**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri May 08 02:59:57 2009 May 08 06:38:47 Hi! Buongiorno! May 08 07:05:17 morning May 08 08:08:07 moin! May 08 08:08:16 hello May 08 09:13:31 Today is Friday!!! :) May 08 09:14:03 indeed ! May 08 09:15:37 take the point ;) May 08 09:38:45 Coffee time! May 08 09:39:30 hi May 08 09:39:37 I just wake up :D May 08 09:39:47 11H39am at Paris May 08 09:41:17 Shame on you!!! :-d May 08 09:42:47 hehe May 08 09:42:49 soooo May 08 09:42:49 why ? :p May 08 09:42:55 we have mdns now :) May 08 09:42:57 very cool stuff May 08 09:43:02 mac users will love it May 08 09:43:09 and upnp seems to work aswell May 08 09:43:15 i need to test that mpore thugh May 08 09:46:18 I wish I knew wht that means... :$ May 08 09:46:38 out of the box stuff May 08 09:46:39 :) May 08 09:58:22 iurgi hay alguna mejora con el reproductor de audio? May 08 10:00:49 kacer2k: casi May 08 10:00:51 :) May 08 10:01:55 ok era para entretenerme en algo este fin de semana May 08 10:02:24 tal vez me de tiempo a ponerlo hoy May 08 10:02:41 pero igual sacamos un firmware beta completo May 08 10:02:45 asi tienes para todo el finde May 08 10:02:52 depende de si nos da tiempo a arreglar un par de detales May 08 10:03:00 jejeje pues si la verdad que con eso tengo más para jugar :) May 08 10:03:20 vale vale tranquilo, que ya estais a tope May 08 10:03:34 no te molesto más y te dejo currando May 08 10:03:59 a la tarde me pasare por aquí y me comentas de donde se puede baja el firm nuevo o si lo deljas en aplicaciones de la fonera May 08 10:04:05 o en la fonosfera May 08 10:05:31 me piro, ya nos veremos May 08 10:06:22 * iurgi just received the HTC Magic May 08 10:06:26 will play a little now May 08 10:06:56 iurgi: ? May 08 10:07:02 you have time for that ? :D May 08 10:08:06 lol May 08 10:08:21 blogic: I will not refrain from playing at least a few minutes with it May 08 10:08:22 XD May 08 10:34:07 iurgi: Htc is the best! May 08 10:38:07 yeah May 08 10:38:32 I'll probably switch form Blackberry to Android in the next months.. May 08 10:38:45 iurgi: is it nice ? May 08 10:38:56 iurgi: you only got a new phone a few weeks ago May 08 10:39:04 the day i was in madrid the last time May 08 10:39:06 ?! May 08 10:39:12 which is only like 6 weeks ago May 08 10:39:25 yeah May 08 10:39:33 but I didn't know vodafone would launch the htc May 08 10:39:33 Iurgi, you have the HTC Magic? May 08 10:39:38 otherwise I would have never bought it May 08 10:39:41 Decodecoding: yes May 08 10:39:44 just arrived May 08 10:39:46 hehe May 08 10:39:50 I will sell the samsung crap May 08 10:40:06 * iurgi is having a technological orgasm May 08 10:40:06 using iphone and loving it ;) May 08 10:40:12 iphone sucks May 08 10:40:12 iurgi: can i have the g1 that is in the fon office ? May 08 10:40:19 blogic: joan has it :( May 08 10:40:24 bugger May 08 10:40:30 i want 1 and fon should pay for it May 08 10:40:35 don't get a g1 May 08 10:40:36 get an adp1 May 08 10:40:37 i need to ermmm .... test integration :D May 08 10:40:43 ;) May 08 10:40:48 I'll wait till september or so and then I'll get it... May 08 10:40:50 nbd: i dont mind aslong as fon pays May 08 10:42:00 I made a little home network scheme while having coffee... http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3360/3512780840_f3cacf7787_o.jpg May 08 10:42:13 adp1? May 08 10:42:23 i thought a rs.com upload application would be nice!? May 08 10:47:26 Sorry. The link was wrong: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3360/3512780840_f3cacf7787_o.jpg May 08 11:02:29 iurgi: i just noticed the rs.com app regfenerates