**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Feb 24 02:59:57 2011 Feb 24 03:02:06 how do you make the forum show more than 4 posts at a time? Feb 24 04:21:23 evening;. Feb 24 05:26:44 bahahahaha http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-12554499 Feb 24 05:32:42 still bitter about the nokia-wp7 deal? Feb 24 05:53:50 morning Feb 24 05:54:31 AgentBlair, I don't know who you're addressing, but I for one am not bitter. Companies do what they have to do, and employees make their own decisions in response. Feb 24 05:55:06 Hmm, I guess that's *whom* you're addressing. (Should study English grammar instead of suomi.) Feb 24 05:56:36 Alison_Chaiken, you are correct with the attitude, bitter just spoils so much, it's useless Feb 24 05:57:47 i was addressing nbm Feb 24 05:57:56 npm* Feb 24 06:01:06 morn Feb 24 06:01:12 iekku, the world abounds with opportunity. Look not to the disappointing past but to the bright and boundless future! I want giant OLED lighting panels to replace lamps! I want all walls everywhere to be displays! A watch will all the functionality of my cell phone! And natch, flying cars. Feb 24 06:01:53 Alison_Chaiken: 'a day made of glass' on youtube is where i hope to take meego Feb 24 06:02:46 Alison_Chaiken, :D Feb 24 06:03:08 Stskeeps, good morning Feb 24 06:03:13 morn iekku Feb 24 06:04:36 it feels sooooooooo good to be at work Feb 24 06:05:05 i'm just happy to be checking out of my hotel room. looking forward to be home at my sofa :P Feb 24 06:05:51 Stskeeps, sofa is nice place :) and waits you when you'r not at home :P Feb 24 06:06:18 hehe Feb 24 06:06:55 you don't need to feed sofa, or take it out etc Feb 24 06:06:59 nice pet Feb 24 06:09:44 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Cf7IL_eZ38 I wonder if the popcorn, apple and people were all made of glass too. But seriously, Stskeeps, I've seen a dozen of those "10 years into the future" videos and that's the best one so far. Feb 24 06:12:39 Alison_Chaiken: yeah, last one that topped my list was a MS one.. Feb 24 06:12:59 Alison_Chaiken: transparent amoled exists already, samsung had some demos Feb 24 06:13:16 I'm surprised they didn't to LCD fabric in that, too. Feb 24 06:13:23 didn't do Feb 24 06:14:10 Overhead OLED lighting panels are inevitable. They have high enough BW to send data at MHz rates. ECMA already has a lighting comms standard. Feb 24 06:14:23 Ha, that's a pretty cool vide. The problem is that displays on horizontal table-tops and vertical walls are ergonomically bad. Feb 24 06:14:24 Stskeeps, wow, that's nice video Feb 24 06:17:50 now, how do we make it happen with meego? a open, free and easy to adapt to hardware solution is needed ;) Feb 24 06:30:10 ok, that is a really irritating n900 bug.. Feb 24 06:30:31 i see the window for alarm pop up, before sound starts, i hit cancel Feb 24 06:30:43 and it closed window, sound continues to play Feb 24 06:30:56 :P Feb 24 06:31:06 (ie, no way to stop alarm) Feb 24 06:38:54 getting spoiled by the touchscreen and the chrome-touch plugin ... i need to quit trying to scroll text on my regular display with my finger Feb 24 06:39:57 Stskeeps, uh Feb 24 08:06:21 hi guys :) Feb 24 08:06:40 newbie question here: does meego run on the Nokia 3G tablet? Feb 24 08:06:50 the Booklet? Feb 24 08:06:56 it can run, but why would you try? :-P Feb 24 08:07:34 ok. thanks Feb 24 08:13:52 Sicelo: Nokia Booklet 3G has Intel GMA500 graphics which is not supported by MeeGo (or anything for that matter) Feb 24 08:16:09 hmm, a (flaky?) 2D driver for GMA500 was just put up on LKML for merging Feb 24 08:17:09 just a minute, I'll hunt down the thread start Feb 24 08:18:07 http://marc.info/?l=linux-kernel&m=129837844627413&w=2 Feb 24 08:23:55 Bostik: cool, I didn't notice that Feb 24 08:24:26 it needs quite a lot of love still before it can go in but at least there finally IS a stable-ish starting point for future work Feb 24 08:24:38 "you have 73327 unread messages at LKML" <-- mybe that has something to do with it XD Feb 24 08:25:27 nice discussion... interesting. i did read sometime ago about the GMA500 Feb 24 09:31:04 so err Feb 24 09:31:07 * timeless_w7ip puzzles Feb 24 09:31:14 can someone here help me understand srpms? Feb 24 09:31:20 i vaguely understand the .spec file Feb 24 09:31:25 but i'm wondering about .yaml files Feb 24 09:31:54 of 1434 packages, 670 seem to have yaml files Feb 24 09:32:06 Hey vgrade Feb 24 09:32:26 timeless_w7ip, yaml files create spec files using the spectacle tool Feb 24 09:32:45 arfoll: ok,... Feb 24 09:32:47 you don't need the yaml files (because OBS only understands specs), but it's usually nicer to write spec files Feb 24 09:33:07 to write yaml files I mean Feb 24 09:33:22 if i have a srpm and it has a spec and a yaml Feb 24 09:33:42 and i use rpmbuild -bp am i guaranteed to get the yaml in the BUILD/whatever dir? Feb 24 09:33:55 or is it possible/likely for the yaml to more or less get lost? Feb 24 09:33:58 no, rpmbuild doesn't know about yaml so it will ignore it Feb 24 09:34:08 so it'll be lost? joy Feb 24 09:34:22 Does anyone knows Qt app for maemo with translations/localization? Feb 24 09:34:28 I'm not too sure if it'll be lost, but rpmbuild wont know what to do with it Feb 24 09:34:38 sorry wrong window Feb 24 09:35:11 arfoll: so the goal here is to make mxr.meego.com/repo.meego.com/source/ the most useful resource it can be Feb 24 09:35:41 since a yaml file would indirectly contribute to the behavior of the package and since it was in the srpm to begin with, it really should be in the directory that's listed Feb 24 09:35:46 just as i'd like to include the spec file Feb 24 09:36:01 (the spec file is naturally lost also since it would land in SPECS/ on its own) Feb 24 09:36:47 yes, i agree, the yaml file would be nice as well as the spec (because yaml may not describe the spec fully - see spec macros) Feb 24 09:37:20 i'd guess the yaml file wouldn't be treated specially by rpmbuild so i'm not sure where it would put it Feb 24 09:37:24 why dont you try? Feb 24 09:38:10 well, i've tried it kinda Feb 24 09:38:31 and it seems to sometimes appear Feb 24 09:39:10 problem is, in BUILD/ you get the content of whatever is in the source: part of the spec no? Feb 24 09:39:17 and the yaml will not be there Feb 24 09:39:47 hrm, no, the yaml doesn't appear does it Feb 24 09:39:54 http://mxr.meego.com/meego.gitorious.org/source/libresource/ e.g. is missing the yaml file Feb 24 09:40:01 whereas there is a yaml file for it Feb 24 09:40:20 can you not treat the yaml file specially if it exists? (just like you have to treat the spec file specially) Feb 24 09:41:14 that's what i'm trying to understand Feb 24 09:41:31 oh oops, i'm looking in the wrong tree Feb 24 09:41:33 * timeless_w7ip sighs Feb 24 09:42:00 sorry, http://mxr.meego.com/repo.meego.com/source/ is the place we're talking about Feb 24 09:42:09 the other