**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Feb 21 02:59:57 2010 Feb 21 08:57:47 good morning Feb 21 09:04:53 nice blogpost Stskeeps :) *thumbs up* Feb 21 09:06:28 which one of them? Feb 21 09:07:09 the one about meego and maemo 6 and the n900 Feb 21 09:07:13 ah, yes Feb 21 09:07:41 oh that was a talk post, duh :S Feb 21 09:08:06 Stskeeps: where's your blog? (url) Feb 21 09:08:11 mer-project.blogspot.com Feb 21 09:08:20 th0br0: it was already hinted at in my blog :) Feb 21 09:08:30 :) Feb 21 09:18:44 it's so quiet in here nowadays :( Feb 21 09:18:53 but then, that's the weekend i guess Feb 21 09:19:16 yeah, or people need to rest after a hectic week Feb 21 09:19:21 true :) Feb 21 10:28:22 Morning, all Feb 21 10:30:19 morn jaffa Feb 21 10:43:09 morning ! Feb 21 10:58:40 moin Feb 21 10:58:46 dl9pf_ Feb 21 10:59:42 hi ScriptRipper! Feb 21 11:36:28 i may have accidently told some of my friends about this channel Feb 21 11:37:21 as long as they'll contribute.. Feb 21 11:37:21 :P Feb 21 11:38:31 does adding to the swear jar count? Feb 21 11:38:49 if it does not in any way contain the words "rpm" or "deb".. Feb 21 11:38:49 :P Feb 21 11:40:04 "windows"? Feb 21 11:40:26 I do get some fanboys who bitch about windows and erm, slag it off Feb 21 11:40:34 i duno how to reword that last bit Feb 21 11:41:26 two more brits Feb 21 11:42:41 one less... Feb 21 11:45:46 :P CosmoHill oh it will be funny to see them. after all, they'll be utterly defeated ;) Feb 21 11:46:13 * Stskeeps is spending some time reading up on .rpm Feb 21 11:46:21 so far i don't see any functionality difference in dpkg and rpm Feb 21 11:46:22 :P Feb 21 11:46:32 even some things that are easier with rpm Feb 21 11:46:38 i can imagine building tools around it with ease Feb 21 11:46:39 I did a race between dpkg and rpm Feb 21 11:46:57 Stskeeps: there isn't much afaik. at least no *big* difference to the average packager Feb 21 11:47:11 th0br0: well, reading "max rpm" book atm Feb 21 11:47:46 have fun :) i guess i should do sth similar if i want to help with the repository wg ... Feb 21 11:48:07 and i can already see features that are immensely useful for building tools with Feb 21 11:48:13 rpm -qa --queryformat for instance Feb 21 11:48:24 Stskeeps: I'VE BUILD RPMS Feb 21 11:48:30 and accidently pressed caps lock Feb 21 11:48:39 and misspelled built? ;) Feb 21 11:48:43 that too Feb 21 11:48:48 i don't know a shred of .spec, so it's time to learn Feb 21 11:48:49 I'm going for the high score Feb 21 11:48:58 Stskeeps: I'll help you Feb 21 11:49:02 http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs/Drafts/BuildingPackagesGuide - I learned with this, and I still thinnk it is a quite nice walkthrough of the basic stuff Feb 21 11:49:03 yeah Stskeeps :) it is easy though. feel free to ask Feb 21 11:49:19 muep: thanks Feb 21 11:49:23 muep: indeed, it's pretty useful. Feb 21 11:49:24 http://download.bluesquarelinux.co.uk/felix/SPECS/ << all the one's i've written Feb 21 11:49:31 there's a really nice learning curve on .spec authoring, yeah :) Feb 21 11:49:39 i'm thinking of a 'reading guide for future meego contributors' blog post so Feb 21 11:50:00 haha, they wouldn't pass fedora's "harsh" packaging guidelines CosmoHill Feb 21 11:50:10 probably not Feb 21 11:50:11 http://download.bluesquarelinux.co.uk/felix/SPECS/template.spec Feb 21 11:50:32 but ... i think that it would be good for meego to adapt at least *some* of the fedora packaging guidelines ... especially stuff like "no duplication of (system) libraries" should be important Feb 21 11:50:50 mwhahahah Feb 21 11:50:52 huh? Why would anyone duplicate libraries? Feb 21 11:51:15 why would 20 people suddenly leave the channel? Feb 21 11:51:24 they wouldn't Feb 21 11:51:27 netsplit Feb 21 11:51:27 thiago_home: there are quite a number of ... applications out there that got some (most times even non-changed) forks of some version of this library in their release packages against which they build. Feb 21 11:51:30 CosmoHill: netsplit Feb 21 11:52:15 let's say that someone wants Qt with rtti and another one with rtti Feb 21 11:52:42 if Qt is deployed with all features enabled, there's no reason to duplicate Feb 21 11:53:01 if however, the system version is arbitrarily crippled (like the PDF rendering engine being disabled), then I can understand Feb 21 11:53:07 thiago_home: even ABI incompatible build flag? Feb 21 11:53:17 but some software still includes (usually a bit smaller than Qt) libraries within their source trees Feb 21 11:53:20 IIRC rtti enabled/disabled changes the mangling Feb 21 11:53:26 or at least, it used to Feb 21 11:53:26 damien_l: no, it doesn't Feb 21 11:53:35 and sometimes the included library copies are modified Feb 21 11:53:38 thiago_home: that's true. Feb 21 11:53:47 the only thing that changes ABI is turning features off. Feb 21 11:53:50 and that's actually API Feb 21 11:54:49 well, in Qt, that is Feb 21 11:54:55 welcome back people of the night Feb 21 11:54:58 in other projects, it could happen, I see Feb 21 11:55:46 anyway, not duplicating libraries helps in security upgrades Feb 21 11:55:51 for example, zlib Feb 21 11:56:05 besides, given that our free space is rather limited, this should be a must imho Feb 21 11:56:15 yup Feb 21 11:56:16 when i said I made RPMS i never meantioned the quaility Feb 21 11:56:23 yeah thiago_home, that's part of fedora's idea behind that, too Feb 21 11:56:43 CosmoHill: no offense meant there, just some comparison ;) Feb 21 11:58:55 * CosmoHill blinks Feb 21 11:59:15 this episode is weird Feb 21 11:59:20 I'm wondering what I've missed Feb 21 11:59:32 what are you watching? Feb 21 11:59:34 Skins Feb 21 11:59:50 teen drama, duh Feb 21 12:00:05 however, The controversial plotline explores issues including narcissism, dysfunctional families, personality disorders, substance abuse, sexuality, teenage pregnancy, disability, suicide and death.... sounds interesting Feb 21 12:00:06 ;) Feb 21 12:00:22 dinner table sense, 10~12 year old boy wearing address and wants to "f##k" his older sister's girlfriend Feb 21 12:02:09 ^^ Feb 21 12:02:18 you from the uk? Feb 21 12:02:57 germany Feb 21 12:06:09 Stskeeps: at what time is that meeting on wednesday again? Feb 21 12:10:17 the community one or which one? Feb 21 12:11:26 CosmoHill: 'a dress', not 'address' Feb 21 12:12:13 realised that Feb 21 12:13:53 th0br0: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingtime.html?day=20&month=2&year=2010&p2=101&p3=224&p4=43&iv=0 Feb 21 12:14:01 thanks Stskeeps :) Feb 21 12:14:10 i will probably just be looking from the sideline as i'll go to polish classes at that hour :P Feb 21 12:17:05 oh :) Feb 21 12:17:17 where're you from? Feb 21 12:17:40 denmark, living in poland Feb 21 12:17:51 ah ok. Feb 21 12:18:00 tax's good here for contracting work ;) Feb 21 12:18:13 * RST38h moos approvingly Feb 21 12:18:23 and cost of food is 1/4th of danish :P Feb 21 12:24:58 there's just been a crash in the winter olimpics Feb 21 12:25:02 that is very scary Feb 21 12:25:40 countdown till it is on youtube.. Feb 21 12:29:49 it looks scary as hell Feb 21 12:31:24 technically they crossed the finish line Feb 21 12:31:34 [citation needed, bw] Feb 21 12:31:35 btw Feb 21 12:33:17 corner 13 too Feb 21 12:33:42 who crashed? Feb 21 12:33:53 canada Feb 21 12:36:46 lol, speed skating refs Feb 21 12:36:51 ice skates + suit = lol Feb 21 12:37:37 huh? gotta find some yt vid of that Feb 21 12:38:02 * leinir much preffers the suits the rubbers wear... :) Feb 21 12:38:56 i duno if what i am watching is live or not Feb 21 12:39:04 were you talking about the luge crash? Feb 21 12:39:06 it says highlights so i don't think so Feb 21 12:39:10 th0br0: yes Feb 21 12:39:15 ah no that was 6 days ago Feb 21 12:39:16 no Feb 21 12:39:16 he died. Feb 21 12:39:22 2 man bobslide Feb 21 12:39:25 huh, ok. Feb 21 12:39:39 rip that guy Feb 21 12:53:45 moblin doesn't support nvidia, joy Feb 21 12:53:55 or ati Feb 21 12:54:07 i know :( Feb 21 12:55:44 i tried the ubuntu moblin remix, managed to install the nvidia driversw and the UI broke Feb 21 12:56:47 which NVidia drivers, the proprietary ? Feb 21 12:57:01 yep Feb 21 12:57:11 the moblin panel seems to be broken Feb 21 12:57:14 hold on Feb 21 12:57:27 http://black-flag.co.uk/files/broken-ubuntumolbin.jpg Feb 21 12:57:56 indeed, does look broken Feb 21 12:58:18 if you put in a memory stick the file manager will pop out Feb 21 12:58:21 up* Feb 21 12:58:27 and you can open videos Feb 21 12:58:43 but it's like taking away the start button from windows Feb 21 13:00:28 also it's a nightmare to install the drivers Feb 21 13:37:15 okay, .spec actually looks easy and sane Feb 21 13:37:43 :) Feb 21 13:38:15 i personally steal fedora's src.rpm files when i need help Feb 21 13:39:08 :) CosmoHill Feb 21 13:39:16 Stskeeps: use for a version of mud? Feb 21 13:39:21 Stskeeps: yay! now we should start calling you rpmmaster ;P Feb 21 13:39:29 