its key on every boot ?! May 08 11:02:50 blogic: no idea.... ask cyrus May 08 11:02:53 what does this mean? May 08 11:02:55 i know May 08 11:02:58 takes time on everyboot? May 08 11:02:59 i have no idea :) May 08 11:03:03 might cause problems May 08 11:03:06 ok May 08 11:03:08 if the key is not there yet May 08 12:14:27 hi all May 08 12:16:35 hi Darick May 08 12:25:46 hi May 08 12:26:12 thanks iurgi, for sending the mail to Cyrus ;) May 08 12:26:21 no prob May 08 12:26:43 Darick: the problem seems to be caused by an overload on the fonera (CPU overload) May 08 12:26:59 he made a change, so the links are not processed when you add them May 08 12:27:08 but only when they reach the their turn May 08 12:27:40 perfect, so i can add everything i want :D May 08 12:29:25 yes May 08 12:29:37 we will release an image with this and many other changes today May 08 12:29:46 he he May 08 12:31:08 nice ;) May 08 12:32:27 public image? May 08 12:32:49 well... May 08 12:32:50 yes May 08 12:32:56 it's a release candidate May 08 12:33:06 HUGE improvements May 08 12:33:22 I'd say it's one of the biggest jumps from one release to another May 08 12:33:26 I mean... May 08 12:33:34 added just a few things that make a big difference May 08 12:33:43 blogic made an impressive work in the last days, you'll see May 08 12:34:35 i did indeed May 08 12:34:36 :) May 08 12:34:41 just you wait May 08 12:34:42 hihi May 08 12:34:50 i cannot promise upnp will work on time though :) May 08 12:35:00 shhhhhhhhhh May 08 12:35:00 i am having problems integrating it with the firewall May 08 12:35:03 oops :) May 08 12:35:06 xDDDD May 08 12:35:08 hehe May 08 12:35:11 :) May 08 12:35:22 i want to test it too, hopefuly a config im/export function is included May 08 12:35:35 im/export? May 08 12:35:35 the save config for further tests May 08 12:35:41 ah, in upnp May 08 12:35:52 c_up: not yet May 08 12:35:59 to save the router config and import it after firmware update May 08 12:36:01 c_up: sorry May 08 12:36:07 i have it on my list for next week May 08 12:36:37 cool May 08 12:36:37 ah May 08 12:36:39 that May 08 12:36:56 yes... that will take some omre time May 08 12:37:51 but when its done it is a cool feature May 08 12:37:56 well May 08 12:37:59 only if you reflash often May 08 12:38:06 it's cool for people like you XD May 08 12:38:16 iurgi: it is a cool feature May 08 12:38:17 I hope users don't need to reflash too often May 08 12:38:22 a really cool feature imho May 08 12:38:25 why? May 08 12:38:28 i like it May 08 12:38:36 I mena... many users asked for it on the F+ and fonera classic May 08 12:38:40 it is one of the "this is more than a normal device" features May 08 12:38:44 never understood why they found it so useful May 08 12:38:46 reflashing becomes a drug May 08 12:38:48 iurgi: and the fw stank May 08 12:38:53 yeah May 08 12:38:54 XD May 08 12:38:58 fon-ng rocks May 08 12:39:02 that is the difference May 08 12:39:08 i am in command now :) May 08 12:39:09 haha May 08 12:39:24 iurgi: please dont fire me for being cheecky :) May 08 12:39:43 lol May 08 12:40:08 no beer @ work ;) May 08 12:41:30 nor drugs May 08 12:41:30 xD May 08 12:42:07 just code May 08 12:42:35 we used to have different liquors at fon May 08 12:42:36 XD May 08 12:42:46 iurgi: haha May 08 12:42:54 now we have to use rain water :) May 08 12:43:38 mixed with medical alcohol, isn't it? xDD May 08 12:45:52 yeah May 08 12:45:59 looking at iurgi it must be :) May 08 12:46:21 XD May 08 12:46:25 Redbull is also allowed so that you won't stop coding even at night and the TO DO list will be finished sooner... (6) May 