**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Jan 09 02:59:57 2012 Jan 09 10:55:25 hi bluelightning Jan 09 10:55:33 hi ant_work Jan 09 10:55:49 how was your weekend? Jan 09 11:06:57 sorry, phone is always ringing this morinig... Jan 09 11:07:24 weekend was not bad, windy and sunny here in Italy Jan 09 11:08:31 just some minor disappointment wrt oe project ;) Jan 09 11:12:41 hi ppl Jan 09 11:12:48 * Jay7 is at home finally Jan 09 11:12:54 hi Jay7 Jan 09 11:26:40 ant_work: oh? what disappointed you especially? Jan 09 11:26:45 hi Jay7 Jan 09 12:08:57 well, I got somehow the feeling that people are satisfied with the status of meta-oe Jan 09 12:16:03 I'm not.. Jan 09 12:16:09 FWIW Jan 09 12:16:48 I see a strange inertia from the Angstrom and SHR maintainers lately Jan 09 12:24:20 it looks like someone feels personally injured when you ask to remove smthg from meta-oe Jan 09 12:25:02 and I'm not talking just about last thread about xserver-common Jan 09 12:25:27 the assumption is: I'd remove i when the one in oe-core will be better Jan 09 12:25:36 jeez, it is already better than old cruft! Jan 09 12:26:43 so, to nail it down, I can't understand why Koen or Martin haven't yet properly unified xserver Jan 09 12:27:51 and why haven't they proposed systemd for oe-core but just hinted, 'hey, our is bigger Jan 09 12:28:10 ...anyway... Jan 09 12:28:47 :) Jan 09 12:29:19 that's what I've talked some time ago.. layers are good from one side but very bad from other Jan 09 12:29:47 so instead of fixing things people are reinventing own wheel Jan 09 12:30:42 yes, but they can't expect us to search their distro layers to find the fixes Jan 09 12:30:48 so only thing I can propose is create own set of recipes in meta-hh.. Jan 09 12:31:32 in fact we have only klibc recipes in meta-oe. we could even create a meta-klibc layer and host libs + recipes Jan 09 12:32:04 as for xserver, I'll send a pull msg for oe-core wrt xinput and xinput calibrator Jan 09 12:32:12 and that should be all Jan 09 12:32:24 ah, wait, it is worst Jan 09 12:32:36 it looks like the gcc in meta-oe is 'beter' for armv5 Jan 09 12:32:43 :/ Jan 09 12:32:52 2 toolchains :/ Jan 09 12:34:30 yeah Jan 09 12:35:05 on eis even failing with QT iirc :) Jan 09 12:35:21 I suspect the one in meta-oe :] Jan 09 12:37:01 you see, it is now clear oe-core as a much wider base of professional testers Jan 09 12:37:22 it's just silly to duplicate the work in other layers... Jan 09 12:37:40 *has Jan 09 12:37:54 so people are creating own layer on top of oe-core for own work Jan 09 12:39:14 personally I think meta-oe should be split, it's trying to do too many things Jan 09 12:40:19 as I understand meta-oe is base for migration from oe-classic to oe-core + layers Jan 09 12:40:35 but nobody cares about recipes migration Jan 09 12:40:45 florian was sad about this Jan 09 12:40:49 what most people want is the additional recipes, but they get a lot of unexpected baggage with it Jan 09 12:41:10 Jay7: yes, is the base for that, to be able to build Angstrom images as console-image Jan 09 12:41:14 bluelightning: you as TSC member may change this :) Jan 09 12:41:15 Jay7: it's happening, slowly Jan 09 12:41:28 Jay7: I can propose it, as anyone can Jan 09 12:41:45 I may have a little more leverage now though :) Jan 09 12:41:59 sure :) Jan 09 12:42:02 what I deeply dislike are the copies of *libc and other toolchain bits Jan 09 12:42:09 this can be in -next Jan 09 12:42:16 or in -old Jan 09 12:42:32 people are frustrated imho Jan 09 12:42:42 yes, I knwo Jan 09 12:42:50 only a little bit as for me ;) Jan 09 12:42:52 we could use more help in moving things across though... Jan 09 12:43:21 ant_work: but some zaurus owners behind us are frustrated even more :) Jan 09 12:43:31 they have no stable builds from 2007.. Jan 09 12:44:27 I don't know what to suggest: packaging feeds are provided by the distro usually Jan 09 12:44:46 * bluelightning wonders if it's time for a handheld-focused distro again Jan 09 12:44:47 which one should we consciensciously suggest? Jan 09 12:45:07 or how you spell it Jan 09 12:45:30 I think that's correct spelling at least Jan 09 12:45:36 :] Jan 09 12:46:05 do Yocto provide any sort of feeds? Jan 09 12:46:17 *Yocto people Jan 09 12:46:18 yocto isn't a distro Jan 09 12:46:46 