**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Feb 20 03:00:03 2018 Feb 20 03:06:43 The logs from my failing lxc@android: https://pastebin.com/kFUyxnwy Feb 20 03:07:26 Kernel 3.4? Feb 20 03:09:34 no, 3.18. I tried the fixes for 3.4 already, if you're thinking of this: https://github.com/Halium/android_kernel_lge_hammerhead/commit/533a628f03d4d0be2f1c4e969aa1c6d7a7e564bb Feb 20 03:12:45 Ah wait Feb 20 03:13:11 *searches chat history for correct option* Feb 20 03:14:06 Right Feb 20 03:14:21 You need to set CONFIG_NR_CPUS Feb 20 03:15:29 Instead of y/n it takes number of CPU on your device Feb 20 03:26:26 ok. Feb 20 03:27:28 It was set to 8. Is that ok? Feb 20 03:38:37 Depends on your device Feb 20 03:40:06 Ok. I'm trying 4. The MSM8996 is a quadcore Feb 20 03:41:06 I had seen that option before. I assumed it meant that the kernel will support systems with N cores or less, based on the description... Feb 20 03:56:56 I can't connect to ssh when I set it to 4. I just changed it back to 8 and it works again. Feb 20 04:00:41 It's kinda weird, in nm-connection-editor I see the interface appear, disappear, and then reappear Feb 20 04:01:05 that is, when CONFIG_NR_CPUS=4. I don't see that whan it's 8. Feb 20 04:36:55 [Edit] that is, when CONFIG_NR_CPUS=4. I don't see that when it's 8. Feb 20 05:27:59 @sealofnova, Welcome and good luck! Feb 20 06:09:44 @rockybulwinkle, Just for the heck of it, does 6 work? At least when building linux/android I have always been advised to use the amount of cores plus 2 that your computer has. Maybe it's something similar here? Feb 20 06:12:06 no.. this is not amout make command but count of processors on your actual phone device Feb 20 06:34:52 Okay, just thought if 4 was too little and 8 too much, then 6 would be just right Feb 20 06:51:09 How would I manually install a deb file on my device? Since route isn't installed, I am trying to manually install. Where should I put it on my internal storage for it to be able to be installed? Feb 20 07:54:00 @bhushanshah any idea about this error … E/ACDB-LOADER( 0): ACDB -> Not correctly initialized! Feb 20 07:57:11 Um not really Feb 20 07:57:26 But does /etc/acdbdata exist? Feb 20 12:03:17 agurenko was added by: agurenko Feb 20 12:21:23 @Qiangong2, Take a look at dpkg manpages Feb 20 12:47:30 I'm having the following error when doing `mka systemimage`: Feb 20 12:47:31 `ninja: error: '/home/sergobot/Projects/halium-marlin/out/target/product/marlin/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libcurl_intermediates/export_includes', needed by '/home/sergobot/Projects/halium-marlin/out/target/product/marlin/obj/EXECUTABLES/hs20-osu-client_intermediates/import_includes', missing and no known rule to make it` Feb 20 12:47:50 Any idea how to fix it? Feb 20 13:08:16 Okay, removed hs20-osu-client from Android.mk and now getting another error Feb 20 13:09:04 Now it can't find `out/host/linux-x86/bin/build_verity_tree` Feb 20 13:10:13 I think its that, and add the libcurl to the mk Feb 20 13:11:53 Hmm, the file is ~1k lines Feb 20 13:12:28 Where do I put libcurl? Feb 20 13:38:48 I think libcurl is part of /external/libcurl can you confirm Feb 20 13:43:13 Send me your build/core/main.mk Feb 20 14:42:50 @Ellenjott do you have idea about this error? ^^ Feb 20 14:54:35 @bhushanshah, Don't worry i fixed it Feb 20 14:54:52 path issue Feb 20 15:11:31 Anyone