**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Jul 25 02:59:57 2009 Jul 25 03:45:17 TAsn: sorry for the late comment -- I think there is lower-hanging fruit to be had with opkg :) Jul 25 03:45:48 Specifically, the patchset I referred to earlier should solve a lot of problems. Jul 25 03:46:12 oooh opkg Jul 25 03:46:16 speaking of that... Jul 25 03:46:37 oplkg is a four-letter word. Jul 25 03:46:45 (sigh - I can't type) Jul 25 03:46:51 does it have any snapshotting/consistency system - eg if i pull power in the middle of a libc upgrade... Jul 25 03:47:11 very minimal. Jul 25 03:47:14 can i reboot and have a statically linked "opkgfix" trya nd clean up the mess from a "snap" ? Jul 25 03:47:19 no Jul 25 03:47:24 hmm ok. needs adding Jul 25 03:47:40 * mwester_ thinks we should just use apt and dpkg Jul 25 03:47:49 eg make a list of old files (well have it in pkg - but list anywya Jul 25 03:47:55 ) and new files, tar up old files. Jul 25 03:48:03 why re-invent the wheel? I'd rather extend those tools for a small system, than fix opkg. Jul 25 03:48:20 on boot if file exists "am doing install" delete a;l new files and replace with old ones from tar. Jul 25 03:48:26 (simply stupid thing - but an example) Jul 25 03:48:41 well i dont think apt and dpkg have this either?> Jul 25 03:48:57 No, but they at least work. opkg doesn't. Jul 25 03:50:15 last i knew apt required things like perl Jul 25 03:50:40 Perl is wonderful. Jul 25 03:50:43 Perl is good. Jul 25 03:50:58 Perl should be on every gta0x, anyway. :) Jul 25 03:51:15 it's a matter of your packaging system requirng a (heavy) scripting lang beyond what you already have (sh) Jul 25 03:51:37 you wont convince most commercial users of that :) Jul 25 03:51:38 Have you looked at the opkg source code? Jul 25 03:53:18 no - but i guess it's spaghetti-hell? Jul 25 03:59:46 It's worse than spaghetti. It's totally inconsistent in architecture and style, poorly-thought-out, leaks memory all over, duplicates code --- it was clearly written by some very inexperienced software developers, and they were not given the guidance and help they needed from a senior dev or architect. :( Jul 25 04:12:53 thats bad Jul 25 04:13:08 thol i disagree on "just use dpkg+apt" Jul 25 04:13:23 i think opkg just needs work - possibly a rewrite Jul 25 05:14:43 morning Jul 25 05:14:46 want to boot the shr-image on an other device...runs OK but crashes after starting xserver...how can I change the config to a 320x240 display? Jul 25 05:18:24 it is a gta01 image on a s3c2449 device Jul 25 05:27:58 schasch: i think x server determines the resolution from framebuffer parameters, that are supplied by the kernel. Jul 25 05:37:51 PaulFertser:tankx ...so adding something to "fb.modules"? Jul 25 05:38:39 or menuconfig kernel? Jul 25 05:40:51 schasch: what's fbset output on your device? Jul 25 05:49:09 morning guys! Jul 25 05:50:35 PaulFertser: 320x240 ...or what do you mean? Jul 25 05:53:17 I see the black screen..than comes the X in the middel....then CRASH Jul 25 05:54:19 just edited the Xserver file with debug-haltpoint-inf in ${IMAGE_ROOTFS}/etc/X11/ Jul 25 05:56:11 PaulFertser:going shower now and eating...till later... Jul 25 06:05:21 schasch: probably it's E crashing, not xserver. I'd suggest trying to start xterm instead of any WM, then to start E via ssh so you'll see why it crashes. Remove ~/.e before that. Probably starting in gdb will help. Jul 25 06:34:59 Hmm, building as pointed out on http://trac.shr-project.org/trac/wiki/Building%20SHR fails, because libframeworkd-phonegui-efl_git is missing "configure.in or configure.ac" Jul 25 06:35:11 schasch: i highly sauggest going to oe-dev (oe dev git branch) Jul 25 06:35:12 that's one thing I can't fix myself, don't have the know how Jul 25 06:35:19 and starting a new machine target Jul 25 06:35:31 and rolling over to angstrom Jul 25 06:36:06 "Tasks Summary: Attempted 1812 tasks of which 1811 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed." Jul 25 06:36:16 hi. i've got an error with ophonekitd. latest unstable Jul 25 06:36:19 Unknown internal dbus error: Process /usr/libexec/dbus-daemon-launch-helper received signal 6, 79 (dbus-glib-error-quark), code 26 Jul 25 06:36:38 anyone encountered that lately? Jul 25 06:40:38 my problem is probably that I'm using my local checkout/repo Jul 25 06:40:41 ceda_wrk: report to respective dev .maintainer of that. if those are missing nothing is going to start building if its an autofoo (autoconf) based project Jul 25 06:41:17 it could be that the build has changed mechanisms and the oe build expects the older style and is checking out a specific revision Jul 25 06:41:25 raster: when I look at it, the files are there. I just burped what the error log file said. Jul 25 06:41:30 in that case the problem is yours to fix :) Jul 25 06:41:36 yes :) Jul 25 06:41:49 well then.. you're going to have to hunt Jul 25 06:41:52 is it in the right dir Jul 25 06:41:58 does it go delete them during bb build Jul 25 06:41:58 etc. Jul 25 06:41:59 I think I just need to add an ext "shr/" in the path config Jul 25 06:42:10 i have my own errors to chase here in oe right now Jul 25 06:43:09 u can use a directory path in .bb's as src Jul 25 06:43:16 ie instead of svn:// ... Jul 25 06:43:18 building without local-builds.inc works so it's definately me screwing the paths up Jul 25 06:43:26 u can use /home/me/src/thing Jul 25 06:43:28 for example Jul 25 06:43:48 yup, that's what I'm attempting. I just must've configured it wrong Jul 25 06:59:13 yeay Jul 25 06:59:36 bew! Jul 25 07:00:25 now I just need to find the packaged file ... Jul 25 07:00:46 * raster awaits an updated build Jul 25 07:02:52 waiting sucks. I changed six strings yesterday about this time. Jul 25 07:03:50 once again, I'm amazed by the patience you possess Jul 25 07:03:58 hahahah Jul 25 07:04:02 i dont "Wait" Jul 25 07:04:06 i... do something else Jul 25 07:04:26 invariably i forget about it and come back days later to figure out what it is i wanted to do Jul 25 07:04:27 :) Jul 25 07:04:34 hehe Jul 25 07:04:49 ok. xorg still fucked Jul 25 07:05:41 yeay again! Jul 25 07:05:47 I actually fixed something :] Jul 25 07:06:09 and then a segfault :/ Jul 25 07:06:24 but that's because GSM isn't up Jul 25 07:14:05 * raster grumbles about how much pain it is to add just 1 patch... Jul 25 07:14:35 depends on if you want to test out the code change or not :) Jul 25 07:14:59 unlike some... i actually test my changes :) Jul 25 07:17:18 grr. ok. bigger problems Jul 25 07:17:31 no let's see if my code changes works too (and not just translation stuff) Jul 25 07:18:11 now* Jul 25 07:20:48 hmmm interesting Jul 25 07:21:05 different arm targets futz with xorg-server .pc file differently Jul 25 07:21:06 wtf... Jul 25 07:23:34 same xorg version too Jul 25 07:23:37 1.6.1 Jul 25 08:24:42 PaulFertser:start xterm instead of any WM: wich file? Jul 25 08:25:42 raster: schasch: i highly sauggest going to oe-dev (oe dev git branch).....do you have complete git-adress? Jul 25 08:26:40 that is ALL i use Jul 25 08:26:52 i dont want to use shr git trees or specific oe branches per device Jul 25 08:26:59 i want to build for N targets Jul 25 08:27:31 (gta02, nokia800, palmt650, rokre6, overo, c760) Jul 25 08:28:00 and a new git repo or branch every time i simply want to "spew out image for device X" is silly Jul 25 08:28:02 not going to happen Jul 25 08:28:18 the probvlem is everyoen runs off to do stuff in their own git branch or repo Jul 25 08:28:39 once every how and again things are dumped into oe dev then not tested across multiple targets or distros Jul 25 08:28:50 and invariably i am cleaning up a bunch of these Jul 25 08:29:17 so.. already there :) Jul 25 09:42:47 blu3: oh, i haven't thought of that :) Jul 25 10:02:27 good morning Jul 25 10:11:09 morning ptitjes Jul 25 10:11:27 ptitjes: I saw you name in the contributors of Vala ;-) Jul 25 10:11:43 hi onen|openBmap Jul 25 10:11:51 where ? Jul 25 10:12:37 ptitjes: http://live.gnome.org/Vala/Release -> 0.7.2 Jul 25 10:12:51 ha yes Jul 25 10:12:52 :) Jul 25 10:13:25 onen|openBmap: http://git.gnome.org/cgit/vala/log/?qt=author&q=didier Jul 25 10:13:26 :) Jul 25 10:14:11 ptitjes: ;-) Jul 25 10:14:46 and there are still 20 patches on git.freesmartphone.org that did not yet move upstream Jul 25 10:30:43 TAsn: please... just fix opkg do not remove files... Jul 25 10:30:47 s/do/to/ Jul 25 10:30:47 dos1 meant: TAsn: please... just fix opkg to not remove files... Jul 25 10:31:07 sqlite stuff and others do later :x Jul 25 10:39:21 i just put in the SD and my phone wouldn't start anymore Jul 25 10:39:45 let me tell you that it helps having the battery in the phone Jul 25 10:41:47 dos1, huh? Jul 25 10:42:09 Meomer: ? Jul 25 10:42:10 TAsn: that problem with deleting random files on upgrade/install Jul 25 10:42:25 TAsn: which also causes overall slooowness of opkg Jul 25 10:42:26 I think it's just opkg dying in the middle without memory Jul 25 10:42:37 TAsn: and which was introduced by you Jul 25 10:42:43 TAsn: as i didn't saw it before Jul 25 10:42:43 I think reverting my patch and adding mewster's might help. Jul 25 10:42:47 dos1, aye. Jul 25 10:42:56 I think my patch added more memory usage Jul 25 10:42:59 TAsn: and now i see it everywhere :x Jul 25 10:42:59 I didn't think about that. Jul 25 10:43:00 ;\ Jul 25 10:47:28 whats the problem with opkg? Jul 25 10:48:06 it can't fork :) Jul 25 10:50:01 whats the problem with shr? Jul 25 10:52:32 just a joke Jul 25 10:52:53 i am happy with gsm in the last 1-2 weeks Jul 25 10:53:56 i'm happy with gsm in the last 4 months :P Jul 25 10:54:05 it seems to work properly, no ophonekitd crashes anymore Jul 25 10:54:18 but i didn't upgraded to latest opkg Jul 25 10:54:29 i did Jul 25 10:54:40 (before that i was always upgrading everything, without reflashing) Jul 25 10:55:01 i also did an upgrade Jul 25 10:55:01 TAsn: you did not meet this problem with opkg while testing your