mdp adds "back in the day" Mar 15 17:49:23 seemed like netware ran the world in the early 90s Mar 15 17:49:39 we tried the same with win95, but that refused to boot diskless Mar 15 17:49:52 what SDK do you use to a write an application for beagleboard? Mar 15 17:50:04 whichever you want Mar 15 17:50:10 ah good old netware Mar 15 17:50:13 is this a poll? Mar 15 17:50:20 just wonder :) Mar 15 17:50:22 no, a select Mar 15 17:50:46 I use a narcissus glued angstrom rootfs with the native toolchain task installed Mar 15 17:51:02 encyat: what is an IDE? vim forever! Mar 15 17:51:02 mdp is a native Mar 15 17:51:14 depends on the context Mar 15 17:51:16 if you want IDE, install android and use eclipse Mar 15 17:51:18 a native resident Mar 15 17:51:24 ? Mar 15 17:51:26 or emacs Mar 15 17:51:44 here we go :) Mar 15 17:51:56 * av500 uses Nedit Mar 15 17:52:15 I use echo Mar 15 17:52:25 as I don't require any editing of the code I write Mar 15 17:52:29 ed is the standard text editor Mar 15 17:52:34 mdp: that must be a pain for tabshifting Mar 15 17:52:42 ^V :P Mar 15 17:52:42 http://www.gnu.org/fun/jokes/ed.msg.html Mar 15 17:52:55 I need C++ IDE, which one would choose, netbeans or QT SDK? Mar 15 17:53:21 "Of course, on the system I administrate, vi is symlinked to ed. Emacs has been replaced by a shell script which 1) Generates a syslog message at level LOG_EMERG; 2) reduces the user's disk quota by 100K; and 3) RUNS ED!!!!!! " Mar 15 17:53:30 mranostay, obfuscated code is job security…repeat after me Mar 15 17:53:49 jay6981: 100k, lol Mar 15 17:54:05 jay6981: haha 1929 :) Mar 15 17:54:14 todays disk reduce their quota by 100k per day by natural decay.... Mar 15 17:54:42 * mdp receives a box of goodies from the mothership Mar 15 17:54:54 * djlewis ran netbui Mar 15 17:54:59 mdp: that is trademarked by Apple Mar 15 17:56:35 encyat, the Qt IDE is pretty nice (you don't need the full SDK if you just want the IDE) Mar 15 17:56:53 jsabeaudry: thanks Mar 15 17:57:01 heh, great label on a bag inside, "COMPLIMENTARY JUMPERS INCLUDED" … wow, thanks Mar 15 17:58:34 seems I ran Lantastic back in early 90's Mar 15 17:58:43 lantastic! Mar 15 17:58:57 for those who were too cheap to buy netware :) Mar 15 17:59:07 was that ARCnet? Mar 15 17:59:15 it worked with my 486 Mar 15 17:59:19 and 386 Mar 15 17:59:28 it was decent when it worked Mar 15 18:00:30 laplink ftw! Mar 15 18:02:05 * dm8tbr still ran a 10M hub with AUI and an AUI-10BaseFX converter well into this millenium Mar 15 18:02:39 mdp, I can't find my complimentary jumpers : ( Mar 15 18:04:06 only in select msp430 deliveries…ok, non-work related Mar 15 18:05:21 ah, this is an am3517 evm Mar 15 18:06:13 yeah, no complimentary jumpers with sitara evms, sorry Mar 15 18:08:44 anyone familiar with gumstix, chestnuts, and display panels? I'm having trouble with a custom display driver. Mar 15 18:12:39 boiled chestnuts aren't too bad Mar 15 18:12:54 I've never had them. I may soon though. =) Mar 15 18:13:00 am3517evm? HEHEHEHEHEHEHE Mar 15 18:13:07 * ds2 rolls around laughing Mar 15 18:14:09 ds2, don't mock my new evm, IT CAN HEAR YOU Mar 15 18:14:15 the way I normally test these things is to dd from /dev/urandom to /dev/fb0, but that ain't working. Is there some other more basic config I should do first? Mar 15 18:14:31 Russ: did you get the full one or just the main board? Mar 15 18:14:51 you can mock the CE sdk SD card it came with Mar 15 18:14:56 its full Mar 15 18:15:12 Russ: and you haven't snapped it in half? Mar 15 18:15:54 are you