**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat May 20 09:59:57 2006 May 20 10:00:28 is there a way to prevent OE to generate support for all locales? Just let it generat e EN? May 20 10:02:03 Zecke: Is there a way to prevent OE to generate support for all locales? Just let it generat e EN? May 20 10:02:21 goxboxlive: RP had a patch for that somewhere May 20 10:02:31 goxboxlive: RP had a patch... May 20 10:02:40 goxboxlive: but you can disable generating of binary locales May 20 10:02:47 OK, thanks zecke and koen. I'll google for it. May 20 10:02:47 goxboxlive: OPie don't need them anyway May 20 10:02:56 http://rpsys.net/openzaurus/temp/glibc_workionprogress.patch May 20 10:03:14 Does GPE need them? May 20 10:03:39 could be May 20 10:07:32 Ok, i got the patch, but have no idea how oe where to patch it. help please :-) May 20 10:07:54 oe = to May 20 10:09:48 zecke: good morning May 20 10:23:15 goxboxlive: in the oe dir? May 20 10:23:33 patch -p0 < .. May 20 10:23:34 well May 20 10:31:35 why is the jamvm and classpath version in .oz354x so old? newer versions proved to be stable enough May 20 10:32:08 zecke: do you ever sleep? I'm damn impressed with your commitment here May 20 10:43:15 cya later May 20 10:43:20 I'm going to study a bit now May 20 10:45:09 koen: no news May 20 11:25:45 | CROSS COMPILE Badness: /usr/include in INCLUDEPATH: /usr/include/libxml2 May 20 11:25:55 * koen investigates May 20 11:37:40 hail mickeyl May 20 11:37:42 what is the relationship between xtst and libxtst? in .oz354x there is no libxtst but some packages seem to depend on it May 20 11:37:50 hey pb_ May 20 11:38:18 newbie question: where is task do_build() defined? May 20 11:39:04 base.bbclass May 20 11:39:49 hi May 20 11:40:03 mickeyl: I'll push base.bbclass change May 20 11:40:13 hey hrw May 20 11:40:20 | CROSS COMPILE Badness: /usr/include in INCLUDEPATH: /usr/include/gpe <- gpe-plucker May 20 11:40:33 JustinP: that -${PR} was pushed by mistake but its usefull May 20 11:40:50 hrw: cool May 20 11:40:57 hrw: rc4 looking pretty good to me May 20 11:40:59 (spitz) May 20 11:41:07 just problems with the kernel and bluetooth May 20 11:41:13 hey mickeyl May 20 11:41:14 but that's something for upstream May 20 11:41:17 hey koen May 20 11:41:33 03eFfeM 07org.oe.dev * r055117b0... 10/packages/lcdproc/lcdproc_0.5.0.bb: lcdproc: added bb file for 0.5.0 May 20 11:41:33 mickeyl: tried on c7x0 maybe/ May 20 11:41:35 ? May 20 11:41:37 03mickeyl 07org.oe.dev * r91ec2207... 10/packages/directfb/ (5 files in 2 dirs): directfb: unbreak ++dfb, remove dfb++, unbreak directfb-examples, add patch to fix directfb's wrong pkgconfig spec file May 20 11:41:41 no, spitz only yet May 20 11:41:48 i can do c7x0 later today May 20 11:42:09 mickeyl: would be great - I have to time today/tomorrow May 20 11:42:20 ok. np. atm. i'm bringing directfb into shape again May 20 11:42:31 mickeyl can you have a quick look at http://www.physik.tu-cottbus.de/users/heinold/tmp.png and maybe told me whtas wrong with konqueror? May 20 11:42:39 mickeyl: I'll wait for my GSoC to get accepted and order a a780 at expansys May 20 11:43:17 pb_: thanks. I cannot find in which .bb file the do_build() task is defined to run make. May 20 11:43:25 GSoC... let opie&gpe pim unite ;) May 20 11:43:27 woglinde: two problems May 20 11:43:32 woglinde: like indicated in the .bb :D May 20 11:43:40 hm May 20 11:43:45 woglinde: a) set KDEDIR properly May 20 11:43:59 woglinde b) tweak qte font config to name the fonts you have installed Helvetica May 20 11:44:01 then it will run May 20 11:44:05 koen: 1.2G /home free... need to check tmp/work/ ;) May 20 11:44:15 koen: cool. I' May 20 11:44:57 hm I see nothing in the .bb May 20 11:45:12 ah May 20 11:45:14 there May 20 11:45:16 likewise: as far as I know, none of them do that May 20 11:45:35 hm why cant user konqueror other fonts hmhm May 20 11:45:46 woglinde: you don't even need to install Helvetica. just copy the font entries and just name it Helvetica in the config May 20 11:45:56 this konqueror is no longer a Qtopia app May 20 11:46:00 it's a Qt/Embedded app May 20 11:46:06 hence it has no idea about our default fonts May 20 11:46:11 we need to fix that eventually May 20 11:46:11 mickeyl: konq 3.5? May 20 11:46:13 yes May 20 11:46:41 hrw: is was at 6MB free this morning May 20 11:47:04 koen: looks like I need to improve rm_work one day May 20 11:47:25 * hrw will go soon - presentation about T2 could be interesting May 20 11:48:06 woglinde: what's your opinion about qte-mt speed? do you notice changes in latency? May 20 11:48:34 koen: 4.3G go to /dev/null now May 20 11:48:39 pb_: I am trying to split gdk_pixbuf from gtk+ as a seperate package but I am stuck overriding the do_build to make only the gdk_pixbuf directory. May 20 11:48:41 mickeyl hm I think its faster May 20 11:48:45 will test it on konq May 20 11:49:01 likewise: overriding do_build is almost never the right thing to do May 20 11:49:09 mickeyl but I havent run the simpad for a long time May 20 11:49:14 woglinde: ??? May 20 11:49:19 hmm May 20 11:49:24 likewise: S="${WORKDIR}/path/to/gdk_pixbuf/" is not corret? May 20 11:49:30 it looks much slower to me May 20 11:49:34 mickeyl thats why it is really subjective May 20 11:49:35 could be my imagination May 20 11:49:43 thats what I am saying May 20 11:49:45 *g* May 20 11:49:46 need to run the benchmarks May 20 11:50:04 good to see SIMpad still works May 20 11:50:08 prb_: ok new thing learned. May 20 11:50:09 this is kernel 2.4? May 20 11:50:19 hrw: looking up meaning of S. May 20 11:50:26 i shouldn't have sold it May 20 11:50:39 S = source location May 20 11:51:08 hrw: thanks May 20 11:51:46 mickeyl maybee the speedup comes from gcc-4 May 20 11:52:04 definitly May 20 11:52:41 hm so where is the KDEDIR? May 20 11:52:44 next changeset should interest most of devels May 20 11:54:12 woglinde: dunno. where are the libs ? May 20 11:54:16 pb_: could you apply this patch to gpe-plucker in cvs: http://ewi546.ewi.utwente.nl/tmp/plucker-no-host-includes.patch? May 20 11:54:28 woglinde: either KDEDIR=/usr or KDEDIR=/opt/QtPalmtop. Try both :D May 20 11:55:06 hms May 20 11:55:20 it looks for libs at the build enviroment May 20 11:56:19 Revision: 01c1850873f10c350058c1f27c3c2f03fc450a29 May 20 11:56:23 enjoy ;) May 20 11:56:37 * mickeyl waits for CIA May 20 11:57:21 aargh, stupid tab complete May 20 11:57:29 Philippe: could you apply http://ewi546.ewi.utwente.nl/tmp/plucker-no-host-includes.patch to gpe-plucker cvs? May 20 11:57:53 mickeyl hm the konq has too much from road May 20 11:58:06 okay May 20 11:58:07 woglinde: heh, why ? May 20 11:58:07 home fuzzes need replacing ;( May 20 11:58:15 woglinde: it works pretty good on c7x0 May 20 11:58:21 * koen merges May 20 11:58:21 woglinde: much better than the 2003 one May 20 11:58:32 03koen 07org.oe.dev * r08292c00... 10/packages/gpe-plucker/ (2 files in 2 dirs): gpe-plucker 0.4: add patch to plucker from using host includes May 20 11:58:35 woglinde: you can disable the ROAD gui in the .bb May 20 11:58:36 03hrw 07org.oe.dev * r01c18508... 10/classes/base.bbclass: May 20 11:58:36 base.bbclass: add support for 'min/max' date for patches May 20 11:58:36 - SRC_URI = "file//something.patch;patch=1;mindate=20050312;maxdate=20060302 May 20 11:58:36 means that patch should be applied if SRCDATE > 20050312 and SRCDATE < 20060302 May 20 11:58:47 ~praise hrw for minmax May 20 11:58:56 All hail hrw for minmax! May 20 11:59:03 mickeyl -> No such slot ROADTabBar May 20 11:59:16 okay bye for now May 20 11:59:30 oops hehe May 20 11:59:31 cu May 20 11:59:35 yo cedric May 20 11:59:43 mickeyl: ;) May 20 11:59:45 cu May 20 11:59:51 yo mickey May 20 12:00:06 question for u mickeyl... May 20 12:00:11 * mickeyl hides May 20 12:00:17 LOL May 20 12:01:03 go ahead :) May 20 12:01:17 have a u got a zaurus which been upgraded in term of the flash or the RAM? or is it somebody else? May 20 12:01:48 wasn't me. I didn't pimp any Zaurus May 20 12:01:56 i'm a soldering illiterate May 20 12:01:58 heh May 20 12:02:09 guylhem did May 20 12:02:15 do13 upgraded bluetooth module in 6000 May 20 12:02:16 ah ok May 20 12:02:22 ~praise do13 for his soldering skills May 20 12:02:26 All hail do13 for his soldering skills! May 20 12:02:32 perhaps he can do that magic on mine eventually ;) May 20 12:02:34 do13? :D May 20 12:02:56 and guylhem, do u know if he's him self? May 20 12:03:13 