**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Jan 12 02:59:59 2015 Jan 12 15:02:02 I have a form that includes an image. I, however, do not know the size of that image ahead of time. So, when that image loads, it totally messes up my form. I've tried .reflow() and .render() onload of the image but neither seems to do anything. Does anyone know what I can do to get the layout to self adjust after the image is loaded? Jan 12 15:03:49 have you tried the .rendered function? Jan 12 15:04:30 what do I call it on? The image or the layout? Jan 12 15:05:14 not sure if this is the best way...but do something like: Jan 12 15:05:15 trex0051: resized() might work Jan 12 15:05:33 rendered: function(){this.inherited(arguments); this.resize()} Jan 12 15:06:00 if you are using 2.3/2.4, it's this.resized(); if you are using 2.5, it's this.resize() Jan 12 15:06:45 oh, they renamed it? Jan 12 15:06:49 Cage, that might be what I needed. I had been using this.resized before I updated, but after the update, it said it was not a function Jan 12 15:07:08 that wasn't in the migration doc :( Jan 12 15:07:23 i think it was...in one of the migration docs :) Jan 12 15:07:36 but i could be wrong Jan 12 15:08:28 Okay, thank you guys, I'm going to have to toy with this a little later, but this should be a good start Jan 12 15:10:35 https://github.com/enyojs/enyo-docs/blob/26428032c42c0e2e31867fdbdf629324f4e58c0d/developer-guide/release-notes/release-2.3-to-2.5.md <-- Doesn't list a thing about resized() changes Jan 12 15:12:02 oh damn, I was looking at the wrong one Jan 12 15:12:13 you're rigtht, it's the first thing in the migration notes Jan 12 15:12:18 not sure how I missed that one Jan 12 15:56:19 .resize() did the trick. I could not call it on the image though, I had to call it on the kind I made which had the form. Jan 12 16:16:42 yes, it needs to be called on the item that's containing the image Jan 12 16:17:01 call it on image would have the effect of resizing the image itself...not the rest of the layout that contains it Jan 12 16:20:27 trex0051: You should call it from the onload of the image, if you're not doing it. Jan 12 16:27:12 trex0051: yea, the point of resize() is to say "the dimensions of this control need to change". So calling it on the image doesn't tell the containing form to change its size, but calling it on the form does Jan 12 17:05:49 hi guys Jan 12 17:05:56 * Semanticfire_2 is wondering what editors people are using Jan 12 17:06:58 vim Jan 12 17:08:05 webstorm Jan 12 17:13:46 what about you, Semanticfire_2? Jan 12 17:14:14 trex0051, Roy__, dmanderson: favorite editors? Jan 12 17:43:47 I’ve been using Eclipse, but the current version hates Egyptian brackets, so I may have to switch. Jan 12 17:56:28 Semanticfire_2: Sublime Jan 12 18:01:37 I think the JetBrains products (WebStorm, IntelliJ IDEA) are the best, but you have to weigh how much you’ll use it vs. the cost. Jan 12 18:11:19 * Semanticfire_2 uses eclipse Jan 12 18:17:44 DougReeder, can you elaborate on the egyptian brackets ? Jan 12 18:19:56 See http://blog.codinghorror.com/new-programming-jargon/ for a defintion; they’re also known as “K&R Style” Jan 12 18:20:46 now I never had issues with that Jan 12 18:21:02 I did notice that luna has some serious performance issues with C&P Jan 12 18:21:03 DougReeder: Egyptian brackets? Jan 12 18:21:13 The problem with the current JS editor in Eclipse is that it wants to ident everything as much as the beginning brace. Jan 12 18:21:34 oh wait, just got to the part where Semanticfire_2 asked the same thing <.