patch? Jul 25 10:56:21 TAsn: so... when you'll play with mwester_'s patches? :P Jul 25 10:56:48 onen|openBmap, no, I haven't. Jul 25 10:56:52 though I have now. Jul 25 10:57:04 it seems like it appears on a really big upgrade Jul 25 10:57:10 like all other opkg issues ;\ Jul 25 10:57:30 dos1, mwester_'s patch are well tested Jul 25 10:57:37 as he uses them on slugos for a long time. Jul 25 10:57:38 TAsn: pfff, why do we bother to make tests, as the issues always raise *after* the release! (it happened to me too) Jul 25 10:57:41 Hey there Jul 25 10:57:50 onen|openBmap, :) Jul 25 10:57:54 anyhow, I gtg. Jul 25 10:57:55 ciao. Jul 25 10:58:07 Ainulindale: good morning Jul 25 10:59:40 ohey onen|openBmap o/ Jul 25 11:04:30 larsc: ping Jul 25 11:07:24 PaulFertser: pong Jul 25 11:08:43 larsc: i hope you understand that i'm an occassional hacker, not a developer or kernel maintainer of any kind. I'm (unpleasantly) surprised Nelson didn't commit your bq27000 patch yet. Jul 25 11:09:22 larsc: what is your vision wrt kernel maintaining? Probably you want to take care of OM tree yourself? Jul 25 11:09:38 larsc: you seem to be pretty much capable of that. Jul 25 11:12:42 PaulFertser: ok. i CCed you cause you were the only one i knew who was active commiting to the om tree Jul 25 11:14:23 larsc: of course i can push this patch, it obviously does the right thing. I just waited for Nelson to do it because i assume he's the maintainer. Since we'll have great changes to come soon (soc support coming back from upstream) we need to decide on some working process now. Jul 25 11:15:39 i thought the idea was that there'd be multiple people committing, rather than one "gatekeeper"? Jul 25 11:16:08 PaulFertser: I would like to see a branch based on upstream 2.6.31. Jul 25 11:17:40 Weiss: those multiple people need to agree on some process first, at least wrt in-team communication. And there were no discussion about that. Just several people got commit access in case something (like Nelson going on vacation) happens. Jul 25 11:18:38 larsc: do you want to see it right now or after 2.6.31 release? Jul 25 11:18:55 PaulFertser: soon Jul 25 11:21:20 TAsn: any news ? Jul 25 11:24:05 dunno whether this came through (disconnected...) Jul 25 11:24:05 is there anything missing in your kernel tree? Jul 25 11:24:06 (hardware-support-wise) Jul 25 11:24:07 if not, we might as well declare your tree as the official then Jul 25 11:24:09 what about gta01 support, btw.? Jul 25 11:25:35 does Nelson Castillo do IRC? Jul 25 11:26:15 gismo_: yes, sometimes. He's Arhuaco. Jul 25 11:27:14 PaulFertser: andy-tracking is a mess. There are lots of obsolete files in there, like gta03 support and leftovers from the pcf* refactoring. Jul 25 11:27:23 larsc: i know Jul 25 11:28:13 What I would like to see is that each driver gets it's own branch. And then two master branches one for gta02 and one for gta01 which regularly merge on the drivers they need. Jul 25 11:28:36 makes patch management a lot easier Jul 25 11:28:56 mickey|train: was that question for me? Jul 25 11:29:18 larsc: i think yes Jul 25 11:29:30 PaulFertser: thx, we (= Debian) would like to know if it is possible to have a single kernel for both GTA devices Jul 25 11:29:52 gismo_: a single means single executable or single source tree? Jul 25 11:30:10 larsc: any comment about http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=529078#34 Jul 25 11:30:20 PaulFertser: single executable (even if not optimized) Jul 25 11:31:02 PaulFertser: according to the Linux documentation, the s3c2410 architecture should support both -> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=503292#10 Jul 25 11:33:01 gismo_: sorry, but that is a limitation of the xorg xrandr implementation. If I allow sizes bigger then the actual screen, there are rather unpleasant side effects. Jul 25 11:34:47 gismo_: afaik it is posible to create a kernel which runs on both devices Jul 25 11:34:48 larsc: can you clarify single executable for both gta's question? I lack knowledge about supporting two platforms in the same binary. Jul 25 11:34:56 Ah :) Jul 25 11:37:59 larsc: I do not understand why on Openmoko Trac you claimed the bug has been fixed (which is not) Jul 25 11:38:11 larsc: even with VirtualSize `xrandr --rotate` does not work Jul 25 11:38:48 larsc: about the kernel, do you know if there is any public documentation/howto? I mean, should I try the different combinations until the correct one? :-) Jul 25 11:38:50 mickey|train, so you would prefer to start off ms5.5? Jul 25 11:39:28 mrmoku: too late (mickey|train has left this server) :P Jul 25 11:39:49 dos1, really? Jul 25 11:40:05 no, just kidding ;p Jul 25 11:40:42 mickey|train, wouldn't it be better to base on oedev and merge in the stuff needed from ms5.5 and shr/import? Jul 25 11:40:44 gismo_: I though VirtualSize would fix it. It doesn't. I did some further investigation how to get it supported and came to the conclusion that there is no clean way to get it done. Jul 25 11:40:55 mrmoku: hmm... i was kidding about kidding :x Jul 25 11:41:01 mrmoku: there is only mickey_away :P Jul 25 11:41:32 (my sense of humour is kind of specific, i know ;D) Jul 25 11:41:36 larsc: which means that xf86-video-glamo does not support RandR-2.0, right? Jul 25 11:41:57 larsc: I am fine with that AFAIK the driver does not claim something wrong ;-) Jul 25 11:42:01 gismo_: kernel: I havn't tested it myself yet, since it dont have a gta01, but shouldn't it work if you select support for both devices in the kernel config. Jul 25 11:42:23 dos1, mickey|train tab-completes for me... Jul 25 11:42:58 gismo_: It does. It just doesn't support rotating a display. You can rotate the output though by using -o {left,right,normal,inverted} Jul 25 11:43:20 mrmoku: hm? for me not Jul 25 11:43:35 mrmoku: there is only mickey_away :x Jul 25 11:43:38 larsc: I know about -o (which I reported in the Debian bug) Jul 25 11:44:09 dos1, interesting... but as he does not respond... you might be right :P Jul 25 11:44:19 larsc: [kernel] if I compile the GTA01 stuff into the GTA02 .config, the boot stops at "Starting kernel", I need to cherry-pick the various options Jul 25 11:45:01 hm ok Jul 25 11:47:19 hi F4t, you joined at the same time than me :) Jul 25 11:47:45 hi Mwyann :), so hows the stesting going? Jul 25 11:48:07 wait, I'm just awake :p Jul 25 11:48:14 lol so am i Jul 25 11:48:34 well, the test did show me that I'm suffering a big, very fat bug that's been submitted some time ago Jul 25 11:48:37 tadam, /me is working at regexps in opimd Jul 25 11:48:42 that prevents me to set up my wifi anyway Jul 25 11:48:52 http://docs.openmoko.org/trac/ticket/1939 Jul 25 11:48:52 i was trying to start working on it for about week :DDD Jul 25 11:48:55 this one Jul 25 11:49:11 * dos1 really has to do something with his laziness ;x Jul 25 11:49:12 if it's been fixed somehow, please tell me because it's a pain... Jul 25 11:50:03 (and FYI I flashed shr-shr-image-glibc-ipk--20090721-om-gta02.rootfs.jffs2 and uImage-2.6.28-stable+gitr0e5fe639e234cdeb11d8441f19c5b3109a8b6a17-r2-om-gta02.bin then upgraded, but still nothing) Jul 25 11:50:24 gismo_: -o rotates the whole screen. --output --rotate rotates a single output. As the glamo only has a single output one could think both are equivalent, but they are handled different by randr. Jul 25 11:50:50 larsc: can you sum up your proposal and post it on kernel ML please? Probably with approximate examples of git commands to help git newbies see how cool your proposal is wrt maintaining patches? I like the idea of driver topic branches, it makes submission upstream much easier and clean. Jul 25 11:50:50 mrmoku: what UI for git do you recommend? Jul 25 11:51:26 PaulFertser: sure Jul 25 11:51:58 dos1, the included git gui and gitk commands Jul 25 11:52:07 Mwyann, fully upgraded? opkg update, and then opkg upgrade (that is buggy, and can show errors).. Jul 25 11:52:18 mrmoku: included git gui? Jul 25 11:52:21 yes, with the swapon workaround Jul 25 11:52:49 mrmoku: are you sure "git gui" is something that is really useful? I've looked at it once but couldn't understand why i need that. Jul 25 11:52:50 i definitely agree about driver branches... so much better than the current situation, with more patches than anyone could ever manage Jul 25 11:52:57 it did not showed any error, just asked for one file to be replaced (and nothing to do with wifi) Jul 25 11:53:13 mrmoku: i would like to work to do branch, but i'm too lazy to learn, how to do that from command line ;P Jul 25 11:53:54 Weiss: i think current development model was justified at some point of time, it's just that now the situation is changed so we need to change too. Jul 25 11:55:10 and the trac link does not shows any sort of fixing, but I think it should have been, as the trac has been created 10 months ago. Jul 25 11:55:35 I searched the web a bit, but it was late,so I didn't went that far Jul 25 11:56:49 did you know about such a problem, F4t ? Jul 25 11:57:15 Mwyann, nop, i heard about some problem n gta01 with the wifi, but never heard of this... Jul 25 11:57:15 PaulFertser, wow, it is *very* usefull :) Jul 25 11:57:29 PaulFertser, you can commit only hunks of files or even single lines Jul 25 11:57:42 and nicely see what changed (including new files) Jul 25 11:57:57 mrmoku: i thought git add -i allows the same? Jul 25 11:57:57 dos1, use git gui then ;) Jul 25 11:58:01 Mwyann, run: "opkg list | grep connman" Jul 25 11:58:05 well, I think I'll just have to flash a good-working version... I'm on the unstable branch now, I can go to testing, but I hope it has same functionnalities... Jul 25 11:58:12 Mwyann, and: "opkg list | grep mokonnect" Jul 25 11:58:29 Mwyann, the unstable is the better version anyway Jul 25 11:58:31 PaulFertser, did not try that for a long time... Jul 25 11:58:38 can you commit single lines with it? Jul 25 11:58:47 yeah, that's what I've rea here and there Jul 25 11:59:13 