th0br0: i'm not debmaster, thank god :P Feb 21 13:39:40 ...to easily speccify upstream tarballs etc Feb 21 13:39:41 x-fade was, right? Feb 21 13:39:45 nop, jeremiah Feb 21 13:39:54 x-fade is debmaster and head of the team Feb 21 13:39:55 err.. Feb 21 13:39:56 web Feb 21 13:39:58 webmaster :P Feb 21 13:40:03 i can read a spec file and understand it Feb 21 13:40:05 duh, too many names ... not ... able ... to ... fit ... into ... brain ;) Feb 21 13:40:09 yeah CosmoHill Feb 21 13:40:21 made a basic distro with them Feb 21 13:52:45 on a sidenote, 'alien' is kinda cool Feb 21 13:53:04 i took a moblin/meego package and it fixes my dependancies automatically to match debian ones Feb 21 13:54:08 th0br0, just print out the wiki page. ;) Feb 21 13:54:19 ;) GeneralAntilles Feb 21 13:54:42 i wonder if it will shut up the discussion if i try to take entire moblin, convert into debian packages :P Feb 21 13:54:54 don't do it! Feb 21 13:55:00 besides, there already is ubuntu-moblin Feb 21 13:55:05 which should have the packages already Feb 21 13:55:17 * CosmoHill shakes fist at ubuntu-moblin Feb 21 14:02:10 stats.bluesquarelinux.co.uk Feb 21 14:02:13 :) Feb 21 14:02:41 * CosmoHill watches Prince Mononoke Feb 21 14:13:06 CosmoHill: Princess! Feb 21 14:13:26 aww, thank you Feb 21 14:13:34 :p Feb 21 14:34:02 zchydem: did you btw notice if uiemo/orbit 'needs' GL(ES)? Feb 21 14:37:14 Stskeeps, what do you mean by "means"? It should paint via QPainter, right? Feb 21 14:37:47 you mean needs - I saw that DUI requires at least GLES support, but i'm unsure if orbit does Feb 21 14:40:40 Stskeeps, I was told that Orbit have Qt as the only dependency. Haven't verified, though. Feb 21 14:40:42 DUI does not paint via QPainter but with direct GL call AFAIK Feb 21 14:41:09 Terje1: okay - that was what i was trying to find out :) Feb 21 14:43:36 Stskeeps, this http://developer.symbian.org/wiki/images/c/c0/SF230409_Technical_Solution_Description_Orbit.pdf also verifies that they use QPainter. Implicitly (through performance) it requires require at least OpenvG. Feb 21 14:43:47 :nod: Feb 21 14:45:18 openvg could be interesting as we just gained that on n8x0 :) Feb 21 14:45:42 Stskeeps, start coding then. Feb 21 14:46:06 Stskeeps, some new driver for N8x0? Feb 21 14:46:21 Terje1: yes, TI finally released the MBX driver (GLES1.1 and OpenVG) for OMAP2 Feb 21 14:46:29 it doesn't render nicely but to a buffer it should be fine Feb 21 14:53:31 TI = texus instruments? Feb 21 14:55:44 yes Feb 21 14:55:53 well Texas Feb 21 16:03:29 hi Feb 21 16:04:13 i have a question : will Meego run on desktop pc with nvidia card ? And on a netbook with a poulsbo chipset ? Feb 21 16:04:49 (with intel cpu) Feb 21 16:05:01 it aims at x86 and arm. we have got no further information afaik Feb 21 16:05:09 ok Feb 21 16:05:18 in the end, as it uses x.org, it should run with that nvidia card Feb 21 16:05:42 yup but moblin didn't, although it used xorg... Feb 21 16:06:00 :) idk. you'll have to see how things turn out. Feb 21 16:06:30 i'm trying to build a meego image with instruction provided on madeo's page Feb 21 16:06:37 but the process seems long Feb 21 16:06:53 you can't really do that yet i think... Feb 21 16:07:00 what "madeo's page" are you referring to, the wiki page? Feb 21 16:07:07 www.madeo.co.uk Feb 21 16:07:25 that's moblin right now though Feb 21 16:07:36 and on an n900, will it run ? :) Feb 21 16:08:13 so there is a "unofficial" moblin 2.2 build ? Feb 21 16:08:47 th0br0: does rpm and whatever apt replacement support 'pinning'? (prefer a version from a repo even if another repo has another later ver) Feb 21 16:09:03 what do you call pinning ? Feb 21 16:10:01 ho Feb 21 16:10:12 you can explicitly exclude packages but no pinning as such according to http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-1034.html Feb 21 16:10:18 bt that might have changed Feb 21 16:10:21 i know that zypper has this capabilities, and it is rpm based Feb 21 16:10:34 but i dont know if it's yum case Feb 21 16:11:07 <[Rui]> Will it work on devices that don't have a proprietarily accelerated graphics card? Feb 21 16:11:31 * [Rui] . o O ( and crawling isn't on my dictionary for "work" ) :) Feb 21 16:12:00 Stskeeps: rather ask the yum author Feb 21 16:12:16 k Feb 21 16:12:24 http://yum.baseurl.org/ Feb 21 16:13:15 i think meego should run on nvidia because of the ION platform Feb 21 16:14:30 CosmoHill but moblin didnt work on nvidia, even with ION platform Feb 21 16:14:36 that's why i'm asking Feb 21 16:14:54 meego will run on the N900 ... it just might have no fast video drivers, no phone and terrible battery life (i.e. the non-free issues from maemo) Feb 21 16:14:55 meego is more than just mobin Feb 21 16:15:01 the xorg server did launch, but the clutter interface was "blank" Feb 21 16:15:02 <[Rui]> CosmoHill: nvidia now has free drivers? Feb 21 16:15:19 probably not Feb 21 16:16:02 it seems there is a conflict between nvidia binarie driver and clutter-glx Feb 21 16:16:22 at least on moblin, the gnome shell work perfectly on classic distro Feb 21 16:16:28 bfree: i am not worried. ofono runs on mer, battery management is possible through asking nicely.. video drivers maybe Feb 21 16:17:02 hi Feb 21 16:17:17 as for ION, when Nvidia release good free drivers it should be supported by Meego, until then "someone" will have to convince NVidia to release suitable drivers :-p allegedly nouveau has improved rapidly recently (so 2.6.33+ with the next xorg _might_ work well enough for meego with some chips) Feb 21 16:17:39 bfree there is no hope that nvidia release free driver Feb 21 16:17:56 it's their policy Feb 21 16:18:13 but nouveau seems quite promising nowadays Feb 21 16:18:28 even though nvidia refuses to help them Feb 21 16:18:38 it's still 5x slower that official binaries Feb 21 16:19:00 and it doesnt support cuda/vdpau/opencl... Feb 21 16:19:01 yes, but some hw opengl acceleration is a lot better than no hw opengl acceleration Feb 21 16:19:02 vlj: I wouldn't say never ever, but it looks decade(s) away at best at the moment ;-) odds are meego won't exist by the time NVidia release Free drivers :-p Feb 21 16:20:00 i agree ;) Feb 21 16:20:13 clutter and compositing stuff should work just fine with even a bit simplistic driver Feb 21 16:20:19 <[Rui]> vlj: it's been already more than a decade without any nvidia support, I've given up waiting for them years ago and generally boycott nvidia Feb 21 16:20:29 Stskeeps: ofono + N900 + 2.6.32 (or 33) can make calls? Feb 21 16:20:59 bfree: User:jebba on wiki.maemo.org has some interesting results Feb 21 16:21:00 * muep too avoids nvidia solutions Feb 21 16:21:36 i don't think it worths to boycott nvidia solutions because of lack of free driver Feb 21 16:21:45 i prefer good binary driver as very crappy free one Feb 21 16:21:47 ... Feb 21 16:21:53 I bought a netbook with poulsbo Feb 21 16:22:10 and there is almost no driver from intel for this chips Feb 21 16:22:51 I did not ditch windows just to get stuck with another proprietary software vendor Feb 21 16:23:20 and there are a lot better alternatives than poulsbo for nvidia GPUs Feb 21 16:23:27 yes i know Feb 21 16:23:50 but this is really ashaming that intel forget support for one of its gpu Feb 21 16:24:26 AMD/Ati has both free driver support and a higher performance proprietary driver Feb 21 16:24:32 on the first hand, they do a lot for kernel programming, they add feature Feb 21 16:24:52 I currently prefer them, even though the Catalyst driver is quite horrible in some ways Feb 21 16:24:55 on the other hand they sell hardware with a driver working with only one revision of the kernel Feb 21 16:25:15 <[Rui]> vlj: I try to boycott PowerVR cards too :) Feb 21 16:25:27 <[Rui]> vlj: playing nice has provenly not worked with nvidia Feb 21 16:25:40 vlj: Catalyst does not support Linux, they support a few specific distros :-( Feb 21 16:25:52 <[Rui]> vlj: intel's poulsbo isn't intel's, it's owerVR's := Feb 21 16:26:03 yep but it's intel branded Feb 21 16:26:29 i mean, i don't care if it's intel or powervr fault Feb 21 16:26:35 i just want working driver on linux Feb 21 16:26:51 <[Rui]> vlj: I guess you'll just have to wait for your grand kids :) Feb 21 16:27:08 and i think that intel should put some pressure on powervr Feb 21 16:27:25 or release they "gallium 3D special driver" they advertised some times ago Feb 21 16:27:53 muep: catalyst drivers work for me on gentoo. i doubt that's one of the blessed distros Feb 21 16:28:33 arachnist: of course they happen to work on many other distros Feb 21 16:29:24 arachnist: but for example, there is still no working Catalyst release for Fedora 12, which AFAIR was released in November 2009 Feb 21 16:30:25 video driver are really very capricious piece of software Feb 21 16:31:03 usually a working driver for Fedora seems to get released roughly when the next Ubuntu is released Feb 21 16:31:32 by the way how will