**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed May 20 02:59:57 2009 May 20 04:47:45 hi May 20 06:35:06 any luck on that keyboard? :) May 20 06:39:37 Nothing May 20 06:39:43 I'm looking throw the code May 20 06:39:49 seems that the service May 20 06:39:57 is not registered and not started May 20 06:42:27 so where can i get the code to look at too? May 20 06:44:21 frameworks I think May 20 06:45:22 InputMethodManager May 20 06:56:08 panicking: i have flash your new cupcake image from kickass. it don't start May 20 07:20:08 ? May 20 08:18:18 WB May 20 10:27:32 Maybe I find the problem May 20 10:28:15 panicking: Hi! What problem you mean? May 20 10:30:09 keyboard May 20 10:30:15 it's a very stupid issue May 20 10:30:29 I will update the repository May 20 10:30:33 after the test May 20 10:32:14 panicking: Which one repository? May 20 10:33:39 Serdar prepare one May 20 10:34:04 panicking: This one? http://git.moko.serdar-dere.net/?a=summary&p=foo May 20 10:36:09 well I don't see my commit May 20 10:36:14 and I see wrong branch May 20 10:36:16 but yes May 20 10:36:47 panicking: That's why I asked. May 20 10:36:58 I must wait serdar May 20 10:37:00 to ask May 20 10:37:11 ok May 20 10:47:33 perfect May 20 10:47:36 I have the keyboard May 20 10:47:37 :D May 20 10:47:45 Great news May 20 10:52:45 so the next release contains the keyboard May 20 10:52:53 Now I would like to change the logo May 20 10:52:56 for my version May 20 10:53:01 with the red dolphin May 20 10:53:08 but I don't know how to create the logo May 20 11:09:08 maybe I fix the incoming call too May 20 11:11:31 ok May 20 11:11:36 I can receive call May 20 11:42:58 I will fix the vibrator code May 20 11:57:38 Armagon, I fix the vibrator maybe May 20 11:57:47 I do a test know May 20 11:57:55 and update the version May 20 11:58:07 The pending issue are bluetooth and wifi May 20 11:58:54 panicking: I won't be able to test today. But tomorrow I'll get another freerunner and flash it May 20 11:59:31 ok, it is perfect... the keyboard is fine :) May 20 11:59:53 Great. This build include your ril? May 20 12:04:39 Armagon, yes the idea is to have an updated version every week like in the past May 20 12:07:56 Basically I want the cupcake on my freerunner running May 20 12:12:23 panicking: I also want stable cupcake on my freerunner. May 20 12:13:00 I've set build environment and able to build image too May 20 12:49:31 excuse me... May 20 12:49:44 someone knows where i can found the adb package to isntall on ubuntu? May 20 12:50:04 http://people.openmoko.org/sean_mcneil/ May 20 12:50:38 thanks May 20 12:51:51 but is there a package for ubuntu? May 20 12:51:56 (a deb) May 20 12:52:42 It's just a single file. Copy to some location and use it May 20 12:54:39 ok... May 20 12:54:41 thanks May 20 13:33:53 do someone use the last version of panicking? May 20 14:02:39 hi there what is the status of cupcake .. the v4 snapshot May 20 14:02:51 / and or the freerunner 14.6 one (panicing images) May 20 14:02:56 does one have to use qi? May 20 14:05:34 is the audio issue a hardware problem? May 20 14:06:11 d1b: you don't have to use qi, but if you don't you may have to fix uboot to handle >2GB kernel images (not difficult, there's a wiki page on how to do so) May 20 14:07:19 if I'm running 14.6 and I upgrade to a cupcake image, will I lose all my contacts and apps? May 20 14:07:24 hi May 20 14:07:48 hmm May 20 14:07:54 wherer did you save them? May 20 14:08:10 Serdar1: uhhh... wherever Android saves them by default? May 20 14:08:21 eh ? May 20 14:08:25 you mean 2mb? May 20 14:08:38 hmm May 20 14:08:39 i thought that was only an issue of the nand May 20 14:08:40 d1b: I do mean 2MB :) May 20 14:08:41 and not the sd May 20 14:08:45 can't you save them at your sd card? May 20 14:08:46 (put kernel on sd) May 20 14:09:23 d1b: it's a uboot issue regardless, I think; it has to copy the kernel into RAM and if you don't have the fix it will only copy the first 2MB and not all of it May 20 