**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Feb 24 02:59:56 2019 Feb 24 07:02:05 when use master branch of libhybris, the build fail with many error, i changed the branch to the hybris-compat-layer-fixes, now its compile without error, is it safe to use this branch ? Feb 24 09:19:24 @dohniks, Everything is ok, I also tried flashing it via TRWP obtaining the same result Feb 24 09:20:27 Let me take a step back to make sure I properly understood you Feb 24 09:20:50 You use some keyboard combination to bring the device into fastboot mode and that looks like the picture you sent? Feb 24 09:21:49 ? Feb 24 09:22:33 I am going to check the kernel panic log Feb 24 09:26:29 Ismael i have ported Moto G 2014 Titan, thea is the same, u can use the same defconfig and msm8226-common in device tree Feb 24 09:29:42 I think it's the same Feb 24 09:29:59 I took a kernel and there where three configs Feb 24 09:30:08 One was titan_halium Feb 24 09:30:18 I am using it Feb 24 09:37:29 titan is your device? Feb 24 09:37:34 Thea Feb 24 09:37:48 But the kernel is the same Feb 24 09:39:54 can you show your manifest? Feb 24 09:43:32 yes is my defive Feb 24 09:43:42 [Edit] yes is my defice Feb 24 09:43:55 [Edit] yes is my device Feb 24 09:45:04 https://github.com/Halium/halium-devices/tree/halium-5.1/manifests Feb 24 09:46:13 i have build it last year for thea, but i can't test it because i don't have thea phone Feb 24 09:46:46 @Walid, Hi Walid! Great you are still porting!!! Feb 24 09:47:22 hi @Flohack i start new port for LG V20 T-Mobile variant Feb 24 09:47:23 @Ismael, seems los uses titan_defconfig Feb 24 09:47:25 https://github.com/LineageOS/android_device_motorola_thea/blob/cm-14.1/BoardConfig.mk#L29 Feb 24 09:47:25 I restarted my S3 Neo efforts based on halium. Looks not too bad so far, but halium 7.1 has systemimage issues, it seems not complete. Feb 24 09:47:36 probably best to start there, or with Walid's Feb 24 09:47:57 for thea the best is work with halium-5.1 Feb 24 09:48:04 (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/rj2YObr3.mp4 Feb 24 09:48:18 I tried the Halium git kernel Feb 24 09:48:24 Seems to work Feb 24 09:48:32 halium-7.1 never work for UT, but for plasm mobile work fine Feb 24 09:48:59 Oh, which is easier to port? Feb 24 09:49:05 To start Feb 24 09:51:35 @Flohack is Lg V20 good to start prot, it has 4Gb of ram, sanpdragon 820, 64Gb internal storage Feb 24 09:52:24 @Walid, Cool! Feb 24 11:52:08 @Nebrassy, Anyone got an idea? Feb 24 11:58:15 https://pad.ubports.com/p/porting-faq Feb 24 11:58:20 Unity-system-compositor starts with spinner but no Unity8 Feb 24 13:13:45 Renato Teixeira Gonçalves was added by: Renato Teixeira Gonçalves Feb 24 14:16:22 So, after all, I compiled the hybris-boot and the system image, the decice seems to be detected by the computer. So new problem... I cannot connect to ssh, followed the doc and get ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host … Thanks! Feb 24 14:16:42 [Edit] So, after all, I compiled the hybris-boot and the system image, the device seems to be detected by the computer. So new problem... I cannot connect to ssh, followed the doc and get ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host … Thanks! Feb 24 14:17:29 pastebin your hosts dmesg after device booted Feb 24 14:20:03 @dohniks, It keeps in the bootloader unlocked image but it's detected by the PC … https://pastebin.com/D1jnBcpZ Feb 24 14:20:14 I only copied the important lines Feb 24 14:21:02 ok, so it sees the device: rndis_host 1-1:1.0 enp0s20f0u1: renamed from usb0 Feb 24 14:21:05 `ip link` ? Feb 24 14:21:59 It shows enp0s20f0u1 Feb 24 14:22:10 With a valid MAC adress Feb 24 14:23:42 pastebin all the commands you run for ssh and their outputs Feb 24 14:24:14 Also the MAC command Feb 24 14:24:25 It's not 00:00:00:00:00 Feb 24 14:25:01 the more context you give the less people have to guess when they try to help you Feb 24 14:25:12 Ok👍 Feb 24 14:29:56 https://pastebin.com/aeSTZL0c Feb 24 14:30:01 Connecting timeout Feb 24 14:31:04 connection time