**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Apr 30 02:59:57 2020 Apr 30 03:01:06 OK I got it to compile cleanly. Writer didn't casr fgets and fread and system. Fixed that. Bit -O2 dosen;t do notin. Apr 30 03:02:55 OK I got it to compile cleanly. Writer didn't cast to integer for gets and fread and system. Fixed that. Bit -O2 dosen;t do notin. Apr 30 03:04:19 You know what means bring corrected 'C' files to BBB and make sure it is OK, Then inux Mint Apr 30 03:08:54 don't forget sleep Apr 30 03:10:34 Yea, in a bit Apr 30 03:32:02 Good night Apr 30 03:44:58 Phew. I finally got vue.js to work w/ a server! Apr 30 03:44:59 Boy! Apr 30 03:45:22 But...it took node.js to work. Apr 30 03:45:39 and 50 other libraries. Apr 30 03:47:51 welcome to dependency heck. Apr 30 03:48:01 Ha. Apr 30 03:48:17 ken went to bed I should too actually. Apr 30 03:48:25 I know, I know. I try to make things happen. No go but w/ 4500 other libraries, it works. Apr 30 03:48:38 Okay. GenTooMan: Have fun! Apr 30 11:12:52 I have Ethernet PHY problems and I'd like to communicate with rcn-ee who's spoken to me here in this channel before and who I've been waiting to appear for some time but who hasn't done Apr 30 11:13:18 I tried to find the mailing list but apparently now the mailing list is not a google group but a "forum" Apr 30 11:14:44 with google groups mailing lists, you used to be able to subscribe using an email address, group+subscribe@googlegroups.com, without a google account and without agreeing to Google's odious terms Apr 30 11:18:06 ok, apparently you can still subscribe to the "forum" using email Apr 30 11:18:34 or at least, I get emails back from google using a group name of "beagleboard" Apr 30 11:21:41 *facepalm* Apr 30 11:21:57 apparently there's another group called "beaglebone" which I'm already subscribed to Apr 30 11:22:03 what a mess :-( Apr 30 12:10:05 rah: the mailing list / "forum" has been google groups for as long as I remember Apr 30 12:10:10 nothing has changed there afaik Apr 30 12:12:14 and yeah there's some "beaglebone" group in addition to the official beagleboard group... not sure why, I'm assuming beagleboard.org isn't responsible for the "beaglebone" group but I don't know for sure Apr 30 12:19:58 m Apr 30 12:30:13 m2u Apr 30 18:50:33 Hi all, I am new to beaglebone and have been given a beaglebone ai to use. I am having trouble finding the default root password for the AI. The beaglebone black was a blank password but its not working for the AI. Does anyone know the defeault root password for the BeagleBone Ai Apr 30 22:10:35 did you check the documentation? There should be "getting" started information. Apr 30 23:39:07 Are people having issues downloading from bbb.io/latest-images? Apr 30 23:41:18 It seems like it is taking a long time. I rebooted the ole, 'puter but that did not work either. May 01 00:00:30 let me test ... May 01 00:00:47 first give me your internet bandwidth. May 01 00:03:03 second which image where you downloading May 01 00:03:08 third how high is up May 01 00:03:26 fourth how long did it take milliseconds matter May 01 00:08:30 Okay. May 01 00:09:13 Please hold. I have been downloading from bbb.io/latest-images for an hour and not milliseconds. am335x IoT image Buster 10.3. May 01 00:09:34 Internet Bandwidth? I do not know how to test for that. Please hold. I will go and look it up. May 01 00:13:28 set_: it's on your end, the download proceeds just fine here May 01 00:13:37 Okay. May 01 00:19:03 here 1:11 so probably has to do with speed bump between you and the servo for the image. May 01 00:19:43 server ugh. It's weird I typo with correctly spelled words these days and I don't have spell checking. May 01 00:35:51 GenTooMan: I have 0.25 Mbps download speeds on this puter. May 01 00:35:59 Slow 'mo! May 01 00:36:23 Probably too many open applications right now. May 01 00:48:25 no the image is 571M you operate at .25M so it ends up ~3000 seconds thus taking at least 50 minutes. May 01 00:49:55 it should take 38 to 50 minutes to download is all I am saying. So your perception wasn't too far off from the theoretical limit May 01 00:59:31 Right... May 01 00:59:48 But...I had not even downloaded 1/4 of the entire content yet. May 01 01:03:21 Ok it's you... not your connection :D May 01 01:03:55 so it took an hour to download 137M May 01 01:08:42 No, I had like 25MB only. May 01 01:11:09 It could be the old 'puter and its capabilties. Who knows? May 01 01:12:27 not likely.. but curl might be faster. May 01 01:14:33 Oh well. May 01 01:14:42 I will try again later. May 01 01:18:33 it really depends on what linux is doing. I have noticed that the older kernels are faster. I suspect it's slowed down because of speed lost from mitigating data leakage from the security weaknesses found in processor cores. May 01 01:19:22 the result is more swapping and more allocation of memory. **** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri May 01 02:59:57 2020