**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Mar 18 02:59:56 2021 Mar 18 07:18:16 @erfanoabdi [it's worth try … many lineage and other users asked me for ubports], Hi, can we have GSI port for Plasma os like ubport ? To install with Halium Mar 18 07:18:52 Do you think , its possible ? Mar 18 09:20:47 made_in_24 was added by: made_in_24 Mar 18 09:29:00 hello together Mar 18 09:32:30 iam try to port a google pixel 3a with ubports installer 0.8.7-beta Mar 18 09:33:09 i am chose the device manualy from the list Mar 18 09:35:09 @ubports_welcome Mar 18 09:35:35 @WelcomePlus Mar 18 09:36:48 and i have installed before the correct android version 9.0 Mar 18 09:36:59 wrong group Mar 18 09:37:17 this group is about porting halium not installing ubuntu touch Mar 18 13:37:52 Please have a look at my halium build error: … https://pastebin.com/AFyifdfR Mar 18 14:41:47 Does anyone know how to fix this error? I am trying to debug it for hours: … /usr/bin/ld: scripts/dtc/dtc-parser.tab.o:(.bss+0x50): multiple definition of `yylloc'; scripts/dtc/dtc-lexer.lex.o:(.bss+0x0): first defined here Mar 18 15:30:04 @NotKit [https://github.com/Tomoms/android_kernel_oppo_msm8974/commit/11647f99b4de6bc460e …], Golden Mar 18 15:30:09 it's the solution Mar 18 15:31:53 @just_carlod [Golden], Thanks. But this solution is for android 10 kernel. I am working on 9. Mar 18 16:09:56 issue fixed: changed 'YYLTYPE yylloc' to 'extern YYLTYPE yylloc' in scripts/dtc/dtc-lexer.lex.c_shipped Mar 18 16:32:22 Hey Tofe, do you send LuneOS porters to the Halium build guide at docs.halium.org or do you build have your own? Mar 18 16:59:51 @UniversalSuperBox [Hey Tofe, do you send LuneOS porters to the Halium build guide at docs.halium.or …], Well a bit of both ;) Mar 18 17:00:02 @UniversalSuperBox: a bit of both :) we point them to the docs, and help them with an initial build Mar 18 17:00:22 I.e. these are my quick notes: https://gist.github.com/Herrie82/dfedabe4ebb497063fec48ef97d76861 Mar 18 17:01:51 Context: There's currently a discussion for UBports as to how we should move forward with the Halium docs. On one hand, sending people back and forth between the guides is a bad experience. On the other hand, we don't want to copy docs. Mar 18 17:05:07 It looks like the point of diversion is at the bootimage. Maybe we only want to keep up to that point in the halium docs and dump the rest? Mar 18 17:07:55 Yes bootimage, because we build it inside our build system with latest GCC Mar 18 17:09:04 So Mer has hybris-boot, UBPorts has halium-boot and we have our own as well Mar 18 17:09:15 Does that make sense, @NotKit @aribk @dohniks? Mar 18 17:09:38 Keep "set up your build device" and "collect source" in docs.halium.org, drop the rest? Mar 18 17:09:54 Maybe keep "build systemimage" too. Mar 18 17:12:53 @UniversalSuperBox [Keep "set up your build device" and "collect source" in docs.halium.org, drop th …], Actually, as the first part of the Halium guide (up to build systemimage) is what we have been using (or redirecting readers to), that is the part that I have currently brought into my draft for revised UBports docs to avoid sending read Mar 18 17:12:54 ers back and forth. Mar 18 17:13:06 I'd say say systemimage for sure ... It wouldn't be much of halium without the android image, right?! Or are there projects that only use the kernel side, Wouldn't that be more like postmarket Mar 18 17:14:05 and after that, there's install halium and debug, you kinda want to get it on the device and see a dmesg I'd assume Mar 18 17:14:36 halium is only the common parts. Most of the common parts that once existed no longer do, or never did. Mar 18 17:14:49 After systemimage is built, we're all in our own world now. Mar 18 17:15:01 I have never paid too much attention to the other chapters like distribution, supplementary and project ... but I think nobody else pays attention to that either :D Mar 18 17:15:21 Installation and debugging are different for each OS. Mar 18 17:16:18 are all the hybris tests officially dead? Mar 18 17:16:19 If the Halium guide is shorter, it's easier for porters to know when to go back to the UBports or LuneOS guides. Mar 18 17:16:26 The reference systemimage is. Mar 18 17:16:50 As is hybris-boot, and halium-boot is only common in that we all use the script. The built images are only used by