**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Dec 13 03:00:00 2013 Dec 13 03:25:20 vagrantc: http://elinux.org/Capemgr Dec 13 03:36:12 mdp: thanks! seems likely to be running a 3.12.x kernel and needs the capes to be updated. Dec 13 03:37:51 mdp: but that's helpful to have a good overview Dec 13 03:43:10 can't tell if you have a question. your statement indicated that you didn't know how to load an overlay Dec 13 03:48:09 mdp: i stumbled upon something less detailed on how to load them eventually, but the link you pointed me to was better. :) Dec 13 04:09:21 any pointers I should know when attempting to run Android on the BBB? Dec 13 05:15:20 stay away from NULL pointers Dec 13 05:25:31 ok? Dec 13 05:27:13 have you tried google? Dec 13 05:28:50 * N2TOH points to evil offerings from the local brewery... Dec 13 05:35:20 last time I tried android on BBB it worked really crappy Dec 13 05:36:59 it works fine Dec 13 05:37:15 got to tweak it a little Dec 13 05:37:21 I am curious about it as there are some SDR apps I'd like to try Dec 13 05:37:38 probally would not recommend stacking SDR on top of it Dec 13 05:37:42 unless you stick with the GB stuff Dec 13 05:38:01 the image I downloaded seems to need a little LTC to get the HDMI video to work Dec 13 05:38:10 Hello everyone, I have a logitech c920 camera, I actually wanted to stream a video using UDP protocol, and I wanted to run another process concurrently, so I began using pthreads, the two programs are running concurrently and they are working fine for a short duration but the camera is getting powered down after a short amount of time Dec 13 05:38:12 ewwwwwwwwwwww HDMI Dec 13 05:38:33 I have the BBB board Dec 13 05:38:39 get a proper LCD Dec 13 05:38:49 * N2TOH is broke Dec 13 05:38:49 HDMI is a crock Dec 13 05:38:55 build it Dec 13 05:39:42 would rather use serial console as I intend to use it as a Network SDR eventually Dec 13 05:39:53 that could work nicely Dec 13 05:40:02 what's the RF part are you using? Dec 13 05:40:57 I have the E4000 and EC013 DVB-t USB dongles, plus I am currently building up a peabearry SDR board Dec 13 05:41:25 peaberry? Dec 13 05:41:35 you need linky? Dec 13 05:42:01 http://ae9rb.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=8 Dec 13 05:42:38 it's a 4 band SDR for the ham bands with onboard sound card and about 1000mW of TX power output Dec 13 05:43:17 N2TOH is your call? Dec 13 05:43:24 * N2TOH nods Dec 13 05:43:26 yes Dec 13 05:43:54 ah Dec 13 05:44:03 hmmm that is more of a SD-IF the a SDR Dec 13 05:44:21 SD-IF? Dec 13 05:44:28 it outputs 96KHz Dec 13 05:44:38 that's more like an IF Dec 13 05:44:46 I was going to say... Dec 13 05:44:59 yeah most of the low cost HAM SDR stuff uses a sound card for the IF Dec 13 05:45:00 96k samples per sec would be a pretty sad sdr Dec 13 05:45:27 N2TOH: you seen the HackRF? Dec 13 05:45:40 great scott! Dec 13 05:46:32 yes I have seen the HackRF, but sadly I am not a coder and the vast majority of HAMS are not interested in such entry level LAB equipment Dec 13 05:47:04 hi Dec 13 05:47:23 ...? entry level? Dec 13 05:47:28 hackrf is 20 msps Dec 13 05:47:55 the HackRF is intended as a general RF device. most of what I have seen for the ham bands is 16 bits+ and intended to deal with the harshness of the HF bands Dec 13 05:49:12 the RF world is very hostile below 30Mhz and it gets worse as you approach DC Dec 13 05:49:32 N2TOH: what bands are you into? Dec 13 05:49:57 currently my interest is in 20 and 60 Meters. Dec 13 05:50:26 ah sub 20MHz stuff Dec 13 05:50:31 u a tech or general? Dec 13 05:50:33 yeah Dec 13 05:50:40 General Dec 13 05:51:01 you can make a simple SDR Front end Dec 13 05:51:16 pre-amp, ADC with like 40MHz sample rate Dec 13 05:51:23 