working on a Samsung galaxy port? I'm doing a note 4 (trltespr to be precise) I gotta fix my mountpoints at this point where I'll hopefully get a booting system Feb 20 15:11:44 Paging all @Flohack Feb 20 15:14:52 He's doing a neo3 iirc? Feb 20 15:15:50 S3 neo, I was close Feb 20 15:16:17 He told me to join on the forums Feb 20 15:37:48 @KunalBhat, Seems so that your device codename isnt set... Feb 20 15:46:31 @Tygerpro Tygerpro, At least you don't need to create a manifest since I've done that already :) Feb 20 15:50:12 once wpa_supplicant is connected to an AP, what is setting up the ip config on the interface? Feb 20 15:50:52 You're not using `nmcli`? Feb 20 15:51:19 Actually I prefer `nmtui`. But either way, they'll do DHCP Feb 20 15:58:07 ok thanks Feb 20 16:01:31 @rubencarneiro, https://paste.kde.org/pdchw4xrr Feb 20 16:06:51 @Sergobot, Watch subdirs line 475 now check if what you need is on external dir Feb 20 16:08:21 If it is add line ti main.mk … External/libcurl \ Feb 20 16:09:45 Can you cd /external on your source root dir and ls Feb 20 16:10:20 Threre's `vendor/google/sprout/proprietary/lib/libcurl.so` Feb 20 16:11:40 So, I should put `venor/google/sprout/proprietary/lib` into that subfolders list? Feb 20 16:11:43 For some reason my fixup mountpoints data isnt recognized Feb 20 16:12:15 Whats your device? Feb 20 16:12:26 its a mi pad Feb 20 16:12:28 mocha Feb 20 16:12:36 @rubencarneiro, Pixel XL, aka marlin Feb 20 16:13:27 I got all the data using readlink ... but the build is still failing Feb 20 16:13:29 Do you have your vendor lib for your device with your blobs Feb 20 16:14:03 Yep Feb 20 16:14:28 And its not sprout right, sprout is google one right Feb 20 16:14:37 Nope Feb 20 16:14:59 @rubencarneiro, Yes Feb 20 16:15:48 @KunalBhat, Can you pastebin it and the error so we're not shooting in the dark? Feb 20 16:15:58 @rubencarneiro, But it seems there's no libcurl in the proper vendor dir Feb 20 16:16:25 @Sergobot, `find | grep libcurl` outputs only that one Feb 20 16:16:36 @UniversalSuperBox, https://hastebin.com/gikejejone.vbs Feb 20 16:16:50 Sorry 😆 Feb 20 16:17:15 Looks like your format is incorrect. Can we see what you added? Feb 20 16:18:05 https://hastebin.com/coleguwiqa.sql Feb 20 16:18:36 Oh, "can't read" Feb 20 16:18:43 It's not finding an fstab Feb 20 16:19:24 the fstab is in fstab.tn8 Feb 20 16:19:28 for this device Feb 20 16:19:30 @Sergobot, And the vendor for pixel dont have it Feb 20 16:19:46 Yep Feb 20 16:19:53 Try using the sprout one Feb 20 16:20:15 @Sergobot, ^ Feb 20 16:20:37 Only that? Feb 20 16:21:12 Just copy the blob to your vendor folder, and edit the vendo.mk Feb 20 16:26:32 Same error Feb 20 16:26:32 @UniversalSuperBox, So what do I do now ? Feb 20 16:26:33 Black Fire was added by: Black Fire Feb 20 16:29:49 Ben Mayo was added by: Ben Mayo Feb 20 16:34:36 Hello there. Ive been working on porting Ubuntu touch 16.04 to my moto g5 plus using the ubports docs. I have an issue with SSH though- Ive gotten the system image deployed and running. When it comes time to SSH into the phone and add udev rules, it seems that SSH is not running. I get a message that the connection is refused. Feb 20 16:55:44 but I guess this is mirrored with Telegram? Feb 20 16:55:51 it is yes Feb 20 16:56:04 though some cool kids still use this IRC Feb 20 16:56:07 *hides* Feb 20 16:56:13 LOL I'm old-skool Feb 