s/him/done him May 20 12:03:16 are May 20 12:03:16 hehe May 20 12:03:24 i bet he is not hisself regularly May 20 12:03:26 anyway May 20 12:03:29 he's done it, yes May 20 12:03:34 :-) May 20 12:03:55 where is he from? europe? May 20 12:03:59 guylhem is a pain in the ass, but he is a brave hardware guy :) May 20 12:04:02 france May 20 12:04:10 ah cool me too May 20 12:04:32 would like to pimp my 5600 May 20 12:04:57 righto. more RAM would be much needed May 20 12:05:05 * Philippe is back (gone 84:22:55) May 20 12:05:13 hey Philippe May 20 12:05:13 koen, consider it done. Applying... May 20 12:05:19 Philippe: thanks May 20 12:05:23 yep but it's a BGA ship, pain to remove... May 20 12:05:29 eek. nasty May 20 12:05:31 Erk.. May 20 12:05:37 Would be nice though.. May 20 12:05:41 * mickeyl installs directfb 0.9.25 on a c7x0 May 20 12:05:51 mickeyl: on all zaurus line May 20 12:06:23 mickeyl: I wonder how much fancy efl++ stuff can fit in 48MB ram :) May 20 12:06:39 RP: ping May 20 12:06:44 koen: lots of ;) May 20 12:06:51 hmm May 20 12:06:57 efl++/x11 that is :) May 20 12:07:05 RP: i want the brightness keys to work. i bet this is a job for zaurusd, right? May 20 12:07:18 koen: oh. nothing in that case May 20 12:07:20 koen: ;)) May 20 12:07:25 ;) May 20 12:08:22 no kidding, there is one of the ezx guys wanting to have a efl based launcher May 20 12:08:23 mickeyl: did you try any builds with fail-fast on overrides yet? May 20 12:08:29 koen: is angstrom will be supported for the 5600? May 20 12:08:32 koen: no, i'm afraid of that :) May 20 12:08:38 koen: i will check next week May 20 12:09:24 cedric: if it has a working 2.6 kernel and people wanting to mentor it, yes May 20 12:10:35 i support him but I also told him that perhaps stripping the best part of e17 down would be a good idea as well May 20 12:10:47 koen: is eabi will take more space, I want to know if an image will be bigger or not May 20 12:12:50 cedric: less space, since it requires thumb-interworking May 20 12:13:48 koen: cool May 20 12:14:41 koen: at the moment a GPE image is around 20M, nearly the size of my root partition May 20 12:15:26 cedric: angstrom isn't planning on shipping stuff like openswan bu default May 20 12:15:45 cedric: a angstrom-gpe-image is smaller as a 'regular' gpe-image :) May 20 12:16:30 koen: nice May 20 12:17:18 cedric: yap guylhem done this himself May 20 12:17:31 koen: does thumb reduce size much ... i've only seen very very small changes of size in binaries and a little slow down too May 20 12:17:34 koen: can help me with my ts calibration on #gpe pls? May 20 12:17:56 cedric: ipkg install tslib-calibrate && ts_calibrate May 20 12:18:02 cedric: xtscal is broken in .dev May 20 12:18:10 cedric: a ram upgrade to 128M is also planned May 20 12:18:17 ade|desk: depends on the instructions you use May 20 12:18:26 koen: ah ok make sence May 20 12:18:37 ade|desk: the openslug people say it is ~30% in a bootstrap image May 20 12:18:53 chrisromain: by guylhem? May 20 12:19:22 ade|desk: make that 30% max, and 20% May 20 12:20:02 and the performance hit ? May 20 12:20:26 ade|desk: mixed reports May 20 12:20:32 cedric: yes with good documentation May 20 12:20:49 ade|desk: jffs2 is slow, so any size reductions skews the benchmarks May 20 12:21:11 indeed May 20 12:21:35 chrisromain: cool need to contact him... private email? May 20 12:22:24 koen: shame about your a780 ... just not shipping to .nl or was it something else ? May 20 12:22:48 ade|desk: not shipping to .nl and pesky duty if they did May 20 12:23:23 sod May 20 12:23:25 cedric: where are you located ? guylhem is from toulouse May 20 12:23:29 I should have it in two weeks if my GSoC gets approved May 20 12:23:38 cool May 20 12:23:57 european one with gps or not ? May 20 12:23:57 chrisromain: from haute-savoie May 20 12:24:41 chrisromain: near annecy May 20 12:24:57 chrisromain: and u? May 20 12:25:39 cedric: i see. i'm located in pas de calais, and was living in toulouse. working with guylhem for 10 years now. May 20 12:26:12 chrisromain: doing what? May 20 12:26:42 cedric: several open source things, and playing zaurus the last 4 years May 20 12:27:07 cool May 20 12:27:19 are you also into medical? May 20 12:27:52 i'm in real time software. May 20 12:28:19 chrisromain: so do u think he'll be able to pimp my device? May 20 12:29:24 * mickeyl is surprised to find directfb to rock on his Zaurus May 20 12:29:34 cedric: just ask him. adding bt is very simple. adding ram seems easy as well difficult. May 20 12:30:38 mickeyl: didn't evas have a dfb backend as well? May 20 12:30:56 koen: ya. pretty immature though. May 20 12:31:09 and i don't really see a gain for that May 20 12:31:12 at least not on handhelds May 20 12:31:20 dfb really is for accellerated framebuffers May 20 12:31:57 mickeyl: eleet May 20 12:32:17 mickeyl: one could argue that pxa270fb is accelerated May 20 12:32:20 * mickeyl finds the good part of the example programs non worky May 20 12:32:46 koen: who would argue that? isn't there just the overlay stuff? May 20 12:32:54 mickeyl: exactly May 20 12:35:54 bbl, tax time May 20 12:36:36 I just received money back from the tax people May 20 12:36:42 a whopping 26 euro May 20 12:36:43 :) May 20 12:36:59 dont spend it all at once May 20 12:41:28 cedric: do you plan to add ram ? May 20 12:42:14 how can I see wit bitbake the packages that require a package? I'm trying to get rid of bluez-utils-dbus in my gpe-image but it is always been compiled May 20 12:42:46 chrisromain: I would like to May 20 12:43:28 chrisromain: 32M is a little bit short and a swap on cf/sd is a bit crap May 20 12:43:56 chrisromain: so 128M that'll be fantastic... May 20 12:45:18 katossi_: bitbake -nv, but you'd want to remove gpe-bluetooth May 20 12:45:41 I did comment it in gpe-image May 20 12:47:15 I mean in task-gpe May 20 13:14:01 hi May 20 13:14:08 morning May 20 13:14:11 wifi during presentation May 20 13:14:14 (here at least) May 20 13:14:23 T2 guy does not arrived :( May 20 13:14:33 get sick... May 20 13:14:55 bummer May 20 13:15:09 hardener gcc instead... May 20 13:16:14 someone know something about CACert? May 20 13:16:43 * hrw|meeting will be back in about 20min May 20 13:34:09 Philippe: another one: http://ewi546.ewi.utwente.nl/tmp/gpemixer-no-host-includes.patch May 20 13:34:27 Philippe: could you check gpe cvs for more crosscompile badness like that? May 20 13:37:54 03koen 07org.oe.dev * r76ee7aaf... 10/packages/gpe-mixer/ (gpe-mixer/gpemixer-no-host-includes.patch gpe-mixer_0.42.bb): gpe-mixer: remove host includes from the makefile May 20 13:40:34 koen, I'll do a quick grep through the tree May 20 13:40:43 Philippe: thanks May 20 13:40:58 Philippe: I suspect all the old-style Makefiles are affected May 20 13:52:50 koen: what DISTRO did you use on your gcc4.1 build? I'm having an issue where OE is trying to build the wrong kernel for collie. Glibc did build. May 20 13:53:58 joshin: angstrom-2006.9 May 20 13:56:22 Thanks. I'll try a 'stable' oz version and see if it is still trying to build 2.4.19. May 20 14:04:00 re May 20 14:05:09 zecke: wb May 20 14:05:22 zecke: I just sent you a mail with some good news :) May 20 14:05:55 koen: GPE is working again? For which group of people is that good news May 20 14:05:59 :) May 20 14:06:21 :) May 20 14:06:39 koen: why should I have bumped the PR? May 20 14:06:46 koen: because the package could be different? May 20 14:06:57 koen, fixed all gpe apps which have the PACKAGE_CFLAGS include problem... May 20 14:07:06 Philippe: cool, many thanks May 20 14:07:25 zecke: yes May 20 14:07:33 no prob, that was a quick fix. May 20 14:07:56 okay, I need to fix some bögs in my uni project May 20 14:07:57 cya May 20 14:11:08 03koen 07org.oe.dev * r4dc89202... 