**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Aug 29 02:59:58 2013 Aug 29 06:05:25 JaMa: I'm trying to create a recipe for qtquickcontrols, and need to build with accessibility. I see some PACKAGECONFIG stuff in qtbase.inc, but don't understand how it works Aug 29 06:30:32 PACKAGECONFIG[dbus] = "-dbus,-no-dbus,dbus" Aug 29 06:30:50 what does that mean/do? Aug 29 06:43:03 hmm. seems that is a question not specific to the Qt recipes Aug 29 07:31:03 for kernel compilation - do we use --with-neon Aug 29 07:32:02 morning all Aug 29 07:32:14 -mfpu=neon and -mfloat-abi=hard Aug 29 07:32:32 silvio_l_: morning Aug 29 07:34:09 hi peter82 Aug 29 08:01:31 tasslehoff: https://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/current/poky-ref-manual/poky-ref-manual.html and search for PACKAGECONFIG Aug 29 08:10:04 JaMa: I figured it out. pull request coming your way :) Aug 29 08:11:12 morning all Aug 29 08:11:36 JaMa: also. the docs were good. thanks. Aug 29 08:19:08 JaMa: bluelightning: I had done all sort of tests on the refreshed klibc recipe (scratch, sstate, multimachine) so yesterday I did pull Aug 29 08:19:21 * ant_work sobs Aug 29 08:19:57 JaMa: bluelightning: then I was welcomed by prserver issues and maybe broken sstate rebuilds Aug 29 08:20:23 so now even the old klibc recipe is failing (libgcc.a not found) Aug 29 08:20:36 ...must have been a noghtmare isn't? Aug 29 08:21:40 JaMa: any strange failure in autobuilder recently? Aug 29 08:26:08 not really afaik Aug 29 08:26:55 unfortunatelly I was hit by missing bc-native in last test-dependencies.sh build so it will take a bit longer again to rebuild Aug 29 08:30:02 tasslehoff: review sent :) Aug 29 08:32:27 hi guys Aug 29 08:32:53 in case someone has my hrw@openembedded.org email in addressbook - please remove it Aug 29 08:35:00 hrw: never coming back? :.( Aug 29 08:35:17 bluelightning: no, just plan to abandon that email address Aug 29 08:35:25 bluelightning: only spam goes through it Aug 29 08:35:25 ok :) Aug 29 08:35:55 Aug 29 10:32:01 tygrysek postfix/smtpd[32730]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from mail.openembedded.org[]: 450 4.1.8 : Sender address rejected: Domain not found; from= to= proto=ESMTP helo= Aug 29 08:36:03 yeah my bluelightning.org address is 90% spam as well :( Aug 29 08:36:34 bluelightning: spamassasin does good work on my machine but cutting out all those emails I used years ago helps a lot Aug 29 08:37:04 JaMa: did you see what I wrote in the commit message about disabling accessibility in qtbase not being recommended? Aug 29 08:37:34 JaMa: I know little about it, I just noticed it in the configure script Aug 29 08:58:16 I wanted to know if we can use the following options while compiling the kernel: --with-neon and -mfloat-abi=hard Aug 29 09:01:01 hi, how do i find out which package contains which binaries? because a script is complaining it can't find cc1plus and as Aug 29 09:03:24 something like "bitbake -find " or similar Aug 29 09:05:58 tasslehoff: ah right, I've overlooked it in message Aug 29 09:21:41 anyone? bluelightning maybe? Aug 29 09:22:40 thesignal: where are you getting the error about not being able to find cc1plus? Aug 29 09:23:41 bluelightning: in octave when i'm trying to install the sockets package. it runs mkoctfile, which is a script, and this needs g++, g++ is installed already Aug 29 09:24:15 octave is running on my embedded device Aug 29 09:25:10 bluelightning: i guess i'm only missing some packages Aug 29 09:35:17 thesignal: have you installed packagegroup-core-buildessential? that should bring in the compiler + basic build tools for on-target use Aug 29 09:40:35 bluelightning: i cannot