**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Jul 30 02:59:58 2013 Jul 30 04:42:46 hi all Jul 30 04:43:23 can any body suggest me how to fix the linux device driver bugs Jul 30 04:43:42 is there any method to follow for the bug fixing Jul 30 04:44:24 how to fix the segmentation faults in driver Jul 30 04:44:30 * dm8tbr would suggest to follow a 'kernel developer workflow' and to read the oreilly linux device driver book Jul 30 04:47:44 ok in kernel how to debug the segmentation faults Jul 30 04:48:20 in kernel how to debug the segmentation faults Jul 30 06:03:33 I just purchased a miniature wifi module from Adafruit (http://www.adafruit.com/products/814) and am trying to get it working on my beagleboard black. I see from their tutorial that this might not be supported? Is that true? Does anyone have a workaround or a resource for me to look at? Jul 30 06:03:44 or, rather, any suggestions on how to get it working? Jul 30 06:04:31 * dm8tbr looks Jul 30 06:05:09 it has instructions for the BB... Jul 30 06:05:28 abetusk: it is supported, just need to make sure you have the firmware loaded onto the root file system Jul 30 06:06:26 it's a common RT chipset after all Jul 30 06:07:46 ah, ok, let me work through it Jul 30 06:08:56 hmpf, hmpf, I wish the courier with my parts would finally show up Jul 30 06:09:13 some nice 5V regulators and also my BBB in that package Jul 30 06:09:33 dm8tbr: watterrott? Jul 30 06:09:39 should actually try running a BBW/BBB off a LiIon with those Jul 30 06:09:41 yeah Jul 30 06:09:52 it's now in delivery by finnish post Jul 30 06:24:54 sorry for the newbie question, but I think I just installed the drivers properly (opkg install inux-firmware-rtl8192cu) and I see a wlan0 when doing 'ifconfig'. I've started creating '/var/lib/connman/wifi.config' but I don't know what the network is. Are there discovery tools I can use to see what wifi networks are available? Should I be installing a particular package? Jul 30 06:25:35 iwlist wlan0 scan Jul 30 06:25:42 will show you networks Jul 30 06:25:55 use 'iw' Jul 30 06:26:00 wireless-tools is deprecated Jul 30 06:26:01 there are also connman test tools Jul 30 06:26:06 ah :) Jul 30 06:26:09 http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Documentation/iw Jul 30 06:26:36 koen, thanks Jul 30 06:27:01 * dm8tbr has to admit to not using wireless-tools in at least 2 years. most stuff just automagically happens with network-damager Jul 30 06:27:40 dm8tbr: with iw you can connect to a WEP network in one go, for the rest it's kinda like ifconfig vs ip Jul 30 06:27:48 k Jul 30 06:36:27 So I can use iw to setup the connect without having to restart connman? Jul 30 06:40:42 and what about wps security? Jul 30 06:41:07 if you are using WPA, then use connman Jul 30 06:47:14 after issuing a 'systemctl restart connman.service', it just hangs. I'm logged in via ssh over usb... Jul 30 06:48:02 and when trying to re-establish the ssh connection, I get 'no route to host' Jul 30 06:50:24 * dm8tbr would recommend to check through something reliable like UART Jul 30 06:50:31 yeah... Jul 30 07:00:10 tooooooooyyyyyyyyyz'r'mine! Jul 30 07:00:32 * dm8tbr rips open the watterott parcel Jul 30 07:02:54 Hi Jul 30 07:03:02 Hi :) Jul 30 07:03:44 !kernel Jul 30 07:04:32 In my training institute I used Beagleboard-xm so I like it.But now I want to purchase my own board.So tell me which is better BB-xm or BBB / why / Jul 30 07:04:59 vicky: just compare the specs ? Jul 30 07:05:47 beaglebord-xm or beaglebone black ? Jul 30 07:07:33 beaglebord-xm or beaglebone black ? which is best for beginner ? Jul 30 07:08:02 vicky: first difference price Jul 30 07:08:15 Second arm type Jul 30 07:09:50 vicky: easiest for beginners, depends,hwat you want to do ? :) Jul 30 07:11:22 How to develope general method to create own configure kernel,file system,Boot loader,other BSP for any board in the world from scratch that means without use of any material provided from board vendor ? Jul 30 07:11:57 vicky: both boot from SD-card iirc so both would work with that Jul 30 07:12:16 mind you, you still need to download the kernel sources from their site, as it's not mainline yet Jul 30 07:14:54 INFO: the wall wart from the Fon wifi router fits the BBBK Jul 30 07:15:03 And what if we exclude CPU and RAM speed and compare Beaglebone Black and FriendlyARM mini6410 ? according to me mini6410 provide lots of onboard peripherals than BBB , Jul 30 07:15:19 vicky: correct Jul 30 07:15:31 i'll referer back to what you want to do with it ? :) Jul 30 07:17:08 sorry I don't get you.Are you suggesting Beaglebone black is best even it has very few onboard peripherals . Jul 30 07:19:30 hello Jul 30 07:20:36 a wonderfull, JIHADy, good morning, everyone! Jul 30 07:22:49 why not to choose beagleboard-xm comparing with beaglebone black ? Jul 30 07:29:25 vicky: for the lulz! Jul 30 07:30:44 what that means ? Jul 30 07:31:43 yes. Jul 30 07:43:52 * KotH sighs Jul 30 07:44:06 why can't people listen when you tell them that they have to decide for yourself? Jul 30 07:45:26 Because then they can't yell at you for making the wrong decision Jul 30 07:45:47 they do but they're too lazy to find out and/or insecure if they have the info.. which is quite a boatful :) Jul 30 07:46:04 most people want everything in one Jul 30 07:47:06 http://cdn.10centuries.com/content/jason/2010/09/elephantsmoon.jpg Jul 30 07:47:06 1024 gpio, 512 pwm channels at 1GHz, 1080p120 3d hdmi, hardware h.264 decoding, 5.1 audio etc in a $20 credit card size Jul 30 07:49:57 looks like I bought a bunk powered usb hub off ebay :( Jul 30 07:49:59 and Linux, Android, iOs and Windows running on that thing Jul 30 07:50:48 I do admire the brazen gusto with which many of the people coming to this channel attack embedded linux Jul 30 07:51:34 sometimes it's a bit overboard and there's a huge gap between can vs. want and too little ditch-digging willingness but at least they are trying :) Jul 30 07:51:39 but the BBB is powering wifi dongle and streaming HD webcam with an unpowered hub so oh well Jul 30 07:52:52 Vaizki: yeah... Jul 30 07:53:42 Vaizki: but it's imho a generall phenomena: people don't want to learn how to use something. they just want it to work as they expect it to, and do what they mean it to do Jul 30 07:59:21 koen: those people should buy products Jul 30 08:01:46 like the RPi!!1 Jul 30 08:01:49 no wait Jul 30 08:02:53 dm8tbr: nah! those people should give me money! lots of it! Jul 30 08:04:57 sure, if they are willing to pay for a custom product :) Jul 30 08:05:22 they should be ready to buy up the swiss strategic chocolate reserves to pay you for it though ;) Jul 30 08:05:47 at least! Jul 30 08:06:24 i also require the moon in order to be able to work properly Jul 30 08:06:31 Hello Jul 30 08:06:31 some of those people are like the person who bet me $100 they'd would launch there phone into space using a weather balloon launched rocket within a month Jul 30 08:06:49 o_0 Jul 30 08:06:58 big ideas, no clue how to accomplish Jul 30 08:07:23 which is best between beagleboard-xm and beaglebone black ? Jul 30 08:07:30 was he even able to launch a baloon? Jul 30 08:07:41 never even bought one Jul 30 08:08:08 vicky: i hate to tell you... no wait, i love it to tell you, that you should read the specs yourself and decide for YOURSELF what is best for YOU Jul 30 08:08:27 vicky: key to success is persistence Jul 30 08:08:31 pretty sure BBB is best for the coinage Jul 30 08:08:40 vicky: the other key to success is knowing when to quit Jul 30 08:08:45 mastiff_: given the fact that i have never launched a baloon that high, i would assume that it would take me at least a month to get that part working Jul 30 08:09:06 mastiff_: launching a rocked from there... another couple of months of designing and testing .... ^^' Jul 30 08:09:56 there is also that slight problem of the baloon being directly where the rocket is supposed to go... ;) Jul 30 08:10:20 dm8tbr: launch horizontally, then go up... like the pegasus rocked used to Jul 30 08:10:21 sure it would just go through the thin skin, still Jul 30 08:10:41 that needs a rocket that's able to guide itself Jul 30 08:10:52 the main problem the guy didn't realize is that to actually get something into orbit, you have to achieve escape velocity Jul 30 08:11:16 er.. no Jul 30 08:11:24 he thought he invented the brilliant idea of launching a tiny rocket off a weather balloon Jul 30 08:11:30 to get something into orbit, you do _not_ want it to reach escape velocity :) Jul 30 08:12:17 I am beginner and want to develope my own kernel,file system,bootloader,BSP,linux device driver for board then in that case whicch is best ? I know specification wise both are same.BB-xm have just DSP and no onboard eMMC. Jul 30 08:12:19 Hi, I was wondering if it is actually possible to restart the BBB after a power loss? Or at least setup WoL? Jul 30 08:12:42 can't tell if trolling or just stupid Jul 30 08:12:48 me neither :O Jul 30 08:12:49 Force_: it should boot once power is resumed? Jul 30 08:13:01 yes Jul 30 08:13:18 vicky: why not start by designing your own board. that way you'll know that it's the best Jul 30 08:13:23 Force_: so? Jul 30 08:13:59 Well if I plug in the BBB I have to press the shutdown button, it doesn't start itself Jul 30 08:14:17 all of mine do Jul 30 08:14:25 you broke it Jul 30 08:14:28 I am from India .If from US then definitely start from board designing ? Jul 30 08:14:43 it all becomes clear now Jul 30 08:14:46 yeah Jul 30 08:14:47 dear god Jul 30 08:15:07 did you just land an embedded linux system designer job with a pimped up cv? :D Jul 30 08:15:09 this is why we have crappy software Jul 30 08:15:32 KotH: you launch balloons? Jul 30 08:16:09 how could it possible be broken? oO Jul 30 08:16:17 mastiff_: nope, i dont Jul 30 08:16:27 Force_: things break Jul 30 08:16:33 Force_: or are broken by design Jul 30 08:17:24 Force_: also some people have a break-everything-field around them, that destroys any technological artifact within a 10m radius Jul 30 08:17:50 Vaizki: lol Jul 30 08:18:16 Here all are just sells men for beaglebone black. Jul 30 08:18:38 vicky: no we are just annoyed by you asking the same question over and over again Jul 30 08:19:09 vicky: if you want to do embedded linux then there is no way around FUCKING GET A BOARD AND START DOING SOMETHING Jul 30 08:19:15 damn... Jul 30 08:19:18 well... Jul 30 08:19:32 nah man he's gonna design his own FS, BL and kernel Jul 30 08:19:39 I'm sure of it Jul 30 08:19:47 he doesn't even need a board to do that Jul 30 08:20:27 i make $55 for every BBB I sell Jul 30 08:21:32 oh well, I just saw the board actually starts automatically if I haven't issued a shutdown/halt command before Jul 30 08:21:45 but still interesting, I mean how does the board memorize that state? Jul 30 08:23:51 * KotH would guess the pmic does that Jul 30 08:24:52 yea it does Jul 30 08:29:25 okay, thanks you guys :) Jul 30 08:31:01 Here's a streaming video test from my BBB. If it's working will be puppy cam tomorrow. rtsp://firepowerelectric.com:8554/proxyStream Jul 30 08:31:36 should be able to open that in VLC Jul 30 08:31:41 * dm8tbr ponders if the BBB has b0rken SSH in the default image that comes on the emmc Jul 30 08:32:08 ~$ ssh Jul 30 08:32:08 ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer Jul 30 08:32:42 WFM Jul 30 08:32:53 mastiff_: what are you using for streaming? Jul 30 08:33:35 not very bw-efficient... 