one is git based which isn't relevant Feb 24 09:42:39 (well, it is to the extent that i might want to teach mxr itself to parse yaml files to get directory descriptions the way it can for .spec files, but... that's a battle for another time) Feb 24 09:43:41 ok, so http://mxr.meego.com/repo.meego.com/source/kickstarter-0.4/ has a couple of yaml's Feb 24 09:43:53 but they aren't the yaml's we're talking about here Feb 24 09:44:05 timeless_w7ip, i see alot of the spec files are missing, see brassero Feb 24 09:44:33 yeah, the spec files aren't currently being magically added in that version Feb 24 09:44:42 there's another improved version of the script where they will be Feb 24 09:44:54 it's halfway between a run where it wasn't and a run where it would Feb 24 09:44:58 and what happens to patches? Are they simply applied being applied to the tarball or are they not shown either? Feb 24 09:45:08 simply applied Feb 24 09:45:20 the goal is to reference the result of rpmbuild -bp Feb 24 09:45:31 ok, btw i think the reason those yaml files are there is that they are in the .tarball Feb 24 09:45:45 which is roughly how someone looking at a crash stack would need them Feb 24 09:46:02 if you think the patches and other meta junk should be preserved/exposed in some other way Feb 24 09:46:05 i'm open to suggestions Feb 24 09:46:22 but note that i don't want to keep around the .tar.gz or whatevers Feb 24 09:46:28 no it seems like an ok way to deal with it Feb 24 09:46:32 ok Feb 24 09:46:38 i dont see how you are going to get away from treating the yaml specifically Feb 24 09:46:45 so consider http://mxr.meego.com/repo.meego.com/source/tone-generator-1.5/ Feb 24 09:46:55 yeah, i'm fine w/ special casing the yaml's and spec files Feb 24 09:46:59 that's not too annoying Feb 24 09:47:05 consider tone geenrator though... Feb 24 09:47:10 it has a yaml Feb 24 09:47:12 yeah that one looks good Feb 24 09:47:14 and! its yaml is +x Feb 24 09:47:18 wtf is it +x? Feb 24 09:47:26 but maybe the yaml creeped in the tarball.... Feb 24 09:48:11 timeless_w7ip, yep spec + yaml are in that tarball Feb 24 09:48:24 bug should probably be filed Feb 24 09:48:30 can i get you to file it? Feb 24 09:48:38 timeless_w7ip, yes sure Feb 24 09:48:40 thanks Feb 24 09:48:52 clearly i can't cite chapter+verse on that yet.. Feb 24 09:49:26 timeless_w7ip, btw maybe you could spit out a list of packages with the yaml files inside so we can check if there are more ugly packages? Feb 24 09:49:55 normally you'd be able to use mxr's find Feb 24 09:50:03 but since there's no find index, lemme pastebin a list Feb 24 09:50:33 http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1094418 Feb 24 09:51:01 i presume that the repos/configurations yamls are acceptable Feb 24 09:51:13 yes i'd guess those are Feb 24 09:51:18 cheers for the pastie Feb 24 09:51:35 i guess it's because the yaml files are in the git repo so when the tarball is made it's left here Feb 24 09:51:40 s/here/there Feb 24 09:52:16 * timeless_w7ip nods Feb 24 09:52:59 if you can write a rule describing what files should not be found in the root of one of these directories, i can make my script evaluate it as it builds and spit out the list to a file which it adds to the tree Feb 24 09:53:17 (don't give me the rule now, i have enough headaches to deal w/) Feb 24 09:54:22 timeless_w7ip, hard to make a rule though as some yaml files should be there, I think it's best to try and get to them one by one. It's not particularly major either Feb 24 09:54:47 * timeless_w7ip nods Feb 24 09:55:18 it's a general offer though, not necessarily specific to yaml's Feb 24 09:55:48 since mxr will have to process all srpms that go into repo.meego.com, and will hopefully be a place people visit, Feb 24 09:56:14 uhm, it could be very useful, i'll keep it in mind :-) Feb 24 09:56:17 any general complaints about packages which could be calculated automatically could be generated Feb 24 09:56:36 * timeless_w7ip goes back to getting the yaml's into the list Feb 24 09:57:30 grr Feb 24 09:57:34 * timeless_w7ip kicks 'platform' Feb 24 09:58:27 * andre__ wonders what the "ip" stands for in timeless' nick Feb 24 09:58:32 ideapad Feb 24 09:58:35 from dublin :) Feb 24 09:59:00 ah :) Feb 24 09:59:26 which partially explains why this connection dies... the computer goes to sleep! Feb 24 09:59:30 * arfoll hopes the w7 isn't because timeless hasn't put meego on it ;-) Feb 24 09:59:42 arfoll: guilty :) Feb 24 10:00:16 w7 is kinda annoying, when i upgraded virtualbox to some version @work, my w7s started going to sleep too Feb 24 10:00:36 because vbox was like "yeah, i support sleeping", and windows was like "great, i'm tired, i'm going to sleep" Feb 24 10:00:55 * timeless_w7ip hasn't tried to find the checkbox to tell windows "please don't go to sleep" ... Feb 24 10:02:02 so, eventually the directories in repo.meego.com will look closer to: Feb 24 10:02:05 http://mxr.meego.com/stage-repo.meego.com/source/ Feb 24 10:02:13 * timeless_w7ip grumbles @ the first line of http://mxr.meego.com/stage-repo.meego.com/source/perl-HTML-Tree/ Feb 24 10:02:15 timeless_w7ip, when it sleeps in windows, does it also disable usb ports Feb 24 10:02:49 lcuk: hrm, you mean how would the n900 interact w/ this sleeping ip? Feb 24 10:03:03 definitely possible to investigate Feb 24 10:03:44 http://mxr.meego.com/stage-repo.meego.com/source/perl-HTML-Tree/META.yml Feb 24 10:03:50 is that a proto yaml? Feb 24 10:04:31 hrm, nope, seems to be yet-another-module-list Feb 24 10:04:33 its the most annoying part of laptop sleep cycles - because you cannot close lid and carry on charging n900 Feb 24 10:04:46 heh Feb 24 10:04:53 w/ this you can flip the lid :) Feb 24 10:05:28 * timeless_w7ip adds lookign for 'abstract' in 'yml' to the todo list Feb 24 10:05:54 ooh, or 'ABSTRACT' in Makefile.PL Feb 24 10:05:57 that might work better Feb 24 10:07:04 timeless_w7ip, you mean flip into slate mode? Feb 24 10:07:09 yeah Feb 24 10:07:16 if so - that causes havok when you slide it into bag Feb 24 10:07:17 Anyone using those IdeaPads with an Apple Airport Extreme wifi basestation ? Feb 24 10:07:40 lcuk: win-L first :) Feb 24 10:08:04 (works best if you have a password requirement) Feb 24 10:08:50 reasonable enough :) ta Feb 24 10:08:51 win-L = lock screen in NT5, in NT5.1+ it's fast user switching if you aren't in a domain or lock screen otherwise Feb 24 10:09:22 ctrlalt+l works too :) Feb 24 10:09:35 not here Feb 24 10:11:12 hi Feb 24 10:11:40 hi \o Feb 24 10:13:55 Actually, is there a switch in the ideapad that disables wifi Feb 24 10:14:00 Wondering if that's my problem Feb 24 10:14:48 Is valhalla leaving Nokia ? Feb 24 10:20:07 timeless_w7ip, done: https://bugs.meego.com/show_bug.cgi?id=13826 Feb 24 10:20:10 Bug 13826 tri, Undecided, ---, peter.j.zhu, NEW, yaml files in some release tarballs. Should they be there? Feb 24 10:20:15 although i doubt