**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Aug 12 02:59:58 2019 Aug 12 03:35:12 Christina Martin was added by: Christina Martin Aug 12 06:34:27 Unable to finish repo sync any issues with GitHub? Or is it my system/network Aug 12 06:35:26 fatal: remote end hung up unexpectedly … Fatal: early EOF … fatal: index pack failed Aug 12 06:35:46 Error: RPC failed Aug 12 06:38:17 @ahgdq [AFAIK the system did not even attempt to start kwin_wayland.], kwin Wayland would be started by simplelogin, not by the android init system. Aug 12 06:38:53 @everyhomeiswired [Error: RPC failed], Similar issue here, just retry if it fails Aug 12 06:43:12 @fredldotme [Similar issue here, just retry if it fails], Hmm … I’ve tried using two different machines and getting same results on both Aug 12 06:44:13 https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZHphy9DDkK Aug 12 06:44:41 Really really slow as well Aug 12 06:53:23 when i flash hybris-boot on my redmi note 4 using "fastboot flash boot hybris-boot.img" it is still showing fastboot screen but on my my system it showing all the new partitions. why can't i boot into rootfs? Aug 12 06:58:01 awesomeguy_06 was added by: awesomeguy_06 Aug 12 07:23:41 path/to/halium-install -p ut path/to/rootfs.tar.gz path/to/system.img Aug 12 07:23:58 @awesomeguy_06 [path/to/halium-install -p ut path/to/rootfs.tar.gz path/to/system.img], what is this system.img? Aug 12 08:03:27 @awesomeguy_06 [what is this system.img?], The system.img is what's generated as part of `mka systemimage` Aug 12 08:03:43 it resides in your out/target/product/ directory Aug 12 09:19:55 Thank you but when I tried it, an error came, this is the log : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RmmFH3QFkB/ Aug 12 09:20:21 i copied system.ing to my home folder Aug 12 09:20:26 *img Aug 12 09:21:53 Anybody know how to fix this in postmarketos Aug 12 09:21:59 (Video, 70s) https://irc.ubports.com/etUk9ONl.mp4 Aug 12 09:21:59 (Video, 36s) https://irc.ubports.com/uWTsLXYp.mp4 Aug 12 09:22:04 Audio works Aug 12 09:22:13 Bit low volune Aug 12 09:23:15 But low volume Aug 12 09:23:20 * Aug 12 09:53:20 This is the Halium group, you should go to postmarketos matrix/IRC Aug 12 09:54:17 @awesomeguy_06 [Thank you but when I tried it, an error came, this is the log : https://paste.u …], Looks like there’s an extra space between halium-install and -p in command Aug 12 10:38:56 Oki Aug 12 10:39:33 There is bot Aug 12 10:47:06 @Emanuel Tankovic [There is bot], ? Aug 12 10:51:12 Try typing the command without quotes ‘ ‘ around the image paths Aug 12 10:57:21 @everyhomeiswired [Looks like there’s an extra space between halium-install and -p in command], Thank you, when I tried this is what I got : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wzrNVMbDjC/ Aug 12 10:57:51 do i need to set some permission? Aug 12 11:27:16 @awesomeguy_06 try that script and use -p halium as a param https://gitlab.com/JBBgameich/halium-install/ Aug 12 12:03:37 @techfreak[m] [@awesomeguy_06 try that script and use -p halium as a param https://gitlab.com/J …], Thank you, I will try that Aug 12 12:06:59 I tried now but still the device stay on bootscreen and the system shows all the partitions, then another partition which says "Refusing to boot see/diagnosis.log" Aug 12 12:09:42 so the flashing worked right ? Aug 12 12:10:18 your issue now is that the your or the port you are using is only showing the boot logo right ? Aug 12 12:13:22 yes Aug 12 12:13:27 it is the problem Aug 12 12:13:31 @techfreak[m] [so the flashing worked right ?], yes Aug 12 12:13:53 well check if ssh works Aug 12 12:14:01 if not check if telnet works Aug 12 12:14:11 ok i will check it Aug 12 12:40:08 Is it a static IP? i ran the command "ssh phablet@" as shown in the documentation. Also when i run "dmesg -a" I get https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GBFdV2DsGD/ Aug 12 12:40:27 It shows mer refused to boot Aug 12 12:43:10 you need to use telnet check the docs for it Aug 12 12:43:36 @techfreak[m] [you need to use telnet check the docs for it], yeah I will, Thanks Aug 12 12:45:27 I got " iSerial 3 Mer Debug telnet on port 23 on rndis0 - also running udhcpd … " Aug 12 12:45:49 * techfreak[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/RuAvpBLJhOBgcXRaZwvDXsch > Aug 12 12:46:16 get the name of your phone and run these commands Aug 12 12:46:33 *phone network Aug 12 12:47:12 ok ill see Aug 12 12:52:39 I got this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7sJNKDTYpJ/ Aug 12 12:52:47 when i connected via telnet Aug 12 12:52:58 mer boatloader Aug 12 12:53:34 That is normal now you can start to troubleshoot Aug 12 12:54:01 https://docs.halium.org/en/latest/porting/debug-build/early-init.html Aug 12 12:54:18 oh yeah i will check it out Aug 12 12:55:25 So does this mean the boot loader is fine? Aug 12 12:55:44 why was mer refusing boot? Aug 12 12:56:24 also there is no diagnosis.log Aug 12 12:56:39 That you have to find out via debugging. I would start with dmesg | grep "error" Aug 12 12:56:56 oh i see Aug 12 12:56:59 if that shows nothing than I would run dmesg | "unable" Aug 12 12:57:01 yeah i will check Aug 12 12:58:44 you can also filter for init via dmesg | grep "init:" Aug 12 12:59:53 @awesomeguy_06 [also there is no diagnosis.log], oh yeah it was there the log it had "CONFIG_AUTOFS4_FS=y not found in /proc/config.gz" Aug 12 13:00:05 a parameter issue Aug 12 13:01:24 if that was your only issue with the bootloader that is kinda unfair I had way more issues :) Aug 12 13:03:34 oh really :) Aug 12 13:03:50 im new to this thats the problem Aug 12 13:03:56 ill try anyway Aug 12 13:10:57 I had the same config autofs4 problem Aug 12 13:11:50 You will need to enable that in the kernel defconfig file and rebuild the kernel Aug 12 13:18:17 thank you i wil try :) Aug 12 13:21:56 @everyhomeiswired [You will need to enable that in the kernel defconfig file and rebuild the kernel], I only need to rebuild hybris boot after it right? Aug 12 13:22:07 yep Aug 12 13:22:28 ok i will try Aug 12 13:45:55 ok now my phone is keeping on rebooting :( Aug 12 13:49:36 can't even telnet into it because of this Aug 12 13:51:10 @awesomeguy_06 [ok now my phone is keeping on rebooting :(], Thats normal for every porter to suffer from. We all went through this from time to time ;) Aug 12 13:51:28 so what could be the possible solution? Aug 12 13:51:40 I cant debug Aug 12 13:51:48 because its rebooting Aug 12 13:52:09 Kernel issues. boot into recovery, get last dmesg and see why it panicks Aug 12 13:52:20 should be documented in halium docs how to do this Aug 12 13:52:26 yeah ill check Aug 12 13:54:54 I took a look at halium porting docs last night. It doesn't look that hard. There must be things that don't go as expected for there to be so many devices in progress and still not fully working. Aug 12 14:14:07 I tried using hybris-recovery and they had a command "TERM=linux HOME=/root PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:$PATH chroot target/ /bin/bash" but strangely i can't find bash inside /bin Aug 12 14:17:18 I get a response "chroot: can't execute '/bin/bash': No such file or directory" because of it Aug 12 14:18:30 I also seem to be missing a /home folder Aug 12 14:25:25 @John (Marlin) [I took a look at halium porting docs last night. It doesn't look that hard. Ther …], For the most part, the in-progress ports have either stalled in porting, or there is some issue that we "as a whole" have not been able to figure out how to fix, every device is different, some problems unique, some shared Aug 12 14:26:42 So basically I'm