**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Aug 01 02:59:57 2010 Aug 01 07:36:33 mrmoku: ok, so i tested the alive-registered Aug 01 07:36:46 i got it but i will post the whole log for you Aug 01 07:37:28 mrmoku: here it is http://pastebin.com/2AgvDLrD Aug 01 07:38:25 i made a test call - went OK Aug 01 07:38:37 then i tried gprs - no setredentials error Aug 01 07:38:53 s/setredentials/setCredentials/ Aug 01 07:38:54 vanous123 meant: then i tried gprs - no setCredentials error Aug 01 07:43:35 vanous123: do you have them in /etc/phonefsod.conf? Aug 01 07:45:37 damn, not, but when did i loose them... probably update thingee? Aug 01 07:51:39 vanous123: hmmm... it should not replace it on update Aug 01 07:51:40 mrmoku: ok, this was it Aug 01 07:52:25 surely i had it in, as the wizard sets it correctly (just tried) Aug 01 07:54:19 nvm, will observe it, could be me forgetting something... Aug 01 07:55:45 sorry for the noise Aug 01 07:55:59 vanous123: nah, no problem :-) Aug 01 07:58:16 huh.. this is weird Aug 01 07:58:26 this is what happens on my freerunner: Aug 01 07:58:26 AT+CPMS="SM" Aug 01 07:58:27 +CMS ERROR: 310 Aug 01 07:58:39 and that is after I entered sim pin successfully. Aug 01 07:58:54 that code supposedly means 'SIM not inserted' Aug 01 07:59:07 any idea why i'd get that ? Aug 01 08:08:12 well the sim must be in because I just called the phone Aug 01 08:50:41 is there elementary (python-elementary) irc or mailing list? Aug 01 08:57:21 vanous123: #e ? Aug 01 08:57:41 yann: this might be too advanced for me :) Aug 01 09:00:26 yann: but thank you Aug 01 09:07:36 ok:) Aug 01 09:08:20 mickeyl: is bitbake-dev posting restricted to subscribers ? I did not get any bounce, but my mails don't show up in the archive Aug 01 09:13:05 <[Rui]> moin all Aug 01 09:13:24 <[Rui]> mrmoku: it seems cleaning and rebuilding all gcc and glibc stuff didn't help Aug 01 09:13:57 <[Rui]> "mmap: Permission denied" in do_package Aug 01 09:15:38 <[Rui]> and yes, /proc/sys/vm/mmap_min_addr == 0 Aug 01 09:29:51 [Rui]: selinux? Aug 01 09:30:09 I have to 'setenforce 0' for building eglibc Aug 01 09:30:13 <[Rui]> I disabled it, IIRC. Could be some update reverted it.... Aug 01 09:32:23 <[Rui]> mrmoku: do you know if selinuxenabled works? Even after disabling it it still exits 0 Aug 01 09:33:17 [Rui]: hmm... don't know about selinuxenabled... I always use set/getenforce Aug 01 09:33:26 which is _not_ permanent Aug 01 09:33:46 to permanently disable I use /etc/sysconfig/selinux Aug 01 09:35:24 <[Rui]> yes Aug 01 09:35:40 <[Rui]> it's now enforcing again :( Aug 01 09:44:18 [Rui]: just setenforce 0 and continue the build should work though Aug 01 09:44:42 <[Rui]> yeah , trying it out for about 10 minutes already :) Aug 01 11:02:44 SHR: 03seba.dos1 07shr-themes * r2ab76df1391f 10/phoneui-shr/phoneui-shr-theme-niebiee/keypad.edc: phoneui-shr-theme-niebiee: actually, we want background behind dialpad Aug 01 11:29:48 great to see dos1 working on niebee :) Aug 01 11:31:41 vanous: still illume2 needs to be themed Aug 01 11:51:49 SHR: 03seba.dos1 07shr-themes * r8a5ab72d5e7a 10/phoneui-shr/phoneui-shr-theme-niebiee/keypad.edc: phoneui-shr-theme-niebiee: cosmetic fixes to dialer Aug 01 12:15:58 SHR: 03seba.dos1 07shr-themes * r4065fb4e4d82 10/phoneui-shr/phoneui-shr-theme-niebiee/ (frame_2.png