**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Jun 08 02:59:59 2014 Jun 08 03:31:02 servhelp Jun 08 03:32:30 Has anyone heard of a beaglebone being used to generate a carrier frequency for AM transmission before? Jun 08 03:38:45 I've heard of it being used to generate RF, though the case in question wasn't specifically AM Jun 08 03:39:45 Yea, AM would require some external hardware but if you can generate RF then you can generate a carrier freq. Jun 08 03:56:03 Oh... this is nowhere near accurate enough. If you could find one specific frequency you wanted maybe but it's not fast enough. Jun 08 03:58:47 using the PRU? Jun 08 03:59:31 Yea. Well I mean if you think about it. 1 cycle on and off is 200Mhz. 2 cycle on and off is 100Mhz. There's just not enough resolution there. Jun 08 04:01:49 I mean if you push out to 500+ cycles you start being able to pick frequencies in the 160Meter ham band but you'd have to give the middle finger to band spacing. Jun 08 04:03:05 *100+ cycle Jun 08 04:08:55 Well... there's an idea... Maybe using both with a mixer. Pru 1 can pick a wide number and if that can get you within 3 or so MHz of intended band you might be able to not piss too many people off. Jun 08 04:30:14 foreverska: why are you thinking of doing it with the PRU? Jun 08 04:30:50 What other option do we have? It's the fastest with the best accuracy isn't it? Jun 08 04:30:57 no Jun 08 04:31:08 what mode you want to do? Jun 08 04:31:15 AM? FM? CW? SSB? Digital? Jun 08 04:31:27 AM, CW, SSB Jun 08 04:31:43 AM and SSB is going to be hard Jun 08 04:31:51 actually no Jun 08 04:31:54 do it as DDS Jun 08 04:32:05 there is HW in there that might as well be a DDS Jun 08 04:32:16 but you need an ADC Jun 08 04:32:21 oops DAC Jun 08 04:33:42 Well for AM the usual circuits can be applied when you get a frequency. SSB you can just bandpass (I know that wastes but that's easiest). Jun 08 04:39:40 Oh you willing to externally modulate it? Jun 08 04:39:50 Here's what I'm seeing: Pru 1 coarse, Pru 2 medium, adjustable oscillator to fine tune freq. Jun 08 04:40:16 what about the video system? Jun 08 04:40:23 why not use that as a DDS? Jun 08 04:40:40 it clocks out data from RAM at a fixed speed Jun 08 04:40:46 put the clocks into a DAC Jun 08 04:40:55 low pass it Jun 08 04:42:29 Video system? Jun 08 04:42:57 Oh you mean LCD subsystem? Jun 08 05:05:07 yes Jun 08 08:18:49 ) Urgent Notification Free Lotto Awa Jun 08 08:23:44 ds2: you are going to invest this into beaglebones? Jun 08 08:42:39 is there a way to increase the period/frequency beyond 1 second for hardware PWM on the beaglebone black? Jun 08 08:45:00 At that pace you could turn the bit on and off yourself Jun 08 08:49:40 I agree I can, just a bit more programming. Had my fingers crossed for hardware solution. I tried to increase through the "/sys/devices/ocp.3/pwm_test_P9_14.16/period", but it throws back an out of range. Jun 08 08:52:17 That sounds pretty damning. I really haven't played with PWN much sorry I'm not more help. Jun 08 08:59:32 steven_: look at the TRM if it's a HW limitation, if not it might just be a kernel thing Jun 08 08:59:52 so looking at the kernel code that controls the PWM would also be a good idea Jun 08 09:05:22 thanks tbr and forever Jun 08 12:33:39 hi, i want to change the uboot logo when loading kernel, i mean the logo in upper corner and is it possible to change it's size? tnx Jun 08 12:36:38 well Jun 08 12:40:40 * tbr never noticed an uboot logo Jun 08 12:41:06 but just rebuild u-boot, I guess Jun 08 12:42:18 i mean the pinguin. when the kernel is loading... Jun 08 12:44:25 that is NOT u-boot Jun 08 12:44:28 that's the kernel Jun 08 12:45:06 so is there any chance to change it without compiling