kind of stuck Aug 12 14:27:36 @awesomeguy_06 [I tried using hybris-recovery and they had a command "TERM=linux HOME=/root PATH …], Since I can't even do the part they mentioned in the debug section Aug 12 14:30:07 Not necessarily, just search in to the error, or what you know you changed to cause it, and try things till you get there, or someone that knows helps you. Could be double set, or missing a config, or something simple, dont give up, just take your time and keep chipping away at it Aug 12 14:30:27 yeah thanks :) Aug 12 14:48:13 @Flohack [Kernel issues. boot into recovery, get last dmesg and see why it panicks], Thank you, I checked it and got: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tQHhRq4XgH/. The last dmesg would be the one that would have caused the problem I suppose Aug 12 14:56:34 @Tygerpro [For the most part, the in-progress ports have either stalled in porting, or ther …], I'd like to do some ports, but I don't have more devices to test. Aug 12 15:11:56 @John (Marlin) [I'd like to do some ports, but I don't have more devices to test.], Have you done ports already? Aug 12 15:12:52 @Tygerpro [Have you done ports already?], No. I've just had friends teaching me how to build Android, and the Halium process looks quite similar. Aug 12 15:13:25 It is actually, one spare device is all it takes Aug 12 15:14:03 I might just start porting something just to learn how to do it. Aug 12 15:16:01 Old phone or tablet, as long as theres a lineage 14.1 port of it Aug 12 15:16:58 Right. I might just look at Lineage 14.1 devices to see what's there is that's not on the UBports git. Aug 12 15:17:27 [Edit] Right. I might just look at Lineage 14.1 devices to see what there is that's not on the UBports git. Aug 12 15:19:37 Theres still plenty, if you want to do it just to experience it, could port a supported device and see how it goes Aug 12 15:20:10 True. That would catch any errors if it doesn't work after building. Aug 12 15:21:58 Indeed, however which ever path you take, my advice to you is, if you port a device, try compiling the code before you modify anything, even do a dummy entry in fixup_mountpoints (otherwise it errors out) that way you know the code should compile with any changes Aug 12 15:24:25 Great advice! Aug 12 15:48:29 I have a device where to code wont compile without modification, thats why I say that Aug 12 15:49:47 Interesting. Those are the kinds of obstacles where I don't know enough to fix them. Aug 12 15:50:59 Well for me the device is ancient (in tech years) so Im not gonna drive myself crazy to try figuring it out, when I can just do a different bootloader and boot desktop linux lol Aug 12 15:51:25 True. Of course, then it's not a phone anymore! Aug 12 15:51:41 Well its a tablet, so it wasnt a phone to start lol Aug 12 15:52:08 There you go! Great solution in that case! Aug 12 15:52:32 (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc.ubports.com/srCxuawi.png The device Im talking about Aug 12 15:52:53 ASUS transformer? Android? Aug 12 15:53:12 Thats just google free android with an ubuntu launcher, but yeah I have had linux on it as well Aug 12 15:53:29 Its the prime transformer Aug 12 15:53:57 Nice. Great concept in design. Do you like it better with your current setup or on linux? Aug 12 15:55:18 Well last time I had android on it, it bootlooped like crazy, just sitting on the homescreen or in the middle of something, wouldnt seem to matter on android, linux was stable and solid as a rock, despite having zero drivers Aug 12 15:55:42 Interesting Aug 12 15:56:09 I fixed the reboot by formatting the whole thing then restoring the blank tablet back to factory, it seems far more stable now Aug 12 15:56:42 But I also went through the steps so that if I ever bricked it, I could recover it Aug 12 15:56:48 