10/conf/distro/openzaurus-unstable.conf: oz unstable: enable some more tarball stashes May 20 14:17:04 This can't be good: ERROR: Error in executing: /home/josh/zaurus/org.openembedded.dev/packages/openzaurus/openzaurus-version.bb May 20 14:17:21 ERROR: Exception:exceptions.SyntaxError Message:EOL while scanning single-quoted string (line 1) May 20 14:33:17 Am I doing something wrong? I'm getting the following error when running bitbake: NOTE: Handling BitBake files: - (0491/3393) [14 %]NOTE: exceptions.SyntaxError:EOL while scanning single-quoted string (line 1) while evaluating: May 20 14:33:17 ${@base_set_filespath([ "/home/josh/zaurus/org.openembedded.dev/packages/familiar/familiar-version-${DISTRO_VERSION}-r0", "/home/josh/zaurus/org.openembedded.dev/packages/familiar/familiar-version-${DISTRO_VERSION}", "/home/josh/zaurus/org.openembedded.dev/packages/familiar/familiar-version", "/home/josh/zaurus/org.openembedded.dev/packages/familiar/files", "/home/josh/zaurus/org.openembedded.dev/packages/familiar" ], d)} May 20 14:35:38 morning May 20 14:35:50 howdy May 20 14:37:16 zecke: building e-image now with fail-fast May 20 14:38:05 joshin: probably DISTRO_VERSION is not set but should be... check in your local.conf maybe DISTRO is wrongly set (?) May 20 14:39:35 I have killed my phone :( May 20 14:40:44 zecke: minor bug in bitbake-1.4 trunk shell.py line 270 (due to bad svn merge) May 20 14:41:13 what bug? May 20 14:41:25 zecke: "<<<< .mine" May 20 14:41:30 and there is no such things as bitbake-1.4 trunk May 20 14:41:56 in HEAD of bitbake-1.4 might make sense May 20 14:42:20 Thanks cyrilRomain. Distro_Version wasn't set. I was using the example in the wiki which just has DISTRO set to openzaurus-3.5.4 which seems to have been depricated. May 20 14:42:37 joshin: fix the wiki May 20 14:42:44 joshin: in .dev there is only openzaurus-unstable May 20 14:42:44 Am doing so. May 20 14:43:10 zecke: yes, in HEAD, sorry May 20 14:43:19 cyrilRomain: you are wrong anyway ;) May 20 14:43:28 cyrilRomain: svn revert shell.py May 20 14:43:49 cyrilRomain: or if you grant me rsh, telnet or ssh I can type that for you May 20 14:44:53 * cyrilRomain feel always wrong when speaking with zecke ... May 20 14:45:16 zecke: well, I have the rev 516 May 20 14:45:40 cyrilRomain: please don't waste my time May 20 14:45:43 zecke: but it is recommended to stick with the 1.4.2 labeled version ? (i may update the wiki if necessary) May 20 14:45:48 cyrilRomain: I have done svn up May 20 14:45:50 zecke: doh, what did you do to your phone? May 20 14:46:07 cyrilRomain: searched for mine, found nothing May 20 14:46:19 zecke: ok, sorry May 20 14:46:28 cyrilRomain: I'm sick of people not reading the output of the tools they use May 20 14:46:36 cyrilRomain: when you last did svn up it printed 'C' in front of shell.py May 20 14:46:46 and asked you to merge/reslove May 20 14:46:59 pb_: it is back :) May 20 14:48:00 cyrilRomain: http://svn.berlios.de/viewcvs/bitbake/branches/bitbake-1.4/lib/bb/shell.py?rev=493&view=markup <- search for mine May 20 14:48:09 cyrilRomain: I don't find anything May 20 14:49:28 cyrilRomain: ??? May 20 14:49:59 zecke: well, I rm my bitbake directory and get bitbake again, it's ol May 20 14:50:04 s/ol/ok May 20 14:50:10 cyrilRomain: no need to rm... May 20 14:50:20 cyrilRomain: svn revert undos your changes... May 20 14:50:47 zecke: yes, but I did not remember to mismerge ... May 20 14:50:57 cyrilRomain: try to get at least a basic understanding of the tools you use May 20 14:51:08 cyrilRomain: otherwise you can dismantle your monitor and sell it on ebay May 20 14:51:25 ;) May 20 14:51:30 sorry I sound too mean now May 20 14:51:43 zecke: sorry again May 20 14:51:57 Ok, wiki updated. Now I just need to figure out why oe is choosing to install handhelds-sa-2.4.19-rmk6-pxa1-hh37.4 May 20 14:51:57 cyrilRomain: next time, run svn status May 20 14:52:14 zecke: ok thanks May 20 14:53:02 joshin: could be many reasons. 1.) your distro did not exist 2.) you want to build a kernel requiring a 2.95 toolchain which you have not assumed provided May 20 14:53:59 DISTRO = "openzaurus-unstable" & ASSUME_PROVIDED += "virtual/arm-linux-gcc-2.95" May 20 14:54:27 joshin: bitbake -s and search for virtual/kernel May 20 14:54:34 joshin: or use bitbake -vvv virtual/kernel May 20 14:54:46 to see what bitbake disturbs and why it selects this kernel May 20 14:54:59 joshin: which machine did you set, and which kernel did you expect to be built? May 20 14:55:21 machine is set to collie and I expected some version of 2.4.18 May 20 14:58:05 hi May 20 14:58:34 hrw|meeting: hey May 20 14:58:36 I need to create OE presentation - people here was talking about Mono and mono on pda... May 20 14:59:09 and then i heard that nokia use oe, that oe is oz builtroot extension etc... May 20 14:59:36 do we have mono in oe? May 20 15:00:10 yep.. mono 1.0 is available May 20 15:02:11 lol May 20 15:02:15 ~lart students May 20 15:02:29 my FBSD has -285MB free space May 20 15:02:37 "glib depends on xlib"... May 20 15:02:43 * ibot chops students in half with a free AOL CD May 20 15:02:57 hrw|meeting: and xlib is a win32 clone and requires wine? May 20 15:03:14 zecke: he did not told it - probably time limit May 20 15:03:26 stupid aol abandoning floppies :( May 20 15:04:24 which tools today you people use to create presentaions for bigscreens? May 20 15:04:32 openoffice.org? May 20 15:05:18 I started using latexbeamer May 20 15:05:46 zecke: latexbeamer rules May 20 15:05:50 zecke: its plain latex2e + extensions? May 20 15:06:07 yeah May 20 15:06:29 could be interesting... used latex years ago May 20 15:06:31 katossi_: did we apply your pcmciautils patch yet? May 20 15:06:45 zecke: yes some days ago May 20 15:06:50 zecke: result will be pdf/dvi as always? May 20 15:06:57 yes May 20 15:07:02 pdf May 20 15:07:07 ok May 20 15:07:29 * hrw|meeting like dvi - years ago xdvi was faster then acroreader May 20 15:08:33 presentations by students for students can be boring.... "how to create scalable gui in glade using conteners".. May 20 15:09:14 hrw|meeting: what is that? (what are you attending?) May 20 15:09:39 zecke: there had to be presentation about T2 buildsystem May 20 15:09:55 now it is mono talks... later will be gpg signing party May 20 15:10:06 Interesting "bitbake bootstrap-image" is trying to build handhelds-sa-2.4.19 and "bitbake -vvv virtual/kernel" is building the right one May 20 15:10:56 zecke: T2 developer got sick and did no came... May 20 15:11:58 Should this worry me: *** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (!prev): 0x00000000006016f0 *** May 20 15:11:58 :4: RuntimeWarning: tmpnam is a potential security risk to your program May 20 15:15:15 joshin: the above yes May 20 15:16:08 joshin: gentoo user? May 20 15:16:46 zecke, Yup. amd64 stable May 20 15:17:40 joshin: then don't worry about this glibc thing May 20 15:17:53 Ok. May 20 15:20:39 joshin: well why does it build hh.org? May 20 15:21:02 joshin: bitbake tells why it selected it to fullfill which dependency... and see the above questions May 20 15:21:28 *bash head* I have no idea. It is working fine now. May 20 15:23:01 I did re-source my path setup file and touch the local.conf file May 20 15:23:27 But so far, when it comes to building stuff, 4.1 seems to be working ok May 20 15:23:33 gcc 4.1 that is May 20 15:23:50 meta-sdl is totally broken with gcc>4 May 20 15:24:21 Haven't gotten there yet. ;) First bootstrap-image. May 20 15:25:01 cu May 20 15:26:03 hrw|meeting: classpath won't compile on oz354x, any possibility to mark newer version as stable (the one there is a dynosaur) May 20 15:29:10 zecke: why did you ask about pcmciautils? May 20 15:29:35 katossi_: we might need some one to apply it ;) May 20 15:29:45 (if it wasn't applied) May 20 15:31:06 zecke: the patch it's in the bugtracker, can't do anything else May 20 15:39:00 zecke: thanks for the advice from yesterday May 20 15:39:39 however, nbtscan via wifi doesn't seem to be as accurate as with regular lan May 20 15:39:41 =P May 20 15:40:28 re May 20 15:47:27 ah May 20 15:47:42 the debian people are seeing the same problems with EABI as we see May 20 15:48:49 zecke: the Makefile in pcmciautils has been corrected, now there's a line like this: SYMLINK = ln -sf May 20 15:48:59 I will mark the bug as resolved May 20 15:53:32 koen which problems? May 20 15:55:12 uhmm...i have a problem with gnutls: http://pastebin.com/728302 May 20 16:15:37 koen, I think I know what the problem was with your gcc4.1-20060217 build. There was a bug that was fixed very recently that was causing problems with it building glibc with binutils 2.16.91 May 20 16:20:53 woglinde: hanging at init May 20 16:21:04 koen oh May 20 16:21:06 joshin: I see, thanks May 20 16:21:18 koen might bee floating point things May 20 16:22:18 woglinde: I'm betting on thumb problems May 20 16:22:42 woglinde: since it hangs at armv4t hardware and eabi only works on armv5t at the moment May 20 16:23:02 hm armv4 is simpad May 20 16:23:06 hi May 20 16:23:09 hi sws May 20 16:23:36 woglinde: see