**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Aug 17 02:59:58 2013 Aug 17 03:24:30 hello? Aug 17 04:22:08 are we arguimg Aug 17 04:29:28 mrpackethead: any earthquake in your region? Aug 17 05:14:30 hi Aug 17 05:14:45 hello raju Aug 17 05:15:00 emeb_mac: earthquakes are in decline Aug 17 05:15:41 can any one help me how to boot the beagle-XM Aug 17 05:16:30 how to start up board bring up with linux Aug 17 05:17:21 hello Aug 17 05:18:25 hello Aug 17 06:11:01 Hello Aug 17 06:52:36 Hi Aug 17 07:23:39 When I start my BBB I found that the logo of penguin appears on the screen after about 15 seconds, how can I reduce this time to 0??? Aug 17 07:29:16 When I start my BeagleBoneBlack I found that the logo of penguin appears on the screen after about 15 seconds, how can I reduce this time to 0??? Aug 17 07:34:42 Is there anyone to help?? Aug 17 07:39:40 <_av500_> print a penguin, vut it out and glue it to the right place on your monitor Aug 17 07:39:43 <_av500_> cut it out Aug 17 07:40:05 <_av500_> kishor: also, you have asked that before, here and on the mailing list, you got answers to your questions Aug 17 07:40:20 <_av500_> so, stop wasting our time by asking again Aug 17 07:47:39 Sorry, But I am not satisfied with your answer. Aug 17 07:47:54 it is apparent,_YOU_ can't. Aug 17 07:49:44 butbutbut exact steps! Aug 17 07:51:02 And I am asking this question first time. Aug 17 08:05:02 <_av500_> no Aug 17 08:05:12 <_av500_> you are asking for short boot times all the time Aug 17 08:05:48 <_av500_> if you really just want the logo at 0s, then you need to teach the boot loader to drive HDMI and display the logo there Aug 17 08:05:54 <_av500_> thats doable Aug 17 08:05:58 <_av500_> but a waste of time Aug 17 08:51:56 How can I reduce delay to 0 between power on BBB and appearance of penguin logo on screen? Aug 17 08:56:58 How can I reduce delay to 0 between power on BBB and appearance of penguin logo on screen? Aug 17 08:57:09 You can't. Aug 17 08:57:37 What is your actual app? Aug 17 08:58:50 That delay is about 15 second Aug 17 09:04:20 @I am running a .Net .exe , I want that application to run within 5 second on screen. Aug 17 09:05:36 You're running an .exe on the beagle - how? Aug 17 09:07:13 Why are you asking me that detail?? Aug 17 09:07:52 Because it seems impossible. Aug 17 09:08:25 And hence your question is not a real one, but is being asked for some reason other than actually finding an answer. Aug 17 09:09:03 Or, at best, you are misguided, and asking in the wrong place about the wrong hardware. Aug 17 09:09:15 No , Its nothing like that. I am using a mono framework to run .Net . Aug 17 09:11:07 Ah. Aug 17 09:11:34 Well, then the answer is basically - you can't. It's never going to start immediately. The only way to do it is to keep the beagle powered. Aug 17 09:12:15 Either in the normal operating state - or some form of lower power suspend. Unfortunately, the stock beagle config does not do low power suspend very well Aug 17 09:14:04 That is very big limitation with BBB.. :( Aug 17 09:14:25 Err. Aug 17 09:14:35 It's a limitiation with almost every single computer out there. Aug 17 09:15:06 I see.. Aug 17 09:15:25 But 15 sec is too much large.... Aug 17 09:16:21 Is it 15s till your app is actually running? Aug 17 09:16:22 ppi, Systems that require low latency to perform a task are kept powered. Aug 17 09:16:28 Because that would surprise me with mono Aug 17 09:16:49 ppi, So put the system to sleep, not power off Aug 17 09:17:04 ppi, That is the only way to achieve low latency Aug 17 09:17:43 Not strictly the only - for example XIP flash. Aug 17 09:18:15 However, I'm not aware of any sensible scale systems with this. Aug 17 09:18:18 @SpeedEvil After power on its taking about 25 seconds to run my application. Aug 17 09:18:23 SpeedEvil, Yeah, but on a BBB... Aug 17 09:18:44 In principle - you