anyone is going to care much Feb 24 10:22:39 * timeless_w7ip nods Feb 24 10:23:26 technically that isn't really a complete list, that's only a list of the packages for which my rpmbuild hadn't failed Feb 24 10:23:29 there are hrm Feb 24 10:24:01 say 1340 directories in that list, and 1436 or so srpms Feb 24 10:24:14 so there are roughly 100 packages for which i can't speak ... Feb 24 10:31:58 hrm Feb 24 10:32:05 * timeless_w7ip wonders how acls work on this system Feb 24 10:32:07 reset the bios to factory decaults works Feb 24 10:32:10 defaults Feb 24 10:35:21 timeless_w7ip, before we know what the overlords are willing to do about it it's fairly irrelevant if the list is incomplete Feb 24 10:36:51 grr Feb 24 10:37:05 * timeless_w7ip kicks debian Feb 24 10:37:10 "time" isn't included Feb 24 10:37:22 * timeless_w7ip has a patch for that on another computer Feb 24 10:37:53 Package: time Feb 24 10:37:53 Priority: standard Feb 24 10:38:00 not essential, though Feb 24 10:38:18 jumpula: yeah, i went through this about 2 weeks ago w/ someone else Feb 24 10:38:39 so it's already fixed on my primary staging computer, but it isn't fixed in my upstream where everyone gets sources Feb 24 10:39:01 633410-update-search-missing-time Feb 24 10:41:06 oh, actually, it's only partially fixed, i think Feb 24 10:41:15 * timeless_w7ip got distracted and probably never finished it Feb 24 10:42:32 grr Feb 24 10:45:30 jumpula: right, so from memory the really fun part about that was that 'which' wasn't from memory portable across unix's Feb 24 10:46:32 and about the worst command to try to google for is 'which' Feb 24 10:47:09 you're probably using the shell internal time instead of the real time command Feb 24 10:47:32 so running something like /usr/bin/time gets you the real time command which supports all the options in the man page etc Feb 24 10:47:45 well, the original version was a shell script and thus it got the internal time Feb 24 10:48:08 the current version is perl and thus it's at the mercy of the existence of /usr/bin/time Feb 24 10:48:15 which doesn't exist on debian unless you install time Feb 24 10:50:13 sounds reasonable, yes :) Feb 24 10:50:24 you can always run shell from perl and run time there Feb 24 10:50:45 but i'd reckon perl has some better (internal) way of doing this Feb 24 10:51:19 so, the question is,... can i safely rely on shells to provide all of the things that i need Feb 24 10:51:44 or should i look before i leap and gracefully handle missing things Feb 24 10:51:58 e.g. potentially 'uptime' could decide not to be presnet Feb 24 10:52:03 s/presnet/present/ Feb 24 10:52:03 timeless_w7ip meant: e.g. potentially 'uptime' could decide not to be present Feb 24 10:52:19 and 'date' Feb 24 10:53:18 timeless_w7ip, since you can resolve most of the missing pieces, it sounds more like a niggle Feb 24 10:53:22 and something to get used to Feb 24 10:53:31 'niggle'? Feb 24 10:54:59 car analogy, having niggles with the car might mean a squeeking noise or wipers broke, but the car still runs. Feb 24 10:55:13 * timeless_w7ip doesn't have a license let alone a car Feb 24 10:55:35 have you ever tried to learn? Feb 24 10:55:46 yes, i've had learners' permits Feb 24 10:55:53 just never bothered getting a license Feb 24 10:55:58 anyway Feb 24 10:56:12 right, the point is that i want my code to be able to work when these things are absent, it's just a matter of deciding how the code should work around the missing cog Feb 24 10:56:39 i'm not specifically complaining about the missing cog, just having trouble deciding the right way to handle it Feb 24 10:59:24 timeless_w7ip, are you actively packaging this collection of scripts up? Feb 24 10:59:59 ie, can you just add dependencies and let the operator (you or other) install the missing dependencies as required Feb 24 11:00:33 no Feb 24 11:00:43 i'm not going to waste years writing hundreds of packaging scripts Feb 24 11:00:58 and i'm not going to waste years supporting people who installed distro hacked versions of my code Feb 24 11:01:19 nor am i going to spend hundreds of hours calculating all of the possible ways to spell a package name Feb 24 11:01:31 packaging is not the answer. it's just twenty more problems i don't need Feb 24 11:01:41 [hint: don't go there] Feb 24 11:02:39 +1 Feb 24 11:03:21 anyway, jbos: i've finally gotten the update-search.pl version of that problem handled. Feb 24 11:03:33 i'll deal w/ porting/refactoring it later or perhaps sooner Feb 24 11:07:11 reasonable timeless_w7ip Feb 24 11:32:26 * timeless_w7ip goes w/ sooner and finishes it Feb 24 11:32:39 ok, so that problem's done. back to whereever i was before? Feb 24 11:33:17 for people vaguely wondering what mxr.meego.com will be able to do once it has working indices, http://mxr.meego.com/mxr/ demos find/search/ident Feb 24 11:34:17 Hi meego hackers Feb 24 11:34:26 * timeless_w7ip chuckles Feb 24 11:34:29 timeless_w7ip, you mention on the info page about web crawlers, are the pages correctly marked in robot file? Feb 24 11:34:39 to prevent some at least Feb 24 11:34:46 lcuk: please feel free to check Feb 24 11:34:54 Don't you think opensource platform blocks commercials opportunity profit? Feb 24 11:34:58 * timeless_w7ip wonders if comic chat is smart enough to map 'hi' to hand wave Feb 24 11:35:09 KevinB: no, go look at licensing policy at meego.com :) Feb 24 11:35:17 indeed timeless_w7ip :) Feb 24 11:35:18 because it s kinda easy for a hacker like you Feb 24 11:35:22 (it did that for kevinb's hi) Feb 24 11:36:03 hi, bon apétit Feb 24 11:36:14 merci :) Feb 24 11:36:38 http://cannedbypasi.blogspot.com/2011/02/meego-qt-alive-and-kicking.html Feb 24 11:36:53 I mean for hackers , a meego platform is like heaven of hacking Feb 24 11:37:13 anyway, it didnt stop ihpone app to be sold Feb 24 11:37:21 so I guess it would be the same for meego Feb 24 11:37:32 We just need to Democratise Meego Feb 24 11:37:39 democracy? dear god no Feb 24 11:37:44 Install it on every Desktop we will see Feb 24 11:37:55 omg, no Feb 24 11:38:22 kevinb: i think you need to look at world politics a bit right now Feb 24 11:38:26 a couple case studies: Feb 24 11:38:29 1. the middle east Feb 24 11:38:30 what's wrong with that Feb 24 11:38:44 where the masses are um... well, not particularly interested in any particular things but are happy to be killed Feb 24 11:38:50 2. the middle west Feb 24 11:39:11 (I mean by "Democratise" to make it popular") Feb 24 11:39:30 ... where um people for some reason seem to support asking for a smaller government so that they won't get the money they need to live Feb 24 11:39:50 i think you want another word Feb 24 11:41:36 Demos -> people , crate -> governing Feb 24 11:41:53 yes, i don't see 'popular' in that Feb 24 11:42:01 popular -> people Feb 24 11:42:12 anyway you get what I meant Feb 24 11:42:29 so, as everyone immediately panic'd when you made your