the kernel? Jun 08 12:45:14 hahahaha, no Jun 08 12:46:05 if you care for fancy graphics, turn off fbconsole and use psplash or such Jun 08 12:47:00 how can i do that? Jun 08 12:49:38 I'd suggest to do it by reading documentation and applying what I learn Jun 08 12:50:16 console you can probably turn off on the u-boot command line and I bet that's well documented too Jun 08 12:56:11 you mean i should change uEnv file? or sth else? Jun 08 12:59:51 yes Jun 08 13:05:33 sorry tbr: but i don't have any idea of what to search for , could you explain more please? Jun 08 13:08:08 milad: I'd recommend to read a book about embedded linux Jun 08 13:09:01 oh come on: read an entire book for changing a tiny logo? Jun 08 13:09:27 you seem to lack the basic understanding of embedded linux, so, yes. Jun 08 13:09:32 if i had time i did but i need it earlier Jun 08 13:10:25 i should do it today and may be i should read 1 page/sec Jun 08 13:11:08 why do you care about something as superficial as a boot logo if you have a deadline to meet? Jun 08 13:17:48 anyone know spi, i have beagle all hooked up thru device tree and everythings install but i dont know how to talk to codec thru spi Jun 08 13:17:56 i just want to know its responding Jun 08 13:19:20 changing boot logo is vital for our company Jun 08 14:38:29 is there any way to debug the boot process of the BeagleBone Black if it doesn't get as far as displaying things through HDMI? Jun 08 14:50:54 aef: the serial Jun 08 15:37:45 Defiant: how do i access that? is there an usb adapter? Jun 08 15:37:53 aef: you have to buy one Jun 08 15:38:32 Defiant: is there maybe a way that doesn't actually convert to the classic serial port but uses USB on both sides? because I don't have any PC that has a native serial port anymore Jun 08 15:38:53 aef: http://elinux.org/Beagleboard:BeagleBone_Black_Serial Jun 08 15:47:59 hey hi Jun 08 15:59:45 aef: just get a usb2serial cable. costs less currency units than a beer at the bar. Jun 08 16:00:13 bonus points if you buy one that uses the right voltage level out of the box (3.3V) Jun 08 16:20:37 Defiant, tbr: thanks for the info Jun 08 16:21:54 tbr: you recommended to use a specific kernel to me for my BBB. is there any info available on how to build that kernel by yourself? Jun 08 16:26:28 aef: I think the RCN kernel is on github. There are probably instructions on his pages how to build it. Jun 08 18:13:47 has anybody tried to boot RCN's 3.7 kernel on BB-XM? Jun 08 18:14:06 why 3.7 specifically? Jun 08 18:14:24 because it is supposed to support ulcd7 Jun 08 18:15:38 newer kernels don;t wirk, because there is not DT support for the board Jun 08 21:43:59 guys i accidentally my MMC, what's a good resource for reconfiguring it with fdisk? Jun 08 23:27:46 feel like sucha boss right now Jun 08 23:28:01 upgrading my router from the command line with an image i compiled Jun 08 23:31:51 while ssh'd in from another country Jun 09 00:01:56 * piranha32 once recovered cluster of 32 computational nodes which crapped after kernel upgrade, while sitting on the other side of Atlantic Ocean Jun 09 00:04:18 ya just gotta one up the kid dont'cha? Jun 09 00:34:52 When you cast from (int32_t *) to (int16_t *) is the first 16 bits in [0] or [1]? Jun 09 02:12:24 hi folks. got a rev c and am a little confused at the readme.htm. it seems to be telling me to go to latest-images and install angstrom. but i thought rev c didn't do angstrom and came with debian Jun 09 02:13:36 lol documentatino fail Jun 09 02:13:48 yeah don't go back to angstrom Jun 09 02:13:56 only gonna cause you a headache Jun 09 02:14:05 yeah, no intention to Jun 09 02:14:07 there should be a debian image on latest-images .. Jun 09 02:14:18 i figured it