mrmoku: i'm not sure, never needed that Jul 25 11:59:36 mmmh, I'm installing samba right now, so I need to wait it finishes Jul 25 11:59:51 btw opkg doesn't output his errors in stderr... Jul 25 11:59:53 Can anybody show me "grep sysfs /proc/mounts" output for any OE-based distro? Jul 25 12:00:21 sysfs /sys sysfs rw 0 0 Jul 25 12:01:03 mrmoku: strange thing changing chgmode worked for gta01 owners with SHR despite it's 0444... Jul 25 12:01:17 gismo_: --rotate only works if there is enough space available on the screen for the roteted output. which is not the case for 480x640 but for 240x320 --rotate works perfectly fine. Jul 25 12:02:56 * mrmoku wonders if he should spend some time to look at opkg.... Jul 25 12:03:45 mrmoku, carefull not to feed it... Jul 25 12:04:19 mrmoku: i wonder why you still consider using opkg despite everybody agrees that it's utter crap and needs rewriting. Since nobody's rewriting it why don't you just use apt+dpkg for the time being? Jul 25 12:06:05 eolson: ping Jul 25 12:06:18 PaulFertser, thats what I was thinking about... look at it to find out what would be needed for a rewrite :P Jul 25 12:06:19 F4t, now smaba is installed (took it's time...) can I output the opkg list results in your MP ? Jul 25 12:06:21 PM Jul 25 12:06:30 eolson: ls -l /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-0/0-0008/pcf50606-mbc/chgmode Jul 25 12:06:32 eolson: please Jul 25 12:06:40 Mwyann, sure... Jul 25 12:06:45 maybe its better to not even look at it ;) Jul 25 12:06:53 if its long, use pastebin.com Jul 25 12:07:26 mrmoku: why rewrite it at all? Is it urgent? i use apt+dpkg on debian and it's ok. Many people say it's in fact as fast as current opkg. Why just not use it then? Jul 25 12:07:51 well, quite 20 lines Jul 25 12:10:32 wich /etc/init.d/*.script is responsable for starting e17? Jul 25 12:11:32 larsc: but is not RandR-1.0 deprecated now? Jul 25 12:11:52 schasch: xserver-nodm Jul 25 12:13:26 gismo_: the glamo driver implements the xrandr-1.2 hooks Jul 25 12:14:01 IT WORKS! Jul 25 12:14:05 but now eating :D Jul 25 12:14:20 dos1|away, first tell us what works ;) Jul 25 12:14:33 larsc: OK, can I quote you on the Debian BTS, thus I can mark the bug as upstream/wontfix? Jul 25 12:14:43 anyone knows if the wifi wep crashing (http://docs.openmoko.org/trac/ticket/1939) has been fixed, and if yes how to fix it ? Jul 25 12:14:47 gismo_: yes Jul 25 12:15:00 blindcoder:thankX Jul 25 12:15:07 larsc: thx Jul 25 12:23:21 how can I know the hardware revision from a running system? Jul 25 12:27:38 gismo_: a5/a6 difference is shown with cat /proc/cpuinfo Jul 25 12:28:33 mrmoku: regexps in opimd ;) Jul 25 12:28:36 PaulFertser: is there any difference WRT a7? Jul 25 12:28:40 Mwyann: to avoid wifi crashes don't do ifconfig up/down manually at all. Rely on wpa_supplicant, it should work. Jul 25 12:29:26 gismo_: to see a6/a7 you need cat /sys/bus/platform/drivers/neo1973-version/neo1973-version.0/pcb Jul 25 12:29:35 gismo_: for a7 it's 0x101 iirc Jul 25 12:30:13 Mwyann: at least i personally used wep network that way. Jul 25 12:33:16 PaulFertser: thx Jul 25 12:33:25 PaulFertser, using iwconfig it crashes at least Jul 25 12:33:44 if I setup the essid, then the key (or both on the same line) the essid disappears Jul 25 12:33:54 when I try to set it up again, crash Jul 25 12:34:31 Mwyann: are you sure you're using andy-tracking? Jul 25 12:34:43 andy-tracking ? Jul 25 12:34:45 Mwyann: and once more: i didn't use iwconfig, i used wpa_supplicant. Jul 25 12:35:02 Mwyann: yes the kernel branch. What's your kernel version? Jul 25 12:35:15 root@amoko ~ $ uname -a Jul 25 12:35:15 Linux amoko.mwyann.net 2.6.29-rc3 #1 PREEMPT Wed Jul 8 21:33:42 CEST 2009 armv4tl unknown Jul 25 12:35:26 uImage-2.6.28-stable+gitr0e5fe639e234cdeb11d8441f19c5b3109a8b6a17-r2-om-gta02.bin Jul 25 12:35:35 hm no Jul 25 12:35:44 uImage-2.6.29-oe10+gitr119823+d1c828aa7073b356207b967e394defb26ab4da82-r3.5-om-gta02.bin Jul 25 12:35:55 Mwyann: ok, looks like it's it. Try wpa_supplicant without touching iwconfig. Jul 25 12:36:18 ok, gonna try it... Jul 25 12:40:06 well eth0 dissapeared, great... Jul 25 12:40:16 rebooting... Jul 25 12:42:31 PaulFertser: you are right, a6 -> 0x001, a7 -> 0x101 Jul 25 12:43:19 and, as expected : wpa_supplicant -ieth0 -c .wifi/Mwyann ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Operation not supported and crash Jul 25 12:44:13 anyway, the fact eth0 disappears with no reason is not normal too Jul 25 12:44:16 Mwyann: i can't see why it doesn't crash here and crashes for you... Probably different wep flavours... Jul 25 12:45:07 you're using the same kernel ? Jul 25 12:48:44 Mwyann: andy-tracking HEAD Jul 25 12:49:12 Mwyann, you are aware of the fact that SHR turns off the wifi at boot time, and u should turn it on from shr-settings if u want eth0 to appear Jul 25 12:49:39 well, it appears at boot time, and after a while it disappears Jul 25 12:49:50 if it's just a power down issue then it's okay Jul 25 12:49:54 Mwyann, thats the time it takes frameworkd to come up Jul 25 12:50:12 is it possible to power it up from commandline ? Jul 25 12:50:18 before u try stuff on it, wait for it to disapear, go to shr-settings, and turn it on from connectivy there Jul 25 12:50:32 possible, but not recommended Jul 25 12:50:46 well, then is it possible to NOT shut it down ? Jul 25 12:50:55 at boot time Jul 25 12:51:13 maybe, but what do u care? just wait for full boot, the goto srttings and power it on Jul 25 12:51:51 mrmoku, hi Jul 25 12:51:58 mrmoku, can I pm you? Jul 25 12:52:30 F4t, the fact is, I would need to set up wifi automagically at boot time, unattended Jul 25 12:52:41 Mwyann: oh Jul 25 12:52:50 Mwyann, we are trying to isolate crash problem first.... Jul 25 12:52:51 Mwyann: then it's obviously the problem of FSO turning off wifi Jul 25 12:52:56 or if you're not there maybe Ainulindale is Jul 25 12:53:03 Mwyann: just wrap wpa_supplicant invocation in fsoraw -r WiFi Jul 25 12:53:10 PaulFertser, the punishment is quite hard ;) Jul 25 12:53:42 .. how PaulFertser ? Jul 25 12:54:10 mrmoku: thanks for tip with git gui, i have dos/opimd/regexps branch now ;) Jul 25 12:54:17 What? Jul 25 12:54:58 what what? Jul 25 12:56:08 Mwyann: it's possible, but only for all resources (so bluetooth will be also on on boot) Jul 25 12:56:09 Mwyann: prepend fsoraw -r WiFi to wpa_supplicant command Jul 25 12:56:50 I need to install fsoraw first, I guess... Jul 25 12:57:21 hopefully there's a package:) Jul 25 13:01:38 root@om-gta02 ~ $ fsoraw -r WiFi -- wpa_supplicant -ieth0 -c .wifi/Mwyann Jul 25 13:01:39 Using **pending_return in dbus_connection_send_with_reply_setup() without pending_setup is deprecated and strongly discouraged Jul 25 13:01:39 Using **pending_return in dbus_connection_send_with_reply_setup() without pending_setup is deprecated and strongly discouraged Jul 25 13:01:39 ioctl[SIOCSIWENCODEEXT]: Operation not supported Jul 25 13:01:43 and... crash. Jul 25 13:02:28 I'm gona try toenable wifi in the settings now Jul 25 13:04:36 * dos1 already knows how to implement phone number normalization in opimd :) Jul 25 13:07:15 still crashes. weird. Jul 25 13:09:06 Mwyann, did u wait for it to boot up? (ie wth0 disappeared) Jul 25 13:09:11 wth0=eth Jul 25 13:09:21 yes, I checked iwconfig to see eth0 Jul 25 13:09:24 it was there Jul 25 13:09:40 it shouldnt be there if the phone finished booting Jul 25 13:09:49 I enabled it in the settings Jul 25 13:10:50 *after it dissapeared* Jul 25 13:10:57 freesmartphone.org: 03seba.dos1 07dos/opimd/regexps * rbf79d23bcc6d 10framework/framework/subsystems/opimd/ (pimd_contacts.py pimd_messages.py): Jul 25 13:10:57 freesmartphone.org: opimd: Messages: use regexps instead of difflib Jul 25 13:10:57 freesmartphone.org: Signed-off-by: Sebastian Krzyszkowiak Jul 25 13:10:59 freesmartphone.org: 03seba.dos1 07dos/opimd/regexps * r5813d689af8c 10framework/framework/subsystems/opimd/ (pimd_calls.py pimd_messages.py): Jul 25 13:11:00 freesmartphone.org: opimd: Calls: use regexps instead of difflib Jul 25 13:11:02 freesmartphone.org: Signed-off-by: Sebastian Krzyszkowiak Jul 25 13:11:26 contacts were already commited ;) Jul 25 13:11:27 yes, after Jul 25 13:11:46 Mwyann, well, im out of ideas :) Jul 25 13:11:52 me too Jul 25 13:12:10 I tried to boot with Set console to USB, but I cannot open USB then Jul 25 13:12:38 and now it seems to have enabled cdc_ether Jul 25 13:13:02 I would like to see what are the last kernel words... Jul 25 13:13:08 Mwyann: AFAIK Set console to USB sets only u-boot console to USB, not kernel Jul 25 13:13:25 Mwyann: to last kernel words you should probably use debug board Jul 25 13:14:31 yeah, but it's 69€ and I think (and hope) it should be possible to get kernel messages somehow, by USB.... Jul 25 13:15:26 dos1: what's new? 8) Jul 25 13:15:46 Q-Master: multiple values of one field is already implemented Jul 25 13:16:07 Mwyann, theres lindi's ramconsole patch.... u'll have to compile ur own kernel with the patch to see the panic message Jul 25 13:16:13 dos1: really? you're not joking? how? 8) Jul 25 13:16:17 Q-Master: (but field names as "Work phone" are still recommended :P) Jul 25 13:16:32 Q-Master: {'Phone': ['233', '456', '643']} Jul 25 13:16:59 yep, yep yep.... great Jul 25 13:17:08 * Q-Master is drunk Jul 25 13:17:40 Q-Master: to specify types use just {'Home phone': '233', 'Work phone': '456'} Jul 25 13:18:05 â Jul 25 13:18:43 now also quering with regexps is possible, but before merging it to master i'll test it with something more than opimd-cli :P Jul 25 13:18:56 dos1: can I do 'Home phone':['123', '345']? Jul 25 13:19:02 Q-Master: why not? Jul 25 13:19:09 good Jul 25 13:19:26 * Q-Master is drunk as hell Jul 25 13:21:15 so now i need to get rid of internal cache when it's unneded (like with sqlite backend) Jul 25 13:21:43 it'll speed up A LOT boot time when having lots of messages and/or calls stored in opimd Jul 25 13:27:00 freesmartphone.org: 