20 16:58:39 When I started this whole Internet thing there wasn't such a thing as Telegram, IRC was our way of communication next to ICQ LOL :P Feb 20 17:01:44 ICQ even has open-source Qt client now Feb 20 17:04:13 @Ellenjott, I have a manifest for my device actually, I made it awhile back and posted it in ubports forum Feb 20 17:06:15 @Tygerpro Tygerpro, There's already one in halium-devices Feb 20 17:07:14 For trltespr? When I started there wasnt Feb 20 17:10:12 @Ellenjott, If there is then I must not be getting it when I repo sync Feb 20 17:17:36 @Tygerpro Tygerpro, Oh sorry, I thought Note 5 Feb 20 17:19:58 @Ellenjott, No worries, you can add mine if you want, I just haven't gotten past the pre-boot environment yet. My current attempts end with a kernel panic and I think its the fstab/mountpoints info that I need to change Feb 20 17:20:44 @Tygerpro Tygerpro, Create a pull request at https://github.com/Halium/halium-devices/tree/halium-7.1/manifests Feb 20 17:21:33 @Ellenjott, OK, I will do that when I am in front of my development rig, I'm at work now Feb 20 17:22:28 @Tygerpro Tygerpro, 👍 Feb 20 17:23:14 @Ellenjott, Any advice for the fstab/mountpoints for me since you've done a note 5? Feb 20 17:24:20 @Tygerpro Tygerpro, I don't have this device, I just did the manifest Feb 20 17:25:14 @Ellenjott, Ahh OK, when I get stuff resolved, do I do the same thing for that as well? Feb 20 17:26:50 @Tygerpro Tygerpro, You can use hybris-recovery and check if everything is mounted Feb 20 17:28:11 @Ellenjott, Yea when it gets to the pre-boot environment, I had that, but my device failed to boot at that point, then I had a HDD crash and the repos changed a little from there Feb 20 17:30:01 @rubencarneiro, Do you have your repos on github Feb 20 17:30:19 Send me the repos link Feb 20 17:31:05 @rubencarneiro, Who is that directed at? Feb 20 17:31:38 @Sergobot Feb 20 17:34:19 @rubencarneiro, https://github.com/TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_google Feb 20 17:36:22 @Sergobot, And device tree Feb 20 17:36:36 https://github.com/LineageOS/android_device_google_marlin Feb 20 17:36:53 Yorbusing halium 5.1 Feb 20 17:37:02 You are using Feb 20 17:37:13 Or 7.1 Feb 20 17:37:29 7.1 Feb 20 17:37:58 Ok later i will download the source code and try to build Feb 20 17:38:15 Let see if i can help you Feb 20 17:38:23 Wow, cool Feb 20 17:38:29 Thanks in advance Feb 20 17:38:40 No problem Feb 20 17:38:42 You have a Pixel XL too? Feb 20 17:38:56 No. Feb 20 17:39:13 @Ellenjott, Any chance you can figure out a manifest for a Asus_tf201? Feb 20 17:39:37 I will try ti build and see the errors and try to fix that, if i fix i will tell you Feb 20 17:40:06 Btw what's error you're having? Feb 20 17:40:49 If i sucessuly build i will tell you what to change Feb 20 17:41:28 How send me your kernel sourcevthat your using the repo Feb 20 17:42:36 @Sergobot, @bhushanshah this one right now. Though @rubencarneiro is trying to help me with the hs20-osu-client one Feb 20 17:42:39 @Tygerpro Tygerpro, #readthedocs Feb 20 17:42:59 @rubencarneiro, Okay, if I pm you my manifest? Feb 20 17:44:06 @Sergobot, Can you pastebin complete error? Feb 20 17:46:08 Ok Feb 20 17:46:08 @Sergobot, Ok Feb 20 17:49:14 @bhushanshah, https://paste.kde.org/p77zzqwqe Feb 20 17:53:14 Oh wait, wrong one Feb 20 17:54:43 @bhushanshah, Here it is … https://paste.kde.org/pxou9zsvo