300kbyte/s Jul 30 08:33:37 mastiff_: is this load testing? you trying to see if it will handle 50 clients? :) Jul 30 08:34:23 my vlc isn't showing anything Jul 30 08:34:25 is there a pmic on the bbb? that would provide battery sensing? Jul 30 08:34:30 yes Jul 30 08:34:37 well define sensing? Jul 30 08:34:48 oh to warn if battery level drops too low Jul 30 08:34:55 it offers low voltage protection and will even charg a lipo Jul 30 08:35:02 C920 camera > openCV & vlc on BBB > live555 proxy on my vps Jul 30 08:35:05 very cool Jul 30 08:35:15 mastiff_: ah, neat Jul 30 08:35:23 cde: http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/tps65217c.pdf Jul 30 08:35:36 I may need to have linode up the bandwidth for more streams Jul 30 08:35:43 mastiff_: I'll need to try using WebM as the codec and icecast as the streaming server Jul 30 08:35:48 also not sure yet how to adjust the bitrate Jul 30 08:36:04 just got it working and still figuring out the details Jul 30 08:36:04 but I'm not sure if there's a way to get a low voltage battery notification before the PMIC just shuts down Jul 30 08:36:18 but maybe you can read the current input voltage over i2c Jul 30 08:36:20 I see it now. with the nice TP just behind it Jul 30 08:36:26 for a static picture on Theora or VP8 I wouldn't expect to see more than 100kbit/s so around 8kbyte/s Jul 30 08:38:56 already have web inteface setup for remote gpio toggling over ssh, currently LED, but will be treat dispenser for mastiff pups on the video stream Jul 30 08:40:11 it's just streaming h.264 720p off the cam Jul 30 08:41:06 hmm the PMIC provides an analog multiplexer that allows you to get system, battery, charging etc volts to the soc Jul 30 08:41:15 any recommendation for a good video cam for the bbb? low power if possible Jul 30 08:41:33 logitech c920 Jul 30 08:41:37 Vaizki: cool, so the analog gpio could sense it Jul 30 08:41:47 thanks mastiff_ Jul 30 08:42:03 cde: if it's connected somewhere :) Jul 30 08:42:26 oh right. well at worst I can remove the silk to access the viaas Jul 30 08:42:42 let's see... Jul 30 08:42:49 if there are vias for those Jul 30 08:43:51 nope.. MUX_OUT (pin 16) is not connected on the BBB Jul 30 08:44:10 cde: check the streaming vid link above. see how nice this glass looks? Jul 30 08:44:55 _av500_: any idea when archos video player will get updated to work on 4.3? Jul 30 08:47:15 cde: the pmic battery charger requires a 10k NTC for temperature monitoring or it won't charge. just so you know. Jul 30 08:48:23 that's good to know, thanks Jul 30 08:49:08 but I would like to also monitor battery voltage without extra components if possible so let me know if you find a way :) Jul 30 08:50:36 mastiff_: it looks incredibly sharp indeed Jul 30 08:50:47 Vaizki: sure thing :) Jul 30 08:52:15 How do i boot u-boot from SD-card ? Jul 30 08:54:09 cde: yes it does sometimes, but I wanna get manual focus setup also.... Jul 30 08:54:50 the autofocus gets confused at times Jul 30 09:05:19 I'm stuck at "Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel." any tips ? Jul 30 09:06:16 Qantourisc: are you sure the console is set right? maybe the kernel boots but you don't see it Jul 30 09:06:20 Qantourisc: have you tried looking at both serial console and HDMI output? Jul 30 09:06:34 kfoltman: no, but should the cpu be blinking ? Jul 30 09:06:45 blinking cpu? :D Jul 30 09:06:51 Qantourisc: also, are you using the right device tree version? Jul 30 09:06:52 i mean the LED :) Jul 30 09:07:03 kfoltman: how do i check/know ? Jul 30 09:07:05 it should show the heartbeat after it boots Jul 30 09:07:18 no heartbeat Jul 30 09:07:23 let me get the hdmi Jul 30 09:07:28 if you're using a BBB you need the .dtb for it, not the regular beaglebone Jul 30 09:07:34 still console=/dev/ttyO0 should work ? Jul 30 09:07:44 "uImage-dtb.am335x-boneblack" ? Jul 30 09:07:51 it might get stuck in the middle of booting the kernel, say, because of not being able to find the root fs Jul 30 09:07:57 perhaps? Jul 30 09:08:11 I think I've used a separate one Jul 30 09:08:27 I mean, uImage loaded separately from .dtb Jul 30 09:08:34 but I'm not sure if it matters Jul 30 09:09:30 no video input Jul 30 09:09:56 ow there we go Jul 30 09:10:01 root= is missing Jul 30 09:10:07 so failure to set or use terminal Jul 30 09:10:24 well no Jul 30 09:10:30 failure to set the bootargs Jul 30 09:10:30 well, if you don't have root fs, it can't run a shell or anything like that Jul 30 09:10:46 No the problem is bootargs=root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootwait console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200 console=ttyO0,115200 Jul 30 09:10:54 running that doesn't seem to cut it ? Jul 30 09:10:56 yes, I think you can pick serial console vs HDMI via bootargs Jul 30 09:11:10 why 3 times? Jul 30 09:11:20 normally it should work iirc :) Jul 30 09:11:30 kfoltman: and 4 times because it wasn't working :) Jul 30 09:11:36 should be O0 right ? Jul 30 09:11:38 yes Jul 30 09:11:49 the serial header is O0 Jul 30 09:12:03 the root setting might be dodgy as well :) Jul 30 09:12:56 nea Jul 30 09:13:00 and that I can fix :) Jul 30 09:13:06 once i get the boot args to the kernel Jul 30 09:13:31 so how do i set stuff in uEnv.txt ? :p Jul 30 09:14:41 nice cap: http://bear24rw.blogspot.fr/2013/07/beaglebone-gamingcape.html Jul 30 09:14:42 well worksy now Jul 30 09:14:53 just not surehow to set it in uEnv.txt Jul 30 09:17:27 jet: nice Jul 30 09:36:18 hi Jul 30 09:37:05 meh, armhf.com's images bring RCNs kernel, but no headers. Jul 30 09:42:01 mmh .. does "sgetty" ring a bell ? Jul 30 09:44:55 meh.. the PMIC MUX_OUT is connected to a SoC pin on the BBW but not the BBB :( Jul 30 09:45:53 and I can read over I2C the power good flags for AC adapter and USB power inputs but no way to see current input voltage or battery voltage without the MUX_OUT Jul 30 09:49:53 Vaizki: use the power of a soldering iron! Jul 30 09:50:04 Vaizki: but refrain from wearing a cape while soldering Jul 30 09:50:42 I don't have a BBB here so can't check how pin 16 on the PMIC looks on the board Jul 30 09:52:25 Ok how do i boot u-boot from sd-card ? Jul 30 09:53:08 Vaizki: it looks unconnected to me. also had to solder on Jul 30 09:54:48 *hard Jul 30 09:55:18 yea well I can see it's unconnected from the circuit diagrams Jul 30 09:55:41 cde: "hard" is a very relative term Jul 30 09:55:52 A hold the USR button :) Jul 30 09:55:55 cde: it matters a lot how much experience you have and how fine your solder tip is Jul 30 09:56:38 I don't have that much experience.. might make more sense for me to just put in an external analog mux chop Jul 30 09:56:40 chip Jul 30 09:56:54 especially since I'm sure I have some around Jul 30 09:57:44 yes that might be easier Jul 30 09:59:24 well at least I can see if the input power is good over i2c Jul 30 09:59:33 that's something, tells me if we're running on battery or not Jul 30 10:00:03 KotH: in this case it's a VQFN package with 0.3mm pitch. not easy ;) Jul 30 10:00:28 cde: oh.. ok.. get a veeeeeeeeeeeery fine tip and a microscope :) Jul 30 10:00:51 yes that might work Jul 30 10:03:21 it would have been oh so great to get an additional test point there like the battery TPs Jul 30 10:03:32 so where do I submit my ideas ;) Jul 30 10:03:49 they must have though the credit card form factor was more important ;) Jul 30 10:04:57 sure but for backward compatibility with the BBW ;) Jul 30 10:08:46 what we arguing about trolls Jul 30 10:09:34 soldering tips and bbb form factors Jul 30 10:09:57 and of course, the usual: chocolate, guns, government forms and beer Jul 30 10:13:08 Anyone knows *IF* I can run am33x on x86 using qemu ? Jul 30 10:13:18 oh soldering tips Jul 30 10:13:20 well Jul 30 10:13:45 My hakko FX-951 eats your soldering iron Jul 30 10:17:27 mrpackethead: my ersa rds-80 eats your fx-951 for breakfast Jul 30 10:21:24 I don't even remember the make of my soldering iron :( Jul 30 10:22:07 ah. actually I do. Xytronic. Jul 30 10:25:25 ah.. your soldering iron is the filling of mrpackethead ones stomach :) Jul 30 10:26:11 cadence: $7k altium $9k Jul 30 10:26:13 eagle $2k Jul 30 10:26:59 * KotH nods Jul 30 10:27:28 i think there would be a market for a new EDA tool in the price range of 2-5k Jul 30 10:27:39 especially if it runs on linux too :) Jul 30 10:33:41 KotH: I only own a 'smoldering iron' - this bad? Jul 30 10:34:04 a linux enabled soldering iron Jul 30 10:34:40 KotH: yea well at least I can blame my iron for all the cock-ups Jul 30 10:35:40 dm8tbr: nope, that's fine. we'll feed you to the other soldering irons, so they get big and fatty before we butchor them for mrpacketheads and my soldering iron :) Jul 30 10:35:55 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Essemtec-Expert-Line-Manual-Pick-and-Place-machine-very-clean-barely-used-/111127523569?