03seba.dos1 07dos/opimd/regexps * r3e37c340dfbd 10framework/framework/subsystems/opimd/pimd_messages.py: Jul 25 13:27:00 freesmartphone.org: opimd: Messages: add forgotten import Jul 25 13:27:00 freesmartphone.org: Signed-off-by: Sebastian Krzyszkowiak Jul 25 13:46:32 Hi. Where is the source for the alarm application on SHR? I did not find it on http://git.shr-project.org/git/, http://git.shr-project.org/git/?p=shr.git;a=tree or http://git.freesmartphone.org/ Jul 25 13:50:46 nomeata, it is in enlightenment svn Jul 25 13:51:16 mrmoku: oh, ok. so it does not even use FSO, but /dev/rtc directly? Jul 25 13:51:42 nomeata, think so... Jul 25 13:51:55 ffalarms uses FSO and works nicely Jul 25 13:52:39 does it have an advantage over the alarm application from e? Jul 25 13:54:15 nomeata:multiple alarms, nice finger friendly interface, led clock Jul 25 13:54:28 yep Jul 25 13:54:33 I changed the Xserver -file for my hardware....the hardware TFT is a 320x240 framebuffer (shr booting is shown) ....is this ok like this http://pastebin.com/m618f218c....use gta01 because NO glame... Jul 25 13:54:50 ok. Let’s see which one I’d package for Debian. Jul 25 13:55:02 PaulFertser, did you take a look at the openwrt kernel? Jul 25 13:55:07 i'd package ffalarm for sure ^^ Jul 25 13:55:19 ff stands for finger friendly Jul 25 13:55:55 Is it activly maintained? Jul 25 13:56:17 dunno Jul 25 14:02:18 max_posedon, samba 3.2.5 builds :) Jul 25 14:09:40 oh, nice! so, I can update feeds and install it 0.5 hour? Jul 25 14:10:54 probably, yeah Jul 25 14:17:51 mrmoku: openwrt kernel rocks ;) Jul 25 14:22:34 larsc, where do they have their git repo? Jul 25 14:22:52 mrmoku: there is no git repo Jul 25 14:23:21 just patches? Jul 25 14:23:30 larsc there is a git repo, always Jul 25 14:23:48 this time it contains just patches :P Jul 25 14:23:50 mrmoku: just a set of patches and files. see https://dev.openwrt.org/browser/trunk/target/linux/s3c24xx/ Jul 25 14:24:14 admiral0: it's svn not git Jul 25 14:24:24 :O Jul 25 14:24:26 https://dev.openwrt.org/browser/trunk/target/linux/s3c24xx/ Jul 25 14:24:41 larsc lol linked the same thing Jul 25 14:27:25 larsc are you one of openwrt devs? Jul 25 14:27:33 admiral0: yes Jul 25 14:28:20 there are 2 things that suck of openwrt right now, for the rest openwrt is the cool kid in the playground Jul 25 14:28:35 1. opkg repo does not work atm Jul 25 14:28:47 2. paroli usability is low Jul 25 14:29:36 i would have preferred zhone to paroli, but that's only my opinion Jul 25 14:30:02 about 1 it gives checksum errors Jul 25 14:30:33 admiral0: yep. those are known issues. Jul 25 14:32:21 on the other hand openwrt kernel is very cool. wifi seems more stable :) Jul 25 14:32:52 well, there arn't any changes to the wifi driver Jul 25 14:33:57 i know, but on 2.6.29 kernel continued to panic. did anybody modprobe a cookie monster in there? Jul 25 14:40:09 onen|openBmap: nice work with the new visualisation Jul 25 14:44:37 PaulFertser, hi there Jul 25 14:44:54 PaulFertser, here you go: -r--r--r-- 1 root root 4096 Dec 31 1999 /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-0/0-0008/pcf50606-mbc/chgmode Jul 25 14:50:52 PaulFertser, I do a chmod +w first if I need to force fast charge. Seems to work, although I haven't used it too much (cheap wall charger seems to stop fast charging after a short time. I think the car charger works better, but haven't tried it enough recently) Jul 25 14:54:58 larsc: any plans to package SHR apps in openwrt? Jul 25 14:57:25 dos1: i wanted to do that at some point, but for me it's currently low priority and I have lots of other things to do. But feel free to send patches. Jul 25 14:58:36 larsc: well, i think usability of SHR apps > usablity of Zhone + (usability of Paroli - features missing in Paroli) :P Jul 25 15:05:56 dos1: From what I've seen I tend to agree. And if somebody sends patches theres no doubt they are going to be commited. Jul 25 15:06:56 dos1: when? Jul 25 15:07:34 Q-Master: ??? Jul 25 15:07:54 so now i need to get rid of internal cache when it's unneded (like with sqlite backend) Jul 25 15:08:04 8)) Jul 25 15:08:14 * Q-Master is slow.... 8) Jul 25 15:08:23 Q-Master: when i'll do that? Jul 25 15:08:24 ;x Jul 25 15:08:34 yep Jul 25 15:08:37 it looks like huge task Jul 25 15:08:44 so i don't know when i'll finish Jul 25 15:08:57 8)) Jul 25 15:17:19 max_posedon, samba is in the feed now Jul 25 15:18:30 thanks, nice Jul 25 15:45:48 Hey guys Jul 25 15:46:08 Apart from cacti/nagios/mrtg, do you know any web based monitoring tool able to use snmp? Jul 25 15:55:47 guys, who does know is there any possibility to send terminal capabilities to sim after an initialization. I want to make use of sim apps, so I need this to know Jul 25 15:56:28 TAsn, ping :) Jul 25 15:56:35 mrmoku, ? Jul 25 15:56:46 TAsn, how's life? Jul 25 15:56:50 bad. Jul 25 15:56:54 still alive (after looking at opkg) Jul 25 15:56:57 I fucked opkg :) Jul 25 15:57:03 I know :P Jul 25 15:57:07 I know you know Jul 25 15:57:10 that's what makes it worst. Jul 25 15:57:12 :) Jul 25 15:57:13 what do we do :) Jul 25 15:57:19 mrmoku, aye. Jul 25 15:57:26 furthermore Jul 25 15:57:37 I rewrote a lot of opkg to use sqlite instead of files Jul 25 15:57:41 and then I realized Jul 25 15:57:46 I have more editing to do Jul 25 15:57:52 as opkg uses a cache Jul 25 15:58:02 instead of querying Jul 25 15:58:07 :| Jul 25 15:58:09 btw, now opkg has a bug Jul 25 15:58:19 (I always knew that, but still...) Jul 25 15:58:22 Q-Master, we know. Jul 25 15:58:35 if a file is downloaded not completely, it cares it like everything is ok Jul 25 15:58:39 TAsn, so our options are: Jul 25 15:58:40 that suxx Jul 25 15:58:47 unfortunately you are not the only one who noticed. Jul 25 15:58:50 mrmoku, there's only one option Jul 25 15:58:51 a) revert the patch and add a postins thingie to fix the db Jul 25 15:58:52 revert my patch Jul 25 15:58:57 and add postints Jul 25 15:58:58 :) Jul 25 15:59:02 b) rewrite it from scratch Jul 25 15:59:06 c) switch to something else Jul 25 15:59:14 I think Jul 25 15:59:17 we should at first Jul 25 15:59:20 do a Jul 25 15:59:22 and then do b Jul 25 15:59:39 and I will start discussing b. Jul 25 15:59:43 asap Jul 25 15:59:43 could you do some postinst thingie? Jul 25 15:59:53 I can try Jul 25 16:00:02 though I'm no sed expert ;) Jul 25 16:00:14 me neither... but together we will make it :) Jul 25 16:00:18 TAsn: the same with opimd - it uses cache instead of quering ;) Jul 25 16:00:29 dos1, bad for our memory ;( Jul 25 16:00:36 TAsn: but i want to rewrite it Jul 25 16:00:37 though in opimd Jul 25 16:00:41 it's good for speed Jul 25 16:00:45 in opkg it's plain bad. Jul 25 16:00:53 speed? Jul 25 16:01:02 caching versus querying Jul 25 16:01:40 TAsn: only if you query for {} Jul 25 16:01:53 TAsn: if you query for something other that just "all entries", then it's slower :P Jul 25 16:02:37 that's because you don't index it yoruself Jul 25 16:02:38 quering for marking message as deliviered takes ~3 seconds with ~1500 messages Jul 25 16:02:40 though in general Jul 25 16:02:50 dos1, yes Jul 25 16:02:53 you sholud rewrite Jul 25 16:03:02 TAsn: and that's what i want to do Jul 25 16:03:27 TAsn: well, before that i have only sorting in my TODO :P Jul 25 16:04:00 i want to leave cache for backends like CSV and SIM Jul 25 16:04:06 but avoid cache with backends like SQLite Jul 25 16:08:48 mrmoku, just add this to postinst: sed -i "s/|.*//" /usr/lib/opkg/info/*.list Jul 25 16:08:52 this will fix it :) Jul 25 16:09:32 cool? Jul 25 16:09:38 I gtg, though this is it. ;) Jul 25 16:11:40 using gmail for maillists is so fun Jul 25 16:11:55 when you are using gmail as jabber ;) Jul 25 16:12:06 i have lot guys from ml in my roster ;D Jul 25 16:12:23 TAsn, cool :) Jul 25 16:12:45 someone wanted something from Nelson? Jul 25 16:12:51 he is online on jabber now :D Jul 25 16:17:49 freesmartphone.org: 03seba.dos1 07framework * re6a560a4435e 10/framework/subsystems/opimd/ (__init__.py opimd.py): Jul 25 16:17:49 freesmartphone.org: opimd: move factory from __init__.py to opimd.py Jul 25 16:17:49 freesmartphone.org: Signed-off-by: Sebastian Krzyszkowiak Jul 25 16:18:45 dos1, haha yeah, I know what you mean :) Jul 25 16:18:48 now for real, I'm off. Jul 25 16:19:01 * mrmoku --> dinner Jul 25 16:19:40 btw dos1 I don't know if it's just a bad upgrade, though please verify opimd calls with limit works correctly (change limit values in phonelog) I'm not sure ,though here it breaks. Jul 25 16:19:42 ciao. Jul 25 16:19:54 TAsn: here it works ;x Jul 25 16:20:08 i tested it even today, when i was testing regexps Jul 25 16:20:53 * dos1 is doing mess in framework git repo Jul 25 16:21:01 how do you think, mickey will be proud? :D Jul 25 16:22:42 well, i just hope i won't break anything :x Jul 25 17:14:43 eolson: oh, thanks. Jul 25 17:24:52 eolson: that's clearly a kernel bug/typo, will fix soon. Jul 25 17:25:45 dos1: we wanted from Nelson to maintain the kernel and apply good patches ;) Jul 25 17:28:33 mrmoku: is new opkg built? Jul 25 17:29:27 yep Jul 25 17:29:42 coming closer to a testing image ;) Jul 25 17:29:44 ok Jul 25 17:30:31 PaulFertser, did you take a look at the patches openwrt is using? Jul 25 17:31:34 mrmoku: hm, i know they're cool enough, i know larsc is really improving SD performance. So we'll definetely switch to his code once 2.6.31 is out. Jul 25 17:31:40 mrmoku: if i would like to compile a qt program for the moko what steps would i have to take? Jul 25 17:32:37 bumbl, we have no current qt in our tree :( Jul 25 17:33:01 something that is on my plate too... Jul 25 17:33:19 hmm Jul 25 17:34:47 well not a problem anyway; i just thought that it would impress the people from my internship if the program i write for them runs on the freerunner Jul 25 17:35:19 :) Jul 25 17:35:42 bumbl: is it possible you install QtMoko for demo? Jul 25 17:35:55 bumbl, what qt version would you need to impress them? :P Jul 