**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Feb 11 02:59:58 2015 Feb 11 16:55:08 morning enyoers Feb 11 17:02:11 morning dmanderson Feb 11 17:31:40 morning dmanderson :) Feb 11 17:32:33 \o/ Feb 11 19:13:14 * sugardave returns from Maui. Feb 11 19:14:04 I miss waking up to rainbow-enshrouded Molokai and the frolicking humpback whales outside my window Feb 11 19:14:44 I think LG needs another software r&d office in Hawaii Feb 11 19:19:45 lol Feb 11 20:51:43 LOL Feb 11 20:58:27 view from my office, this month : https://scontent-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10367683_10206070240534268_3411033335185305408_n.jpg?oh=e8f70b83969421a25d360ce823e2f88e&oe=555241E7 Feb 11 20:59:29 I'm so jealous Feb 11 20:59:40 looks cold, no whales Feb 11 20:59:57 no whales, but snowboarding looks possible Feb 11 21:00:02 which is 10x better Feb 11 21:00:17 anyways, cya guys Feb 11 21:02:54 yeah the snowboarding is part of the plan here ;) Feb 11 21:03:28 and whales in Switserland that will be the day ;) **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Feb 12 02:59:58 2015