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19dfb770f1 Jul 30 10:36:00 theres a new toy for you Jul 30 10:36:41 * dm8tbr should just get some nice smoldering station. at the very least a weller magnastat Jul 30 10:37:06 dm8tbr: get a medcal :) Jul 30 10:37:24 or magmastat? Jul 30 10:37:28 lol Jul 30 10:41:27 salut koen Jul 30 10:41:59 hey KotH Jul 30 11:33:16 hmm did I just disconnect? Jul 30 11:33:24 I can't tell with this irc client :D Jul 30 11:36:55 Hi, I am Jagan. I Just got my beagle bone black board and trying to boot angstrom image from SD card. I could see the splash screen coming up and login prompt and immediatley my monitor goes to power saving mode Jul 30 11:37:25 I failed to boot the image Jul 30 11:37:42 can anyone help me here? Jul 30 11:39:41 ho Jul 30 11:40:19 do they pass out BBBs in the universities of India or what... Jul 30 11:40:44 I got this from some vendor in india Jul 30 11:49:05 Jagan_: did you try the latest angstrom image? Jul 30 11:50:28 Yes I did try the latest image Jul 30 11:52:11 http://beagleboard.org/latest-images Jul 30 11:52:32 Anyone ever tried to qemu to chroot into an ARM envirement ? Jul 30 11:53:09 Qantourisc: chroot to arm generally works with binfmt Jul 30 11:53:10 I have used the first link to get the image Jul 30 11:53:43 Humpelstilzchen: yea, for some reason it doesn't "/bin/bash: /bin/bash: cannot execute binary file Jul 30 11:53:50 @philenotfound any suggestions for me? Jul 30 11:54:40 Humpelstilzchen: what target of qemu do i need for "ARM, EABI5 version 1" ? cause the examples I found are for ARM, version 1 Jul 30 11:54:43 Qantourisc: why do you need to run arm binaries on a pc? Jul 30 11:55:03 mru: because I lack CPU power and storage space ? Jul 30 11:55:08 wouldn't it be more efficient to simply get x86 versions of those apps Jul 30 11:55:27 mru: trying to compile the bins on pc to use on the arm :) Jul 30 11:55:35 so use a cross compiler Jul 30 11:56:19 mru: it's going to be compiled by the package manager, it's a lot messier to get that working with a crosscompiler :) Jul 30 11:56:22 emulating will be even slower than running on an actual arm system Jul 30 11:56:23 Qantourisc: default qemu-arm-static, but cross cc is of course preferred Jul 30 11:58:01 Humpelstilzchen: yea, they dont work real good, unless I used a differnt package manager Jul 30 11:59:00 hmmm armeb ? what's that :) Jul 30 11:59:25 it's all debian's fault Jul 30 11:59:44 mru: no it's the fault of zealots :) Jul 30 11:59:49 same thing Jul 30 11:59:54 :) Jul 30 12:04:52 mru: in this case it's .... gentoo :) Jul 30 12:05:09 nothing is easier than cross-compiling on gentoo Jul 30 12:05:16 vs paludis, mind you he is an abrasive person Jul 30 12:05:19 mru: correct Jul 30 12:05:26 mru: but I still prefer paludis Jul 30 12:06:05 actuallyt i never checked paludis + crosscompile ... Jul 30 12:06:06 * Qantourisc does so Jul 30 12:06:19 $ crossdev arm-hardfloat-linux-gnueabi Jul 30 12:06:19 done Jul 30 12:06:56 or if your _really_ lazy, grab the linaro binaries Jul 30 12:10:57 http://www.ironicsans.com/2009/06/idea_the_outlet_wall.html Jul 30 12:10:59 I need this. Jul 30 12:11:12 nice Jul 30 12:11:21 not enough cat5 though Jul 30 12:11:56 wall of usb & rj45 sockets? Jul 30 12:12:54 let's just say I have two 10-way power splitters and a 16-port ethernet switch under my desk Jul 30 12:12:58 and an 8-port switch Jul 30 12:15:37 mru: yes, if you are using portage :) Jul 30 12:16:02 didn't you say gentoo? Jul 30 12:16:07 mru: I did Jul 30 12:16:12 so portage Jul 30 12:16:17 mru: or paludis :) Jul 30 12:16:21 wtf is that? Jul 30 12:16:43 anyone know a good source for figureing out assembly language grammer? im trying to tap into the PRUs Jul 30 12:16:45 mru: some obscure package manger, when I switched it had some things it did better Jul 30 12:16:57 mru: portage probable catched up by now, but never went back :) Jul 30 12:17:00 so you're not using gentoo then Jul 30 12:17:05 mru: I am Jul 30 12:17:15 mru: just with a differnt package-managing-bin Jul 30 12:17:20 "I'm running debian but with rpm instead of dpkg" Jul 30 12:17:32 mru: it's using the same ebuild format, repo's, distfiles, ... Jul 30 12:17:48 mru: it's like emerge but rewritten Jul 30 12:17:49 so it's a fork of sorts Jul 30 12:18:48 mru: yes, but it follows upstream in realtime, with the only difference beeing the fact that emerge is a differnt bin ? Jul 30 12:18:56 mru: still using the same mirrors, etc Jul 30 12:19:05 mru: it's like using a differnt version of libjpeg Jul 30 12:19:12 but you say it works differently Jul 30 12:19:45 flufmnstr: stare at code until it starts making sense Jul 30 12:19:45 mru: a bit, problem is crossdev calls emerge :) so it's using the other tool :) Jul 30 12:20:00 yes, it expects to be running on gentoo Jul 30 12:20:23 you're running something a lot like gentoo Jul 30 12:20:25 mru: still why can't i run the bins in qemu :) Jul 30 12:20:30 can we transform any beagleboard-xm based embedded linux project to beaglebone black project ? Jul 30 12:20:32 mru: yes a lot like it Jul 30 12:20:44 you shouldn't want to be running qemu Jul 30 12:20:49 because that's a stupid thing to do Jul 30 12:21:04 sam_: depends Jul 30 12:21:07 mru: sometimes it's nice to chroot in there though :) Jul 30 12:21:15 mru: but maybe not for compiling :) Jul 30 12:21:20 real hardware is much nicer Jul 30 12:21:47 mru: you saying the arm code on this litle BBB is faster then a 4 core modern intel using qemu ? Jul 30 12:22:09 I'm saying a 1GHz actual arm is faster than a 2.x GHz x86 emulating one Jul 30 12:22:17 OOOW Jul 30 12:22:19 hmmm Jul 30 12:22:36 qemu is not multithreaded btw Jul 30 12:22:40 that means excluding internal DSP of BB-xm based we can transform to BBB based project ...right ?? Jul 30 12:22:44 so your 4 cores won't do much good Jul 30 12:22:46 maybe I should be booting from network then and using distcc (network for storage) and distcc for extra CPU power Jul 30 12:22:49 OR Jul 30 12:22:52 crosscompile :) Jul 30 12:23:10 you can use cross-compilers with distcc Jul 30 12:23:13 mru: and didn't think about that yet :) Jul 30 12:23:40 sam_: what does your app do? Jul 30 12:23:49 mru: problem is the package tree of gentoo doesn't quite fit on this 2GB SD card :) Jul 30 12:24:00 mru: quess I should just network-mount it instead Jul 30 12:24:11 then again I need a master ... Jul 30 12:24:20 sounds like a job for rootnfs :) Jul 30 12:24:41 what the fastest SD, or 100mbit network ? :) Jul 30 12:25:12 mru: thanks for the tips ! Jul 30 12:25:15 * Qantourisc kisses mru :) Jul 30 12:25:19 linux device driver like keyboard,mouse,ADC,SPI,I2C Jul 30 12:28:40 Qantourisc: SD Jul 30 12:29:00 or at least the eMMC is faster than 100Mbps Jul 30 12:29:31 Vaizki: it's a cheapass SD /) Jul 30 12:31:35 mru: thats about where i am at the moment Jul 30 12:31:59 theres a line in an example i cant wrap my head around Jul 30 12:32:11 MOV r3, C4, 4, 4 Jul 30 12:33:06 i get the MOV command, and r3 i believe is one of the registries, but the C4, 4, 4 bit is byond me Jul 30 12:38:47 Cn refers to an entry in the constant table Jul 30 12:39:51 the 4 is shift left, right? Jul 30 12:40:07 don't know about the last 4 Jul 30 12:41:44 constant tables, eh? Jul 30 12:41:47 * flufmnstr googles Jul 30 12:42:22 was this arm assembly btw? :D Jul 30 12:42:25 spruh73c Jul 30 12:42:29 Vaizki: no, pru Jul 30 12:42:32 ah Jul 30 12:42:34 damn Jul 30 12:43:05 pru. my quest for on board DMX transmitting continues Jul 30 12:50:17 hmmmmm there's a pru debugger? Jul 30 12:50:25 ok now I'm interested also :) Jul 30 12:50:34 pru debugger? Jul 30 12:50:42 why would you need that? Jul 30 12:50:43 http://sourceforge.net/projects/prudebug/ Jul 30 12:50:58 because I'm still fallible when it comes to asm Jul 30 12:51:03 is pru good enough to bitbang spi to a 50ksmps adc? Jul 30 12:51:15 why not use the actual spi? Jul 30 12:51:48 because I might want like 4 of them at the same time Jul 30 12:52:01 with common clock Jul 30 13:15:38 [kernel] koenkooi pushed 1 new commit to 3.8: http://git.io/N2wGfQ Jul 30 13:15:39 kernel/3.8 e368aa3 Koen Kooi: 3.8: fix mmc cd... Jul 30 13:17:09 That one is great Jul 30 13:18:09 hey :] it's me from hell again. Why the codesourcery linker script input won't like this string? "RUN_START(bss_start),RUN_END(bss_end)" Jul 30 13:18:40 (sorry to interrupt) Jul 30 13:18:52 maybe it has a syntax error Jul 30 13:19:02 that's what he said Jul 30 13:19:04 * KotH feels tainted Jul 30 13:19:12 * KotH just shook pantos hand Jul 30 13:19:19 eeeew Jul 30 13:19:44 :o Jul 30 14:29:31 das_plague: "die_plage" :-) Jul 30 14:31:13 http://instacod.es/77164 Jul 30 14:33:59 .o0(good thing i dont listen to rammstein) Jul 30 14:35:58 I don't get it Jul 30 14:36:05 maybe I haven't listed enough to rammstein Jul 30 14:40:30 Didn't fschk go weird when tome is in the future Jul 30 14:41:05 time keeps on slipping into the future Jul 30 14:41:27 nah.. fsck doesnt mind the time Jul 30 14:41:37 but it minds garbage data in the first 7 or so inodes Jul 30 14:41:39 a ok nvm then :) Jul 30 14:41:41 the past ain't what it used to be Jul 30 14:41:44 KotH, if its more than n years off, it warns Jul 30 14:41:55 Russ: or if it's in the future :) Jul 30 14:42:12 but time is relative, as we know Jul 30 14:42:38 * KotH wonders what the definition of the second will look like in 10-20 years Jul 30 14:42:45 you'd seem to have a more likely problem if time was in the past Jul 30 14:43:08 (or if the superblock was in the future) Jul 30 14:44:55 well the network isn't super fast :/ Jul 30 14:45:58 it doesn't exceed the speed of light then? Jul 30 14:46:33 Russ: no not really Jul 30 14:46:56 Russ: but don't have SSH access yet to see if it's the CPU or the network :) Jul 30 14:46:59 no tachyons, black holes, zero point energy sources, other scifi tropes? Jul 30 14:47:22 Russ: black holes are not scifi tropes :) Jul 30 14:47:44 well yes, but using them to travel through time is Jul 30 14:47:50 hmmm make is suprisinlgy fast ! Jul 30 14:48:03 the cpu is getting "hotish" Jul 30 14:48:10 (can still touch it) Jul 30 14:48:17 PS can I overclock them if i cool them :p Jul 30 14:48:53 hmm better just get the fabricaction specs :) Jul 30 14:49:09 hmm wait could blow the power cicruits Jul 30 14:49:37 then gain distcc should fix it :) Jul 30 14:50:01 http://26-26-54.hardwarebug.org/167 Jul 30 14:50:32 KotH: :) Jul 30 14:50:52 KotH: I should compile on pc ? :) Jul 30 14:51:06 no, you dont need to Jul 30 14:51:30 i would acctually suggest that you compile on a arm emulator running on an 8051 Jul 30 14:51:33 it would be more fun that way Jul 30 14:51:38 :) Jul 30 14:51:50 well it's still suprisling fast Jul 30 14:52:18 KotH: ow right and I need to compile on it first Jul 30 14:52:25 just to check the compile settings :) Jul 30 14:52:39 before I screw over some main bins :) Jul 30 14:54:22 KotH: not sure if I should use crosscompile or distcc :) Jul 30 14:55:48 well, depends on what you want to acheive Jul 30 14:56:08 KotH: gentoo :( Jul 30 14:56:11 if it is your goal to learn about how to use distcc and how many projects fail with that kind of settings, then use distcc Jul 30 14:56:26 irronically it's easier to get that on it then any other distro :) Jul 30 14:56:36 if your goal is to get your code compiled and dont care about how it is compiled, then use crosscompilation Jul 30 14:56:47 gentoo users are weird Jul 30 14:56:51 nearly as weird as arch users Jul 30 14:57:30 KotH: still open to putting another distro on it :) Jul 30 14:57:40 LFS? Jul 30 14:58:05 KotH: i might be masochistic but not that much Jul 30 14:58:47 oh.. you are one of these "i do BDSM but i dont want to spend money for real leather wear, so i just buy latex" guys? Jul 30 14:59:08 KotH: exactly :) Jul 30 14:59:21 regarless I now have a systemreqcue-cd-for-arm :) Jul 30 14:59:23 sort of Jul 30 14:59:25 go away! i will have no dealings with lowly beings like you! Jul 30 14:59:26 ;-> Jul 30 14:59:31 * Qantourisc looks at debian Jul 30 14:59:49 now i know how this thing works, let me have a look at debian again Jul 30 15:00:36 why not angström, t3 or buildroot? Jul 30 15:00:36 distros which have been designed to be used on embedded devices Jul 30 15:00:42 not "i criple this pc distro until it might do what i want on an embedded system" Jul 30 15:00:48 KotH: I like my normal linux stack Jul 30 15:00:51 KotH: underling was coined by Dilbert I believe Jul 30 15:01:04 KotH: and what is wrong with debian on these ? Jul 30 15:01:29 Qantourisc: it's like using a sledge hammer to hang a picture Jul 30 15:01:49 how is debian a sledge ? Jul 30 15:01:57 Qantourisc: it looks similar to the right tool, but it doesnt really fit and you are missing that you should hammer in a nail instead of directly the picture to the wall Jul 30 15:02:49 you do paint a lively picture :D Jul 30 15:03:12 KotH: sounds like scraping a hole in a wall using a screwdriver in order to put a picture in it Jul 30 15:03:26 it might sorta work but... Jul 30 15:03:35 but please explain me why debian is (such) a bad idea ? Jul 30 15:03:46 It doesn't sound overly heavy to me Jul 30 15:03:55 Qantourisc: it's a desktop PC distro, it comes with all bells and whistels for a PC Jul 30 15:04:05 but lacks the stuff you would want on an embedded system Jul 30 15:04:11 KotH: no it's a PC distro, not a desktop-pc distro Jul 30 15:04:22 KotH: what stuff DO i want on embedded systems ? Jul 30 15:04:37 optimally: nothing at all Jul 30 15:04:44 the less you run on it, the faster it is Jul 30 15:05:02 and debian is a desktop pc distro Jul 30 15:05:44 "Debian is a free operating system (OS) for your computer. An operating system is the set of basic programs and utilities that make your computer run." Jul 30 15:05:50 "Debian -- The Universal Operating System" Jul 30 15:06:02 doesn't sound like it's a desktop os perse Jul 30 15:06:08 but it is Jul 30 15:06:37 what mru said Jul 30 15:06:46 you should listen to mru, he speaks the truth Jul 30 15:06:50 unless he is trolling Jul 30 15:06:55 but that's mostly the truth as well Jul 30 15:07:27 trolling is just truth stated in a funnier way Jul 30 15:07:31 I have ran debian (non-desktop installs) on 64mb ... Jul 30 15:07:42 so i'm not THAT worried :) Jul 30 15:08:07 how to restart the bbb...i found 'reboot' a bit dodgey ? I know 'poweroff' is for 'shutdown -h now'...just dunno the restart way for arm? Jul 30 15:08:26 hmm, the debian i put on the eMMC wasted less ram, less disk and had less useless processes running than angström it shipped with Jul 30 15:08:26 fenton: what's wrong with `reboot`` Jul 30 15:08:27 ? Jul 30 15:08:40 what's wrong with the reset button? Jul 30 15:08:43 dys: indeed :) Jul 30 15:08:47 KotH: didn't seem to work when I had a USB plugged in...doing it remotely Jul 30 15:08:58 mru: mount -o ro; sync is wrong with that Jul 30 15:09:08 mru: also, you might not be near the button Jul 30 15:09:24 you can induce a power surge remotely Jul 30 15:09:31 i'm quite sure that is going to power down the bbb Jul 30 15:09:34 dys: wondering about gentoo vs debian :) Jul 30 15:09:47 sync is for wusses Jul 30 15:10:16 dys: have you installed the same amount of software as the default angström image contained? Jul 30 15:10:23 dys: or used a simlarly "customized" angström image? Jul 30 15:10:28 KotH: I want to reboot, not fry it! lol Jul 30 15:10:29 dys: no? then the comparison is not fair Jul 30 15:10:38 desktop vs embedded is not just a question of ram usage Jul 30 15:10:49 fenton: oh.. it would have been such a good idea *eg* Jul 30 15:11:04 of course you can pick and choose debian packages resulting in a small footprint Jul 30 15:11:10 mru: well, customization is not something joe average does Jul 30 15:11:17 the question is what packages are available in the first place Jul 30 15:11:26 the biggset differnce I see is glibc vs the ulibc Jul 30 15:11:29 mru: installing another prog maybe, change the desktop background pic if he is an advanced user Jul 30 15:11:30 Qantourisc: I run arch on the BBB...i like that... Jul 30 15:12:06 Qantourisc: I think you'd have a hell of a headache compiling packages with Gentoo Jul 30 15:12:22 fenton: well I don't need many, and now looking at cross-compile :) Jul 30 15:12:27 debian may come with a dozen mail readers, but you probably don't want to read main on your washing machine Jul 30 15:12:32 *mail Jul 30 15:12:39 mru: not? Jul 30 15:12:47 toaster maybe Jul 30 15:12:51 but washing machine? no Jul 30 15:13:09 why not? read mail while waiting for the last couple of minutes to finish Jul 30 15:13:19 Qantourisc: hows that looking for the cross compile anyway...heard that was a headache as well... Jul 30 15:13:36 though, probably vlc with streaming from your favorite tv station would be more usefull to the average housewife Jul 30 15:13:45 anyone have ideas or notes about hooking up a cheaper touchscreen to the BBB? Jul 30 15:13:45 fenton: well going to give it a 5 mins shot :) Jul 30 15:13:56 Qantourisc: lol...sounds about right! Jul 30 15:14:08 anyways.. time to leave. friday evening is awaiting me! Jul 30 15:14:26 KotH: not sure what timezone you live in! lol Jul 30 15:14:40 * KotH is on bst Jul 30 15:14:48 lol Jul 30 15:14:49 ugt Jul 30 15:15:15 that too Jul 30 15:15:53 what armv is bbb ? Jul 30 15:16:26 beaglebone black? Jul 30 15:16:33 is V7 Jul 30 15:16:43 fenton: thx Jul 30 15:17:24 any idea on the CBUILD thing ? :) Jul 30 15:20:09 Qantourisc: arch linux :) Jul 30 15:20:17 hehe :) Jul 30 15:20:28 fenton: you patience is small :) Jul 30 15:20:48 Qantourisc: lol... Jul 30 15:21:06 Qantourisc: wat r u gonna run on your Beagle? Jul 30 15:21:49 fenton: 1 CLI python application :) Jul 30 15:22:20 Qantourisc: arch sounds like just the thing for you then ;) Jul 30 15:22:38 ok now thats getting annoying :| Jul 30 15:22:40 fenton: except i'd have to learn arch, i'd better take debian then Jul 30 15:22:52 fenton: what is getting annoying ? Jul 30 15:23:01 sure...what hardware do u have? Jul 30 15:23:14 fenton: beagle-bone black Jul 30 15:25:11 Anyone know how to get a script to run on Angstrom without requiring login? So it runs when the board is powered on? Jul 30 15:25:48 MikeB_: iirc it has systemd, toss an init file there (or one of the modern systemd service files) Jul 30 15:26:15 systemd is a work of the devil Jul 30 15:26:20 quite possibly literally Jul 30 15:26:24 then the devil has a name ! :) Jul 30 15:26:35 i'm still wherry of systemd Jul 30 15:26:43 SpeedEvil: alright thanks, I'll have a look. What about crons? If I put something in crontab -e should it also run automatically? Jul 30 15:26:56 Qantourisc: Any other options / suggestions? Jul 30 15:27:11 MikeB_: some init systems have a local.d thing Jul 30 15:27:17 MikeB_: a place where you can toss in your scripts Jul 30 15:27:21 don't know for amgstorn Jul 30 15:27:46 MikeB_: systemd isn't that bad.... Jul 30 15:28:01 MikeB_: i'll see if i can dig up something for you...brb Jul 30 15:28:46 fenton: the main reason i fear it: it's from the same dude as pulseaudio ... which made the linux world worse imo Jul 30 15:29:03 it chuck out any regard for peaple say, wanting low latency ... Jul 30 15:29:05 Qantourisc: oh...ok... Jul 30 15:29:19 hi! Jul 30 15:29:36 Qantourisc: really? didn't know about the latency issue....i thought it would be helpful in that regard...but what do i know. Jul 30 15:30:05 fenton: there (have) been issues with high latancy for some sounds cards Jul 30 15:30:46 Qantourisc: oh thought u were talking about systemd Jul 30 15:30:53 MikeB_: check https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Systemd/Services Jul 30 15:31:05 there are examples of how to write a service file there... Jul 30 15:31:29 MikeB: Err? Jul 30 15:31:56 Oh - mistab