25 17:36:15 mrmoku: 4.5 Jul 25 17:36:22 ouch Jul 25 17:36:30 PaulFertser: that would be an option yes Jul 25 17:37:45 hmm, org.openembedded.dev has 4.5.2 Jul 25 17:37:52 mrmoku: well i am not sure i would exactly need 4.5 because most of the stuff i use was introduced in 4.2 but i have not tried it yet Jul 25 17:40:21 mrmoku: have you contact with notifier author? Jul 25 17:40:35 he has little bug, and i know how to fix it ;P Jul 25 17:40:42 (as opimd Calls domain is based on notifier code :D) Jul 25 17:45:07 dos1, with m0nt0? He's core team member... so you have conact too ;) Jul 25 17:45:32 s/conact/contact/ Jul 25 17:45:32 mrmoku meant: dos1, with m0nt0? He's core team member... so you have contact too ;) Jul 25 17:45:39 ah ;D Jul 25 17:45:47 ok ;) Jul 25 17:45:58 bumbl, trying to see if cherry-picking qt 4.5.2 is easy Jul 25 17:50:15 bumbl, hmm.. no :( Jul 25 17:50:21 lot of commits involved Jul 25 17:50:41 guess we will get there when we start to build from the yet to create new common smartphone branch Jul 25 17:52:07 mrmoku: well it's not that of a problem, just would have been a nice showcase (although ~50% of the people there at least know the neo and ~60% use linux at home and have to use xp at work) Jul 25 17:54:59 oh, man, how i wish there was a way to write common code for iphone/android/moko Jul 25 17:56:27 Fossi, python? :) Jul 25 17:56:49 python for android? Jul 25 17:57:18 also, from the fact that the glamo in the freerunner is more or less bricked... it won't help much Jul 25 17:57:20 Fossi: yes i think they have released a scripting sdk including python Jul 25 17:57:31 but i think the iphone only supports objective c Jul 25 17:57:53 yes, and worse, only their api ;) Jul 25 17:58:16 iphone doesnt support much :-/ Jul 25 17:58:25 and i really, really like clojure so much Jul 25 17:58:43 so i guess i'll stick with android for a while and run it on my freerunner when i feel like it Jul 25 18:01:35 i wonder what people see in iPhone... is it really neccesary to have such expensive toy which just says to people "hey, look, i'm rich and sooo cool!"? :x Jul 25 18:01:59 dos1: i wonder why it is even discussed here :-) Jul 25 18:02:28 android/linux is when you don't insist on open hardware and don't need gnu/linux, don't have any objections against google,... a quite nice plattform Jul 25 18:02:43 lindi_: cause off-topic in this room isn't something strange? ;) Jul 25 18:03:50 dos1: well the usecase i see in my environment is - to save money as they don't need to buy an ipod and an phone, they only have to carry one gadget, it is easy to use and it integrates pefectly with their mac Jul 25 18:04:42 it intergrates with iTunes on Windows also Jul 25 18:04:47 (the same question is with iPod's :P) Jul 25 18:04:49 dos1: so it seems, i'll part :) Jul 25 18:04:53 s/'s/s/ Jul 25 18:04:54 dos1 meant: (the same question is with iPods :P) Jul 25 18:05:06 also, my biggest complaint is probably that it lacks a keyboard, as does freerunner Jul 25 18:05:23 at least fr is vga though Jul 25 18:06:29 i think the most important "reason" to buy iPhone/iPod is "i want to be cool" Jul 25 18:07:06 dos1: well the ipod was the first mp3 player which either a) had really much space and an easy dau interface b) was compared to others quite small + had an easy dau interface which made managing large music libraries easy Jul 25 18:07:58 bumbl: interface similar to iPod's was firstly in Creative products (ZEN's) Jul 25 18:08:09 s/ZEN's/ZENs/ ... Jul 25 18:10:14 dos1: well i know hardly anyone (except me) who has not had an ipod (i went at first for a samsung player which had a crappy interface and supported ogg over to the cowon iaudio 7, d2 and now the d2+) so it can't be the "i want to be cool, i am a trendsetter" attitude but rather the "everyone has one so it can't be a bad product" Jul 25 18:12:45 SHR: 03mok 07shr-makefile * r793c9c44bf40 10/Makefile: Makefile: get bitbake from the new git repo Jul 25 18:13:06 one thing less to take care off :) Jul 25 18:14:45 bumbl: well, here in poland apple products are damn expensive, and "i want to be cool" attitude is very easy to see... Jul 25 18:15:48 there aren't lots of people with iPods, Macs etc. but when someone buys something, he behavies like he just joined the church of apple ;P Jul 25 18:15:53 dos1: ah ok although imo expensive != cool Jul 25 18:16:20 bumbl: yes, of course, expensive != cool and i didn't meant that. maybe i used wrong wording ;) Jul 25 18:16:28 dos1: church of apple with their king steven jobs is the one and only Jul 25 18:16:54 just it's expensive -> less people have it Jul 25 18:17:06 it's cool and less people have it -> everyone wants it Jul 25 18:17:09 dos1: nah - i just wanted to express i don't think the same way than those people do Jul 25 18:17:36 bumbl: neighter I :P Jul 25 18:17:48 i bought the cowon products because they are technically superior although an ipod might have been better looking and cheaper Jul 25 18:18:16 thing is... in germany it is especially the not-so-rich people getting one of those damn and evil iphones... Jul 25 18:18:17 to me Apple is just good example, how good marketing can do everything Jul 25 18:18:24 yup Jul 25 18:18:49 mrmoku: the same here... but my english is too bad to express everything i want to say ;D Jul 25 18:19:52 dos1, people might *feel* cool and important using an iphone Jul 25 18:20:03 (just as I do when using my beloved Freerunner :) Jul 25 18:20:04 mrmoku: oh, exactly what i mean! Jul 25 18:20:06 :D Jul 25 18:20:17 mrmoku: well as i said - an iphone replaces phone and mp3 player so it is not that expensive - one gadget not two for which you have to buy accessoires, the ability to use the "opium fürs volk" aka facebook,... Jul 25 18:20:26 from anywhere Jul 25 18:20:41 bumbl: uh... getting good phone + good everything player is cheaper here than getting iPhone... Jul 25 18:20:46 ... Jul 25 18:20:51 s/everything/mp3/ Jul 25 18:21:07 why the fsck i wrote "everything" ??? o_O Jul 25 18:21:27 lol Jul 25 18:21:32 seems i slept too long today ;D Jul 25 18:22:08 bumbl: and then... the freerunner can serve as vibrator too... what about the iphone... do you know how much vibrators cost? :P Jul 25 18:22:46 anyway... back to work :) Jul 25 18:23:32 the only really funny thing was when one of the mac users around me told me how productive he is when he designes and manages graphics - it took him ages longer to do easy things than for example doing the same with inkscape Jul 25 18:23:52 mrmoku: well i have to admit - i have never ever neither bought nor used one Jul 25 18:24:01 :) Jul 25 18:24:51 dos1, guess I will take a closer look at libfso-glib now Jul 25 18:25:06 to see if and how it works Jul 25 18:25:11 bumbl: well, here almost all mac users says how productive they are with their macs... Jul 25 18:25:25 bumbl: that's interesting - why most of mac users becames fanboys? Jul 25 18:26:06 mrmoku: nice, looking forward started rewrite of phonegui-efl... Jul 25 18:26:15 mrmoku: but... what about our ui dbusification? Jul 25 18:26:16 :x Jul 25 18:26:22 shouldn't we proceed anyhow? Jul 25 18:27:30 dos1, I want to use it with the C efl2 - no rewrite Jul 25 18:27:56 still got no clue about vala... waiting for somebody with a big and fat cluestick :P Jul 25 18:28:14 i would like to see better GUI of phonegui-efl Jul 25 18:28:19 (or for mickey|train to finish his book :) Jul 25 18:28:34 mrmoku for me there is still only mickey_away :D Jul 25 18:28:43 :) Jul 25 18:28:53 I still have the train version of mickey too Jul 25 18:29:01 no idea why... Jul 25 18:29:25 here mickey|train does not exist either Jul 25 18:30:15 mrmoku is seeing ghosts! ;D Jul 25 18:30:38 dos1, I have the switch for messages to elm genlist in my workdir... uncomitted Jul 25 18:30:43 wanted to go ahead step by step Jul 25 18:30:46 first genlist Jul 25 18:30:48 then opimd Jul 25 18:30:51 then ui changes Jul 25 18:30:56 * dos1 has ~100km strip tomorrow... i have to finish my openBmap-uberlogger :x Jul 25 18:31:55 dos1, maybe that's just stupid and I should do all in one step :P Jul 25 18:32:15 mrmoku: thank you thank you thank you etk list sucks hard Jul 25 18:32:25 first I want to see if I can use libfso-glib though Jul 25 18:32:45 to eliminate the need to hunt bugs in lfs/dbus-marshalling ;) Jul 25 18:32:52 s/lfs/lfg/ Jul 25 18:32:52 mrmoku meant: to eliminate the need to hunt bugs in lfg/dbus-marshalling ;) Jul 25 18:33:25 bumbl, the elm genlist is slower though Jul 25 18:33:43 nice with x16 but a bit slow otherwise Jul 25 18:33:53 mrmoku: really? what do they use with paroli? Jul 25 18:34:02 the paroli list for contacts and messages Jul 25 18:34:27 dos1: is there any sw supporting the new scheme of storing the phone numbers? Jul 25 18:34:30 IIRC they do *not* use elementary lists... but etk stuff instead Jul 25 18:34:38 works by far 100% better than the shr's list Jul 25 18:34:51 from the performance and the ui point of view Jul 25 18:35:10 Q-Master: well, practically there is no software which supports old scheme ;P Jul 25 18:35:10 hmm Jul 25 18:35:21 that suxx Jul 25 18:35:21 Q-Master: we need opimd clients... no, phonegui-efl2 isn't usable now ;P Jul 25 18:35:24 * mrmoku takes a look at his paroli checkout Jul 25 18:35:37 mrmoku: they do Jul 25 18:35:43 mrmoku: paroli use elementary lists Jul 25 18:35:50 mrmoku: when? when? when? 8)) Jul 25 18:35:59 Q-Master: go and write Jul 25 18:36:15 heh... seems I need to Jul 25 18:36:29 Q-Master: but as libframeworkd-phonegui library Jul 25 18:37:10 Q-Master: we need different UIs to bring choise for user Jul 25 18:37:21 Q-Master: now there is only -efl usable :P Jul 25 18:37:34 dos1: what is the url of the now libframeworkd-phonegui lib? Jul 25 18:37:37 mrmoku: look at version of libfso-glib0 package Jul 25 18:37:44 Q-Master: http://git.shr-project.org/ Jul 25 18:37:45 shr.git repo Jul 25 18:37:57 mrmoku: 0.2.0-gitrcdd5d12022b05207d47db5ac477b9e15354f7ef1-r1 Jul 25 