14:09:27 I need a gitweb _now_ May 20 14:09:31 Serdar1: I have no idea May 20 14:09:44 Serdar1: what's up with gitweb? I've set it up before, can I help somehow? May 20 14:09:53 Serdar1: although, random meta question: why not use github? May 20 14:10:13 github is a nopaste stuff right? May 20 14:10:29 I don't understand the question May 20 14:10:48 you know nopaste? May 20 14:10:54 no May 20 14:11:16 http://rafb.net/paste/ May 20 14:11:19 for example May 20 14:11:25 oh May 20 14:11:29 no, github isn't a pastebin May 20 14:11:37 pjz: yes and ? May 20 14:11:44 < 2mb kernels are fine by me May 20 14:12:03 d1b: not for all android images. even panicking's latest is > 2MB May 20 14:12:15 d1b: b/c, I think, they've got drivers built in instead of as modules May 20 14:12:24 wait it's a project which hosts git projects?? May 20 14:12:26 Serdar1: github.com will host git repos for you May 20 14:12:32 Serdar1: yes. May 20 14:12:43 why? I have a rootserver May 20 14:13:02 and cupcake is > 100mb May 20 14:13:04 Serdar1: so fewer people on the planet have to maintain that kind of software May 20 14:13:31 Serdar1: they're already hosting gigs of projects, I'm sure May 20 14:14:22 well do i really needto move to qi ? May 20 14:14:31 / is there an easy method getting back May 20 14:14:42 Idoesn't matter, I need a gitweb, not github. git.moko.serdar-dere.net was the only one I found but it don't work well May 20 14:15:19 http://git.or.cz/gitwiki/Gitweb because I can't see a download May 20 14:17:56 uhm... May 20 14:18:05 * m2 smacks Serdar1 a little... May 20 14:18:15 au May 20 14:18:19 Serdar1: gitweb comes *with* git May 20 14:18:42 it even says that right there on that webpage May 20 14:18:46 huh? s May 20 14:18:57 Repository: From the git version 1.4.0 gitweb is bundled with git May 20 14:19:11 Serdar1: read the webpage :-) May 20 14:19:21 there is no git-instaweb May 20 14:19:27 I try again May 20 14:20:29 I am confused... May 20 14:20:42 weren't you the "I compile all my bits myself, dammit!" guy? May 20 14:22:06 I am useing portage like moste people who useing gentoo. May 20 14:22:19 same thing, different color May 20 14:22:29 but there is no git-instaweb May 20 14:22:37 git-core- $ ls -dl gitweb May 20 14:22:37 drwxr-xr-x 2 marcelo marcelo 4096 2009-05-13 00:50 gitweb May 20 14:23:02 and what's git-instaweb, pray? May 20 14:23:14 m2: it's a gitweb setup wizard, I think May 20 14:23:27 There even exists a git-instaweb script to setup gitweb and a web server for browsing the local repository. May 20 14:23:28 jeezzzz... May 20 14:23:37 even locate don't find gitweb May 20 14:23:40 Serdar1: even if there's not, there are plenty of gitweb tutorials on the net May 20 14:24:03 pjz: but I need gitweb first. May 20 14:24:17 pjz: I guess there is also a readme file with it. May 20 14:24:47 git-core- $ find -name '*instaweb*' May 20 14:24:47 ./git-instaweb.sh May 20 14:24:47 ./Documentation/git-instaweb.txt May 20 14:24:59 I still think panicking should just use github May 20 14:25:00 I guess that's what you are looking for... May 20 14:25:17 rely less on one person's personal infrastructure May 20 14:25:59 how big is cupcake? you said 100+mb ? May 20 14:26:09 800m May 20 14:26:10 pjz: ~ 2 GB May 20 14:26:27 I could host that myself May 20 14:26:29 blah May 20 14:26:53 I allready host it May 20 14:26:57 I just want panicking to have fewest possible impediments to Getting Stuff Done May 20 14:27:15 he does May 20 14:27:21 useing my git repository May 20 14:27:36 were you sleeping yesterday? :O May 20 14:27:43 6 GB compiled, that includes 3 GB of generated stuff May 20 14:28:03 repos alone are ~ 1.3 GB May 20 14:28:33 so pure sources are 2.7 GB May 20 14:28:37 Serdar1: if you're having trouble setting up gitweb or whatever, that's hardly a confidence builder that his use will be trouble-free May 20 14:29:36 If I would have this fucking gitweb.cgi it would be simpler right now. May 20 14:30:58 Serdar1: take a deep