**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Jan 31 02:59:58 2012 Jan 31 04:57:47 Ok, Mobile Florist has been submitted to iOS. That makes 3 for me. Who else has submitted one? Jan 31 04:58:57 erupnu: you're such an over-acheiver Jan 31 04:59:16 rwhitby: slacker :P Jan 31 04:59:45 rwhitby: besides, it's not really hard to be honest (iOS that is). Android is more of a pain Jan 31 05:01:09 why is android more of a pain? Jan 31 05:03:06 PatrickC: multiple screen sizes to work with Jan 31 05:03:15 ah Jan 31 05:03:33 i have an android phone now.. so happy that webOS is still alive Jan 31 05:03:58 rwhitby, thanks for all you and the WebOS Internals team do to help keep webOS alive! Jan 31 05:03:59 @media all and (max-width: 600px) if your friend, but you still have to write all the CSS exceptions Jan 31 05:07:13 erupnu: Did you do anything to scale the enyo UI components for different devices? My game looks great on the galaxy nexus for instance, but the toolbar is massive. Jan 31 05:08:05 minego: not for Enyo UI (not yet anyway). It's on my todo list. Right now, it's ok usable, but Android is always gonna be the worst to get right Jan 31 05:09:08 Yeah. My UI scales really nicely to various screen sizes but for some of the games the cards are just too tiny on a phone. I'm not sure how I'll deal with scaling the UI for phones though. Jan 31 05:09:29 I plan on writing a second version specifically for phones Jan 31 05:10:50 I'm probably going to have to do some different layouts for the games for phones, but even with a different version the DPI changes so dramatically between phones that I'm not sure how to deal with it. Jan 31 05:11:15 minego: therein lies the PITA par of Android Jan 31 05:11:29 yup Jan 31 05:11:52 well that and it does all kinds of weird things with mouse events Jan 31 05:15:46 I really wish I had focused on iOS before android Jan 31 05:15:57 It feels like all the android work has been a waste Jan 31 05:16:15 I mean not entirely, but still... Jan 31 05:16:16 the way I see it, with the iOS review wait, I'll still be in Android first Jan 31 05:16:37 Yeah I should have thought of that too Jan 31 05:17:05 ugh.. of course my text input wouldnt give me its value.. Jan 31 05:22:24 minego, ping Jan 31 05:22:33 PatrickC: pung Jan 31 05:22:51 ill PM u, or we can talk in #project-macaw as its about macaw Jan 31 05:23:10 PM is fine Jan 31 05:28:38 what forum engine does forums.enyojs.com use? Jan 31 05:30:13 vanila Jan 31 05:30:19 vanilla Jan 31 05:30:38 looking at the page source is helpful Jan 31 05:32:47 the one thing i didnt think of.. looking at the page source Jan 31 10:13:19 Adora: up late aren't you ? Jan 31 14:43:17 * minego yawns Jan 31 15:14:11 Well... trying to do ads for the online version is not going well *sigh* Jan 31 15:19:07 *sigh* Jan 31 16:06:38 ? Jan 31 16:07:53 I was rejected for adsense because there isn't enough text content in the app.... Jan 31 16:08:12 I'm out of ideas for monitizing this as a web app Jan 31 16:08:33 I could do in-app purchases, but I really don't see that being succesful. Jan 31 17:06:59 minego-away: whatcha workin on Jan 31 17:12:20 EricBlade: Solitaire Universe as a web app Jan 31 17:12:41 and a facebook/google+ app ;) Jan 31 17:12:56 I haven't looked into those yet, but yeah I'd like to do that later Jan 31 17:13:05 I'm probably going to have to create a facebook account to do that *sigh* Jan 31 17:13:18 So far I don't have any good way to monetize it though, which is frustrating. **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Jan 31 17:23:32 2012 Jan 31 17:56:24 minego, did u get my email last night? Jan 31 17:56:31 Yes Jan 31 17:56:35 I like the name Jan 31 17:56:46 cool. register the other ones as well? Jan 31 17:57:28 huh? Jan 31 17:57:43 PM Jan 31 18:04:36 brb Jan 31 19:00:24 woo, California here I come Jan 31 19:02:51 sugardave: congrats! Jan 31 19:24:51 sugardave, awesome Jan 31 19:26:41 sugardave, get some In 'n Out while you're there Jan 31 20:54:06 wrea: we're programmers, we don't get in 'n out Jan 31 20:55:02 It's a sin to go to California and not get In 'n Out Jan 31 20:55:24 Now I'm craving a 4x4 Animal Style Jan 31 20:58:10 It's nice for me I can grab some on the way to/from the oakland airport since there is one right at the exit to the airport Jan 31 21:05:43 *sigh* phonegap 1.4 doesn't seem to resolve any of the problems I have on android Jan 31 21:05:47 at least not the major ones Jan 31 21:06:18 Now my CSS transitions aren't finishing.... **** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Feb 01 02:59:57 2012