suggestion Feb 24 11:42:32 ... Feb 24 11:42:58 the word you want is ... http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/popularize Feb 24 11:43:25 but, it isn't a good idea to try to make something popular before it's ready Feb 24 11:43:33 i'm sure there are some good examples of how that fails Feb 24 11:43:46 ? Feb 24 11:44:01 ? Feb 24 11:44:35 mmm to make it popular, we need that people commit to its further devlopment - in other word everyone can suggest smth and if it s good we take it Feb 24 11:44:44 isnt it what open source is? A democracy Feb 24 11:44:51 we haven't had many major air disasters of late. sure there was a concord and some other french plane off SAm, and a couple of space shuttles... Feb 24 11:44:53 no, it's open source Feb 24 11:44:54 :P Feb 24 11:45:28 most things tend to work better w/ meritocracy than w/ democracy Feb 24 11:45:41 you might try reading Lord of the Flies Feb 24 11:46:00 what the hell are you talking about Feb 24 11:46:25 The most your work get result, the most what..? Feb 24 11:46:37 heck, one could claim that germany circa 1933 was a democracy Feb 24 11:46:53 but if people don't actually know enough (e.g. who torched the Reichstag) Feb 24 11:47:07 ok is it meego channel? Feb 24 11:47:24 then it's easy to vote for the wrong thing, leading to disastrous consequences Feb 24 11:48:34 there's also Iran circa 1979 Feb 24 11:48:40 anyway I m just a young noob, wondering if hee makes an app on meego and release it commercial and make 1 € per sell... Feb 24 11:48:55 KevinB: meego does not in any way stop commercial usage or commercial applications. Feb 24 11:49:07 or if release it open source will block the market on a side, because it s good app so no one would want to buy the other ones Feb 24 11:49:15 http://meego.com/about/licensing-policy Feb 24 11:49:32 i believe the general assumption is that eventually vendors will provide stores through which users can procure apps Feb 24 11:49:49 and since users like being able to ask for support, and part of selling is offering support Feb 24 11:50:02 users can choose to go for a commercial solution, just for support Feb 24 11:50:33 * niala1 read timeless_w7ip and KevinB and think there is misunderstand with "Democratise" word. I think a false traduction french/english Feb 24 11:50:34 i'll note that even people here have indicated to me at times that they want to pay for support and will do that buy e.g. buying a license for something which could be retrieved for free Feb 24 11:50:59 niala1: "translation" in en :), but thanks Feb 24 11:51:05 niala1 it is indeed thogh I dont think the english definition of democratize is far from "démocratiser" Feb 24 11:52:05 kevinb: even if the historical origins are close, the modern meanings are sufficiently distinct and the connotations significant such that interchanging them is problematic Feb 24 11:52:56 I'll ask an english oxford guy when I'll go to Oxford, one day Feb 24 11:53:20 oed is available online for free this year iirc Feb 24 11:54:03 I just think all basic app, couldnt go commercial Feb 24 11:54:09 of course, finding the stupid password is expensive Feb 24 11:54:46 maybe I over - emphasize, just feel weird if I'm user that there are 2 simple and god app (like transport app) Feb 24 11:55:04 s/god/good/ ? Feb 24 11:56:21 good app and that onee is free and the other is not... OR even open-source should not be free Feb 24 11:56:46 * timeless_w7ip sighs Feb 24 11:56:56 niala: can you get a better translation for us? Feb 24 11:56:57 ok it s not clear Feb 24 11:57:10 [libre is terribly confusing when converted to en] Feb 24 11:58:08 me démocratiser = populaire = popular = communal. but my english is very bad. Feb 24 11:58:08 kevinB say free/gpl to be more predise Feb 24 11:58:08 To sum up : I'm considering open-source app should not be free on meego Feb 24 11:58:13 precise Feb 24 11:58:38 or opensource yes Feb 24 11:59:30 if it s free, i m just afraid it may break competition between app Feb 24 11:59:33 or free = gratuit = gratuitous Feb 24 11:59:56 because open source is sometimes better than commercials Feb 24 12:00:12 so it 's 0€ price.. Feb 24 12:00:23 just a thought Feb 24 12:00:38 niala: i don't suppose there's a #meego-fr? Feb 24 12:01:25 ah well i don't know i m here to train my english too :) Feb 24 12:01:56 niala: i'll gladly help you (e.g. 'translation'), but there's a limit to my ability to handle broken en Feb 24 12:02:34 i'm not asking you to leave, just wondering if you could possibly work through the other question in French somewhere else Feb 24 12:02:39 * KevinB is not in strict ENGLISh mode and is sorry for your brain compiler Feb 24 12:02:57 no pb i just reading and google translate. As you see i m not speaking a lot . :) Feb 24 12:04:26 KevinB: ask in french in pv if you want. Feb 24 12:05:07 If there s two app the serves the same purpose. One is open-source (means ususally not bad one and most of the time free(=0€)) Feb 24 12:05:57 I'm afraid it would brake competition and so people never buy the commercial one Feb 24 12:06:26 KevinB, if that were true (lower price always) then people would not buy Ferraris Feb 24 12:07:02 kevinb, fwiw, s/brake/break/ Feb 24 12:07:19 lcuk: do they come w/ brakes? Feb 24 12:07:39 grr, i missed lunch! Feb 24 12:08:30 KevinB: yes and instead of selling closed software you sell you and your brain, in free/gpl woe Feb 24 12:08:36 world Feb 24 12:08:42 timeless_w7ip, I overlooked the spelling. Go and grab lunch now! Feb 24 12:09:03 Whereas if open source app are sold at leeast for a symoblic euro, it would get things like more equal Feb 24 12:09:15 then even comm. app have more chance? Feb 24 12:09:25 Is my argument stupid? Feb 24 12:09:35 http://mxr.meego.com/meego.gitorious.org/source/kernel-source/obs_dont_care.txt <- funny file Feb 24 12:10:31 KevinB, is that the only potential way to do it? Feb 24 12:10:48 * lcuk2 has spent time considering how to do this for years Feb 24 12:11:05 just an idea Feb 24 12:11:28 to make meego an attractive platform Feb 24 12:11:30 KevinB, if you write a tiny HTML page or something on the wiki that ends up being used by everyone Feb 24 12:11:56 its not going to be questioned about open source or anything Feb 24 12:12:03 cos its just a silly page Feb 24 12:12:11 and the one 1€ would go to an juridic entity that could use reuse it for opensource Feb 24 12:12:48 lcuk2, sorry I dont get extacly the meaning? Feb 24 12:13:05 well KevinB, you are talking specifically about apps Feb 24 12:13:41 but there are so many component pieces around that are not necessarily apps, but that people have been involved in and helped to fixup Feb 24 12:13:55 yes, because I keep thinking about, how Meego can be attractive to the (Profit developper) Feb 24 12:14:25 there is 'store' for that Feb 24 12:15:06 iphone-store like ... ovistore and intelstore (don't remember the exact name