http://wiki.debian.org/ArmEabiPort May 20 16:23:54 im tryin to bitbake bootstrap-image with kernel 2.6 in oz354x but it fails compiling orinoco-modules, is it known? May 20 16:24:17 im compiling for poodle May 20 16:27:06 warning: implicit declaration of function `pcmcia_register_client' May 20 16:30:19 no May 20 16:31:15 i think it doesnt find the pcmcia includes, maybe a failing dependency? May 20 16:32:09 zecke: e-image is free of host includes as well May 20 16:32:14 c++ ABI transition takes about half an year, full transition could thus take around 2 years May 20 16:32:17 lol May 20 16:32:26 koen: meta-opie compiled as well May 20 16:32:59 wow armel will be available in debian in three years May 20 16:33:01 awesome May 20 16:33:13 koen yesterday I stumbled over the debianbug with autotools May 20 16:33:28 koen: have we seen http://www.freaknet.org/martin/QEMU/qemu-cvs-20060505-arm-nptl-pbrook.patch ? May 20 16:33:57 koen but the funny is, this bug was solved in 2003 May 20 16:34:01 zecke: I saw the previous version which didn't apply May 20 16:34:21 zecke: pbrook said he'd put it in qemu cvs soon(TM) May 20 16:34:31 zecke: but I guess it wasn't soon enough ;) May 20 16:35:14 zecke: and fwiw, I just got mail from Martin Guy as well May 20 16:35:16 koen: have you got an email? May 20 16:35:21 (google) May 20 16:35:50 koen.kooi@gmail.com iirc May 20 16:36:01 koen: from them May 20 16:36:16 haven't seen any mail May 20 16:41:09 03noodles 07org.oe.dev * rd9c4abd0... 10/ (6 files in 6 dirs): May 20 16:41:09 base-files, linux-amsdelta-2.6, u-boot: Add support for Amstrad Delta (E3) May 20 16:41:09 This adds support for the Amstrad E3 Videophone (codename Delta). This is May 20 16:41:09 an OMAP5910 based device with 32MB SDRAM, 32MB NAND flash and a 480x320 May 20 16:41:09 DSTN screen. Most of the work for this support is by David Ford May 20 16:41:09 with some minor cleanups by me. May 20 16:41:35 more phones :) May 20 16:43:07 i really must solder that serial cable for my E3 May 20 16:45:00 zecke: now gpe, e and opie build with fail-fast, can we enable it in .dev? May 20 16:45:24 koen: built meta-opie-all and images ;) May 20 16:46:06 * zecke need some tickets for the soccer championchip... May 20 16:46:16 zecke why? May 20 16:46:21 are you a terrorist? May 20 16:46:33 woglinde: no, I want to watch a game live May 20 16:46:49 woglinde: and non mandantory to look at chicks... (hey mickeyl) May 20 16:46:58 zecke travel to leipzig there you cann watch angola vs nambibia May 20 16:48:07 woglinde: well I hope to give DVB-H support ;) May 20 16:48:54 zeckw we should sell dvb-h devices at the university May 20 16:49:44 woglinde: I'm allowed to pose with the device by now :) May 20 16:49:59 zecke but you have a chick May 20 16:50:22 woglinde: improvements, it is all about improvements (just kidding) May 20 16:50:35 hi al *I'm sorry* May 20 16:51:00 * zecke loves hardware accelerated video... May 20 16:53:00 fluff May 20 16:53:34 koen: did you try to build tcl/tk? May 20 16:54:00 * koen bitbakes python May 20 16:56:54 * joshin wonders if he's going to brick his Collie with a gcc 4.1 bootstrap-image May 20 16:57:25 joshin: you can't brick it with that May 20 16:57:36 joshin: you can only brick it with replacing the bootloader May 20 16:58:13 koen, I have great abilities at killing hardware. (But I know that I it should be safe) May 20 17:01:45 zecke: tcl/tk builds May 20 17:02:21 koen: let us enable it then May 20 17:05:50 koen: http://oe.handhelds.org/manual.php May 20 17:06:32 zecke: cute May 20 17:06:50 hehe :( May 20 17:08:40 zecke: good thing I can upload a new version May 20 17:08:41 NOT May 20 17:08:43 03koen 07org.oe.dev * r7b99c91d... 10/conf/bitbake.conf: conf/bitbake.conf: enable the fail-fast host include finder. At least opie, gpe, e17 and python build cleanly May 20 17:09:30 koen: do you have access? May 20 17:09:52 which part of 'NOT' didn't you understand? May 20 17:10:06 I have not seen the not ;) May 20 17:10:17 :) May 20 17:10:19 pb_: did you mal france? May 20 17:10:31 koen: was covered with another window May 20 17:10:38 koen: and make it bold and blinking next time May 20 17:17:51 in what package is 'mount' included ? May 20 17:18:15 busybox will only obey root May 20 17:19:46 CSMan: busybox? May 20 17:19:50 CSMan: maybe sysutils? May 20 17:20:39 i'm trying binutils May 20 17:20:48 CSMan: for mount? May 20 17:21:13 util-linux May 20 17:21:16 there's no... May 20 17:21:18 there you go. May 20 17:21:24 there's no sysutils in .dev May 20 17:24:51 Hmmm, OZ splash image and a blinking cursor. Nothing else after 5 minutes. Not a good sign. May 20 17:50:32 right May 20 17:53:39 if i insert the sd card while running a non-root session, will it mount as user or as root ? May 20 17:55:53 CSMan: OE question? May 20 17:56:05 CSMan: that depends on your distribution and if you use udev, hotplug... May 20 17:56:21 CSMan: as root likely May 20 17:56:23 #familiar seems to be alive ^_^ May 20 17:56:30 hehe May 20 17:57:00 CSMan: I'm quite sure it will be root but it depends on your fstab as well... May 20 17:57:13 i got the -users option May 20 17:57:19 i mean -o users May 20 18:00:12 zecke: are you familiar with gnutls ? May 20 18:00:18 no May 20 18:00:21 not at all May 20 18:05:06 zecke: isn't php great? May 20 18:05:41 zecke: it fails-fast ;) May 20 18:06:21 hi May 20 18:06:58 zecke: I wonder how much hate-mail we'll get for enabling it May 20 18:09:47 Still can't build gcc-cross because of libgfortran... *** This configuration is not supported in the following subdirectories: target-libada target-libgfortran... says configure script... What I don't get is what exactly prevents it from building it... May 20 18:14:36 03mickeyl 07org.oe.dev * rf79576d9... 10/packages/expat/expat_2.0.0.bb: expat 2.0.0 fix build (the m4 file needs to be present during autoreconf) May 20 18:15:48 mickey|tax: did you track down haralds problem yet? May 20 18:16:31 mickey|tax: introduce me to harald ;) May 20 18:16:51 zecke: /j openezx ;) May 20 18:17:40 ah okay May 20 18:18:10 zecke: how do I pull a stable BB build? May 20 18:18:26 CoreDump|home: GettingStarted? May 20 18:18:29 .oz now forces everyone to upgrade grrr May 20 18:18:31 CoreDump|home: BB build? May 20 18:18:40 CoreDump|home: ah see the manual! May 20 18:18:46 koen: no, that pulls unstable which produces tons of errors May 20 18:18:47 *moron* ;) May 20 18:18:57 CoreDump|home: http://oe.handhelds.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/GettingStarted#head-70027dcaf22e3c966ac6189541ebcbb9d3af5005 May 20 18:19:06 CoreDump|home: http://oe.handhelds.org/usermanual/ch03.html#id895512 May 20 18:19:11 that pulls the stable branch May 20 18:19:40 bah, they chaged the pull line =) May 20 18:19:46 03mickeyl 07org.oe.dev * r3d5f29ac... 10/packages/linux/linux-ezx/ (34 files in 2 dirs): linux-ezx: we no longer keep own copies of the patches, refresh defconfigs May 20 18:19:50 03mickeyl 07org.oe.dev * r17b5ed09... 10/packages/linux/linux-ezx_2.6.16.13.bb: linux-ezx: upgrade to May 20 18:29:34 CoreDump|home: yes, the Xdefaults looks the same in both e and gpe May 20 18:29:42 hrw|gone: I fugured, but yes it is somewhat useful May 20 18:40:51 uhmm.. anybody who can build gnutls, please let me know May 20 18:42:09 CSMan: which version? May 20 18:42:12 france_: ping :) May 20 18:42:21 france_: what is the status of adding koen to proj_oe? May 20 18:47:56 any of 1.0.23 or 1.0.25 May 20 18:49:04 03koen 07org.oe.dev * r61c3c9f3... 