kidding, pull the sticker off, and hey, spare sd card Mar 15 18:16:03 Russ: does the demo work with the stuff on the expansion board? Mar 15 18:16:15 *shrug* Mar 15 18:16:52 Russ: this is the one with 3 boards, right? a tiny CPU board, on a carrier board and another expansion board the same size as the carrier board, right? Mar 15 18:17:11 yes, that's our only am3517evm :) Mar 15 18:17:23 mdp: no, that is available as a 2 board setup too Mar 15 18:17:35 cpu board + carrier board, no expansion Mar 15 18:17:56 ds2, ok, explain then Mar 15 18:18:00 isnt that board like cheap on some microsite? Mar 15 18:18:15 mdp: it is the same...just a lot cheaper when you don't get it with the expansion board Mar 15 18:18:26 has anyone built angstrom from source and have it running on the beagle? Mar 15 18:18:30 you mean what we call the application board? Mar 15 18:18:35 problem is I have yet to see anything work with the expansion board (maybe the connector on it is F'ed) Mar 15 18:18:49 I built the 3.0 r117 kernel but init seems to fail on it Mar 15 18:18:55 mdp: the board that connects on 1 side with 3-4 nylon screens that is about the size of half a sheet of paper Mar 15 18:19:23 ds2, the application board, yes, that's part of the full evm..some is supported, some is not Mar 15 18:19:46 not supported == broq in hw? :D Mar 15 18:19:47 ds2, carrier board + som + application board is considered our full evm Mar 15 18:20:30 mdp: has anyone consider the mechanical implications of the "application" board hanging off like that? Mar 15 18:21:07 ds2: you take it camping? Mar 15 18:21:11 well, dunno about everything..I've used the lan9311 on the application board Mar 15 18:21:22 av500: no, I try to plug SD cards into the board Mar 15 18:21:29 ds2, I've have considered the mechanical implications, but I don't matter Mar 15 18:21:35 ds2: what, no nand? Mar 15 18:21:51 mdp: heh, I see. the crane board makes a better dev board ;) Mar 15 18:21:58 av500: there is NAND on there Mar 15 18:22:00 they both have feet so the rest at the same height Mar 15 18:22:06 crane has its own issues Mar 15 18:22:16 ds2, you should try the am335xevm :) Mar 15 18:22:20 lile eating all the goldfish? Mar 15 18:22:22 like Mar 15 18:22:28 indeed Mar 15 18:22:47 so my init seems to just print "INIT: " and then stops Mar 15 18:22:54 I find the craneboard to be more manageable then the evm Mar 15 18:22:56 I'd wager we have a couple orders of magnitude more issues with s/w on the boards than h/w.. Mar 15 18:23:16 ds2, it's not permitted to ever speak kindly about Mistral designs…against rule #45313412 Mar 15 18:23:38 mdp: I think there is an exception for Zoom ;) Mar 15 18:23:51 ds2, I like the craneboard better, myself..but I like simple Mar 15 18:24:02 does anyone run any kernel on their beagleboard other than 2.6.32? Mar 15 18:24:09 except xM…it plagues me with usb ethernet and no nand…for that, I hate it Mar 15 18:24:09 2.6.32 seems to crash on suspend to ram Mar 15 18:24:27 mdp: the problem is that EVM might as well be a demo board for the connectors Mar 15 18:24:34 TD-Linux I run 3.2.7! Mar 15 18:24:47 mdp: cool! what userspace are you using? Mar 15 18:24:52 angstrom Mar 15 18:25:00 systemd angstrom Mar 15 18:25:05 not linux? Mar 15 18:25:13 no Mar 15 18:25:18 mdp: so the stable version with binary packages from the repositories? Mar 15 18:25:22 you may choose android, angstrom, or linux Mar 15 18:25:29 or ubuntu Mar 15 18:25:32 lol Mar 15 18:25:44 TD-Linux, yes Mar 15 18:26:15 mdp: I'm trying to set up the same