**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Nov 25 02:59:58 2019 Nov 25 09:34:48 @ThaBlacMamba [a lot of people on xda-developers would like to port ubuntu touch but this sems …], I was thinking of trying the same thing, chrooting into Ubuntu touch rootfs directly from Android but as I have no idea about mir I don't know how we would proceed to get gui access. It is worth the try if there's a vnc port for mir tbh. Nov 25 09:35:55 I can tell you by experience that it's not worth trying Nov 25 09:36:58 I see. So I better wait for halium 9 and proceed porting then, thanks. Nov 25 09:37:54 [Edit] I see. So I better wait for halium 9 and proceed porting after then, thanks. Nov 25 09:38:22 @Ege [I was thinking of trying the same thing, chrooting into Ubuntu touch rootfs dire …], Also, we do not want to be controlled by Android, we want to control it. Means you will enver get rid of the Android ecosystem if you make an OS depending on it. How could we ever support Android-free phones Nov 25 09:39:37 @Flohack [Also, we do not want to be controlled by Android, we want to control it. Means y …], android open source community just provides a convenient way to get device trees Nov 25 09:40:13 Yeah I suppose it definitely is not a good solution, or even a solution at all. Such a shame that mobile platforms don't have the standard hardware desktop counterparts have. Nov 25 10:00:29 So, LXC fails to start, have no idea what to do … https://pastebin.com/ZEGYkKvH Nov 25 10:00:57 It tells that … ``` Nov 25 10:01:10 [Edit] It tells that … ```aditional information can be obtained by setting the --logfile and --logpriority options``` … Buto how do I do this? Nov 25 10:03:24 ok linux exports whats going on here Nov 25 10:03:27 gnutls_handshake() failed: Handshake failed Nov 25 10:03:34 *experts Nov 25 10:03:45 Cloning into '/srv/tmp/buildscripts'... … fatal: unable to access 'https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/docker-lineage-cicd.gi … t/': gnutls_handshake() failed: Handshake failed … cp: cannot stat ‘/srv/tmp/buildscripts/src/*’: No such file or directory … cp: cannot stat ‘/srv/tmp/buildscripts/apt_preferences’: No such file or directo … r Nov 25 10:03:45 y … mkdir: cannot create directory ‘delta’: File exists Nov 25 10:04:06 context im trying to build a rom Nov 25 10:04:47 @intel777 [It tells that … aditional information can be obtained by setting the --logfile an …], Well you need to check lxc.hook.pre-start Nov 25 10:04:51 Thats whats written there Nov 25 10:06:09 Is it a service aswell? Nov 25 10:08:00 @ThaBlacMamba [context im trying to build a rom], if it's not Halium then it's offtopic here Nov 25 10:08:35 and we don't use Docker for Halium, so no idea what is going on your side Nov 25 10:10:39 @intel777 [Is it a service aswell?], Probably only a script run bfore the container starts Nov 25 10:10:45 look in /var/lib/lxc/android Nov 25 10:28:20 oh hm, file /tmp/lxc_android_once creates but lxc fails to start Nov 25 10:28:41 and when I remove it manually, then restart service, all works Nov 25 10:37:28 lol Nov 25 10:39:23 <苗旺番> (Photo, 960x540) https://irc.ubports.com/sPwwGrHY.png 精准菠菜棋牌6H粉" "非小号/mytoken关注惊爆价"1、币圈电报群/微信群炸群推广 2、twitter、facebook关注粉丝 3.KYC身份材料出售 4、电报群/微信群/potato拉币圈活人 5、国内外交易所APP实名注册认证 6、电报群客服活跃聊天 7、批量注册国内外交易所实名账户,,出微信号 twitter、facebook、带粉老账号,币圈 Nov 25 11:11:56 So, how do I find why there is nothing happening on screen? Nov 25 11:48:33 @intel777 [So, how do I find why there is nothing happening on screen?], Did you check logcat? Nov 25 11:48:33 There is a problem with this … ```phablet@localhost:/$ /system/bin/logcat … logcat read failure``` Nov 25 11:49:46 @intel777 [There is a problem with this … phablet@localhost:/$ /system/bin/logcat … logcat rea …], you need to be root for that Nov 25 11:51:00 eh... … ```root@localhost:/# /system/bin/logcat … logcat read failure``` Nov 25 11:51:31 strace tells … ```restart_syscall(<... resuming interrupted restart_syscall ...>) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)``` Nov 25 11:51:54 well then probably your android container is not fully up Nov 25 11:52:59 Hmm, how do I check this? … ```root@localhost:/# systemctl status lxc@android … ● lxc@android.service - LXC Container: android … Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/lxc@.service; indirect; vendor preset: enabled) … Active: active (running) since Sun 2018-01-28 15:58:50 UTC; 10min ago … Docs: man:lxc-start … man:lxc Nov 25 11:52:59 … Main PID: 1353 (lxc-start) … CGroup: /system.slice/system-lxc.slice/lxc@android.service … └─1353 /usr/bin/lxc-start -F -n android``` Nov 25 11:53:57 well that only tells you that lxc has started something but inside will be a separate init process, and maybe that one hangs... difficult to debug. See if there is anything in dmesg Nov 25 11:55:00 Oh, I guess, I need to reboot first … ```systemd-journald[684]: /dev/kmsg buffer overrun, some messages lost.``` Nov 25 11:58:19 Are you on Halium reference rootfs? Nov 25 11:59:16 I builded systemimage and merged it with plasma mobile Nov 25 11:59:29 Should I try reference rootfs first? Nov 25 12:00:13 Well idk for PM... But in Ubuntu Touch it helps to disable start of the GUI until everything is sorted out. Because if the GUI cannot start, it will spam into all logs, you get high load, device gets warm etc. Nov 25 12:00:28 Also you cannot run test_hwcomposer in a sane way Nov 25 12:01:01 oh, gotcha. Will now try with reference rootfs Nov 25 12:11:22 (Photo, 380x108) https://irc.ubports.com/9OjnSiPr.png Oh, thats interesting Nov 25 12:24:53 @intel777 [], Not insteresting 😊 Nov 25 12:25:16 Well, it's booted on PM, but won't boot on reference rootfs Nov 25 12:57:15 Alva was added by: Alva Nov 25 12:58:30 @intel777 [], Did you try setting the IP parameters manually? I always have to do that Nov 25 12:58:38 What does dmesg say on the host? Nov 25 12:59:34 @Flohack [What does dmesg say on the host?], https://pastebin.com/eqBet5GS Nov 25 13:00:16 @Flohack [Did you try setting the IP parameters manually? I always have to do that], Oh, I didn't realize that it's normal behaviour Nov 25 13:04:49 @intel777 [https://pastebin.com/eqBet5GS], You are fully booted: GNU/Linux Device on rndis0 Nov 25 13:05:08 But you need to follow the manual settings in the documentation Nov 25 13:05:26 Yeh, I setted manually, but now I got ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused Nov 25 13:05:35 [Edit] Yeh, I setted manually, but now I got … ```ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused``` Nov 25 13:05:50 @intel777 [Yeh, I setted manually, but now I got … ssh: connect to host port 22: …], Oh boi. Probably syslog problem? Which kernel version you have Nov 25 13:06:34 Linux version 3.18.113+ Nov 25 13:08:52 @intel777 [Linux version 3.18.113+], I got it only with 3.10 - try to disable start of rsyslogd or whatever is used in the reference root Nov 25 13:08:58 then maybe sshd starts fully Nov 25 13:20:54 One more silly question: do I need android installed in /system of device? Nov 25 13:21:26 I don't know why, but this thought just came in my mind Nov 25 13:40:31 @intel777 [One more silly question: do I need android installed in /system of device?], erm no Nov 25 13:40:45 okay, just asked as I wiped /system Nov 25 13:41:00 The only precondition for some devices is: If you got a vendor partition, you should install sotck firmware of 7.1 one time, to get this partition flashed correctly Nov 25 13:41:09 [Edit] The only precondition for some devices is: If you got a vendor partition, you should install stock firmware of 7.1 one time, to get this partition flashed correctly Nov 25 13:41:29 oh, thank god I have no /vendor Nov 25 13:41:54 also, I disabled rsyslog from chrooted rootfs.img Nov 25 13:42:08 but it seems that it can enable itself Nov 25 13:49:00 @intel777 [but it seems that it can enable itself], Hmm, yeah, just done same thing … ```systemctl disable rsyslog … systemctl disable rsyslog.service``` … and it return me exactly same output that first time Nov 25 13:51:54 hmmm can you disable it in the rootfs directly? You would need to mount it in recovery, just move the file somehwere Nov 25 13:52:09 Did you ever mount rootfs already with the folder trick Nov 25 16:13:27 Hi, so today I resumed my Halium porting, and I have encountered some code problems, not sure how to fix 'em. Nov 25 16:14:12 Here are the errors if someone here is a C programmer. :) https://pastebin.com/FSSrCewT Nov 25 17:06:14 @rixchy Are you missing header