08 12:47:23 yeah May 08 12:47:27 or the TOFO list May 08 12:47:39 i misstyped it when i started it 8 monhs ago May 08 12:47:52 xDD May 08 12:50:13 see you tonight!! May 08 12:52:20 This release will come with the new method right from the gui (autoupdate) or will it be as before? May 08 12:53:07 well May 08 12:53:12 will be integrateed May 08 12:53:18 but this is a release candidate May 08 12:53:21 no version change May 08 12:53:30 it will still be imo May 08 12:53:39 aha, so redboot will be my choice May 08 12:54:01 or ssh May 08 12:54:17 no May 08 12:54:18 web May 08 12:54:25 but it will not be "a button" May 08 12:54:31 I see May 08 12:54:31 but a file you will have to upload May 08 12:59:53 easy ;) May 08 13:00:46 would it be a good idea, to create a maillist with all beta testers ? May 08 13:01:29 there is a mailing list May 08 13:01:39 :) May 08 13:11:38 ok, i will join it May 08 13:20:51 hehe May 08 13:22:09 werd ich da über die neuen updates informiert, bzwö. kommen die updates gleich mit? May 08 13:22:46 yes usually May 08 13:22:50 yes May 08 13:22:55 sonst im blog May 08 13:23:07 im blog steht das immer und dann kannst du per rss abonieren May 08 13:29:11 aber im blog gibts nix zu den ganze beta images May 08 13:29:14 oder ? May 08 13:35:04 ich schaff heut nix mehr, so May 08 13:44:52 subscribed May 08 13:49:55 olà May 08 13:50:35 i have find in my youtube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5BNwrcKpY4 May 08 13:50:39 fonera upload May 08 13:50:41 LOL May 08 13:50:55 ? May 08 13:51:00 you uploaded one May 08 13:52:43 yea time ago May 08 13:52:46 for testing May 08 13:52:52 and it named Fonera upload lol May 08 13:53:12 hehe May 08 13:53:14 and private May 08 13:53:17 i cannot view it May 08 14:04:42 ahhh May 08 14:04:44 1 sec May 08 14:05:34 ok try to see it now May 08 14:05:39 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5BNwrcKpY4 May 08 14:42:43 Hello May 08 14:43:06 It's seems there are a lot of torrent issue :) May 08 14:43:07 hi May 08 14:43:20 sdolard: they will be solved today i hope with the new firmware May 08 14:43:24 Mine is that torrent are downloaded but ui is never updated :) May 08 14:43:31 great May 08 14:43:36 sdolard: i hope we fixed it May 08 14:43:37 :) May 08 14:44:09 i had some difficulties to find the fonera 2 bug tracker, there is ? May 08 14:44:19 trac.fonosfera.org May 08 14:44:23 :D May 08 14:44:24 tarc.fonosfera.org May 08 14:44:29 * iurgi first May 08 14:44:33 XD May 08 14:44:36 mine has a typo May 08 14:44:37 :) May 08 14:44:49 Thanks May 08 14:44:54 true May 08 14:46:55 I've got some question about f2 dev, is it open source but developped by fon or is the firmware only dev by community ? May 08 14:47:17 i don't talk about plugins May 08 14:47:48 ok May 08 14:47:52 i am the main developer May 08 14:48:00 i am originally from the openwrt project May 08 14:48:10 which is a community firmware for routers based on linux May 08 14:48:17 we modify openwrt to be used for fon May 08 14:48:19 So, nice to me you May 08 14:48:29 i am employed as a freelance hacker by fon May 08 14:48:35 anyone can contribute May 08 14:48:53 so, it si payed for by fon, but i consider myself more community than a employed sw dev May 08 14:49:03 ok May 08 14:49:09 exactly May 08 14:49:18 thanks for those explanations May 08 14:49:19 also, there is CyrusFF who is in charge of the web framework, and lots of other magic he does May 08 14:49:20 same as other developers that also contribute, but not as much May 08 14:49:27 iurgi is the head of the team May 08 14:49:27 like CyrusFF May 08 14:49:29 he works for fon