thing... I want to just use the existing userspace I made with narcisissus with a new kernel version... but my new kernel seems to kill init or something Mar 15 18:26:41 mdp: is 3.2.7 too bleeding edge to be in the meta-ti recipies? Mar 15 18:26:48 there's a guide on this, you need to turn on a lot of options to support systemd Mar 15 18:27:01 TD-Linux: I dunno, I don't use OE myself Mar 15 18:27:11 mdp: I'm using just sysvinit, not systemd Mar 15 18:27:22 I build a kernel and root off my a narcissus genned rootfs which I update from feeds Mar 15 18:27:56 pastebin your results, then somebody can try to help Mar 15 18:28:15 I use sysvinit as well, btw Mar 15 18:28:25 lots of people use both on recent kernels Mar 15 18:29:14 so here is the working startup sequence with 2.6.32: http://pastebin.com/Saf3NdFV Mar 15 18:29:53 and here it is with 3.0.23-r117a http://pastebin.com/Lpt2g5v8 Mar 15 18:30:09 3.0.23 seems to be the default for a new beagleboard build Mar 15 18:30:26 notice how init only prints "INIT: " and no version or newline or anything afterwards Mar 15 18:30:37 which is odd because in the source code, they are 3 successive print statements Mar 15 18:31:09 maybe it's crashing and a bit of the buffer is being lost? I have no idea why a new kernel would make init crash though Mar 15 18:31:19 well, did you s/ttyS2/ttyO2/ in your /etc/inittab (for sysvinit)? Mar 15 18:32:05 mdp: I put one line for each Mar 15 18:32:54 maybe the kernel is dying somehow Mar 15 18:34:30 well a few more kernel messages are printed after init dies and the hearbeat is still blinking Mar 15 18:34:34 oh wait this is suspicious INIT: /etc/inittab[32]: duplicate ID field "S" Mar 15 18:34:45 oh Mar 15 18:35:13 TD-Linux: yep, you have duplicate lines as you said Mar 15 18:36:42 ok now it only has one line for ttyO2 Mar 15 18:37:02 sysvinit IDs are unique, by definition Mar 15 18:37:55 nope no luck, same problem as before Mar 15 18:38:24 only "INIT: " gets printed, as if init gets killed before it can flush its buffers Mar 15 18:38:45 oh wait Mar 15 18:38:46 [ 64.701629] udevd (84): /proc/84/oom_adj is deprecated, please use /proc/84/oom_score_adj instead. Mar 15 18:38:47 I would ssh in..see if it's actually up Mar 15 18:38:51 I think I have life Mar 15 18:38:59 udev can't start without init Mar 15 18:39:36 yup Mar 15 18:40:01 but I'm a bit confused why I just suddenly lost the INIT messages and didn't get a tty Mar 15 18:43:39 I actually see the complete INIT line on the screen a moment before psplash Mar 15 18:50:23 maybe you need a better cable: http://i.imgur.com/VPcFx.jpg Mar 15 18:51:22 adjustable right angle is also nice, sometime 90° just does not cut it Mar 15 18:52:14 this one lets you choose celsius or fahrenheit? Mar 15 18:52:22 YEAH, my kernel is working, and suspend / resume with user button works too! Mar 15 18:52:44 thanks! I'll still have to figure out the lack of serial login, but this is really good! Mar 15 18:53:02 also it seems that EGL is broken but I don't care Mar 15 18:56:14 av500: my right angle has 100° :-þ Mar 15 18:56:31 mru, hand assembled in a sweat shop by children for optimal transmission Mar 15 18:56:52 mru: seems legit Mar 15 19:01:25 av500: do you even stop trolling? :P Mar 15 19:04:55 ? Mar 15 19:05:04 "ever"? Mar 15 19:05:12 evening? Mar 15 19:05:34 http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3obs9z/ Mar 15 19:05:36 I think the answer is no in any case Mar 15 19:06:02 I'm waiting for one that's handcrafted by Amish artisans…I still need the