may be able to reduce time between power on and your application running somewhat. Aug 17 09:18:50 Half may be achievable. Aug 17 09:18:55 (as a guess) Aug 17 09:18:58 0 isn't. Aug 17 09:19:05 how?? Aug 17 09:19:07 Unless you have the system powered beforehand. Aug 17 09:19:23 By optimising the boot process, and using fast storage. Aug 17 09:19:45 Why can't you have the beagle powered before the user wants it? Aug 17 09:19:46 If I reboot , my application is running within 14 seconds. Aug 17 09:21:18 dmesg is showing the booting time 11 sec Aug 17 09:21:38 And to load the mono framework its taking 3 seconds Aug 17 09:22:45 But when I shutdown PC and Power ON then its giving me 15 seconds of delay to show only the logo of penguin... Aug 17 09:23:20 There is stuff that happens before linux starts to boot. Aug 17 09:23:40 And total time to run my application =15+14=29 Aug 17 09:24:29 Can I reduce that total time to about 10 second? Aug 17 09:25:08 Firstly - why can't you have the system powered before the user wants it? Aug 17 09:25:16 As that'd be the easy way Aug 17 09:26:37 Because its customer requirement. Aug 17 09:27:38 koen: could you add the difference between MACHINE=beaglebone/beagleboard to http://www.angstrom-distribution.org/building-angstrom ? Aug 17 09:28:10 koen: and the FAQ and wiki links on angstrom-distribution.org are dead Aug 17 09:28:12 I would suggest first ditching mono, and then going with a customised linux distribution which starts very limited services before starting your application directly. Aug 17 09:28:22 As a linux executable. Aug 17 09:29:06 Secondly - you need to investigate why it takes 14s to get to the penguin. It may be that you cannot reduce boot time on the beagle below that, and you need to pick new hardware Aug 17 09:30:38 ok, Thank you for the help. Aug 17 09:32:56 http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Sitara_Linux_Training:_Boot_Time_Reduction Aug 17 09:44:16 koen: ping Aug 17 10:00:03 * mranostay flings caturday at mrpackethead Aug 17 10:00:37 mranostay: we're dead Aug 17 10:00:48 i'm just mph's ghost-bot Aug 17 10:01:17 crap i'm in drunkland Aug 17 10:02:31 mrpackethead: how are kiwis doing? Aug 17 10:09:24 koen: any idea if in the future the angstrom images will be supplied with .zip extension instead of .xz ? Aug 17 10:11:09 I am wondering if it is possible to update the bbb image using a usb stick instead of a microsd card? Aug 17 10:43:40 can firefox browser work with flash player plug in on Angstrom OS? Aug 17 10:48:18 GregThomson, I haven't tested this myself but it looks promising: http://www.ti.com/tool/adobeflash-a8 Aug 17 10:49:44 Thanks, I will check it out Aug 17 10:57:25 mranostay: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/16279_10151806503007661_422501749_n.jpg Aug 17 10:57:47 <_av500_> SpeedEvil: haha, so the old "change my nick and ask again" trick worked :) Aug 17 10:57:52 the drums been using a lot of ink today Aug 17 11:03:42 _av500_: I hadn't read backscroll Aug 17 11:14:52 <_av500_> the best part is "Because its customer requirement" :) Aug 17 11:16:48 * SpeedEvil wishes there was a reasonably priced devboard that did sane poweraving Aug 17 11:17:20 - say 10mA idle@3.3V Aug 17 11:30:01 <_av500_> power raving? Aug 17 11:32:49 lol Aug 17 11:32:52 Powersaving Aug 17 11:33:22 power craving Aug 17 11:33:50 * _av500_ prefers power carving Aug 17 11:33:52 And no - 500mW (say) is not a whole heap of power in many cases. Aug 17 11:34:14 But I did the actual numbers to power a pi@2.5W 24*7 solar. Aug 17 11:34:26 I ended up with a 250W panel and 100Ah 12V battery Aug 17 11:34:35 And it still may drop out several nights a year. Aug 17 11:34:52 (Scotland - january/december can be very, very dull with short days and basically no sun) Aug 17 11:47:57 great, the mx for freescale.com has blacklisted my ip address Aug 17 11:47:58 