find packagegroup-core-buildessential. is it packagegroup-core-sdk? Aug 29 09:41:25 thesignal: which version are you using? Aug 29 09:43:57 bluelightning: rev ae9dbd0e1e26ba2b35cbd08ec731aee62adedc23 or what do you mean? Aug 29 09:45:09 thesignal: ah, right, so before packagegroup-core-buildessential was added Aug 29 09:45:24 packagegroup-core-sdk might work, checking now Aug 29 09:46:07 bluelightning: thanks Aug 29 09:47:29 thesignal: ok, it has a bit more in it than you probably need, but yes it should still work Aug 29 09:48:04 bluelightning: perfect, thanks :) Aug 29 09:48:41 bluelightning: so there is no way except using "find" and "rgrep" to find out which package contains a specific file? Aug 29 09:49:06 thesignal: well, the trouble is we often don't know exactly what will be in a package until we build it Aug 29 09:49:50 some recipes specify individual files in their FILES values when they need to, but most don't Aug 29 09:50:49 hi all Aug 29 09:50:56 bluelightning: hm, i see. anyway it would be a great feature. Aug 29 09:51:25 i wonder how qsearch from gentoos portage-utils works Aug 29 09:53:03 not qsearch, sry. equery Aug 29 09:54:20 well, there they are searching the built output AFAIK Aug 29 09:54:43 we could provide some sort of online service that would allow searching the default output from the autobuilder Aug 29 09:55:05 90% of the time that would provide the right answer, except for the situations where your configuration is different, where it might be misleading Aug 29 09:55:30 bluelightning: sounds like a good idea Aug 29 09:55:33 (autobuilder meaning the Yocto Project autobuilder, that is) Aug 29 09:55:40 (or some equivalent) Aug 29 10:22:46 when creating patches and submitting pull requests on github, do you create branches to hack on and then delete them after the pull request is closed? Aug 29 10:24:11 It's a common workflow. Aug 29 10:34:33 good. I'll do that then. Aug 29 10:37:48 if you like it's fairly easy to get access to push to the various contrib repos for this purpose Aug 29 10:38:09 access is open to anyone for use for the purpose of OE development, in particular sending of pull requests Aug 29 10:45:50 bluelightning: then I would work on a branch in meta-qt5, and request that branch to be pulled into e.g. master? Aug 29 10:47:59 tasslehoff: well meta-qt5 is hosted on github and it kind of sounds like JaMa is using the built-in github pull request mechanism Aug 29 10:48:21 but for other layers esp OE-Core and those in meta-openembedded, my comment stands Aug 29 10:49:15 tasslehoff: README says that patches should be sent to oe-devel ML, sofar I wasn't refusing github pull request mechanism but I would prefer more people seeing those patches -> oe-devel ML would be better Aug 29 10:49:49 JaMa: noted. Aug 29 10:50:47 you can use openembedded-core/scripts/create-pull-request + send-pull-request scripts to do it (but you still need your own fork on github or somewhere else for pull-url) Aug 29 10:51:43 JaMa: how do I get the platform-plugin for egl/gles2? I (think I) have compiled qtbase with gles2 support, but I still have only minimal,offscreen and xcb. Aug 29 10:52:08 ok, noted as well Aug 29 11:31:21 compile -> copy image -> burn image to CF -> put the image on the board -> boot Aug 29 11:31:27 this cycle is not productive Aug 29 11:31:54 I guess network boot would fix the problem. Are there any decent document on testing core-image-minimal with network boot option? Aug 29 11:32:17 I don't want to use QEMU as I am testing a BSP for the board. Hence, I need a real hw Aug 29 11:57:04 Do any DISTRO_FEATURES contain "opengl"? I can't find any, and that seems odd... Aug 29 11:59:12 