adjustable right angle though Mar 15 19:07:15 ever.. gah Mar 15 19:08:24 how did we ever get anything done before quickmeme.com? Mar 15 19:08:33 it's hard to imagine life before it Mar 15 19:08:38 mdp: what you want is: http://www.reichelt.de/bilder/web/xxl/C120/DL65168_01.jpg Mar 15 19:09:13 heh Mar 15 19:09:46 are the amish allowed to use screwdrivers? Mar 15 19:09:52 i guess if they have wooden handles.... Mar 15 19:10:09 they love modern "English" tools Mar 15 19:10:28 imperial screwdrivers? Mar 15 19:10:51 anybody that's not Amish is "English" :) Mar 15 19:10:51 they renamed philips to palpatine? Mar 15 19:11:15 palpatine will indeed screw you Mar 15 19:11:54 mdp: hehe like all Amish are Deutsch? :) Mar 15 19:12:29 mranostay, vast confusion over that, yes Mar 15 19:15:56 mranostay, perhaps I should print up some big quickmeme posters about this in amish country :) Mar 15 19:17:02 * mranostay needs to make a visit to amish country during rumspringa Mar 15 19:17:16 better start growing my beard now :) Mar 15 19:22:46 Hey I'm trying to figure out my problem with Bonjour using tcpdump, but it seems like it's broken in Angström. I have the same issues as this sir: http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/gentoo/user/245016 Has anybody experienced/solved this? Mar 15 19:22:49 * av500 heads home to troll wife and kids Mar 15 19:24:08 kids are too easy... the wife on the other hand... lol Mar 15 19:26:34 jay6981: he is just training the kid Mar 15 19:27:32 mentoring Mar 15 19:28:18 metaling Mar 15 19:29:25 and you'd have gotten away with it if it hadn't been for those meddling kids Mar 15 19:32:54 av500: METAL! Mar 15 19:35:20 wait, I was always told that Amish = Pennsylvania Dutch. Mar 15 19:40:52 ka6sox: they aren't Dutch :) Mar 15 19:41:23 Deutsch sounded like "Dutch" to the "English" :) Mar 15 19:41:56 mranostay, thanks for that clarification... Mar 15 19:43:25 ka6sox: does help that and mdp live(d) about 30 minutes from the largest Amish Country in the world Mar 15 19:43:29 *me Mar 15 19:44:02 I can see how us untrained engrish could confuse those two. Mar 15 19:44:26 ka6sox: well they call us all "the English" :) Mar 15 19:45:00 mru would be "the English English" there Mar 15 19:45:00 figures Mar 15 19:45:10 quite Mar 15 19:46:16 * _av500_ prefers Engrish Mar 15 19:48:46 it is the preferred tongue for all technical documents Mar 15 19:49:28 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUohpZ8rnlw Mar 15 19:51:55 heh Mar 15 19:52:15 sorry, 'pennsylvania dutch' triggered it Mar 15 19:55:42 mranostay, hey, so you never did explain what exactly your geiger tube apparatus outputs.. Mar 15 19:57:11 mranostay, I've also been wondering why you don't do something work-related like hack on openflow for beaglebone Mar 15 19:57:29 mranostay: there's nothing english about me Mar 15 19:57:34 much less double english Mar 15 19:58:18 mdp: heh cute :) Mar 15 20:10:55 did you see bunnie's geiger counter? Mar 15 20:13:23 networkingbunny? Mar 15 20:13:51 er, nm, think I found it Mar 15 20:18:52 *sigh*, my ubuntu 12.04 system automounts ext3 filesystems as ext4 which converts the filesystem to ext4 Mar 15 20:19:04 which means it no longer boots on the bone Mar 15 20:19:34 Russ: nice :) Mar 15 20:23:18 Russ, back to the earlier conversation, perhaps you need to run Linux instead of Ubuntu... Mar 15 20:24:05 sounds like a new feature, I'm still on a de-Unityized 11.10 Mar 15 20:24:22 hmm...I tried to get the behavior to repeat, and I can't Mar 15 20:24:57 maybe