quick-settings.edc): phoneui-shr-theme-niebiee: theme quick-settings Aug 01 12:18:06 I just finished my first qt/c++ project. Everything works fine but there are some compile warnings I'd like to get ridd of. So how to solve the following: "WARNING: Missing fnclientME-en_US.ts.". How is this file beingproduced? Do I have to add additional sourcecode or is ist just qbuild.pro related? Aug 01 12:18:44 of course it is qbuild which gives me the error (I forgot to mention) Aug 01 12:18:56 eh the warning Aug 01 12:20:14 SHR: 03seba.dos1 07shr-themes * re0a5add93b41 10/phoneui-shr/phoneui-shr-theme-niebiee/messages.edc: phoneui-shr-theme-niebiee: more white labels Aug 01 12:26:41 problem solved: http://www.visitusers.org/index.php?title=Internationalization Aug 01 12:44:33 if anyone has idea about bug #1169, I'll be happy to try :) Aug 01 13:03:09 SHR: 03seba.dos1 07shr-themes * r8bf704525807 10/phoneui-shr/phoneui-shr-theme-niebiee/ (number-icon.png number-icon.svgz): phoneui-shr-theme-niebiee: add custom number-icon Aug 01 13:17:03 SHR: 03seba.dos1 07shr-themes * r4b89eb1d477f 10/elementary/elementary-theme-niebiee/niebiee.edc: elementary-theme-niebiee: fix progressbars Aug 01 13:18:56 dos1: too bad we can't build it :P Aug 01 13:20:55 mrmoku: well, at buildhost side everything seems to be working Aug 01 13:21:08 mrmoku: i'll check if packages are ok too :P (not synced yet) Aug 01 13:22:44 well, for htcdream there's failure at building images: Aug 01 13:22:49 * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for task-shr-minimal-x: Aug 01 13:22:50 * mesa-dri * Aug 01 13:22:59 but om-gta01 and om-gta02 build fine :P Aug 01 13:28:04 mrmoku: newer version of mdbus2 just upgrades and works fine :P Aug 01 13:32:28 dos1: ohh, good :) Aug 01 13:32:47 dos1: maybe khem was wrong and a rebuild is not strictly needed... or not in all cases Aug 01 13:34:20 dos1: btw. mplayer package is broken Aug 01 13:34:26 mplayer: error while loading shared libraries: libavcore.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Aug 01 13:36:11 mrmoku: libavcore is from ffmpeg Aug 01 13:36:17 mrmoku: so that's you who broke it! :D Aug 01 13:36:22 finally not me! Aug 01 13:36:25 ;) Aug 01 13:36:47 * mrmoku wanted to be faster than dos1 breaking something... at least once ;) Aug 01 13:38:08 freesmartphone.org: 03mickey 07cornucopia * r66abe76c8257 10/fsogsmd/src/lib/modem.vala: fsogsmd: modem: don't close twice Aug 01 13:38:09 freesmartphone.org: 03mickey 07cornucopia * r504debf076d8 10/fsogsmd/src/plugins/modem_ti_calypso/plugin.vala: fsogsmd: modem_ti_calypso: enable CPHS phase 2 when in status alive_registered Aug 01 13:38:46 Life is a bitch and then you marry a biatch who doesn't Aug 01 13:51:30 mrmoku: cookies for ya :P Aug 01 13:59:10 s.a Aug 01 13:59:20 lan yazsanýza Aug 01 14:00:00 hi guys Aug 01 14:12:54 dos1: pushed Aug 01 14:12:56 daniele_athome: hey Aug 01 14:13:12 hi mrmoku Aug 01 14:14:35 dos1: hmm... I wonder if it was me breaking ffmpeg or koen... Aug 01 14:14:50 daniele_athome: any plans on a libframeworkd-glib release? Aug 01 14:15:04 mrmoku, plans? ehm... no :( Aug 01 14:15:11 i will commit something now and then Aug 01 14:15:17 i'm too busy with my company Aug 01 14:15:19 :( Aug 01 14:15:51 and it will be like this until the end of the year :( Aug 01 14:16:22 daniele_athome: I would like