files? Just glancing over your paste and it shows that functions are undeclared Nov 25 18:51:09 @Flohack [hmmm can you disable it in the rootfs directly? You would need to mount it in re …], so I just mounted rootfs, removed every single item that `find . -name rsyslog` found, but it still refuses to give me ssh Nov 25 19:00:15 Okay, just to be clear, this is reference halium rootfs? … http://bshah.in/halium/halium-rootfs-20170630-151006.tar.gz Nov 25 19:13:23 @keyrcbot> @intel777 [Okay, just to be clear, this is reference halium rootfs? … http://bshah.in/halium …], Yes should be Nov 25 19:39:15 Hmm anything in dmesg Nov 25 19:39:52 when booting in recovery and mounting it says that … ```(Nothing has been logged yet.)``` Nov 25 19:41:01 did you check /proc/last_kmsg Nov 25 19:41:40 there is no last_kmsg in recovery Nov 25 19:41:55 console-ramoops not exists Nov 25 19:42:20 oh, wait, my bad Nov 25 19:42:25 @intel777 [console-ramoops not exists], exists Nov 25 19:46:54 https://pastebin.com/8MNdByE4 … There it is, but I can't see any sshd related lines Nov 25 20:05:43 @intel777 is it vince? Nov 25 20:05:51 [Edit] @intel777 is it vince or mido? Nov 25 20:07:25 and logs look fine regarding init. Does SSH work in UBPorts rootfs? Nov 25 20:14:04 How do you check if you have missing kernel headers? Nov 25 20:27:33 @rixchy [How do you check if you have missing kernel headers?], Probably your kernel wont build then? Nov 25 20:28:38 @intel777 [https://pastebin.com/8MNdByE4 … There it is, but I can't see any sshd related lin …], There are a lot of kernel errors inside, but should not prevent ssh Nov 25 20:36:36 @NotKit [and logs look fine regarding init. Does SSH work in UBPorts rootfs?], it worked fine on PlasmaMobile rootfs. I tried reference rootfs because its eazier to fix bugs. … Anyway, will try UBPorts now Nov 25 20:40:03 will it boot armhf on arm64? Nov 25 20:45:10 @NotKit [@intel777 is it vince or mido?], oh, it's actually tissot Nov 25 20:48:12 @Flohack [Probably your kernel wont build then?], It doesn't, indeed. Nov 25 20:48:20 @rixchy [Here are the errors if someone here is a C programmer. :) https://pastebin.com/F …], ^ Nov 25 20:55:47 @NotKit [and logs look fine regarding init. Does SSH work in UBPorts rootfs?], some juicy kernel panic … https://pastebin.com/mNDR3Df7 Nov 25 20:56:13 lemme rebuild that plasma mobile to see, maybe I fricked something up along the way Nov 25 21:33:36 Ok, so … It successfully boots on PlasmaMobile, automatically set ups network and let me ssh into … It seems like it successfuly boots on Halium Reference, but denies to answer on 22 port for some reason … It crashes and dies in kernel panic on both UBPorts and Ubuntu Touch rootfs Nov 25 21:33:56 [Edit] Ok, so … It successfully boots on PlasmaMobile, automatically set ups network and let me ssh into … It seems like it successfuly boots on Halium Reference, but need to manualy setup network and it denies to answer on 22 port for some reason … It crashes and dies in kernel panic on both UBPorts and Ubuntu Touch rootfs Nov 25 21:34:42 [Edit] Ok, so … It successfully boots on PlasmaMobile, automatically set ups network and let me ssh into … It seems like it successfuly boots on Halium Reference, but need to manualy setup network and it denies to answer on 22 port for some reason … It crashes and dies in kernel panic with `Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill Nov 25 21:34:42 init! exitcode=0x00000200 `on both UBPorts and Ubuntu Touch rootfs Nov 25 21:38:31 Also, I find out that it's verry handy to have device with A/B support as it can literally dualboot into android and halium by manipulating with fastboot set_active (a/b) Nov 25 21:45:35 [Edit] Ok, so … It successfully boots on PlasmaMobile (but no graphics and everything seems to be broken), automatically set ups network and let me ssh into … It seems like it successfuly boots on Halium Reference, but need to manualy setup network and it denies to answer on 22 port for some reason … It crashes and dies in kernel panic Nov 25 21:45:36 with `Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! exitcode=0x00000200 `on both UBPorts and Ubuntu Touch rootfs **** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Nov 26 02:59:57 2019