I guess Jul 30 15:32:13 MikeB_: after you've done that you just do: 'systemctl enable .service' and if you want to start the service right away (as opposed to wait for reboot) do: 'systemctl start .service' Jul 30 15:32:18 thanks fenton, reading it now Jul 30 15:32:34 fenton: no Jul 30 15:32:45 fenton: systemd won't change the sound-system :) Jul 30 15:32:46 is there a way to set up a cronjob that runs the same way? Jul 30 15:33:03 MikeB_: some crons support run-at-boot Jul 30 15:33:07 MikeB_: do you want it to run after startup or on a schedule... Jul 30 15:33:25 I want it to run every 5 minutes (for now, I'll slow it down after I get it working) Jul 30 15:34:02 MikeB_: oh, before you said: 'when the board is powered on'...ok, in that case cron is your friend... Jul 30 15:34:43 made a mistake in a cape pcb design for a bone using an spi chip - switched miso/mosi (spid0/d1)... but they can be configured via software iirc - but where? is it the mode of the pinmux settings? Jul 30 15:35:13 fenton: Basically I've got some software that monitors a USB charging hub and writes out a log file. I have some support scripts that zip up the logfile, restart the charging hub, ftp the results, and restart the process over Jul 30 15:35:45 fenton: but this will be running on 50-100 BBB's, scattered across the country, so logging in isn't really an option ;) Jul 30 15:36:27 MikeB_: interesting...but i'm not sure I see the connection to your question? Jul 30 15:37:20 fenton: basically I just need to find a way to get my scripts to run when the board is powered up, there will be no user interaction Jul 30 15:37:57 MikeB_: then cron will do if you want it to run on a schedule/cycle...if it is a one-shot use systemd. Jul 30 15:38:15 Or at. Jul 30 15:38:41 agmlego: isn't 'at' a windows solutions? Jul 30 15:38:45 at is a different thing Jul 30 15:38:55 at schedules a one-off run of something at a set time Jul 30 15:38:57 hence the name Jul 30 15:39:10 fenton: ok so I think Cron is what I want. But Cron alone doesn't seem to run automatically for me. I just did crontab -e while i was logged in as root, but it doesn't seem to run automatically Jul 30 15:39:25 is the cron daemon running? Jul 30 15:39:49 ^^^ Jul 30 15:40:36 MikeB_: you could try: "systemctl enable cron.service" Jul 30 15:40:56 MikeB_: not sure that works tho as I run arch linux. Jul 30 15:41:23 fenton: Ok thanks, I'll give that a try too Jul 30 15:41:34 MikeB_: and if you want to start it now as opposed to wait for a reboot then do: "systemctl start cron.service" Jul 30 16:10:57 spi problem fixed... i guess i'm beginning to love DT :) but - a pca9555 i/o-expander connected to i2c2 is not being detected by i2cdetect... i have no idea, what could cause the problem.... an rtc on the same bus works fine Jul 30 16:13:30 Companies that charge for firmware upgrades on electronics piss me off. Jul 30 16:13:50 i2c is not a plug and play bus...are you using i2c detect just to see if a device exists at the expected adderss? Jul 30 16:22:43 Russ: yes... Jul 30 16:26:57 and are you probing the 7 bit address or the 8 bit address? Jul 30 16:34:03 Is there a way for bitbake to build a package based on a checked-out source tree? (E.g. for software I'm developing.) Jul 30 16:35:52 Russ: it seems to work... Jul 30 16:35:57 *happy* Jul 30 16:36:34 `i2cdetect 1` does not work, but with -r... maybe that's the reason why it does not show up... but with the driver, it works Jul 30 16:36:45 i'll call it a day.... thanks for the help :) Jul 30 17:11:54 I give up Jul 30 17:21:18 is it possible to use some part of the beagle bone black as a 3.3v TTL serial port for be-bricking wireless routers? Jul 30 17:22:14 fuzzy: there are 4 available uarts on the expansion header that are 3.3V TTL Jul 30 17:22:25 ty Jul 30 17:22:29 fuzzy: 3 of which can be easily used without disabling other features Jul 30 17:22:35 So you can unbrick 3 routers at once. Jul 30 17:22:38 :) Jul 30 17:22:41 Perfect! Jul 30 17:22:47 just what I always needed :) Jul 30 17:34:54 hi there Jul 30 17:35:04 can anyone help me with a dhcp issue on a beaglebone Jul 30 17:35:10 one of the old white ones Jul 30 17:35:49 have you tried turning it off and on again? Jul 30 17:36:03 over and over Jul 30 17:36:09 the ip i get is 169.254... Jul 30 17:36:16 i actually have two boards Jul 30 17:36:24 and one of them gets a valid IP just fine Jul 30 17:36:36 I put that same SD card into my other board Jul 30 17:36:46 and all I get is that 169. ip Jul 30 17:37:06 is there a config file for dhcp? Jul 30 17:37:18 ther eis no 'network' folder in /etc Jul 30 17:37:31 I would recommend setting a fixed ip address and trying to ping the BB from the other machine Jul 30 17:37:55 well im connected to the BB via the usb/serial Jul 30 17:38:20 octopus, could be a problem with your DHCP server. Make sure you are not running out of IP-addresses Jul 30 17:38:20 how do I set a fixed IP Jul 30 17:38:42 octopus: assuming eth0 is the interface, ifconfig eth0 up (for example) Jul 30 17:40:28 hmmmm, well that command worked Jul 30 17:40:44 and i see it set the ip when i just type 'ifconfig' Jul 30 17:40:47 yet i cant ping it Jul 30 17:41:36 so it might not be a problem with dhcp but at a lower level Jul 30 17:41:57 if tcpdump is installed, try running tcpdump -n -i eth0 Jul 30 17:42:28 A DHCP client usually defaults to 169.254.x.x when it can't reach the DHCP server of the server is not giving out a lease. Jul 30 17:42:33 what addresses does your router normally hand out? there are several IP ranges that it could be in Jul 30 17:42:36 http://www.tcpipguide.com/free/t_DHCPAutoconfigurationAutomaticPrivateIPAddressingA.htm Jul 30 17:43:18 right, i know that about the 169... Jul 30 17:43:31 tcpdump is giving me lots of data Jul 30 17:43:38 so i know its talking Jul 30 17:44:09 well my router is set to give me a specific IP based on its MAC Jul 30 17:44:26 like I said, this all works fine on my other board Jul 30 17:44:29 Are all the GPIO Pins on the beaglebone black 3.3 volts? I have am a noob at embedded systems and I have a very simple project to program a blinking LED connected to a resistor which is then connected to the beaglebone black. Jul 30 17:44:31 The problem is I am not 100% sure what pins to plug it into Jul 30 17:44:34 what could be diff Jul 30 17:44:37 I am assuming any GPIO pin and ground will work, correct? Jul 30 17:44:47 octopus, well each BB has a unique MAC... Jul 30 17:45:00 I know, and I have two entries. one for each Jul 30 17:45:09 octopus: tiny gremlins in the wire. try blowing hard on it Jul 30 17:45:16 lol Jul 30 17:45:40 octopus, do you have an entry on the DHCP for unknown MACs? Jul 30 17:47:01 unknown MACs: I do. and it checks out okay Jul 30 17:47:10 as in its not in there Jul 30 17:47:25 <[yAK]> download advanced ip scanner Jul 30 17:47:28 After I ran the 'ifconfig ... up' on the BB Jul 30 17:47:31 <[yAK]> and ip scan your subnet Jul 30 17:47:35 I still cant ping the router fromit Jul 30 17:47:38 at Jul 30 17:47:40 <[yAK]> whats route -n say Jul 30 17:48:02 Iremove the static entry for the "broken" BB board Jul 30 17:48:38 when pinging a host from the bb, look at the tcpdump output to see if arp resolution succeeds (can also check the arp table with arp -n) Jul 30 17:48:38 route -n ... Jul 30 17:48:41 Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface U 0 0 0 eth0 U 0 0 0 eth0 U 0 0 0 eth0 U 0 0 0 usb0 Jul 30 17:49:13 <[yAK]> that didnt paste well :( so your routers ip is Jul 30 17:49:14 <[yAK]> ? Jul 30 17:49:33 <[yAK]> route add default gw Jul 30 17:49:36 it's .1.1 Jul 30 17:49:50 octopus: please do not do pastes like that in the channel Jul 30 17:49:57 octopus: please use a pastebin website Jul 30 17:50:41 sorry Jul 30 17:50:49 i did the route add gw cmd Jul 30 17:50:55 <[yAK]> can you ping out now? Jul 30 17:51:00 now theres a new route entry Jul 30 17:51:03 <[yAK]> yup Jul 30 17:51:08 still cant ping Jul 30 17:51:12 not even the router Jul 30 17:51:16 <[yAK]> hmmm Jul 30 17:51:26 thats what i say Jul 30 17:51:28 hmmmm Jul 30 17:51:35 heh Jul 30 17:52:19 Run ifconfig eth0 and paste the output to pastebin Jul 30 17:52:29 what's the contents of the arp table? (use pastebin) Jul 30 17:53:40 eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr D4:94:A1:79:A3:2F inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:7101 errors:0 dropped:666 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:1521 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:1140331 (1.0 MiB) TX bytes:109742 (107.1 KiB) Jul 30 17:53:49 how do i use pastebin? Jul 30 17:53:58 i dont think that was right Jul 30 17:54:05 octopus: http://pastebin.com/ Jul 30 17:54:13 octopus: simply paste your information there Jul 30 17:54:21 octopus: it will assign you an URL Jul 30 17:54:26 yeah, thats from the RAW Paste Data Jul 30 17:54:33 octopus: then you can paste the short url for people to view the information Jul 30 17:54:36 hi Jul 30 17:54:44 oh Jul 30 17:54:46 http://pastebin.com/EVfqdbEx Jul 30 17:54:57 yes like that Jul 30 17:54:58 thank you Jul 30 17:55:11 oic Jul 30 17:55:14 it dropped 666 Jul 30 17:55:15 :P Jul 30 17:55:25 You likely have an issue with the cable or connector Jul 30 17:55:36 Check for bent pins etc Jul 30 17:55:48 hmm, well same cable and connector I used on the other board Jul 30 17:55:52 and all sorts of stuff Jul 30 17:55:59 try forcing it to half-duplex perhaps? Jul 30 17:56:00 must be the connector on the board then maybe Jul 30 17:56:06 i want to be expertise in ARM Android Device Driver Development , so please sugesst me or help me which board and which Series , is good for learn or develop the Android / Embedded Linux Kernel Device Driver Development , For my own interset i want to make myself expert in it , also suggest which book or resource will help me out on this case. Jul 30 17:56:09 The connector on the BB itself Jul 30 17:56:14 how do you force it to half Jul 30 17:56:52 can any one help me Jul 30 17:56:53 good question. mii-tool -F 10baseT-HD ? iirc Jul 30 17:57:26 okay well thanks for the help Jul 30 17:57:57 octopus: or mii-tool -F 100baseTx-FD eth0 Jul 30 17:58:20 mii-tool? Jul 30 17:58:28 can I apt-get that? Jul 30 17:58:35 or opkg I guess? Jul 30 17:59:02 I think the package might be called net-tools ? Jul 30 18:00:14 Does anyone know if all the GPIO Pins on the BBB are 3.3 volts? As stated before I have a simple project to program a blinking LED and need to know what pins to plug it into. Jul 30 18:00:29 octopus: ideally try pinging a windows or linux machine from the bb, and use wireshark to see if the packets the bb transmit reach the destination Jul 30 18:00:48 i can do that Jul 30 18:01:56 There could be legit reason for packet drops... http://www.novell.com/support/kb/doc.php?id=7007165 Jul 30 18:02:19 Try those ideas as well as the suggestions from cde Jul 30 18:02:22 Hello Can ANYONE Help me OUT Jul 30 18:02:27 i want to be expertise in ARM Android Device Driver Development , so please sugesst me or help me which board and which Series , is good for learn or develop the Android / Embedded Linux Kernel Device Driver Development , For my own interset i want to make myself expert in it , also suggest which book or resource will help me out on this case. Jul 30 18:03:04 sakthisam, Find a proper channel for your question. Jul 30 18:03:06 we can't help you until you cease and desist to use excessive capitalization Jul 30 18:03:48 thanks Jul 30 18:03:49 bye Jul 30 18:04:01 especially cde Jul 30 18:04:05 :)dcj123 yes Jul 30 18:04:09 * cde blushes Jul 30 18:04:16 but everyone else who helped, thanks Jul 30 18:04:57 Okay, so I can hook up a LED to ground and any GPIO pin, thxs that helps a lot. Jul 30 18:05:31 (resistor0 Jul 30 18:05:32 dcj123: add a resistor too Jul 30 18:05:33 dcj123: You also need resistor(s) Jul 30 18:05:36 er, (resistor) Jul 30 18:05:59 Well yeah I got that - sry Jul 30 18:06:40 np bro Jul 30 18:14:56 Hi I bought 2 BBB's and two of their bundled hdmi cables. I've also got a really high end LED screen from HP that I'm sure has a supported resolution, but I can't get hdmi out of any board with any cable. Has anyone had luck with a Logic Supply cable or do they know of any stories with bad luck? Jul 30 18:17:09 http://circuitco.com/support/index.php?title=BeagleBone_Black_Accessories#HDMI_Cables Jul 30 18:17:29 fuzzy_: please make sure you BBB's have the latest firmware on them Jul 30 18:17:51 fuzzy_: although you may have purchased them recently they may have been on the inventory shelf for some time Jul 30 18:18:13 fuzzy_: please verify the release date, and update to the most recent version Jul 30 18:18:40 I endedup with an A5C and an A5B and I tried to boot the lastest ubuntu on an sd card, I will pull the latest angst and try that. thank you :) Jul 30 18:20:15 026132966571 is the sn on one of them Jul 30 18:37:07 Hey, does anyone have experience connecting to the BeagleBone via Remote VisualVM? Jul 30 18:38:08 Or maybe any other device running embedded Java. I started the jstatd service on the BBB, but still can't access it. Jul 30 18:40:39 Hi all, Is there a problem with SSH on the vanilla image Rev A5C? Jul 30 18:43:13 oh never mind, with help of the information from here http://hwellmann.blogspot.com/2012/01/troubleshooting-visualvm-remote.html I got it working now Jul 30 19:12:30 amastan: any time dude :) Jul 30 19:29:19 fuzzy: i was not referring to ubuntu, i was refering to angstrom image Jul 30 19:29:29 fuzzy: ubuntu is not officially supported on the black Jul 30 19:29:43 fuzzy: which means you are on your own with bugs and support Jul 30 19:30:12 I understood what you meant, i'm almost done copying the latest image to sd Jul 30 19:30:49 prpplague: in your opinion, which of debian or angstrom is the most stable, supported choice? Jul 30 19:31:09 cde: angstrom is the only officially supported choice Jul 30 19:31:30 prpplague: by TI you mean? Jul 30 19:31:46 Same boot procedure correct, I gotta hold that button when I give it power? Jul 30 19:31:47 cde: we are working with some groups to get more robust community support of debian , ubuntu and fedora, but at this time angstrom is the only official Jul 30 19:31:56 cde: no, by beagleboard.org and circuitco Jul 30 19:32:04 cde: beagleboard.org has no ties with TI Jul 30 19:32:15 cde: other than we buy the processor from them Jul 30 19:32:34 oh. must have been confusing with panda, then. sorry Jul 30 19:32:47 cde: yea, panda was an official project of TI Jul 30 19:33:04 cde: beagleboard.org is a 501c non-profit foundation Jul 30 19:33:19 cde: just like some other fruity companies that are newcomers to the embedded game Jul 30 19:33:34 prpplague: I was wondering btw, does rcn also work for the foundation? Jul 30 19:34:08 cde: no, rcn is not an employee of circuitco nor is he on the board of the beagleboard.org foundation Jul 30 19:35:18 fuzzy: question - did you even try the angstrom image that was shipped with the black before trying ubuntu? Jul 30 19:35:33 yes Jul 30 19:35:37 of course Jul 30 19:36:00 fuzzy: ok, so i am curious, why did you decided to try the ubuntu image? Jul 30 19:36:34 because the final goal is to use this guy to turn a roater behind a panel antenna Jul 30 19:36:57 I did not know what the status of packet injecton is in angstrom Jul 30 19:37:09 the other one i got to serve as a basic asterisk box Jul 30 19:37:25 fuzzy: interesting Jul 30 19:37:37 fuzzy: and you know the status of that with the ubuntu image? Jul 30 19:37:44 not yet Jul 30 19:37:56 but i know the tools are in the package tree Jul 30 19:38:05 and i know how to compile the wifi card's firmware Jul 30 19:38:13 What's with the BeagleBoard costing so much more than the BeagleBone? Jul 30 19:38:19 i know very little about angstrom Jul 30 19:38:23 fuzzy: interesting Jul 30 19:38:26 except that it works on really small things really really well Jul 30 19:38:27 very intersting Jul 30 19:38:39 based on http://eewiki.net/display/linuxonarm/BeagleBone+Black+Comments ubuntu is not very stable, you might want to stick with angstrom Jul 30 19:39:02 I guess I could try and compile the airtools there as well Jul 30 19:39:04 canin: completely different design Jul 30 19:39:39 Why is Ubuntu being used instead of Debian? Kinda weird putting a huge desktop OS on an arm board Jul 30 19:39:45 fuzzy: pretty much anything you know about ubuntu means you know the same about angstrom Jul 30 19:39:48 So I put the latest BBB image from the beagleboard.org/latest-images on a 16gb microsd, and held the button closest to the hdmi port and after about 3 minutes I had nothing on the hdmi port Jul 30 19:40:06 I didn't remove power Jul 30 19:40:10 canin: people think of ubuntu possibly because debian was very late to the armv7 party Jul 30 19:40:23 honestly i run debian on my desktop Jul 30 19:40:31 debian is late to every party lol Jul 30 19:40:33 and my servers Jul 30 19:40:38 my laptops are all ubuntu Jul 30 19:41:38 is there some trick i'm missing here? Jul 30 19:42:16 Puppy Linux should be an official BeagleBoard distro lol Jul 30 19:42:55 fuzzy: the flashing process takes 45 minutes or so Jul 30 19:43:02 ok np Jul 30 19:43:04 so just let it ru Jul 30 19:43:06 run Jul 30 19:43:13 yeah Jul 30 19:43:22 fuzzy: Linux works because people have spent time finding bugs and debugging it. but there's no guarantee it will work on a new platform, you may have to get your hands dirty, fix the bugs and submit patches Jul 30 19:43:27 although, sometimes you need to try several times Jul 30 19:56:59 Hmm I wonder where I can get a uhdmi to vga adapter... Jul 30 20:07:56 Is there a tell tale sign that it's done flashing? Jul 30 20:09:23 <_av500_> 4 leds alight Jul 30 20:13:20 I'm trying to get a wifi dongle to work Jul 30 20:13:31 but when its plugged into the board I get "Kernel panic - not syncing: hung_task: blocked tasks" Jul 30 20:13:38 after a short while Jul 30 20:13:50 am i supposed to disable some interrupts or something? Jul 30 20:14:01 this is on a beaglebone Jul 30 20:39:17 whoo its done Jul 30 20:39:52 fuzzy: cool, now power down, eject card, power up Jul 30 20:40:16 do i have to have the hdmi cord unpluged while booting it like the manual sid? Jul 30 20:40:19 said? Jul 30 20:40:36 i never do :/ Jul 30 20:44:59 ok Jul 30 20:58:12 Can someone that knows dts for BBB tell me why my cape fails to be recognized under the 25June build, but works under 13Apr build of Angstrom? -- See http://pastebin.com/M1UJpGA9 Jul 30 20:59:07 ptan: we would need to see the kernel log to tell you Jul 30 20:59:10 ptan: dmesg Jul 30 20:59:18 ptan: that will give you a boot log Jul 30 21:00:49 http://pastebin.com/tsPRU9ke Jul 30 21:01:00 updated with dmesg from failing BBB Jul 30 21:06:58 ptan: is there a DMCC-Mk.6-Mk06.dtbo file in the /lib/firmware directory? Jul 30 21:07:21 prp Jul 30 21:08:04 prpplauge: on both builds there is no DMCC*.dtbo Jul 30 21:08:39 prpplauge: but capemgr still registers it in 13Apr build, but fails to register it Jul 30 21:08:51 prpplauge: in 25June build Jul 30 21:09:41 prpplauge: I tried putting in a dummy DMCC*.dtbo by coping the pinmux.dts, but that still failed. Jul 30 21:09:52 ptan: that would mean that the DMCC-Mk.6-Mk06.dtbo was included as part of the Device Tree "in the kernel" build Jul 30 21:10:16 ptan: what cape is this ? where did you get it from? Jul 30 21:10:20 prpplauge: doubt it, considering I just got the cape built ;) Jul 30 21:10:29 prpplauge: It is my cape design. Jul 30 21:11:22 prpplauge: since my DMCC cape only uses i2c, I didn't think I needed a dts overlay for it. Jul 30 21:12:09 ptan: i am confused then Jul 30 21:12:16 * prpplague looks at the logs again Jul 30 21:12:38 prpplauge: what is interesting is that the entry for slot 3 is missing in the slots on the 25June build, but is present on the 13Apr stock (out of the box) BBB Jul 30 21:12:39 ptan: maybe the kernel is confusing your cape for another cape that needs firmware, cape that was introducted after the 13apr build Jul 30 21:13:20 ptan: ok, so it looks