**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Aug 27 02:59:58 2014 Aug 27 09:24:07 Hello, Does anyone give me help to configure pulseaudio or where to find more information concerning configuration files ? (I know only the perfect setup guide). I am using Open Embedded daisy without X11, PulseAudio 5.0, Linux armv5tejl #18 PREEMPT. From root : pulseaudio --system met the error shm.c: mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory pulseaudio --start or pulseaudio -D and then pacmd list-cards give 0 card(s) available. P Aug 27 15:18:08 maybe it's still too early... Aug 27 15:18:41 anybody know the context of this bug? YOCTO #6492 Aug 27 17:47:41 otavio, hey. have you used kernel configuration fragments with a fsl kernel ? Aug 27 17:49:06 I managed to get it working doing a do_configure_append() { scripts/kconfig/merge_config.sh -m .config ${WORKDIR}/my.cfg; eval ${KERNEL_CONFIG_COMMAND} ) Aug 27 17:49:33 But I am not entirely sure this is the way of doing it Aug 27 19:07:16 hey everyone, I'd like to write a kernel recipe pulling source from my own repository _and_ pulling a default config that lives in the same repository in-tree. Is there a preferred way to do this (or a reason I should not be attempting this approach)? Aug 27 19:12:49 the documented methods I found for manipulating a kernel config (either pulling in config fragments or an entire defconfig) don't give me quite what I need. The closest approach I've found that works is to point to an empty defconfig in SRC_URI, followed later with do_patch_prepend() { cp ${WORKDIR}/linux/arch/x86/configs/mycustomconfig ${THISDIR}/files/defconfig }. Is there a simpler approach? Aug 27 19:15:00 there's no standard for how the defconfig is copied to .config in non-linux-yocto kernels. Aug 27 19:15:16 see some other kernels for examples, but they all pretty much roll their own Aug 27 19:17:17 https://github.com/MentorEmbedded/meta-mentor/blob/master/meta-mel/classes/cml1-config.bbclass was my initial attempt to create a class to share to make it consistent, but never got around to doing much with it Aug 27 19:17:18 * kergoth shrugs Aug 27 19:39:46 kroon: solved? Aug 27 19:40:23 sgw_: I sent a fix for poky distro a while ago, to add newer Debian releases. Can you apply it? Aug 27 19:41:47 otavio, looks like it, just wanted to check with you if you had any experience with config fragments + fsl kernel Aug 27 19:42:20 kroon: I'd love to move the kernel to the linux-yocto framework Aug 27 19:42:35 kroon: but it seems we are far from this yet :( Aug 27 19:44:10 otavio: you can 'convert' it without much pain, if you put a 'defconfig' file in SRC_URI this triggers a special case of linux-yocto processing so your expanded .config is fully respected Aug 27 19:45:17 later on, when you are ready, just rename defconfig to i.e. myconfig to 'unlock' the preprocessing Aug 27 19:47:36 on the other side, I have reverted some kernels to the old-style defconfig by 'popular demand' (some kernel devs are not used/have no time to learn) Aug 27 19:50:55 note however that linux-yocto is not vanilla, it is pre-patched (the standard/base branches) Aug 27 19:52:18 recent news are, a vanilla korg branch will be added soon Aug 27 20:28:35 khem: unsurprisingly building from scratch for the armv4 target is flawless Aug 27 20:49:22 otavio: I am looking at poky.conf and the patch from 8/5 (I think that's the patch you are refering to) and something similar, but different is in poky.conf Aug 27 20:54:09 sgw_: sorry but I didn't follow you Aug 27 20:58:45 otavio: see pm **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Aug 28 02:59:58 2014