to have release tar balls for folks who prefer to build from tarballs... and that of course would include libframeworkd-glib Aug 01 14:16:26 do you mind me doing it? Aug 01 14:16:43 mrmoku, of course not Aug 01 14:16:53 ok, will do that then Aug 01 14:16:57 :) Aug 01 14:17:05 it's pretty stable the way it is now Aug 01 14:17:14 good :) Aug 01 14:23:53 mrmoku, sorry i'm realizing now the question you made me Aug 01 14:23:59 "do you mind me doing it?" Aug 01 14:24:22 you meant: "do you mind if I do it?" or "can you do it?" Aug 01 14:24:43 mrmoku: ffmpeg is building right now for htcdream, maybe you can take a look at logs Aug 01 14:27:08 mrmoku: so, here we go: Aug 01 14:27:11 NOTE: the following files were installed but not shipped in any package: Aug 01 14:27:13 NOTE: /usr/lib/libavcore.so.0.2.0 Aug 01 14:27:15 NOTE: /usr/lib/libavcore.so.0 Aug 01 14:27:16 NOTE: /usr/lib/libavcore.so Aug 01 14:27:17 :) Aug 01 14:28:12 Martix: hi, any chance to see FCSE testing results :) Aug 01 14:29:06 daniele_athome: the first one... I will do it :) Aug 01 14:29:12 :) Aug 01 14:29:21 dos1: hmm... building locally too now Aug 01 14:30:58 mrmoku: looks like libriaries were splitted upstream between SRCREVs you changed and you didn't adjust recipe to include this file in some package/create new package for it Aug 01 14:31:29 freesmartphone.org: 03mickey 07cornucopia * rf46cf806a46e 10/fsogsmd/src/plugins/modem_ti_calypso/plugin.vala: Aug 01 14:31:29 freesmartphone.org: fsogsmd: modem_ti_calypso: enable incoming voice mail URC Aug 01 14:31:29 freesmartphone.org: NOTE: If you see an unhandled %CVWI message in the logs, please holler! Aug 01 14:33:40 dos1: testing now Aug 01 14:39:40 dos1: we have to think about how and where to integrate an iphone like visual voice mail box :-) Aug 01 14:40:31 mrmoku: firstly, i have to know what is "iphone like visual voice mail box" :P Aug 01 14:45:32 dos1: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1486?viewlocale=en_US Aug 01 14:46:57 JaMa: ohh, welcome back :D Aug 01 14:50:12 dos1: btw.... no make update please ;) Aug 01 14:50:28 dos1: git pull instead Aug 01 14:51:38 mrmoku: yup, already noticed with "Removing 1.patch..." etc. lines ;D Aug 01 14:52:12 dos1: ouch ;P Aug 01 14:52:54 mrmoku: restored those patches though just after that ;) Aug 01 14:52:59 :) Aug 01 14:53:29 Hi all :) Aug 01 14:56:31 Hi Martin! Aug 01 14:56:56 mrmoku: for some reason I don't get %CVWI Aug 01 14:56:59 hi Aug 01 14:57:02 gena2x: sorry, I was out for a two days Aug 01 14:57:27 mickeyl: hmm... a pity Aug 01 14:57:28 mrmoku: and I don't see how we query the number of waiting voicemails. I wonder whether we're overlooking something Aug 01 14:57:35 gena2x: I am going to benchmark FCSE Aug 01 14:57:43 pleaes have a look for %CVWI Aug 01 14:57:44 perhaps you get it Aug 01 14:57:48 k Aug 01 14:57:54 we can synthesize it by looking at the sender number Aug 01 14:58:03 Martix: nice, i just wanted to tell that i'm really interested :) Aug 01 14:58:04 i guess you don't get any other sms by the voicemail box :) Aug 01 14:58:12 probably not :P Aug 01 15:31:00 freesmartphone.org: 03mickey 07cornucopia * rcbd57abf8afa 10/fsogsmd/src/lib/atcommands.vala: fsogsmd: atcommands: fix +CMGS reply Aug 01 15:38:20 ThibG, yesterday cz_jc found some build issues with 2.6.34 http://paste.debian.net/81902/ Aug 01 15:39:17 xrmx, thanks Aug 01 15:40:59 dos1: ok, i did some more tests. with master, sms reports are looking finally ok now Aug 01 15:46:48 wtf did I do... Aug 01 15:48:07 cz_jc, I'm in a rush right now, but I'll send a patch to that later today... Aug 01 16:17:18 Hi! I'd like QI to ask me if I want to boot from SD or from NAND. In this scope, is there a function that I can use to print text on the screen and to get user input ? Aug 01 16:20:00 paulk_: no, use u-boot for that Aug 01 16:21:00 hi mickeyl Aug 01 16:21:01 any news? Aug 01 16:21:06 Well, I'd like that to choose between Android and SHR-U (Android on NAND and SHR-U on SD) and I can't boot Android with u-boot… Aug 01 16:21:44 paulk_: why can't you boot android with u-boot? Aug 01 16:21:45 paulk_, you can...but it's a bit inconvenient: Aug 01 16:21:57 shr boots when sdcard is present Aug 01 16:22:08 android boots when a vfat card or no card is present Aug 01 16:22:09 Yes I can remove the card… Aug 01 16:22:10 no? Aug 01 16:22:25 but that's not really a solution ;) Aug 01 16:22:49 lindi-: the kernel is too big for u-boot Aug 01 16:23:06 paulk_: the 2M limit is only in your configuration Aug 01 16:23:07 (and that's also the case for SHR-U, I guess) Aug 01 16:23:13 paulk_: change the configuration Aug 01 16:23:36 Oh really? Aug 01 16:23:39 paulk_: yeah Aug 01 16:24:00 SO I need to recompile U-Boot without this limit ? Aug 01 16:24:26 paulk_: fw_setenv is the command to configure u-boot Aug 01 16:24:34 paulk_: you can also use picocom while at boot prompt Aug 01 16:24:45 paulk_: no need to recompile of course Aug 01 16:24:59 paulk_: I assume you haven't even opened the u-boot manual :) Aug 01 16:25:09 paulk_: all this recompile stuff need only for qi. Aug 01 16:25:55 Yes… Aug 01 16:26:13 paulk_: you may also edit uboot config file on your host, and flash big config after that. Aug 01 16:26:53 ok Aug 01 16:27:02 paulk_: hmm.. but this involve 'compilation' of config file from 'text' form to 'binary udfu'. Aug 01 16:27:50 it's just text with a crc Aug 01 16:31:18 GNUtoo|laptop: broke my dream rootfs somehow, so i'll not do any more tests today. i have sed'ed some duplicate symbols, so there's a little chance that gps could work with the new fsodeviced / android-rpc combination. dunno when i have the next chance to test, might be next weekend Aug 01 16:31:38 ok Aug 01 16:32:29 pushing to OE now in case anyone wants to test Aug 01 16:32:37 done Aug 01 16:39:06 ok I'll test later Aug 01 16:39:15 I'm writing a mail for the wifi issues Aug 01 16:39:17 mickeyl: I'm testing voice mail now Aug 01 16:39:35 I can expect help from kvalo when he'll have some time Aug 01 16:39:36 mrmoku: cool, let me know whether you receive the URC Aug 01 16:39:41 he also has an htcdream Aug 01 16:39:44 mickeyl: sure Aug 01 16:39:45 mrmoku: be sure to use master Aug 01 16:40:45 GNUtoo|laptop: ok, sounds good. i'm pretty much burned out wrt. motivation on the dream. some fresh blood would be good for the project... Aug 01 16:41:00 he intend to work only on wifi side Aug 01 16:41:11 he'll install SHR when he'll have some time Aug 01 16:41:15 mickeyl: yeah, built it locally Aug 01 16:41:39 ipk/armv4t/fsogsmd_0.5.0+gitr5+cbd57abf8afaa95f78d22cf593577794ce9ed5b6-r2.3.5_armv4t.ipk Aug 01 16:42:00 *nod* Aug 01 16:42:24 this also has working