like the cape is being recognized for just the eeprom but not for the dtbo Jul 30 21:13:36 cde: but it would have to match my unique name. Jul 30 21:14:28 ptan: use i2cdetect to check to see if it finds your eeprom Jul 30 21:14:31 prpplauge: That's what I figured would work, that all I needed it to recognize the eeprom, and just ignore that fact that I'm missing a dtbo Jul 30 21:14:45 prpplauge: yeah, i2cdetect finds the eeprom Jul 30 21:15:46 ptan: well technically you should have a dtbo that descibes your device Jul 30 21:18:20 prpplauge: yeah, still working through the dt docs to figure out how to properly put one in. Jul 30 21:18:56 ptan, Do you have a driver for your i2c device? Jul 30 21:19:33 dnil: user mode code in 'C' using ioctl and unix i/o Jul 30 21:20:09 ptan, Yeah, but there is still a kernel driver involved. Jul 30 21:20:43 dnil: you can look at the working system on my blog: http://exadler.blogspot.com Jul 30 21:21:23 anyone know how to whip up a dummy *.dts file that does nothing (i.e. no pinmuxing) Jul 30 21:22:53 ptan, My point is that dts files are not only about setting the muxes. Which device file is your user-mode program opening? Jul 30 21:23:47 The cape I designed is also using i2c, your can look at the dts here: https://github.com/beagleboard/kernel/blob/3.8/patches/capes/0007-Add-support-for-Beaglebone-Audio-Amplifier-Cape.patch Jul 30 21:23:51 dnil: fd = open("/dev/i2c-1", O_RDWR); Jul 30 21:24:20 dnil: thx, will look at it. Jul 30 21:24:37 If you look at fragment@2 you have the connection between the driver (in my case an audio codec) and the i2c bus Jul 30 21:27:52 dnil: yes, that would make sense for a codec, but my application is just to control motors so I just open the /dev/i2c-1 device Jul 30 21:29:03 Yes, but there is a kernel driver which allows you to open /dev/i2c-1 from userspace, this kernel driver might still need some information from a device tree Jul 30 21:29:34 /dev/i2c-1 is not a direct channel to the hardware i2c controller. Jul 30 21:31:31 dnil: it is no different than people talking to i2c sensors on a breadboard, you just need to talk to the i2c-1 driver and tell it using ioctl which i2c address you are using. Jul 30 21:32:00 ptan, Ok, good luck Jul 30 21:59:15 ptan, I think the last section of this document might help you: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/i2c/instantiating-devices Jul 30 22:00:09 You could try to instantiate your I2C device from user-space if you know its address Jul 30 22:04:46 Hi I just moved my A5C to the latest version and i'm still not getting hdmi out Jul 30 22:06:53 I did manage to ssh in via the usb cable Jul 30 22:08:50 mru: trolling? :) Jul 30 22:09:28 http://pastebin.com/jvYGRgYp is the dmesg output from my beagle board black Jul 30 22:09:36 mranostay: why would I do such a thing? Jul 30 22:16:34 mru: it builds character? Jul 30 22:16:52 mine or the victim's? Jul 30 22:17:17 hello Jul 30 22:17:19 hello Jul 30 22:17:25 good night Jul 30 22:17:55 mru: both? Jul 30 22:18:01 anything can show me how a can use to ADC en beaglebone black, C or C++ code please Jul 30 22:18:27 a need to read five chanel Jul 30 22:18:35 of adc converter Jul 30 22:18:58 any idea? Jul 30 22:19:05 <_av500_> tried google? Jul 30 22:19:21 yes i search Jul 30 22:19:35 mranostay, is there a kernel tree you can share that with the s7735fb working on bbw? Jul 30 22:19:37 but no found C/C ++ code Jul 30 22:19:54 joel_: er koen's evil vendor tree works Jul 30 22:20:18 mranostay, oh, which version? the 3.8.8 one? Jul 30 22:21:18 i trie to configured directy the registers of adc Jul 30 22:21:24 <_av500_> http://hipstercircuits.com/reading-analog-adc-values-on-beaglebone-black/ Jul 30 22:21:27 wiht memory map Jul 30 22:21:35 but don´t work Jul 30 22:21:45 <_av500_> https://www.google.com/search?q=beaglebone+adc+c+code Jul 30 22:21:50 <_av500_> first hit Jul 30 22:21:53 i can read the value, but no very well Jul 30 22:22:30 <_av500_> no very well? Jul 30 22:22:37 <_av500_> you can read it or not? Jul 30 22:22:41 mranostay, I tried one of Matt's trees (on 3.6 kernel) with fb driver in Jul 30 22:22:58 just starting to debug this, but this is what I get, http://imgur.com/rCBqYbq Jul 30 22:23:44 does that look familiar? Is that some st7735 logo that is all messed up Jul 30 22:25:53 joel_: what colour is your tab on the LCD? Jul 30 22:26:50 they use a few different LCD panels Jul 30 22:28:17 mranostay, ah indeed its just the tab :) so I've just the backlight for now then Jul 30 22:30:11 there are red and green panels little sticker on the plastic you pulled off the screen Jul 30 22:30:21 probably more now. so patches welcome Jul 30 22:32:50 hm, I have one panel with red and blue, and the other one with red and purple. no red/green ones in my order Jul 30 22:34:57 protocape looks good, first time I tried one tbh. keeps the wire mess contained Jul 30 22:35:50 mmmm beer Jul 30 22:36:02 http://www.angstrom-distribution.org/repo/?pkgname=cmake how do I install cmake to a beagle board? I'm not seeing it when I do an opkg list | grep cmake Jul 30 22:36:26 mranostay, what's the significance of the stickers/color? Jul 30 22:36:53 joel_: settings you need in the driver to run the st7335 chip Jul 30 22:37:02 checkout the adafruit library for new values Jul 30 22:37:25 mranostay, okie dokie. thanks, that'll save me some time Jul 30 22:46:46 So who users/cares about crypto in maker community type projects? I see a tonne of evil crypto patches in koen's evil kernel tree Jul 30 22:46:55 *uses Jul 30 22:47:12 for the drm on the 3d printers of course Jul 30 22:48:50 heh, if that is ever a usecase, it can still live with software-only encryption ;) no need for evil hardware accelerator crypto patches Jul 30 22:49:33 some idiot politician actually suggested that 3d-printer firmware be required to detect and refuse to print gun parts Jul 30 22:49:52 * mranostay faceplams Jul 30 22:49:56 *facepalms Jul 30 22:50:13 mru: how is that turing machine coming along too? :) Jul 30 22:50:41 huh? Jul 30 22:51:54 :) Jul 30 23:15:59 mru, of course, because in all the *good* movies all the politicians to come to end at the end of a gun by the hero Jul 30 23:16:41 there was a film where the bad guy tried to shoot the president with a plastic gun Jul 30 23:16:50 http://imgur.com/gallery/36HTEnu Jul 30 23:16:57 porcilen one too i think Jul 30 23:17:04 err however thats spelled Jul 30 23:17:34 * m_billybob googlesporcelain Jul 30 23:17:42 * m_billybob googles porcelain too Jul 30 23:17:53 not a word i used often ;) Jul 30 23:18:17 clint eastwood was the good guy iirc Jul 30 23:23:26 Hello. Just got a BeagleBone Black (rev 0A5B), installed HoRNDIS-rel4.pkg and FTDI_Ser.dmg. System Preferences is showing three devices, "BeagleBoneBlack" with a phone icon, "Not Configured", "BeagleBoneBlack 2" with a phone icon, "Not Configured", and "BeagleBone Black 3" with a network icon, "Connected". I can browse to using Safari. Is it normal to have all 3 devices in Network settings? Jul 30 23:31:07 * m_billybob doesnt know Jul 30 23:39:13 height8: i wouldn't worry, make sure you can ssh in tho. Jul 30 23:45:57 fenton: That is a problem, I can't. When I try to ssh to root@ I get a "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host" and when I try to use the GateOne SSH link ( it connects but never completes loading the page. I tried clicking the "Set Date" button as well with no change. I am going to update with a new Angstrom tomorrow to see if that clears things. Angstrom on HDMI is showing "Release v201 Jul 30 23:53:13 Interesting. I was able to get a serial connection to /dev/cu.usbmodem24143 which connected me to ttyGS0 and I've got a login prompt, and I'm able to log in. Jul 30 23:57:54 <[yAK]> is there some known issue with python not working in cloud9 on the bbb? Jul 31 00:09:01 http://www.angstrom-distribution.org/repo/?pkgname=aircrack-ng how do I install this on a BBB, I looked in opkg and I don't see it Jul 31 00:15:38 fuzzy: opkg install aircrack* Jul 31 00:16:28 Unknown package 'aircrack*'. Jul 31 00:17:29 opkg install aircrack-ng Jul 31 00:17:51 same thing except aircrack-ng now Jul 31 00:18:01 as root or sudo? Jul 31 00:18:03 i did an opkg update recently too Jul 31 00:18:05 as root Jul 31 00:22:32 dunno then Jul 31 00:22:34 sorry Jul 31 00:22:56 np Jul 31 00:23:03 i'm compiling it from source right now Jul 31 00:27:17 http://i.imgur.com/QgHDBsY.jpg Jul 31 00:40:05 i think i might have a bad board Jul 31 00:40:13 my dmesg is getting flooded with hdmi disconnect messages Jul 31 00:40:18 and i don't have an hdmi cable in it Jul 31 00:44:17 you could alwas try disablign the onboard HDMI and see if that solves the issue. of course if you need hdmi later . . . Jul 31 00:45:28 i can't seem to get it to work for me Jul 31 00:45:33 i haven't tried my A5B board Jul 31 00:45:42 but my A5C nothing I do seems to make it work Jul 31 00:45:46 cant sem to get what to work ? Jul 31 00:45:51 hdmi out Jul 31 00:46:14 does kind of sound like a hardware issue Jul 31 00:46:30 i updated to the latest angstrom today Jul 31 00:46:38 on the a5c, i haven't tried the a5b yet Jul 31 00:46:41 had the problem previously ? Jul 31 00:46:46 yea Jul 31 00:46:55 between two boards and two cables i can't get hdmi out of any of it Jul 31 00:47:01 usb works perfectly Jul 31 00:47:12 checked the board under a magnifying glass or some other means of magnification ? Jul 31 00:47:13 and i'm usin a 5v 2A wall adapter too Jul 31 00:47:22 i don't have anything of the sort to look with Jul 31 00:47:28 well actually i might Jul 31 00:47:42 But i've had these boards about 2 weeks now Jul 31 00:47:46 camera with macro ability would work too Jul 31 00:47:49 and i only had them out for a second before Jul 31 00:48:00 never left my desk, never dropped, nothing of the sort Jul 31 00:48:48 we have two A5A's here, both seem to work perfectly Jul 31 00:49:16 the other one whcih i dont use myself had dropbear issues but my buddy easily fixed it ( somehow i didnt