**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed May 30 02:59:58 2012 May 30 03:00:08 Cute as shit, too May 30 03:00:29 The only downside is that I have a single variable being stored to DOMWindow :\ May 30 03:00:47 (for order in which the resources are created) May 30 03:04:52 Now all I need is an animated pane kind that actually does what I need May 30 03:05:03 infiniteslidingpane was close but not quite :\ May 30 03:05:10 check out Panels May 30 03:05:12 in onyx May 30 03:06:41 when you set owner: this during createComponents, you can't destroy components later May 30 03:06:44 =(((( May 30 03:08:40 Tibfib_: is it in the Onyx package or somewhere else? May 30 03:08:42 I don't sees it May 30 03:08:56 Oh, there's a Panel kind in layout/ May 30 03:09:42 wait, i take that back May 30 03:10:10 you totally can destroycomponents, but any nested components aren't destroyed along with May 30 03:11:59 nope yeah owner: this makes destroycomponents useless May 30 03:13:12 but i can use owner: this in the component line and it works. May 30 03:13:54 hmmmmmmmmmmmm sweet oh man this app is like. IT'S GETTING THERE MAN May 30 03:14:04 hmm panels can probably be coerced in to doing what I want May 30 03:23:53 * rrix brb phoenix az May 30 03:27:30 Panels can do anything May 30 03:27:33 maybe May 30 03:29:29 can they stay in the kitchen and cook me food for a living May 30 03:29:46 because, i'd totally use them May 30 03:30:51 that's what girlfriends are for May 30 03:31:06 (i am kidding, ladies) May 30 03:34:38 http://www.joe-ks.com/archives_feb2005/ComplicatedComputers.gif May 30 03:40:51 any examples or how to build an enyo app for phonegap? May 30 03:47:45 yeah, just build any phonegap app and enyo will work with it May 30 03:48:16 phonegap uses html5 as a platform.. enyo is just an html5 app May 30 04:15:08 visionary: https://github.com/enyojs/bootplate May 30 04:18:33 thanks May 30 04:20:40 fxspec06: figure out your components issue? May 30 04:21:06 rrix: oops, I meant layout, not onyx. May 30 04:21:43 fxspec06: well if you didn't, I think what you are looking for is destroyControls() and getControls() May 30 04:21:54 yeah, i figured it May 30 04:21:55 but May 30 04:22:04 i didn't know destroyControls existed, so thanks May 30 04:22:27 components are the OWNED kinds. controls are the child controls May 30 04:26:59 for the SQL UPDATE statement with a WHERE clause, do you use "column = value OR column = value" or do you use "WHERE column IN (value, value)" ? May 30 04:28:12 the first one May 30 04:28:17 is what I have used May 30 04:28:46 but I usually have to find an example online May 30 04:34:16 awh crap. i have overlooked the fact that sports like basketball and football have ending scores that are definitely not in the tens May 30 04:34:27 what was i thinking May 30 04:34:51 sugardave: hmmm May 30 04:35:16 Tibfib_, did you check out knockout yet? May 30 04:35:20 I have not May 30 04:35:24 I will now that I have a better connection May 30 04:35:35 i'm reading up on it right now May 30 04:35:48 sugardave: for SELECT statements I use the first, for DELETE FROM statements I use the later May 30 04:35:52 I'll try the first May 30 04:36:02 oh you said UPDATE, huh? May 30 04:36:16 not sure about that one and I can't look at my old MOJO code right now :P May 30 04:37:22 haha May 30 04:37:27 the second doesn't seem to work May 30 04:37:32 sooo I'm trying hte first May 30 04:38:09 omg this is so cool May 30 04:45:25 looks like the second does work May 30 04:45:35 the first might have worked I suppose, it's my surrounding code doesn't though May 30 04:47:38 Tibfib_, so far knockoutjs is awesome May 30 04:49:29 slick got it working May 30 04:49:39 ezakimak: checking it out now May 30 04:49:55 the tutoriial format is amazing. wish all projects did it like that May 30 04:51:30 so you use enyo to write the html and ko to do the background work May 30 04:52:46 ko can handle all the data binding May 30 04:53:07 not sure which will talk to the server, i imagine possibly a combination May 30 04:53:23 since i'd do the ui flow w/enyo, but all the data management w/knockoutjs May 30 04:53:44 I could see going back and forth being a tad obnoxious May 30 04:53:49 however, it could work May 30 04:54:45 lemme know how it goes! May 30 04:55:47 will do May 30 05:16:36 I'm stumped May 30 05:19:47 Tibfib_: Yup; figured it out on the plane and the things are sexypants now May 30 05:38:59 this works. http://i.imgur.com/vavfz.png May 30 05:48:18 hmm, Panels doesn't fire an event when it's done transitioning May 30 05:48:33 pull the top of tree and it does May 30 05:49:06 heh May 30 05:50:25 hah, awesome May 30 05:50:27 thanks sugardave :) May 30 05:50:31 np May 30 05:50:36 instant gratification May 30 05:50:53 the first one is free! May 30 05:51:03 And it's documented, too! May 30 05:57:16 OH MY GOSH May 30 05:57:20 that was the worst thing ever May 30 05:59:00 FYI everyone, Google Reader does not like it if you pass them a blank parameter May 30 05:59:48 hah May 30 08:00:16 ok, so, i think i'm going to try to get a start in enyo 2 again May 30 08:01:18 what's best way to get started, now, just clone bootplate? May 30 08:12:51 yep May 30 08:15:31 that is pretty easy May 30 08:15:43 now to figure out how to actually make it do something May 30 08:17:23 did you get the submodules? May 30 08:17:52 git submodule init; git submodule update May 30 08:18:45 yeah May 30 08:19:31 i'm trying to figure out why i might still need enyo now that I found knockout May 30 08:24:20 hmm. the sample panels doesn't seem to work for me. :( May 30 08:26:02 eh, got it. ok May 30 08:29:08 ok this is totally breaking my mind. backing off now May 30 08:34:18 blah i can't even think what i want to do. must be time to go play games. May 30 08:34:56 i know the feeling May 30 08:35:42 lots of todo lists, no desire May 30 08:38:46 what in the heck is a start May 30 08:39:15 all the logic in my tourny app works May 30 08:39:17 w00t May 30 08:39:28 i need more logos, more images, more glitter May 30 08:39:41 then it's >>> package, icon, & submit May 30 08:39:48 not necessarily in that order May 30 09:13:53 wow according to my google info page, i lost 30 gvoice users yesterday on android May 30 11:58:53 EricBlade: how'd you do that? May 30 11:59:06 EricBlade: do you insert fragments of content through their conversations May 30 11:59:44 just random pieces of voice content in their conversations? May 30 16:19:03 ezakimak: I don't like writing HTML, which is why I'd prefer enyo to knockout May 30 16:20:26 even though enyo is far more verbose to output html? May 30 16:21:37 in theory you could combine them May 30 16:23:08 yeah May 30 16:24:19 no me gusta HTML May 30 17:08:20 https://twitter.com/EnyoJS/status/207869282783203328/photo/1/large **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu May 31 02:59:58 2012