UBports. Mar 18 17:18:08 So Debug Halium is not useable with LuneOS @Herrie1982 ? Mar 18 17:20:57 hybris-boot is I think is currently not used by any project with Halium (Mer/Sailfish have their own Android tree) Mar 18 17:21:08 [Edit] hybris-boot I think is currently not used by any project with Halium (Mer/Sailfish have their own Android tree) Mar 18 17:21:27 Well we take some of the initramfs scripts as well Mar 18 17:21:31 I just see we're saying this: … hybris-mobian is a GNU/Linux distribution based on top of Mobian, a Debian-based distribution for mobile devices. The goal of hybris-mobian is to be able to run Mobian on Android phones. … Pardon my ignorance - is that a thing? Mar 18 17:21:32 systemimage is the common part, but it is possible to skip building that for Halium 9 Treble ports Mar 18 17:22:00 @dohniks [I just see we're saying this: … hybris-mobian is a GNU/Linux distribution based …], @hybris_mobian Mar 18 17:22:33 @Herrie1982 [Well we take some of the initramfs scripts as well], but what I mean is lsusb, last_kmsg, lxc ... isn't that still the same for everyone? Mar 18 17:23:24 @NotKit [systemimage is the common part, but it is possible to skip building that for Hal …], Oh, H9, doesn't need a systemimage? I didn't know Mar 18 17:23:45 Halium 9 does, but there's also a generic one that might work given a correctly configured kernel. Mar 18 17:24:04 So the porter might not need to build the systemimage themselves. Mar 18 17:24:17 👍 Mar 18 17:24:47 We don't have GSI/Treble yet on LuneOS side Mar 18 17:33:14 So @dohniks, @aribk, is it okay to take Ari's work on "setting up your build device" and "building systemimage" and put it to the Halium docs, then drop everything from "build hybris-boot" on from the halium docs? Mar 18 17:34:04 Starting the Halium docs with "If you haven't been redirected here by a porting guide from one of these projects, decide which one you'll port first" and ending with "go back to the porting guide you were following before" Mar 18 17:43:36 @dohniks [but what I mean is lsusb, last_kmsg, lxc ... isn't that still the same for every …], Yes and no. In LuneOS we use Yocto/Bitbake to build our rootfs from scratch. That includes all components such as systemd, lxc etc Mar 18 17:48:02 ok. well if nobody really cares for these parts in halium docs then they might as well go away. there's also the practical aspect that there's basically zero contributors to halium docs and one contributor to the ubports porting guide, so makes sense to enable him. Go @aribk ! 😃 Mar 18 17:49:04 @UniversalSuperBox [So @dohniks, @aribk, is it okay to take Ari's work on "setting up your build dev …], I'm not familiar with these works, I think ... but in general yeah - restructure Mar 18 18:09:49 I've been following the discussion and I can see there are valid arguments for both alternatives, i.e.: … * keep Halium guide and move part of what I've written into it instead of the UBports guide … * Integrate relevant parts of the Halium guide into the UBports guide and drop the redirection back and forth. … More to follow... Mar 18 18:20:12 I'm trying to make a good, easy to follow guide without having to repeat significant parts unnecessarily. When trying to cover different porting methods according to different Halium versions, there are things that overlap and others that don't. Additionally, I am trying to write it in such a way as to make it easier to update when new Ha Mar 18 18:20:13 lium versions emerge. This is to some degree guesswork, of course. … Atm it appears easier to produce a clear guide by making it basically a standalone guide. … I wish to complete this draft and let those who should read through it and judge. If the general sentiment t is that this is not the way to do it, I will make the desired changes. … Sound Mar 18 18:20:13 OK? Mar 18 18:23:50 in some way, I don't see a problem if some (relatively small subset of common) sections are even copied between the docs Mar 18 18:26:50 @NotKit [in some way, I don't see a problem if some (relatively small subset of common) s …], This was actually my original thought. Mar 18 19:02:27 hı. how fix this problem? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tTMrXznrnM/ Mar 18 21:31:06 [Edit] I'm trying to make a good, easy to follow guide without having to repeat significant parts unnecessarily. When trying to cover different porting methods according to different Halium versions, there are things that overlap and others that don't. Additionally, I am trying to write it in such a way as to make it easier to update when Mar 18 21:31:06 new Halium versions emerge. This is to some degree guesswork, of course. … Atm it appears easier to produce a clear guide by making it basically a standalone guide. … I wish to complete this draft and let those who should, read through it and judge. If the general sentiment t is that this is not the way to do it, I will make the desired changes. Mar 18 21:31:06 … Sound OK? Mar 18 21:31:49 [Edit] I'm trying to make a good, easy to follow guide without having to repeat significant parts unnecessarily. When trying to cover different porting methods according to different Halium versions, there are things that overlap and others that don't. Additionally, I am trying to write it in such a way as to make it easier to update when Mar 18 21:31:49 new Halium versions emerge. This is to some degree guesswork, of course. … Atm it appears easier to produce a clear guide by making it basically a standalone guide. … I wish to complete this draft and let those who should, read through it and judge. If the general sentiment is that this is not the way to do it, I will make the desired changes. … Mar 18 21:31:49 Sound OK? Mar 18 22:13:05 TheTroQ was added by: TheTroQ Mar 18 22:15:05 I'm back (TheKit should remember me coz he helped me a lot before on old removed acc) … Is the hallium project still not available for phones launched with a10? Mar 18 22:19:56 there are some experimental A10 devices Mar 18 22:20:01 which one do you have in mind? Mar 18 22:21:35 Well before I tried my best with nitrogen now I have surya but I bet it won't work due to dynamic nonsese xiaomi implemented on it launching it with a10 but it's worth asking ig Mar 18 22:21:53 you mean dynamic partitions? Mar 18 22:22:09 Yep Mar 18 22:22:26 they can be currently ignored if userdata is large enough Mar 18 22:22:33 just store vendor/etc as loopback images Mar 18 22:23:08 Well thats hopefull Mar 18 22:23:31 I have Poco M3 booting, but lot of basic things are broken as expected (yet camera works lol) Mar 18 22:25:39 Well surya aka poco X3 will probably have lot of things broken as well (it gives me flashbacks to nitrogen...) Mar 18 22:26:00 not really device-specific at the moment Mar 18 22:26:35 anyway see https://gitlab.com/ubports/community-ports/android10/xiaomi-poco-m3 if interested Mar 18 22:27:07 Well on x3 to get the screen to constantly run at 120hz it needed some workarounds to begin with so that's 1 thing that won't work 4 sure in my case Mar 18 22:27:15 @NotKit [anyway see https://gitlab.com/ubports/community-ports/android10/xiaomi-poco-m3 i …], OwO thanks Mar 18 22:29:41 R there any documentations for porting it over a10? Mar 18 22:35:48 @TheTroQ [R there any documentations for porting it over a10?], Or just go through commits ? Mar 18 22:38:37 basically see https://github.com/ubports/porting-notes/wiki/GitLab-CI-builds-for-devices-based-on-halium_arm64-(Halium-9) Mar 18 22:38:56 you need to build a kernel for your device, then produce bootimage with Halium ramdisk Mar 18 22:39:40 use https://ci.ubports.com/job/xenial-hybris-android9-android10-rootfs-arm64/ rootfs + systemimage from https://ci.ubports.com/job/UBportsCommunityPortsJenkinsCI/job/ubports%252Fcommunity-ports%252Fjenkins-ci%252Fgeneric_arm64/job/halium-10.0/ Mar 18 22:46:32 Remind me is this all still based on the usage of gsi ? Bcz surya won't boot any gsi's nomatter what Mar 18 22:48:57 [Edit] Remind me is this all still based on the usage of gsi ? Bcz surya won't boot any gsi's nomatter what as far as currently is known Mar 18 22:50:57 @NotKit [basically see https://github.com/ubports/porting-notes/wiki/GitLab-CI-builds-for …], So as far as I understand looking at this guide Mar 18 22:51:49 @NotKit [anyway see https://gitlab.com/ubports/community-ports/android10/xiaomi-poco-m3 i …], I need to adapt this for my device as far as I see the new build system now it isn't using the normal android build method Mar 18 22:51:59 Correct me if I'm worng **** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Mar 19 00:01:55 2021 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Mar 21 04:23:10 2021 Mar 21 07:20:11 @Lilrock [I've successfully completed the devices/setup command but, when I type `lunch` I …], are you porting halium 5 or 7 Mar 21 07:24:41 try "breakfast h815" (or whatever your codename is) Mar 21 07:24:51 or lunch h815 Mar 21 09:50:28 hı. how fix this kernel error? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/S3WKCMqxxz/ Mar 21 12:05:05 Liftuup was added by: Liftuup Mar 21 12:05:09 Hello Mar 21 12:05:16 How are you Mar 21 12:05:30 I have android samsung a750 Mar 21 12:05:49 Can i change to ubuntu Mar 21 12:05:59 Replace ou run dual? Mar 21 12:06:06 Thank you Mar 21 12:22:05 @Liftuup [I have android samsung a750], what? https://www.gsmarena.com/res.php3?sSearch=samsung+a750 I cannot find your device Mar 21 12:22:57 @Liftuup [I have android samsung a750], [Edit] Is it a7 2018? Mar 21 12:24:15 https://m.gsmarena.com/samsung_galaxy_a7_(2018)-9340.php Mar 21 12:24:22 Yes Mar 21 12:24:27 @just_carlod [Is it a7 2018?], Yes Mar 21 12:24:43 so it might be possible if you port it :) Mar 21 12:24:47 as always Mar 21 12:25:37 it comes with android 8 so you can build halium-boot and try ubuntu touch gsi Mar 21 12:27:58 @just_carlod [so it might be possible if you port it :)], Mean to connect on a desktop? Mar 21 12:28:22 @just_carlod [it comes with android 8 so you can build halium-boot and try ubuntu touch gsi], So i download on a pc and run it there? Mar 21 12:28:30 Sorry i am very novice Mar 21 12:28:57 @Liftuup [So i download on a pc and run it there?], no https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting Mar 21 12:30:31 porting means building ubuntu touch images spefic for your device Mar 21 12:30:46 [Edit] porting means building ubuntu touch images specific for your device Mar 21 12:35:21 @just_carlod [porting means building ubuntu touch images specific for your device], Not ubuntu touch images, rather halium. Mar 21 16:56:12 https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Vr9zGN9qZw/ hybris-boot kernel defconfig. ı install hybris-boot. device isnt booted Mar 21 16:56:36 where prblem defconfig? Mar 21 17:07:04 @RealTheHexagon [i was using the halium install script to install a rootfs for a samsung s5 klte, …], ... Mar 21 17:19:04 @RealTheHexagon [...], adb failed to detect device Mar 21 17:19:12 it's not really related to halium-install script Mar 21 17:19:19 check if you can adb push files when in TWRP Mar 21 17:29:10 I will, but how did heimdall work. IG it isn't really adb bcus download mode Mar 21 17:29:18 Because* Mar 21 17:29:39 @RealTheHexagon [I will, but how did heimdall work. IG it isn't really adb bcus download mode], heimdall is different Mar 21 17:29:45 @RealTheHexagon [I will, but how did heimdall work. IG it isn't really adb bcus download mode], [Edit] heimdall is different mode Mar 21 17:30:26 But why would adb stop working all of a sudden, host update? Mar 21 17:30:39 It worked before Mar 21 17:31:21 no idea here Mar 21 17:31:43 make sure phone is booted to TWRP when you try to use adb Mar 21 17:32:00 It was, but I'll try again Mar 21 17:32:06 Might have bugged Mar 21 17:57:32 it bugged out lol Mar 21 17:58:19 is ssh the same as telnet, or are they different Mar 21 18:01:39 this is why i am asking https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/884X8Xzh2K/ Mar 21 18:02:12 @NotKit [make sure phone is booted to TWRP when you try to use adb], adb bugged out Mar 21 18:55:46 @RealTheHexagon [this is why i am asking https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/884X8Xzh2K/], can someone help Mar 21 18:56:12 @RealTheHexagon [can someone help], telnet 23 Mar 21 18:56:48 I don't see if your host detected rndis device though Mar 21 18:58:05 @NotKit [telnet 23], i did that Mar 21 18:58:10 it timed out Mar 21 18:58:36 make sure you actually have network device detected Mar 21 18:58:39 what is your host OS? Mar 21 18:58:51 arch 😢 Mar 21 18:59:01 i have gotten network detection before Mar 21 18:59:03 for ssh Mar 21 18:59:07 could it be that you updated kernel and didn't reboot? Mar 21 18:59:09 and i got connected once Mar 21 18:59:23 i think i have rebooted but i will check Mar 21 18:59:38 lsmod | grep rndis_host Mar 21 19:00:08 [Edit] lsmod | grep rndis Mar 21 19:51:30 maverickjat21 was added by: maverickjat21 **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Mar 22 02:59:56 2021