Feb 20 17:56:16 http://blog.andrsec.com/android/2016/03/26/android-verified-boot.html Feb 20 17:56:24 @UniversalSuperBox, Here I am Feb 20 17:56:26 This looks related Feb 20 17:56:57 @Tygerpro Tygerpro, Yes I will try to work on this again the next weeks, I got more time now Feb 20 17:57:19 @Sergobot can you set PRODUCT_SUPPORTS_VERITY to false in boardconfig? Feb 20 17:57:38 gimme a moment Feb 20 17:59:44 In `device/google/marlin/BoardConfigLineage.mk`? Feb 20 18:00:06 Yep Feb 20 18:01:02 Also remove verity_key from PRODUCT_PACKAGES Feb 20 18:01:12 Same file Feb 20 18:01:32 @bhushanshah, Basically undo all changes mentioned here Feb 20 18:02:17 @bhushanshah, There's no such thing in that boardconfig Feb 20 18:02:39 grep for it.. it must be somewhere Feb 20 18:03:29 Oh, it's in build/target/product/verity Feb 20 18:04:29 it worked Feb 20 18:04:34 Yay Feb 20 18:05:18 Why didn't we instead make that build_verity_tree compiled and runned? Feb 20 18:05:49 Basically, we don't really flash system partition Feb 20 18:05:59 We just mount it as loop file in halium Feb 20 18:06:13 So verity stuff is rather useless Feb 20 18:06:24 Hmm, makes sense Feb 20 18:07:06 Is it possible to put Halium's systemimage and rootfs into system partition? Feb 20 18:08:12 I think such things can be done with new halium-boot Feb 20 18:08:23 CC @UniversalSuperBox Feb 20 18:08:45 Wow, great! Feb 20 18:09:14 Anyway I'm off to sleep.. o/ Feb 20 18:09:42 I haven't been able to disable forced encryption on my Pixel yet, so I was hoping to test halium running from system Feb 20 18:10:17 And maybe make decryption work :) Feb 20 18:10:27 At least, TWRP manages to decrypt Feb 20 18:10:30 Ah Feb 20 18:11:04 @bhushanshah, Going to sleep soon too, good night and thanks for help! Feb 20 18:28:19 @bhushanshah, It supports the rootfs being on /system, not the images Feb 20 18:36:22 I suppose if you were particularly clever you could get verity on that... Feb 20 18:44:42 Anton L. was added by: Anton L. Feb 20 18:47:29 @Anton L., welcome Feb 20 19:06:28 hey Dalton , is there any procedure to build anbox? i saw core builds having anbox Feb 20 20:00:50 i noticed that xenial is more fast in boot then vivid Feb 20 20:02:06 It's faster on many counts Feb 20 20:02:16 @abhishek_0, That is definitely not my wheelhouse Feb 20 20:02:54 Ooo. Sorry.. might be mario then.. Feb 20 20:35:55 hello @UniversalSuperBox: I am testing rootstock-touch-install to install ubports rootfs on halium ported device (tenshi) and I found out the script returned the followin error `https://pastebin.com/AkXFKgtS` : any suggestion? Feb 20 20:36:20 the possible operation it failed is `do_shell "cd /data/recovery/system && $BUSYBOX tar xf /data/$TARBALL"` Feb 20 20:37:05 Send a toybox binary as it says in the README Feb 20 20:37:28 ok Feb 20 20:42:45 sorry for the stupid question: where to find a binary busybox/toybox? Feb 20 20:43:00 That should also be in the README. :) Feb 20 20:44:30 If you can't find a busybox build, you can get busybox from the busybox-static package from debian. You can just unpack it to a folder using `dpkg-deb -x bb-static.deb .