May 08 14:49:36 but I don't program myself May 08 14:49:41 (at least not lately XD) May 08 14:49:42 the good thing is this May 08 14:49:51 normally iurgi would tell people in the office whatz to do May 08 14:49:58 :D May 08 14:50:03 now, when he tells me something i tell him he smells :) May 08 14:50:08 and do it how i want to May 08 14:50:13 and I kick your ass virtually May 08 14:50:16 i am sitting several 1000km away from him May 08 14:50:17 :D May 08 14:50:23 so he cannot do anything May 08 14:50:32 :) May 08 14:50:33 so, to sum up, it is payed by fon, but community driven May 08 14:50:39 :D May 08 14:50:46 i hope that clears the question May 08 14:50:50 great May 08 14:50:55 sure thanks a lot May 08 14:51:31 hehe May 08 14:51:35 is there some specification about f2 http API ? May 08 14:52:04 sdolard: yes May 08 14:52:08 sdolard: what do you want to know? May 08 14:52:09 i would like to write a service backup May 08 14:52:11 we use a framework called luci May 08 14:52:25 sdolard: CyrusFF is the man to talk to he is the wizard behind the framework May 08 14:52:41 blogic: ok May 08 14:53:48 just because i don't not like java :) May 08 14:54:15 sdolard: good, neither do we May 08 14:54:17 :) May 08 14:54:24 you have come to the right place :D May 08 14:54:30 :D May 08 14:54:40 we welcome to you to the church of Lua and C May 08 14:54:46 -to May 08 14:56:06 i fan of Qt :p May 08 14:56:14 i'm May 08 14:56:40 and js also :p May 08 14:56:42 sdolard: ok but... then it's not gonna be usable in win? May 08 14:57:17 OT is usable in windows May 08 14:57:21 QT May 08 14:58:43 hmmm but tht's only the interface, right? May 08 14:58:54 I mean, the underlying C code will not be portable? May 08 14:59:05 Qt works everywhere :) May 08 14:59:18 qt is a huuuuuge framework that abstracts nearly everything May 08 14:59:26 correct :) May 08 14:59:33 hmmm May 08 14:59:50 meaning the application might be ran under lin and win? May 08 14:59:51 but, one bin for each platform... May 08 14:59:57 ah well May 08 15:00:03 that's not a problem at all May 08 15:00:09 yep May 08 15:00:23 e.g. skype and opera use Qt May 08 15:00:29 sdolard: we are improving the FONBackup these days May 08 15:00:43 if you want suggestions about interesting features/behaviors... May 08 15:01:11 CyrusFF: and they have been ported thanks to that? or have they been written again for each platform? May 08 15:01:13 iurgi: i would hae something that work :p May 08 15:01:49 hehe May 08 15:01:51 where can i find fon API ? May 08 15:02:00 no its a cross-plattform framework, you write it once and it runs on all supported platforms May 08 15:02:02 ok, when you're making some progress, we'll give you feedback May 08 15:02:08 as long as you don't mix up with low-level calls May 08 15:02:09 CyrusFF: ok May 08 15:02:14 got it May 08 15:03:46 Do i have to use wire shark or some other tcp tracker ? May 08 15:04:04 its basically json-rpc over http May 08 15:04:14 and ftp for the file transfer May 08 15:04:22 ok May 08 15:08:10 hello May 08 15:08:48 Could we have some ssl a day ? May 08 15:08:59 could anybody help with fonera 2100?? i have connected it to my router and i can't browse anything May 08 15:09:16 sdolard: i'm working on tls May 08 15:09:22 ok May 08 15:09:52 i have tryied to change dns but on static ip but it doesn't wokr May 08 15:10:08 and as i don't inet on my fonera 2100 i don't get it upgraded May 08 15:11:22 the only way to workaround this is to install freewlan and select bridge private to lan May 08 15:12:00 why is this happening? i have tryied to connect it to my fonera 2.0 as well (using the