of intel store) Feb 24 12:15:12 * lcuk2 smiles when I noticesomeone fixed typos in the documentation (for instance) or wroteup a howto Feb 24 12:15:50 niala1, AppUp ? Feb 24 12:16:01 yep Feb 24 12:16:03 ty Feb 24 12:16:32 a store on closed-platform is more powerfull dont you think so? On open-source platform like Meego people would nt go though store when we ll understand how to get the apps for free Feb 24 12:16:56 I mean when the customers will know how to install app by themselves Feb 24 12:17:20 os apps quality is generally quite bad Feb 24 12:17:26 KevinB, I expect that most users of the OS would loath having to goto console to install stuff Feb 24 12:17:31 KevinB: and a gplworld is not nice? Feb 24 12:17:39 terrible ux and 'features' Feb 24 12:17:42 I cannot see my dad pecking through ancient runes Feb 24 12:17:58 well, perhaps actually, but thats not the point. Feb 24 12:18:24 KevinB, problem with charging for opensource is that who gets the money? Feb 24 12:18:37 lcuk2: ok for the console, what when there s just need to click on a deb in fileManager Feb 24 12:19:00 Who gets the money need to be a public entity with an object(=purpose) Feb 24 12:19:17 An association of developper building the soft Feb 24 12:19:28 Juridic public entity Feb 24 12:19:29 hardware have the money at least... Feb 24 12:19:42 KevinB, you're french aren't you? Feb 24 12:19:49 :) yes ,what? Feb 24 12:19:51 KevinB: Android Market is an example of a working market for an open-source platform Feb 24 12:20:07 bunk : 1 point, does ppl really buy app on Android Feb 24 12:20:08 semi open-source.. Feb 24 12:20:14 KevinB, il y a que les francais pour vouloir une assoc pour 3 pommes Feb 24 12:20:47 linux fundation host meego if you want an association Feb 24 12:20:51 KevinB, i dont disagree, but you have to admit thats alot of work just to collect the money. Probably easier to not charge at all Feb 24 12:20:54 héhéhé : Quoi d'autre sinon? (What else could you use) instead of assiciation Feb 24 12:21:05 KevinB: US$ 102 000 000 revenue on Android Market in 2010 Feb 24 12:21:09 yea for example that would be great Feb 24 12:21:44 (same revenue as Ovi Store in 2010) Feb 24 12:21:52 Anyways to me the whole point of meego is that ISVs can make their own appstore and they can grab the 30% revenue Feb 24 12:21:57 * lcuk2 sighs and goes to sit down laterally on the bench Feb 24 12:23:02 * arfoll feels its a shame it's going to be the telco's grabbing that 30% if meego ever gets off commercially Feb 24 12:25:51 What about this : If a meego app is distributed through an appstore, it needs to be at least (1€ or else) and the money goes to Linux Fundattion Feb 24 12:26:09 that's not very 'libre' is it Feb 24 12:26:10 :P Feb 24 12:26:12 Otherwise , user can install it manually Feb 24 12:26:22 for free or give what they want Feb 24 12:26:41 I just on the app store ppl shouldnt see any 0€ good open source app Feb 24 12:27:26 If they wanna install the open-soft not through appstore, then it s free and on their own Feb 24 12:29:02 But actuallt people would say : ho only 1€... it must be not good... maybe the effect wanted wouldnt occur Feb 24 12:29:04 meego is opensource app not necessarily. An app can exist only closed even for gpl/operating system Feb 24 12:30:04 an app can just exist on ovi for example Feb 24 12:31:39 user can buy vuvuzela app $5 on ovi. Feb 24 12:32:22 well maybe nokia is not the good example :) Feb 24 12:35:06 niala1, have you got a link to the vuvuzela app? Feb 24 12:35:49 euh, sorry no is only in my crazy brain Feb 24 12:37:01 CIAO A TUTTI !!!!! Feb 24 12:37:11 ||||||||||||||| NEWS---> http://jrabbit.tk <--- ||||||||||||||||  Feb 24 12:37:12 . Feb 24 12:37:14 ||||||||||||||| only ITALIAN RELEASE NEWS---> http://jrabbit.tk <--- ||||||||||||||||  Feb 24 12:37:15 . Feb 24 12:37:16 . Feb 24 12:37:17 ||||||||||||||| WII---> http://jrabbit.tk <--- ||||||||||||||||  Feb 24 12:37:34 shame, its a bit quiet in the house and could do with vuvuzela concerto Feb 24 12:37:42 héhé Feb 24 12:38:02 hurray Stskeeps, that was quick Feb 24 12:38:26 Feb 24 12:38:26 there was a reactions interactive exhibit at MOSI, timing between seeing and hearing things Feb 24 12:38:34 Soo, gentlemen, any news? Feb 24 12:38:44 Are we close to handset 1.2 at least? Feb 24 12:38:52 1.2? what's that? Feb 24 12:38:53 Who wants to answer me : Who wanna developp commercial app, on a open platform where you know there s an opponent app that is at least as good as your commercial. Feb 24 12:39:02 RST38h, yeah, theres an awesome vuvuzela app on Ovi (according to niala1) Feb 24 12:39:02 and free Feb 24 12:39:06 0€ Feb 24 12:39:31 KevinB, wrong question Feb 24 12:39:35 That is the point I mind Feb 24 12:39:57 the devloper should ask: what can I put into my app to add value and give me brand recognition. Feb 24 12:40:29 mmmm... and as soon as you add value 2 month after the open one got the feature Feb 24 12:40:30 with 100 fart apps in the app store Feb 24 12:40:34 how do you make yours unique Feb 24 12:41:03 lcuk: You record elephant farting ... profit. Feb 24 12:41:14 "elephant farts" Feb 24 12:41:17 decent Feb 24 12:41:29 it should set of the vibration at same time I assume Feb 24 12:42:27 do the fart apps have visual effects yet? Feb 24 12:42:45 it could add a value to add brown smudge effect Feb 24 12:43:19 XD Feb 24 12:44:20 I get the point : Commercial app needs to be creative, that s the only requirement Feb 24 12:44:26 no Feb 24 12:44:36 there are 50 apps Feb 24 12:44:38 all free Feb 24 12:44:40 fart hits the fan :) Feb 24 12:44:43 which do you choose? Feb 24 12:44:51 lcuk: Ok, if you want me to get really medie^H^H^Hcreative, attach the elephant fart to an accelerometer so that it activates every time there is a tram or someone is entering the room Feb 24 12:44:55 random ? Feb 24 12:44:59 i'm not going to try all Feb 24 12:45:25 or i'm going to take the one i saw someone recommand on a blog or something Feb 24 12:45:37 brand recognition Feb 24 12:45:41 RST38h: what a great idea! Feb 24 12:45:41 the not free(>0€) one, it must be the good one :D Feb 24 12:45:48 I'm a stupid normal customer Feb 24 12:45:53 * arfoll just received a htc wildfire. guessing no one has meego running on that :-( Feb 24 12:46:01 KevinB, same question: there are 50 apps Feb 24 12:46:05 all $X price Feb 24 12:46:10 which do you choose? Feb 24 12:46:14 I dunoo Feb 24 12:46:22 cheaper ! Feb 24 12:46:24 the most expensive one must be the good Feb 24 12:46:26 all same price Feb 24 12:46:30 oh Feb 24 12:46:35 like music singles Feb 24 12:46:37 I'm a stupid customer Feb 24 12:46:39 * RST38h should open an iPhone app workshop, with great "ideas" like these... Feb 24 12:46:40 brand recognition ! Feb 24 12:46:44 :) Feb 24 12:46:58 I would choose the one which has more features of if no feature differences, then I would choose the one which has most appealing screenshots