SpeedEvil: really, 250w panel? Aug 17 11:48:16 i guess the battery charging is pretty lossy plus you don't get full wattage out of it Aug 17 11:48:28 but still that *seems* really overkill Aug 17 11:49:59 mru, A year back I attempted to use both arm neon intrinsics and LTO at the same time with gcc 4.6, but that failed due to gcc limitations. Do you know if this was ever resolved? Aug 17 11:50:21 intrinsics have nothing to do with lto Aug 17 11:50:54 I know, but if you attempted to use them with gcc 4.6 and enabled LTO gcc would crash Aug 17 11:51:13 I don't doubt that lto had problems Aug 17 11:51:22 but neon intrinsics has nothing to do with that Aug 17 11:51:28 Stoob: It's more that you can get a month when the panel output doesn't exceed 70W or so. Aug 17 11:51:47 Stoob: And that is a top number, not a daily max. Aug 17 11:52:00 Stoob: And the functional daylight can be 4-6 hours or so. Aug 17 11:52:03 mru, If I remember correctly, it was considered an LTO bug. Aug 17 11:52:36 SpeedEvil: nah, i totally get that Aug 17 11:52:45 but 250w just souunds like overkill Aug 17 11:52:50 Stoob: For about Mar-Oct - it's absolutely overkill - in summer - it's ludicrous Aug 17 11:53:07 lol Aug 17 11:53:12 This was based on 10 minutely outputs from a local panel. Aug 17 11:53:35 mru, Using the neon intrinsics in the application gave about 10% performance improvement, and so did LTO. Would have been great to be able to use both at the same time... Aug 17 11:53:55 is it a fixed panel or one that can rotate to follow the sun's height/elevation Aug 17 11:54:07 Fixed Aug 17 11:54:16 The sun basically doesn't move in the winter Aug 17 11:54:18 yeah that does make it a little worse too Aug 17 11:54:23 dnil: lto made a difference? wtf? Aug 17 11:54:38 your app must be horribly structured in that case Aug 17 11:54:55 anyway, gcc 4.6 is buggy as hell Aug 17 11:54:57 don't use it Aug 17 11:55:26 mru, Why are you surprised? Isn't that the point of Link Time Optimization? Aug 17 11:55:28 It comes up southeast, and sets southwest - rising only a few degrees over thr horizon - and most of the solar output is from diffuse light anyway. A tracker helps a little - but really not much Aug 17 11:55:42 dnil: that's the theory, yes Aug 17 11:55:50 in practice I've never seen it make more than 1% different Aug 17 11:55:54 difference Aug 17 11:56:01 and that could swing either way Aug 17 11:56:46 mru, Ok, well in this case it helped quite a bit. Aug 17 11:56:59 which is why I say your app must be dreadfully designed Aug 17 11:57:21 the only time you'd get that much difference is if you're calling tiny functions millions of times Aug 17 11:58:10 mru, It is a very large application, do yes there are a lot of functions calling wrapper functions etc Aug 17 11:58:27 so it's a disgustingly designed app Aug 17 11:58:29 go figure Aug 17 11:58:42 No it is not Aug 17 11:58:57 if there are that many wrappers and micro-funcs, yes Aug 17 11:59:02 I'll test gcc 4.7+ when I get a chance Aug 17 12:00:06 I had the misfortune of working on a system once where someone a long time ago had had the foresight to put an abstraction layer between the app and the OS Aug 17 12:00:46 unfortunately, since then each time the app had been used on a new system, someone had added another wrapper instead of adapting the existing one Aug 17 12:01:18 mru, Yep, that is pretty common. Aug 17 12:01:25 I recognize that... Aug 17 12:01:38 I counted at least 5 wrappers for simple things like semaphores Aug 17 12:03:22 Agreed, it is ugly and hurts performance. Aug 17 12:04:54 dnil: But the new chip goes 1.5* faster! Aug 17 12:05:07 So it's still 1.3* as fast. Aug 17 12:05:11 Who cares! Aug 17 12:05:13 * SpeedEvil mehs. Aug 17 12:36:52 Hi guys Aug 17 12:37:10 I had problem with USB mouse and keyboard on bb RevC4 Aug 17 12:37:29 go on Aug 17 12:37:43 I found that it's because