**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Apr 24 03:00:02 2018 Apr 24 03:00:41 (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/KK0qTRAk.bin Apr 24 03:01:02 Heres my config ^ Apr 24 05:55:55 @UniversalSuperBox, I've narrowed it down to these https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/G39XWJPj8W/ Apr 24 06:08:33 @gouster4, Hey gouster4, I'm afraid we don't really deal in chroot installations on top of android in here. I think you'll find some threads on xda with more people working on such set ups Apr 24 06:22:09 @dohniks, Thanx, and sorry. Hallium project is gnu/lonux based, so its most related group in my telegram subscriptions, and i thought devs of halium should know gnu/linux things too, so that was reason why i posted it here, sorry for offtopic. And thanx for your help, i will try that config. Apr 24 06:22:23 @dohniks, [Edit] Thanx, and sorry. Hallium project is gnu/linux based, so its most related group in my telegram subscriptions, and i thought devs of halium should know gnu/linux things too, so that was reason why i posted it here, sorry for offtopic. And thanx for your help, i will try that config. Apr 24 06:47:36 ZeroPointEnergy42 was added by: ZeroPointEnergy42 Apr 24 18:37:53 Hello, can anyone confirm whether the `/etc/udev/rules.d/50-firmware.rules` is supposed to be a blank zero-byte file on the Halium reference rootfs? Apr 24 18:51:37 Sure is Apr 24 18:52:18 Cheers Apr 24 18:53:45 @dohniks, oookay, so I've been staring at a dozen different config diffs and I know now that firstly: the ubports check-kernel-config https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/building-ubports-boot.html#edit-kernel-config breaks plasma mobile, but removing CONFIG_SECURITY_APPARMOR makes pm happy again. and secondly, this is Apr 24 18:53:45 not the same problem as the test_hwc crash, because that one is still there even though the pm ui is back Apr 24 18:54:08 and now I need a beer Apr 24 20:32:15 Any ideas of why this (https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/NkCS8TGNSB/) (`Failed to locate wcnss.mdt`) happens when I try to bring-up WiFi (Qualcomm) when the docs seem to suggest it should just work? I suspected it might be to do with the empty `50-firmware.rules` file but apparently that is meant to be empty. Apr 24 20:33:32 The firmware file is at `/system/etc/firmware/wcnss.mdt` Apr 24 20:50:21 is the container running? http://docs.halium.org/en/latest/porting/debug-build/debug-android-userspace.html?highlight=lxc#lxc-android Apr 24 20:52:29 No, I will start it and try again? Apr 24 20:53:18 it should start automatically Apr 24 20:53:31 if it doesn't you probably need to fix some stuff Apr 24 20:53:58 I disabled it because LXC wasn't working before this latest kernel build Apr 24 20:54:01 check the config as indicated and your dmesg Apr 24 20:54:07 ah Apr 24 20:54:10 there you go Apr 24 20:54:21 I should re-enable it :-) Apr 24 20:54:48 Interesting though, I didn't realise the container would be responsible for dealing with the firmware Apr 24 20:55:13 yeahh ... dunno ... seems it is Apr 24 21:01:13 It triggers the same dmesg messages without manual intervention, but it does also produce some other errors which don't look healthy but may be tacklable, let me see what I can do Apr 24 21:03:40 good luck Apr 24 21:04:31 unless you know off the top of your head what `couldn't write 332 to /dev/cpuset/foreground/tasks: No space left on device` is about :-) Apr 24 21:26:13 the process `vold` in the container keeps aborting because: `Failed to setexeccon`, yet `setexeccon` is an SELinux call but SELinux is (and is meant to be) disabled? Apr 24 21:36:41 isn't vold the thing in android that mounts partitions ... maybe we don't need that in halium ... but now I'm just thinking out loud tbh Apr 24 21:43:11 @dohniks, Not just Android. http://vold.sourceforge.net Apr 24 21:43:45 Looks like there is a patch to stop it from aborting when SELinux is disabled, but it's not in the `system/vold/Utils.cpp` file in my Halium build dir Apr 24 21:46:34 @r3pwn, okay. still, do we need anything INSIDE the container to still mount something Apr 24 21:47:02 lambdaperl, you could try disable it in the android init.rc Apr 24 21:47:07 smt like this: https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/building-ubports-boot.html?highlight=disable Apr 24 21:56:36 good suggestion but it doesn't have a `service` entry in the `init.qcom.rc` file, hm Apr 24 21:58:02 any grep vold init* hits? Apr 24 22:01:26 nothing that looks promising, but https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/v74x3zsxwQ/ Apr 24 22:03:18 mhm Apr 24 22:03:33 outofideas Apr 24 22:03:33 goingtobed Apr 24 22:04:03 yes I had better go to bed too :-) cheers for your ideas though **** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Apr 25 03:00:05 2018