Feb 24 12:47:06 RST38h I follow you, I'm "smelling" som good deal there Feb 24 12:47:07 ;) Feb 24 12:47:29 Let us consider an application that, when it senses an NFC-equipped device, sends it $5, making the other device send $5 back Feb 24 12:47:41 Both users will get excited after receiving $5 from a total stranger! Feb 24 12:47:52 :D Feb 24 12:47:55 RST38h: lol :D Feb 24 12:48:04 RST38h, did you read what I asked to read last week? Feb 24 12:48:05 lcuk: i'd get the one w/ the most farts.. er downloads Feb 24 12:48:11 lol Feb 24 12:48:13 After all, EXPERIENCE is what we are selling to iPhone users, isn't it? Feb 24 12:48:31 lcuk: That was last week. I have done a warm reboot yesterday. Feb 24 12:48:55 RST38h, the stuff I sent out as handwritten Feb 24 12:49:19 lcuk: Russian Armed Forces Holiday. State TV celebrated by showing "Black Hawk Down" =) Feb 24 12:49:45 lcuk: You know, warm reboot also resets all image information. Audio too. Feb 24 12:50:08 lcuk: If you wrote it on a bank check and sent it to me, I would remember it though: bank data is persistent =) Feb 24 12:50:31 nm then :) Feb 24 12:51:11 it was the full text of: http://liqbase.net/liq.20110208_002.liqbook.on.meego.ideapad.jpg Feb 24 12:51:15 Aha Feb 24 12:52:03 lcuk: Got it. Feb 24 12:52:29 lcuk: You have got pretty decent handwriting. So, yea, it is ok if someone sees my email in your handwriting. Feb 24 12:52:37 lcuk: I am not so sure about my own though Feb 24 12:52:54 luck2, it s a wp ahaaaa eyes re bleeding Feb 24 12:52:58 RST38h, my own handwriting is poor, but just like playing a game Feb 24 12:53:09 you practice until you get it right Feb 24 12:53:15 * lcuk2 shows first test : Feb 24 12:53:59 ho I cconfused coz of the ugly arrow sorry Feb 24 12:54:06 http://liqbase.net/liq.20081124_225420.gary.scr.png and in context: http://liqbase.net/liq.20081124_225643.gary.scr.png Feb 24 12:54:35 so long ago! Feb 24 12:56:09 lcuk: Nah, I really prefer it in lifeless ASCII Feb 24 12:57:14 RST38h, I got to take a little bit more of Tracy to FOSDEM with me :) Feb 24 12:58:03 Hehe :) Feb 24 12:58:11 lcuk: Take the whole thing! Feb 24 12:58:30 RST38h, kids and money and complications Feb 24 12:58:51 lcuk: yeah, fmailiar =( Feb 24 12:59:21 And I keep thinking 0€ app on appstore should be forbidden Feb 24 12:59:31 whatever licence are Feb 24 12:59:49 if it s GPL then the 1€ would go to open source fundation Feb 24 13:00:10 it s good way to thanks the people that make this piece of art we gonna use Feb 24 13:01:03 or it may be impossible, and I' m just dreaming about Fairy tales Feb 24 13:01:22 KevinB, its good to consider alternatives to current principles Feb 24 13:01:42 I remember hearing about one of my friends dads. he wrote an msdos app Feb 24 13:01:46 and released it as shareware Feb 24 13:02:09 the biggest smile came when he got a cheque in the post Feb 24 13:02:26 :) must feel good for sure Feb 24 13:02:49 someone had actually gone out of their way to read the info screens, write the cheque, head to post office, post it. Feb 24 13:03:54 what percentage of use is like this? Feb 24 13:04:01 *user Feb 24 13:05:00 not me... sorry Feb 24 13:05:20 not high, but it could be if it were made as simple as patting someone on back or tipping waiter or taxi :) Feb 24 13:05:22 maybe paypal if i win loto :) Feb 24 13:07:31 ok, http://mxr.meego.com/repo.meego.com/source/ is now currently generating a set of reasonable sources. it's automatically copying over a spec file (but not the yaml, because i forgot) Feb 24 13:08:18 anyone here know if there's a policy on directory permissions for sources? Feb 24 13:08:31 see droid-fonts and dropbear for why i ask Feb 24 13:08:43 (and ctags) Feb 24 13:09:25 grr. babl wins a prize for the most lame README first line i've seen this hour Feb 24 13:12:46 anyone here willing to be my 'tar' buddy? Feb 24 13:13:01 all i want for today is a way to tell tar 'all files should be +r' Feb 24 13:13:22 'ignore the evil ****ards who said files should not be readable by anyone bu the owner Feb 24 13:13:27 s/bu/but/ Feb 24 13:13:27 timeless_w7ip meant: 'ignore the evil ****ards who said files should not be readable by anyone but the owner Feb 24 13:14:58 find + chmod ? Feb 24 13:15:12 -o Feb 24 13:20:11 niala: for 5 files, that's tolerably cheap Feb 24 13:20:13 find / -iname .tar -exec chmod a+r \; something like that .... ? Feb 24 13:20:17 for an entire repository, that's rather expensive Feb 24 13:20:52 it's really just chmod -R +r . Feb 24 13:21:00 but it's just incredibly expensive Feb 24 13:21:21 when the right thing would be a flag to tar saying "do not try to mess with the read bit when you extract files" Feb 24 13:21:41 -p timeless_w7ip ? Feb 24 13:21:43 well Feb 24 13:21:46 preserve permissions when extracting Feb 24 13:21:51 there is "preserve permission" -p Feb 24 13:21:55 ^^ Feb 24 13:22:07 :-o too slow :-( Feb 24 13:22:12 hrhr Feb 24 13:22:38 warg: i suspect that -p preserves the permissions of the files as they're listed in the archive Feb 24 13:22:45 which is basically the opposite of what i want Feb 24 13:22:49 or maybe changing umode before extracting Feb 24 13:22:52 please feel free to test and tell me i'm wrong Feb 24 13:22:57 when the right thing would be a flag to tar saying "do not try to mess with the read bit when you extract files" Feb 24 13:23:02 ^ it does that Feb 24 13:23:26 but if the files were put into the archive as not publicly readable, then they will extract as not publicly readable Feb 24 13:23:28 umask* Feb 24 13:23:45 so w/ -p you get out what you put in Feb 24 13:23:54 xargs instead of -exec Feb 24 13:23:55 i don't want what some idiot put in! Feb 24 13:24:05 i want +r no matter what the idiot was thinking. that's the point! Feb 24 13:24:07 no need to shout at me! :( Feb 24 13:24:16 * warg goes and does something useful Feb 24 13:24:29 sorry, you could help by filing bugs to the idiots :) Feb 24 13:24:39 what's bugged? Feb 24 13:24:45 or spamming them Feb 24 13:24:47 tar? - not, wai Feb 24 13:25:45 lainwir3d: i don't think umask helps either Feb 24 13:26:20 if a command tries to do open 0600, there's no umask that will yield 0644 Feb 24 13:26:44 warg: load http://mxr.meego.com/repo.meego.com/source/ Feb 24 13:26:55 each directory you see without a description is almost certainly bugged Feb 24 13:27:33 in that the packager of that package insisted on 0xx0 permissions for his directory/files Feb 24 13:27:41 timeless_w7ip, i wasn't referring to anything about meego, i was referring to helping you do what you want to accomplish w/ tar Feb 24 13:28:12 oh Feb 24 13:28:49 well, do you think there's a flag i've missed in tar? i can't find one, -p seems to be "enforce the archive's permissions" which is not what i want, and umask is "try to be stricter than the archive's permissions" which isn't what i want Feb 24 13:29:02 i want "be laxer than the archive's permissions wrt