meego work on phone ? they all have powervr gpu Feb 21 16:31:51 if you use non-free drivers you are stuck depending on the non-free provider for choosing the software (kernel and userspace) you can use with it Feb 21 16:31:52 which is about four to five months after the Fedora release, and only a couple of months before the next one, which will then end up unsupported for months Feb 21 16:32:50 fortunately, starting from F12, we have free opengl drivers for most ATI hardware, excluding only the latest generation Feb 21 16:33:26 <[Rui]> muep: I had to fight a lot, generally disably kms, in order to get this laptop's ati card working Feb 21 16:33:37 I had to install Fedora :-) Feb 21 16:33:43 Radeon HD3650 Feb 21 16:33:53 <[Rui]> muep: Fedora 12 was a PITA here while last 3 Ubuntu's had working 3D with the free drivers. Feb 21 16:34:14 vlj: so that means you are depending on powervr or nokia or someone to release a non-free driver for Meego for the powervr to use it on those "phones" ... or you stick with any primitive Free drivers that support the powervr (so how will meego "work" on non accelerated hardware and could you live with it) Feb 21 16:34:39 it is still quite new code, but the Catalyst issues are gradually getting less relevant Feb 21 16:34:58 i think that there is no way to have meego on non accelerated hardware Feb 21 16:35:15 moblin doesnt play well with unaccelerated hardware Feb 21 16:35:24 at least Ubuntu 9.10 still uses a lot older graphics driver code, without KMS or DRI2, for example Feb 21 16:35:50 <[Rui]> vlj: I'm hoping http://www.aavamobile.com/ is more open than what the site would lead one to think. Feb 21 16:36:11 <[Rui]> vlj: it's definitly not as open as the Ben Nanonote, but then it does a lot more too :) Feb 21 16:36:29 <[Rui]> vlj: aava seems a lot of talk without walk. Feb 21 16:40:48 * CosmoHill stabs netgear Feb 21 16:43:14 * netgear stabs CosmoHill Feb 21 16:45:24 * CosmoHill blinks Feb 21 16:51:04 i swear ubunutu moblin will crash at the drop of a hat] Feb 21 16:51:28 CosmoHill, dont drop your hat then Feb 21 17:06:51 http://www.madeo.co.uk/?p=87 Feb 21 17:06:56 i might give this ago Feb 21 17:08:14 oh and it seems that mutter is part of clutter Feb 21 17:10:21 mutter is a WM that uses Xcomposite and Clutter Feb 21 17:49:55 * CosmoHill growls Feb 21 17:50:05 select username, enter password, watch X restart Feb 21 18:32:37 could someone give me the moblin boot configuration? Feb 21 18:55:07 got it Feb 21 18:55:16 need to use gfxpayload=current Feb 21 19:01:08 mmm, rpm Feb 21 19:10:11 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMwlchuqsXo Feb 21 19:10:55 that's what? Feb 21 19:11:08 MER on n900 with LXDE Feb 21 19:11:28 ah, no news Feb 21 19:11:48 i think my video is cooler :P Feb 21 19:14:15 hmm, nvidia can't find the kernel source Feb 21 19:23:51 * CosmoHill dances Feb 21 19:23:58 moblin with nvidia :D Feb 21 19:24:38 oh you've got to me shiting me Feb 21 19:26:03 Stskeeps: New video? Feb 21 19:27:43 no, some user Feb 21 19:28:40 Stskeeps: "my video" Feb 21 19:42:54 if i recompile xorg, do i need to recompile clutter? Feb 21 19:49:38 why would you? Feb 21 19:49:52 the lib and the protocol are stable Feb 21 19:50:13 i got xorg working with nvidia Feb 21 19:50:22 but part of the panel crashes Feb 21 19:52:48 moin moin Feb 21 19:53:44 moin Feb 21 19:55:11 i like that here someone snack platt Feb 21 19:55:50 has meego a localization for the platt language? Feb 21 19:56:21 :) Feb 21 19:56:22 the what language? Feb 21 19:56:50 a kind of german Feb 21 19:59:49 no probs with me Stskeeps Feb 21 19:59:52 (moblin-panel-media:951): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: Feb 21 20:00:31 meego and maemo is way too close in spelling when you're sleepy Feb 21 20:00:31 :P Feb 21 20:02:07 :P Stskeeps Feb 21 20:03:02 the problem is, that the translation german-platt (or english-platt) is not good word by word Feb 21 20:03:50 how do i find out the xorg display so i can start something from the command line Feb 21 20:03:59 the people in northern germany that speaks platt spek not many words and have short phrases Feb 21 20:05:29 some examles (english-german-platt) Feb 21 20:05:51 good morging-guten morgen-moin Feb 21 20:06:13 good afternoon-guten abend-moin Feb 21 20:06:35 good night-gute nacht-moin Feb 21 20:06:48 hello-hallo-moin Feb 21 20:06:59 understand my problem? Feb 21 20:11:22 the other problem is, that sometimes the words speak to a man is different to the women in the same situation Feb 21 20:12:35 a friend come in my house: speak to a man: kümm rin, snack di ut. and to the woman: kümm rin, treck di ut. Feb 21 20:15:49 * CosmoHill sighs Feb 21 20:15:52 so much fail :( Feb 21 20:16:42 akkimoto: platt isn't really german anyways :P Feb 21 20:17:30 * CosmoHill stabs nvidia Feb 21 20:18:18 istern yes, platt is (i think) a own language with influences of english, danish an german Feb 21 20:30:10 Tomorrow's mwkn.net issue is a "MeeGo special" Feb 21 20:30:54 yay Feb 21 20:40:01 hm Feb 21 20:46:52 ok i have mock working, now i just need a config file for moblin... Feb 21 20:47:14 nvidia hates me Feb 21 20:47:27 Jaffa: will bolsh be writing that mwkn.net issue tomorrow ? Feb 21 20:47:50 CosmoHill: aww poor you Feb 21 20:49:23 every time i install the nvidia graphics driver the moblin UI breaks Feb 21 20:53:28 You followed brendans guide ? Feb 21 20:54:21 http://www.madeo.co.uk/?p=87 Feb 21 20:55:18 yeah Feb 21 20:55:49 i followed that but with the current driver Feb 21 20:56:16 bye everyone, ttyl Feb 21 20:56:21 bye Feb 21 20:56:40 I never tried it myself Feb 21 20:59:42 i knew somethign was missing Feb 21 20:59:51 the music icon Feb 21 21:00:29 slaine_: ? Feb 21 21:00:54 the mwkn.net MeeGo issue you mentioned Feb 21 21:00:59 Is Dave Neary doing it ? Feb 21 21:01:21 slaine_: Oh, I didn't recognise the nick of "bolsh" since he goes by "dneary" in Maemo circles. Feb 21 21:01:28 ah right Feb 21 21:01:35 slaine_: No, he's not. Feb 21 21:01:36 I know him from his ilug days Feb 21 21:17:26 fecking wifi Feb 21 21:17:35 hehe Feb 21 21:17:42 wifi card or router? Feb 21 21:18:50 router Feb 21 21:18:56 netgear? Feb 21 21:18:57 went down twice last week Feb 21 21:19:31 hmmm, linksys I think, the wrt54gs Feb 21 21:20:42 i'm thinking of getting a linksys Feb 21 21:21:05 I've had it for years, it's mostly great Feb 21 21:21:23 our adsl connection sucks Feb 21 21:21:33 it holds on to it for too long Feb 21 21:45:29 Jaffa: just looking at the python proto-thread.... and it's a good question. Where is meego's python-libs and perl-libs ? Feb 21 22:01:00 http://www.genesi-usa.com/products Feb 21 22:01:06 meego would be great for these Feb 21 22:13:16 CosmoHill, cortex a8 and 512 MB of memory sounds light for a netbook though Feb 21 22:13:20 ...and I don't just say that because of my employer :) Feb 21 22:13:42 MS? :p Feb 21 22:13:53 ha Feb 21 22:13:54 ha Feb 21 22:14:09 oh, can i lol at people who ask if an ARM based laptop can run windows XP / vista Feb 21 22:14:48 there is a reason that crapbook came with windows CE Feb 21 22:22:37 i wonder, if meego can run on netbooks, can it run on older PC hardware? Feb 21 22:22:56 lbt: no idea. /me hopes the PyMaemo team would be involved/contacted Feb 21 22:30:55 CosmoHill, why not, but I'm guessing the default WM(s) are going to require 3D acceleration Feb 21 22:33:23 http://www.flickr.com/photos/29844928@N07/4368522936/sizes/l/in/set-72157623336807855/ Feb 21 22:33:26 sweet Feb 21 22:35:29 and the default build requires ssse3 Feb 21 22:37:56 or meego? Feb 21 22:39:21 * CosmoHill reads up on ssse3 Feb 21 22:42:52 why does it require ssse3 and not sse3? Feb 21 22:45:31 ssse3 is awesomer Feb 21 22:45:37 and atom has it Feb 21 22:46:37 reading about the atom, the chipset seems to use more power than the processor Feb 21 22:47:10 more and more of the chipset functionality is moving inside the processor Feb 21 22:47:36 like the RAM controller Feb 21 22:48:41 and GPU Feb 21 22:49:08 ah yes, Nvidia ION Feb 21 22:49:15 I think the situation is a bit better with the newer atoms that are more of a SOC design Feb 21 22:54:58 pinetrail is a ton better Feb 21 23:02:34 i don't like the way netbooks seem to be moving towards low powered small laptops Feb 21 23:02:49 moving towrads? Feb 21 23:02:51 towards* Feb 21 23:02:59 I think that was their intention, no? Feb 21 23:03:17 what should they be moving towards? Feb 21 23:03:22 i mean they are getting bigger and having hard drives Feb 21 23:03:48 like the 9" dell with 8GB / 16GB SSD is now a 10" with a 160GB hard drive Feb 21 23:04:38 it's been at 10" for some time now though Feb 21 23:06:37 i also get annoyed when people wonder why they can't play games on them Feb 21 23:07:02 I mean it's an intel atom ffs, it can't play crysis Feb 21 23:07:08 poor little netbook Feb 21 23:07:38 you can always play nethack just fine ;) Feb 21 23:08:08 hehe Feb 21 23:08:26 that