10/packages/libfribidi/libfribidi_0.10.4.bb: libfribidi: adjust src_uri to use sf.net mirrors May 20 18:49:11 all: I am almost done with a stand-alone gdk_pixbuf package (independent of X), but need to compile only a single dir in do_compile(). May 20 18:49:13 koen: couldn't track it down, but it didn't appear again after rm -rf tmp && rebuilt :)) May 20 18:49:22 we now know it's probably because he built in a chroot May 20 18:49:23 :) May 20 18:49:31 hmm. cairo problems: May 20 18:49:43 lots of undef references# May 20 18:50:15 http://oe.pastebin.com/728586 May 20 18:50:15 ? May 20 18:51:11 smells like host includes May 20 18:53:49 hi, trying to build btsco, but get the error: ERROR: Nothing provides runtime dependency alsa-lib, however, I can do a bb alsa-lib, what is wrong here ? May 20 18:54:21 Typo in RDEPNDS on http://oe.handhelds.org/usermanual/ch04s02.html May 20 18:57:40 03koen 07org.oe.documentation * rbe78973c... 10/usermanual/usermanual.xml: usermanual/usermanual.xml: typo May 20 18:59:02 hm, must be an error in the build env somewhere, after doing a bb -cclean alsa-lib; bb btsco starts building alsa-lib, then it ends with: May 20 18:59:03 NOTE: package alsa-lib-1.0.10: completed May 20 18:59:03 ERROR: Nothing provides runtime dependency alsa-lib May 20 18:59:25 anyone a clue for this ? alsa-lib is in the DEPENDS of btsco May 20 18:59:42 is alsa-lib in slugos-packages? May 20 19:00:01 yes May 20 19:00:21 slugos-packages.conf:${PKGDIR}/packages/alsa/*.bb \ May 20 19:00:29 koen: good point. how can i enable the fast-crash? May 20 19:00:51 and after cleaning it builds alsa-lib then comes with this error May 20 19:00:52 mickey|tax: monotone pull ; monotone update May 20 19:01:04 ok, but don't tell me it's enabled by default or is it? May 20 19:01:10 that would be a bit... tough May 20 19:01:42 mickey|tax: zecke and I checked meta-opie-all, gpe-image, e-image and python May 20 19:01:50 hmmk May 20 19:02:25 hi - I'm looking for the glibc 2.4 recipes from angstrom source May 20 19:02:38 ... which I can't find anywhere. any release yet? May 20 19:02:57 it's all in OE May 20 19:02:58 koen, might have found the culprit. the bb file contains: May 20 19:02:59 RDEPENDS = "alsa-lib bluez-libs" May 20 19:02:59 DEPENDS = "alsa-lib bluez-libs" May 20 19:03:09 should they both be there ???? May 20 19:03:35 I would expect RDEPENDS should go ?? May 20 19:03:38 mickey|tax: http://handhelds.org/hypermail/oe/88/8821.html May 20 19:03:52 eFfeM: by the looks of it only the depends should be there May 20 19:04:01 aha May 20 19:04:10 i guess i should post this on oe.handhelds.org May 20 19:04:11 koen my idea, will try May 20 19:04:42 koen, may I ask for the tarball url - like ftp://ftp.snt.utwente.nl/pub/os/linux/handhelds.org/distributions/familiar/source/v0.8.4-rc2/openembedded/org.openembedded.oz354fam083-rw20060509.tar.bz2 ? May 20 19:04:59 koen, that did it, fix is underway ... May 20 19:05:14 will also try to port 0.42 May 20 19:06:14 hmm, I'm sure I build 0.41 before without problem, but now I get something very odd: May 20 19:06:15 sbcenc.c: In function `main': May 20 19:06:15 sbcenc.c:255: internal compiler error: in arm_print_operand, at config/arm/arm.c:9887 May 20 19:06:33 guylhem_: http://oe.handhelds.org/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/GettingStarted May 20 19:07:40 LOL, line 255 of sbcenc.c is the last line and only contains a } May 20 19:07:58 koen - I know that page, but what is the branch name for monotone ? May 20 19:09:50 this is with 3.4.4 r3 May 20 19:10:15 guylhem_: the wiki page also tells you that May 20 19:20:04 http://oe.handhelds.org/ posted May 20 19:24:25 mickey|tax: sed -i s/fast-crash/fail-fast/g index.php May 20 19:24:31 oops May 20 19:24:52 * mickey|tax leaves that as an exercis May 20 19:24:52 what is the meaning of BROKEN = "1" in a .bb file ? May 20 19:24:53 e May 20 19:25:01 it's broken in _some_ configurations of toolchains May 20 19:25:43 ok, it would perhaps help to know in *which* config May 20 19:25:59 it would, yes May 20 19:26:08 hi guylhem. i can give you the tarball May 20 19:26:12 every sane guy will add a message around that attribute May 20 19:26:47 tried to build it, it fails for me in install, will see if I can fix it May 20 19:27:04 * eFfeM decided that the compiler error in btsco is too complicated for now) May 20 19:27:21 guylhem_: how's your hardware/distro selling? May 20 19:30:33 03mickeyl 07org.oe.dev * rdf001630... 10/packages/ezx/ezx-gpiotool_svn.bb: add ezx-gpiotool, an utility to read gpios from userspace May 20 19:30:34 mickey|tax : not that good. I must finish a very specific prescription drug database (a bit like epocrates May 20 19:30:41 which should help May 20 19:30:46 ah May 20 19:31:01 hm this alsa-tools bb file requires quite some work and I fear it are tools that are very specific (eg envy24control). so not very useful, so I'll leave it for now; will add a note in the bb file though May 20 19:31:20 atm it is failing to find interested customers. the device is the cheapest there is, but look like people prefer more expansive hardware May 20 19:31:51 I'd have expected more interest- especially since it is using 2.6, oe, and gpe. May 20 19:32:11 it's using oe? May 20 19:32:16 the website isn't saying that May 20 19:32:36 can't do everything at once - website etc May 20 19:32:45 but the image is from oe May 20 19:32:56 the website states "handhelds.org buildscripts" which is something *completely* different May 20 19:33:11 like saying debian uses rpm as package management May 20 19:33:48 sorry. I sent a quick outline of the website and apparently mistakes passed through May 20 19:35:38 chrisromain : looks like /msg doesn't work because I'm not registered. please pm through jabber May 20 19:35:47 hehe May 20 19:35:59 guylhem_: ok May 20 19:36:00 koen, I will try to have that fixed. I am currently fully overworked. May 20 19:36:27 thanks May 20 19:37:41 in any case, I suggest you check the n30. It is a sweet machine. May 20 19:38:58 Hi all May 20 19:39:09 hi dirk May 20 19:39:24 hi guylhem May 20 19:40:20 guylhem: does 2.6 work on your tosa? May 20 19:41:01 do13 - I am currently playing with hardware upgrade again, so I can't say yet :-) May 20 19:41:34 guylhem_: flash or ram? May 20 19:41:40 flash [hopefully my tosa will soon have 128 mb of flash...] May 20 19:41:54 ram shouldn't be that hard with bga soldering May 20 19:41:59 nice May 20 19:42:31 do you used a samsung chip? May 20 19:42:46 yes, I could find one in a garmin gps memory card - k1k9 May 20 19:43:19 should be like k1d9, but with less flash wear. could also help c3000/c860 owners May 20 19:43:30 cool. already soldered? May 20 19:44:09 actually I'm trying to replace the p2rom with the old nand chip - it could contain the new bootloader (uboot when it is ready) and then use any nand. May 20 19:44:24 not soldered yet. running practical sodlering test on a c700 board first. May 20 19:45:14 maybe the nand used to replace the p2rom could also be use as storage space. quite experimental - I haven't had time since weeks to work on that. May 20 19:45:33 sometimes I think that some peoples lack in english language skills hinders their understanding off essential things. May 20 19:45:47 do you know the chip type offhand? May 20 19:45:47 do13, are there angstrom test images somewhere? May 20 19:45:53 ups May 20 19:46:13 do13 - what chip type? May 20 19:46:42 Harlekin - if you look at any zaurus board, you will see soldering pads around the p2rom for a *nand* which is used in devel models. May 20 19:46:43 guylhem_: I don't know, I haven't used angstrom. May 20 19:47:02 guylhem_: the nand replacement chip May 20 19:47:18 I've played with the first test images, and I'd like to play with x accel for a w100 May 20 19:48:42 * chouimat is away: stuff May 20 19:48:48 do13 - for what I udnerstand so far unless the chip id is hardcoded in the sharp bootloader, it won't work. the goal of this hack is to remove the requirement of using some very specific nand chip - in fact any nand chip as long as it is electrically compatible should then work. but that's theory. I want to test it May 20 19:48:56 No time to setup a build environment. maybe end of june (after my vacation) May 20 19:48:58 do13, how is video accel doing? May 20 19:49:33 guylhem_: very fast console scroll:) May 20 19:50:01 I mean sl6000 video accel :-) any bitblt for mplayer/sdl ? May 20 19:50:10 I haven't had time to look at the sources for a while May 20 19:52:44 year the console uses tc6393 copyarea functions. So we have a pretty fast scrolling:) May 20 19:53:46 what about mplayer? May 20 19:54:11 mplayer needs hacks to use the correct ioctls May 20 19:54:29 any good framerate at vga resolution? May 20 19:55:06 I haven't hacked mplayer yet. May 20 19:55:26 first stable 2.6 kernel, then other hacks :) May 20 19:55:41 :-) having vga@25 fps would be sweet May 20 19:56:07 Indeed May 20 19:56:12 guylhem_, i think you are forgetting that vidio shares system ram ... May 20 19:56:48 emte which limits maximal resoltion iirc because of bandwidth concerns May 20 19:56:56 bloody hell, glibc is generating locales for about an hour now grrr May 20 19:57:09 it also limits frame rate and buffering May 20 19:57:38 CoreDump|home, only an hour? May 20 19:58:21 well, how long is that supposed to take? There was a way to disable locale gen right? May 20 19:58:52 CoreDump|home, taht only refered to using qemu May 20 19:59:07 CoreDump|home: BINARY_LOCALE_ARCHES = "" May 20 19:59:18 do13: excellent, thanks! May 20 19:59:25 but depending on your system glibc locale generation takes 2hrs - 30min May 20 19:59:40 2hrs to 30 min May 20 19:59:52 p4 2.8 :\ May 20 20:00:12 takes ~ 45 with p4E and 2gb ram May 20 20:00:34 I got the RAM but am missing the "E" =) May 20 20:00:55 yeah the 512 l2 is nice May 20 20:01:31 * CoreDump|home 's next machine is going to be a AMD64 X2 or DC Opteron... May 20 20:02:06 i think i'll wait 10 yrs until 64bit is actually useful May 20 20:02:34 03eFfeM 07org.oe.dev * r5af492f9... 