the filesystem was originally 'ext4' but without any features that would make it unmountable by ext3 Mar 15 20:26:09 you mean "mount" able :) Mar 15 20:27:00 hahah Mar 15 20:27:11 still doubting ubuntu is an infestation? :D Mar 15 20:27:13 so do you say unumountable when you can't unmount a filesystem? Mar 15 20:28:10 ds2, I think the bone is shipping with a microsd card that is ext4, but doesn't have any ext4 features Mar 15 20:29:48 Russ: wouldn't be surprised..that's why one always builds their own cards :D Mar 15 20:34:07 now I have to avoid Ubuntu 12.x on my pc's Mar 15 20:34:24 Havent liked anything past 10.04 anyways Mar 15 20:35:24 I switched to ubuntu from debian a couple years ago, the way ubuntu is diverging is disappointing Mar 15 20:35:53 but then, debian isn't really staying up with cutting edge either (no systemd) Mar 15 20:36:16 but I really like the multi-arch setup Mar 15 20:36:47 Russ: give them a couple more years ;) Mar 15 20:36:54 I've still got 11.10+xfce on my macbook, heh Mar 15 20:37:27 * djlewis wants the classic view in Ubuntu Mar 15 20:37:37 these days, fedora is linux Mar 15 20:38:06 thought it was a hat Mar 15 20:38:21 dear god, I can't believe that never occured to me Mar 15 20:38:36 yeah yeah, i know thats older than mud Mar 15 20:42:07 mint compromise Mar 15 20:44:27 Tartarus, is that on the MBA? Mar 15 20:44:40 yeah Mar 15 20:44:45 mainline kernel is fine Mar 15 20:44:55 needed, or at least good idea, to use the ubuntu+mac iso Mar 15 20:46:58 Hello, im having troble with the serial port under debian squeeze, can sombudy help me? Mar 15 20:47:32 you'll need to be much more specific Mar 15 20:47:48 <_av500_> dm8tbr: "big trouble" Mar 15 20:48:08 release the grip Mar 15 20:48:30 <_av500_> grip the release Mar 15 20:48:42 release the kraken! Mar 15 20:49:22 does any budy has expirence with the UART ports under debian? Mar 15 20:49:31 <_av500_> mari-o: explain your problem Mar 15 20:49:56 I can make it work on c++ Mar 15 20:50:11 <_av500_> you run debian on the beagle? Mar 15 20:50:18 im trying to use ttyO5 Mar 15 20:50:22 yes Mar 15 20:50:29 debian squezee on beagle bone Mar 15 20:50:43 <_av500_> see, you could have said that immediateky Mar 15 20:50:47 <_av500_> see, you could have said that immediately Mar 15 20:50:52 ok sorry Mar 15 20:51:25 <_av500_> i guess ttyO5 is not enabled by default, is it? Mar 15 20:51:56 I am not sure but if i run Mar 15 20:52:03 dmesg | grep tty Mar 15 20:52:13 i got Mar 15 20:52:14 [ 0.833814] omap_uart.0: ttyO0 at MMIO 0x44e09000 (irq = 72) is a OMAP UART0 [ 1.525597] console [ttyO0] enabled [ 1.529858] omap_uart.1: ttyO1 at MMIO 0x48022000 (irq = 73) is a OMAP UART1 [ 1.537735] omap_uart.2: ttyO2 at MMIO 0x48024000 (irq = 74) is a OMAP UART2 [ 1.545611] omap_uart.3: ttyO3 at MMIO 0x481a6000 (irq = 44) is a OMAP UART3 [ 1.553478] omap_uart.4: ttyO4 at MMIO 0x481a8000 (irq = 45) is a OMAP UART Mar 15 20:52:26 so I gues it is anable Mar 15 20:52:41 <_av500_> the driver is Mar 15 20:52:49 <_av500_> but probably the pinmux is not Mar 15 20:52:55 <_av500_> but please, go on Mar 15 20:53:27 how do I know if pinmux is enabled Mar 15 20:53:30 ? Mar 15 20:54:12 if I run set serial Mar 15 20:54:53 UART: undefined, Port: 0x0000, IRQ: 72 Mar 15 20:55:18 des it mater that port is 0x0000 for the all the urat Mar 15 20:55:20 ? Mar 15 20:55:48 <_av500_> what command do you run? Mar 15 20:56:42 sudo setserial -g /dev/ttyO[012345] Mar 15 20:57:34 <_av500_> and? Mar 15 20:58:28 i got lines like UART: undefined, Port: 