18:37:58 because scrolling is smoother and with shr-people i have the problem that when i use kinnetic scrolling it skips most of the parts easily (so when i want to get to my contacts starting with e.g. I it takes ages to get to them as i go from A to S back to F and then to M and sometime it accidentally gets to I) Jul 25 18:38:04 mrmoku: it's BAD Jul 25 18:39:45 dos1, hmm... looks like you are right Jul 25 18:40:08 (regarding elm lists in paroli) Jul 25 18:41:03 mrmoku: the same with vala-terminal, fso-gsm0710muxd and dbus-hlid Jul 25 18:41:22 dos1, what are you talking about? Jul 25 18:41:30 Q-Master, libfso-glib is in http://git.freesmartphone.org/?p=libfso-glib.git;a=summary Jul 25 18:41:43 mrmoku: version numbers of packages Jul 25 18:41:50 without revision number, only revision hash Jul 25 18:41:59 ahh, yep Jul 25 18:42:03 no SRCPV Jul 25 18:42:07 hmm Jul 25 18:42:10 mrmoku: libfso-glib??? I meant efl2 Jul 25 18:42:34 mrmoku: forget about gsm0710muxd and dbus-hlid, that's only my system ;) Jul 25 18:42:50 mrmoku: so only libfso-glib0 and vala-terminal Jul 25 18:43:13 Q-Master, ahh, then shr.git, yeah Jul 25 18:43:22 8) Jul 25 18:43:33 dos1, http://build.shr-project.org/shr-unstable/ipk/armv4t/libfso-glib0_0.2.0-gitr40+521fd8f4d22a0db1346a6faf36f26059e685474e-r1_armv4t.ipk Jul 25 18:43:48 mrmoku: hmm, opkg list says something different Jul 25 18:44:10 on vala-terminal you are right, yea Jul 25 18:44:56 mrmoku: on libfso-glib0 i'm also right ;) Jul 25 18:45:03 mrmoku: http://build.shr-project.org/shr-unstable/ipk/armv4t/libfso-glib0_0.2.0-gitrcdd5d12022b05207d47db5ac477b9e15354f7ef1-r1_armv4t.ipk Jul 25 18:45:08 hi there Jul 25 18:45:19 mrmoku: when building package index, it's wrongly selected as the newest Jul 25 18:45:46 bad stuff :;P Jul 25 18:45:50 could someone with a profound knowledge of FSO help me fix a problem with my SIM contacts in SHR unstable? Jul 25 18:46:05 ok, bbl Jul 25 18:46:56 I get "2009.07.25 20:31:15.483 dbus.service ERROR Unable to append [list of SIM contacts] to message with signature a(iss): : expected string without null bytes Jul 25 18:47:16 in /var/log/frameworkd.log Jul 25 18:47:38 dos1|away, libfso-glib is without SRCPV... don't know why :( Jul 25 18:54:37 chaos, what're you trying to do that causes that error? Jul 25 18:55:20 opening contacts Jul 25 18:55:40 chaos, just guessing - it looks like one of your contacts has bad data in it. do you know how to use mdbus? Jul 25 18:55:45 The problem is, I have a new SIM card to which I copied some contacts from my old card with a second phone Jul 25 18:55:55 not exactly, no - sorry Jul 25 18:56:17 get mdbus and .... Jul 25 18:56:58 erm... "...."? Jul 25 18:58:33 what app is that http://scap.linuxtogo.org/files/84e3a8164b21003c79f2dd70238aa8e7.png Jul 25 18:59:57 mrmoku: i already told you ;P Jul 25 19:00:09 mrmoku: just remove this file: http://build.shr-project.org/shr-unstable/ipk/armv4t/libfso-glib0_0.2.0-gitrcdd5d12022b05207d47db5ac477b9e15354f7ef1-r1_armv4t.ipk Jul 25 19:00:14 and -dev and -dbg Jul 25 19:00:17 and rebuild package index Jul 25 19:00:19 ;) Jul 25 19:01:01 bumbl: dates? Jul 25 19:02:45 Q-Master: never seen it before Jul 25 19:03:10 chaoseagle, mdbus -s org.freesmartphone.ogsmd /org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device org.freesmartphone.GSM.SIM.RetrievePhonebook 'contacts' > contacts.txt Jul 25 19:03:12 bumbl: me too. Jul 25 19:03:29 Blu3, thanks, trying that now Jul 25 19:03:35 then carefully go thru that to find the contact that is broken and delete that index Jul 25 19:03:37 bumbl: but i want to see it. the now dates are just a gtk app and suxx much Jul 25 19:04:24 dos1, no, it actually is *without* SRCPV Jul 25 19:04:28 fixing the recipe now Jul 25 19:04:30 chaoseagle, run just this by itself to find the method to delete the offending index: mdbus -s org.freesmartphone.ogsmd /org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device Jul 25 19:04:49 okay Jul 25 19:05:06 Blu3, the first command is still running - is it normal that it takes so long? Jul 25 19:05:28 ~30 seconds if there's an error Jul 25 19:05:44 mhh... Jul 25 19:06:01 Q-Master, bumbl: i think that's Heinervdm's script Jul 25 19:06:14 dos1: ? Jul 25 19:06:20 http://heinervdm.dyndns.info/shr-dist/dates.p Jul 25 19:06:22 +y Jul 25 19:07:03 Q-Master, bumbl: but that's just GUI at the moment Jul 25 19:07:17 Blu3, it still seems to do nothing :( contacts.txt is also still empty Jul 25 19:07:31 tail /var/log/frameworkd Jul 25 19:07:44 dos1: and what's this? http://heinervdm.dyndns.info/shr-dist/shr-dates/ Jul 25 19:07:45 probably have contact errors scrolling by Jul 25 19:08:00 i'll be back in ~20 minutes Jul 25 19:08:15 Blu3: You've told about your dialer. remind me the url plz Jul 25 19:08:28 my sms program? Jul 25 19:08:41 i don't write a dialer, i do write an sms app Jul 25 19:09:29 Blu3, the same message as the original problem, and in addition "2009.07.25 21:08:55.886 ogsmd.channel ERROR (ignoring) unhandled exception in response callback: expected string without null bytes" Jul 25 19:11:40 Blu3: hm. I just don't remember quite well. Jul 25 19:13:53 src repo; https://blue-labs.org/svn/BlueLabs/BlueSMS/ to browse it; https://blue-labs.org/websvn/listing.php?repname=BlueLabs+SVN&path=%2FBlueLabs%2FBlueSMS%2F#path_BlueLabs_BlueSMS_ Jul 25 19:14:12 chaos, go back thru the log and see what index(es) are broken then fix them Jul 25 19:15:20 Blu3, are unicode symbols legal in contacts? For example \xfc? Jul 25 19:15:44 dos1, hmm that all won't help :( Jul 25 19:16:46 mrmoku: what? Jul 25 19:16:58 fixing the version of libfso-glib Jul 25 19:17:03 because it still won't upate Jul 25 19:17:47 * mrmoku wonders if he should send ptitjes an email and ask him to bump the version :P Jul 25 19:18:06 doesn't gsm have it's own way of encoding those things, if you mean sim contacts Jul 25 19:18:21 UCS2 Jul 25 19:21:01 tmzt: Maybe, i just assumed it was unicode Jul 25 19:21:23 mrmoku: maybe i can? ;D Jul 25 19:22:12 dos1, sent him a mail Jul 25 19:22:25 no good style to just do it :P Jul 25 19:22:26 mrmoku: i have access to libfso-glib.git repo ;x Jul 25 19:22:35 hehe ;) Jul 25 19:23:00 dos1, I could as well just bump the version in the recipe... but I'm a virgin... and that feels dirty :P Jul 25 19:23:07 Blu3, thanks, I fixed it by wildly deleting contacts with suspicious lokking characters ;) Jul 25 19:23:32 Blu3: interesting app Jul 25 19:23:35 Blu3, I suspect this one: \x00 Jul 25 19:24:12 ChaosEagle^idle: it should be ucs2. 8( Jul 25 19:24:35 Hi. Is someone still using zhone on a non-Debian distro here? Can you enter non-ascii characters into the SMS display? Jul 25 19:29:44 mrmoku, is new opkg in unstable repos? Jul 25 19:29:50 TAsn, sure :) Jul 25 19:29:55 well... old opkg ;) Jul 25 19:30:05 :) Jul 25 19:30:17 cool. Jul 25 19:30:30 chaos, good :) Jul 25 19:30:34 opkg -force-reinstall upgrade ? :) Jul 25 19:30:35 q-master, thank you Jul 25 19:33:32 TAsn, well... I would opkg install opkg first ;) Jul 25 19:35:53 I know. Jul 25 19:38:30 mrmoku: well, looks like there was old vala-terminal due to that ;D Jul 25 19:39:32 mwester_, here? Jul 25 19:39:34 dos1, yeah, fixed and rebuilding now Jul 25 19:39:45 DocScrutinizer, ping? Jul 25 19:39:59 TAsn, first question is... what language :P Jul 25 19:40:07 TAsn: what about python binding for libphone-utils? Jul 25 19:40:51 TAsn: i want to write support for comparing phone numbers in opimd soon Jul 25 19:45:39 mrmoku: what about setting vala-terminal to autorev? Jul 25 19:45:49 we have old version Jul 25 19:46:58 mrmoku, c. Jul 25 19:48:30 dos1, I don't know how to do it, and haven't found time learning yet :) Jul 25 19:48:30 mrmoku, oh can I reinstall all the packages?! Jul 25 19:48:54 TAsn: so i'll have to do it myself :P Jul 25 19:49:07 mrmoku: could you give me commit access to libphone-utils? Jul 25 19:49:27 of course if TAsn doesn't have anything against ;) Jul 25 19:49:50 lol. ;) Jul 25 19:49:50 dos1, hehe. Jul 25 19:50:18 no, its ok :) Jul 25 19:54:39 dos1, go and destroy it ;) Jul 25 19:56:45 TAsn, if I had to do it... I would add ++ :) Jul 25 19:57:20 huh? Jul 25 19:57:39 c++ Jul 25 19:57:41 :) Jul 25 19:57:51 nah. Jul 25 19:58:44 ;) Jul 25 19:59:51 well... if I had to do it... I don't have to ;) Jul 25 20:02:00 mrmoku: ok, you gave me permission to destroing. don't complain when i'm done! ;D Jul 25 20:02:47 * dos1 likes to interpret sentences like that sooo serious ;> Jul 25 20:03:31 i'll try to add python bindings to libphone-utils Jul 25 20:03:36 but not now :x Jul 25 20:03:48 what are libphone-utils? Jul 25 20:03:54 now i have to finish my openBmap-uberlogger ;) Jul 25 20:04:11 admiral0, a library for number handling Jul 25 20:04:11 onen|openBmap: ping Jul 25 20:04:15 i.e comparing numbers Jul 25 20:04:19 and canonizing numbers Jul 25 20:04:22 dos1: pong Jul 25 20:04:34 dos1, cool :) Jul 25 20:04:39 nice Jul 25 20:04:42 onen|openBmap: why are you marked as away when you are there? Jul 25 20:04:44 :D Jul 25 20:04:48 onen|openBmap: but that wasn't my question ;) Jul 25 20:04:49 I also added functions to set and then save the current settings iirc Jul 25 20:05:03 which are great for setting the correct codes Jul 25 20:05:11 dos1: I was not. I just sat in front of my computer right when you pinged me. you are lucky Jul 25 20:05:20 from sim or I don't know what Jul 25 20:05:20 :) Jul 25 20:05:21 nice ;) Jul 25 20:05:21 * onen|openBmap trains to become a politician Jul 25 20:05:56 onen|openBmap: ok, does log filename have any influence on processing it? Jul 25 20:06:10 dos1: yes Jul 25 20:06:21 :( Jul 25 20:06:21 mrmoku, btw: opkg -force-reinstall install `opkg list_installed | sed "s/ -.