**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun May 10 02:59:57 2009 May 10 08:55:58 hi May 10 08:59:35 hi May 10 10:29:36 hm May 10 13:28:00 did someone made progress with cupcake? May 10 14:00:26 hi May 10 14:00:49 jancona, did you found something about these problems? May 10 15:14:02 Serdar: I haven't looked at it much. I'm not enough of a C hacker to be writing something like that. May 10 15:46:40 hm May 10 15:46:56 I need more time to get involeved in android May 10 15:47:01 I need a time machine. May 10 15:47:07 right now May 10 16:10:00 Serdar: hey, any news? May 10 19:38:53 running koolu beta6 on my freerunner (GTA02v5). right after connecting to my GSM provider, i keep getting "The process com.android.phone has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again." followed by a disconnect from the GSM network. adb logcat shows: http://pastebin.com/m4dd54e34 ( also, here are the relevant lines from traces.txt: http://pastebin.com/m41e9cadd ). any ideas? May 10 19:42:19 たへlあてさたこおうー。0 いさむちbroken May 10 19:42:25 err May 10 19:42:37 the latest koolu-1.0 is much broken May 10 19:43:58 okay. is there someplace that i should report bugs? May 10 19:46:08 trac.koolu.org May 10 19:46:32 i saw that, but it didn't seem active... i'll give it a shot May 10 19:50:24 hm May 10 19:50:44 could be just slow :-P May 10 19:51:14 try that moko.serdar-dere.net May 10 19:53:38 alright i will, thanks May 10 20:45:16 does someone has the same problems as me with fetching cupcake sources? May 10 20:46:09 Serdar: does it compile now? May 10 20:46:29 yes it does, but it don't work May 10 20:46:38 because there are some libs mising May 10 20:46:54 hmmm May 10 20:47:03 missing May 10 20:47:16 what about the koolu guys and panicking May 10 20:47:41 don't panic. May 10 20:47:43 they stopped releasing since some weeks May 10 20:48:35 Serdar: will you join http://trac.shr-project.org/trac/wiki/FSOSHRUDCON%2709 May 10 20:50:44 yes, I am releaseing but only koolu 1.0 May 10 20:50:47 hmm May 10 20:52:21 oh May 10 20:52:28 I thought it was last month May 10 20:55:07 no May 10 20:55:31 do you know how much it will cost? May 10 20:56:24 i dont know, i will be there for some hours May 10 20:56:46 on sunday May 10 20:56:52 are you living in germany too? May 10 20:57:01 just to say hello to the guys May 10 20:57:09 yes, same city as you! May 10 20:57:33 hehe May 10 20:58:32 I see, same university too? May 10 20:59:09 no studying anymore May 10 21:00:31 it's sold out May 10 21:01:49 Serdar: the latest image you linked work like a charm, thanks! May 10 21:02:13 sypher7, but it has a horrible battery draining May 10 21:03:36 Serdar: ah i see. i'm mainly playing around with the various distros right now, not using it as a primary phone, so i'm not worried about battery for the time being May 10 21:04:30 battery is working for <6-7h May 10 21:05:33 I want to get cupcake working see the differences and concentrate for the right one May 10 21:08:01 Serdar: good plan. i'm just starting in on mobile/embedded dev, and i think i'm going to start by playing around with android and SHR May 10 21:08:46 I left the thoughts about shr behind me May 10 21:09:05 only qt-extended-improved would be interesting May 10 21:10:03 i see potential in SHR, and it seems to have some of the more active development for the freerunner, but it still has a long way to go IMHO May 10 21:10:22 i did try qt-extended-improved, too, and found it quite polished so far May 10 21:10:52 I love this write2text feature of qt-extended much improved May 10 21:10:58 err May 10 21:11:09 I hope you understand the sentence :D May 10 21:12:02 the handwriting feature? yeah i did play with that a bit. very neat! **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon May 11 02:59:57 2009