10/packages/btsco/btsco_0.41.bb: btsco_0.41.bb: removed RDEPENDS, this breaks the bb file May 20 20:02:34 i wasn't planning on installing a 64bit OS in any case =D, bbiab May 20 20:02:35 since i dont plan to run oracle any time soon May 20 20:02:38 03eFfeM 07org.oe.dev * r1ef0daba... 10/packages/btsco/ (3 files in 2 dirs): btsco: added bb files for 0.42 May 20 20:02:42 03eFfeM 07org.oe.dev * rc07983d5... 10/packages/alsa/ (4 files): alsa: updated to 1.0.11 May 20 20:03:24 guylhem_: How is your business going? May 20 20:13:15 hmmm, anybody got gnutls working ? May 20 20:16:44 CSMan: it builds fine over here May 20 20:17:30 hmmmm i wonder what i did wrong May 20 20:17:32 (again) May 20 20:18:22 how do i update the tree ? May 20 20:20:57 Hmm... I'm not a .bb king, can anyone tell me why when building gcc-cross-4.0.2 it passess --enable-languages=c,c++ to configure, even though gcc4-build.inc does have a FORTRAN = "f95" line? May 20 20:22:00 polynomous put it in local.conf May 20 20:22:13 oh sorry May 20 20:22:17 mom May 20 20:22:26 woglinde, wouldn't that be a bug in bitbake or wherever if I have to put it into local.conf? May 20 20:22:55 LANGUAGES = "c,c++" May 20 20:23:00 should be enough May 20 20:23:01 Or did "oh sorry" mean you've changed your mind? May 20 20:23:18 no I read your questiong wrong May 20 20:23:51 woglinde, are you familiar with gcc .bbs? I may have failed to explain the problem. May 20 20:24:31 there are FORTRAN ?= "f77" and LANGUAGES ?= "c,c++,${FORTRAN}${JAVA}" lines in gcc3-build.inc file which is included by gcc4-build.inc file May 20 20:24:37 ploynomous no put LANGUAGES = "c,c++" in local.conf May 20 20:24:53 and there is a FORTRAN = "f95" line in gcc4-build.inc file... May 20 20:25:07 but still it end ups with LANGUAGES c,c++, May 20 20:25:15 oh May 20 20:25:21 do you nedd fortran? May 20 20:25:28 And it supposed to be c,c++,f95, I believe. May 20 20:25:45 I tought you dont wont fortran May 20 20:26:18 I don't care about it, but gcc4-build.inc sets HAS_GFORTRAN and it fails if there is no libgfortran . May 20 20:26:41 Sure I can just change it to "no", but that's definitely not the way things should be. May 20 20:26:49 LANGUAGES = "c,c++" should only build c and c++ May 20 20:27:13 yes, it does build c,c++ but then it wants to put libgfortran to staging. May 20 20:27:34 hm? May 20 20:27:40 didnt see this May 20 20:27:47 But at the moment I want to find out WHY FORTRAN is not getting set. There may be more problems with this... May 20 20:27:48 only when fortran enabled May 20 20:28:06 yes, woglinde and gcc4-build.inc DOES enable it.. May 20 20:28:15 HAS_GFORTRAN = "yes" May 20 20:29:17 peek gcc-cross FORTRAN in bitbake -i gives empty string... May 20 20:29:47 doesn't it look like bitbake bug or like bitbake misbehaves on my machine... May 20 20:29:50 ? May 20 20:29:58 hm than set HAS_GFORTRAN = "no" in local.conf May 20 20:30:24 that won't work as gcc4-build.inc will set it to yes, anyway. May 20 20:31:16 hm than chane gcc4-built.inc May 20 20:31:37 That is possible, but I want to find out why does it happen... May 20 20:31:56 And if it's a bug and if it is -- whose bug it is. May 20 20:43:43 re May 20 20:43:50 hi zecke May 20 20:43:59 ~seen guyhlem May 20 20:44:25 i haven't seen 'guyhlem', zecke May 20 20:45:38 How DirectFB doing these days? May 20 20:45:43 zecke, is FORTRAN = "f95" supposed to set FORTRAN? May 20 20:45:47 s/How/& is/ May 20 20:46:22 likewise: close to a 1.0 release I guess May 20 20:47:40 zecke: I see more and more GTK on DirectFB works popping up, mostly thanks to Mike Emmel May 20 20:48:21 I just finished my *.bb work on building a librsvg without any X dependencies. Thanks for all the help. May 20 20:49:54 Woot! After blowing away my "I messed up a few things as I tried to relearn oe^H^Hbitbake" tmp directory and rebuilding, I have a working gcc 4.1 collie bootstrap-image. May 20 20:50:21 http://www.esrac.ele.tue.nl/~leon/linux/openembedded/librsvg.deps May 20 20:50:34 No, I have no idea if it is in any way better but I was curious... :) Any suggestions as to a console based benchmark util? May 20 20:50:36 for whomever is interested. May 20 20:51:02 joshin: bootup time? May 20 20:51:24 likewise: I might benefit from that work (if you share it) May 20 20:51:34 zecke: http://www.esrac.ele.tue.nl/~leon/linux/openembedded/ May 20 20:51:40 I just uploaded all. May 20 20:52:00 likewise: no pango? May 20 20:52:11 likewise: how do you render fonts? using cairo only? May 20 20:52:43 likewise, not a bad idea. I need to hash out a few errors in the init scripts first. :) May 20 20:53:13 joshin: wow :) May 20 20:53:45 If I can get opie to build then I can use its benchmark util. May 20 20:54:00 And I can't get gcc 4.0.2 to build ;-) May 20 20:54:17 polyonymous: fortran? check config.log May 20 20:54:36 zecke, I know what the problem is, the problem is --enable-languages=c,c++, instead of c,c++,f95. May 20 20:54:41 Now I want to find out why. May 20 20:54:46 zecke: If I can build pango with --without-x, I can get it back in. May 20 20:54:57 gcc4-build.inc sets FORTRAN to f95 May 20 20:55:03 but it's not getting set. May 20 20:55:13 oh okay May 20 20:55:18 And I just don't understand it. If I only were a .bb king. May 20 20:55:39 polyonymous: will you be around in a hour? May 20 20:55:40 zecke, can you peek gcc-cross FORTRAN ? May 20 20:55:46 Yes, most likely. May 20 20:55:51 polyonymous, There's only one BB King May 20 20:56:06 joshin, how about .bb kings? :) May 20 20:56:19 polyonymous: not now May 20 20:56:53 zecke, no hurry, of course. May 20 20:59:12 What does this message mean: ERROR: Parsing error data_fn /home/hacker/OE/org.openembedded.dev/packages/xqt2/xqt2_20060509.bb and fn /home/hacker/OE/org.openembedded.dev/packages/gcc/gcc-cross_4.0.2.bb don't match ? May 20 21:01:13 polyonymous: that is bad May 20 21:01:17 polyonymous: is that from the shell? May 20 21:01:28 Yes, I've just thought that it may be related to shell May 20 21:01:33 That's after reparse gcc-cross May 20 21:01:53 subsequent parse gives ERROR: 'BBFILES' while parsing /home/hacker/OE/org.openembedded.dev/packages/gcc/gcc-cross_4.0.2.bb May 20 21:02:01 and one more parse seems to do the trick. May 20 21:02:08 hmm May 20 21:02:44 I think the xqt2 .bb is the last in BBFILES. May 20 21:03:31 Because I've my one .bb in its place, which I removed from BBFILES. May 20 21:03:40 s/one/own/ May 20 21:04:08 anyway, I'll step away for a while now. May 20 21:07:21 zecke: you can do 'convert to curves' or 'convert to paths' to get away with not using pango May 20 21:07:37 when creating the svg that is May 20 21:07:43 koen: right May 20 21:08:27 likewise: can you remove fontconfig as well as dependency? May 20 21:14:10 zecke: let me check May 20 21:15:37 zecke: pango can be built with --without-x, but I needs the headers anyway to build (non-explicit dependency in its README). May 20 21:16:45 zecke: I think cairo has a non-explicit dependency on fontconfig, so if you do not need font support, you do not need fontconfig. May 20 21:17:22 zecke: I have removed fontconfig support from cairo one time, I remember, but it needed changing the source. May 20 21:17:35 zecke: and it was an old version, one year old or so. May 20 21:17:56 likewise: once you are done I'm very interested in it... May 20 21:18:05 how close is librsvg to support TinySVG? May 20 21:19:25 zecke: what exactly do you need? May 20 21:19:37 dunno :) May 20 21:19:56 I know I will need TinySVG on Qt2 ;) May 20 21:20:07 zecke: ok. my goal was to demo macslow's cairo clock on an embedded platform. May 20 21:20:17 zecke: tinysvg? dunno it (yet) :-) May 20 21:20:28 w3c standard May 20 21:20:49 