**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Nov 27 02:59:59 2012 Nov 27 05:15:41 Who owns createComponent? Is it inherited to anything that has a component, like a enyo.control ? // excuse my improper interpretation Nov 27 05:16:27 hold on, I'm looking it up Nov 27 05:17:01 enyo.Component.createComponent Nov 27 05:17:25 so yes, anything that inherits from enyo.Component will inherit createComponent Nov 27 05:17:46 Is there any easy way yo see subclasses of ^ Nov 27 05:18:59 I suspect the onyx toolbar is... Thanks for your help! Nov 27 05:20:37 I want to dynamically add components to the toolbar, it is correct to do using this method, createComponent ? Nov 27 05:24:42 Found: https://github.com/enyojs/enyo/wiki/Creating-Components Nov 27 05:30:47 Valdez: check out http://enyojs.com/api/ Nov 27 05:31:01 when you look up a Kind, it'll tell you at the top what it inherits from Nov 27 05:45:37 Cool, thanks a lot, things are coming full circle Nov 27 05:47:55 * Valdez lives in a space of grep ambiguity Nov 27 05:48:46 glad to help Nov 27 08:50:04 OK, so I just destroyed a component and it was gone from the FittableColumns, followed by a this.createComponent()... Do I have to refresh something to get the component to show? Nov 27 08:50:20 The destroy method worked fine Nov 27 08:52:13 I see that it is a control that has a show :) Nov 27 08:53:16 Valdez: you need to manually call .render() Nov 27 08:55:23 Kat will that fix https://gist.github.com/4153223 Nov 27 08:57:04 AWESOME! Nov 27 08:57:08 Breakthrough ! Nov 27 08:57:16 it is late Nov 27 08:57:59 Valdez: why not show/hide instead of destroy/create? Nov 27 08:58:01 I really need to familiarize myself with this API... Nov 27 08:58:25 you can put your logout button in the initial definition, and use showing:false Nov 27 08:58:42 O yeah, good point, I was thinking of finite objects, but your right if I am toggling then I am just presentationally creating the same object Nov 27 08:59:15 I will change that over to show and hide now that I have looked at the classes and seen that they are controls that have the aforementioned show() and hide() Nov 27 08:59:17 * Valdez blah Nov 27 08:59:26 Thanks for your help! Nov 27 08:59:29 np Nov 27 09:40:15 The following late binding function to doLogin() for ontap doesn't work: Nov 27 09:40:15 this.$.right.createComponent({kind: "onyx.Button", name:"login_btn", content: "Login", ontap:"doLogin", style: "float:right;"}); What do I need to do to bind it at a later point? I am thinking maybe, this.$.login_btn.setNodeProperty (onTap:etc.)? Nov 27 18:11:47 Can someone help me, I am dynamically adding components to a FittableColumns object using the createComponent function, everything works find except the ontap listener binding is screwed up, doesn't bind... So I am wondering if there is a way to add a listener to a component that already has been added‬? Nov 27 18:13:54 I have even attempted to create the component as a kind of its own right then create an instance to pass to addComponent, but the button doesn't render this way even after render() is called... I did this hoping that by creating a kind of it's own right that I will be able to perserve the onTap binding Nov 27 18:25:02 Valdez: That's an interesting problem there. Can you make a fiddle showing the problem? Nov 27 18:38:18 Sure, one sec Nov 27 18:40:52 Actually I don't really want to learn fiddle and understand what relevent parts are needed to generate ^ Nov 27 18:41:30 I am kinda done with this problem... It has taken me too long, I have to move on Nov 27 18:41:41 Alrighty... Nov 27 18:43:39 I suspect you just need to add { owner: this } to you create call. Nov 27 18:43:41 Roy, here is the code Nov 27 18:43:41 https://gist.github.com/4156149 Nov 27 18:44:30 Out of curiosity, why are you dynamically creating that button? Nov 27 18:44:49 Yeah, I saw that entire owner thing, my understanding was that it allows the component to bound to the owner object such that you can reference it as, owner.