of wrong MLO and u-boot, I build all from the latest u-boot source Aug 17 12:37:45 Did it grow fangs, and eat your dog? Aug 17 12:38:06 I doubt u-boot can make a usb keyboard fail Aug 17 12:38:46 mru, on C4, EHCI circuit does not power on automatically and there is a u-boot patch to do it on boot Aug 17 12:39:18 http://elinux.org/BeagleBoard#U-Boot Aug 17 12:39:22 I thought the kernel did such things Aug 17 12:39:55 the wiki seems old because the code in beagle.c file in latest u-boot source seems fine Aug 17 12:41:02 but I wonder how's that possible that I can attach a thumb drive and mount it Aug 17 12:41:16 I googled a lot Aug 17 12:41:27 and tried all the ways I found Aug 17 12:42:00 I also tried externaly powered hub, it did not work Aug 17 12:42:35 btw, I powered it through my PC USB port, does it cause a difference? Aug 17 12:44:24 I've completely lost my hope, if anyone has a C4 , I'd be glad to see how their USB keyboard/mouse is working Aug 17 12:44:33 maybe try their files, too. Aug 17 12:44:44 MLO/u-boot/uImage Aug 17 13:35:19 Hello guya Aug 17 13:35:26 *guys Aug 17 13:37:02 Does anyone know when the SGX drivers for linux 3.8 will come out. Aug 17 13:40:11 I've managed to fit my BBB in a modified GBA SP case. The only thing I'm waiting for is the SGX driver so I can run Pcsx rearmed and mupen64plus Aug 17 13:42:46 Any idea when it will be released? Aug 17 13:44:53 Why do you need 3.8? Aug 17 13:45:32 I dont really need 3.8 Aug 17 13:45:46 But it comes with the board I guess Aug 17 13:45:51 Oh Aug 17 13:45:52 nvm Aug 17 13:46:36 But they have been working on the drivers, arent they? Aug 17 13:47:16 *haven't they? Aug 17 13:49:35 * SpeedEvil has no clue. Aug 17 13:51:41 hmm.. It looks like I am the only one eager to use the power of SGX Aug 17 14:23:57 friends Aug 17 14:24:40 im planning to build a dual-screen tablet, which OS would be easier to implement? Android? or Ubuntu? Aug 17 14:25:15 does either of those support more than one display? Aug 17 14:25:39 and what does that have to do with beagle? Aug 17 14:25:52 none of the beagles can drive more than a single screen Aug 17 14:25:58 unless you do some serious external trickery Aug 17 14:26:15 i though i could use one display via HDMI and the other via USB Aug 17 14:26:21 usb, are you serious? Aug 17 14:26:56 uh, sorry bro, any other way can i implement two screens on a single tablet? Aug 17 14:27:08 use a chip with multiple display drivers Aug 17 14:28:08 thanks a lot! :D Aug 17 14:48:14 i want real time OS with BBB and angstrom Aug 17 14:48:24 so angstrom with xenomai co kernal Aug 17 14:48:25 uh huh? Aug 17 14:48:34 is it a good choice?? Aug 17 14:48:41 depends on what you want to do Aug 17 14:48:59 i want to develop quadcopter Aug 17 14:49:16 aren't there already like a zillion of those done? Aug 17 14:49:43 means what?? Aug 17 14:51:11 can you help me with xenomai installation in angstrom environment or cud u suggest some better way than that Aug 17 14:51:40 sorry, can't help with that Aug 17 14:53:12 k just tell me that angstrom is soft real time or completely general purpose OS?? Aug 17 14:53:23 .o0(mit imperialen sternenkreuzern auf spatzen schiessen) Aug 17 14:54:06 anybody plz help Aug 17 14:54:12 vin_: 1) BBB or any embedded linux system for that matter is totally oversized by a dozen orders of magnitude for what you want to do Aug 17 14:54:26 vin_: 2) use an arduino or any other uC board instead Aug 17 14:55:01 vin_: 3) if you still want to go the embedded linux road, learn linux first. you wont be able to do anything without that knowledge Aug 17 14:55:44 oh.. and before i forget: Aug 17 14:55:53 vin_: 4) learn how to learn things by yourself Aug 17 14:58:26 might need to learn how to learn how to learn first Aug 17 14:58:56 well, being at the indian institute of technology in banglore should do the trick... maybe Aug 17 14:59:10 