we don't aim to provide functional images, just ones for testing, and only for the reference machines Jan 09 12:47:16 s/functional/fully-functional/ Jan 09 12:48:27 we could easily upload some *images* on ltg but I fear the space for feeds will be short Jan 09 12:48:39 angstrom is no more focused on hh devices Jan 09 12:49:07 shr is more like that we need Jan 09 12:49:13 or sato Jan 09 12:50:21 I'll continue to test distroless fwiw, this is a pre-requisite imho Jan 09 12:55:37 btw, are tablet handhelds? Jan 09 13:09:59 should we start to aim at some tablets potentially running linux? Too many proprietary drivers? Jan 09 13:12:23 nvidia tegra Jan 09 13:13:09 mer and meego have support for some models Jan 09 13:14:23 anyway tablets have large screen and good hardware Jan 09 13:16:08 I dunno, I'd just like to have a distro that can accommodate all of the machines in meta-handheld when they are working Jan 09 13:16:31 some of those are stuck with older kernels, so cannot support systemd Jan 09 13:16:44 how we aims to all Z line + HP iPAQ's as I understand Jan 09 13:17:26 i.e. low memory and qvga/vga screen Jan 09 13:17:45 and little nand (if any) Jan 09 13:17:48 right Jan 09 13:17:56 makes sense Jan 09 13:18:36 s/how/now/ Jan 09 13:18:39 I was reading florian: morning, my kernel compiled and I have a nBkProOs.img Jan 09 13:19:00 btw Jan 09 13:19:18 jlime people aims similar machines Jan 09 13:19:28 hp jornada's and ben nanonote Jan 09 13:20:01 may be good idea to work together Jan 09 13:20:16 they have based on top of classic oe now Jan 09 13:20:32 I think the basic recipe set exists today, just is badly split around layers Jan 09 13:21:46 and for existing images, I started with core-image-sato but it's already too big for our purposes Jan 09 13:22:11 I don't know if the xserver vs. kdrive did inflate soo much.. Jan 09 13:22:17 can't think so Jan 09 13:22:42 I'd say that maybe the opie-image could be a good start point for users Jan 09 13:23:04 then an X image, but which? gpe? Jan 09 13:23:13 do opie have browser with JS now? Jan 09 13:24:01 I'm not against Angstrom and SHR fwiw, just did not test with oe-core Jan 09 13:24:50 jama is testing shr on his C3200 afaik Jan 09 13:26:17 I dislike the idea of 'setup-scripts' playing with my bblayers ;) Jan 09 13:30:53 Jay7: old konqueror had rudimentary js support but nothing that would be really useful in a modern context Jan 09 13:31:14 :( Jan 09 13:31:42 ant_work: gpe seems unmaintained unfortunately :/ Jan 09 13:31:57 I could be wrong but that's the impression I get Jan 09 13:33:25 heh Jan 09 13:34:15 opie is maintained but realistically there are things that will probably never get fixed; I can't imagine writing a new web browser for it for example Jan 09 13:35:15 in any case the trouble with these devices is they are really limited and most modern browsers are too memory and cpu-hungry for them Jan 09 13:35:43 sadly true Jan 09 13:39:29 someone suggested NetSurf as a possibility, of course you'd need to build a new UI around it Jan 09 13:42:18 ah, no javascript, that's a shame... Jan 09 14:06:06 I'd be satisfied with a media-player and some sort of mame at the beginning for a small user image Jan 09 14:06:54 as for pims, I guess people uses mobile phones nowadays Jan 09 14:11:44 ant_work: fbreader :) Jan 09 14:12:09 don't forget about it :) Jan 09 14:12:42 about web-browser, midori is good enough.. but I'm unsure how it will fit into our 64Mb RAM Jan 09 14:22:26 I've seen someone in oe-core has started some work about 'tiny' Jan 09 16:39:43 bluelightning: is dvhart on irc now and then? I'd liek to ask him about klibc & initramfs Jan 09 16:40:08 ant_work: he should be coming online soon if he's not around now Jan 09 16:40:32 great, thx Jan 09 16:41:29 he's also doing linux-yocto-tiny Jan 09 16:42:18 probably we could make converge his efforts with the ones of Peter Chubb Jan 09 16:42:39 and park our klibc stuff somewhere ;) Jan 09 16:44:27 I'm thinking we could decouple linux-kexecboot from zaurus image generation, so that the remaining bits should be very common with other handhelds Jan 09 16:44:39 just an idea Jan 09 16:46:37 so one should purposedly bitbake linux-kexecboot and/or zaurus-installer **** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Jan 10 02:59:58 2012