Oh. So that's factory android with Ubuntu launcher? How did you remove gapps? Aug 12 15:57:20 Well not factory, I restored to factory then installed katkiss 5.1 on it with the ubuntu launcher Aug 12 15:57:44 Okay. Very good! Aug 12 15:58:15 I would enjoy that device. Aug 12 15:58:16 I would love to have UT on it, but the code just wont compile, and the only pre-compiled version I can find is based on cm11 Aug 12 15:58:36 That's too bad. Aug 12 15:59:23 I use it most when Im compiling code in bed through ssh to my server, I wont object if someone wants to figure out the issues with it compiling in vanilla, hell Ill even test it if that helps Aug 12 16:00:32 That would be great if someone could sort that out. Aug 12 16:03:16 @awesomeguy_06 [Thank you, I checked it and got: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tQHhRq4XgH/. The l …], On the road now but it looks like recovery boot, as there is SELinux entries Aug 12 16:03:20 It would, I just need to get the code to compile without modification, then I can go from there Aug 12 16:03:36 Hey Florian, how are you today? Aug 12 16:05:08 @John (Marlin) [That would be great if someone could sort that out.], What sucks more is it does it with either 5.1 or 7.1 so its not like I can just use a different base Aug 12 16:12:28 Yeah, so just focus on fixing 7.1 Aug 12 16:17:13 Yeah, and the one repo I found doesnt have a dependencies file :( Aug 12 16:18:09 I might just try compiking that ROM first then go from there Aug 12 16:19:47 That might work Aug 12 16:20:52 Thats kind of the last ditch effort for me, if that doesnt work then I put ubuntu desktop or leave it as is Aug 12 16:23:05 Sure. No sense in putting too much effort into it. Aug 12 16:23:28 It would be equivalent to kicking a dead horse IMO lol Aug 12 16:23:52 My thoughts exactly! Aug 12 16:24:35 Im working on setting up an "on the road" compiling setup Aug 12 16:25:39 Nice. I've got a laptop I was thinking about setting up to keep the load off the PC. Aug 12 16:27:10 I use my server to compile, the setup Im trying to get working uses ssh into my server and tcp to retrieve the files Aug 12 16:28:11 I'm building on gcp right now, free trial good till February Aug 12 16:28:51 Nice, my setup is a 3GHz with 8 GB RAM and about 10TB of storage Aug 12 16:29:32 Plenty of storage! My biggest hd is 1.8tb Aug 12 16:30:10 Lol, I have a RAID setup with 3 5TB HDDs, one is a spare in case of a failure Aug 12 16:31:04 I need to upgrade the storage on it too, but Im too lazy, and Im using maybe 5of the 10TB so far lol Aug 12 16:31:46 I had raid setup once, but a surge went right though my ups and took out both hds Aug 12 16:32:00 I have 2 other servers as well, one is for minecraft and currently offline, one is my DVR server and also currently offline Aug 12 16:32:42 I have a battery backup and a surge protector (2 seperate units) for redundant surge protection Aug 12 16:32:47 Minecraft! You play, or family? Aug 12 16:33:19 Used to play, had my own server that a lot of people liked, Ive been tempted to bring it back actually Aug 12 16:33:33 👍 Aug 12 16:34:03 Nextcloud/owncloud ? Aug 12 16:34:23 I found out from the players they liked my server cause I played along side them, treated them with compassion and always gave people a chance to do the right thing Aug 12 16:34:41 That goes a long way Aug 12 16:35:15 Nextcloud runs on my current server, its basically the web front end if I cant get to the backend Aug 12 16:36:21 Wait does that mean the front and back end are on different servers? Aug 12 16:36:27 @John (Marlin) [That goes a long way], Yeah, Ive been asked a couple times to bring it back, but the server just sat idle 99% of the time, so I took it offline when money got a little tight (costs money to keep the power on Aug 12 16:37:04 @everyhomeiswired [Wait does that mean the front and back end are on different servers?], Nope, same server, different ports, some hotels and public wifi's block all but 2 ports Aug 12 16:37:50 Right. I notice a difference in the power bill when I've got a lot of things going where the computer needs to keep running overnight. Aug 12 16:38:10 @John (Marlin) [Right. I notice a difference in the power bill when I've got a lot of things goi …], Lmao yeah me too Aug 12 16:38:45 Thinking about switchin my nextcloud to a pi Aug 12 16:40:20 I just use the free 5gb plan. Plenty fur me, only syncing contacts, calendar, and notes. Aug 12 16:40:35 [Edit] I just use the free 5gb plan. Plenty for me, only syncing contacts, calendar, and notes. Aug 12 16:43:39 With how much data I use in my network, 5GB would last like a day lol Aug 12 16:44:25 😅 Aug 12 16:45:07 I use it as my main storage for photos videos backups etc Aug 12 16:47:24 (Photo, 622x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/16THma5z.png This is just my device, and bear in mind I havent been home for most of the month Aug 12 16:47:46 I used to do that with Google sync but switched to local usb drive for backup of my primary data drive. Aug 12 16:48:23 I only backup my stuff once a month, and thats done with a USB cable straight to my laptop Aug 12 16:49:02 Wow. Lots of YouTube! Aug 12 16:49:30 Well not much else to do sitting in a hotel most of the time Aug 12 16:49:51 But Im also trying to start coding rather than zoning out to youtube Aug 12 16:49:57 Why staying in hotel so much? Aug 12 16:50:11 Work, I travel the US moving servers Aug 12 16:50:37 I was home for a total of 6 days in July Aug 12 16:50:41 Fun! Set them up too? Aug 12 16:51:28 For myself yeah, not for work, I decommision them, disconnect them, and move them, the client is responsible for setup and re-commisioning Aug 12 16:51:48 Okay Aug 12 16:52:29 One job in CA had to pull like 300 cables out of the tracks and everything, took me and my boss like 3 hours from when we got there to when we left Aug 12 16:53:31 And that was to pack up 50 pieces, pull all the cables, and pack those, and wait for the client to power down everything Aug 12 16:54:04 That is a lot of work Aug 12 16:54:38 Yeah, but it yielded a $800 paycheck for basically 4 hours of work (travel time not included) Aug 12 16:55:18 If you calculate travel time in its like $18/hr Aug 12 16:55:48 That really cuts it down Aug 12 16:56:14 Yeah, had to drive from PA to CA, got to CA 3 days ahead of schedule lol Aug 12 16:58:09 I took a vacation CA to VT. Took two weeks sightseeing, and on the return I just wanted to get home, so drove straight through on about three days. Aug 12 16:58:37 [Edit] I took a vacation CA to VT. Took two weeks sightseeing, and on the return I just wanted to get home, so drove straight through in about three days. Aug 12 16:58:56 Lol, my boss and I just drive till were too tired to keep going, switching off driving everytime we fuel up (about 5 hours) Aug 12 17:02:43 Great fun Aug 12 17:11:22 Yeah, anywho, I feel this is getting a tad OT Aug 12 17:15:51 Luckily it hasn't been busy in here. Hope no one minds. You can always catch me in UBports off topic. Aug 12 17:16:31 [Edit] Luckily it hasn't been busy in here. Hope no one minds. You can always catch me in UBports Over Flow. Aug 12 17:16:48 [Edit] Luckily it hasn't been busy in here. Hope no one minds. You can always catch me in UBports OverFlow. Aug 12 17:17:06 Lol, most of the active ports have moved from here to the porting channel cause getting halium compiled is only 1/4th of the battle Aug 12 17:18:04 That's what I was thinking when I saw how easy it is to build. Aug 12 17:20:13 Yeah, Halium is probably the easy part **** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Aug 13 02:59:56 2019