**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Apr 26 03:00:02 2017 Apr 26 21:18:56 bluelightning, hi Apr 26 21:19:05 hi ant_home Apr 26 21:19:15 we discussed about tags here : http://logs.nslu2-linux.org/livelogs/kexecboot/kexecboot.20170313.txt Apr 26 21:19:25 see when you have some time Apr 26 21:19:33 yes, sorry, I need to do that Apr 26 21:19:44 yes, please :) Apr 26 21:19:49 will try to get to it this lunchtime Apr 26 21:20:34 and for the new release I have some patches in github/LinuxPDA Apr 26 21:20:50 I'll refresh the kernels Apr 26 21:21:09 4.11 was due on sunday but is delayed one week... Apr 26 21:22:37 ah, one more thing...because of tslib meta-handheld depends on meta-oe as well Apr 26 21:22:54 you should pls edit the README Apr 26 21:23:31 this is rather recent, only for the current release **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Apr 27 03:00:00 2017