**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Jan 17 02:59:57 2011 Jan 17 18:02:45 hi all Jan 17 18:05:04 hi Jan 17 18:11:40 I just unwrapped my first siebaplug, and it looks good, but ... is there a good howto on using this as a slave AP somehow? I have a wrt54gl with openwrt that I'd like to use as my primary, at least for now ... or should I change roles between them? seems openwrt has better posssibilities on the router side built in Jan 17 18:12:03 siebaplug? Jan 17 18:13:07 sheevaplug, even Jan 17 18:14:34 the sheevaplug doesn't have wifi Jan 17 18:14:44 you mean guruplug Jan 17 18:15:01 erm ... sorry, yes Jan 17 18:15:08 DUNNO, LOL Jan 17 18:15:10 just a bit confused by the hostname Jan 17 18:15:22 i seriously don't know Jan 17 18:15:44 i'd keep using the linksys router, if anything because it's *meant* to be a router Jan 17 18:22:20 looks like there are two ports on the side of the plug - any idea what these are for? Jan 17 18:22:35 they're for the jtag board Jan 17 18:23:48 hm... should have gotten one of those Jan 17 18:23:53 yup :) Jan 17 18:24:18 * mwester shakes his head sadly Jan 17 18:24:40 Can't imagine why they sell it without the JTAG board. Jan 17 18:25:15 Isn't really a "GURUplug" without it, is it? More of a "HopeNothingBreaksPlug". Jan 17 18:25:23 lol Jan 17 18:25:24 yeah Jan 17 18:26:13 I think getting the JTAG board and a zigbee USB module and some rs/232 zigbee/IP dongles will be a good start - testing this for potential datalogger use Jan 17 18:28:19 is it possible to get a serial console working on this thing without the JTAG board? Jan 17 18:35:00 also, seems no NICs are setup in /etc/network/interfaces, but both have an IP - is this settable from the GUI somewhere? and if I override it in /etc/network/interfaces, won't that mess up the settings from the GUI? Sorry if these are dumb questions - I'm new to this hardware :P Jan 17 18:54:23 another question - setting wireless to client mode seems not to survive over a reboot "Note that after every Reboot, the Wireless SheevaPlug will be in AP mode." <-- is this hard to change permanently? **** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Jan 18 02:59:57 2011