**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Aug 28 02:59:58 2014 Aug 28 12:52:01 afternoom roon Aug 28 14:07:40 hey dmanderson, you there? Aug 28 14:08:00 Simpson_2, SimpsonTP as well. Aug 28 14:40:47 and both are gone missing :o Aug 28 14:43:14 I'm there Aug 28 14:43:51 Simpson_2: your dynamic binding problem from yesterday Aug 28 14:44:00 Simpson_2: I feel you are overcomplicating it Aug 28 14:44:33 -v Aug 28 14:44:43 -v? Aug 28 14:48:22 -v == verbose Aug 28 14:48:49 I'm not so much interested in your opinion, more in the motivation behind your opinion Aug 28 14:49:02 you might have good point :) Aug 28 14:52:14 I see Aug 28 14:52:32 Basically, Simpson_2, since you want to have a binding between your app and the created kind Aug 28 14:52:54 You can just have that binding pre-existing in your app Aug 28 14:53:06 and it will do its job as soon as said kind exists Aug 28 15:07:29 Simpson_2: Here's an example fiddle that illustrates my point: http://jsfiddle.net/9j7vttfx/ Aug 28 15:13:08 I see what you do, but its not what i mean, I'll do a jsfiddle tomorrow Aug 28 15:13:21 k Aug 28 16:25:41 I thought of suggesting binding from the other direction, but I wanted to see what his use case is first Aug 28 16:43:38 Morning Enyos Aug 28 16:45:03 good morning Aug 28 16:45:11 you're awfully late :P Aug 28 16:54:21 I’m early! Aug 28 16:55:53 not really <.< Aug 28 16:56:08 btw, I just learned about React yesterday Aug 28 16:57:00 it's funny because it's similar to Enyo, but other devs are learning about it because it's backed by Facebook :P Aug 28 16:57:37 Although I would say that Enyo's frontpage advertises to the wrong people Aug 28 16:57:57 whereas React's advertises to the right people Aug 28 16:58:52 dmanderson: you should get the team in gear for fixing the front page Aug 28 16:59:15 interesting Aug 28 16:59:16 :) Aug 28 17:00:57 The enyo frontpage needs to be more like this: http://facebook.github.io/react/ Aug 28 17:01:13 Actual code and examples that shows the developer why they should use Enyo Aug 28 17:01:54 all those quotes etc. is how you advertise to business people, not to developers Aug 28 17:06:48 https://github.com/enyojs/enyosite Aug 28 17:06:50 ;-) Aug 28 17:07:02 oh nvm Aug 28 17:07:04 that’s private Aug 28 17:07:05 ugh Aug 28 17:07:24 lol Aug 28 19:25:51 dmanderson, like what we discussed ;) Aug 28 19:26:15 ;-) Aug 28 19:26:37 but seriously a good point Aug 28 19:32:22 brb Aug 28 19:32:27 monitor fucked up Aug 28 20:07:55 ugh Aug 28 20:07:58 I hate scrollers Aug 28 20:08:14 read: I don't understand scrollers, so they never work correctly Aug 28 20:09:48 chall: they are not the most fun things, indeed :P Aug 28 20:09:58 chall: what's your current problem? Aug 28 20:10:34 GodGinrai, mostly that it doesn't seem to know how tall it should be Aug 28 20:10:51 so it just grows and grows until it's thousands of pixels tall Aug 28 20:10:58 chall: yea, it defaults to 0 unless you *tell* it how tall it should be Aug 28 20:11:08 wait what Aug 28 20:11:08 which I can't, in this case Aug 28 20:11:37 I have it inside an element sized via fit: true inside a FittableRow Aug 28 20:11:58 can you make an example fiddle? Aug 28 20:15:36 I'll see if I can whip something up. Do you have a base fiddle I can start from? Aug 28 20:15:59 ah, nvm Aug 28 20:16:10 didn't know Enyo was listed by default Aug 28 20:17:46 :) Aug 28 20:32:36 chall: I'm about to leave work. I'll get on IRC when I get home, so you can send me the link to your fiddle then Aug 28 20:35:53 kk Aug 28 20:36:02 I'm having some trouble reproducing it Aug 28 21:56:26 scrollers can be a pain point, for sure. Aug 28 21:57:14 the worst part is that I can't reproduce it Aug 28 22:09:07 :-( Aug 28 22:36:27 hey chall, I'm here now Aug 28 22:43:42 wb Aug 28 22:43:54 unfortunately, I've been unable to reproduce the issue in a fiddle so far Aug 28 22:45:54 ah damn Aug 28 22:59:48 wb Aug 28 23:01:55 ty **** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Aug 29 02:59:58 2014