out or no route to host? Feb 24 14:31:25 no route to host Feb 24 14:31:25 Fwd from Ismael: So, after all, I compiled the hybris-boot and the system image, the device seems to be detected by the computer. So new problem... I cannot connect to ssh, followed the doc and get ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host … Thanks! Feb 24 14:31:32 Timeout Feb 24 14:31:43 Because I changed the port before Feb 24 14:31:55 @Ismael, This with only the command in the gide Feb 24 14:32:00 try rebooting the device Feb 24 14:32:06 @Ismael, [Edit] This with only the command in the guide Feb 24 14:33:42 It's strange because when I was with halium 7.1 I could see all the partitions in the computer and also I could connect to telnet, no ssh but with 5.1 i can't connect to telnet and I see in the file manager "Refusing to boot. See diagnosis.log". I also made the system image with -i because there were some errors Feb 24 14:33:51 @dohniks, Timeout, same Feb 24 14:34:00 Seems 7.1 to be better Feb 24 14:34:03 But idk Feb 24 14:34:46 @Walid, For all devices ? Feb 24 14:35:08 I see in the file manager "Refusing to boot. See diagnosis.log". -> can you show this? Feb 24 14:36:00 When I click it says it cannot access Feb 24 14:36:39 Also says after diagnosis.log (in initrd only) Feb 24 14:37:20 I don't understand. You see this in your local filemanager? Can you share a screenshot? Feb 24 14:37:36 Sure Feb 24 14:39:35 (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/lM6tGcaG.png Feb 24 14:40:43 mhm. and you say, you cannot telnet? you're using the "telnet ip" right? Feb 24 14:41:51 With halium 7.1 telnet works.. with 5.1 says-> telnet: could not resolve IP/telnet: Name or service not known Feb 24 14:42:17 you're using the "telnet ip" right? Feb 24 14:42:23 Yes Feb 24 14:45:07 this is hybris-boot.img right? Feb 24 14:45:28 With the system Feb 24 14:46:41 I don't understand Feb 24 14:47:50 So I flash Hybris-boot and then push the system.img via ADB with the rootfs Feb 24 14:48:13 ok Feb 24 14:48:25 can you try hybris-recovery and see if you can telnet there? Feb 24 14:48:52 So fastboot flash recovery hybris-recovery.img? Feb 24 14:49:33 you can also flash to boot `fastboot flash boot hybris-recovery.img` Feb 24 14:53:57 Hybris-recovery don't work Feb 24 14:54:04 Flashing bootlop Feb 24 14:54:20 Booting it return to fastboot Feb 24 14:54:46 that "yellow" error again? Feb 24 14:55:02 No, it simply return to fastboot Feb 24 14:56:00 And when flashing it it simply shows the bootloader screen, black screen Feb 24 14:56:13 And then the bootloader screen again Feb 24 14:56:26 I think I am going to try halium 7.1 Feb 24 14:56:32 At least telnet but no ssh Feb 24 14:57:11 you can check the configs that trip hybris-boot over into writing a diagnosis.log Feb 24 14:57:12 https://github.com/Halium/hybris-boot/blob/master/init-script#L274 Feb 24 14:57:28 Ok, wait a sec Feb 24 15:00:05 also, I'm sure you have to fix the errors you have when building systemimage - you said: "I also made the system image with -i because there were some errors" Feb 24 15:00:30 but I don't think those errors cause the diagnosis.log, nor the inaccessible telnet Feb 24 15:02:04 It's interesting this Feb 24 15:02:12 (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/7IupLJwd.png Feb 24 15:02:24 Form the kernel in halium GitHub Feb 24 15:02:50 [Edit] This is interesting Feb 24 15:08:06 @aurnytoraink, no , some other devices work Feb 24 15:08:46 @Walid, Did you have problems with SSH in Moto g2014? Feb 24 15:09:29 @Ismael, And which config did you use Feb 24 15:09:31 ? Feb 24 15:09:52 minor pb fixed by depkg-reconfigure opensshserver Feb 24 15:10:13 Like connection timeout? Feb 24 15:10:21 in some case, but with jb-halium-install no pb Feb 24 15:10:43 use jb-halium-install script Feb 24 15:10:50 The first config in halium 5.1 seems not to work Feb 24 15:11:12 Is the titan_halium_defconfig? Feb 24 15:11:24 did you use my kernel ? in halium repos Feb 24 15:11:28 Yes Feb 24 15:11:34 There are three configs Feb 24 15:12:00 I think