reminds me, i have to make a text based RPG game for my assignment Feb 21 23:15:20 * CosmoHill shakes his fist at his 100Mhz FSB Feb 21 23:16:56 * lcuk uses a pencil to downclock to CosmoHill to 66mhz Feb 21 23:17:45 if it was that easy I've go up to 133Mhz and get a nice 1Ghz VIA Feb 21 23:18:24 irc is a great multi player RPG Feb 21 23:18:58 meego level was just unlocked a few days ago ;) Feb 21 23:19:00 after i get my grades back you guys could see my source code if you wanted Feb 21 23:19:05 that reminds me, i need to setup svn Feb 21 23:19:15 why not git Feb 21 23:19:17 hehe Feb 21 23:19:30 i understand the versions in svn more Feb 21 23:19:38 heh Feb 21 23:19:46 actually, all i should do is a changelog with dates Feb 21 23:20:00 i like the web interface in git and also gitk and stuff Feb 21 23:21:05 i just thought, i could have 2 x 1.4Ghz VIA C3 processors in my dell Feb 21 23:32:45 hmm Feb 21 23:33:28 with ubuntu 9.10 I was getting all sorts of ata messages out in dmesg, but moblin is silent Feb 21 23:33:28 i think my server would be improved by the via padlock Feb 21 23:33:40 * microlith wonders what's different Feb 21 23:34:01 it would improve ssh performace Feb 21 23:34:12 hardware AES? Feb 21 23:34:16 yep Feb 21 23:34:31 some of the newer core chips from intel have AES acceleration stuff Feb 21 23:34:47 that'll probably be pretty common soon Feb 21 23:34:47 my server is a P3 copermine Feb 21 23:34:52 poky Feb 21 23:35:09 low power :) Feb 21 23:35:13 yeah Feb 21 23:35:23 57w typical Feb 21 23:35:23 well, not terribly Feb 21 23:35:46 o_o doubles as a room heater too Feb 21 23:35:54 that's more than some recent i5/i7 mobile chips Feb 21 23:35:55 lol Feb 21 23:36:10 not that I can talk, if my thinkpad's power supply hadn't gone out I'd be using it too Feb 21 23:36:51 lcuk: it has a 80mm nochaua fan Feb 21 23:37:05 nice, full air conditioning support then Feb 21 23:37:23 couldn't run it with the 40mm, way to loud Feb 21 23:37:31 does it have a humidifier? Feb 21 23:37:34 http://www.kustompcs.co.uk/acatalog/info_2572.html Feb 21 23:37:41 no? Feb 21 23:38:03 awww shucks Feb 21 23:41:22 CosmoHill, im actively trying to remove all the spinning magnetic domains in my room due to noise Feb 21 23:41:39 magnetic domains? Feb 21 23:41:43 its in the background so much its like im on a starship Feb 21 23:41:46 yeah motors Feb 21 23:41:53 ah Feb 21 23:41:53 fans/drives Feb 21 23:42:03 * arjan suggests good ssds Feb 21 23:42:05 they ROCK Feb 21 23:42:08 first week with my server in my room took me a while Feb 21 23:42:14 yeah arjan Feb 21 23:42:20 arjan: but I'm a mortal, i can't afford them Feb 21 23:42:32 CosmoHill, my n900 has 32gb Feb 21 23:42:36 hell, toping up the car was a shock Feb 21 23:43:07 $74 USD for a full tank Feb 21 23:43:23 what kind of tank is that.. Feb 21 23:43:29 45L Feb 21 23:43:32 use alternative sources of fuel Feb 21 23:43:40 but as with all advice, your mileage may vary Feb 21 23:44:31 It's just silly how far ahead the intel first generation SSDs were of everything else, and then intel comes out with g2 and slashed price.. It's just brutal :-) Feb 21 23:45:33 http://cosmo1847.co.uk/?page=server Feb 21 23:45:36 here's my server specs Feb 21 23:45:44 you can also read a little about me Feb 21 23:47:10 heh, I threw out my P3 and replaced it with a Intel D945GCLF2 board (dual core atom 330) Feb 21 23:47:32 i was pondering that Feb 21 23:48:10 There's a newer board from intel available now, with the memory controller and GPU integrated into the processor Feb 21 23:48:35 It seems to be fanless too... Although I don't think anyone's D945GCLF2's fan lasted more than a month or two anyway :) Feb 21 23:48:56 http://black-flag.co.uk/files/server/DSC_0284.JPG Feb 21 23:49:20 yes, that is a 80mm fan mounted onto the hard drives Feb 21 23:50:18 The 5000-ish rpm drives from WD and Samsung are both cheap and quiet :) Feb 21 23:50:22 not as quiet as SSD, of course.. Feb 21 23:50:26 and cool Feb 21 23:51:17 they seem cool Feb 21 23:51:26 i think they came out after i got mine Feb 21 23:52:20 i bought the two best fans to try out Feb 21 23:52:48 the brown one is better than the white Feb 21 23:56:53 ShadowJK: recently i bought 6 samsung drives. 5 of them died within first 3 days Feb 21 23:57:08 ShadowJK: 1.5TB ones Feb 21 23:57:20 got seagates as a replacement Feb 21 23:57:58 After the seagate firmware fail I've started backing up to a drive from another manufacturer Feb 21 23:58:07 well Feb 21 23:58:09 so I have a mix of sg, samsung and wd Feb 21 23:58:21 those seagates are in raidz2 Feb 21 23:58:42 so 2 of them can die before i actually lose data Feb 21 23:59:15 i ended up with about 7 samsung spinpoiints Feb 21 23:59:25 The fun thing about that seagate firmware failure was that the drives would fail when a counter reached a certain value, so in raid situations where the drives were powered on/off at the same time and had run for approximately similar lengths of time, it was very common to see all the drives in the raid array fail at the same time :) Feb 21 23:59:28 i would have more if my supplier did them in 7600rpm Feb 22 00:00:29 ShadowJK: well, important data of them is backed up to a mirror of hitachi drives on a different pc Feb 22 00:00:49 (yay for zfs send/zfs recv and incremental backups) Feb 22 00:01:29 my server has one 200GB ATA and two 500GB SATA RAID 1 Feb 22 00:02:04 ShadowJK: for a very, very strange definition of "fun" :p Feb 22 00:02:14 microlith :) Feb 22 00:03:10 microlith, some russians eventually reverse engineered the diagnostic port on the seagate drives and found a way to talk to the controller and "fix" it.. it involved booting the board without the drive connected, then hot-connecting the drive and executing some strange incantations in the drive board's OS :) Feb 22 00:03:10 it's funny if it's not your array Feb 22 00:03:27 ShadowJK: now that's cool, if a bit scary Feb 22 00:04:27 speaking of diagnostic ports, if no one else is going to do it I should borrow some equipment at work and find out which of the pads in the battery compartment go to the serial port Feb 22 00:08:41 is it weird that I'm talking to you on one laptop and watching a video on another? Feb 22 00:08:56 no Feb 22 00:09:04 I'm also in bed Feb 22 00:09:05 I have four monitors facing me Feb 22 00:09:35 CosmoHill: stop there, too much info already ;-) Feb 22 00:09:46 I'm watching a comedy show btw Feb 22 00:12:50 is anybody here ? Feb 22 00:12:57 no Feb 22 00:13:04 they went to the pub Feb 22 00:13:13 but they all have smart phones so they are here Feb 22 00:13:17 ok Feb 22 00:13:19 i'm azt the pub Feb 22 00:13:21 gaga Feb 22 00:13:24 sqok Feb 22 00:13:26 oops Feb 22 00:13:36 i had a dream Feb 22 00:13:49 does it invole meego on a powerbook? Feb 22 00:14:04 in fact i saw time after time that phones were starting from sort of html ui Feb 22 00:14:25 and then they began to start using flash for smoothie effects Feb 22 00:14:39 everybody agrees this fact ? Feb 22 00:14:57 flash is evil Feb 22 00:15:03 true Feb 22 00:15:08 thats the point of my dream Feb 22 00:15:14 ah Feb 22 00:15:17 yep Feb 22 00:15:23 flash doesn't even run well on my laptop Feb 22 00:15:32 do you know about new possibilities with html5 ? Feb 22 00:15:51 jacquesdupontd, back to your dream Feb 22 00:16:06 most people dont normally specify versions in dream sequences ;) Feb 22 00:16:11 they did really great stuff in order to avoid flash Feb 22 00:16:20 haha Feb 22 00:16:49 tho ive been told i discuss code in sleep Feb 22 00:17:12 that way im thinking there's a really really good opportunity comming back to simple html ui's that are able to be as beautiful as flash ui's and a lot lot lot less powerneeding Feb 22 00:17:48 i'm like tesla, i'm lucid drreams where i build things and repair them and then when i wake up i just build it perfectly Feb 22 00:18:04 dreams=dreamer Feb 22 00:18:53 cool, what sort of stuff have you built? Feb 22 00:19:29 i just follow ideas i have, sometimes as im dropping off to sleep i have to make notes Feb 22 00:19:30 no but seriously there's a good oportunity to crash that flash s.... and get back to easy and beautiful ui's that are not taking by themself half of the device power Feb 22 00:19:52 im being serious, what sort of stuff have you built! Feb 22 00:20:00 i understand what you are saying perfectly Feb 22 00:20:13 one suggestion; don't irc-sleep ;-) Feb 22 00:20:21 that's worse than irc-while-drunk Feb 22 00:20:27 and you can't disagree that fact, today's ui, i mean the most beautiful ones aren't enought intuitive to be built to that point Feb 22 00:20:46 nah i just took drugs Feb 22 00:20:47 rendering engine for the n810 and 900 http://www.youtube.com/user/lcukmaemo#p/a/u/2/7hGUKICDeok Feb 22 00:20:50 http://blog.rburchell.com/2010/02/pyside-tutorial-model-view-programming_22.html <- another new tutorial on Qt development in python, if anyone is interested Feb 22 00:20:57 