was doc fail but checking since i'm new to BBB Jun 09 02:14:27 and the debian image there was all 2g Jun 09 02:14:27 but .. yeah .. that lot really needs a clear-up Jun 09 02:14:30 figured it'd be 4g Jun 09 02:16:14 w00t Jun 09 02:16:16 there we go again Jun 09 02:16:39 flaky connection? Jun 09 02:17:03 yeah terrible night for my 3G's .. both of 'em :( Jun 09 02:17:26 bleh Jun 09 02:17:43 so on http://beagleboard.org/latest-images they mention to different 2gig debian images Jun 09 02:17:59 do i need one of those? little confused at it being only 2gig. i thought it was bigger Jun 09 02:18:15 there shouldn't be a need for a bigger image :) Jun 09 02:18:24 or they haven't updated yet :p Jun 09 02:19:01 well, i thought the whole deal with the bump from rev b to c was they moved from 2g to 4g so they could fit in a proper debian. but i fully admit to not having read in depth Jun 09 02:19:33 its just ppl adding more packages used to run out of eMMC Jun 09 02:19:42 there's no need for a 'bigger' debian .. Jun 09 02:19:53 huh Jun 09 02:20:35 remember .. its not a desktop computer .. its an embedded processor board :) Jun 09 02:21:13 no 1TB disk drives and 16GB RAM lol Jun 09 02:21:31 scale Down! :) Jun 09 02:22:02 hey, i'm not the guy making the OS distribution ;) Jun 09 02:22:31 no .. the ppl that are know what they're doing .. trus tme :) Jun 09 02:22:46 never said they didn't Jun 09 02:25:29 any way to tell what debian image is currently on the bbb? Jun 09 02:27:24 probably .. but I don't know it :) Jun 09 02:27:40 Wow. Very Beagle. http://hackaday.com/2014/06/08/the-in-circuit-sd-card-switch/ Jun 09 02:29:14 the BBB is set up to use dhcp if on ethernet, right? Jun 09 02:29:16 by default Jun 09 02:33:35 should dhcp on ethernet, yes Jun 09 02:33:59 cool, thanks. next step is to try to get an asus usb-n10 wifi adapter working with it Jun 09 02:34:24 seems like some people have gotten it working, at least with angstrom. but i haven't found any sort of format howto Jun 09 02:34:30 for debian Jun 09 02:35:00 oh joy .. good luck! Jun 09 02:35:14 what comes up in dmesg when you plug it in? Jun 09 02:35:18 wifi seems very difficult .. but Oh So desireable Jun 09 02:35:31 I just plug my beagle in Jun 09 02:35:32 i haven't actually cut open the packaging yet. i was going to check if there was any "it just works" solution for debian Jun 09 02:35:37 if I want wifi .. I use the wandboard :D Jun 09 02:35:45 Oh god no... Jun 09 02:35:58 unfortunately, the ethernet solution would involve me trying to run a cord through the wall to the second story of my 1933 house Jun 09 02:36:04 so its pick your poison Jun 09 02:36:14 buy an AP :) probably simpler Jun 09 02:36:27 even when it "just works" you still have to dick around with all the rigamaro of WPA in debian without a wifi manager Jun 09 02:36:36 yeah, true. but it's JUST for the BBB, so it seems a little overkill Jun 09 02:36:44 bleh Jun 09 02:36:49 sometimes i really hate linux Jun 09 02:36:59 those times are when i have to do anything related to hardware setup Jun 09 02:37:45 the end goal for this is to serve octoprint for my taz4 3d printer, with a video feed Jun 09 02:38:20 cool Jun 09 02:38:29 some crazy innovative stuff going on Jun 09 02:40:09 i should probably just bite the bullet and try to just run a wire. it's actually in my office and i already have a dinky access point up there. i suppose i COULD just slap a hub on it. Jun 09 02:40:22 i think it only has two ports Jun 09 02:40:59 but man, the last time i tried to figure out the trajectory for getting the wire run, it gave me the willies. doesn't help that i have hardwood floors Jun 09 02:58:14 f **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Jun 09 02:59:58 2014