` Feb 20 20:59:27 @UniversalSuperBox as for trying aarch64 libhybris... Feb 20 20:59:46 do you have device with 64-bit only blobs or it's for the sake of testing arm64 rootfs? Feb 20 20:59:50 [Edit] do you have a device with 64-bit only blobs or it's for the sake of testing arm64 rootfs? Feb 20 21:00:32 The 5X was getting a ton errors where 'syscall 389' was followed by what appeared to be a CPU stack trace Feb 20 21:00:43 And anything that hit them segfaulted Feb 20 21:02:00 Looked it up, it appears that that syscall was 'membarrier' Feb 20 21:02:05 And there was other general weirdness as well Feb 20 21:05:53 yep I could find busybox, but in the script it pretends to `do_shell "cd /data/recovery/system && $BUSYBOX tar xf /data/$TARBALL"` but it doesn't exist any `/data/recovery/system`, at least `/data/recovery` and, beside it exists, it exited with the error `/sbin/sh: /data/busybox: not found` Feb 20 21:32:30 Well, then busybox didn't get sent Feb 20 21:32:37 Which is weird Feb 20 21:32:48 So... Why not just use jbb's script Feb 20 21:33:20 https://github.com/JBBgameich/halium-install Feb 20 21:33:53 sorry for pasting so many lines Feb 20 21:50:38 I see ubports has a 64bit rootfs. Is there a way to use it with halium-boot already or should I build use ubports-boot and use the rootstock-ng script to install? Feb 20 21:51:24 It doesn't work, please do not. :) Feb 20 21:51:54 so ubports-boot and rootstock-ng ? Feb 20 21:52:07 You can use the armhf rootfs with halium-boot, just follow the instructions in projectmanagement/#40 to replace the pre-start.sh script Feb 20 21:53:07 oh you mean the arm64 buld does not work? Feb 20 21:53:10 the arm64 rootfs is not functional though. Segfaults in unity-system-compositor. Aboslutely no fun. Feb 20 21:53:19 ok Feb 20 21:54:31 to install I just use the halium-install script? Feb 20 21:54:53 Yep, specify the `ut` release Feb 20 21:55:10 The boot script figures out what to do Feb 20 21:55:16 I need to remove that functionality though. :) Feb 20 21:56:08 ok nice Feb 20 22:22:24 rndis_host comes up, but no ssh. Is the sshd enabled by default? Feb 20 22:22:44 Did it ask you for a password during install? Feb 20 22:22:58 I deployed a root ssh key Feb 20 22:23:29 How'd you do that? Feb 20 22:24:00 https://github.com/Halium/halium-scripts/pull/9 Feb 20 22:24:17 Well then, no, you can't log in Feb 20 22:24:20 And it's not enabled Feb 20 22:24:41 The script has a `ut` option that runs through a bit different process Feb 20 22:24:59 You'll need to delete `rootfs.img` if you use it, though Feb 20 22:25:36 that has to be some other script. the halium-install has no ut option Feb 20 22:26:05 Oh, no, it's in JBB's script that I linked above Feb 20 22:26:19 https://github.com/JBBgameich/halium-install Feb 20 22:26:31 ah ok Feb 20 22:26:32 that halium-install Feb 20 22:26:40 will take a look at it Feb 20 22:26:45 thanks Feb 20 22:29:21 ah that needs sudo again and some tools I don't have. Will try to do the steps manually for now Feb 20 22:30:00 Alternatively, there's our rootstock-touch-install that's linked to from the docs Feb 20 22:30:03 It's... fun. Feb 20 22:49:15 !!!!!! Feb 20 22:49:27 That either means that it worked Feb 20 22:49:29 it boots and it even shows a screen Feb 20 22:49:30 or you're very upset Feb 20 22:49:36 Oh, neat Feb 20 22:49:47 Can I see? Feb 20 22:52:53 will try to make a picture :-) Feb 20 22:53:20 :D Feb 20 23:11:06 Once you add udev rules, it should boot to the Dash as well Feb 20 23:19:39 https://youtu.be/8SHp7WaZueQ Feb 20 23:19:52 I'm so excited I even made a video Feb 20 23:20:13 filmed with a ubuntu touch