no seriously for now i didn't do anythings Feb 22 00:21:02 irc sleep? Feb 22 00:21:15 i'm simply suggesting cause i'm bulding a tabletcomputer Feb 22 00:22:25 and i'm at the software state, i'm trying many of those existing , including moblin, those mid ubuntu distrib, mer, etc... and my choice was to make a device better than a netbook Feb 22 00:22:28 that reminds me Feb 22 00:22:39 i thought the ipad was going to take out the modbook Feb 22 00:22:49 Does anybody object to the Who's Who page being groups more meaningfully and alphabetized? Feb 22 00:22:51 but the ipad is just an upsaled ipod touch Feb 22 00:23:00 cause i dont like when things are just "Working" i want them to run fast Feb 22 00:23:04 GeneralAntilles: sounds good to me Feb 22 00:23:10 jacquesdupontd, what the video Feb 22 00:23:15 watch even Feb 22 00:23:16 GeneralAntilles: go wild Feb 22 00:23:22 * lcuk should irc sleep Feb 22 00:23:40 lol GeneralAntilles Feb 22 00:23:43 if I'm on IRC i'm normally awake Feb 22 00:23:59 however in the summer i normally fall sleep in the afternoon Feb 22 00:24:24 Well, except for the fact that I can't actually edit anything on the wiki. Feb 22 00:24:28 Nevermind then. Feb 22 00:24:53 i don't wanna see anylag in a tablet that is also a beautiful object, to me it's like doing half work and lying to custemers selling them something shinny and then just working enought to go on internet, and well yes it goes on internet, tbut then they have to buy 1 computer for work , one for travelling, one for personnal use, one for kitchen Feb 22 00:25:51 Ugh, let's play the "try to get your email address re-confirmed" game. Feb 22 00:25:57 so jacquesdupontd how are you going to go about it Feb 22 00:26:01 that i was i prefer selling a tablet at 600 or 700 boxes working pefectly for different uses adaptating itself to the place you are by changing the UI to be used etc ... Feb 22 00:26:04 * GeneralAntilles can see meego.com isn't having any more fun with SSO than maemo.org. Feb 22 00:26:13 SSO? Feb 22 00:26:18 i don't know for now what's gonna be the bast Feb 22 00:26:19 base Feb 22 00:26:20 single sign on Feb 22 00:26:25 i'm thinking of a ubuntu-minimal Feb 22 00:26:53 jacquesdupontd, but all these different sizes are going to need different uis to work Feb 22 00:26:54 build your own distro Feb 22 00:27:55 and then either taking a window manager like kde which's getting really beautiful, and modifying it in order to be used with different profiles, well 2 big profile, 1 = bluetooth keyboard and mouse when i come back home, means normal resolution and computer UI, the other : finger use and internet browsing when big buttons but still beautiful Feb 22 00:28:27 if i was a mute a table would be awesome Feb 22 00:28:39 it's like a small white board with wifi Feb 22 00:28:48 CosmoHill i can't build my own distro's first cause i don't have that much time, and then cause there's some already done that i like, ubuntu, maemo (more for little mid) that can be used and then modified Feb 22 00:28:59 what's sure is that i'll base it on debian Feb 22 00:29:13 then i'll build my stuff for the 2 big UIS Feb 22 00:29:29 I can build a basic distro in about 2 days Feb 22 00:29:43 i want them to be changeable in a hand movement and the keyboard and mouse connected by the fact the tablet came back to your room Feb 22 00:29:51 thinking about using rfid Feb 22 00:30:01 CosmoHill really ? Feb 22 00:30:08 :) Feb 22 00:30:11 building a distro is not all that hard Feb 22 00:30:13 cause the thing is i'm quite alone in my project Feb 22 00:30:14 following a book that is Feb 22 00:30:19 i know Feb 22 00:30:22 but in 2 days :) Feb 22 00:30:23 building one that works fast and does what you want... different story Feb 22 00:30:32 yeah Feb 22 00:30:44 jacquesdupontd: if i skip the tests and use my new laptop it would be a lot faster Feb 22 00:30:46 don't you think the debian base is completly enough nowadays ? Feb 22 00:30:55 jacquesdupontd: depends on what you want Feb 22 00:31:06 esp how much you want to customize Feb 22 00:31:15 building a distro: Feb 22 00:31:15 (1) steal underpants Feb 22 00:31:15 (2) ??? Feb 22 00:31:15 (3) profit Feb 22 00:31:40 i wanna make a device that can evolve very easily even as much as a desktop computer i wanna offer the possibility to people not to be restricted for a marketing reason Feb 22 00:31:56 i'm sure we can still make money being a good guy Feb 22 00:32:23 jacquesdupontd: I've built a distro for x86, ultrasparc and ppc Feb 22 00:33:01 jacquesdupontd, when you say beautiful, what do you base beauty on Feb 22 00:33:09 i'm thinking that if you got the trust of clients that they see you're not lying to them, not trying to avoid the possibility for them to upgrade their stuff alone, if you show them that you're not taking them for childs but taking care about people not in an advanced state, that will make a so big change compared to other compagnies that you gonna get a place Feb 22 00:33:22 hmm Feb 22 00:33:25 i wanna bet on that Feb 22 00:33:40 beautiful means Feb 22 00:33:40 one of the guys in irc went into apple and asked about a known problem with the 27" imac Feb 22 00:33:52 person working there said there was no problem and he walked out Feb 22 00:34:00 £1300 less for them Feb 22 00:34:14 clear : intuitive, intelligent, close to us, the one that you nearly wanna touch to see if its really smooth Feb 22 00:34:27 do you understand ? and that's the point cause we are in a touchable device Feb 22 00:34:36 like, give examples where you have seen such things Feb 22 00:34:50 jacquesdupontd: develop software like that .... but it likely doesnt depend on what OS you use as base, be it meego or whatever Feb 22 00:34:51 you couldv just described a fart in a bubble bath Feb 22 00:34:59 effects are relaly appreciated, for me something between, os x mobile and compiz could be cool Feb 22 00:35:16 bah Feb 22 00:35:20 apple bastards Feb 22 00:35:23 cause compiz is really good when well set, but i think it needs to get simplified for a good ui Feb 22 00:35:25 right, so iphone ui Feb 22 00:35:33 CosmoHill i know, but i have to admit things Feb 22 00:35:39 when i use an iphone, it just works Feb 22 00:35:46 * CosmoHill is still trying to workout the rules on swearing Feb 22 00:35:46 compiz looks fun for a few minutes, and then you turn it off Feb 22 00:35:48 wich is not the case of all device Feb 22 00:35:48 apart from when it doesnt Feb 22 00:35:53 at least that seems to be the common pattern Feb 22 00:36:06 how would you handle multi processes in that environment? Feb 22 00:36:14 we can discuss 10 hours about it that won't change, i really dislike apple and they are one reason i'm starting a device Feb 22 00:36:19 cos everything yo urun will eat into that beauty Feb 22 00:36:21 arjan: lol Feb 22 00:36:43 i hope fart isnt a swear word Feb 22 00:36:53 i ran multiprocess in my iphone, but anyway i'm not talking about the environment i told you i was prefering debian for base, jsut talking about the UI Feb 22 00:36:55 its descriptive Feb 22 00:36:57 your from england right, lcuk Feb 22 00:37:10 yes Feb 22 00:37:13 easy to see that everybody tried to copy iphone ui when the first iphone got out Feb 22 00:37:30 nahh, not everyone Feb 22 00:37:34 a problem i have in my irc channel is that the english and the americans concider different things rude Feb 22 00:37:37 anyway, iphone is sluggish Feb 22 00:37:42 doesnt do what i want Feb 22 00:37:43 low res Feb 22 00:37:52 i mean, it doesn't have to be the same, as i said i want people to be able to control their device, not to be slave of it , but we have to admit that everybody knows how to use an iphone in 1 hours maximum Feb 22 00:38:02 closed source Feb 22 00:38:23 that's what i call intuitive, if we could mix that intuitivity to possibilities and confidence, that would be perfect Feb 22 00:38:27 the iphone doesn't meet my requirments Feb 22 00:38:39 “Sequence shortened” Feb 22 00:38:43 you can only use the bluetooth with other iphones Feb 22 00:38:53 no keyboard Feb 22 00:38:58 we stop talking about iphones thazt's not the point i'm not building an iphone Feb 22 00:39:16 i'm just building an ipad that is not a big iphone, that's the point :) Feb 22 00:39:27 we get it, you want something that acts like an iphone Feb 22 00:39:39 like the lg pop? Feb 22 00:40:00 yesterday i was thinking and i was imaginating MS making a big tablet, and putting ms mobile on it and i was so laughtingh Feb 22 00:40:08 jacquesdupontd, have you seen the always innovating touchbook Feb 22 00:40:22 nobody would accept it and would think its a false device found on ebay hong kong Feb 22 00:40:35 lcuk yes Feb 22 00:40:49 and there are near to what i'm donig but details or not the same Feb 22 00:41:03 cause they've bet on beagle boards, i'm betting on normal board Feb 22 00:41:08 theres also this cool new project too Feb 22 00:41:11 you mightv heard about it Feb 22 