ask ) Jul 31 00:49:21 these are high end monitors too hp 2311x 23" LED screens, i've never had a problem with anything i've pushed to them Jul 31 00:49:48 Angstrom on both ? Jul 31 00:50:11 yes Jul 31 00:50:17 i tried ubuntu as well but didn't get very fat Jul 31 00:50:18 far Jul 31 00:50:34 i just pulled the new angstrom today and flashed it to the current version on my A5C Jul 31 00:50:43 i haven't pulled the A5B out of the box since my first attempt Jul 31 00:51:30 did you try to build as per Robert C nelsons instructions or did you use one of his premade images ? Jul 31 00:51:31 Ubuntu i mean Jul 31 00:51:45 premade image Jul 31 00:52:11 Never used one of those myself yet, although I would imagine they would work. His build instructions for debian are pretty good Jul 31 00:52:28 take a logn time to complete though Jul 31 00:52:32 anyhow . . . Jul 31 00:52:48 but angstrom should have hdmi output no? Jul 31 00:53:12 Yes it should. It is suposed to, and have little doubt that it would work Jul 31 00:54:01 I just dont know Angstrom very well myself. SO can not really advise on what to check Jul 31 00:54:14 mru: Check out this new rockstar furniture http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/30192955/ Jul 31 00:59:31 Fuzzy, for whatever it is worth, there has been lots of chatter in the past concernign getting HDMI monitors working. On the beagleboard google groups. Maybe you can find somethign that will help you out. Jul 31 00:59:45 thank you Jul 31 00:59:51 i appreaciate all your advice :) Jul 31 01:00:09 yeah lol ive been loads of help lol Jul 31 01:00:29 something is better then nothing Jul 31 01:00:50 Granted disabling the HDMI at boot temporarily could help figure out if its hardware or softwarerelated Jul 31 01:01:05 but it seems to me that it would be a hardware issue, but i could be wrong Jul 31 01:01:05 right now i'm kinda frustrated, aircrack compiles, but doesn't see any of the wifi cards, the wifi claims it's working but i'm not sure how to turn wpa_supplicant on Jul 31 01:01:24 and hdmi doesn't work Jul 31 01:01:41 not familiar with aircrack, what is it ? Jul 31 01:01:56 it's a 802.11x monitoring and packet injection tool Jul 31 01:02:14 WEP network cracking ? Jul 31 01:02:26 that's part of it Jul 31 01:02:38 but that's not really my focus Jul 31 01:02:59 my focus is more to see if i can actually hone in and track in 3d an access point using a directional antenna Jul 31 01:03:22 fun fun Jul 31 01:03:39 yea i've got a killer 15db gain panel antenna i picked up off of ebay Jul 31 01:03:52 and i've got a really nice ubiquit 1000mw 802.11 b/g/n adapter Jul 31 01:04:09 and the idea was to feed the BBB with POE and put it on a pole with two stepper motors Jul 31 01:04:12 we have one of those, and a 21db andrew. we use them to share internet with one of our neighbors Jul 31 01:04:20 who is abotu 1/4 mile down the road from us Jul 31 01:04:23 nice Jul 31 01:04:41 so my idea is to make it so it auto calibrates to the strongest signal path Jul 31 01:04:44 we've used the andrew to reach out ~12-13 mile for wifi internet in the past Jul 31 01:05:02 cool Jul 31 01:05:04 i'm acutally just about to buy two 5ghz rocket M's to do something very very similar Jul 31 01:05:39 you know how ive always calibrated our wifi when we were wifi internet ? Jul 31 01:05:50 how's that, by hand and alot of patience ? Jul 31 01:05:54 pign he tower move the antenna until the ping was its best Jul 31 01:05:59 yea Jul 31 01:06:29 we had some cisco software tools that were cool to look at but they never really seemed to work for our overall connection Jul 31 01:06:58 yea that's part of my reason for using ubiquti tools Jul 31 01:07:06 they are functional, responsive, and work Jul 31 01:07:11 i've had a few nanostation 2's Jul 31 01:08:28 im not exactly a radio pro, butmy buddy has been a radio station engineer for years. So in that way im lucky if i dotn know somethign ( whcih happens a lot ) he explains, and then he does, or I do Jul 31 01:08:40 yea that's kinda how I am Jul 31 01:08:49 i taught this old radio geek computers Jul 31 01:08:52 and he taught me radio Jul 31 01:09:00 I'm using a BBB. I need to set the baud rate of UART ttyO4 to 500k. Whenever I do >stty -F /dev/ttyO4 500000< the actual baud rate is 533333, which doesn't work for my application. Could somebody please assist me in getting it to work at exactly 500k? Jul 31 01:09:01 http://beagleboard.org/Community/Forums?place=msg%2Fbeagleboard%2FEEe7xAkCPkQ%2FZz9nSL0s0qIJ Jul 31 01:09:21 mattallen37 saw your post on the groups and . . . Jul 31 01:09:34 well which distro are yo urunnign again ? Jul 31 01:09:41 are you running* Jul 31 01:10:05 Angstrom, Linux 3.8.x Jul 31 01:10:26 I just got the BBB less than a week ago, new. Jul 31 01:10:36 so it should be about the latest Jul 31 01:12:15 only problem is that I dont know angstrom well and actually am not 100% sure how this could be fixed, but I believe using Debian inittab could be used. to make chnages at boot. but your problem seems to be slightly different. you telling getty one thing, and it is doing somethign else Jul 31 01:13:58 Well, telling it to run at 500k doesn't cause any errors, it just doesn't run at that speed. I think it's probably a settings thing, maybe related to the UART clock. Jul 31 01:15:34 In order to get exactly 500k, the clock would probably need to be a multiple of 500k, e.g. 8MHz, or 16MHz. Jul 31 01:17:29 Yeah I remember reading about something like this a while back, but I dotn remember exactly what, and where I read it. Jul 31 01:18:38 I searched Google for a few hours, and didn't find much on the subject of BBB high speed UART, and nothing on this specific problem. Jul 31 01:19:43 im not exactly sure where the UART get their clock from however, 533k sounds like the CPU might have somethign to do with that Jul 31 01:20:00 I can't even find a datasheet for processor to see if it's possible to get 500k (the only datasheet I found had IO info, and pretty much nothing more). Jul 31 01:21:11 have yo uchecked the TRM yet ? Jul 31 01:21:25 what is that? Jul 31 01:21:54 google -> spruh73h should link you to a PDF. its the processor technical reference manual Jul 31 01:22:06 quite large at ~4200 pages Jul 31 01:22:46 looks like chapter 19 Jul 31 01:23:33 Thanks for the tip. I'll check it out, and see what I can find. Jul 31 01:23:44 my precious spruh! Jul 31 01:24:32 mattallen37 just glancing at the tables it doesnt look like a pure 500k BUAD rate is a possibility, but something like 460k might be Jul 31 01:24:46 just glancing though . . . Jul 31 01:24:53 Hi Russ Jul 31 01:24:59 * m_billybob digs back into the TRM Jul 31 01:25:47 While testing, I tried 460k, and it's actually about 470k. Either way, I need exactly 500k. Jul 31 01:26:41 115200 ought to be enough for anyone Jul 31 01:27:10 mru he is trying to communicate with an external MCU that likes 500k exactly Jul 31 01:27:40 atmel MCU if i recall correctly. Jul 31 01:27:49 Yes. Jul 31 01:27:55 10% tolerance not good enough? Jul 31 01:27:59 hey Jul 31 01:28:16 Well, it's not working, so no it's not good enough ;( Jul 31 01:28:46 what tolerance is required? Jul 31 01:28:59 you might be able to hard code the BUAD rate on the AM3359 . . . although i would have zero clue how you would do that Jul 31 01:29:12 BAUD rate even Jul 31 01:29:45 I'm not sure exactly, but some of the messages could potentially be 16 bytes, so there's not much room for tolerance. Jul 31 01:31:27 To answer my own question, it was in the FAQ at http://circuitco.com/support/index.php?title=BeagleBone_Black_FAQ I needed to delete the dropbear_rsa_host_key then run /etc/init.d/dropbear start to regenerate the key so SSH would start working. Jul 31 01:31:39 m_billybob: do you know if I could have access to a timer and interrupt? If I had a way to get tight timing, I could bit-bang it. Jul 31 01:32:11 but Angstrom isn't a RTOS, so timing isn't guaranteed. Jul 31 01:32:12 mattallen37 no I would not, still learnign the hardware myself, but it seems you do not have to use autoBAUD Jul 31 01:32:45 well you could always use a the PRU's but heh probably overkill and to much work Jul 31 01:33:31 PRU's? Sorry, I'm new to these acronyms. Jul 31 01:37:11 mattallen37 sorry Programmable Real-time Unit Jul 31 01:37:32 this might shed some light Jul 31 01:37:33 http://blog.boxysean.com/2012/08/12/first-steps-with-the-beaglebone-pru/ Jul 31 01:37:53 Oh. Then wouldn't I need to be programming at the kernel level? Jul 31 01:39:02 Not sure. Jul 31 01:39:32 I know that some people seem to be using them from userspace but not exactly sure, anyhow like i said probably way over kill Jul 31 01:39:46 is ther no way to set the BAUD rate on the Atmega chip you're using ? Jul 31 01:41:02 I mean in a pinch somethign liek a normal auto-baud rate wise and then come back later and try to iron this all out ? Jul 31 01:41:25 Hello, I have a BBB new arrival. Plugging in my ubuntu 12.04 system, cannot seem to get any entry in the syslog. Ubuntu does not seem to recognize it as a usb drive. Any help? Jul 31 01:41:25 It's running on a 16MHz clock. In order to get a Baud rate that the BBB and the AVR agree on, I would need to go to something like 115200 (if I'm lucky) or else around 38k. Jul 31 01:41:33 I understand you want / need 500k but there has to be some compromise yo ucan use for now Jul 31 01:42:06 2400 :) Jul 31 01:42:07 temporarily I could try lowering the AVR baud rate I guess, but I really don't want to in the end. Jul 31 01:42:34 eek 2400 Jul 31 01:42:53 Besides, it seems that the BBB should be able to handle exactly 500k, I just need to know how... Jul 31 01:42:57 im using 9600 on my serial debug because i do not have a proper UART module yet Jul 31 01:43:00 thats pretty slow .. . Jul 31 01:43:32 Still looking through the TRM... Jul 31 01:43:44 read chapter 19 of the TRM see if somethign pops out at you Jul 31 01:43:52 9600 is _way_ too slow for this... Jul 31 01:44:07 Yeah, I'm reading it right now. Jul 31 01:44:15