0x0000, IRQ: 72 Mar 15 20:58:57 dev-ttyO0, UART: undefined, Port: 0x0000, IRQ: 72 Mar 15 20:59:14 -dev-ttyO0, UART: undefined, Port: 0x0000, IRQ: 72 -dev-ttyO1, UART: undefined, Port: 0x0000, IRQ: 73 -dev-ttyO2, UART: undefined, Port: 0x0000, IRQ: 74 -dev-ttyO3, UART: undefined, Port: 0x0000, IRQ: 44 -dev-ttyO4, UART: undefined, Port: 0x0000, IRQ: 45 -dev-ttyO5, UART: undefined, Port: 0x0000, IRQ: 46 Mar 15 20:59:37 <_av500_> yes, and? Mar 15 20:59:54 that I havent been able to use the usart Mar 15 21:00:36 <_av500_> explain Mar 15 21:00:48 <_av500_> if you cannot state your problem, we cannot help Mar 15 21:00:54 Im testing my c++ program with a usb-rs232 adapter and is ok Mar 15 21:01:22 You mention pinmux what is that? Mar 15 21:01:37 <_av500_> pin multiplexing Mar 15 21:01:56 <_av500_> what does not work with ttyO5 compared to usbtty? Mar 15 21:02:21 i dont recive data Mar 15 21:02:30 Iam able to open the port Mar 15 21:02:39 configue it Mar 15 21:02:44 <_av500_> you could have said that long ago Mar 15 21:02:48 and I think send data but im not sure Mar 15 21:03:54 So now that I have said it, do you have any idea about what can be wrong? Mar 15 21:04:11 <_av500_> pinmux Mar 15 21:04:21 if in doubt, blame the pinmux Mar 15 21:04:37 ok and how do I solve that? Mar 15 21:04:47 <_av500_> easy Mar 15 21:05:00 <_av500_> recompile the kernel to mux uart4 pins correctly Mar 15 21:05:06 <_av500_> or uart6 Mar 15 21:05:08 fuk Mar 15 21:05:12 <_av500_> damn off by one Mar 15 21:05:39 <_av500_> "fuk"? Mar 15 21:06:16 and where do I change the mux options before compile it Mar 15 21:07:02 <_av500_> havre you done kernel work before? Mar 15 21:09:08 once Mar 15 21:09:23 didnt like it Mar 15 21:10:14 how sure are you that is the mux problem? Mar 15 21:10:56 <_av500_> 95% Mar 15 21:11:58 do you know abut any web page that i can read for compiling the kernel Mar 15 21:12:50 <_av500_> google is full of them Mar 15 21:12:59 <_av500_> since you are on debian, #debian might know too Mar 15 21:13:55 and do I have to do some thing special for the pinmux Mar 15 21:18:00 <_av500_> you could google Mar 15 21:18:05 i found this http://elinux.org/BeagleBoard/SPI Mar 15 21:18:09 <_av500_> "beagle bone uart pinmux" Mar 15 21:18:12 I guess is kind of the same? Mar 15 21:18:39 <_av500_> which would find you this result: http://osdir.com/ml/beagleboard/2011-12/msg00390.html Mar 15 21:19:01 <_av500_> so it looks like you dont even have to rebuild the kernel Mar 15 21:19:32 thanks that was very kind of you Mar 15 21:19:43 isn't debian able to activate the pinmux for the uarts somewhere in /sys? Mar 15 21:19:55 i think we've had that a few days ago... Mar 15 21:20:45 <_av500_> /sys/kernel/debug/omap_mux Mar 15 21:21:06 yeah, just wanted to correct myseld. debugfs, not sysfs. Mar 15 21:21:25 <_av500_> I lost track of all these fs's Mar 15 21:21:33 thanks mates, i think you pint me in the right dirention Mar 15 21:21:46 <_av500_> hmm, pint is a good keyword Mar 15 21:21:58 though you can of course mount debugfs to whereever you like ;) Mar 15 21:22:25 point Mar 15 21:22:26 sorry Mar 15 21:22:41 Hi all! I#m back with stupid questions :) Mar 15 21:23:18 <_av500_> mari-o: no, pint is correct Mar 15 21:23:47 hm pint, beer anyone? Mar 15 21:24:05 <_av500_> yep Mar 15 21:24:49 * ynezz hands av2000 bottle of cold 0.5L Ostravar Mar 15 21:25:11 not a pint exactly... Mar 15 21:25:42 I was able to build Angstrom following this instructions: http://www.angstrom-distribution.org/demo/beaglebone/. And it even