00:41:13 called meego Feb 22 00:41:16 i'm just looking at the past, see netbooks Feb 22 00:41:28 what are netbooks configurations nowadays ? ALL THE SAME Feb 22 00:41:40 and people gonna reproduce the thing with tablet Feb 22 00:41:53 they are building device that has Just the Necessary Feb 22 00:42:07 i'll call the JTND Just THe Necessary Devices Feb 22 00:42:13 that's class no ? Feb 22 00:42:29 but alwyays innovating touchbook are ... hmm innovating :)à Feb 22 00:42:36 and french like me Feb 22 00:43:33 don't you agree ? Feb 22 00:44:03 you know i'm just getting point of view here and i wanna be countered if you guys has better ideas or think about things that i'm not aware of Feb 22 00:44:24 doing your own hardware is a risk ;) Feb 22 00:44:31 might want to consider running on existing devices Feb 22 00:44:45 arjan, i said that last night :p Feb 22 00:44:57 btw if anybody would like to work on the project knowing that i can't promess anything but i have good reason to think it can be a good oportunity to launch a good project and at the same time to be builders of the future Feb 22 00:45:03 jacquesdupontd, go read up about meego Feb 22 00:45:06 it does what you said Feb 22 00:45:07 yeah Feb 22 00:45:19 i wanna use some existing motherboards on the beginning Feb 22 00:46:05 you know i'm not expecting or hoping to make the best device and the best way, what i'm sure of is the price of my device, what'll be able to do, and how it will be made Feb 22 00:46:41 and only with that we can make a lot better than what's existing , then after bank pass, i'll be thinking about optimising Feb 22 00:47:18 the first point is not to be selfish Feb 22 00:48:13 jacquesdupontd, Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your blog. Feb 22 00:49:07 for me that's amazing to think that nowadays , you can buy a 300 euros real laptop, and if you're just a little bit ingenious build your own tablet with the ui you want and have if for really cheaper than worst devices supposed to represent the futur Feb 22 00:50:54 i tell you, i'm not promising anything, what i know is i have the bank links, i've got my enterprise, my ideas, and i think this is the time to move my ass instead of keeping my ideas for me all the time and seeing things going out always worse than what i was thinking about making and being sold very easily anyway Feb 22 00:51:04 i'm a lot counting on people councious Feb 22 00:52:18 and i'm knowing the world aint seperated in 2 big parts, the good people and the bad ones, it's a lot more complex, but we really can do better and easily and you all know it set on your couch Feb 22 00:52:19 :) Feb 22 00:52:33 i compiled my first rpm in mock Feb 22 00:52:42 now pulling all the moblin source Feb 22 00:52:51 i'm keeping notes Feb 22 00:52:59 setting up mock for moblin was not exactly easy Feb 22 00:53:02 ali1234: what was the chroot issue ? Feb 22 00:53:05 ali1234, cool, so you got over the issue of chrooting the chroot generting mock Feb 22 00:53:22 that's really cool Feb 22 00:53:33 the chroot issue was: my mock temp dir was not set stick for group permissions (g+s) and then my scratch disk was mounted as nodev, nosuid Feb 22 00:53:45 hehe nosuid will do it Feb 22 00:54:17 this are the stuff i don't have time to do, cause if i wanna have something ready before ipad, even if it's not that important to be before them cause i'm not pointing the exact same customers, i have to go fast anyway Feb 22 00:54:28 nodev actually killed it first: permission denied on /dev/null for some perl script Feb 22 00:54:49 hehe Feb 22 00:54:58 jacquesdupontd: plenty of people have made tablets years ago. the hard part is getting them in shops... Feb 22 00:55:01 not having /dev/null makes things go splat very very quickly Feb 22 00:56:05 guys we all know that is the time of touch book now like it was the time of netbook just before, and for those who've made tablets years ago they were not unerstanding customers state in computers at this moment Feb 22 00:56:20 that's why it went down, it's like do you remember the first visio phones ? Feb 22 00:56:24 exactly same story Feb 22 00:56:25 personally i think now is the time of the smartbook Feb 22 00:56:35 because for me anything without a keyboard is useless Feb 22 00:56:56 and a large exposed screen is just asking for it do get sat on and broken Feb 22 00:57:38 when a big compagnie like Apple is dictating the world and giving the start for the fight, you have to look at the near past and to take your chance to make the challenge and to show them that this time they shouldn't have waited to long to evolve Feb 22 00:58:04 heh... let apple create the demand with their marketing, then offer something cheaper and better Feb 22 00:58:27 like i said the other day... everyone wants to be the second person to do something Feb 22 00:58:29 cause as they're alone to be shown as smart and designers, they can do whatever they want people won't have choices to have better, they could do the ipad v10 right now, but they are using the first rule in marketting , one idea after another Feb 22 00:58:49 use ideas the most you can so you get the more money on it, even you're stopping things to evolve Feb 22 00:59:17 i think people are beginning to understand that way of doing and are really bored about it , there's a chance Feb 22 00:59:22 so jacquesdupontd put your ideas on paper or get coding Feb 22 00:59:22 at least for a good start Feb 22 00:59:40 if anyone wants me just poke Feb 22 00:59:43 i'm doing my stuff and i'm hoping to be able to post to you a video at the end of the weekd Feb 22 00:59:56 * lcuk pokes CosmoHill with a big stick Feb 22 01:00:03 i jsut received my needed packages comming from hong kong to finish the first built Feb 22 01:00:08 oh my dirty mind misread that Feb 22 01:00:16 i have to got to take it tomorow at the mail office Feb 22 01:01:22 and then , working no it all the week till this week end, and first presentation previewed next week at different banks, to have just a few euros, at least enought to be able to do thing better enought to be sold Feb 22 01:01:33 * lcuk kicks machines at the other end of email connections Feb 22 01:02:14 hm btw a question without any link Feb 22 01:02:19 oooooh jacquesdupontd i cant wait, the suspense since you entered the chan has climbed steadily Feb 22 01:02:26 is there an issue for moblin and nvidia and xinerama and composite ? Feb 22 01:02:29 it will reach feverpitch by next week Feb 22 01:02:39 and clutter-glx Feb 22 01:02:58 when will us mere mortals learn of your plans? Feb 22 01:03:02 lcuk i'm not goint to do anything better than what you can expect Feb 22 01:03:19 a tablet with a good linux with a good ui and good design is makeable by anybody Feb 22 01:03:35 then details will play Feb 22 01:03:45 jacquesdupontd, what you propose would take solid hard work from a massive team of people a long time to get to where you think it needs to be Feb 22 01:04:00 oh Feb 22 01:04:11 no not thinking that way Feb 22 01:04:16 do you have any idea of the kind of experience required to create multiple uis for every application you desire will take Feb 22 01:04:46 you can be sure that if any thing is working for everybody that played in it means teams of existing ui's if i'm using some will be helped in a way or another Feb 22 01:05:13 as i told you i think there's for sure a way to do good things fairly and sill be working and earning money enought to continue Feb 22 01:05:56 hmm i bet there are a lot of srpms that begin with l Feb 22 01:05:57 i can live with nearly nothing, my love is to have ideas and to build things, it can be music , painting, devices, if people use them like them and that i can even more thank some others Feb 22 01:06:00 that's all i want Feb 22 01:06:18 then get on with it Feb 22 01:06:25 that'll make exactly as when i play my music and when people are dancing or smiling on it Feb 22 01:06:38 what language will you use? Feb 22 01:06:42 lcuk yes i'm gonna do it Feb 22 01:07:05 thatwhat i was talking about on my first talk on the channel Feb 22 01:07:11 i'm thinking about comming back to html5 Feb 22 01:07:26 cause it offers possibilities that can bypass the use of flash Feb 22 01:07:27 sure Feb 22 01:07:34 but that paradigm breaks down at some level Feb 22 01:07:35 but i've got to get back into it Feb 22 01:07:46 no, you need a backend renderer for it Feb 22 01:07:57 and very fast that's why i was searching for people who may have already thought about it and who may have ideas or would like to get in the project Feb 22 01:07:57 and the api to support it Feb 22 01:08:10 night ngiht Feb 22 01:08:17 just so one day a person can going to the toilet Feb 22 01:08:21 html5 already has plenty of backend renders Feb 22 01:08:24 gnite cosmo Feb 22 01:08:37 yes Feb 22 01:08:52 but how do you make an operating system out of them Feb 22 01:09:22 gee i dunno, but palm managed it Feb 22 01:09:27 