**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Jan 04 02:59:57 2021 Jan 04 04:58:24 Hi. I am getting errors while building hybris-boot for the klte device. Logs here: https://pastebin.com/ADD0ifNz Jan 04 04:58:48 If you can help, please let me know. Jan 04 04:59:17 I cannot find the error, though. Jan 04 05:07:57 =# Waiting Jan 04 07:34:51 الحمد الله was added by: الحمد الله Jan 04 07:34:55 <الحمد الله> (Photo, 658x850) https://irc.ubports.com/Rb6lC2Iz.png Jan 04 08:20:18 T X was added by: T X Jan 04 08:53:10 hello, I am trying to compile halium kernel standalone for an android 4.9 device, I have used all the relevant patches but I am getting error while compilation, any help is appreciated https://paste.linux.pizza/?f9d5d96f3ffd3bf5#AxUPKjjEdJWjSoBYiY3Q5qWFNFDUR8uVwRRs2G8unLe5 … sorry, I am new to kernel stuff, can someone please tell me a Jan 04 08:53:10 nything that I can try? That file is present in include/linux/stat.h but even after changing the path it complains about missing file. Please help Jan 04 08:54:16 @KanajariyaReal [I still get error unable locate package repo. … @ankaos], https://source.android.com/setup/develop#installing-repo Jan 04 12:33:13 How is voice call audio handled in Halium 9? Jan 04 12:38:04 I mean: what should the OS do in order to receive and send audio in a voice call using oFono? Jan 04 12:38:31 Erik: I guess it depends on which OS as well Jan 04 12:38:34 What other stack is there Jan 04 12:38:46 Mer/SFOS and LuneOS use VoiceCall for this Jan 04 12:38:58 Both also use PulseAudio & PulseAudio Modules Jan 04 12:41:12 I used a Python script (dbus + ofono) and calling was successful but I could not hear anything. I also used pulseaudio-module-droid's voicecall setting. The OS was Mobian. Jan 04 12:45:51 That in theory should work, though we had similar issues in LuneOS with 7.1 at some point Jan 04 12:46:00 Let me see if I can find how we solved that Jan 04 12:50:06 Seems issue on our end was with multi-sim phones and the voicecall profile used. It's in our custom audio-service so it won't be of much help for you as such but might give you some pointers: https://github.com/webOS-ports/audio-service/commit/6d9267b2b5884dc79acce757f991f08643d64601. Jan 04 12:52:39 I have a single SIM phone. So, it is probably not that one... Jan 04 12:53:53 @eriki73 [I have a single SIM phone. So, it is probably not that one...], OK which phone in particular if I may ask? Jan 04 12:54:07 Google Pixel 3a (sargo) Jan 04 12:55:46 And, in Ubuntu Touch audio is working also in voice calls. Jan 04 12:57:26 Ubuntu Touch uses quite a different stack so that might be the reason Jan 04 12:57:40 AFAIK they use different oFono and probably also quite some different audio stack Jan 04 12:58:51 I think they use pulseaudio too. Jan 04 12:59:31 In LuneOS we use Mer's oFono version & VoiceCall with some minor changes but this is still with Halium 7.1 for now Jan 04 12:59:42 We're in the process of getting Halium 9.0 up & running with LuneOS Jan 04 13:01:17 I think Hybris-Mobian uses Mer's oFono version like LuneOS. So, it has probably something to do with pulseaudio. Jan 04 13:02:47 who have rootfs Plasma Mobile Halium 7.1 ( i can't use newer rootfs ) thanks support me Jan 04 13:06:11 @eriki73 [I think Hybris-Mobian uses Mer's oFono version like LuneOS. So, it has probably …], PA is a bit of a black box to me ;) Jan 04 13:09:40 Also, I can hear the dialpad tones sent using gnome-calls on the other phone which suggests that the problem is in PA. Jan 04 13:20:43 We carry this patch for a long time already for headphone support, but i guess that's not really the problem here: https://github.com/webOS-ports/meta-webos-ports/blob/gatesgarth/meta-luneos/recipes-multimedia/pulseaudio/pulseaudio-modules-droid/0001-Add-support-for-detected-external-connection-changes.patch Jan 04 13:35:35 @Herrie1982 Should I try LuneOS for my phone? Are there any differences with installing with ubports? Jan 04 13:40:39 @Verevka86 We don't have anything like