you're all missing the point. today's path to learning is to get into a chat room and ask someone else to tell you the answer. Aug 17 14:59:34 #exactsteps Aug 17 15:00:13 http://26-26-54.hardwarebug.org/160 Aug 17 15:00:50 there really is one for every occasion there Aug 17 15:01:04 not yet, but we are comming closer to that every day :) Aug 17 15:12:37 <_av500_> mru: can you put up the kid's latest g+ comment there too Aug 17 15:14:24 which is? Aug 17 15:33:46 "verbs are for the weak" ? Aug 17 16:10:42 * mranostay dances in Aug 17 16:11:17 hehe verbs are for the weak Aug 17 18:24:16 how to extend beagleboard with GSM module? Aug 17 18:24:37 1. connect gsm module to appropriate interface Aug 17 18:24:45 2. load necessary drivers Aug 17 18:24:48 3. configure Aug 17 18:26:23 4. ... Aug 17 18:26:27 5. profit Aug 17 18:28:08 I mean where can I find compatible modules for the Beagleboard? Aug 17 18:28:32 at your favourite gsm module vendor Aug 17 18:30:18 there is even a gsm cape, for the lazy ones Aug 17 18:33:33 just bluetooth tether Aug 17 18:33:50 eek Aug 17 18:34:27 it works fine Aug 17 18:34:37 use it on an almost daily basis Aug 17 18:34:38 * KotH agrees with mru there Aug 17 18:34:52 both SPP and PAN profiles too Aug 17 18:37:59 There we go! BBB with my audio amplifier cape installed and playing music in the ceiling speakers. Works nicely, multi-room audio is pretty neat. Aug 17 18:38:27 get a usb module with ACM interface Aug 17 18:38:36 amp cape? Aug 17 18:38:44 https://plus.google.com/115316620351874989032/posts/gyxyPoK1LQL Aug 17 18:39:11 mru, Yes, I designed a cape with an audio amplifier and audio codec Aug 17 18:39:22 how much output power? Aug 17 18:39:37 mru, Max 2x26W Aug 17 18:40:07 that's not entirely useless Aug 17 18:40:24 Thanks :-) Aug 17 18:40:55 ieeeck! pulseaudio! Aug 17 18:41:02 what KotH said Aug 17 18:41:52 I was (foolishly) trying to help someone with an audio problem the other day Aug 17 18:42:00 pulseaudio kept getting in the way Aug 17 18:42:08 that thing is impossible to kill Aug 17 18:42:13 Pulse does a good job in this setup, the rtp protocol allows keeping audio in sync on all players Aug 17 18:42:43 It is actually pretty sensitive when you are playing in many locations at the same time. Aug 17 18:43:16 mru: there is a way: anchantments, holy water, and uninstallation of all pulseaudio related stuff.... then reboot Aug 17 18:43:17 it's impossible to synchronise audio from two sources Aug 17 18:43:23 for more than one listening location Aug 17 18:43:29 Any delay between two players in different rooms will be noticeable Aug 17 18:43:46 KotH: she thought of uninstalling it on her own Aug 17 18:43:50 mru, This is single source, multiple players Aug 17 18:44:07 a load-speaker is a source Aug 17 18:44:39 the speed of sound is low enough that it matters Aug 17 18:45:01 Ok, fine. The RTP protocol in pulse allows to sync this close enough (together with NTP) so that audio appears to the ear to play in sync in all locations Aug 17 18:45:15 mru: dont waste your breath... Aug 17 18:45:24 Hi, can anyone suggest Hard-Real time OS for BB-xm ? Aug 17 18:45:27 dnil: that's not possible Aug 17 18:45:36 it's elementary physics Aug 17 18:45:56 BITS: the one you write yourself Aug 17 18:46:29 wrong answer, it's not a hard realtime chip Aug 17 18:47:02 real time os like Vxworks,RTlinux Aug 17 18:47:20 mru: well, if you set your hard limit at 1ms, the chip will be able to deliver that :) Aug 17 18:47:29 KotH: depends on what else is happening Aug 17 18:47:32 mru, With this setup I can achieve pretty much what you can do with Sonos but with Linux and BBB Aug 17 18:47:46 KotH: if you cause enough contention on the interconnect there's no telling what happens Aug 17 18:47:49 hello everyone, I have a beaglebone attached to my macosx and after installing the drivers for the FTDI port I don't see