I have attempted the Extra test a few times, only to learn the local VEC was a prick Dec 13 05:51:30 prehaps toss in a band pass 5MHz-20MHz Dec 13 05:51:44 an excuse to travel! Dec 13 05:52:03 for now I am content to tinker with proven hardware for now Dec 13 05:52:27 I have a KNJN SAQO-Q board for later dev work Dec 13 05:52:50 or for added fun be a LF and work 100KHz Dec 13 05:53:00 @av500:what would be the best protocol to stream video along while I am trying to run concurrently the socket server-client program. Dec 13 05:53:09 off the top of my head it's like 200MSPS ADC, and 165MSPS DAC Dec 13 05:53:45 ds2, I used to play with 160 to 190KHz about 20 years ago Dec 13 05:53:59 200MS...now that'll do a nice SDR Dec 13 05:54:33 lots of contacts down in the 160KHz/190KHz range? Dec 13 05:54:34 I used to live next to a train station... hmm oh so nice conductors... Dec 13 05:54:58 did the tracks resonate at 160KHz? Dec 13 05:55:05 HackRF looks cool thanks for the link. could this device be use for a spectrum analyzer or scanner? Dec 13 05:55:30 kmit: no idea Dec 13 05:55:38 stream to where? Dec 13 05:55:41 Dr, depends on what's ur idea ofa spectrum analyzer Dec 13 05:55:43 local net? Dec 13 05:55:47 ds2, more like miles and miles of metal to play with Dec 13 05:56:15 freq domain sweeps. And maybe do FFT on a BBB :) Dec 13 05:56:19 Dr{Who} sure with the proper software the HackRF can do almost anything! Dec 13 05:57:25 Dr{Who}, by no means an FCC goverment certified tool, but sure you could do lots of useful measuremets with an SDR based SA Dec 13 05:57:27 not sure how good it would do with 8 bit though. hmm. Dec 13 05:57:41 better then nothing! Dec 13 05:58:00 @av500:Thank you Dec 13 05:58:40 if you don't care about sensitivity...sure Dec 13 05:59:24 I have a signal hound currently and it does a good job but would be interesting to try and do the same with this. Dec 13 06:01:12 av500:I actually wanted to stream to client connected to my network, I tried using UDP protocol, it worked fine, but when I was running a socket server-client, it worked for sometime before getting powered down, I am using a wifi dongle in order to connect the bb to the network Dec 13 06:01:25 and? Dec 13 06:01:26 @av500:sorry it was beagle bone black Dec 13 06:01:41 so, debug it Dec 13 06:03:49 @av500:okay, I will debug it Dec 13 10:04:58 Is anyone here who I spoke with yesterday? Dec 13 10:05:22 I'm here to report back that the other BeagleBone Black also fails to hot plug my usb device. Dec 13 10:06:01 So the conclusion is that the USB device is too broken or something like that. Dec 13 10:06:25 I can hook the USB device into my laptop so it's not completly broken but maybe the BeagleBone Black can't tolerate as much Dec 13 10:07:18 I tested if the BeagleBone Black accepts another USB storage device and that did work Dec 13 10:07:35 Also when hot plugging, so really it must be the USB device that is somewhat broken. Dec 13 10:08:01 I want to know what the error -19 means in the usb driver. Does anyone know that? Dec 13 10:08:21 the source code know Dec 13 10:08:32 s Dec 13 10:08:37 yeah Dec 13 10:09:08 I am going to look into that but I was kind of hoping anyone here knew it as I don't have a lot of time left Dec 13 10:14:54 You ill? Dec 13 10:19:53 when's the funeral ? Dec 13 10:20:00 Very funny Dec 13 10:22:56 Thanks anyways for the help Dec 13 12:52:32 hi all, i have a BB-LCD4 cape, and i'd like to boot it into debian, how would i go about that ? Dec 13 13:14:05 ahh, nobody told Rick__ that all the hot plug issues are fixed in 3.13-rc3 Dec 13 13:15:00 bitnumus: 1: Install debian, 2: install lxde, 3: Enjoy? Dec 13 13:15:16 malcom2073, i have debian on an SDcard, i can ssh to it Dec 13 13:15:38 You