meta-yocto/conf/distro/poky.conf:DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " largefile opengl multiarch wayland" Aug 29 12:04:18 ant_work: as you asked about weird issues, I see gcc-cross-initial failing a lot in my local builds (with different errors), this time Aug 29 12:04:21 | /OE/oe-core/tmp-eglibc/work-shared/gcc-4.8.1-r0/gcc-4.8.1/gcc/bitmap.h:655:8: error: 'struct bitmap_iterator' has no member named 'bits' Aug 29 12:10:40 I want to place a file into /etc/ax25 in one of my packages. I see the file in $WORKDIR but it isn't placed in /etc Aug 29 12:11:13 http://dpaste.com/1359785/ Aug 29 12:11:19 JaMa: I had arm-oe-linux-gnueabi-ld: cannot find libgcc.a: No such file or directory Aug 29 12:11:33 do you se any problem with that? Aug 29 12:15:21 JaMa: maybe I've found a reason in the last weeks commits Aug 29 12:17:48 eren: you need to install it into $D in do_install task Aug 29 12:18:12 ah I see the recipe now Aug 29 12:18:14 oh, found typo actually Aug 29 12:18:18 did you also add it in FILES_? Aug 29 12:18:20 I forgot } at the end Aug 29 12:18:25 bitbake didn't complain about parsing Aug 29 12:18:34 now it's ok Aug 29 12:18:43 should we call it a bug? Aug 29 12:19:22 eren: btw dependencies test is almost finished Building recipe: xfce4-icon-theme (62/67) Aug 29 12:19:30 eren: but the log won't be very good again :/ Aug 29 12:19:57 JaMa: ah no prob. As long as I can see the same error, I can look at it Aug 29 12:21:18 and the trick was "bitbake RECIPE -c cleansstate" after the dependencies are met, right? Aug 29 12:23:38 and removing tmp-eglibc Aug 29 12:24:05 okkie Aug 29 12:25:52 I am wondering if I should finally learn systemd and move to that Aug 29 12:26:20 writing service nonexistent service file for daemons looks simpler Aug 29 12:41:36 JaMa: working metadata was pull of oe-core + bitbake of 23.08 plus this first version patch you used Aug 29 12:41:55 JaMa: then I did a pull of both yesterday evening Aug 29 12:41:55 JaMa: have you tried compiling with gles2? Aug 29 12:57:27 tasslehoff: we're building qtbase with gles2 in webos-ports Aug 29 12:59:45 JaMa: I'm having issues compiling. I think maybe it helped to add 'opengl' to my DISTRO_FEATURES. Just adding 'gles2' to my PACKAGE_CONFIG gave a compile error. Aug 29 13:00:49 well, i think opengl does not relate to gles2, but only gl (not ES one). i asked similar questions yesterday, and that's what i figured out. Aug 29 13:02:44 JaMa: btw I'm adding meta-qt5 to meta-webos-ports dependencies in the layer index - it's been erroring out for a while about that Aug 29 13:02:48 JaMa: hope that's OK? Aug 29 13:03:42 bluelightning: yes, sorry I forgot to update that Aug 29 13:04:08 ndec: hm. ok. I see that webos-ports have just set PACKAGE_CONFIG_GL to gles2. Aug 29 13:04:15 think I got a compile error doing that Aug 29 13:05:10 JaMa: np Aug 29 13:05:12 eren: http://logs.nslu2-linux.org/buildlogs/oe/oe-shr-core-branches/log.world.20130828_162655.log/ is the last log, but I won't send an e-mail because I'm going to start another build now Aug 29 13:05:17 JaMa: qtwebkit has DEPENDS on ruby-native, but they don't seem to be any explicit layer dependencies in layer.conf. Aug 29 13:05:28 dependency on meta-ruby, that is. Aug 29 13:06:05 ndec: it has (at least in master) Aug 29 13:06:41 hmm. i don't see it. Aug 29 13:07:42 ah, it's in the README, but not in layer.conf. Aug 29 13:09:27 JaMa: okkie, oh mpg123 is still failing Aug 29 13:09:29 | /bin/sh: 1: bc: not found Aug 29 13:09:50 oh well, that seems to be kernel issue? Aug 29 13:10:17 NOTE: Running noexec task 2903 of 2935 (ID: 