$.newComponent Nov 27 18:45:16 It also sets where to look for functions to bind, I think. Nov 27 18:46:08 Well, I am not, I would prefer to just show() and hide() it, but for somereason when referencing components, it doesn't work... Nov 27 18:46:26 checking ^ Nov 27 18:46:41 Where is the login function? On 'right'? Nov 27 18:47:01 hide doesn't work? It should... Nov 27 18:49:17 I'm pretty sure your issue was the missing { owner: this } since you're calling create on another component. Nov 27 18:49:50 I see, cool, will try Nov 27 18:50:27 I hope that's not your whole create function... Nov 27 18:50:42 It's not, is it? Nov 27 18:51:15 You may also want to namespace your Toolbar component. Nov 27 18:52:47 Roy, suppose I did just add the components at the beginning like so: https://gist.github.com/4156212 How can I hide the logout component, I would like to hide it by exposing a function in right that does the following call, this.$.login_btn.hide(); Nov 27 18:54:07 No it wasn't otherwise I wouldn't be able to call createComponent that functional asset wouldn't be possible, this.inherited(arguments); this.resizeLayout(); preceedes it Nov 27 18:54:37 that's good. Nov 27 18:54:44 The issue is that the function that I am exposing gets an undefined for this.$.login_btn.hide(); Nov 27 18:56:08 THat is why I am creating the components using createComponent, becuase then, and only then is something like this possible: , this.$.login_btn.hide(); Nov 27 18:58:12 Valdez: See this fiddle, it works with {owner: this} http://jsfiddle.net/RoySutton/etQHf/ Nov 27 18:58:57 Awesome! Thanks! Nov 27 18:59:07 Haven't tested it yet, but it looks good Nov 27 18:59:51 Thanks for showing me Fiddle also :) Nov 27 19:01:56 Glad to have. Nov 27 19:07:05 AWESOME, that fixed everything! At first I was going to say, but wait, now I cannot reference my object from within right, but that is OK, by adding the owner I have the ability to issue the hide() over the component using my outter binding // "this.$.logout_btn.hide();" //works in create Nov 27 19:07:24 I changed to be a static button and I can hide it: Nov 27 19:07:24 http://jsfiddle.net/RoySutton/etQHf/1/ Nov 27 19:09:22 You could also set {showing: false} at 'design' time to have it start hidden. Nov 27 19:12:00 Awesome, I just confirmed all that you have said works Nov 27 19:12:29 Thanks for your help! I just got confused with the parent object binding Nov 27 19:41:21 anyone know how to do file uploads in Enyo that will work w/ Firefox and IE8? Nov 27 19:42:19 FormData is not supported in IE8, and even when I tried that, it does not send it correctly when you try to use Enyo's XHR wrapper Nov 27 19:42:32 (tried it in FF, obv) Nov 27 19:49:44 GodGinrai: No real clue… I'd look for another solution and wrap it for Enyo. Nov 27 19:51:25 well, I didn't want to use Flash, and I am using Enyo for this because I didn't want to show the user page loads :/ Nov 27 19:53:06 Flash is pretty ubiquitous... Nov 27 19:55:55 I know it is, but this may eventually target mobile, and I don't want to hinder it, since it would probably primarily be accessed by blackberries Nov 27 20:35:36 anyone familiar with how to deploy enyo on a java web server like tomcat Nov 27 20:35:52 how to minify if index.html is not in the same dir Nov 27 20:37:01 what do you mean? Nov 27 20:37:17 are you trying to use the bootplate? Nov 27 20:39:31 yes, using bootplate Nov 27 20:39:41 maybe that's my problem ? Nov 27 20:39:52 it can't find a whole bunch of js which is obviously there Nov 27 20:40:19 yea, I don't use the bootplate for any of my Enyo development Nov 27 20:40:46 GodGinrai: so you just download enyo ? Nov 27 20:41:33 I just put enyo.js in a js folder, enyo.css in a css folder, link them and my package.js in my index.html Nov 27 20:41:53 ah, ok, thx Nov 27 20:41:56 yw Nov 27 21:07:20 dcramer: To minimize bootplate just run tools/deploy.sh Nov 27 21:08:03 Roy__: thx Nov 27 21:08:06 GodGinrai: File upload isn't going to work on mobile anyhow, is it? Nov 27 21:27:27 Roy__: why shouldn't it? Nov 27 21:29:15 Most mobile devices don't have any sort of exposed file system you can choose a file from. Nov 27 21:30:10 not planning this as an app, but as a site Nov 27 21:30:35 Still, the mobile devices won't really be able to upload files. Nov 27 21:30:42 the browsers can see the filesystem just fine Nov 27 21:30:55 I uploaded stuff all the time back on my Droid 3 Nov 27 21:52:26 Good to know that Android does work. You will probably need to use a layered strategy. Nov 27 22:02:14 well, I can't confirm uploading w/ Enyo on android, only that forms with file inputs would correctly upload on android Nov 28 02:56:05 I am in Enyo dependency hell, please help :) ... I need to load my lawnchair code (lawn.js) before loading the package.js **** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Nov 28 02:59:59 2012