indeed Feb 22 01:09:33 and i bet it took a lot longer than a week Feb 22 01:09:34 but i dont' see what's hard in installing a ubuntu or debian based to be precise, and just to set it the way you think with existing apps, that's a good start, that's what did edubuntu , ubuntu studio etc ..... Feb 22 01:09:57 then if things are getting good you be surely thinking about building your own system Feb 22 01:10:44 but i don't think i've got the time to do it now, we can start with existing things and then have money = time = possiblities = people = enthousiasm = concrete Feb 22 01:10:50 i bet if you discount all the time developers were sleeping under their desks it only took 3 days to make webos Feb 22 01:11:10 haha Feb 22 01:11:19 ali1234 i'm thinking of webos for sure Feb 22 01:11:28 but i think it's a little bit too early Feb 22 01:12:00 at this rate it's gonna take me more than a wekk just to get the moblin source Feb 22 01:12:06 but we are surely going to at least a simple os on the computer, that will synchronise completly with the exact same os on the web useable from any device Feb 22 01:12:19 sounds like alex Feb 22 01:12:32 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8522952.stm Feb 22 01:12:53 i was using webos at work 4 years ago Feb 22 01:13:28 but the thing is until all devices are able to connect to the internet really easily and without paying the price of 1 week food Feb 22 01:13:52 yeah that's the problem Feb 22 01:13:54 we'll have to make them discover other os's by the fact they are changing now of devices Feb 22 01:14:14 (with server based computing) Feb 22 01:14:20 you always need the server Feb 22 01:14:38 ms and apple were a problem cause they were god of PCs but now we are changing the devices, people will accept a lot easier to change the interface, and we saw it with netbooks Feb 22 01:14:39 so you end up paying silly amounts for always-on connection Feb 22 01:14:49 yep Feb 22 01:14:57 but i've got my ideas on it Feb 22 01:15:10 but would be a total different way of thinking the internet and servers Feb 22 01:15:24 would be based on neightbourhood Feb 22 01:15:35 well, you know, the internet isn't the end-all of networks Feb 22 01:15:43 to seperate the internet not in humans but in bench of humans Feb 22 01:15:47 avahi? Feb 22 01:15:53 that's hard to explain Feb 22 01:16:10 but the principe is together we are stronger, and that's the same for computers Feb 22 01:16:29 if you encrypt everything you can just push your messages to everyone in range, in the hopes that eventually one of them will go in range of the recipient Feb 22 01:16:34 we already see community of people sharing the wifi connection Feb 22 01:16:43 my idea is based on that way of thinking Feb 22 01:17:10 add a bit of intelligence (ie looking at who knows who from their social networking profiles) and that could work very well Feb 22 01:17:16 viruses knows the most way what i'm saying Feb 22 01:17:19 mesh networking? Feb 22 01:17:34 ali1234 exactly !! Feb 22 01:17:38 not mesh networking, i'm thinking more like email Feb 22 01:17:44 ali1234 happy to see someone thinking things are possible Feb 22 01:17:58 or like the old fidonet where everything goes through multiple nodes and takes sometimes days anyway Feb 22 01:18:45 fidonet - yeehaa Feb 22 01:18:51 so alice emails bob, but bob is out of range of the avahi network. but on the social network we see bob lives with colin, who is in range. so the message goes to colin's machine, and when he gets home it gets delivered to bob Feb 22 01:19:28 this sounds like usenet Feb 22 01:19:29 well, what i wanted to say is that i don't want to touch a SQUARE GREY OLD LAGGING button, i prefer a round smoothie and shinny one :) Feb 22 01:20:20 ali1234 that's prolly what im thinking of, a p2 multiple peer but with near neighboorhood with antennas and wimax i dont' know Feb 22 01:20:45 jacquesdupontd: why limit it to a specific protocol, just turn on avahi and let rip :) Feb 22 01:20:53 the HAMs have this aprs system that relays things.. kinda cool Feb 22 01:21:42 ali1234 that was an understandable example but for not that protocol Feb 22 01:22:00 ali1234, check out dtnrg.org for delay tolerant networking. sounds like what you are interested in. Feb 22 01:22:13 ali1234 jus to explain base of my tought Feb 22 01:22:52 that's why i need not to handle all that by myselft :) Feb 22 01:23:01 i can't be awaare of everything all the time Feb 22 01:23:27 well, the delay is less important than the routing, i think Feb 22 01:24:07 totally agree Feb 22 01:24:09 i've had the DTN2 reference implementation working over bluetooth, tcp/ip with avahi disccovery and over ax25 with ham radio gear. also good for data mules. Feb 22 01:24:17 a good routing is the most needed Feb 22 01:24:38 bluetooth ? Feb 22 01:24:48 specifically, selecting a route/peer using your social networking data Feb 22 01:24:49 it supports delay tolernt link state routin. Feb 22 01:25:10 dtn directly over layer-2 bluetooth Feb 22 01:25:19 interesting Feb 22 01:25:25 i run synergy over bluetooth sockets, it is win :) Feb 22 01:25:46 well everybody's got bluetooth now Feb 22 01:26:03 ran nicely on N800. not tried on N900 yet. Feb 22 01:26:09 i tried Feb 22 01:26:24 a friend of mine's got the n900 Feb 22 01:26:39 that's how i discovered the appreciated maemo Feb 22 01:27:24 I'll build it soon for maemo5. Feb 22 01:27:24 well we've made some transfert and it was reaching the 100 and more KO/s with a computer Feb 22 01:27:38 great Feb 22 01:27:57 maemo is surely what i'll try to use if build a little device Feb 22 01:28:09 i tried android yesterday Feb 22 01:28:09 not meego? Feb 22 01:28:12 on a computer Feb 22 01:28:18 meego is moblin so yes :) Feb 22 01:28:25 i'm already using moblin Feb 22 01:28:44 i think thats the best ui for touchable computer for now Feb 22 01:29:04 but for my device wich is a real laptop computer based on a sempron, i'm using a debian base Feb 22 01:29:11 built with moblin Feb 22 01:29:37 android is kind of boring without the google sign-on Feb 22 01:29:43 but as i told you on smaller devices i would use maemo like meego is going to do Feb 22 01:29:50 really boring Feb 22 01:29:51 no apps, no maps, what's the point? Feb 22 01:29:53 i didn't liked it at all Feb 22 01:29:58 was running #! on my eee but its ext2 is buggered, so may wipe it and try the first public meego on it Feb 22 01:30:06 ok i was on a computer but, not intuitive at all Feb 22 01:30:34 the ui is cold Feb 22 01:31:04 i tried also chrome os Feb 22 01:31:18 me too, it's just chrome fullscreen... again, pointless Feb 22 01:31:36 same here, the maximised windows that tells you not to look behind is getting me frustrated Feb 22 01:31:41 i can get the same thing on any computer. the only reason to use it is you are scared of computers :) Feb 22 01:32:07 and i can feel the power of google controlling my possibilities Feb 22 01:32:16 exact Feb 22 01:32:56 evolving deosn't mean goign to have only a browser Feb 22 01:33:08 soon you'll have your calculator tht's all Feb 22 01:33:19 you'll browse binary numbers Feb 22 01:33:28 yep. internet connections go down, and i like that it doesn't take my whole OS with it Feb 22 01:33:43 the fact is , i want my computer to do THINGS Feb 22 01:33:57 although i guess html5 has that offline stuff Feb 22 01:34:03 TOUCH = PIANO, MUSIC, DESIGN, = need of tools and power Feb 22 01:34:04 but still, i don't trust it Feb 22 01:34:20 doesn't need to be netbooks not able to run 10 internet pages without lagging Feb 22 01:34:33 and false 3d ui's with artefact when moving Feb 22 01:35:37 that's the mots horrible for me, i prefer a way more a 2d simple UI reacting perfectly than a false 3d one trying to copy some other's seen and lagging as hell (but it works they'll say, look at my beagle board, it's very little) Feb 22 01:36:13 the best example i have is the first touching devices of samsung Feb 22 01:36:33 i don't know how we can be so big and putting on the market a so bad device Feb 22 01:36:59 just to say we are doing touchable devices too Feb 22 01:37:07 you work for samsung? Feb 22 01:37:13 that's why i'm sure we can do better Feb 22 01:37:29 no i'm not working for samsung and i'm sure people that work there do agree with me Feb 22 01:37:37 they simply doesn't have the time and the choice Feb 22 01:38:06 your use of "we" implied that you do Feb 22 01:38:19 anyway they've said we wont try to have the best device out, we're going to make 10 or 20 smart phones to be on the market and be bought by people that are not really knowing what to choose Feb 22 01:38:32 that's a really really bad way of thinking Feb 22 01:38:42 at least they should have avoid saying it to me Feb 22 01:38:53 ? Feb 22 01:38:53 i mean by internet Feb 22 01:38:54 but anyway Feb 22 01:39:32 we don't say that like hey guys, we're playing on you're stupidness and the fact you don't have time to check that we are