black ethernet) May 08 15:15:50 that's so weird May 08 15:18:37 yeah i have tried with so many routers! May 08 15:18:52 it is not a hardware prlbme because it is working with freewlan May 08 15:18:55 and also ddwrt May 08 15:21:38 c_up: there? May 08 15:21:47 yes May 08 15:21:55 do you still have the image we sent you? May 08 15:22:07 yes May 08 15:22:18 can you try the fonbackup application? May 08 15:22:22 but one I will mail you May 08 15:22:29 sure May 08 15:22:36 gimme your email ,please May 08 15:22:39 on a priv message May 08 15:22:40 :) May 08 15:23:02 sent May 08 15:27:02 sent May 08 15:29:25 what do you want to know` May 08 15:29:27 ? May 08 15:29:39 transfer speed May 08 15:30:53 320 - 350 kb/S May 08 15:31:14 !!! May 08 15:31:22 fonbackup speed? May 08 15:31:24 dammit May 08 15:31:29 I get 10KB/s May 08 15:31:34 and it should be 1MB/s May 08 15:31:41 and now you get 300KB/s!! May 08 15:31:48 are you trying big files or small ones? May 08 15:31:58 4 mp3's May 08 15:34:07 can check a larger file May 08 15:34:08 ! May 08 15:34:10 ? May 08 15:35:58 reboot May 08 15:47:58 i don0t understan why my 2100 does't give internet May 08 15:48:20 could it be a problem of the image i am loading? May 08 15:51:21 iurgi si sacais el firm para el finde lo dejas por la fonosfera?? May 08 15:52:45 burton-ng: what image are you loading ? May 08 15:54:39 Hello May 08 15:54:46 hi zen2 May 08 15:54:59 I need an advice for a good quality outdoor antenna (for personal use) May 08 15:55:10 It needs to have at least 12~14dBi May 08 15:55:20 and should be cheap.. ;) May 08 15:55:31 no idea May 08 15:55:33 ) May 08 15:55:34 :) May 08 15:55:36 :p May 08 15:57:01 Fontena :-d May 08 15:59:46 Decodecoding: not good enough... May 08 16:01:54 zen2: try hubber & Shuner May 08 16:01:57 expensive but good May 08 16:02:10 i have huber and suhner May 08 16:02:17 cost me 140 euro May 08 16:02:27 i managed a wifi link over 8km with it though May 08 16:02:31 I used to build them myself. May 08 16:03:01 Stella Doradus are cheap May 08 16:03:13 YaY May 08 16:03:17 same as pringles May 08 16:03:18 :) May 08 16:03:40 I used to buil bi-quad May 08 16:03:40 thanks May 08 16:04:12 I did a reflector, which worqs quite well, but it's not really "water proof"... besides.. the ap needs to be on the outside... May 08 16:04:32 you need omnidirectional or directional May 08 16:04:44 I also built a helix antenna... but the impedance matching must be really wrong, because the gain is worst that with a regular antenna... May 08 16:04:51 directiona May 08 16:04:54 directional May 08 16:05:25 a Stella Doradus 24 db must be around 35-40 euro... May 08 16:05:57 not bad. do you know of a "good" site that sells these in europe? May 08 16:06:14 www.ciudadwireless.com May 08 16:06:28 tks May 08 16:06:45 I've purchased some thing there May 08 16:07:38 is the Stella Doradus 24 db a planar antenna ? or parabolic? May 08 16:08:03 http://www.ciudadwireless.com/stella_doradus_sd15_antena_parabolica-p-96.html May 08 16:08:27 tks May 08 16:09:09 Decodecoding: was the product well packed? in a big box? May 08 16:09:57 Never bought antenae therre, just routers and small stuff. But, I think they know what they sell. May 08 16:10:55 By the way, I've nothing to o with them... no comisson for me :-p May 08 16:10:57 Decodecoding: that antenna is sooo illegal May 08 16:11:01 100mW May 08 16:11:07 :-d May 08 16:11:09 and a-band allows 1W May 08 16:11:26 That's what makes it more exciting May 08 16:11:28 that antenna with a 1W a band card will give you in the region of 16W May 08 16:11:31 Decodecoding: ah ok. May 08 