< Jan 12 18:22:55 wait, DougReeder, Eclipse dislikes those brackets? Since when? Jan 12 18:22:56 DougReeder, but that is what you can tweak with codestyles Jan 12 18:23:05 oh, the indent Jan 12 18:23:09 #insert witty-joke-re-Egyptian-style-doesnt-overflow-like-Gangnam-style.h Jan 12 18:23:27 DougReeder: Do you use spaces or tabs? Jan 12 18:23:57 I’m not sure of the Eclipse version; I ran into it when I installed a recent Eclipe on my new laptop running Mavericks. Jan 12 18:24:16 I think it’s turning tabs into spaces, but that’s a side point. Jan 12 18:24:30 that is all configurable Jan 12 18:24:36 ^ that is true Jan 12 18:24:48 at the same time, I think Eclipse is a horrible tool for web development Jan 12 18:25:23 or any development that isn't Java, really Jan 12 18:26:36 It certainly is clunky. Jan 12 18:27:01 DougReeder: I'd stick w/ just a simple editor and a web browser. Jan 12 18:27:17 I use find-in-project heavily. Jan 12 18:28:05 DougReeder: man grep Jan 12 18:28:34 I grep from the command line and use a GUI find from my editor. Jan 12 18:31:52 * Semanticfire_2 didn't want to start a religious discussion on editors... Jan 12 18:32:03 * DougReeder snorts Jan 12 18:32:37 but I think eclipse is nice, when its well integrated with SCM / Issue tracking and build configuration Jan 12 18:33:51 My biggest problem with Eclipse is the ecosystem - components to do one thing can be hard to get installed properly when you also want some other component. Jan 12 18:34:29 It tries to be everything to everybody, and fails. Jan 12 18:35:39 DougReeder: I wouldn't be surprised if Sublime had a find in project. And you can run grep straight from vim Jan 12 18:37:50 Ooo, WebStorm is free for open-source projects! Jan 12 18:38:43 … and IntelliJ! Jan 12 18:54:13 GodGinrai: Vim Jan 12 18:54:51 cool cool Jan 12 19:19:47 Sublime definitely has "find in folder" Jan 12 19:19:58 just start at the top! Jan 12 19:20:57 HAHA Jan 12 19:21:50 http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/230/461/7d2.png Jan 12 19:27:26 lol Jan 12 21:10:12 Hey, I want an onyx.TextArea to expand vertically so it can show all rows. Is there a simpler technique than http://jsfiddle.net/gLhCk/5/ ? Jan 12 21:11:07 I presume it would be better to use oninput than onkeyup Jan 12 21:19:15 DougReeder are you looking for a non enyo way to do it? Jan 12 21:25:31 I’d prefer an Enyo way Jan 12 21:25:52 It could be webkit-only. Jan 12 21:26:50 It seems like such a standard thing, that there ought to be a easy way to do it. Jan 12 21:35:15 I think I did this once for a campfire app demo Jan 12 21:35:30 How? Jan 12 21:35:43 I don't recall, let me see if I can find it Jan 12 21:37:49 for enyo you could use the oninput event for the TextArea Jan 12 21:39:31 Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. Jan 12 21:41:38 hmm...perhaps I am mis-remembering. I found the demo, but there is nothing in there that looks like I was messing with it. Isn't there a "canGrow" property on inputs? Jan 12 21:44:30 Not that I’ve ever seen. Jan 12 21:48:33 when POSTing a form, should the data elements be .toJSON() or .raw()? Jan 12 21:53:16 Depends on whther you need the extra fields. Jan 12 21:53:31 Typically, I imaging raw() would be what you want. Jan 12 21:54:04 that is what works Jan 12 21:54:52 but then if i have a field that is a structure/ object, it submits it as "{Object object}" Jan 12 21:55:12 Hmmmm Jan 12 21:55:22 which i guess makes sense...but i would like to submit the structure too... Jan 12 21:57:54 hmm, enyo 2.5 uses .toJSON() in its commit functions... Jan 12 21:58:02 but that never worked for me in the past... Jan 12 21:58:25 #confused Jan 12 22:17:05 It’s confusing that toJSON() returns an object, not a JSON string. Jan 12 22:21:16 .toJSON returns JSON string; .raw() returns object Jan 12 22:35:10 toJSON is implemented per class, and it should return an object: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/stringify#toJSON_behavior Jan 12 22:37:22 If you like the standard, it’s at http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-15.12.3 Jan 12 22:42:27 JSON all teh things! Jan 12 22:42:57 So, come to think of it, raw() is redundant, and Enyo should just use toJSON(). Jan 12 23:12:03 Ah, 2.5 corrects the toJSON behavior: https://github.com/enyojs/enyo-docs/blob/master/developer-guide/release-notes/migration-2.3-to-2.5.md **** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Jan 13 02:59:59 2015