http://macslow.thepimp.net/projects/cairo-clock/cairo-clock-8.png May 20 21:20:53 zecke: ok May 20 21:28:42 likewise: Oh I have missed that :( May 20 21:34:45 tinysvg rocks May 20 21:35:09 likewise: at itc they had a demo with webmapping + location based services + tinysvg May 20 21:35:17 and some handhelds using gps May 20 21:35:43 koen: is font rendering in tinySVG? May 20 21:35:51 france_: what is the status of koen's account? May 20 21:36:03 zecke: I have no idea, sorry May 20 21:36:23 france_: do we have resistence against it? if that is true, could we create a proj_oe-documentation? May 20 21:36:30 koen: www.histv.org May 20 21:38:03 zecke: cute May 20 21:38:42 koen: I need to kick steve to proof read his text... May 20 21:39:08 koen: it is our version of MPEG Laser, and we might add TinySVG to it May 20 21:39:22 koen: and my research is about the transport layer of this framework May 20 21:40:14 koen: itc? May 20 21:40:28 likewise: http://www.itc.nl/ May 20 21:40:28 likewise: lol, lordi won? May 20 21:40:46 likewise: I did a minor in geoinformatics May 20 21:41:37 koen: nice, lots of demand for that I recon May 20 21:41:52 yeah, but firmly hidden May 20 21:41:53 zecke: lordi?? May 20 21:42:27 koen: yep. marine or air navigation systems are interesting. May 20 21:42:55 likewise: this was more about kadaster and google maps kind of stuff May 20 21:43:01 * likewise has no idea what zecke is brabbling about May 20 21:43:12 probably eurovision or something like that May 20 21:43:25 * koen gets back to watching tears of the sun May 20 21:43:33 cu! May 20 21:44:25 koen i saw this May 20 21:44:28 *g* May 20 22:00:22 back May 20 22:01:00 I'm positive there's something wrong with (my?) bitbake. May 20 22:01:15 polyonymous: unlikely May 20 22:01:49 zecke, well, I just grepped through the whole tree for FORTRAN and I don't see any reason for not setting it to f95... May 20 22:02:11 polyonymous: which version of BitBake do you have? May 20 22:02:25 1.4 -- yesterday checkout May 20 22:02:33 koen: now I plan to add a -lsystem to gcc :) May 20 22:02:36 polyonymous: should be fine May 20 22:02:42 polyonymous: what you could do is... May 20 22:02:42 it should... May 20 22:03:02 polyonymous: each .bb in packages/glibc/*.bb and packages/glibc/*.inc May 20 22:03:08 polyonymous: you could change include to require May 20 22:03:30 you mean gcc/ ? May 20 22:03:40 polyonymous: yeah May 20 22:04:09 would it mean "fail if can't include" ? May 20 22:05:10 yes May 20 22:05:11 the thing is -- innermost .inc is included. But variable is not set... May 20 22:05:34 polyonymous: another hour and I have time :) May 20 22:05:51 (might be too tired then) May 20 22:05:57 I see. I have time, but I also have a headache, so, probably, I'll try to catch you tomorrow, instead. May 20 22:06:37 okay May 20 22:06:43 So, sleep well ;-) May 20 22:06:50 (whenever you get time :)) May 20 22:07:15 night poly May 20 22:07:52 night May 20 22:07:54 * polyonymous suspended May 20 22:07:58 uh tomtom advertising May 20 22:41:28 zecke: transport layer? But what is MPEG Laser? I am familiar with MPEG-2 Transport Layer. Any similarities? May 20 22:41:54 likewise: Transport Layer of HisTV May 20 22:42:06 likewise: I'm doing some DVB-H research (broadcast networks) May 20 22:42:18 likewise: that is using MPEG-2 Transport Layer (dvbnet) May 20 22:42:20 DVB-H is based on DVB-T, right? May 20 22:42:38 likewise: and then ALC/FLUTE for transporting May 20 22:42:40 zecke: what are you researching? May 20 22:43:04 likewise: yes, you can use existing DVB-T equipment to broadcast and receive most DVB-H stuff May 20 22:43:19 likewise: but DVB-H also added new features to the broadcasting technique May 20 22:43:31 likewise: well I'm a student, so I'm doing pseudo research May 20 22:43:52 likewise: I'm mostly doing network solutions and testing robustnes of the HisTV framework May 20 22:44:04 likewise: what we describe as "what will happen if you enter a tunnel now" May 20 22:44:09 -game May 20 22:44:35 zecke: I know only a little of DVB yet (I work at a broadcast equipment manufacturer), but I know DVB-H uses timeslots and IP layer. May 20 22:44:46 zecke: OK, nice. May 20 22:44:54 likewise: right, I'm only using sockets May 20 22:45:06 likewise: I know I multicast on the server and get multicast on my client May 20 22:45:15 and in between is a big '?' May 20 22:45:41 zecke: OK, multicasting is a nice technology. It only recently gets used for real purposes (IPTV and DVB-H). May 20 22:45:48 likewise: I'm doing the research in the office of www.bmco-forum.org May 20 22:46:13 likewise: and my faculty is at the Free University of Berlin May 20 22:46:35 * likewise is browsing May 20 22:46:46 likewise: and I think it is hardly to call research... May 20 22:46:55 I wish it was (maybe it is) May 20 22:47:06 likewise: where do you work? May 20 22:47:35 zecke: well, some researchers are too theoretical in my perception. Testing things in practice is equally important. TCP/IP evolved that way. May 20 22:47:48 http://www.axon.tv or http://www.axon.nl May 20 22:48:29 zecke: For six years, but I am now finishing my MSc. degree at Axon. May 20 22:48:43 zecke: and the University of Technology in Eindhoven May 20 22:48:56 zecke: and Philips Research Lab (phew...) May 20 22:49:55 hehe May 20 22:50:04 I'm still a 'minor'... May 20 22:51:12 zecke: Any aspirations in what you are up to after your studies? May 20 22:51:46 "get flithy rich" as koen would say... May 20 22:51:59 zecke: haha May 20 22:52:00 If I'm lucky and stupid enough I hopefully go for PhD as well May 20 22:52:19 zecke: I won't. I have been doing my studies for too long now. May 20 22:52:30 QA and static analysis are my current interests May 20 22:52:32 zecke: If one has antenna, dvb-t hardware and drivers for linux, is it possible to scan dvb-h broadcasts? Or is there needed a different receiver and codecs? May 20 22:52:47 wel and I'm good at technical stuff and programming May 20 22:53:02 lamikr: hehe, 48khz should be viewable using dvb-t hardware May 20 22:53:15 lamikr: a small patch to dvbnet (sponsored by convergence) is needed May 20 22:53:23 lamikr: IP spoofing needs to be disabled May 20 22:53:35 but then you can use DVB-H as currently DRM is not used May 20 22:54:12 but you need a video player with h.264 support and mplayer and vlc are not that good at it May 20 22:55:05 zecke: I currently have dvb-c pci card (with mpeg2 encoder) and use "VDR" http://www.cadsoft.de/vdr/ for watching and recording. But I have planned to buy also a dvb-t card. May 20 22:55:34 zecke: what's the issue with H264 and mplayer or VLC? May 20 22:55:53 likewise: not working ATM (or last time I tested it) May 20 22:55:58 lamikr which card you have? May 20 22:56:44 zecke: How did you become involved with OE? May 20 22:57:17 likewise: I have been a Opie hacker since it was created May 20 22:57:32 likewise: have been at hh.org since that time May 20 22:57:47 woglinde: I have "technotrend's fullfeatured dvb-c 2.1" card. It is pretty old one, but has mpeg2 support in hardware. Works well even with pentium 150 hz devices. (I have p700 + 150 gig harddrive) May 20 22:57:47 likewise: knew kergoth from Opie (he was a founding member of Opie) May 20 22:58:15 likewise: but I started to use OE due woglinde and the SIMpad May 20 22:58:24 woglinde: you had used OpenEmbedded before I did ;) May 20 22:58:31 lamikar the best cards came from siemens May 20 22:58:46 zecke hm? May 20 22:58:52 really May 20 22:59:00 woglinde: This has a chip called saa7146 that I think originates from siemens. May 20 22:59:04 zecke: OE is pretty new for me. I came across it when searching for a good build system for embedded systems; buildroot, scratchbox, ..., OE May 20 22:59:05 woglinde: yes, I only followed OEs development May 20 22:59:13 lamikr: Philips May 20 22:59:38 but now there are only few dbv-c cards May 20 22:59:39 we use that chip to test the output of our IPE :} May 20 22:59:54 IPE? May 20 23:00:05 likewise: IP-Encapsulator May 20 23:00:17 buzzword :) May 20 23:00:31 likewise: hups, yes you are correct. May 20 23:00:51 zecke: cool chip. Can you buy it in small quantities? May 20 23:01:48 likewise: oh we have a stock Budget Card equipped with it :) May 20 23:01:53 woglinde: Yes, it seems almost like development has freezed for cards that would itself support mpeg2 or mpeg4 encoding. I have heard that even p3000 is not enought for