16:11:32 hehe May 08 16:11:37 you can fry birds with it May 08 16:11:57 that stella doradus 15dbi seems quite nice... May 08 16:12:07 heck.. I'll try and make one like this miself.. :p May 08 16:13:13 My favourite was a mini directional biquad 12dB.... I loved it and whe reached 1 Mb/s 10 km away May 08 16:13:32 ! May 08 16:13:40 Those were the old god wifi time... May 08 16:13:45 Decodecoding: the one with the "8" shape? May 08 16:13:50 yes May 08 16:14:32 heya May 08 16:21:01 hi May 08 16:23:00 i like the new fon spot stickers :D May 08 16:45:35 anyone there? May 08 16:45:50 echo echo May 08 16:46:06 i am here May 08 16:46:16 rgood May 08 16:48:21 lol i turned off my fonera1 1 week ago and fon mails me its already 1month offline May 08 16:50:21 since teh music addon, the register-button is gone, where is it? May 08 16:50:21 plus, i dont need all the web2.0 addons, how can i remove em from the WebGui? May 08 16:50:42 Yasuo: you can't :( May 08 16:50:48 I mean... you can remove them from the gui May 08 16:50:51 but not from the flash May 08 16:54:30 hmm, the register button is gone... May 08 16:54:34 or build a firmware image w/o :) May 08 16:55:07 ok guys... May 08 16:55:11 I am leaving... May 08 16:55:12 but... May 08 16:55:13 before May 08 16:55:22 drums May 08 16:55:39 http://blog.fonosfera.org/new-release-candidate-2260-rc1/ May 08 16:55:42 there you go May 08 16:55:44 test and enjoy May 08 16:55:44 .) May 08 16:55:55 \o/ May 08 16:56:08 OK May 08 16:56:22 Yasuo: is your f2 listed at the fon account page? May 08 16:59:31 mom May 08 17:01:35 ciao everybody May 08 17:01:40 cya May 08 17:06:53 kazwo: no only the fonera1 is listed wich is turned off atm. May 08 17:07:47 Yasuo: do you have the dev firmware? May 08 17:07:54 yes May 08 17:08:09 ok connect via ssh and enter this: May 08 17:08:16 uci set registered.fonreg.registered=0 May 08 17:08:20 uci commit registered May 08 17:09:01 now the button should be shown May 08 17:09:13 try to register the f2 with your account May 08 17:09:48 okay. Can i change the registration when teh router changes te owner? May 08 17:10:02 yes May 08 17:10:15 but not by yourself May 08 17:11:50 if its already registered write a support ticked at the fon page. May 08 17:14:12 [08 May 09 19:09:47] Yasuo: okay. Can i change the registration when teh router changes te owner? May 08 17:14:12 [08 May 09 19:10:00] kazwo: yes May 08 17:14:12 [08 May 09 19:10:13] kazwo: but not by yourself May 08 17:14:12 [08 May 09 19:11:49] kazwo: if its already registered write a support ticked at the fon page. May 08 17:14:22 re May 08 17:14:23 ok May 08 17:15:11 hmm the router restartet and teh webinterface doesnt respond any more now May 08 17:15:45 hmmm May 08 17:15:48 ssh working? May 08 17:16:21 yes May 08 17:16:45 strange May 08 17:17:52 hmm there connected many fonera user with names like fonero5z1tr04 to my old fon1 aitn this suspect... May 08 17:20:19 names likes this are aliens. sms tickets, 15 min free ... etc. May 08 17:21:13 maybe they wanted to infiltrate my network since teh router is working behind another router in my lan May 08 17:21:48 however, the webinterface doesnt respond, ill try to set registered back to 1? May 08 17:22:05 i think this happaned after installing teh new music addon May 08 17:22:30 i dont think so. aliens / linus are in a special subnet. they cant see whats in your lan May 08 17:22:51 uci set registered.fonreg.registered=1 May 08 17:22:52 uci commit registered May 08 17:24:49 to reboot your f2 via ssh simply enter "reboot" May 08 17:26:30 someone with the basic of electronic? May 08 17:26:56 red