**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Oct 03 03:00:00 2017 Oct 03 07:43:35 does ICECC just work (tm) Oct 03 07:43:49 do I need to do anything on the build slaves Oct 03 07:44:15 like installing the cross compile toolchain or something Oct 03 07:44:52 hey! i'm working with wine inside my OE buildtree, it is used to generate Windows Executables from Python scripts and PyInsatller through recipes. Is it possible to create a new sysroot for wine? Like I already have a native/x86 and a target sysroot, I'd like to also have a wine sysroot. I would then like to be able to write recipes that inherit some wine.bbclass and when files are installed, they end up in the Oct 03 07:44:54 wine sysroot Oct 03 15:06:20 YPTM: Randy joined the YP Tech call Oct 03 15:08:08 * vmeson moves over to #yocto for YPTM discussion Oct 03 19:19:15 i'm trying to use devtool to add/create an npm recipe for a node app, but it keeps erroring out on the license stuff. if it sees a license it doesn't like or doesn't recognize then the whole procedure stops in error. can i get devtool to skip the whole license thing? Oct 03 19:20:29 tlwoerner: what exactly is the error? Oct 03 19:21:13 bluelightning: try doing "devtool add https://github.com/node-opcua/node-opcua.git" Oct 03 19:21:27 it doesn't like the license string "BSD*" Oct 03 19:22:06 * bluelightning tries Oct 03 19:27:42 * tlwoerner tries again without meta-nodejs (just in case) Oct 03 19:31:00 * tlwoerner finds same result Oct 03 22:43:50 tlwoerner: right - sorry for the delay, I did reproduce it - looks like we'll have to pre-validate the string before putting it into the recipe Oct 03 22:43:51 sigh Oct 04 02:06:13 bluelightning: no worries :-) i'm just getting back to your reply now **** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Oct 04 03:00:02 2017