**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Oct 15 02:59:57 2019 Oct 15 08:20:00 Is there a cosmo channel or is this it? Oct 15 08:31:41 davedoom: I can't answer that question, but: you got your cosmo yet? (Sorry, couldn't resist.) Oct 15 08:32:39 sorry no ;-) Oct 15 08:33:29 maybe someone could make a cosmo channel and have it redirect here. Oct 15 08:35:29 The list of irc channels on https://www.oesf.org/forum/index.php doesn't mention a cosmo channel, so I guess there isn't one yet. Oct 15 08:50:48 I bet the first one to get one here will be sure to report it :) Oct 15 08:51:05 not sure if it really makes sense to have a separate channel for gemini and cosmo.. Oct 15 09:05:51 is it possible to have a channel redirect to another? Oct 15 09:06:38 maybe both to #planethandheld or #planet-PDA or something. Oct 15 09:13:36 with a bot, perhaps, parroting messages from one channel to another. but why would it be a good idea? Oct 15 09:16:14 It's also possible (on freenode, I think) to redirect users to a differently named channel, e.g. when they join #cosmo-communicator they would be joined to #gemini-pda instead. But I don't think that would be very useful. Oct 15 09:17:39 good question. Will people ask questions on #cosmo that are different from #gemini and where will they get the best answers? Oct 15 09:18:45 while there are parts where that is true (ie. questions about the top screen or finger print reader) , it doesn't seem that at least this channel is particularly busy.. Oct 15 09:19:11 I bet majority of questions are about software, which is (?) going to be the same Oct 15 09:19:16 and discussion altogether Oct 15 11:37:28 as you already noticed, there's no separate #cosmo channel Oct 15 11:38:31 IMHO we should keep the Cosmo discussion here, if you wish we can rename the channel to something like #cosmo-gemini-pda Oct 15 11:40:00 this is what they have done on the Telegram channel, which is now called "Gemini & Cosmo PDA" Oct 15 11:41:00 most of the topics will be probably in common between these two devices Oct 15 12:13:38 /msg alis LIST *telegram* Oct 15 17:07:29 hey everyone. are people still working on gemini stuff? Oct 15 18:01:23 yepers **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Oct 15 18:02:35 2019 Oct 15 18:40:18 would be nice if there was a free software replacement for the flashing tool Oct 15 18:40:34 I'm hesitant to pick up my gemini again with how things seem to be Oct 15 18:49:35 agreed. This POS is an accident waiting to happen. Oct 15 18:57:49 isn't it the same flashing tool as other mediatek phones use, but with planet customisations? Oct 15 18:58:15 in which case can't it be replaced by creative adb commands? Oct 15 19:12:46 do you want to experiment? Oct 15 19:20:17 i don't have a Gemini so no :P I've just used the mediatek flashing tool before and the planet one looks the same Oct 15 19:38:37 Acou_Bass: I believe it is more or less the same, yeah. I'm unsure if adb commands can do the same Oct 15 22:12:03 https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1864704 this thread mentions using dd in place of the mediatek flash tool **** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Oct 16 02:59:57 2019