**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Apr 18 03:00:04 2018 Apr 18 12:30:22 Hey, i installed reference rootfs and halium. When i run EGL_PLATFORM=hwcomposer test_hwcomposer it says: "cannot locate symbol " android_create_namespace" referenced by "/system/lib/libgui.so"... and it fails. Do you know how to fix? It seems related to halium rather than my port Apr 18 16:28:48 ritardato[m], is it using the n-linker? sounds like it might not be (or there might be a hook for android_create_namespace missing) android_create_namespace was introduced in nougat Apr 18 16:31:52 yeah it's old rootfs.. I'll have to get time to update rootfs with n-linker Apr 18 17:14:54 What's the state of Halium with 64-bit sources? Apr 18 17:15:10 [Edit] What's the state of Halium on 64-bit? Apr 18 17:15:21 [Edit] What's the state of Halium on 64-bit devices? Apr 18 17:18:33 Well, the Nexus 5X is 64-bit Apr 18 17:18:36 So pretty good, I suppose Apr 18 17:20:09 Apr 18 17:20:16 😛 Apr 18 17:23:49 Was it Ubuntu Touch that had issues with 64-bit? Apr 18 18:10:04 bshah, ah ok, looks good, then ^^ Apr 18 18:10:40 Not a port problem Apr 18 19:55:50 Hey Apr 18 19:56:16 I heard someone had ported to the nexus 6p Apr 18 19:56:18 Has anyone tested it? Apr 18 19:59:15 All ports are tracked on the projectmanagement repository: Exceptions and Exception Handling Apr 18 19:59:18 whoops Apr 18 19:59:23 https://github.com/Halium/projectmanagement/issues/56 Apr 18 20:01:06 Yeah I saw that Apr 18 20:02:49 What difference Will config_VT make if it is disabled? Apr 18 20:03:03 No clue. Apr 18 20:03:15 And I don't know what the conclusion on it was, either Apr 18 20:03:20 In that thread Apr 18 20:05:58 I could attempt to fix some things Apr 18 20:06:17 It should boot Apr 18 20:27:18 so I'm initialising the source is it normal for there to be a bunch of 404 errors after the *newtag line? Apr 18 20:28:04 Sure, as long as it doesn't fail outright Apr 18 20:28:27 Ah it must be Apr 18 20:28:54 K thanks Apr 18 20:30:58 Approximately How big is the source code? Apr 18 20:31:14 15-20GB Apr 18 20:31:59 Oh so I probably should switch to Ethernet Apr 18 20:55:55 Done downloading Apr 18 21:09:37 So its freezing up when I do the device source setup at 213 out of 215 Apr 18 21:14:17 pastebin the whole output? Apr 18 21:15:08 sooo turns out yesterday I cloned the wrong branch of the tree (halium-5.1 when for cheeseburger I should have been cloning halium-7.1) Apr 18 21:17:56 at any rate, I fixed that, and now am running into an issue with the kernel not finding "openssl/bio.h", I searched the entire tree and found that file in external/boringssl/src/include/openssl/bio.h Apr 18 21:18:16 anyone got any idea? I've been banging my head on this since this morning. Apr 18 21:18:23 here's the pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Y5rfQ7tR9G/ Apr 18 21:50:32 so if my device is arm64 would an arm hf root fs work on it? Apr 18 21:52:15 Yes Apr 18 21:52:15 It should Apr 18 21:53:29 k so plasma mobile should work then correct Apr 18 21:58:05 sooo I'm not sure where I should post this, but there's a dependency missing for building hybrisboot Apr 18 21:58:10 libssl-dev Apr 18 21:58:30 at least on debian and ubuntu distros Apr 18 22:02:41 so would i install plasma mobile like i would the refrence root fs Apr 18 22:33:06 what do they mean by when device is in recovery mode my device isnt detected Apr 18 23:00:14 nvm Apr 18 23:36:19 should I be worried about this set of errors? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rVQ5dGmyZk/ Apr 19 00:32:18 well i will have to fix this later Apr 19 00:32:19 No /proc/config.gz. Enable CONFIG_IKCONFIG and CONFIG_IKCONFIG_PROC Apr 19 00:39:06 AA-ron[m], is your nick a Key and Peele reference? Apr 19 01:01:47 nah my name is aaron and people call me aa ron a lot **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Apr 19 03:00:05 2018