sms reports Aug 01 16:42:34 might be a good target for an updated SRCREV Aug 01 16:42:37 should shutdown be fixed too? Aug 01 16:42:57 @POFF? yes Aug 01 16:43:13 hmm... no... guess I have to provide logs and a ticket Aug 01 16:43:26 on shutdown fsogsmd quits and gets restarted again Aug 01 16:43:31 same for fsousage Aug 01 16:43:38 which stops the shutdown Aug 01 16:43:52 the fsogsmd crash should the fixed, fsousaged i'd be interested in more info Aug 01 16:44:18 I don't think it crashes... I think it quits (as it's supposed to) and gets dbus-activated again Aug 01 16:44:26 dbus-activating fsousaged in return Aug 01 16:44:38 my theory... have to verify Aug 01 16:44:58 ok Aug 01 17:21:26 hi, someone with OE tree running in his computer can help me try new evopedia recipe I'm writing please? Aug 01 17:30:25 mickeyl: no CVWI for me Aug 01 17:30:34 pespin: yup Aug 01 17:30:39 here you have the recipe if you want to try if it works Aug 01 17:30:42 mrmoku, thanks ;) Aug 01 17:30:43 http://paste.pocoo.org/show/244236/ Aug 01 17:31:04 it's now coded using c++ and qt (before it was python) Aug 01 17:31:37 mrmoku, you are free to modify what you see necesary, I'm a noob recipe maker ;) Aug 01 17:32:41 k :) Aug 01 17:32:47 trying as is now Aug 01 17:42:05 pespin: will take some time... building deps :P Aug 01 17:42:23 pespin: one thing that was missing is protocol=git;branch=master in SRC_URI Aug 01 17:43:23 mrmoku, is that specific for OE or for git in general? Aug 01 18:05:31 pespin: for OE Aug 01 18:05:39 when fetching from a git repo Aug 01 18:08:28 mrmoku, ok :) Aug 01 18:08:46 mrmoku, do you have rights to upload the recipe to OE? Aug 01 18:09:41 if you can upload this one please (added what you told me and changed the web page) http://paste.pocoo.org/show/244252/ Aug 01 18:50:00 pespin: I can commit it, yes... when it works :) Aug 01 18:57:53 mrmoku, sure :) Aug 01 18:58:03 mrmoku, just tell me when it's avaialble on repos / for downloading Aug 01 18:59:15 pespin: sure Aug 01 19:26:27 mickeyl: my guess is that we have to configure the mailbox to do notification via CPHS and not SMS... Aug 01 19:26:30 (after some googling) Aug 01 19:26:39 http://www.o2.co.uk/support/generalhelp/howdoi/voicemail901/domorewith901 Aug 01 19:56:44 hmm Aug 01 19:56:47 That's right so far; phoneui-apps are added once upstream made Aug 01 19:56:49 it's licensing clear (I filled some bugs in their trac). Aug 01 19:56:58 ^^^ that's from mail about debian packaging Aug 01 20:00:08 mrmoku, TAsn: http://trac.shr-project.org/trac/ticket/1165 Aug 01 20:07:06 dos1: yeah, saw the tickets Aug 01 20:36:17 DocScrutinizer: does maemo support a voicemail icon via CPHS? Aug 01 20:37:54 CPHS? Aug 01 20:38:12 aah the signalling "you got voicemail"? Aug 01 20:38:29 not ootb afaik Aug 01 20:39:05 DocScrutinizer: mickeyl implemented that and it does not work... might just be not available with o2 Aug 01 20:39:20 so I thought you could try with maemo :P Aug 01 20:40:30 seems CPHS isn't exactly the right spec for MWI though Aug 01 20:40:46 no? Aug 01 20:40:51 is there something else? Aug 01 20:41:19 dunno, a short glance at http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternate_line_service sugests it maybe is only for second line Aug 01 20:41:39 no, it has mwi too Aug 01 20:42:00 in that wikipedia is a link to