8, /home/jenkins/oe/shr-core-branches/shr-core/meta-openembedded/meta-multimedia/recipes-multimedia/mpg123/mpg123_1.15.3.bb, do_package_write) Aug 29 13:10:33 eren bc dependency has been added very recently Aug 29 13:10:36 JaMa: it seems that mpg123 has been built successfully. However, the log includes kernel build as well Aug 29 13:10:40 http://logs.nslu2-linux.org/buildlogs/oe/oe-shr-core-branches/log.world.20130828_162655.log/min_failed/mpg123 Aug 29 13:10:51 eren: yes that's why I said that the log is bad Aug 29 13:11:08 eren: and that's why I'm running new build again, but will take many hours.. Aug 29 13:11:15 JaMa: oh okkie :) Aug 29 13:12:28 eren: ah, sorry, bc-native dep was for linux-yocto Aug 29 13:12:30 eren: I've also pending fixes for some of the issues reported in this log: consolekit, xbmc, webkit-efl, qcanobserver, mousepad, numptyphysic, openmoocow Aug 29 13:13:10 ant_work: it's the same, mpg123 was failing because it couldn't build kernel.. Aug 29 13:13:19 ok Aug 29 13:13:22 JaMa: okkie Aug 29 13:14:57 ant_work: FYI I believe mainline 3.10+ kernels need bc as well, so technically it's not just linux-yocto Aug 29 13:18:07 fwiw Aug 29 13:18:08 $ equery depends bc Aug 29 13:18:08 * These packages depend on bc: Aug 29 13:18:08 dev-libs/openssl-0.9.8y (test ? sys-devel/bc) Aug 29 13:18:08 dev-libs/openssl-1.0.1e (test ? sys-devel/bc) Aug 29 13:18:08 net-print/cups-filters-1.0.29-r1 (sys-devel/bc) Aug 29 13:18:10 sci-geosciences/gpsd-3.7 (test ? sys-devel/bc) Aug 29 13:18:12 x11-misc/xscreensaver-5.20 (sys-devel/bc) Aug 29 13:19:30 sorry, this was outdated link Aug 29 13:19:35 on my server: Aug 29 13:19:37 * These packages depend on bc: Aug 29 13:19:37 dev-libs/openssl-1.0.1c (test ? sys-devel/bc) Aug 29 13:19:37 sys-apps/util-linux-2.22.2 (test ? sys-devel/bc) Aug 29 13:19:37 sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-3.8.13 (!build ? sys-devel/bc) Aug 29 13:19:54 so it has been added as build dep Aug 29 13:20:33 build dep only for kernel on my host, I can check at home whit many more sources compiled Aug 29 13:27:47 bluelightning: correct Aug 29 13:28:34 * JaMa updating qcanobserver to use qwt-6 APIs instead of qwt-5 :/ Aug 29 13:40:11 why doesn't boot-directdisk.bbclass use initrd? Aug 29 13:40:21 it just copies kernel and syslinux, and creates /dev/sda2 parttion Aug 29 13:40:32 it seems that this class has been written just for image-vmd.bbclass Aug 29 13:43:44 eren: I was under the impression it's a bit older than that, but I don't know the full details Aug 29 13:44:21 what I just want basically is the boot partition with syslinux and mbr, and rootfs in /dev/sda2 Aug 29 13:45:36 image-vmdk seems to do this with overriding SYSLINUX_ROOT and inheriting "boot-directdisk" Aug 29 13:45:52 image-vmdk then converts .hdddirect to .vmdk Aug 29 13:47:15 huh, is there any decent way to achieve this? Aug 29 15:13:22 interesting : packages.yoctoproject.or Aug 29 15:13:27 interesting : packages.yoctoproject.org Aug 29 15:44:56 someone has trouble with NTP? Aug 29 15:53:36 silvio_l_: what's the trouble? Aug 29 15:55:40 hi bluelightning, systemctl seams load it, but then failed Aug 29 15:56:20 silvio_l_: note that our ntp recipe explicitly does not configure it to point to an NTP server, you need to do that yourself Aug 29 15:56:49 silvio_l_: since there is no one single NTP server that is appropriate for all users to use (for a real device you need to register your own pool) Aug 29 15:57:12 brb Aug 29 16:23:41 bluelightning_, thanks, but trouble is another, time is not synch although config seams right Aug 30 02:06:34 Hmm, should look into adding sublime text highlighting for bitbake files **** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Aug 30 02:59:58 2013