**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Feb 04 02:59:58 2015 Feb 05 00:12:24 whats the story with the resolution independent CSS ? Feb 05 00:12:57 It’s pretty awesome Feb 05 00:13:02 The story goes like, Feb 05 00:13:16 we have a big need for multi UIs for different TV resolutions. Feb 05 00:13:34 We wanted Enyo to be able to look the same aspect for 1080, and 4K Feb 05 00:13:57 so we built a less plugin that lets you write 1080 scale, and will convert to REM for you Feb 05 00:14:19 *same scale Feb 05 00:14:42 there is also a new enyo.ri namespace, with some goodies in there. Feb 05 00:14:50 They will let you do the same inside app code Feb 05 00:15:18 specify a 1080 measurment, and have it converted to a different resolution Feb 05 00:15:21 sounds nifty Feb 05 00:15:54 _aarontam and blake did a bang up job on that feature Feb 05 00:16:12 does it work for watches too Feb 05 00:16:32 If I remember correctly it will work with anything. It works best when the scales are multiples of 3 **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Feb 05 02:59:59 2015