Feb 24 15:12:04 all are same juste minor diff fo test purpose Feb 24 15:12:33 With the first no telnet and also no SSH and this Feb 24 15:12:39 @Ismael, . Feb 24 15:16:17 this is my last defconfig Feb 24 15:16:25 (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/y038R2An.txt Feb 24 15:26:13 (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/TVJ5eJN0.png Yess😍 Finally, thanks!! Feb 24 15:33:52 Moto g 2014 Feb 24 15:36:47 Ismael did you use my kernel ? in halium github ? Feb 24 15:37:17 Yes, I think Feb 24 15:37:28 @Walid, This also works for 7.1? Feb 24 15:37:42 wait Feb 24 15:37:55 let me verif something very important Feb 24 15:38:06 Ok Feb 24 15:39:26 haha, see this file in your local kernel folder arch/arm/mach-msm/Makefile.boot Feb 24 15:39:59 this section … # MSM8226 Motorola Devices … ifeq ($(CONFIG_MMI_TITAN_DTB),y) Feb 24 15:40:19 you must comment titan dts et uncomment thez Feb 24 15:40:24 [Edit] you must comment titan dts et uncomment the Feb 24 15:40:31 [Edit] you must comment titan dts et uncomment thea Feb 24 15:40:43 i do it to reduse kernel size Feb 24 15:40:58 [Edit] i do it to reduce kernel size Feb 24 15:41:01 So when I build the system image it give me some errors, so I skiped them all and it's a little bit broken. WiFi won't work, vibration work but the SSH freeze Feb 24 15:41:09 @Walid, Ok Feb 24 15:41:58 So this affect something? Feb 24 15:42:07 Because the device is almost the same Feb 24 15:43:22 Building kernel, thanks! Feb 24 15:43:27 (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/FXAouDnV.null Feb 24 15:43:54 I edited the file, thanks anyway😊 Feb 24 15:44:47 there are many dev worked on titan , but never success because kernel size is big, i just found that comment this line reduce size without any affect Feb 24 15:45:09 the same for thea Feb 24 15:45:40 Wow, you know a lot about building Feb 24 15:46:06 And this you have problems while building the system Feb 24 15:50:32 Yes, 1MB less Feb 24 17:01:45 I know I'm a little annoying but I am having issues while building usb_linux.c the error I am having is -Werror=format-truncation= Feb 24 17:21:47 there is nothing wrong with asking questions. but if you cut all the context from your question it is really hard to say anything. just pastebin the whole output. much more efficient Feb 24 17:38:23 @dohniks, That's what done, but I don't get any answer -_- Feb 24 17:40:29 People can't always be around to help. Among other things, it's the weekend and getting late for Europe Feb 24 17:41:20 Also, every device is different. We don't have all the answers all the time. We all just hope that someone else has seen what we're seeing and will have a solution. If not, it's more guessing. Feb 24 17:43:34 Yes sure … But I think I'm stuck with a ridiculous problem that I can't understand Feb 24 17:44:54 the check_radio_versions.py thing? dunno sorry. I find it mentioned once before in the chat history, but I don't see a resolution :( Feb 24 17:45:08 you could start writing debug code into it Feb 24 17:45:54 Ok I will try, even if haven't do that before Feb 24 17:46:16 me neither :) Feb 24 17:47:05 ok thanks °w° Feb 24 18:00:40 @aurnytoraink, actually thats the only think i love about linux systems whenever i got stuck at some point, i say that i will learn something new today Feb 24 20:22:35 Someone from sony‘s community has had some success getting a 8.1 based sailfish os port up and running, based on jolla‘s efforts. In case someone is already working on 8.1 halium compatibility I‘d propose coordinating manpower to get 8.1-based halium up and running soonish Feb 24 20:26:41 I could forward some messages, required changes from our chat if you wish Feb 24 20:29:44 Failed to get properties: Failed to execute program org.freedesktop.systemd1: Pe … lines 1-1/1 (END)...skipping... … Failed to get properties: Failed to execute program org.freedesktop.systemd1: Permission denied Feb 24 20:29:57 root@ubuntu-phablet:~# systemctl status lxc@android Feb 24 20:31:07 root@ubuntu-phablet:~# lxc-checkconfig … Kernel