the spec Aug 01 20:42:22 just that some providers send SMS on new vm... some do that spool icon thing Aug 01 20:42:28 and some offer to configure what you want Aug 01 20:44:00 mhm, but sorry I never used voicemail, so also never noticed MWI :-P Aug 01 20:44:19 I'd guess O2 doesn't support it Aug 01 20:44:31 yeah :/ Aug 01 20:44:35 thanks anyway :) Aug 01 20:44:38 no idea actually if N900 does Aug 01 20:44:48 yw Aug 01 20:56:25 pespin: does not work... is hanging at do_distribute_sources Aug 01 20:57:42 ahh... no Aug 01 20:57:43 nvm Aug 01 20:57:54 still building qt4-embedded :P Aug 01 20:58:03 and evopedia just waiting for it to finish Aug 01 20:59:00 mrmoku, saw what dos wrote? Aug 01 20:59:15 mrmoku, damn we are two idiots :P (regarding licensing) Aug 01 21:00:36 mrmoku, all the phoneui-apps in files copyrights are complete bullshit, they are essentially one liners filled with 10 authors and crazy copyright notices :P Aug 01 21:00:42 TAsn: yeah... unfortunatelly we don't care enough :/ Aug 01 21:00:48 mrmoku, Lets just make everything GPL3/2+ Aug 01 21:00:54 let's just flip a coin, which do you prefer? Aug 01 21:00:57 :P Aug 01 21:01:08 I honestly don't care. Aug 01 21:01:15 * mrmoku neither :P Aug 01 21:01:29 so what will it be? Aug 01 21:01:32 gpl 2+ ? Aug 01 21:01:38 somehow I tend to prefer GPL2 Aug 01 21:01:43 same here. Aug 01 21:01:46 Ok, gpl2+ it is. Aug 01 21:01:50 fine :) Aug 01 21:01:51 GPL2+ has nice compatibility Aug 01 21:01:54 sec, will adjust. Aug 01 21:02:04 GPL3 is incompatible with gpl2 not+ Aug 01 21:02:10 GPL3 is compatible with apache2 Aug 01 21:02:20 good... will respond to the tickets then Aug 01 21:04:18 mrmoku: N900/maemo5 doesn't know how to do MWI on SIP it seems, so I wouldn't ecpect it to do MWI for GSM, ootb Aug 01 21:05:12 quite interesting question if cellmo/phonet is savvy to deal with MWI Aug 01 21:05:48 ok Aug 01 21:06:30 SHR: 03tom 07phoneui-apps * r7d72f9065bcd 10/ (6 files in 2 dirs): Updated licensing information to GPLv2+. Thanks sre. Relates to ticket #1165. Aug 01 21:06:37 recently I noticed MWI working on some Telekom DSL-router/ATA Aug 01 21:06:41 :-o Aug 01 21:06:45 hehe Aug 01 21:07:05 TAsn: will you do phonefsod too? or do I have to do that myself? Aug 01 21:07:16 that you will have to do yourself :P Aug 01 21:07:21 shit :/ Aug 01 21:07:21 * TAsn gotta go to sleep. Aug 01 21:07:24 :P Aug 01 21:07:25 I also did phoneuid Aug 01 21:07:26 sec. Aug 01 21:07:57 mrmoku: any clue how'd look the command and unsol MWI msg on AT? Aug 01 21:08:30 SHR: 03tom 07phoneuid * r28c1d594edbd 10/ (COPYING src/phoneuid-dialer.h src/phoneuid-phone-log.h): Updated licensing information to GPLv2+. Thanks sre. Relates to ticket #1165. Aug 01 21:09:20 DocScrutinizer: for calypso there should be some +CVWI Aug 01 21:09:23 or was it %CVWI Aug 01 21:09:38 mhm Aug 01 21:10:58 mrmoku, cool, closed the ticket. Aug 01 21:11:17 mrmoku, please make sure libphone-ui/-shr are both lgplv2+ Aug 01 21:11:17 thanks. Aug 01 21:11:23 I really gtg :P Aug 01 21:11:28 ok Aug 01 21:11:32 gnight :) Aug 01 21:11:39 those two I remember for sure that we decided are lgplv2+ :P Aug 01 21:12:41 I have my first qt/c++ project runnin but now have got a problem: For my application I have to set "wifi keep-bus-on-in-suspend" (om-hacks). So I burglared some source code lines from