device obviously Feb 20 23:20:32 hype Feb 20 23:36:16 @ZeroPointEnergy, "Powered by android " haha NOT ANYMORE! Feb 20 23:40:06 Yeah, muahahaha Feb 20 23:40:14 :-D Feb 21 00:15:48 @ZeroPointEnergy, Congrats Feb 21 01:30:32 @rockybulwinkle, My lxc@android is still failing. I'm really not sure what to do about these errors. I tried @bhushanshah suggestion of setting CONFIG_NR_CPUS to the number of cores in my phone, but after doing that I couldn't ssh in. I'm on kernel 3.18 Feb 21 01:34:28 What if you disable lxc@android from chroot? Feb 21 01:34:44 With config_nr_cpus enabled Feb 21 01:35:17 And then try to login Feb 21 01:35:34 I'll give that a go Feb 21 01:48:54 It boots if I disable lxc@android Feb 21 01:49:26 ....and I lose connection if I try to start it once I'm logged in Feb 21 01:50:00 no route to host Feb 21 01:50:20 Okay Feb 21 01:50:33 That's interesting-ish Feb 21 01:50:39 What device it is? Feb 21 01:50:56 Can you point to device tree? Feb 21 01:51:08 zte axon 7 Feb 21 01:51:35 let me double check if I've changed the device tree Feb 21 02:00:59 https://github.com/rockybulwinkle/android_kernel_zte_msm8996/blob/halium_axon7/arch/arm/boot/dts/qcom/zte-msm8996-v3-pmi8996-ailsa_ii.dts Feb 21 02:04:16 Something else that might be interesting: When lxc@android was still enabled, when I watched nm-connection-editor, it appeared as though an interface appeared, disappeared, and quickly reappeared. Feb 21 02:04:57 Um Feb 21 02:05:11 By device tree I mean device repo Feb 21 02:05:19 uh. oh. Feb 21 02:06:02 @rockybulwinkle, Also, can you try to make network-manager ignore the USB interface? Feb 21 02:06:54 Why does the repo tool always leave everything not on a branch?? Feb 21 02:08:18 you mean this repo, right? https://github.com/rockybulwinkle/android_device_zte_axon7 Feb 21 02:08:24 I'm working on getting my changes committed Feb 21 02:10:39 @rockybulwinkle, Yeah this repo Feb 21 02:10:41 Anyway Feb 21 02:10:49 I pushed it on to a new branch: https://github.com/rockybulwinkle/android_device_zte_axon7/tree/halium_axon7 Feb 21 02:11:04 If you haven't done it already https://github.com/rockybulwinkle/android_device_zte_axon7/blob/cm-14.1/rootdir/etc/init.qcom.rc#L29 can you try to comment out this line? Feb 21 02:11:47 You've two different things to try ^^^ Feb 21 02:22:38 I set network manager to ignore the USB interface and commented out that line. No difference... Feb 21 02:25:38 wait... network manager is messing with the interface again... Feb 21 02:49:34 Ok I have it properly ignoring the interface now. Still no difference. Feb 21 02:51:08 does anyone have advice on good reference material for fixing a hacky board driver? Feb 21 02:51:31 i have a zte V55 tablet that's stuck on kernel right now Feb 21 02:51:39 and the board driver is one huge convoluted c file Feb 21 02:51:50 based on the generic one Feb 21 02:52:44 so i'm wondering how i can determine how best to split up the different parts of the board driver into different files like it's supposed to be Feb 21 02:53:34 this single-file board driver is so convoluted that i haven't been able to figure out how to even build a working newer kernel against it. every time i try it doesn't seem to boot Feb 21 02:53:47 it would help if i had uart but i haven't found the uart pads on this device **** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Feb 21 03:00:02 2018