configuration not found at /proc/config.gz; searching... … lxc-checkconfig: unable to retrieve kernel configuration … Try recompiling with IKCONFIG_PROC, installing the kernel headers, … or specifying the kernel configuration path with: … CONFIG= lxc-checkconfig Feb 24 20:32:42 dmesg output-< https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JyFqnmC88M/ Feb 24 20:34:11 Fwd from Felix: https://github.com/marina-bay/sailfish-android-manifest … https://github.com/marina-bay/sailfish-android-local-manifests-sony … branch names might not be correct Feb 24 20:34:20 Fwd from Felix: had to do this to bionic: https://github.com/mer-hybris/android_bionic/pull/9 Feb 24 20:35:35 Afaict we could fork the same repos that diverge in the repo manifests under the halium umbrella and get going from there Feb 24 20:36:02 Well, first we could see if they "just work" without forking them Feb 24 20:36:04 Win-win Feb 24 20:36:16 Of course, yes Feb 24 20:36:26 I believe @mariogrip has started something with 8.1, but I don't know where that got. Feb 24 20:36:30 I implied test as-is Feb 24 20:36:36 Not going to oversell or anything Feb 24 20:37:43 Yup Feb 24 20:38:51 I’ll test it with suzu within the comming month Feb 24 21:52:33 @UniversalSuperBox, 9.0 :) Feb 24 21:53:05 @vjaysh, You right but sometimes some errors are too complicated for me Feb 24 21:53:06 @UniversalSuperBox, but thats treble, so will take a while Feb 24 21:55:45 @beidl, do you want to work on that? Feb 24 21:56:07 we could, but I prefer to use phh-treble or LineageOS as base as opposed to Sony AOSP, which is only for Sony devices Feb 24 21:56:42 but dealing with Android build tree is a pain, I kinda get stopped by building HW requirements/space usage Feb 24 21:59:03 @NotKit, Jup, kinda interested, Felix would (and in some cases already did) lay the ground work Feb 24 21:59:28 it was Jolla actually Feb 24 21:59:39 Right Feb 24 21:59:54 Credit where credit is due Feb 24 22:00:36 I‘d take his/Jollas adaptation and build it for suzu, patching as we go, etc Feb 24 22:01:12 you can, but would end up with separate Halium tree for Sony AOSP Feb 24 22:01:59 otherwise I think the main difference between is that we run Android init with ueventd enabled inside LXC Feb 24 22:02:00 The actual non-AOSP bits can be talked about, but a solid AOSP/LOS upstream proper is a personal preference of mine Feb 24 22:02:53 There‘s no LOS upstream for suzu though Feb 24 22:03:06 and it is not Treble-enabled, right? Feb 24 22:03:38 Well, it ships with a odm partition, which is a treble requirement in itself Feb 24 22:03:52 (suzu has sony open-device Treble) Feb 24 22:04:00 But its not full treble yet Feb 24 22:04:03 Off topic question but do someone here manage to succesfully build halium on Huawei/Honor devices with a Kirin processor ? Feb 24 22:04:04 @beidl uh nope, odm partition is not a requirement Feb 24 22:04:15 Meaning the community is currently working on it Feb 24 22:04:23 phh, are you @phusson? Feb 24 22:04:26 yup Feb 24 22:04:37 (sorry for misspell) Feb 24 22:04:41 phhusson was added by: phhusson Feb 24 22:04:49 @phh i mean the underlying separation, but you‘re right Feb 24 22:05:41 Does it still use passthrough mode for? Feb 24 22:05:52 (sony that is) Feb 24 22:06:14 is it correct to assume that most of devices started with oreo got either updated to pie officially or can run Pie due to Treble? Feb 24 22:06:17 [Edit] Does it still use passthrough mode for hal? Feb 24 22:06:55 the reason why i choose pie was google requires binderzied mode, that way we wont need libhybris Feb 24 22:07:06 but some vendors didnt seem to care Feb 24 22:07:37 we would need libhybris unless lot of current stack is rewritten so far + for graphics Feb 24 22:07:56 @NotKit, yup Feb 24 22:08:29 @NotKit, right, but was thinking about the non fmq things Feb 24 22:08:34 @mariogrip, to the best of my knowledge, there is no extra requirement wrt binderized mode between oreo and pie. for both of those, the requirements is "new devices is required to do binderized, devices