GSI yet, so it's still very much device by device based images for the moment Jan 04 13:43:23 @Herrie1982 [@Verevka86 We don't have anything like GSI yet, so it's still very much device b …], I not use gsi … https://github.com/UbuntuTouch-sagit/android_device_xiaomi_msm8998-common Jan 04 14:20:11 H@NSON was added by: H@NSON Jan 04 14:21:08 Does anyone porters on xiaomi redmi 8 global? Jan 04 15:39:34 @verevka86 Not sure there's a Halium 7.1 build/manifest for it? If yes creating a LuneOS image isn't that hard Jan 04 15:40:57 @Herrie1982 [@verevka86 Not sure there's a Halium 7.1 build/manifest for it? If yes creating …], https://github.com/UbuntuTouch-sagit/local_manifests/tree/halium-7.1 Jan 04 15:41:37 7.1 there is a problem, I could not fix bluetooth 😔 Jan 04 15:42:39 Does it work with SFOS based on 7.1? Jan 04 15:44:44 @Herrie1982 [Does it work with SFOS based on 7.1?], I only started sfos on 7.1, then went to 8.1 and 9.0 😊 Jan 04 15:44:56 Ah OK Jan 04 15:45:04 Well hopefully we have LuneOS on 9.0 shortly Jan 04 15:46:42 Well I will wait 😊 Jan 04 15:47:24 I can try 7.1 quickly... Do you have a SFOS defconfig? Jan 04 15:47:35 That one will work better with LuneOS v.s. UBports Jan 04 15:48:59 @Herrie1982 [I can try 7.1 quickly... Do you have a SFOS defconfig?], https://github.com/sf-mi6/android_kernel_xiaomi_msm8998/blob/hybris-14.1/arch/arm64/configs/sagit_user_defconfig Jan 04 15:49:17 Very very old 😊 Jan 04 15:56:37 @Herrie1982 [@verevka86 Not sure there's a Halium 7.1 build/manifest for it? If yes creating …], are there instructions or at least notes somewhere? Ive only found outdated info Jan 04 15:57:48 @Shakendo [are there instructions or at least notes somewhere? Ive only found outdated info], For what? Jan 04 16:01:02 @Herrie1982 [For what?], for building Lune OS Jan 04 16:29:25 @Shakendo [for building Lune OS], Roughly: https://gist.github.com/Herrie82/dfedabe4ebb497063fec48ef97d76861 Jan 04 16:29:45 @Herrie1982 [Roughly: https://gist.github.com/Herrie82/dfedabe4ebb497063fec48ef97d76861], thank you Jan 04 16:30:21 Any questions, feel free to check in IRC in #webos-ports or here Jan 04 16:31:10 I will hank you Jan 04 16:31:16 [Edit] I will thank you Jan 04 16:38:48 @Verevka86 You happen to have the partition list for sagit? With the mmcblk0 names Jan 04 16:40:49 @Herrie1982 [@Verevka86 You happen to have the partition list for sagit? With the mmcblk0 nam …], https://github.com/SailfishOS-sagit/hybris-boot/commit/4ddd60e3f0bbe3990f12f60fdd6e4dc50d02ce4a … This? Jan 04 16:41:01 Bro what Linux distro should I use for rom development Jan 04 16:52:02 @Verevka86 [https://github.com/SailfishOS-sagit/hybris-boot/commit/4ddd60e3f0bbe3990f12f60fd …], No more what df would show, similar to: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/info-how-to-get-partition-details-of-android-with-adb.3766930/ Jan 04 16:52:50 Or something like: ls -l /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/ Jan 04 16:54:22 "parted /dev/block/mmcblk0" might also work Jan 04 16:56:18 Butw wait @NotKit oneplus hord have super partition? Jan 04 17:02:23 Abraham Gallagher was added by: Abraham Gallagher Jan 04 17:03:49 @Herrie1982 ["parted /dev/block/mmcblk0" might also work], I don't have such addresses Jan 04 17:11:41 @Verevka86 [I don't have such addresses], One of the above should work from adb shell in recovery Jan 04 17:26:45 @Herrie1982 [One of the above should work from adb shell in recovery], Test all- … https://hastebin.com/elahumimuy.yaml Jan 04 17:52:19 Thnx funny names, but well Jan 05 00:00:36 John Treider was added by: John Treider Jan 05 02:43:43 (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/cU140mt5.webp Jan 05 02:43:44 (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/3tPpBLMl.webp Jan 05 02:47:33 👋 can anyone is there halium 10.0 for Android 10 devices? Jan 05 02:47:48 @H@NSON [👋 can anyone is there halium 10.0 for Android 10 devices?], *tell **** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Jan 05 03:01:24 2021