don't get a console on the lcd? Dec 13 13:15:49 but the screen is booting Angstrom Dec 13 13:15:54 arm login: Dec 13 13:16:05 The screen isn't booting anything Dec 13 13:16:10 the screen is displaying what's on your BB Dec 13 13:16:31 Which means your BB is booting into angstrom Dec 13 13:16:35 yes Dec 13 13:16:37 why Dec 13 13:16:38 lol Dec 13 13:16:51 Because you didn't install debian? Is this a BBB by chance? Dec 13 13:17:16 <bitnumus> malcom2073, i have debian on an SDcard, i can ssh to it Dec 13 13:17:28 yes its a BBB Dec 13 13:17:53 It's likely booting off the eMMC, rather than the SD card Dec 13 13:18:43 Did you hold down the uSD boot button when you powered on the board? Dec 13 13:18:59 yea i've tried this also, it worked for a friend, but its not working for me :P Dec 13 13:19:39 Then maybe the SD card isn't properly formatted or doesn't have the right image on it. Dec 13 13:20:46 what image does it 'need' i've been using it over ssh for weeks Dec 13 13:20:50 bitnumus: http://www.armhf.com/index.php/getting-started-with-ubuntu-img-file/ Has some decent instructions for how to take one of their prebuilt images and put it on the SD card. Dec 13 13:20:58 you've been using angstrom over ssh. Dec 13 13:21:04 no, i haven't Dec 13 13:21:18 Then you're lying to us. If the LCD shows angstrom, then the BBB has angstrom on it Dec 13 13:21:21 well, it says debian@arm Dec 13 13:21:33 and i've had huge files on it, over 4GB Dec 13 13:22:49 i knwo its debian, Dec 13 13:22:52 i've been using it :) Dec 13 13:23:11 What do you mean when you say the LCD shows angstrom? Dec 13 13:23:28 it says 'arm login:' Dec 13 13:23:39 my friend has the same setup, and his says root@debian-armhf Dec 13 13:24:01 So it doesn't show angstrom, it shows an arm login..... Dec 13 13:24:19 Being as it's an arm board, that makes sense :) Dec 13 13:24:25 plug in a keyboard and log in. Dec 13 13:24:47 if i ssh in, its not the same prompt Dec 13 13:24:53 No, it wouldn't be. Dec 13 13:24:54 however, with my friend, it is Dec 13 13:25:11 its not right i know it, my friend can ssh in right away and sees output on screen Dec 13 13:25:15 don't know how your friend has his set up, but I've never seen ssh request "arm login:" for a login name Dec 13 13:25:41 Like I said, grab a keyboard and log in, you'll get the same prompt you have over ssh Dec 13 13:25:49 no i dont! Dec 13 13:25:50 ffs Dec 13 13:25:51 lol Dec 13 13:26:03 what would the login be? its not debian Dec 13 13:26:29 It would be the same as ssh Dec 13 13:26:39 "ffs" Calm down. Dec 13 13:26:52 if i ssh in, it says 'debian@arm' Dec 13 13:27:15 And you are unable to log in at the console (LCD screen with a keyboard) using the same user/pass combonation? Dec 13 13:27:20 i can login, do whatever, but screen remains on this prompt 'arm login:' Dec 13 13:28:24 Are you trying to ssh in, and see your ssh session on the LCD? Dec 13 13:28:31 yes Dec 13 13:28:39 my friend has the same setup as me, and his is doing exactly that Dec 13 13:28:41 Ah, that I don't know, never done that before. Dec 13 13:28:50 Grab his SD card, copy it to yours? Dec 13 13:29:08 unfortunately he lives a little way away Dec 13 13:29:28 Why do you want to do that anyway? What's your end goal here? Dec 13 13:29:29 maybe i'm not holding this boot button long enough :P Dec 13 13:29:55 not cables but power, headless and controlled over ssh Dec 13 13:29:56 boot button has nothing to do with what you're trying to do Dec 13 13:30:50 if i have debian on SDcard and angstrom on the BBB, dont i need that button to force boot from sdcard? Dec 13 13:31:07 Yes, but you already said it is booting to debian Dec 13 13:31:12 so that's not an issue. Dec 13 13:31:26 Your issue is, you're trying to display your ssh