started on bone - well, only after I copied uEnv.txt, which was not mentioned at all. Now, I want to apply patch, but I don#t see any source to apply it to. Looks like those "recipes" are some kind of python (?) commands that download source from different locations, then compile them, and then delete( i guess). H Mar 15 21:26:25 <_av500_> yes Mar 15 21:26:37 <_av500_> you need to comment "inherit rm_work" Mar 15 21:26:40 <_av500_> in some file Mar 15 21:26:43 <_av500_> google will tell you Mar 15 21:26:55 thank you Mar 15 21:26:59 <_av500_> evil snakes eat all the source code Mar 15 21:27:11 _av500_: alter angström cäck Mar 15 21:27:19 and then just run bitbake again? Mar 15 21:27:34 it should be in conf/local.conf Mar 15 21:27:37 <_av500_> might have to do some damage to make it rebuild Mar 15 21:27:59 <_av500_> also note that just patching stuff might not help Mar 15 21:28:11 <_av500_> google angstrom kernel workflow Mar 15 21:28:20 <_av500_> applies to other packages too Mar 15 21:28:40 <_av500_> damn, why do *I* know all that Mar 15 21:29:13 you troll a lot here? Mar 15 21:29:20 err, s/troll/idle/ Mar 15 21:29:23 <_av500_> watch it! Mar 15 21:29:36 * LetoThe2nd sings *can't touch this* Mar 15 21:29:47 _av500_: cause now even I know more about kernel than I wanted to Mar 15 21:30:46 why would you not want to know about the kernel? Mar 15 21:32:03 <_av500_> in every kernel there is truth Mar 15 21:32:09 maybe he hasn't seen something so fucked up for ages? Mar 15 21:32:13 :) Mar 15 21:32:32 <_av500_> ynezz: one can delete arch/arm :) Mar 15 21:33:49 yep, that's why I've ordered that MIPS based "bonelite" aka Carambola Mar 15 21:35:02 cool, I found conf file and commented that out. By the way, where is the kernel config file? When I was building kernel the other way :) I was running make menuconfig. Now, where can I change some settings (like enable user space SPI)? Mar 15 21:36:33 Also, now files will not be deleted, but if I patch one of them, will it be overrided by the process, or it will be used as is? Mar 15 21:36:47 <_av500_> google angstrom kernel workflow Mar 15 21:37:10 <_av500_> hmm, 22€ for it to gather dust eh Mar 15 21:37:12 <_av500_> here Mar 15 21:37:20 <_av500_> sounds like a fair deal to me Mar 15 21:40:57 give me 22€, then i'd accept a MIPS board. Mar 15 21:42:24 you've been warned :) http://www.8devices.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=61 Mar 15 21:42:59 hrhrhr Mar 15 21:43:08 so its the mis version of raspi Mar 15 21:43:18 nips, even ;) Mar 15 21:43:25 gnah. Mar 15 21:43:33 * ynezz waiting for 3rd attempt Mar 15 21:43:38 <_av500_> mirps Mar 15 21:44:03 there was even funny one Mar 15 21:44:09 about sources for u-boot Mar 15 21:44:15 no third attempt. rather listening to some deichkind (does absolutely not translate.) Mar 15 21:44:29 but kind find it now, so it's probably censored^W deleted Mar 15 21:44:36 s/kind/can't/ Mar 15 21:45:56 <_av500_> http://www.8devices.com/community/viewtopic.php?p=151#p151 Mar 15 21:46:00 <_av500_> this one? Mar 15 21:47:00 * ynezz gives av500 google skills 2nd level badge Mar 15 21:47:07 yep, this one Mar 15 21:48:01 I enjoy downloading secret GNU based SDK's covered by tripple NDA from rapidshare Mar 15 21:48:16 <_av500_> well, maybe they have a 24h turnaround uboot compile service? Mar 15 21:48:24 <_av500_> you send a patch, they compile it in Mar 15 21:48:34 ah, nice customer service Mar 15 21:48:40 <_av500_> cloudy even Mar 15 21:50:46 well, that site is full of funny quotes "if Carambola