wire should be gnd or 3.3v May 08 17:26:57 ? May 08 17:27:12 electronician is my job, but i dont really understand it :D May 08 17:27:19 DONT CUT TEH RED WIRE May 08 17:27:29 redd may be + and GND may be black or blue May 08 17:27:31 maybe May 08 17:28:43 but cheap usb wires mix the collors May 08 17:28:49 inouk: you ae not defusing a bomb? i dont wanna be fault... May 08 17:29:06 yeah get a beeper and write it down May 08 17:29:33 i repaired my mouse in december and the two usb wired had teh same colors May 08 17:29:43 than is smelled... May 08 17:29:44 no i'm connecting to the serial interface of the fonera May 08 17:29:47 it smelled... May 08 17:30:16 i remember iurgi telling me which way was what but forgot it May 08 17:30:27 hehe, my serial connector has only red wires :D May 08 17:30:28 and i realized that the chinese cable manufacturer used a different color selection athan microsoft May 08 17:30:46 well the trackbal works fien so i had luck May 08 17:30:50 dine May 08 17:30:53 fine XD May 08 17:30:58 ok i got red-black-black-white May 08 17:31:14 its 3.3v-Rx-Tx-GND May 08 17:31:35 or GND-Tx-Rx-3.3v May 08 17:31:37 ? May 08 17:31:45 inouk: check the openwrt wiki May 08 17:31:54 the fon20 pages has a documentation of the pins May 08 17:32:05 the pin on the ethernet side is 3,3V May 08 17:32:12 the one on trhe led side is GND May 08 17:32:14 if you take the wrong color, the f2 turned off immediately. no led lights anymore May 08 17:33:00 inouk: the red wire is connected to which pin on the serial? May 08 17:33:33 yes i checked the pinning but that's on the UART adapter that i don't know what is what May 08 17:33:47 inouk: i've got the f2 :) thank you for the buttons and stickers :))) i like them! :D May 08 17:34:09 \o/ May 08 17:35:15 inouk: it's a homemade adapter? May 08 17:35:36 or like that: http://ep.yimg.com/ip/I/yhst-27389313707334_2051_13085242 May 08 17:35:51 no commercial, but nothing tells what is what on the circuit :( May 08 17:36:28 pm2036, no diferent than the one on this link May 08 17:38:34 hmm wait i got jp1 written close to the red wire May 08 17:39:11 but it's explained no where what's JP1 May 08 17:39:13 ... May 08 17:40:16 god already last time i wondered the same thing May 08 17:40:20 grr May 08 17:41:48 jp1 is write on the fonera2 pcb May 08 17:42:16 inouk: jp1 is on the side of the leds May 08 17:49:05 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apB7V4PIeLI May 08 17:50:44 pm2036, yes but jp1 is also written on the UART board May 08 17:51:09 :( May 08 18:42:36 hi all :) May 08 18:42:48 anyone has flashed F2 with latest RC1? May 08 18:46:18 I'm upgrading it right now... using the ssh way... never tried it... let's hope :P May 08 22:37:28 Hi, anybody in the channel? May 08 22:37:47 no May 08 22:37:56 nope, didn't seen anyone either May 08 22:38:39 I already flashed today's release May 08 22:49:58 Does anybody know how I can restart samba in fonera without rebooting? May 08 22:52:01 /etc/fonstated/RestartSamba should do May 08 22:52:11 Thnaks May 08 22:55:21 I'd like to modify something in smb.conf but I don't know where to do it May 08 22:55:33 in /etc or /tmp May 08 22:55:49 /tmp is highly unlikely May 08 22:56:06 /etc is permanent, /tmp will vanish after reboot May 08 22:56:25 I'm making some research on the wrong size detected in samba shares May 08 22:56:36 Only 14 Mb apper May 08 22:57:13 I found some discussion about this : http://apps.sourceforge.net/phpbb/freenas/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=1114 **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat May 09 02:59:57 2009