**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Oct 06 02:59:57 2006 Oct 06 15:11:53 ho ho ho Oct 06 15:13:16 vmaster: ping Oct 06 15:13:53 prpplague: pong Oct 06 15:14:21 vmaster: hey, we are going with the M5960 number for now on the usb device Oct 06 15:14:35 vmaster: do you have the additions in svn repo currently? Oct 06 15:16:04 prpplague: sorry, i took them about, to give you more time to come up with a name - shouldn't matter, as it's not yet up for sale, is it? Oct 06 15:16:10 d'oh Oct 06 15:16:14 s/about/out/ Oct 06 15:16:37 vmaster: no big deal, i just needed a copy to test, you still have the patch set available? Oct 06 15:16:50 vmaster: i'm traveling and didn't bring a copy Oct 06 15:20:19 sure, hold on, i'll get you a patch against current SVN head Oct 06 15:21:55 or wait, you're going to keep the m5960? i have some other patches waiting to get committed, too, I'll just push everything into svn Oct 06 15:23:03 what's your company called? Oct 06 15:25:49 American Microsystems Ltd Oct 06 15:26:04 ok thanks Oct 06 15:26:22 vmaster: i just need to do a few tests with a new rev of the board to make sure are good to go Oct 06 15:28:10 Committed revision 102. Oct 06 15:28:32 if you need anything changed just send me a patch Oct 06 15:31:14 vmaster: will do thanks Oct 06 15:44:14 vmaster: odd error Oct 06 15:44:15 ../src/jtag/libjtag.a(jtag.o)(.data+0x19c): In function `cmd_queue_alloc': Oct 06 15:44:15 /home/dave/trunk/src/jtag/jtag.c:309: undefined reference to `ft2232_interface' Oct 06 15:45:12 let me check... Oct 06 15:46:20 ft2232_interface isn't mentioned anywhere near that line... really odd Oct 06 15:47:39 is that from a fresh checkout? Oct 06 15:50:04 yea Oct 06 15:50:33 with ./configure --enable-ft2232_ftd2xx -with-ftd2xx Oct 06 15:51:12 ok, the linker error is bogus Oct 06 15:51:21 where do you have FTD2XX? Oct 06 15:51:31 /usr/lib Oct 06 15:51:48 then you shouldn't ened --with-ftd2xx Oct 06 15:51:55 s/ened/need/ Oct 06 15:51:55 vmaster meant: then you shouldn't need --with-ftd2xx Oct 06 15:52:06 yea tried it both ways Oct 06 15:52:57 vmaster: slept since i did the compile last time Oct 06 15:53:03 should have made some extra notes Oct 06 15:53:34 ok the configure with just --with-ftd2xx builds Oct 06 15:54:01 but it doesn't include any jtag interface, so you wont be happy Oct 06 15:54:22 yea Oct 06 15:56:46 515 cd openocd Oct 06 15:56:46 516 ./bootstrap Oct 06 15:56:46 517 ./configure --enable-ft2232_ftd2xx Oct 06 15:56:46 518 make Oct 06 15:56:49 built just fine Oct 06 15:57:07 did you copy the ftd2xx header file to /usr/include? Oct 06 16:01:05 vmaster: ahh yea thats what it was, i fat fingered the copy Oct 06 16:01:22 * prpplague makes notes this time Oct 06 16:08:27 vmaster: what version of ftd2xx are you using? Oct 06 16:10:13 0.4.10 Oct 06 16:10:48 seems to be the latest one available from ftdichip.com Oct 06 16:11:06 yea Oct 06 16:11:24 still having the same problem even with the include correct Oct 06 16:11:35 vmaster: probably i'm missing something Oct 06 16:12:10 any errors during make before that? Oct 06 16:14:21 none Oct 06 16:14:26 looking again to make sure Oct 06 16:15:17 almost like its not seeing the lib Oct 06 16:33:37 is this a 32-bit machine? Oct 06 16:34:50 yea Oct 06 16:37:37 