**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Mar 18 03:00:04 2018 Mar 18 04:23:13 im getting a "/bin/bash: /clang: No such file or directory" error... any thoughts? Mar 18 04:29:05 https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/q4bMv6FHP4/ Mar 18 09:04:20 any idea about this error … apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="/usr/lib/telepathy/telepathy-ofono" name="/dev/tty" Mar 18 09:28:37 rémus Rome was added by: rémus Rome Mar 18 12:00:41 Eldar_Issabayev was added by: Eldar_Issabayev Mar 18 15:41:11 Lyud Xaker was added by: Lyud Xaker Mar 18 15:42:07 hello Mar 18 15:42:33 i'm stuck at http://docs.halium.org/en/latest/porting/debug-build/logging-in.html#logging-in Mar 18 15:42:59 there is no "passwd" binary and i can't change the password Mar 18 15:43:26 run `source /etc/environment` before to correctly setup the `$PATH` Mar 18 15:43:56 If your still in TWRP you can manually mount and chroot in and change the passwd Mar 18 15:44:58 Nvm, I didnt realize you were trying that, do like JBB said Mar 18 15:45:10 rootfs.img got damaged somehow, damn Mar 18 15:45:40 @Lyud Xaker, What makes you say that? Mar 18 15:46:11 because "/data/rootfs.img: I/O error" Mar 18 15:46:25 Then yea, that's an issue Mar 18 15:46:36 i can't rm it Mar 18 15:46:44 @Lyud Xaker, When does this appear? Mar 18 15:46:54 @Lyud Xaker, Is it maybe still mounted? Mar 18 15:47:06 i rebooted before Mar 18 15:47:35 i'll wipe /data Mar 18 15:48:07 nothing, i can't even wipe Mar 18 15:48:39 What's the error? Mar 18 15:48:55 same I/O error Mar 18 15:49:46 Can you try umounting /data and running `e2fsck /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/data` Mar 18 15:50:12 magically it disappeared with "repair fs" the file Mar 18 15:50:18 it worked now Mar 18 15:50:25 hey guys, would it be possible to use halium with a 4gig device? Mar 18 15:50:53 what about RAM? does it have SD card? Mar 18 15:51:14 it could have sd card, and has 1gig of ram if i'm not mistaken Mar 18 15:51:18 it's sony xperia m (nicki) Mar 18 15:53:51 ~ # mount /data/rootfs.img /a … ~ # chroot /a /bin/bash … bash: groups: command not found … root@localhost:/# source /etc/environment … root@localhost:/# passwd … bash: passwd: command not found … root@localhost:/# Mar 18 15:54:43 @VeryOriginalUsername is it partitioned to have separate /data and internal storage partitions? Mar 18 15:54:58 let me send you a partition map Mar 18 15:54:59 one sec Mar 18 15:55:29 (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/NS5JHkNI.txt Mar 18 15:56:07 so what size is userdata? Mar 18 15:59:49 looks like 2 gigs Mar 18 16:00:53 it could fit in theory, especially if you use real system partition for system.img instead of keeping it on /data, but modifying hybris-boot/halium-boot to use SD card as rootfs is also an option Mar 18 16:01:17 (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/NLfeDD9S.html Mar 18 16:01:20 Full map Mar 18 16:07:41 somehow I only have "bin boot dev etc home lib lost+found" folders Mar 18 16:08:25 inside of the tarball I see the rest of folders, but not in my phone Mar 18 16:09:35 Which halium-install script are you using? Mar 18 16:09:39 add -t ext4 Mar 18 16:09:50 the github one Mar 18 16:10:42 You could try my rewrite, it does everything on the host system and transferres a the result to the phone: https://github.com/jbbgameich/halium-install Mar 18 16:10:49 [Edit] You could try my rewrite, it does everything on the host system and transferes a the result to the phone: https://github.com/jbbgameich/halium-install Mar 18 16:10:54 [Edit] You could try my rewrite, it does everything on the host system and transferes the result to the phone: https://github.com/jbbgameich/halium-install Mar 18 16:31:37 ok, I've installed it with no errors Mar 18 16:31:48 👍 Mar 18 16:31:52 now I don't understand this part "Once your device is booted, you should see that you have a new network interface again. Assign it an IP of" Mar 18 16:32:35 i rebooted the device, I can't assign the IP (it might be a Ubuntu bug because i'm unning the 17.04 build) Mar 18 16:32:47 Does anything appear on dmesg? Mar 18 16:32:52 and refuses to ssh connect Mar 18 16:33:07 Also, the changes from this PR could help: https://github.com/Halium/docs/pull/48 Mar 18 16:36:14 refuses to connect ssh Mar 18 16:36:26 readlink: invalid option -- 'b' Mar 18 16:36:32 what did i freak up? Mar 18 16:37:20 ohh nvm i mightve realised Mar 18 16:42:41 i can't telnet nor ssh Mar 18 16:44:56 @JBBgameich, .? Mar 18 16:46:14 nothing on dmesg Mar 18 17:01:59 do i need to rebuild boot image? Mar 18 17:02:04 if i have a working android kernel Mar 18 17:02:34 You can't use a prebuilt kernel or boot image from an android ROM, no Mar 18 17:02:58 The kernel has to be confgured differently, and also the initrd is completely different Mar 18 17:28:39 (Photo, 165x92) https://irc.ubports.com/7HXBhJ5C.png why is it different? Mar 18 17:29:21 Your host machine gets the ip and the device Mar 18 17:31:47 when trying to build hybris-boot Mar 18 17:32:11 `mka mkbootimg` Mar 18 17:33:10 thanks Mar 18 17:39:23 https://hastebin.com/zuhesenodi.go Mar 18 17:39:30 now i can't make systemimage Mar 18 18:10:43 is there are a way to stop making Halium mount all partitions? it freezes my pc Mar 18 18:18:14 okay i removed gps from device config and it passed Mar 18 18:18:39 https://pastebin.com/6rp31Fjd Mar 18 18:18:42 now busybox is not happy Mar 18 18:37:45 @JBBgameich I mounted the rootfs.img made with your scripts and most of the folders still missing Mar 18 18:37:56 [Edit] @JBBgameich I mounted the rootfs.img made with your scripts and most of the folders from the tarball still missing Mar 18 19:28:30 Can anyone enlighten me what cmaction is and why we don't need it/disable it for Halium builds? Mar 18 19:28:54 @VeryOriginalUsername, apparently it wasnt busybox who was the problem Mar 18 19:28:59 now i'm getting error over there Mar 18 19:29:00 https://pastebin.com/HaMDadCh Mar 18 19:36:07 https://a.rokket.space/w0c43i.txt Mar 18 19:36:16 dmesg log (from telnet) Mar 18 19:43:22 i typed the "continue" which showed dmesg and it worked finally Mar 18 20:25:14 what's exactly LXC container? Mar 18 22:46:30 question: to build a halium systemimage for the OP5, what has to be removed from the OP5 vendor blobs? Mar 18 22:47:35 i know APK's, Java, Jar, and Class files have to be removed... what else is not necessary? i see the CM vendor blobs everything is removed. Mar 18 23:36:30 https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2sgRR4BR2T/ also i have this problem **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Mar 19 03:00:01 2018