the +r bit" Feb 24 13:29:26 (it's mostly the opposite of umask) Feb 24 13:29:31 you can chmod the appropriate permissions after extraction, or you can before creating the archive so then -p will do what you want. Feb 24 13:30:22 warg: if it was 1 file, it'd be fine Feb 24 13:30:29 we're talking about 1440 packages, none of which i own Feb 24 13:30:41 *shrug* Feb 24 13:30:43 it is what it is Feb 24 13:30:48 each of which presumably is packaged occasionally and thus needs to be dealt with repeatedly Feb 24 13:31:15 chances are it'll be world readable anyway, if you don't have a umask blocking it Feb 24 13:31:18 and don't use -p Feb 24 13:32:00 umask 0002 && tar --no-same-permissions ? Feb 24 13:32:35 ^^ Feb 24 13:32:41 odin: sounds vaguely promising Feb 24 13:33:11 odin: only concern is what happens to the +x bit? Feb 24 13:33:57 (i'm currently using --no-same-owner fwiw) Feb 24 13:34:31 are you running 'tar' as root user ? Feb 24 13:35:20 nope Feb 24 13:35:44 there are 2 users: timeless [runs tar xf via rpmbuild -bp]; apacche [runs ls, cat via mxr] Feb 24 13:36:04 there was a third user for each package, known hereafter as "that idiot who wrote the crappy package" Feb 24 13:36:26 I would have thought --no-same-owner only made sense as root, since a non-root user can't create (or give away with chown) a file to another user, some other unix you can do this, usually unix that don't support file system quotas Feb 24 13:37:03 the problem i used --no-same-owner for is that packages seem to have random users/groups and tar seemed to complain that it couldn't restore those Feb 24 13:37:12 i didn't need or want its complaints Feb 24 13:38:25 * timeless_w7ip should probably just get the source for tar and hack it to support --ignore-requests-to-make-files-unreadable Feb 24 13:38:53 ok you quash the warning with the option (maybe also restore the successful exit status) Feb 24 13:41:07 yeah, i think the exit status might have been the key bit Feb 24 13:43:21 lcuk: BTW check out this little guy: http://gizmodo.com/#!5769094/livescribe-pens-lets-you-search-for-info-on-your-written-words Feb 24 13:43:34 lcuk: It has been around for a while, and you can write applications for it Feb 24 13:44:04 any idea what this means: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1094983 ? Feb 24 13:45:09 yeah RST38h, but not my intent Feb 24 13:45:11 A progress message Feb 24 13:47:39 http://mxr.meego.com/meego.gitorious.org/search?string=git.meego Feb 24 13:47:53 * timeless_w7ip finds the 3 places which talk about git.meego.org! Feb 24 13:48:13 * timeless_w7ip is pretty sure the annoying one was mutter Feb 24 13:49:09 slaine: Belatedly, yes: http://twitter.com/#!/valhalla101/statuses/40756957195407360 Feb 24 13:49:15 slaine: (could well be old news now) Feb 24 13:50:04 Jaffa: yeah, spotted the clarification Feb 24 13:50:26 anyone here know a "Juhani Hanninen"? Feb 24 13:50:33 Wonder where he's going, the love for meego bit makes me think he's going somewhere were he can be still involved. **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Feb 24 17:26:17 2011 Feb 24 19:34:14 Hello ? Feb 24 19:34:19 Hi everyone. Feb 24 19:34:37 Is anybode alive ? Feb 24 19:36:15 Hello people... i need some help from a Finnish Feb 24 20:32:42 omarjuarezortiz: general IRC rule: ask your meego question and wait Feb 24 20:33:23 or play cards Feb 24 20:33:27 or discuss other things Feb 24 20:35:28 n sattunu eteen :D http://www.kolumbus.fi/jedi.akatemia/ Feb 24 20:38:33 hena: some of us are Finnish-challenged Feb 24 20:40:24 i have no idea where that came from... Feb 24 20:40:44 havenät even seen that link before.. Feb 24 20:40:54 spooky Feb 24 20:53:06 hi Feb 24 20:53:11 RST38h: hi Feb 24 21:03:36 RST38h: hi Feb 24 21:03:57 thiago_home: hi Feb 24 21:04:08 vlj: heya Feb 24 21:04:45 thiago_home: is it possible to set the compression level of jpeg when using qt-mobility to take shot ? Feb 24 21:05:14 vlj: no clue... Feb 24 21:06:06 vlj, Not exactly. Feb 24 21:06:25 hmm Feb 24 21:07:56 Crash247-Michael: is it possible to fine controls the exposure time ? Feb 24 21:09:44 vlj, Thats actually a really good question. I am not totally sure. Feb 24 21:11:58 thiago_home: I saw there was a release of qt for android yesterday... is it an "official" port ? Feb 24 21:12:38 "necessitas" framework is it named Feb 24 21:12:40 vlj: we want it to be official Feb 24 21:12:48 and allow it to be called Qt port for Android Feb 24 21:12:59 ...but ? Feb 24 21:13:03 but this is completely uncharted territory Feb 24 21:13:07 we have never had a community port Feb 24 21:13:29 we need to work with bogdan to get it integrated in the Qt master codeline Feb 24 21:13:34 ok Feb 24 21:13:39 it'll probably happen after the 4.8 branch though Feb 24 21:13:53 he has done a lot of work to get the thing ported Feb 24 21:14:54 yep Feb 24 21:15:02 he deserves the recognition Feb 24 21:15:16 oddly enough, because of MS we're now more able to offer him that recognition Feb 24 21:15:19 all of these on his spare time ? Feb 24 21:15:31 no fear of industry analysts speculating that Nokia is switching to Android because of it Feb 24 21:15:37 :p Feb 24 21:15:55 yes, all of it in the spare time Feb 24 21:16:06 he did build upon the Lighthouse port though Feb 24 21:16:33 i remember hearding about Qt on android last year, is it the same thing or a different project? Feb 24 21:16:35 there are a couple of man-years there from us Feb 24 21:16:42 it's the same codebase that allows Qt to run on Wayland today Feb 24 21:16:51 ali1234: same project Feb 24 21:17:05 cool, so no duplicated effort. i like it. Feb 24 21:17:29 * vlj would like to see wayland running on his computer Feb 24 21:20:16 well, the analysts will still speculate that all nokia's "ecosystem" developers will switch to Qt on android... i know i will never touch any MS or apple stuff Feb 24 21:24:27 why would people want to run Qt on Android? I mean, the tech is good, but why use the middleman? Feb 24 21:24:43 Qt only makes sense if you're reusing code from other platforms Feb 24 21:24:54 or if it's the native, which is the case of MeeGo Feb 24 21:26:09 thiago_home: it might have sense if you developp desktop/android apps Feb 24 21:26:42 our strategy is: your business logic stays the same, in C++; the UI in QML is very easy to change, but you're supposed to adapt to each system Feb 24 21:26:52 best integration requires work to integrate Feb 24 21:27:19 but that's my point: if someone is writing just Android apps, why would they bother with Qt? Feb 24 21:27:24 if i've spent two years writing Qt code for symbian, and then I have a choice between rewriting it all in silverlight or whatever, or just porting the existing code to android... guess which one i pick Feb 24 21:27:51 maybe for the same reason that people does rather use qt than pure symbian c/c++ coding ? :p Feb 24 21:28:12 ali1234: ah, in that case