breath... inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale... May 20 14:31:03 Serdar1: I have Gentoo too, /usr/share/git/gitweb/gitweb.cgi May 20 14:31:55 it's here /usr/share/git/gitweb/gitweb.cgi: cannot open `/usr/share/git/gitweb/gitweb.cgi' (No such file or directory) May 20 14:32:19 Serdar1: can't you ask that portage thing to list the installed files? May 20 14:32:42 Serdar1: Try equery f git May 20 14:34:33 equery f git|grep gitweb nope it's not there May 20 14:35:32 show equery u dev-util/git May 20 14:35:55 check cgi use flag May 20 14:36:36 moment May 20 14:37:59 nice there was someday a gitweb at portage, I see some useflags on my package.use May 20 14:48:53 so, you found it? May 20 14:49:54 http://git.moko.serdar-dere.net/gitweb.cgi May 20 14:50:51 it looks much better May 20 14:51:54 hi,I've some questions: May 20 14:52:15 *are koolu and panicking images tight to googles services May 20 14:52:33 Gnutoo: what do you mean? May 20 14:53:08 I heard at lwn.net that when you buy a G1 you must register at google...and it get bundled with a lot of google web services May 20 14:53:28 but as we have our own port I wondered if it was the same May 20 14:54:16 ah... May 20 14:54:35 no... there are some services for which google doesn't publish a free client May 20 14:54:39 google maps for example May 20 14:55:05 what the LWN article describes is the log in procedure that's required to use those services May 20 14:55:15 thanks a lot...because I don't want theses spying services May 20 14:55:40 the one when the editor bought a dev phone but I can't find it again May 20 14:55:49 but my memory could be wrong May 20 14:56:46 http://lwn.net/Articles/311715/ May 20 14:57:25 "More annoying, though, is that the phone requires the creation of a Gmail account as part of its setup process" May 20 14:57:32 for instance May 20 14:58:04 yeah, the description is not accurate, but I understand what corbet meant... May 20 14:58:17 ok so which one should I use koolu or panicking images? May 20 14:58:22 ok May 20 14:58:46 with the Android Developer Phone, when you first turn it on, it will ask you to log in to your Google Account, which for most people is their Gmail account May 20 14:58:55 ok May 20 14:59:27 as part of that process the phone obtains an API key for some of the services like Google Maps May 20 14:59:29 the panicking git is a koolu clone May 20 14:59:37 ok lol May 20 14:59:45 ah ok May 20 15:00:18 that allows Google to terminate the key in case they find you are breaching the terms of service May 20 15:01:10 ah ok ouch... May 20 15:01:12 panicking is useing since yesterday a koolu-cupcake clone May 20 15:01:25 ok May 20 15:02:22 and the gitweb is also up, maybe it needs some make up too looks better May 20 15:03:02 it's time for real-time systems now. May 20 15:17:36 mmm...I bet the wiki of openmoko is not up to date for the installation and I'm a bit lost... May 20 15:17:46 and there is no README in beta6 May 20 15:18:04 basically I put all on a fat SD and I boot on it with QI? May 20 15:18:23 or with NOR U-boot May 20 15:18:34 ok May 20 15:18:49 Qi won't boot from VFAT, it will work if your SD card has an ext2/3 partition May 20 15:20:21 ok I put it on ext2 thanks a lot May 20 15:22:58 lol there is a splash screen May 20 15:23:28 yes May 20 15:23:39 to say, there are two splash screens May 20 15:23:44 ok May 20 15:24:05 I guess it would be better to disable one splash screen for more performance May 20 15:24:48 I'm not concerned about performance but by having the kernel messages as I don't have serial(I didn't buy the debug board) May 20 15:25:28 me too, maybe I will next. May 20 15:25:29 ouch there is skype... May 20 15:25:39 Serdar1: any of the images are doing proper suspend? May 20 15:25:42 huh? May 20 15:25:50 do you use koolu6? May 20 15:25:53 yes May 20 15:26:11 i'm quite sure you can remove that if you wish May 20 15:26:15 vininim: nope, but panicking was working on it May 20 15:27:05 what should I remove to have a fully free