om-hacks and included them in my app. Everything works fine but how do I call my "setWifi(int val)" method when the user clicks the Qt-Back-Button to exit the program? I want to set it to default (off) when the user quits. This is where my Back-Button Aug 01 21:12:41 is created: QSoftMenuBar::setLabel(this, Qt::Key_Back, QSoftMenuBar::Back, QSoftMenuBar::AnyFocus); - there doesn't seem to be an option for executing optional code on exiting is there? Do I have to manually implement an exit-button or can I somehow extend the Back-Button-Object and this way include additional code? Aug 01 21:13:22 then again what or better where is that back-button-object Aug 01 21:14:37 on exiting? Aug 01 21:15:38 Qwidgets are not supposed to execute any code afaik. They just send signals to slots on any event Aug 01 21:15:59 Yes, when the user clicks the green back-button in the right bottom corner, I want my "setWifi(0)" method being called Aug 01 21:16:45 The back-button seems to be some kind of QWidget I guess? At least the first argument in the QSoftMenuBar::setLabel() method is one and that is filled with Qt::Key_Back in this case Aug 01 21:17:24 If I could somehow connect the button to my own slot Aug 01 21:17:27 any ideas? Aug 01 21:17:29 no idea, but I know you have to do this with signals and slots Aug 01 21:18:20 I will have a look again Aug 01 21:28:44 hmm it all seems to be hardcoded, you only pass an int value representing the Key Aug 01 21:28:57 but isn't there a deconstructor of my object being called? Aug 01 21:29:06 couldn't I include the code there? Aug 01 21:49:05 mrmoku|away, how is qt/evopedia going? ;) Aug 01 21:54:08 trev2, have you seen my link? Aug 01 21:56:53 . Aug 01 21:58:25 max_posedon, unfortunately not Aug 01 21:58:37 trev2, http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/qobject.html#signals Aug 01 21:59:05 thank you Aug 01 21:59:36 I now solved it via my deconstructor, currently testing Aug 01 21:59:42 hmm, #e channel doesn't let me to send to channel... anyone knows here whether elementary can have clicked_callback added to it? Aug 01 21:59:54 added to Label ? Aug 01 22:04:11 valos, looking at Elementary.h, label doesn't seem to have any callback Aug 01 22:05:37 pespin: but can you see it with button? Aug 01 22:06:57 vanous, /* smart callbacks called: Aug 01 22:06:57 * "clicked" - the user clicked the button Aug 01 22:06:57 * "repeated" - the user pressed the button without releasing it Aug 01 22:06:57 * "unpressed" - when the button is unpressed (released) Aug 01 22:07:46 pespin: on button? Aug 01 22:07:50 valos, yep Aug 01 22:08:05 valos, just take a look at Elementary.h Aug 01 22:08:15 you have the callbacks available for each widget Aug 01 22:09:01 pespin: i am looking at it here http://docs.enlightenment.org/auto/elementary/Elementary_8h.html Aug 01 22:09:27 but perhaps this isn't the best source of info...? Aug 01 22:11:04 valos, /usr/local/include/Elementary.h Aug 01 22:11:09 or wherever you have it ;) Aug 01 22:11:16 perhaps i will workaround it by using Entry and setting editable, then it seems it also accepts clicked... **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Aug 02 00:31:44 2010 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Aug 02 00:36:15 2010 **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Aug 02 02:59:57 2010