yeah Feb 24 21:28:15 I have no idea if android is easier (or not) to code than symbian Feb 24 21:28:24 I thought you meant new developers Feb 24 21:28:39 no i meant the existing developers writing stuff for ovi store Feb 24 21:28:43 either way, it doesn't increase Qt's attractiveness Feb 24 21:29:26 in my opinion Qt is currently the best option for writing cross platform code Feb 24 21:29:35 * bunk was surprised that N does not intend to use Qt on WP Feb 24 21:29:45 more platforms therefore is always a good thing Feb 24 21:30:09 bunk: me too, it seems logical, i mean Qt already has a windows mobile port... Feb 24 21:37:02 bunk: the official party line is that N wants an undiluted offering for WP, which already exists for all devices. That's MS Visual Studio. Feb 24 21:37:44 we speculate that MS had some saying about it. Anyway, that's off-topic (not MeeGo talk) Feb 24 23:39:50 Hello. Feb 24 23:42:16 rawr Feb 24 23:46:59 CosmoHill: there is no growling in meego :) Feb 24 23:47:14 that wasn't a growl, that was a rawr Feb 24 23:47:21 but I do growl too, mostly at MS Feb 24 23:50:50 w00t, it's a w00t_ Feb 24 23:51:12 DawnFoster: so how was your day? Feb 24 23:51:51 CosmoHill: good - actually getting some good work done. Yours? Feb 24 23:52:16 if it wasn't for my friend I would have said today was a waist Feb 24 23:52:21 or waste* Feb 24 23:58:02 hey lbt, how goes? Feb 24 23:59:23 hey CosmoHill.... you know... looking for a job Feb 25 00:00:45 oh Feb 25 00:05:40 good luck with that Feb 25 00:12:47 :) Feb 25 00:12:52 * lbt is not alone Feb 25 00:13:24 seems to quite a lot that going around Feb 25 00:13:32 +be Feb 25 00:13:34 yeah Feb 25 00:13:51 nb "looking" != "fired" or anything.... just being safe Feb 25 00:14:07 I was just cleaning my CV:) Feb 25 00:14:11 yep Feb 25 00:14:22 I had to clean up my CV Feb 25 00:14:31 it's part of my dissertation Feb 25 00:14:44 I had to find a job. Feb 25 00:14:48 University make me bored. Feb 25 00:15:00 I am always optimistic and can still hope that Nokia will find a way out of the darkness... Feb 25 00:15:02 I'm in my final year Feb 25 00:15:40 i'm in the second year, but all courses are really boring. Feb 25 00:15:52 i'm 'drawing' some crap in catia and pro/engineer Feb 25 00:15:53 so, fwiw, http://mxr.meego.com/meego.gitorious.org/source/meegotouchcp-sync/project.pro Feb 25 00:16:13 you should be able to use the chooser at the bottom of gitorious mxr pages to view other revisions of files :) Feb 25 00:16:13 Part`: maybe you're on the wrong course? Feb 25 00:16:35 I see that's been fixed Feb 25 00:16:50 CosmoHill: no, it's Computer Science. And only this semester contains those subjects. Feb 25 00:17:17 hope your course isn't like mine Feb 25 00:17:23 "didn't we do this last year?" Feb 25 00:17:36 would be great to find a job as qt developer, or something related. Feb 25 00:17:55 last year i seen only Java/.NET offers. Feb 25 00:18:43 I've done: MSSQL, MySQL, C/C++, Java. AS3, PHP, html, css and JS Feb 25 00:19:07 what university you are attending? Feb 25 00:19:14 ARU in Essex Feb 25 00:19:32 Let me google it. :p Feb 25 00:19:38 anglia.ac.uk Feb 25 00:19:52 it may work, it may not. our internet cable got cut somehow Feb 25 00:21:15 nice website Feb 25 00:21:23 our uni LAN has basically been cut in half cos someone drilled too deep about 12 miles away from campus Feb 25 00:21:51 my name has been passed onto the developer who did it :) Feb 25 00:22:08 timeless_w7ip, tld error on that footer section Feb 25 00:24:26 Part`: what do you do with arch linux? Feb 25 00:25:20 package maintaining, usually Feb 25 00:25:29 sometimes translations, general scripting Feb 25 00:26:32 kudos Feb 25 00:27:05 thanks Feb 25 00:28:22 k, i'm gonna sleep Feb 25 00:28:26 see you. Feb 25 00:28:51 see you in bed? ohhh Feb 25 00:39:32 plop niala1 Feb 25 00:41:02 nice day CosmoHill ? Feb 25 00:41:57 meh Feb 25 00:48:43 CosmoHill: funny image http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=meh Feb 25 00:59:32 night night Feb 25 00:59:44 lbt nn CosmoHill Feb 25 00:59:46 -lbt Feb 25 01:01:00 good night cosmoHill Feb 25 01:01:21 lcuk: that's intentioanl Feb 25 01:01:27 s/anl/nal/ Feb 25 01:01:27 timeless_w7ip meant: lcuk: that's intentional Feb 25 01:01:55 timeless_w7ip, ahh, I tohught it was for the lookup Feb 25 01:02:24 thought Feb 25 01:02:32 lcuk: well, in cases where the system knows more, it'll do something more magical Feb 25 01:02:49 in this case, it doesn't know enough and there's intentional fallback Feb 25 01:02:50 that has always been the way. Feb 25 01:04:55 http://meego.gitorious.org/qemu-maemo/gles-libs/commit/a9316fe4d111aab1bde051430c55e87542a020d8 Feb 25 01:04:58 boy that's helpful Feb 25 01:05:57 timeless_w7ip, gitweb could show overview of commits without including the contents Feb 25 01:06:28 it would certainly be more user friendly Feb 25 01:06:39 user friendly... gitweb... ... Feb 25 01:06:41 .. ... Feb 25 01:06:55 i wouldn't even ask for such a thing :) Feb 25 01:07:15 timeless_w7ip, in this context, we are the users. Feb 25 01:35:10 http://mxr.meego.com/hgweb.cgi/air/rev/1c75a7f9f159 :) Feb 25 01:45:19 lcuk: so... Feb 25 01:45:46 something confused the code... if you reload that page which had the bad tld thing, you should see something less odd Feb 25 01:46:27 timeless_w7ip, :) great stuff Feb 25 01:46:35 * lcuk sees a giturl :) Feb 25 01:46:37 that's not what i want it to say fwiw Feb 25 01:46:58 note that mxr actually thinks it's an hg url Feb 25 01:47:49 timeless_w7ip, sortof, but that is certainly a step in the right direction Feb 25 01:48:21 lcuk: no, seriously. the repo that mxr has is .hg, it just happens to be rather magical Feb 25 01:49:03 heh, we could do with some magic :) Feb 25 01:51:12 yeah, i'm working on it Feb 25 01:51:23 oh, so this kinda sucks Feb 25 01:51:32 the 'rev/' bit comes from the chooser Feb 25 01:51:39 it's just static text :) Feb 25 01:52:50 I don't know where you are reading the variables from, how is the mxr storing stuff? is it in a database? Feb 25 01:53:08 http://mxr.meego.com/meego.gitorious.org/source/meegotouch-controlpanelapplets/.hg/hgrc Feb 25 01:56:15 hmm cannot concentrate or know how that relates tonight timeless_w7ip, going to bed, will catch you earlier tomorrow no doubt \o Feb 25 01:56:34 tomorrow? Feb 25 01:56:42 it's 4am today Feb 25 01:56:47 i'll be back sunday or monday :) Feb 25 01:56:56 not quite that late here, and I havent slept yet Feb 25 01:57:00 so :P tomorrow Feb 25 01:57:16 if you wake up past 4pm today my time, i won't be around Feb 25 01:57:36 * lcuk will be up around 9 :) gnite timeless Feb 25 01:57:59 night Feb 25 01:58:18 * timeless_w7ip isn't quite sure what to do about the git bits Feb 25 01:58:29 this code would get horribly confused if i actually converted things Feb 25 02:33:51 almost there **** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Feb 25 02:59:57 2011