session locally on the LCD Dec 13 13:32:25 You can do it with the "screen" command, but that requires logging in locally Dec 13 13:32:33 Not sure how to have that set up on boot to do that automatically Dec 13 13:32:47 Why don't you ask your friend how he did it? Dec 13 13:36:42 av5: you seem divided Dec 13 15:33:18 Yo beaglers Dec 13 15:33:55 I mangaed to forget my password on my BBB after a particularly annoying failing-CRT session... Dec 13 15:34:31 does anyone know how I can check an SSH request has succeeded inside a regex brute force attack? pls? Dec 13 15:34:59 Can I just treat it as any other system call from perl? Dec 13 15:35:40 * miffedCentral hopes that lot is clear Dec 13 15:37:41 miffedCentral: reflash and start over. Dec 13 15:39:06 boo is that well-considered advice or just a hunch? Dec 13 15:39:11 If you're running off eMMC, put in a bootable SD card, use it to edit your passwd file? Dec 13 15:39:25 Or use it to add a new user with a know password Dec 13 15:39:39 If you're running off SD, put the card in a PC and do the same Dec 13 15:40:15 actually that was my second question - i got an sd card with ubuntu on it, can i dig down into the flash through ubuntu? Dec 13 15:40:32 Should be able to get into the flash, it shows up as another MMC device Dec 13 15:40:48 Another alternative may be single user mode, not sure if that's possible with the BBB? Dec 13 15:40:55 ooooh I think you just made my day. Dec 13 15:41:08 If so, you get passwordless root access so you can change your password Dec 13 15:41:17 any tips on the MMC label? are there only a couple? Dec 13 15:41:26 /dev/mmc* Dec 13 15:41:34 it'll be the one not mounted as / when booted to SD? Dec 13 15:41:40 should be two Dec 13 15:41:42 well Dec 13 15:42:00 two primaries. mmcblk0 and mmcblk1 iirc Dec 13 15:42:27 Ok thx, I don't know if it's possible to boot the BBB into single user mode...well either way I can check the default by booting up my other BBB Dec 13 15:43:13 many thanks - don't fancy spending two days setting up my perl stuff again... Dec 13 15:43:31 no problem, reflashing is never an answer, unless the question is "windows?" :P Dec 13 15:43:34 Hope you get it going Dec 13 15:43:58 There's absolutly no security with physical access, which means you can always recover from a password loss :) Dec 13 15:44:08 Well, by defaukt Dec 13 15:44:11 default* Dec 13 15:45:35 hang on, you mean it's possible to interrupt the boot sequence? @'no security with physical access' Dec 13 15:45:39 ? Dec 13 15:46:05 or simply that the flash files are visible in other OSs? doh! Dec 13 15:46:07 On typical linux systems, not sure if you can do it with a BBB. Dec 13 15:46:18 sure, I did it with PCs Dec 13 15:46:35 anyhow, I'll try that stuff. Dec 13 15:47:12 Here's another tricky issue; I want to make the BBB boot with UK keyboard...where should I put <<< sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup [etc]>>> Dec 13 15:47:28 .bashrc ? Dec 13 15:48:08 That I don't know off the top of my head, sorry Dec 13 15:49:04 no worries, I can live with hunting for hashes and backslashes Dec 13 16:34:20 Question: Is it okay to go to a job interview in shirt and tie? (i.e. no blazer/jacket) Dec 13 16:34:48 i think it depends on the company Dec 13 16:35:12 jeet__: What kind of job? What geo? I would not show up to an interview in anything more than a casual button-down (no tie), but it depends on your job market. Dec 13 16:35:58 Heh, if you're going for McDonalds... well yanno :) Dec 13 16:36:18 Ok say it is a programming job at a company? Or are you saying it depends on the culture? Dec 13 16:37:09 Is it at a startup company, or just a big corperate gig? Dec 13 16:37:11 i went to M$, TI Germany and Google Germany in a T-Shirt *way for internship* and nobody cared..dunno how it works for fullTime Dec 13 16:37:45 Probably leaning more towards big and corporate Dec 13 16:37:46 jeet__: Depends on the culture. I’m in the US. If I was applying somewhere in RTP (North Carolina), I’d dress nicer than somewhere in SF. But I also am not likely to find many jobs I’d like in RTP, so … Dec 13 16:38:05 Ok thanks guys Dec 13 16:38:07 Yeah, one thing I've heard, is that out west in the USA you can be a bit more casual in dresscode Dec 13 16:39:35 jeet__: The trick (hard to plan for) is to dress just one step nicer than the interviewers. So, maybe catch a glimpse at what people are wearing to the office the day before your interview. Dec 13 16:40:27 Overdressing can be just as bad as underdressing. And sure, it shouldn’t matter, but there are all sorts of subconscious influencers. Dec 13 16:47:59 sellout- thanks, i feel the tie does the trick there as most people just go business casual with a button up to work Dec 13 16:48:07 some use polos etc. at least the places i've been Dec 13 16:48:29 Question: Looking for a balanced newspaper(s) to read, opinions? How is the Globe and Mail? Dec 13 16:52:04 lol my friend calls me and says he needs help witha brainstorming project "all the ways to double 10K$ in 7 days" lol... says he's "willing to take the risk"... lol Dec 13 18:06:53 I am using a beaglebone with the default rootfs as shipped. I have a v3.12.x kernel compiled into a zImage (gzip'd) and the am335x-bone.dtb file compiled. I am looking for the right instructions for turning that into a single uImage file. What are the correct steps? If I need a .its file, where can I find an example. Dec 13 18:53:45 Ah, I think I found it. I was looking for the CONFIG_ARM_APPENDED_DTB stuff. Dec 13 18:54:14 I now get what looks correct when I use 'make LOADADDR=0x80008000 uImage-dtb.am335x-bone Dec 13 18:54:33 It still does not work, but that is certainly because of my config file. Dec 13 19:19:05 I have a driver for some ST mems sensors that requires the input-polldev kernel module. On my BB white it was already installed and there was a opkg package called kernel-module-input-polldev and drivers work great. However, I just tried this on a stock BBB and it doesn't look like the kernel module is installed. I have looked in the Angstrom feed and I can't find a package that would provide it. Does anybody have any suggestions on how I can in Dec 13 19:19:05 stall it? Dec 13 20:15:37 Hello...I've never tried to is IRC before and am not sure how to say anything. Dec 13 20:15:45 Ah...figured it out! Dec 13 20:16:53 Question: starting with a new beaglebone black, installed emacs. Starts up nicely, but doesn't respond to ANY keys. Dec 13 20:17:03 Any suggestions how to fix this? Dec 13 20:17:29 USB keyboard or network connection? Dec 13 20:17:38 ie., is it emacs or your keyboard? Dec 13 20:17:42 guess it must be emacs. Dec 13 20:17:47 nevermind me. :) Dec 13 20:17:49 For sure it's emacs Dec 13 20:18:10 Because otherwise I wouldn't have been able to talk to the shell to install and then run emacs. Dec 13 20:18:54 Also, I should say that I'm using 192.168.x.y to talk to the BBB, using a TTY program on a Windows machine. Dec 13 20:19:51 The x.y is either 7.2 if I can get the Ethernet over USB to work (e.g., my XP machine) or not (my Windows 7 machine). Dec 13 20:20:23 If not 7.2, then 1.155, which my router happily serves up via DHCP. Dec 13 20:21:15 you using Angstrom? opkg install emacs to get it? Dec 13 20:21:35 * jkridner wonders if anyone knows that emacs is working in Angstrom, but suspects it does Dec 13 20:22:04 Yes, it's the latest BBB (just received, version A6). And had to do opkg update before it found emacs. Dec 13 20:22:42 