phone? May 20 15:27:42 Gnutoo: android? I guess it's not fully free. May 20 15:28:11 the gsm code is rewritten, but there must be some points which are closed. May 20 15:28:13 ouch I was told the contrary May 20 15:28:28 I'll go back to SHR then... May 20 15:28:48 cupcake was written behind closed doors. May 20 15:28:58 ok May 20 15:29:06 should I try panicking then? May 20 15:29:11 or start panicking? May 20 15:29:12 lol May 20 15:29:51 panicking is koolu-cupcake with patches. koolu can merge from panickings cupcake May 20 15:42:07 so there is no 100% free android port? May 20 15:42:10 I bet no May 20 15:43:32 you mean open? May 20 15:43:49 I mean free as in freedom ~open source May 20 15:44:33 koolu is open source also panicking, I don't know if there is a part left, the main issue was gsm I guess May 20 15:46:10 mmm...skype is not free(as in freedom) software May 20 15:48:41 skype is not part of koolu May 20 15:48:47 it's only part of the image May 20 15:48:58 you can test my images there are plain koolu May 20 15:49:07 moko.serdar-dere.net May 20 15:54:25 ok thanks a lot May 20 15:55:26 I give you an advice, don't use the cupcake image, it's a broken one May 20 15:59:41 ok thanks a lo May 20 15:59:42 t May 20 16:07:30 how do I uninstall koolu beta 6 and install your version? May 20 16:07:51 how did you install beta6? May 20 16:08:03 with the installer? May 20 16:08:07 I formated the microsd card as ext2 May 20 16:08:14 untared the tarball on the card May 20 16:08:19 and put the card into the phone May 20 16:08:24 and QI booted it May 20 16:08:29 and it installed automatically May 20 16:08:41 same, but use NOR with boot from sd May 20 16:08:48 ok thanks May 20 16:08:57 koolu uses uboot? May 20 16:09:15 qi, but it should be possible too May 20 16:09:22 you can flash system.img May 20 16:09:23 (I can't boot from ext2 in uboot) May 20 16:09:35 s/ext2/single partition in ext2 May 20 16:09:42 because I's the nor one May 20 16:09:49 and I don't want to mess up the nor uboot May 20 16:10:07 you can flash system.img too rootfs May 20 16:10:15 ok thanks May 20 16:10:29 system.img is a jffs2 file May 20 16:12:44 btw. next monday is Towel Day May 20 16:16:04 http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Gta02-core what? May 20 16:16:10 removing NOR??? May 20 16:18:09 yeah May 20 16:18:36 why? NOR was great May 20 16:19:26 once they perfect qi, there will be no need for reflashing May 20 16:19:52 and obviously NOR takes space, and cost May 20 16:20:36 hm May 20 16:23:34 installing...I formated in fat and uboot loaded it and it's installing May 20 16:23:35 depending on where you get it, NOR can be quite expensive May 20 16:24:37 still, the first prototypes of gta-core will probably cost €500 each May 20 16:25:10 that's too much :) May 20 16:25:30 i still don't understand why they refuse to change the cpu and the modem May 20 16:25:32 Gnutoo: you need to remove the old installing files from beta6 too May 20 16:25:56 this will probably take more than a year to make and be only slightly better than the fr May 20 16:26:16 what is your suggest? May 20 16:26:33 also ARM or something else? May 20 16:26:49 samsung's 6410 or TI's 3530 May 20 16:27:11 preferably the latter May 20 16:28:16 hmm May 20 16:35:28 igor321: the OMAP3530 would be interesting, that's for sure, but AFAIK its graphics accelerator is as closed as the glammo, has that changed recently? May 20 16:37:46 m2: no, it hasn't May 20 16:38:13 but at least there's a binary blob that works May 20 16:38:22 hm how's openpandora? May 20 16:41:40 Serdar1: i don't know, fine i guess :) May 20 16:42:28 it looks nice, it sounds nice, but the price is high in germany because of 19% taxes May 20 16:44:31 Serdar1, ok May 20 16:44:51 Serdar1, now skype is gone :) May 20 16:45:15 Gnutoo: your battery too :) May 20 16:45:41 all versions includeing beta6 have a bad battery draining May 20 16:46:02 maximum of 7h if your're lucky May 20 16:46:10 ok May 20 16:46:24 7h is more than what