bad people Feb 22 01:39:39 I think many manufacturers are now trying to make devices wearable as watches Feb 22 01:39:45 yes Feb 22 01:39:50 or as options, smart internet devices Feb 22 01:39:59 they think it's the only way to beat THE iphone Feb 22 01:40:05 ? Feb 22 01:40:09 I have my doubts Feb 22 01:40:15 but are they stupid ? just make a way better device Feb 22 01:40:19 for sure they all say it Feb 22 01:40:23 as long as the iphone cant do multi-tasking... its crap Feb 22 01:40:26 no flash Feb 22 01:40:34 when iphones got out manufacturers tought wow, we have to work now Feb 22 01:40:36 crap sells, i guess Feb 22 01:41:20 people bash the iphone, but frankly until it came out few people gave a damn about having a smartphone Feb 22 01:41:32 at least in the US Feb 22 01:41:33 very true Feb 22 01:41:39 LinuxCode that's crap for us, advanced user thazt understand easily how that's crap (my iphone is multitask anyway) but for poeple lambda people they just see smooth intuitive working device and think that after all it's a long time they've been searching a working and beautiful device Feb 22 01:41:44 that's all they see Feb 22 01:42:26 people shouldn't get so worked up over the iphone, it isn't reducing the market for alternatives at all. that market was always tiny to begin with. Feb 22 01:42:44 claiming an interface is intuitive automatically makes you a moron imo :) Feb 22 01:42:50 it's hard to sell linux on people until they've been burned by windows (for example) Feb 22 01:43:03 so now either we choose to sell devices to our geek friend that will sell us their device too and we stay alone with our advance in awareness or we take care of people search trying not to fool them at the same time and btw making them understand what means multitask Feb 22 01:43:09 haha thanks ShadowJK :) Feb 22 01:43:12 ali1234, I dont think people care if it is linux or not Feb 22 01:43:18 as long as it works Feb 22 01:43:21 and works well Feb 22 01:43:26 and they can sync their stuff Feb 22 01:43:48 LinuxCode: exactly. people won;t care that the iphone is so locked down until it burns them Feb 22 01:43:59 market would be FIrst Computer = Mono Task, New Cpu's = Multitask , First Apple devices = multitask , New apple devices = Monotask Feb 22 01:44:03 if it never does, well then, no problem Feb 22 01:44:17 and then people understand apple = stopping evolution of possibilities Feb 22 01:44:28 jacquesdupontd, who cares anyway Feb 22 01:44:36 we'll see :) Feb 22 01:45:04 i bet and i hope that enought people will care for me to continue to realise toughts Feb 22 01:46:03 i can't stay paralised on my couch watching stupid people ruling the world and saying it to everybody without even trying to do something concrete Feb 22 01:46:14 apple is just repeating the mistake of refusing to let others use their OS. Feb 22 01:46:15 it's just the 80s over again Feb 22 01:46:35 eeanm: refusing to let others use their OS has been highly effective, apparently Feb 22 01:46:43 that's why this is the time to do your stuff guys Feb 22 01:46:45 not in the long term Feb 22 01:46:46 its NOW Feb 22 01:46:50 eeanm, lol Feb 22 01:46:52 not tomorow not yesterday but now Feb 22 01:46:54 yes in the long term Feb 22 01:47:03 they have 8% of the pc market now, growing yearly Feb 22 01:47:17 they had less than 3% or so 5 years ago Feb 22 01:47:23 we will always start little but things can accelerate in an idea time Feb 22 01:47:24 wow 8%, only took them 20 years :) Feb 22 01:47:31 eeanm, so ? Feb 22 01:47:37 exactly Feb 22 01:47:38 there is more and more competition Feb 22 01:47:44 microsoft's model is much better. that's what android and meego are doing. Feb 22 01:47:44 not less Feb 22 01:47:50 lol Feb 22 01:47:53 they have the 8% that is most willing to spend loads and loads of money Feb 22 01:47:56 just watch their evolution, it means its possible to everybody now in this society to grow very fast Feb 22 01:47:59 meego came about to save costs Feb 22 01:48:01 eeanm: microsoft's model is built around lock-in and backwards compatibility now Feb 22 01:48:07 but you have to go strong directly Feb 22 01:48:08 would you rather have those 8% or the other 92% who are cheap-ass? Feb 22 01:48:11 and increase developers being interested Feb 22 01:48:17 the -only- reason I'm on windows is games Feb 22 01:48:24 microlith: compared to apple microsoft is totally open. Feb 22 01:48:28 hahaha Feb 22 01:48:38 microlith: and I just meant: they allow multiple hardware vendors to use their software Feb 22 01:48:40 you have to shake all that Feb 22 01:48:57 doing things totally differently that's what they did Feb 22 01:49:05 playing on the surprise and then on impatience Feb 22 01:49:18 cause you get addicted to be waiting Feb 22 01:49:37 as long as I dont have to run linux on a Jornada 710 anymore Im happy Feb 22 01:49:55 N810 was a huge improvement on that Feb 22 01:50:02 wow that thing is old... Feb 22 01:50:03 N900 is again an improvement Feb 22 01:50:11 ali1234, but has a 3/4 keybaord Feb 22 01:50:14 ;-p Feb 22 01:50:19 which was quite nice Feb 22 01:50:29 get a universal? Feb 22 01:50:36 universal ? Feb 22 01:50:39 not quite as big Feb 22 01:50:47 but has full linux support i think Feb 22 01:50:54 errm I now have a N810 Feb 22 01:51:01 fits in my back pocket Feb 22 01:51:07 universal has real reversed open drivers :) Feb 22 01:51:08 N900 is next on the shopping list Feb 22 01:51:18 i'm really impressed by nokia Feb 22 01:51:18 none of this binary blob stuff Feb 22 01:51:26 i think they're going to make the difference Feb 22 01:51:28 LinuxCode: once you get a n900 you realize how huge the n810 is :) Feb 22 01:51:41 eeanm, in terms of size ? Feb 22 01:51:43 yes Feb 22 01:51:46 hehe Feb 22 01:51:47 i'm so hoping that maemo won't be hidden by android Feb 22 01:51:54 n900 is the same size as my old phone Feb 22 01:51:55 that would be so stupid Feb 22 01:51:58 slightly thinner Feb 22 01:52:02 jacquesdupontd, maemo is dead Feb 22 01:52:08 well, pretty much Feb 22 01:52:16 LinuxCode: Maemo is not dead Feb 22 01:52:22 the base is not Feb 22 01:52:25 I knew I would get flak Feb 22 01:52:27 lol Feb 22 01:52:30 that doesn't meen meego wont go on Feb 22 01:52:36 that just the continuing Feb 22 01:52:39 LinuxCode: Maemo + Moblin = MeeGo, that's all Feb 22 01:52:45 's Feb 22 01:52:54 Andy80, so we will get a upgrade for N900 ? Feb 22 01:53:02 seems no Feb 22 01:53:10 from what i've heard Feb 22 01:53:12 meego doesn't change anything for harmattan Feb 22 01:53:15 Meego changes nothing for N900 Feb 22 01:53:20 they didn't planned to put meego on n900 Feb 22 01:53:25 LinuxCode: you'll have the same applications of Nxxxx, isn't enough for you? Feb 22 01:53:27 haha Feb 22 01:53:28 (and Harmattan has never promised for N900) Feb 22 01:53:39 the ui's a lot better sorry Feb 22 01:53:46 Andy80, nope fine Feb 22 01:53:48 so yes it's changing things for n900 owners Feb 22 01:53:50 I bet the community gets harmattan running on the n900 :) Feb 22 01:54:07 but a system that can be flashed onto old devices would be preferred Feb 22 01:54:38 but anyways fremantle kicks ass, so I wouldn't worry about it. Feb 22 01:54:53 LinuxCode if everybody had the same way of thinking, at least that how i see the furtur Feb 22 01:55:24 not forgetting old device to have more new devices bought just knowing that they'll be as supported as the one we had before Feb 22 01:55:27 as long i mean Feb 22 01:55:34 people are not that stupid Feb 22 01:55:35 and... don't forget that N900 still has to get PR 1.2 upgrade... Feb 22 01:56:48 if they see you're fooling them by trying to tell them to already change of device, either they'll change of trademark either they'll continue on yours if they don't have the choice but will be waiting impatiently the time they'll change and say bye bye Feb 22 01:57:22 like i'm sure a lot of apple owners wants to see even better compagnies and are ready to change directly but for now they are feeling they don't have choices Feb 22 01:58:00 jacquesdupontd: I bet they will like harmattan and its device/devices :) Feb 22 01:58:30 hehe Feb 22 01:58:35 that's a bet Feb 22 01:59:29 well i can't wait tomorow to be able to finish my device :) Feb 22 01:59:38 i may gonna began the work now Feb 22 02:03:08 Andy80, plus PR1.3, and probably a PR2, too. Feb 22 02:04:22 GeneralAntilles: nice :) Feb 22 02:04:36 guys, i wanted to know if it would be possible to make usb panel kit devices with a sensitive touch ? Feb 22 02:08:04 btw if you guys have link of way to make a screen a touchscreen , like the wii remote trick and other stuff like that i'm interested in reading this Feb 22 02:16:52 the chinese sell touchscrene overlays for eee pc's :P Feb 22 02:18:50 too small Feb 22 02:18:50 :) Feb 22 02:19:09 i bought a usb panek kit resistive for 15 inch screen Feb 22 02:19:14 gonna try it tomorow **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Feb 22 02:59:58 2010