any /dev/tty.USB how can I debug ? Aug 17 18:47:58 mru: hmm? you mean even 1ms cannot be guarranteed? Aug 17 18:48:07 (modulo spelling) Aug 17 18:48:13 KotH: it's probably hard to make it fail Aug 17 18:48:27 but still theoreticall possible... Aug 17 18:48:31 hmm... Aug 17 18:48:32 but I doubt anyone has done a worst-case calculation Aug 17 18:49:10 dnil: my solution is to simply turn up the volume Aug 17 18:49:50 mru, That also works ! Aug 17 18:50:08 mru: so it ought to be a cortex-r? Aug 17 18:50:55 I tried using mopidy on the "mpd server", that also works and I can stream from spotify out over gstreamer and pulse to all audio players. Aug 17 18:51:12 KotH: it's not just the cpu Aug 17 18:51:29 mru: sure, the software has to match too... Aug 17 18:51:42 it's everything surrounding the cpu too Aug 17 18:51:53 juup Aug 17 18:51:56 memory interface, dma controllers, other peripherals Aug 17 18:52:03 can anyone suggest Hard-Real time OS for BB-xm ?(for beginner) Aug 17 18:52:15 BITS: there aint no rtos for beginners Aug 17 18:52:19 qnx Aug 17 18:52:38 easy to get going, posix programming environment Aug 17 18:52:55 i worked on Ubuntu Aug 17 18:52:57 and easy to mess up royaly if you dont understand what it's doing underneath Aug 17 18:53:10 KotH: that's true for everything Aug 17 18:53:15 BITS, http://www.ti.com/lsds/ti/tools-software/rtos.page#arm Aug 17 18:53:26 mru: but rtos make it easier to shoot your feet Aug 17 18:53:35 nom nom food cart Aug 17 18:53:39 it's easy to kill the realtime promises Aug 17 18:54:14 juup Aug 17 18:54:39 *sigh* Aug 17 18:54:55 * mranostay gives out hugs and clock cycle to mru + KotH Aug 17 18:54:57 why is the world so fucking complicated Aug 17 18:55:06 thanks mranostay Aug 17 18:55:12 have some chocolate :) Aug 17 18:55:32 KotH: I think it's the women's fault Aug 17 18:55:47 yeah.. they are the root of all evil! Aug 17 18:56:02 I wouldn't call them inherently evil Aug 17 18:56:36 it just works out that way Aug 17 18:57:05 sure, bad things happen unless you're very, very careful Aug 17 18:57:32 and due to quantum effects shit can happen spontaneously too Aug 17 18:58:03 yeah.. virtual bad things particles! i've been victim of those as well! Aug 17 18:59:21 are we talking women or realtime? Aug 17 18:59:31 does it matter? Aug 17 18:59:33 arent both the same? Aug 17 19:12:13 KotH: well women usually take real time Aug 17 19:12:50 and they set deadlines Aug 17 19:13:13 of course they don't actually tell you when the deadline is Aug 17 19:28:17 mru knows things Aug 17 19:29:05 mostly I just make stuff up Aug 17 19:31:51 surviving in this world of madnes is just a matter of guessing better than others Aug 17 19:34:30 nice suggestion: "Please ensure you are using a pdf reader that supports 256bit encryption. I believe there are several free options for Linux." Aug 17 19:35:06 instead of reading I should spend next hours fixing their crap Aug 17 19:36:41 hm, and I wonder what's that password protection/encryption about - what if I print the PDF to another PDF? (I've bought "allowed to print" option) Aug 17 19:37:19 * mru uses xpdf with print restriction disabled Aug 17 19:37:52 anyway it's a book from FreeRTOS (funny as hell, providing opensource software for free, but books impossible to read by opensource software) Aug 17 19:40:45 is it a good idea to run a production web, mail servers on beagleboard with Ubuntu? Aug 17 19:41:31 ynezz: freertos uses a very weak version of oss... Aug 17 19:41:48 version? Aug 17 19:41:52 xkernel: is it a good idea to live in new york? Aug 17 19:42:16 xkernel: if you've five customers, then yes Aug 17 19:42:22 xkernel: no Aug 17 19:42:26 not under any circumstances Aug 17 19:42:51 ynezz: it's a modified gpl that takes away from you the right to modify and give it away to others, or learn from its code and do your own kernel Aug 17 19:42:58 I'm