I've got with shr May 20 16:52:23 Gnutoo: wat May 20 16:52:38 you mean 7h running? May 20 16:52:46 yes May 20 16:52:55 ok May 20 16:53:05 7h running no matter suspending May 20 16:53:22 I don't remember well how much SHR last but it's 5/6 h I think but I could be wrong... May 20 16:53:23 max 7h with screen dimmed you mean, because gsm talking or any other thing would reduce that May 20 16:53:33 or maybe 4h May 20 16:53:39 Gnutoo: 5/6h of talking? gta02? May 20 16:53:47 no of wifi May 20 16:53:58 and of beeing on May 20 16:54:04 and yes gta02 May 20 17:04:38 hi michael May 20 17:08:16 panicking: I got the gitweb.cgi now and done the configuration. May 20 17:09:01 there are only some make up missing, but it works, these can be done some day if needed. May 20 17:27:58 can anyone remind me how to partition the usd for android May 20 17:28:04 ext3 first and then fat May 20 17:28:10 or fat first and then ext3 May 20 17:28:23 I did the last one May 20 17:28:32 ok May 20 17:29:46 thanks May 20 17:51:56 see ya May 20 18:38:00 hello. May 20 18:38:22 has anyone been able to get panicking's new image to boot? May 20 18:47:31 re May 20 18:48:21 serdar: ? May 20 18:48:36 stongo, I returned May 20 18:48:50 ok :) hello May 20 18:49:00 hi May 20 18:49:14 have you tried panicking's new image Serdar? May 20 18:49:23 nope May 20 18:49:41 but I will compile that next May 20 18:52:34 new image as in the cupcake v3? May 20 18:52:51 or is there a newer? May 20 18:55:39 cupcake v4 May 20 18:55:50 coldfyre: did you get v3 working? May 20 19:00:52 yes v3 worked for me May 20 19:01:27 what were using along with it? qi and uimagev17? May 20 19:06:57 Serdar, perfect job May 20 19:06:59 I update May 20 19:07:02 the last change May 20 19:09:21 hey Michael.. I can't boot up in your new cupcake v4 May 20 19:09:28 I flashed the image May 20 19:10:14 should I be using qi and uimagev17? May 20 19:13:44 stongo I prepare a reposistpry online May 20 19:13:48 you can checkout May 20 19:13:51 and use koolu stuff May 20 19:13:54 for compiling May 20 19:14:17 uboot v13 May 20 19:15:33 Serdar, can you add some reference to my web site to in the gitweb May 20 19:15:34 ? May 20 19:16:12 panicking: ok, I'm going to learn how to compile it... I've never done it before. May 20 19:16:58 panicking have you read my IM? May 20 19:19:03 panicking: did you manage to get the keyboard fixed in v4? May 20 19:19:17 yes May 20 19:19:28 nice :) May 20 19:19:42 what about that vibrating won't sshut off? May 20 19:20:04 i'll check out v4 tonight when i have time May 20 19:20:47 coldfyre: i tried using uimagev13 still the same problem. May 20 19:21:08 stongo: what problem exactly? May 20 19:21:16 it might be something with the v4 image. but if you're compiling it, shouldn't matter May 20 19:21:24 it never goes past the android logo that shimmers May 20 19:21:42 just keeps looping May 20 19:21:45 is your SD card setup properly? May 20 19:21:47 forever May 20 19:21:58 i had the same problem in v3 with a card that was not setup right May 20 19:22:27 coldfyre: I reformatted it... what setting did you have wrong? May 20 19:22:36 I did increase the FAT partition to 100M May 20 19:22:46 could that be boinking it? May 20 19:23:44 i really can't remember what was wrong :( May 20 19:24:01 hrm... ok. well I might try reformatting by the books May 20 19:24:03 i don't think that would be the problem May 20 19:24:18 +8M for the first partition May 20 19:25:13 re May 20 19:25:15 panicking: are you still keeping everything on the SD card? I like it a lot better than Koolu's beta6, where you aren't able to edit init.rc May 20 19:27:47 everything is on the sd card still, yes May 20 19:41:42 I'd have to install eclipse to compile android, eh? May 20 20:00:19 Serdar, good work May 20 20:00:23 one only problem May 20 20:00:27 the description May 20 20:00:38 and the manifests/.git May 20 20:00:41 panicking, are you give them descriptions? May 20 20:00:50 I will try May 20 20:01:00 I don't now how to