*//g" | sed "s/^//g" | tr -d '\n'` Jul 25 20:06:34 dos1: our specs on the wiki explain the structure of the file, together with the filename nomenclature Jul 25 20:06:47 used this to reinstall everything :) Jul 25 20:06:50 TAsn, brute force reinstall ;) Jul 25 20:07:11 dos1: why? what did you do? and how did you get files with non obm supported filenames? Jul 25 20:07:24 now that's ugly :) Jul 25 20:07:30 mrmoku, aye. ;) Jul 25 20:07:35 onen|openBmap: no, i didn't do anything. that was only something i wanted to do ;D Jul 25 20:07:38 it's somehow like a reflash ;) Jul 25 20:07:38 erm, another question - how do I represent characters in unicode so that mdbus doesn't reject them? Jul 25 20:08:03 dos1: explain. we'll see... Jul 25 20:08:04 ChaosEagle, just use utf8... Jul 25 20:08:10 mdbus -s org.freesmartphone.ogsmd /org/freesmartphone/GSM/Device org.freesmartphone.GSM.SIM.StoreEntry 'con Jul 25 20:08:10 tacts' 2 'Mailbox-Spr\xfcche' '6565' doesn't work -> UnicodeError: String parameters to be sent over D-Bus must be valid UTF-8 Jul 25 20:08:21 * TAsn thinks utf8 is the correct encoding Jul 25 20:09:18 btw dos1 confirmed. Jul 25 20:09:18 opimd works :) Jul 25 20:09:39 TAsn, yes, but \xfc should be the correct representation, stilll mdbus doesn't like it Jul 25 20:09:43 opimd works with utf8 for russian definitely Jul 25 20:09:44 onen|openBmap: well, looks like one log can be used only for one device, as there are device properties in logfile tag Jul 25 20:10:01 onen|openBmap: so for logging from multiple devices, we should have different logfiles Jul 25 20:10:28 dos1: correct Jul 25 20:10:43 onen|openBmap: i was thinking on different filenames (appending -gsm, -umts, -uber or whatever at end) Jul 25 20:10:45 dos1, do I have to grep my bip logs or will you till me how the X11 env var for elm is called? :) Jul 25 20:10:55 onen|openBmap: but i can also do just different directory for that ;) Jul 25 20:10:57 dos1: tell me what you want to do, so that I may propose a way to do it Jul 25 20:11:03 mrmoku: ELM_ENGINE? Jul 25 20:11:04 wouldn't syslog handle that? Jul 25 20:11:17 dos1, yep ELM_ENGINE=x11 ? Jul 25 20:11:23 err 16 Jul 25 20:11:33 mrmoku: i'm using ELM_ENGINE=x11-16 Jul 25 20:11:42 ahh, ok, thanks :D Jul 25 20:11:44 but x16 should also work Jul 25 20:12:16 dos1: appending sth at the end will be non standard. we want to keep track of the logfiles structure, to be able to parse them even when our specs change Jul 25 20:12:48 omg I'm laggy. Jul 25 20:13:04 dos1: but so far I don't see what is your problem. you want to log using two instances of openbmapgtk, one using regular ogpsd the other user oumtsd, right? Jul 25 20:13:05 onen|openBmap: ok. so i'll store utms logs in ~/.openBmap/Logs-UMTS/ directory Jul 25 20:13:31 onen|openBmap: ogsmd. maybe not openbmapgtk, but two instances of Logger class Jul 25 20:14:12 dos1: you want to run two times the logger script, without all the gui? Jul 25 20:15:06 never mind, I figured it out ^^ Jul 25 20:15:14 TAsn, you or your ISP? :P Jul 25 20:15:24 onen|openBmap: no no no. i just want to start implementing in Logger class support of oumtsd :P Jul 25 20:15:29 my isp's connection to freenode Jul 25 20:15:33 as I'm ok in other servers Jul 25 20:15:34 ;\ Jul 25 20:15:51 dos1: and thus use openbmapgtk ;-) Jul 25 20:15:59 onen|openBmap: i know Jul 25 20:16:19 onen|openBmap: after that i would do what i want - one instance of openbmapgtk running two loggers, or two instances of openbmapgtk, or even something else Jul 25 20:16:24 dos1: you were correct. one way is to have two directories Jul 25 20:16:31 onen|openBmap: and that looks like the simpliest way Jul 25 20:17:03 ok Jul 25 20:17:30 i need to implement it quickly, as i'm going to trip on tomorrow morning Jul 25 20:17:50 and i want to use my uberlogger forces ;D Jul 25 20:18:17 dos1: many ways to do it. one would be to give a parameter to the logger at instantiation, in order to use correct dbus services Jul 25 20:18:34 onen|openBmap: that's what i want to do Jul 25 20:18:49 and if it isn't passed, then it fallbacks to ogsmd Jul 25 20:18:49 dos1: ok let me think about the consequences... Jul 25 20:18:55 ouch... I installed both sixteen themes, switched e to x16 and rebooted Jul 25 20:19:06 but trying to toggle to the theme makes e segfault :( Jul 25 20:19:26 mrmoku: switch to x11, then toggle theme and switch to x11-16 Jul 25 20:19:40 dos1, ahh :P Jul 25 20:20:09 onen|openBmap: and that parameter is also used for directory name Jul 25 20:20:32 Logs-oumtsd, or just Logs if it fallbacked to ogsmd Jul 25 20:20:43 dos1, the elm one is taken automatically? Jul 25 20:20:56 mrmoku: no Jul 25 20:21:07 c default.edj default.bak Jul 25 20:21:09 s/c/cp/ Jul 25 20:21:10 dos1 meant: cp default.edj default.bak Jul 25 20:21:19 cp sixteen.edj default.edj Jul 25 20:21:20 ;P Jul 25 20:21:29 hmm... Jul 25 20:21:33 dos1: ok, I think the only issue is: dbus paths/objects, your loggers use the same config file, and thus read the same values for working dirs Jul 25 20:21:40 * mrmoku wonders if there is a better way :P Jul 25 20:22:16 mrmoku: maybe it is, i didn't played with it so much Jul 25 20:23:22 dos1: otherwise it should be safe (I think) to run them in parallel. The second instance is of no use to be have the gui to be registered for notify (not without some gui code changes, otherwise, it will not display anything. but shoudl work) Jul 25 20:25:14 dos1: please note that not havind the neighbour cells will bring 4-5 times less cells :-( on a 600 km trips, I saw only a little bit more than a 100 cells IIRC Jul 25 20:25:27 dos1, can't find anything obvious by fast-scanning elm source... Jul 25 20:25:32 * mrmoku goes and copies :P Jul 25 20:27:00 dos1: maybe you should modify the softid of the log files Jul 25 20:27:03 is it harder to get cells in high density places, i.e. the city? Jul 25 20:27:07 or easier? Jul 25 20:27:15 dos1: what is in the code is supposed to represent the last stable version Jul 25 20:27:38 dos1: FSODos11 for example? Jul 25 20:32:36 Meomer: in high density area you need more antennas (thus cells to make it simple) in order to be able to support the communications of all the users Jul 25 20:33:00 Meomer: so it is easier (well you see more cells) Jul 25 20:36:52 mrmoku: how are you writing those .edc files? by hands or using some GUI builder? Jul 25 20:37:34 Q-Master: are you sober again? ;) Jul 25 20:37:49 Q-Master: by hands Jul 25 20:37:50 onen|openBmap: ok Jul 25 20:38:14 onen|openBmap: well, 3g cell coverage is smaller than 2g Jul 25 20:38:27 dos1: this is importatn to be able to track software versions and ids. in order to be able to filter/correct/ignore data if bugs are discovered Jul 25 20:38:29 PaulFertser: that suxx Jul 25 20:39:12 Q-Master: not really. It's supposed that when you do UI the "proper way" you specify logical arrangment of elements, and logic can be easily expressed by words, no "gui builder" necessary ;) Jul 25 20:39:51 PaulFertser: damn, I can't find those caps... 8( remind me plz their specs. I'll try to go to chipodips this week. 8( Jul 25 20:40:42 PaulFertser: coords there are not easily understandable Jul 25 20:41:06 Q-Master: no problem. Jul 25 20:42:07 Q-Master: http://chipdip.ru/product0/276924954.aspx Jul 25 20:43:33 mrmoku, a starting point: http://code.google.com/p/npkg/ Jul 25 20:43:34 :) Jul 25 20:48:00 I just added skeleton ideas Jul 25 20:48:06 and a lame feature list Jul 25 20:48:11 I hope ppl will contribute Jul 25 20:48:17 and we'll have something to start with :) Jul 25 20:51:10 TAsn: not that i can any useful suggestions but "WHY TF SVN and google code instead of github?" Jul 25 20:51:36 PaulFertser, hm.. sec, will switch :) Jul 25 20:51:42 PaulFertser, I also prefer git Jul 25 20:51:45 :) Jul 25 20:52:50 PaulFertser: thnx. Jul 25 20:55:58 * PaulFertser wonders if he should have another "guinness" this lonely weekend or not Jul 25 20:56:19 * admiral0 wants some beer too Jul 25 20:59:17 PaulFertser, http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Npkg Jul 25 20:59:44 TAsn: :D Jul 25 20:59:48 better? Jul 25 21:00:15 TAsn: sure :D Jul 25 21:00:52 TAsn: btw, why are you so unhappy with apt/dpkg that you want to put your (and others) time into writing an opkg replacement? Jul 25 21:02:12 * PaulFertser opened another can Jul 25 21:02:20 :) Jul 25 21:04:55 * mrmoku will read about that can tomorrow in the backlog ;) Jul 25 21:05:18 gnight all Jul 25 21:07:32 PaulFertser, it seems (from the debian users) that apt is just not fast enough. Jul 25 21:08:45 TAsn: those who tried both apt and opkg on FR said it's on par. Jul 25 21:09:33 TAsn: as to me -- apt+dpkg "feels" slow, but it's acceptable. I see more pressing issues. E.g. incremental search in contacts. Jul 25 21:09:43 PaulFertser, first of all, opkg is slow. Jul 25 21:09:44 :) Jul 25 21:09:56 I update once a month. Ok, maybe once a day. Jul 25 21:10:01 (dunno if we can be faster though) Jul 25 21:10:21 And i do it near my pc, so i can wait. When i don't want to wait is when i want to call somebody ;) Jul 25 21:12:46 second of all, from what I hear, apt is slower than opkg by a factor. Jul 25 21:12:46 anyhow, i'll also ask people to say what they think about dpkg Jul 25 21:13:11 PaulFertser, I agree on that. Jul 25 21:13:20 though I won't be fixing contacts Jul 25 21:13:25 as this is not my field of work Jul 25 21:13:44 * dos1 likes dpkg+apt Jul 25 21:13:45 dos1, is working on that Jul 25 21:13:45 Ainulindale, is working on a phonegui replacement Jul 25 21:13:55 TAsn: on what? Jul 25 21:13:57 :x Jul 25 21:14:17 so it's not really time wasted and I think may projects will benefit from a decent lightweight package manager (nslu2) Jul 25 21:14:17 not only shr/moko Jul 25 21:14:35 i'm not working on phonegui-efl ;x Jul 25 21:14:58 dos1, you are working on regex search in contacts, aren't you? Jul 25 21:15:12 PaulFertser, and I'll still have time for shr deving, though I really think this is much need.d Jul 25 21:15:14 as I hate opkg, and I'm sick of it's poor behavior :| Jul 25 21:15:17 TAsn: yes, but in opimd side Jul 25 21:15:24 TAsn: i agree that opkg sucks so much that it should be rewritten :) It's just that _i_'d prefer to see you