detects I2C device it means, Carambola ports survived 5V, congrats" Mar 15 21:53:12 hrhrhrhrhr Mar 15 21:54:23 somewhere in the AM335x TRM I found "Do not eat." Mar 15 21:54:36 do not eat what? Mar 15 21:54:45 the SoC, I presume Mar 15 21:54:53 SilicaGel Mar 15 21:55:24 hipster Mar 15 21:56:23 _av500_: i was able to find out some blogs, but they all start with running bitbake, without oebb.sh wrapper. What it doesn#t tell, how do I setup env. vars without that script? I even don#t know which branch is being compiled by when I ran that example - angstrom, oe, or what. Or is it even a branch. Mar 15 21:59:54 but they are just chips Mar 15 21:59:59 add some dip and you'd be set Mar 15 22:01:17 <_av500_> or some fish Mar 15 22:01:42 <_av500_> kosta: sorry, you have managed to reach the end of my OE knowledge Mar 15 22:02:00 <_av500_> but you can always try stuff Mar 15 22:02:53 _av500_: is it really, or my question is just noobish :(? Mar 15 22:03:17 <_av500_> i dont use oe Mar 15 22:05:20 I see Mar 15 22:08:40 use git, it will tell you what branch Mar 15 22:47:31 can i run beagleboard 24x7 ? Mar 15 22:47:42 planning to develop standalone surveillance camera Mar 15 22:48:24 no reason it can't run 24x7 Mar 15 22:49:14 great, thnx a lot will give it a try Mar 15 22:49:58 btw i was worried bcuz of heating prob etc. though will keep a check on usage , still Mar 15 22:52:45 i believe mru: has the record for longest running beagleboard Mar 15 22:54:06 oh, hope he is available for comment Mar 15 22:54:14 heating problems? this isn't a panda board ;) Mar 15 22:54:42 :) Mar 15 22:55:47 and its not this office today :( Mar 15 22:56:56 I had one running for about a year once Mar 15 22:57:41 wow ! what was it doing ? Mar 15 22:57:49 running :) Mar 15 22:57:55 lol Mar 15 22:59:37 heading home . . Mar 15 23:10:55 <_av500_> I have omap3 and 4 based stuf running all the time in the office Mar 15 23:11:41 there's a nice beagle/panda tower on my desk too Mar 15 23:14:49 _av500_: aren't you afraid to wear it out? Mar 15 23:14:53 * mranostay puts on troll hat Mar 16 02:20:42 does any body know what arch the ZTE score cricket smartphone is I know it has gingerbread android 2.3 as an OS but I am curious if ARM11 is the arch for it? Mar 16 02:20:43 NX500 Mar 16 02:21:57 Basically I cann't find much on the processor apart from it being Single core, 600 MHz Mar 16 02:40:47 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bgbu521dK7M Mar 16 02:40:52 that makes me want to stab someone Mar 16 02:42:03 :40 seems straight up so far Mar 16 02:42:43 hmm python Mar 16 02:43:17 scromp: well, I can't say I want to stab anyone... What in particular makes you irritated about that one? Mar 16 02:43:27 it's like he bought a mac and found it confusing so he left it in the closet for 3 months until he finally ginned up the gumption to turn it on again and try to learn how to work the trackpad Mar 16 02:43:36 and then he took a video of himself working the trackpad Mar 16 02:43:40 and talked about how awesome it is Mar 16 02:43:46 and that's it. except he promised a tutorial about the keyboard later. Mar 16 02:44:01 You must be new to YouTube :) Mar 16 02:44:11 sorry it just seems completely useless Mar 16 02:44:11 heh Mar 16 02:44:15 no, no Mar 16 02:44:27 i didn't read the comments! Mar 16 02:45:09 comments on youtube are about the dumbest on the entire internet. Mar 16 02:45:27 but it's like a train wreck, I _have_ to read them **** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Mar 16 02:59:58 2012