mantein the commiter May 20 20:01:02 for now May 20 20:01:07 I used .repo as the root May 20 20:01:27 I change the manifest May 20 20:01:35 file to use your machine for downalod May 20 20:01:40 btw. how can I pull that? May 20 20:01:49 ah k May 20 20:01:55 For now I don't know May 20 20:02:02 I must read documentation May 20 20:02:05 I will try May 20 20:02:08 using repo init May 20 20:02:28 our $projectroot = "/home/www/moko/cupcake/.repo"; May 20 20:02:39 that don't work I tried it May 20 20:02:56 bin/repo init -u http://git.moko.serdar-dere.net/manifest.git May 20 20:03:13 same as with bin/repo init -u git://git.moko.serdar-dere.net/manifest.git May 20 20:04:18 you need a git-daemon service May 20 20:04:20 active May 20 20:07:13 oh I didn't May 20 20:08:34 done May 20 20:10:10 hm same May 20 20:15:24 you must add the export May 20 20:15:25 file May 20 20:15:30 in each directory May 20 20:16:38 touch git-daemon-export-ok May 20 20:16:51 in all the directory that you want export with the git-daemon May 20 20:17:11 urgs, isn't that all? May 20 20:20:28 --export-all that's okay? May 20 20:23:31 yeah, it'll export every directory with a .git May 20 20:23:59 and to be able to push you'll probably need to set up something like gitosis i think, which is kind of ugly :-( May 20 20:24:19 hm May 20 20:24:42 actually no May 20 20:24:51 if every dev. has a system user then no May 20 20:25:10 I guess --export-all is bad May 20 20:25:25 What is your full name May 20 20:25:33 I must write somenthing on the website May 20 20:25:37 the you are hosting May 20 20:25:41 the git.moko May 20 20:25:46 make a guess ;) May 20 20:26:18 or a /whois May 20 20:27:04 panicking, btw. the needed stuffs must be set up in the cupcake repository dir, right? so you can do that too. May 20 20:28:53 yes May 20 20:28:56 ok I will do May 20 20:30:12 is any of the currently available images mostly usable (as a phone)? May 20 20:31:21 We are working to have a public repository May 20 20:31:24 http://panicking.kicks-ass.org/services.html May 20 20:31:32 on Serdar machine May 20 20:31:52 git.moko.serdar-dere.net May 20 20:32:01 So each time a made some change May 20 20:32:07 the user can do a repo sync May 20 20:32:09 and recompile May 20 20:39:57 Serdar, the base path May 20 20:39:59 is correct May 20 20:39:59 ? May 20 20:40:04 of the git-daemon May 20 20:40:04 ? May 20 21:19:25 somebody using freerunner-cupcake-snapshot-v4.jffs2? May 20 21:19:32 or at least tried it? May 20 21:57:44 nope May 20 22:17:13 Serdar: *ping* May 20 22:17:24 pong May 20 22:18:14 give me a second... May 20 22:19:25 Serdar: your gitweb config and your git-daemon config aren't pointing at the same location May 20 22:20:09 I am reconfigurating it atm May 20 22:21:25 Serdar: in gitweb's config you have a projectroot variable set to something, in git-daemon you have a base-path, they don't necessarely have to point to the same location, but it's the common config May 20 22:21:32 ah, ok, then I'll let you be... May 20 22:22:41 fwiw, I usually don't point those two things at the same place, but I create symlinks from gitweb's project root to git-daemon's base-path May 20 22:24:36 if I use the base with gitweb it's pretty slow May 20 22:25:09 if I use instead base/cupcake/.repo it's acceptable May 20 22:25:24 I mean the loading time for gitweb May 20 22:25:59 http://git.moko.serdar-dere.net/ it's not fast but fast enough to not argue May 20 22:26:26 my base is /var/git the repo is /var/git/cupcake May 20 22:27:48 and I guess I need to set these git-daemon-export-ok May 20 22:29:15 if you plan to use that git-daemon for something else, yes, if you are going to use that git-daemon only for this particular thing, just pass --export-all to git-daemon May 20 22:30:23 I thought about --export-all too hmm May 20 23:00:08 good night May 21 02:21:46 v4 won't allow you to pick up calls May 21 02:21:47 lol May 21 02:23:10 TIME **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu May 21 02:59:57 2009