**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Jan 08 02:59:59 2015 Jan 08 04:56:26 So, where’s the changelist for Can I generate one from GitHub? Jan 08 04:56:45 … or atlassian? Jan 08 05:53:58 In 2.5.1, what’s the replacement for enyo.store.addSources() ? Jan 08 06:00:10 Ah, the Release Notes for are at the bottom of 2.5.1: http://enyojs.com/docs/latest/developer-guide/release-notes/release-2.5.1.html Jan 08 06:00:14 DougReeder: I'd check for the commit where it was removed. The commit message likely explains what you should use instead Jan 08 06:02:42 DougReeder enyo.JsonpSource.create({name:'mySource'}); Jan 08 06:03:03 sub source kind for desired store Jan 08 06:03:48 It’s not a JsonpSource; it’s a DB8 source. Jan 08 06:06:19 What was the original source you were adding to addSources? Jan 08 06:09:22 I’m not sure what you mean. Jan 08 06:10:48 It looks like I can use git bisect and find to locate the commit. Jan 08 06:18:36 ~/webOS/workspace/enyo git bisect good 2.4.0 Jan 08 06:18:36 4e7164be9532ce77beffd0afa5b604c055068dda was both good and bad Jan 08 06:19:06 Git, I need answers, not philosopy! Jan 08 06:19:32 lol Jan 08 06:31:38 Were you using an enyo source? or is DB8 an enyo component? Or was this an external server? Jan 08 06:33:36 It’s a custom Source for the local DB8 database in LuneOS and webOS. Jan 08 06:35:06 https://github.com/webOS-ports/org.webosports.app.contacts/blob/master/source/data/db8Source.js Jan 08 06:38:41 There’s also a mock Source for browser testing: https://github.com/webOS-ports/org.webosports.app.contacts/blob/master/source/data/db8SourceMock.js Jan 08 06:56:18 So, what will the UI library for smartwatches be called? Pebble would go with Moonstone, but it’s kinda taken. :-) Jan 08 07:02:45 ah DougReeder so a custom one would be enyo.Source.create({name:'myDb8Source', kind:'db8Source'}) Jan 08 07:03:09 Ah, that sounds reasonable. Jan 08 07:03:44 I'm not sure if I can out the name the UI lib, but obviously there is one :) Jan 08 07:05:24 Stand over here and I’ll call out names until you twitch. :-) Jan 08 07:06:31 hahaha Jan 08 07:13:37 Sunstone Jan 08 07:13:39 <.< Jan 08 07:13:47 sundial Jan 08 07:14:34 watch-ui Jan 08 07:14:35 :P Jan 08 07:14:47 Zap Photoshare was designed for small screen devices, but without a camera and wi-fi, there’s no point getting it running on a watch. :-S Jan 08 07:16:04 wait, the watch has no wifi? Jan 08 07:16:17 but honestly, we don't need a camera on a watch Jan 08 07:16:21 our phones already have one Jan 08 07:16:27 and any one on a watch would be shit Jan 08 07:16:33 Exactly. Jan 08 07:17:38 holy shit Jan 08 07:17:48 so I hadn't caught the news that the watch was announced Jan 08 07:17:55 so I'm reading the verge article right now Jan 08 07:18:08 and I just got to the words "cellular radio" Jan 08 07:22:07 Yeah, but you don’t want to use cell data to share photos locally. Jan 08 07:30:47 Oh, “Wi-Fi MAC” address in Settings. Jan 08 07:32:43 “Gallery” ? Really? Jan 08 07:34:27 How do users get pictures onto it? Download from Flickr? Jan 08 07:43:18 On an actual Enyo topic, please congratuate guys who did the Arranger. Good use of the round screen. Jan 08 17:03:10 DougReeder: You should check the enyo-docs repo. There's a 2.3 -> 2.5 migration notes doc that's not in the developer guide. Jan 08 17:03:36 Ah? Jan 08 17:05:12 clone the repo and run grunt, to get the docs? Jan 08 17:06:20 That seems rather clunky, in an HTTP world. Jan 08 17:07:16 Or, you mean, https://github.com/enyojs/enyo-docs/blob/master/developer-guide/release-notes/ux-2.3-to-2.5.md ? Jan 08 17:08:47 Or https://github.com/enyojs/enyo-docs/blob/master/developer-guide/release-notes/migration-2.3-to-2.5.md ? Jan 08 17:15:20 Non-namespaced Kinds can be assigned to a variable, so JavaScript Lint knows what they are, for example: var var Foo = enyo.kind({name: “Foo”… Jan 08 17:16:16 Is there a concise way to do the same for namespaced Kinds, for exmaple enyo.kind({name: “myapp.Foo”… Jan 08 17:21:54 Those Jan 08 17:22:41 Why not just put those namespaces into your jshintrc file? Jan 08 17:33:23 I’ve got one JavaScript Lint config file I use for all projects. Jan 08 17:33:57 It’s Miller’s JavaScript Lint, not Crockford’s JSLint Jan 08 17:37:54 I’ve replaced enyo.store.addSources({db8: "db8Source"}); with enyo.Source.create({name:'db8', kind:'db8Source'}); but now I get the warning “enyo.Source.execute(): no source(s) provided for PersonCollection.fetch()”, despite it being defined enyo.kind({name: "PersonCollection",kind: "enyo.Collection",model: "PersonModel",defaultSource: "db8”,… Jan 08 17:38:15 Is there a new way to specify the Source for a Collection? Jan 08 17:41:50 Should Models define a source rather than a defaultSource now? Jan 08 17:46:32 It would be helpful if API got deprecated a release or three before it’s completely removed. Jan 08 17:46:46 