updating do whatever you want" Feb 24 22:08:35 for thins that 100% uses binder Feb 24 22:09:11 @mariogrip, I‘ll probably have to get in contact with the xda OP Feb 24 22:09:19 I wonder what would be the best approach to start. Fork LOS or phh-treble repos and apply patches from mer-hybris? Feb 24 22:09:37 we can not care about minimal build yet to make it easier, the core patchset for hybris itself is pretty small Feb 24 22:11:35 @phhusson, ouch, I thought i read it required it, but might be true that only new devices require it Feb 24 22:12:07 Bah, who cares about anything >6months old anyway Feb 24 22:12:08 @NotKit, for pie you have to do alot of removal and moding in soong Feb 24 22:12:17 @UniversalSuperBox, *we* :P Feb 24 22:12:26 @mariogrip, if you want minimal build, that is Feb 24 22:12:57 Sailfish way is to build everything, then rm -rf unneeded parts - kind of wasteful of CPU power, but I guess those would have to build only once Feb 24 22:13:19 I can push my minigsidroid source Feb 24 22:13:25 @mariogrip, How to tell by only looking at the board configs? Feb 24 22:13:31 could be useful for reference at least Feb 24 22:13:53 @beidl, no clue tbh, maybe @phhusson knows Feb 24 22:14:13 @beidl, check manifest.xml. you should have exactly one passthrough hal Feb 24 22:14:16 (or was it 2?) Feb 24 22:14:55 @NotKit, my soong hacks are UGLY! its just return "" on evey java function lol Feb 24 22:15:03 but it "works" :P Feb 24 22:15:10 (ah yes 2. there is graphics mapper and renderscript) Feb 24 22:15:18 Finding them might take some time Feb 24 22:15:26 The manifests that is Feb 24 22:15:33 should be in the device tree Feb 24 22:16:26 unless there is inheritance... Feb 24 22:17:05 who owns https://gitlab.com/halium btw? Feb 24 22:19:27 @peltoche Feb 24 22:19:33 https://gitlab.com/groups/halium/-/group_members Feb 24 22:20:18 what is the upside of GitLab compared to GitHub? still can't get used to UI Feb 24 22:23:22 jack west was added by: jack west Feb 24 22:37:22 @NotKit https://gitlab.com/halium-treble/minigsidroid Feb 24 22:37:47 so you modified only the build system, no libhybris patches? Feb 24 22:37:53 @NotKit, correct Feb 24 22:38:37 I would personally start from the other end then to make sure hybris stuff works on normal Android, then see if it still works after minimizing (this plagued Halium 7 a lot in the beginning) Feb 24 22:39:14 @NotKit, well minigsidroid was never ment for hybris Feb 24 22:39:44 it was a purely for treble, to provide supporting libs to the vendor hals Feb 24 22:39:56 aka the NDK Feb 24 22:41:07 [Edit] aka the VNDK Feb 24 22:44:29 please note that linux-hidl is never ment to use the standard ways we do today, its purly experimenting with the newer binder methods. If we can get that to work we can truly remove libhybris. but what we would probobly do is a mix between them, but thats not the scope of linux-hidl. Once we have something usable there, we can pul Feb 24 22:44:29 l parts of it over to the hybris way and mix them Feb 24 22:46:55 makes sense to keep it separate option from Halium 8/9 effort then Feb 24 22:51:05 @mariogrip, you'll still need libhybris for EGL/GLES? (unless you pipe/stream/socket it?) Feb 24 22:51:07 @NotKit, sure, but you can still use my src as refrence :) Feb 24 22:52:01 @phhusson, We would probobly still need it for that yes. but there is something called fmq but not sure if that goes tough that. so not sure yet Feb 24 22:53:01 for for us the grapics is not our biggest issue. but all the others is more complicated like camera etc Feb 24 22:53:06 no it doesn't go through fmq. EGL/GLES is totally ""passthrough"". it's not even listed as HAL in the manifest, so they have no plan on making it IPC Feb 24 22:53:56 @phhusson, ah ok, then we would need libhybris for that. But it still eveything else simpler, since we can then do pretty much eveything exept grapics using glibc client libs Feb 24 22:55:50 this is the reason why i create a demo project just to find out what we can do with it :) Feb 24 22:56:12 could you link to it? Feb 