**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Aug 07 02:59:58 2013 Aug 07 09:14:34 bluelightning: there is smthg wrong with rebuild of some packages from sstate Aug 07 09:16:41 bluelightning: specifically I triggered the issue trying to build a package which wasn't previously built (klibc) when building from clean tmpdir (kept sstate only) Aug 07 09:17:09 had I built it before cleaning tmpdir, the build would probably have succeeded Aug 07 09:18:00 I'll do a quick test later today but then I'll be off for couple of weeks Aug 07 10:04:56 ant_work: ok Aug 07 10:06:17 you hinted about the ordering, respected during build fromscratch Aug 07 10:06:42 I guess there is a) some race b) some missing dep Aug 07 10:11:10 yep, that's likely Aug 07 10:12:14 basically you cannot be sure the sysroot is fully populated Aug 07 10:12:26 that's my guess Aug 07 10:14:12 so, say, I have to check the Depends: in the ipk are chaining correctly **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Aug 08 02:59:59 2013