hdtv because there is not build in hdtv support in the dvb cards. May 20 23:01:57 zecke: which one? May 20 23:02:16 dunno, can check next time I'm the office May 20 23:02:17 zecke: I am not sure what the chip can do yet, the Philips fact sheet overwhelms me May 20 23:02:23 lamikr hdtv is something like mhp May 20 23:02:33 lamikr only buzz now May 20 23:02:49 lamikr: from friends. If you start to use DVB-T May 20 23:03:05 lamikr: leave your DVB-C card in, these are the only decent ones with MPEG2 decoder May 20 23:03:20 or get a dreambox :) May 20 23:03:31 *g* May 20 23:03:43 did I mess the word up again... May 20 23:03:49 nox May 20 23:03:54 dreambox is right May 20 23:04:30 the latest modells with switchable tuners for -s -c and -t May 20 23:04:35 dual May 20 23:05:06 In finland, a devicec from a manufacturer called "topfield" have came very popular. Unlike more "familar" manufacturers, they do not restrict the moving of content to pc. But one of my frient has dreambox and likes from it. May 20 23:05:23 woglinde: I wanted to ask that May 20 23:06:04 lamikar yeah but the dreambox are gpl soft only a couple of drivers is closed soft May 20 23:06:17 woglinde: which model nr should I look for? May 20 23:06:18 woglinde: how much is a dreambox? May 20 23:06:27 500-700 euros May 20 23:06:31 woglinde: can I watch Premiere with it as well? May 20 23:06:39 dont know have to look May 20 23:06:47 with the right ci yes May 20 23:06:57 new pc vs. dream box vs. bicycle May 20 23:06:58 hmm May 20 23:07:02 woglinde: in .nl, my provider (UPC) encrypts, and the decryptor algorithm is bound to the decoder, cannot be put on a smartcard. May 20 23:07:22 zecke: bicycle. always works. May 20 23:07:37 woglinde: Yes I know. Does dreambox allow controlling it over http connection? May 20 23:07:38 likewise: that was found illegal by the European Union :} May 20 23:09:08 zecke: when? May 20 23:09:12 zecke you nee a alphacam light for permerier to be official May 20 23:09:36 zecke but you can ask tmbinc for sure if he is around May 20 23:11:21 I have been looking for a chip that can *output* VBI in the video, and this chip seems to be able to do just that. May 20 23:12:16 woglinde: thanks, I think I should get a dreambox May 20 23:12:27 likewise: VBI? May 20 23:13:12 Vertical Blanking Information (Teletext etc.) May 20 23:14:14 zecke but you have to change your premiere card May 20 23:15:27 oh well good nite May 20 23:15:55 I think, I need also go to sleep. Goodnight May 20 23:16:18 nite all May 20 23:16:33 * chouimat is back. May 20 23:16:34 anyone: How can I see the contents of a ipkg file? May 20 23:40:54 hmm May 20 23:40:55 help May 20 23:41:03 all of a sudden I can't build libtool-native anymore May 20 23:41:05 | NOTE: Executing autoreconf --verbose --install --force --exclude=libtoolize -I /local/pkg/oe/c7x0/tmp/work/i686-linux/libtool-native-1.5.10-r3/libtool-1.5.10/ -I /local/pkg/oe/c7x0/tmp/staging/i686-linux/share/aclocal-1.9 -I /local/pkg/oe/c7x0/tmp/staging/i686-linux/share/aclocal May 20 23:41:05 | /local/pkg/oe/c7x0/tmp/staging/i686-linux/bin/autoreconf: unrecognized option `--exclude=libtoolize' May 20 23:41:05 | Try `/local/pkg/oe/c7x0/tmp/staging/i686-linux/bin/autoreconf --help' for more information. May 20 23:41:05 | FATAL: autoreconf execution failed. May 20 23:41:18 autoconf-native wasnt built. May 20 23:41:25 er, yeah it was. weird May 20 23:41:32 that option was added by our autoconf patches.. May 20 23:50:52 oops May 20 23:51:03 NOTE: Patch 'program_prefix.patch' is outdated May 20 23:51:04 NOTE: Patch 'autoreconf-include.patch' is outdated May 20 23:51:04 NOTE: Patch 'autoreconf-exclude.patch' is outdated May 20 23:51:04 NOTE: Patch 'autoreconf-foreign.patch' is outdated May 20 23:51:04 NOTE: Patch 'autoreconf-gnuconfigize.patch' is outdated May 20 23:51:04 NOTE: Patch 'autoconf259-update-configscripts.patch' is outdated May 20 23:51:06 NOTE: Patch 'autoheader-nonfatal-warnings.patch' is outdated May 20 23:51:08 NOTE: Patch 'sizeof_types.patch' is outdated May 20 23:51:10 NOTE: Patch 'autoconf-x.patch' is outdated May 20 23:51:12 hrw!!!!!!!!! May 20 23:51:35 heh, whats that indicate? they need a refresh, or dont apply? May 20 23:52:11 hrw added a time conditional to applygin patches May 20 23:52:15 mindate, maxdate May 20 23:52:18 helps for floating cvs packages May 20 23:52:27 but it looks like the logic is flawed somewhere May 20 23:53:06 ah. May 20 23:56:45 aha May 20 23:56:50 corner case May 20 23:56:53 when SRCDATE > DATE May 20 23:56:56 then the logic is flawd May 20 23:57:03 it thinks it's outdated in that case May 20 23:57:08 * mickey|tv fixes May 20 23:57:28 sometimes i set SRCDATE > DATE to make sure I get HEAD May 20 23:58:46 ahh May 20 23:59:02 sounds like we should have unit testing of classes :P May 20 23:59:08 absolutely May 20 23:59:10 sooner than later May 20 23:59:12 uhmmm... how long is this supposed to take ? : monotone --db=oe.db pull monotone.vanille.de org.openembedded.dev May 20 23:59:22 from scratch? May 20 23:59:28 6 to 10 hours May 20 23:59:36 update May 20 23:59:43 already connected? May 20 23:59:44 i got like 144 revs written so far May 20 23:59:50 how many revs coming? May 21 00:00:03 revs in 1757 May 21 00:00:06 uh May 21 00:00:13 sounds like an old copy May 21 00:00:20 that'll take an hour May 21 00:00:20 yeah May 21 00:00:29 it's very slow May 21 00:00:36 already 2 have passed May 21 00:00:37 yes. pull early, pull often May 21 00:00:41 oss mantra May 21 00:00:44 s/oss/monotone/ May 21 00:00:48 true May 21 00:00:50 0.26 is much faster May 21 00:00:57 we're soon on 0.26 May 21 00:01:17 what's the weak point ? memory usage ? May 21 00:01:31 no, just raw computing power May 21 00:01:40 it verifies using some cryptographic algorithms May 21 00:01:48 *crunch* May 21 00:01:56 why is that ? May 21 00:02:04 to ensure safety of metadata May 21 00:02:06 integrity purposes/ May 21 00:02:07 and certs May 21 00:02:08 ok May 21 00:02:08 ya May 21 00:02:19 pretty tight, eh? May 21 00:02:30 compared to freebsd's cvsup system May 21 00:02:46 or even gentoo emerge May 21 00:03:40 mickey|tv: you're trying to get HEAD from something? May 21 00:03:50 s/something/everything cvs/ May 21 00:04:30 mickey|tv: try my patch for bitbake that someone kept rejecting May 21 00:04:39 mickey|tv: SRCDATE = "now" May 21 00:04:50 yeah, now is in now May 21 00:04:55 never used it May 21 00:05:00 my patch did that May 21 00:05:05 this always gets HEAD? May 21 00:05:08 will try May 21 00:05:19 yeah May 21 00:05:29 haven't tried applying it in a long time, though May 21 00:05:37 well, it's in as far as i can see May 21 00:05:48 at least in base.bbclass i can see something about "now" May 21 00:05:57 it worked perfectly but it was rejected repeatedly because I hadn't refactored the RCS systems... May 21 00:06:07 this was bitbake, not base.bbclass May 21 00:06:29 hmm... do you have it laying around somewhere? May 21 00:06:30 unless someone added some hackery in base.bbclass it won't work right...bitbake needed a patch May 21 00:06:36 I'll try to find it May 21 00:06:39 k May 21 00:07:27 hmm much too late May 21 00:07:29 <--- bed time May 21 00:07:31 g'night May 21 00:07:42 03mickeyl 07org.oe.dev * r0d814966... 10/classes/base.bbclass: base.bbclass: fix all patches being classified as "outdated" when SRCDATE > DATE May 21 00:09:41 mickey|zzZZzz: http://bugs.openembedded.org/show_bug.cgi?id=315 May 21 00:58:59 mickey|zzZZzz: it won't apply now...IIRC RP refactored it...I'll try to see if I can repatch it May 21 01:00:34 I am off to bed. See you guys later May 21 01:25:51 Gee, the default opie-image seems a wee bit big for collie, 21M... May 21 01:27:48 night May 21 01:30:51 joshua_: Did you set COLLIE as your machine? May 21 01:31:06 joshin May 21 01:32:03 yup. Am playing with openzaurus-unstable so that may account for it. May 21 01:47:53 Hi guys :-) May 21 07:46:29 does anyone know if it would be possible to port j2me midp to Z ? there is linux source available May 21 07:55:43 morning May 21 07:59:35 morning May 21 08:20:51 mickey|zzZZzz: check the bug again. I've updated the patch for current svn (1.4) and it's also "refactored". May 21 09:33:23 JustinP: ping May 21 09:45:21 koen: no May 21 09:58:11 good day May 21 09:59:34 hi May 21 09:59:54 zecke, can you comment on my fortran issue now? **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun May 21 09:59:56 2006