vmaster: yet to get a complete build Oct 06 16:41:43 vmaster: it doesn't appear that ft2232.c is being added to libjtag.a Oct 06 16:45:03 vmaster: looks to be autoconf/automake issue, it butchered the make file in src/jtag Oct 06 17:17:30 vmaster: http://pastebin.ca/193212 Oct 06 17:18:04 vmaster: thats for the Makefile.am in src/jtag Oct 06 17:24:01 sorry, been away for a while Oct 06 17:24:07 that solved your problem? Oct 06 17:31:36 vmaster: yea Oct 06 17:32:53 vmaster: one other thing, remember the enable pins for our board need to be set, i think you have it in svn as 0x80 Oct 06 17:47:40 vmaster: nm, i'm on crack today Oct 06 17:48:30 hmmmm... Oct 06 17:49:44 prpplague: i thought i had the fixed values in the file i checked in today - was there something wrong? Oct 06 17:53:34 vmaster: no, i think i have config file issues Oct 06 17:53:46 vmaster: its not seeing my board Oct 06 17:54:10 IR mismatch? Oct 06 17:54:27 vmaster: sorry, bad wording, its not seeing my usb device Oct 06 17:54:41 ft2232_vid_pid set to whatever you have? Oct 06 17:57:02 yea, using the default for dlp at the moment 0x403 and 0x6010 Oct 06 17:57:55 vmaster: http://pastebin.ca/index.php Oct 06 17:57:58 did you remove ftdi_sio? Oct 06 17:58:22 vmaster: yea, not loaded Oct 06 17:58:34 uhm, index.php is wrong, i guess Oct 06 17:58:39 oop Oct 06 17:58:41 sorry Oct 06 17:58:51 http://pastebin.ca/193248 Oct 06 17:59:24 it does see your device Oct 06 17:59:39 but there's something wrong with the usb comms... Oct 06 17:59:53 i've seen this behaviour once before, with a windows user Oct 06 18:00:08 and i have no idea what might be the reason Oct 06 18:00:59 vmaster: yea we saw it before as well, and i've slept since then Oct 06 18:01:06 vmaster: i'll track it down again Oct 06 18:01:16 you've been able to solve this? Oct 06 18:01:30 vmaster: well we did before when i first got the m5960 going Oct 06 18:01:46 ok, let me know what you did, when you get it working Oct 06 18:01:47 vmaster: i'm thinking its the enable pins that aren't working Oct 06 18:01:53 * prpplague grabs a meter Oct 06 18:02:08 mhh, unlikely - this is a problem with the ft2232 Oct 06 18:02:22 it should scan whatever there is on its inputs Oct 06 18:02:29 but it doesn't reply with the requested data Oct 06 18:02:48 until it hits a timeout (5 sec) Oct 06 18:03:24 yea, which is the same problem before Oct 06 18:03:31 just can't remeber what the problem was Oct 06 18:04:59 vmaster: for the device_description, you are suppose to use the iInterface from lsusb correct? Oct 06 18:06:03 iProduct Oct 06 18:06:17 hmm, iInterface seems to be the same Oct 06 18:06:39 try adding an "A" if it doesn't work Oct 06 18:06:44 " A" actually Oct 06 18:06:56 the FTD2XX seems to use that to identify the channel Oct 06 18:07:22 ahh Oct 06 18:08:10 hmm, no difference Oct 06 18:08:50 i found usbmon quite handy when writing the ft2232 support Oct 06 18:09:41 vmaster: what char device does openocd normally try to connect with? Oct 06 18:10:26 mhh, FTD2XX uses libusb, which uses /proc/bus/usb, iirc Oct 06 18:10:56 i bet i don't have the usbdevfs in 666 mode Oct 06 18:14:04 ok, sorry, but i gotta go now, Texas Hold'em finally arrived in germany ;) **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Oct 07 02:59:57 2006