yeah, there is some weird thing...let me see if I can find it again Jan 08 17:48:05 Ah, that is documented in https://github.com/enyojs/enyo-docs/blob/master/developer-guide/release-notes/migration-2.3-to-2.5.md - I’ll have to read the whole thing. Jan 08 17:49:19 you make a new Source, var source = new(...name: "theSource"...); and then set source property on collection to "theSource" Jan 08 17:49:28 Re: deprecation - you could leave the old methods as a stub which throws an exception with a useful message mentioning the replacement UI. Jan 08 18:15:17 morning enyos Jan 08 18:16:39 morning dmanderson Jan 08 19:28:16 Oh man, the '.' is no longer necessary? Jan 08 19:28:17 YES Jan 08 19:28:24 woot! Jan 08 19:28:31 (for bindings) Jan 08 19:28:46 lol Jan 08 19:28:47 woot Jan 08 19:28:53 I still prefer it. :-p Jan 08 19:29:06 I don't, I thought it made it weird to read Jan 08 19:29:21 I understand it, just thought it was weird Jan 08 19:29:54 also, that publish keyword is interesting Jan 08 19:31:18 i like the "." & the "^" :) Jan 08 19:31:40 "^" makes sense Jan 08 19:31:47 but I don't like the "." Jan 08 19:31:54 so I'm glad you don't have to use it anymore Jan 08 19:32:41 yeah, I have to re-visit publish....I only glanced at it once when I needed to update some old code Jan 08 19:33:08 whats the story with publish? Jan 08 19:33:30 Cage1___: basically, if you set publish: true on a component in the components block Jan 08 19:34:02 then it can be referred to as this.componentName instead of having to use this.$.componentName Jan 08 19:35:44 oh, i didnt know that. is that new Jan 08 19:36:09 I think so, yes Jan 08 19:36:28 not sure i like that! it's nice that everything is in this.$. maybe it makes sense for models declared in components... Jan 08 19:36:39 Cage1___: it's in the migration docs for 2.3-2.5 Jan 08 19:36:55 i guess i missed that line :) Jan 08 19:37:06 Cage1___: consider it at the enyo.Application level...then sub-components can go this.app.thing instead of this.app.$.thing Jan 08 19:37:31 like a collection or something Jan 08 19:40:20 on a different note...i just did something i find cool: code that automatically automagically binds models parameter values to UI components of same name, e.g., model.hasDiabetes to this.$.hasDiabetes.checked. :) :) :) Jan 08 19:40:56 sugardave: any idea why it is suggested to use the native implementations rather than the enyo methods now? Jan 08 19:40:59 hehe Jan 08 19:42:29 GodGinrai: you think I read those things? :D Jan 08 19:42:36 lol Jan 08 19:42:48 dmanderson: Your turn to attempt to answer why Jan 08 19:45:21 lol what question? Jan 08 19:45:26 * dmanderson scroll back Jan 08 19:45:56 14:40 < GodGinrai> sugardave: any idea why it is suggested to use the native implementations rather than the enyo methods now? <-- this one Jan 08 19:48:15 Oh, just for speed purposes. I don’t know that the polyfills were faster (or slower) - but I don’t think we’re maintaining them to always be more efficent. So the enyo versions just fall back if native is available. Jan 08 19:48:35 exactly, which is why I used the enyo versions Jan 08 19:48:41 that way it worked no matter the browser Jan 08 19:48:54 You still can use just the enyo version. Jan 08 19:49:06 Under the covers, the enyo call will either use the native version, or the polyfill. Jan 08 19:49:09 so I don't understand why it would be suggested for me to use the native version which might not exist depending on the browser viewing it Jan 08 19:49:46 I don’t think the docs are suggesting you use the native versions, but are detailing that the enyo calls will prefer to use the native version if it exists. Jan 08 19:50:17 if(String.prototype.trim) { String.prototype.trim.call(arguments) } else { polyfill()}; type of thing Jan 08 19:50:32 oh Jan 08 19:50:38 I thought that was always the case Jan 08 19:50:51 under bindings, it says refreshBindings has been removed. but i think i used it today without it complaining... Jan 08 19:50:55 at least, that's what the documentation for enyo.log always stating Jan 08 19:51:12 *was always Jan 08 19:53:38 dmanderson: shouldn't enyo.XHRSource be called enyo.Async source in the same manner that enyo.Async is the parent for enyo.Ajax? Jan 08 19:53:47 * enyo.AsyncSource Jan 08 20:14:35 Hm, what? :) I didn’t follow Jan 08 20:27:46 So, enyo.AjaxSource and enyo.JsonpSource extend enyo.XHRSource Jan 08 20:29:14 But since enyo.Ajax and enyo.JsonpRequest extend enyo.Async, I'm not sure why the sources don't extend some enyo.AsyncSource Jan 08 21:54:50 Hmm I’d have to look at the source :) Jan 08 22:25:43 dmanderson: Use the source, Luke. Jan 09 00:16:28 hey everyone, it's Roy__ ! http://jsfiddle.net/veeramarni/6z9n65ty/ Jan 09 00:19:43 Or, the Enyo version here: http://jsfiddle.net/6z9n65ty/4/ **** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Jan 09 02:59:58 2015