24 22:56:15 i'm curious about it Feb 24 22:56:28 @phhusson, https://gitlab.com/mariogrip/linux-hidl Feb 24 22:56:35 still really messy, but it "works" Feb 24 22:56:40 thanks Feb 24 22:57:22 I love android use of beautiful c++ api now :D hidl interface is beautiful Feb 24 22:58:05 yup I totally agree Feb 24 22:58:17 Until the Qualcomm nation attacks... Feb 24 22:58:24 I'm not bitter or anything Feb 24 22:58:33 lol :P enums in the middle im i right :P Feb 24 22:59:39 meh, you can ignore most Qualcomm's HAL Feb 24 22:59:41 @mariogrip, I surely like it more than C style gbinder SailfishOS uses Feb 24 22:59:48 there is just the stupid audio/RIL HAL Feb 24 22:59:53 @mariogrip, ups, i see i left some generated cmake files... Feb 24 23:00:53 Linux-hidl ground work is mostly done, all the things is in there including a cmake hidl-gen function https://gitlab.com/mariogrip/linux-hidl/blob/master/src/hidl/CMakeLists.txt#L61 so we would just need to build all the hardware interfaces and we should be good Feb 24 23:02:36 So... would that mean it'd be easier to rip off (er politely borrow) Mer's work to start some Android services in normal userspace rather than the lxc container? Feb 24 23:02:47 Since most of the services are handled by Linux directly Feb 24 23:03:58 it does not make that much difference in practice once init patches are sorted Feb 24 23:04:09 @UniversalSuperBox, well no, with linux-hidl we run a vendor lxc container that runs the bionic vendor libs, these are "servers", on the glibc side we have glibc clients talking with these vendor "servers" all using binder Feb 24 23:04:09 Fair Feb 24 23:04:37 Oh right, something needs to listen to binder Feb 24 23:04:45 but hum, do you really need lxc for that? chroot would be enough no? (I dream of having Halium work on an unmodified kernel) Feb 24 23:04:50 we would still use lxc security securety :) Feb 24 23:05:01 [Edit] we would still use lxc because security :) Feb 24 23:05:32 @phhusson, well it would work yes, but then we cant isolate network etc Feb 24 23:06:48 @phhusson, humm, not sure if that would work, there is quite a lot of configs we still need that not due to lxc Feb 24 23:07:11 we also need backports for bluetooth :/ Feb 24 23:07:34 @mariogrip, Android 8-native SoCs have at least 4.4 kernel, so no more Feb 24 23:07:50 @NotKit, oh! nice! Im still in the old kernel age :P Feb 24 23:08:19 but for example Linux init wants CONFIG_DEVTMPFS, which is disabled by Android Feb 24 23:08:35 it still can work, but would require small hacks here and there Feb 24 23:08:48 and systemd has a bunch of configs it need Feb 24 23:09:30 that could be a separate fallback project, since many Chinese vendors fail to release kernel sources, but it is not perfect... Feb 24 23:09:58 @NotKit well, even with the kernel sources. having an initial version that just works when flashed would be nice Feb 24 23:10:28 @NotKit, ugh, thats shady. i would not trust a pre-compiled kernel without source with it :P Feb 24 23:10:52 @phhusson, true that Feb 24 23:11:24 @UniversalSuperBox we should really get our "blog" up to shape, we look so dead Feb 24 23:11:33 I'll add it to the list Feb 24 23:12:08 pulls old-style computer tractor paper out of box, fold-by-fold, and stops at a blank line after about 20 seconds Feb 24 23:12:37 @UniversalSuperBox, https://taskwarrior.org/ Feb 24 23:13:51 What would you like in a blog post? There are a few images of Plasma Mobile running successfully on Halium, but none of Ubuntu Touch. Maybe Tofe could offer some sweet LuneOS knowledge. Feb 24 23:14:14 @UniversalSuperBox, Yeah, a where are we now post would be great tbh Feb 24 23:14:41 last post is 2 years old 😷 Feb 24 23:14:45 god time files Feb 24 23:15:45 A month short :P Feb 25 00:51:54 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/419747533552615437/549390421143322628/rmx-senpai-please-notice-me_o_2080997.png Feb 25 00:53:22 @Ultimoore, wrong group Feb 25 01:36:09 Whoop Feb 25 01:36:13 My bad **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Feb 25 02:59:57 2019