thinking to build a small data center with ARM boards Aug 17 19:43:09 it doesn't need much power and cooling systems Aug 17 19:44:57 * KotH nods Aug 17 19:45:14 yes.. small data center... out of arm boards... needs no cooling... yeah... Aug 17 19:46:07 KotH: and where's that written? Aug 17 19:46:23 ynezz: please dont tell me you have not read the license? Aug 17 19:46:44 I did, but I didn't read the same as you Aug 17 19:47:25 "Do I have to offer to provide the FreeRTOS code to users of my application?" Yes Aug 17 19:49:05 ynezz: read the two "exception" clauses Aug 17 19:49:18 I did Aug 17 19:49:56 its just less viral GPL Aug 17 19:50:24 erm.. it's as viral as the gpl Aug 17 19:50:25 ip geolocation is hilariously inaccurate Aug 17 19:50:29 and at the same time taints you Aug 17 19:50:53 bird-flu licence Aug 17 19:51:50 KotH: can you point me at the exact sentence please? I'm blind Aug 17 19:52:42 * KotH points at the license Aug 17 19:52:56 damn.. i finished reading 3x3.... Aug 17 19:53:02 what shall i do now? Aug 17 19:53:11 my life has lost all its meaning! Aug 17 19:54:01 ok then Aug 17 20:07:21 trolls Aug 17 20:07:43 hobittsesssss.... Aug 17 20:17:18 i want a self cleaning laptop Aug 17 20:17:25 laptops are cesspits of badness. Aug 17 20:17:40 buy a new one every 2 years Aug 17 20:19:00 Vacuum cleaner helps Aug 17 20:19:28 However - use the little 'reduce suction' hole in the vacuum cleaner lead - or you will pop off keys Aug 17 20:41:35 never buying a white laptop again Aug 17 20:42:00 my latest is black metal Aug 17 20:52:18 shiny! Aug 17 20:53:14 matte, actually Aug 17 20:57:46 I'm looking at the AM335x manual for the BBB, I see the GPIO pins map directly to the GPIO registers in this manual, does anyone know to what registers the analog in AIN* pins map to in this manual? Aug 17 21:11:06 Search for ADC Aug 17 21:12:23 Thanks, looks like it's part of the touchscreen controller. Aug 17 21:20:08 I have a BBB, and I used Robert Nelson's script to copy from SD card to mmc. When I boot from MMC, with the sd card removed, I'm getting errors reading mmcblk0p2 right after "Running /scripts/local-premount". mmcblk0p2 is the sd card, so I'm trying to nail down in the boot process where it's failing Aug 17 21:21:07 Anyone have an idea where that would be happening? The script I found, I'm just not sure where in the boot process I'm at when that is accessed Aug 17 21:34:28 hello Aug 17 21:34:46 i want to show you my project with beaglebone black Aug 17 21:34:57 it is the result Aug 17 21:35:01 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd5HTopyuSo Aug 17 21:40:17 d Aug 17 21:40:26 hello Aug 17 22:35:33 hello guys..does the angstrom distro been built with vfp math (arm7hf)? Aug 17 22:35:46 should be Aug 17 22:35:54 thank you Aug 17 22:35:55 well, you can built it however you want yourself of course Aug 17 22:36:12 I was trying to get documentation about the process Aug 17 22:36:39 I also saw this: http://www.armhf.com Aug 17 22:37:09 should I continue with angstrom or with to debian? Aug 17 22:37:19 ..switch.. Aug 17 22:42:49 does anybody has personal preference or experience about choosing between angstrom or debian, gentoo, arklinux..? thank you Aug 17 22:43:03 a part package management... Aug 17 22:43:14 just performance comparison Aug 17 23:42:57 hmmm is git plugin for jenkins horriblely broken? Aug 17 23:46:29 hi Shadyman Aug 17 23:46:34 hey Aug 17 23:57:50 On the BBB, I wrote my OS to eMMC, and now I'm getting mmcblk0: error -84 on boot. Is this my MMC going bad, or is something else wrong? Aug 18 02:39:29 trolls Aug 18 02:40:11 <_troll_> where? Aug 18 02:48:44 connection reset by bear Aug 18 02:50:57 .. Aug 18 02:55:54 * mranostay connection reset by beer Aug 18 02:56:09 clearly Aug 18 02:56:36 oh wtf is jenkins doing **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Aug 18 02:59:58 2013