improving _my_ user experience ;) Jul 25 21:15:25 TAsn: not from GUI Jul 25 21:15:36 dos1, I know. Jul 25 21:15:44 PaulFertser, :) Jul 25 21:15:51 I am/will ;) Jul 25 21:16:15 TAsn: for that you'll need to switch to elisp ;) Jul 25 21:16:25 PaulFertser, I care about update path Jul 25 21:16:26 and I think the first thing for a decent update path is a working package manager :) Jul 25 21:16:43 TAsn: incremental search was already possible in opimd without regexps (though not perfecty, you couldn't tell "search for contacts starting at k", only "search for contacts containing k" Jul 25 21:16:47 now you can do both Jul 25 21:16:57 PaulFertser, why? Jul 25 21:17:11 dos1, :) Jul 25 21:17:12 TAsn: he's emacs fanboy ;D Jul 25 21:17:24 how's your regexp going? Jul 25 21:17:37 TAsn: done :) Jul 25 21:17:37 i was suprised it went that easy :D Jul 25 21:17:49 dos1, I figured. Jul 25 21:17:49 dos1, should I tell him I'm a vim user? Jul 25 21:17:56 dos1, as I am, though I don't think he'll speak to me after he'll hear that. Jul 25 21:18:13 dos1, hehe yeah, it's easy Jul 25 21:18:21 import anti-gravity Jul 25 21:18:25 and i only broked "contact cache" in opimd-notifier and opimd-messages Jul 25 21:18:29 :D Jul 25 21:18:32 xkcd ;) Jul 25 21:18:41 and you are done :) Jul 25 21:18:42 oh Jul 25 21:18:44 it reminded me Jul 25 21:18:55 TAsn: i'm also a vim user, right atm i'm trying to somewhat improve FR's kernel using vim. Jul 25 21:19:11 SHR: 03seba.dos1 07opimd-utils * r76fbb76dc7a2 10/opimd-cli: opimd-cli: support multiple fields with the same name Jul 25 21:19:14 SHR: 03seba.dos1 07opimd-utils * red51eaa3497c 10/opimd-cli: opimd-cli: add info about Calls domain in help Jul 25 21:19:14 SHR: 03seba.dos1 07opimd-utils * rbb44fb4d9af1 10/ (opimd-messages opimd-notifier): Be up-to-date with recent opimd changes Jul 25 21:19:29 TAsn: but i tried emacs on FR and it seems that it's the best opportunity to implement a "perfect" UI. Jul 25 21:19:29 WTF? i didn't push before? :x Jul 25 21:19:34 dos1, that's what xkcd reminds you of? Jul 25 21:19:34 ^^" Jul 25 21:19:40 TAsn: no, regexps Jul 25 21:19:42 ;) Jul 25 21:19:59 PaulFertser, emacs on the moko != perefct UI Jul 25 21:20:01 TAsn: i fixed opimd-messages and notifier, but i forgot to push changes Jul 25 21:20:14 perfect* Jul 25 21:20:34 TAsn: and now i saw i forgot to push changes too two commits before :x Jul 25 21:21:24 TAsn: before i tried using vim with a virtual keyboard i thought that it'd suck a lot. It didn't. Before i tried emacs on FR i thought it would be unusable. It doesn't seem to. Jul 25 21:22:56 dos1, :) Jul 25 21:23:12 PaulFertser, emacs seems to be unusable Jul 25 21:23:16 (never tried though) Jul 25 21:23:20 vim is somehow decent. Jul 25 21:23:58 PaulFertser: is emacs finger friendly? :D Jul 25 21:24:01 though also hard. Jul 25 21:24:23 (well, i don't care about "finger friendliness", but some people care) Jul 25 21:24:45 (and i think some=most here :P) Jul 25 21:25:36 dos1: i don't use stylus for quite some time. Provided a finger-friendly keyboard and large buttons (emacs supports large buttons) it should be, yes. Jul 25 21:25:55 finally! Jul 25 21:25:55 finished reinstalling everything Jul 25 21:25:58 booting.... Jul 25 21:26:17 well, stylus is not argument, as i'm programming with illume keyboard without stylus Jul 25 21:26:28 but i wouldn't say it's finger friendly ;D Jul 25 21:26:37 dos1: rare people don't have nails Jul 25 21:26:44 fingernail i mean Jul 25 21:33:29 onen|openBmap: cell with 0 radius = cell seen only once? Jul 25 21:39:40 dos1: == cell with only one measure Jul 25 21:39:56 ok, that's what i mean ;) Jul 25 21:43:42 dos1: don't forget to find an different id for your app, in case of it brings bugs not present in single instance running verison of the logger Jul 25 21:44:04 dos1: if you have questions, you have 5 min left, before I leave ;-) Jul 25 21:46:08 FSOdos1? Jul 25 21:47:28 dos1: what s the question? Jul 25 21:47:50 onen|openBmap: it can be FSOdos1, yep? Jul 25 21:48:04 dos1: choose whatever you like. I chose FSO Onen version 1 => FSOnen1 Jul 25 21:48:24 like me, FSO dos version 1 -> FSOdos1 ;) Jul 25 21:48:39 dos1: and about the verison number, it follows ##.##.## => 0.4.0 00.04.00 Jul 25 21:53:13 dos1: I wonder if you should let the version number as it is. thus if a bug is identified in my code, we can easily know that same version with you client id has the same bug. wha t do you think? Jul 25 21:53:44 dos1: I would like to integrate in my client, properly a support for logging with more SIMs Jul 25 21:54:35 onen|openBmap: yep, i'll leave version number Jul 25 21:54:42 dos1: ok Jul 25 21:55:05 that's just my local modification. when it'll be good enough, i'll send patches to you Jul 25 21:55:50 dos1: could you email me the details of your modem usb? I would like to see if I could find commands to get neighbour cells on google or sth Jul 25 21:56:04 dos1: great! Jul 25 21:56:26 dos1: I will have to change the id to FSOnenDos1 then ;-) Jul 25 21:56:47 not Dos, dos! :D Jul 25 21:57:18 dos1: Ok, ok! :-D Jul 25 21:57:41 well, that's free software - you're bringing good app to me, so i'm returning something from me ;) Jul 25 21:58:46 dos1: I thought freesoftware wasbeing happy to release a new version of his app, and get a lot of comments about wha tuser actually don't like instead of what is new and like ;-0 Jul 25 21:59:18 dos1: if we could find a way to get neighbour with the usb key, it would be awesome! Jul 25 21:59:49 maybe other usb keys have that function... Jul 25 21:59:56 well, i don't know anything about usb keys ;x Jul 25 22:00:05 dos1: I am not willing to work for short term on my logging app (concentrating on the dbus location service). but if you bring me sth for this, I will tak ethe time to look at ti Jul 25 22:00:46 huawei mobile connect Jul 25 22:00:57 E160E HSDPA USB Stick Jul 25 22:01:07 Made in China Jul 25 22:01:09 ;D Jul 25 22:01:29 :) Jul 25 22:01:30 that's what is written on it Jul 25 22:01:41 there is also imei, ce and fcc id Jul 25 22:02:16 my gf has it from orange free Jul 25 22:04:31 dos1: what tells /var/log/messages when plugin it? I try to find out the modem model more precisely, to try to find the at command Jul 25 22:05:29 Jul 25 23:58:43 sowa kernel: [94889.790799] usb 2-3: New USB device found, idVendor=12d1, idProduct=1003 Jul 25 22:05:30 Jul 25 23:58:43 sowa kernel: [94889.790808] usb 2-3: New USB device strings: Mfr=2, Product=1, SerialNumber=3 Jul 25 22:05:31 Jul 25 23:58:43 sowa kernel: [94889.790815] usb 2-3: Product: HUAWEI Mobile Jul 25 22:05:32 Jul 25 23:58:43 sowa kernel: [94889.790820] usb 2-3: Manufacturer: HUAWEI Technology Jul 25 22:05:34 Jul 25 23:58:43 sowa kernel: [94889.790825] usb 2-3: SerialNumber: 1234567890ABCDEF Jul 25 22:05:55 (interesting thing: i didn't changed that serial number :x) Jul 25 22:06:08 and it works with option driver Jul 25 22:07:23 SHR: 03tom 07libphone-utils * r1cbe15bd0e24 10/src/phone-utils.c: normalize_number now returns NULL on error and the number when it's a special code/unrecognized type of number, i.e, can not canonize Jul 25 22:24:12 dos1: ping Jul 25 22:24:31 onen|openBmap: pong Jul 25 22:24:56 dos1: ok my quick search brought nothing. probably this is all under nda anyway. Jul 25 22:24:58 dos1: but Jul 25 22:25:12 dos1: http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Neo_1973_and_Neo_FreeRunner_gsm_modem Jul 25 22:25:33 dos1: gives some explainations about how to list hte command (even proprietary) of th emodem Jul 25 22:25:56 dos1: if we would be lucky, we could find the command Jul 25 22:26:20 dos1: I think the output of engineering field (where neighbour are) is pretty standard Jul 25 22:28:13 dos1: could you issue AT+CLAC to the modem? Jul 25 22:29:37 onen|openBmap: http://pastebin.com/m70d6a95d Jul 25 22:30:24 * onen|openBmap greps the output Jul 25 22:35:42 dos1: I did not spot anything but one (maybe?) Jul 25 22:36:54 dos1: $QCCNMI makes me thinks of Quality Control C? Network Managment Interface Jul 25 22:36:58 dos1: who knows Jul 25 22:37:32 dos1: ok need some sleep Jul 25 22:37:38 dos1: have a nice trip tomorrow :-) Jul 25 22:37:45 AT$QCCNMI Jul 25 22:37:46 OK Jul 25 22:37:47 AT$QCCNMI? Jul 25 22:37:48 $QCCNMI: 0,0,0,0,0 Jul 25 22:37:50 AT$QCCNMI=? Jul 25 22:37:52 $QCCNMI: (0,1,2),(0,1,2,3),(0,2),(0,1,2),(0,1) Jul 25 22:38:11 onen|openBmap: thanks ;) Jul 25 22:38:14 good night Jul 25 22:38:16 AT$QCCNMI=2,3,2,2,1 Jul 25 22:38:17 +CMS ERROR: 303 Jul 25 22:39:03 dos1: I would nee dot see with mickey of doc to know what are our chances to find out anything Jul 25 22:39:13 dos1: but later Jul 25 22:39:23 dos1: good night Jul 25 22:41:01 dos1: ok I am back for a quick try Jul 25 22:41:14 dos1: waht gives : &E Jul 25 22:43:48 dos1: http://e220linux.wikispaces.com Jul 25 22:45:39 onen|openBmap: OK Jul 25 22:45:45 onen|openBmap: and with =? or ? - ERROR Jul 25 22:46:04 dos1: pff I hate reverse engineering Jul 25 22:46:33 dos1: I will have a look later after some slee. see If one looks like a nice acronym or sth Jul 25 22:47:37 dos1: AT$QCDGEN Jul 25 22:47:50 dos1: coulb sth like DG debug EN engineering Jul 25 22:48:58 onen|openBmap: ERROR, with =? OK, with ? ERROR Jul 25 22:49:31 with =? ok, nothing more output? Jul 25 22:49:54 onen|openBmap: no, only OK Jul 25 22:50:07 dos1: not very helpful ;-) Jul 25 22:50:25 dos1: ok I really have to go this time. thanks a lot for your help Jul 25 22:50:57 dos1: I have to look at buying one of these 3g keys Jul 25 22:51:09 dos1: good night Jul 25 23:27:46 i just wondered: how hard would it be to implement the android api over FSO? Jul 25 23:30:43 The real question is Jul 25 23:30:47 How pointless? Jul 26 00:30:40 yay, opkg replacement project (i was thinking about volunteering for that job, apart from the large amount of other stuff i have on at the moment) Jul 26 02:06:40 TAsn: pong **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Jul 26 02:59:56 2009