Oh, yes, Angstrom. Dec 13 20:23:36 And emacs does start up and show its Welcome to emacs screen...but then it doesn't respond to any keys at all. I have to close Dec 13 20:23:46 the connection to go on. Dec 13 21:21:30 Hey everyone, I have an issue with my beaglebone black, I downloaded the image https://s3.amazonaws.com/angstrom/demo/beaglebone/BBB-eMMC-flasher-2013.09.04.img.xz and it did the flashing correctly, but now I can no longer connect to the board via USB, I can see the kernel is ok using an FTDI cable and "ifconfig" command returns ip of Is the USB ethernet disabled int his build?? Dec 13 21:23:13 I can't connect to it via ehternet cable either :( Dec 13 22:15:25 So does anyone know why the newest eMMC flash image does not allow an ehternet connection to the beaglebone? Dec 13 22:16:06 I also get the error during boot before entering my login "[ 15.850523] systemd-udevd[87]: worker [111] failed while ha ndling '/devices/ocp.2/47400000.usb/musb-hdrc.0.auto/gadget/net/usb0'" Dec 13 22:18:14 Hello, I am having a problem connecting to the beaglebone over usb. I am able to browse the static site stored in the virtual flash drive, but whenever I try to connect to the BBB webserver I get timed out. I have tried to SSH in to no avail. If anyone could try to help me it would be greatly appreciated! Dec 13 22:23:29 ioiodogy: idd you try advanced port scanner, if you are on Windows? Dec 13 22:23:52 No, could you direct me to where I could access that? Dec 13 22:27:18 if you downloaded the newest flash image, you may be having the same problem where the ehternet adapter is not working http://archlinuxarm.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=4996 Dec 13 22:28:06 Alright, I will reflash to an older one. Thank you very much. Dec 13 22:28:25 If you have a brand new board, just download the advanced port scanner and search for a device that has ports 22 (SSH) and 80 (web) open, default IP should be, but it may be different for you Dec 13 22:28:52 Ok I will try that also. Dec 13 22:28:56 try the steps in that link, by turning eth0 off and then on you ay be able to get it to work Dec 13 22:29:04 Sounds good Dec 13 22:30:17 Actually, it just worked for me, so yea it's the flash image Dec 13 22:41:31 does anyone know if connecting an external I2C device on the I2C1 port, to which is connected the emmc, could damage the emc or alter is functionning ? Dec 13 22:41:50 alter its* functionning Dec 13 22:43:05 you might check your schematic again Dec 13 22:43:54 @Russ : why do i need to check my schematic ? Dec 13 22:45:09 I am connecting I2C_SCL to P9_17 (Pin 05) and I2C_SDA to P9_18 (Pin 04) Dec 13 22:46:26 sorry, by "your schematic" I mean "your beaglebone schematic" Dec 13 22:47:16 Yeah, I meant why do i need to check the bbb schematics ? what do you suspect is wrong ? Dec 13 23:24:20 Can't acces to "getting started page" right after flashed the eMMc, i already re-install the drivers... Dec 13 23:25:23 and nothing Dec 13 23:34:11 I have been reading up on projects and methods of connecting etc. When connected using Angstrom I noticed that Start.htm and a number of other files have a length of 0. Am I missing something important by not having the content on these files? Dec 14 01:44:30 need some help with a beaglebone that won't boot. First, it was unable to boot from SD card (but working just fine from the EMMC); deleted the MMO file trying to force it to boot from SD card, now it won't boot at all. The power light still turns on. I have already tried to flash Angstrom again to the EMMC without success. Recently bought the FTDI cable (USB to TTL), but not sure how to continue troubleshooting. **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Dec 14 02:59:59 2013