**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon May 28 03:00:03 2018 May 28 03:06:16 after the rework, the reset cmd was probably encoded into the struct somehow. May 28 03:22:48 0x9f[ 2.250323] (null): Unknown CMD: 0x9f May 28 03:22:51 [ 2.254208] nand: maf_id: 87c31ccc, dev_id: 87c31cd0 May 28 03:22:53 [ 2.259345] (null): Unknown CMD: 0x9f May 28 03:22:55 [ 2.263222] nand: Chip ID: [00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00] May 28 03:30:40 https://debugdump.com/files/members/370/GD5F2GQ4UCYIG.pdf May 28 03:30:49 more accurate datasheet May 28 03:31:09 that one i sent earlier is an older version of the chip May 28 03:33:59 and it is c8 b1 May 28 03:35:09 oh hey, I've not heard of debugdump in a while :) May 28 03:35:40 so check this out May 28 03:35:49 there's two bytes returned for device id May 28 03:35:55 guess what they are :) May 28 03:36:00 yeah. that's pretty common. May 28 03:36:12 c8f1? May 28 03:36:26 nope May 28 03:36:43 b148? May 28 03:36:43 b1 48 May 28 03:37:31 souka. ok, I'll integrate this data :) May 28 03:37:44 yep. looks like there's a few subtypes. May 28 03:38:10 looks like what is happening is the 4.9.x kernel is reading 0xb1 then 0x48 May 28 03:38:15 these are the device ids May 28 03:38:20 0xb1 goes into maf_id May 28 03:38:51 i'm about to try to confirm this May 28 03:40:09 [ 2.250318] nand: maf_id: b1, dev_id: 48 May 28 03:40:12 [ 2.254400] nand: Chip ID: [b1 48 00 00 00 00 00 00] May 28 03:40:14 [ 2.259596] nand: No NAND device found May 28 03:40:29 so something is screwed up with the way 4.9.x kernel reads from this chip May 28 03:41:45 it skips a byte May 28 03:42:00 this is because the way spi works? May 28 03:42:13 when read id command is sent, 0xc8 sent back immediately. May 28 03:42:45 then when it does chip->read_byte twice to grab what it thinks is manufacturer id and device id, it really gets back the 2 device id bytes May 28 04:46:28 is there any reason for /sbin/rpcd to eat so much memory? May 28 04:46:32 PID USER PRI NI VIRT RES SHR S CPU% MEM% TIME+ Command May 28 04:46:32 851 root 20 0 13140 11624 20 S 0.0 19.3 7:22.45 /sbin/rpcd May 28 04:47:50 ds_shadof: yes, there's been a memory leak. Which version is reported by "opkg list_installed" ? May 28 04:48:41 rpcd - 2018-04-20-66a9bad1-1 May 28 04:49:08 ds_shadof: yep, thats affected. Run "opkg upgrade rpcd" and the high memory usage should be gone May 28 04:49:50 fuhhh, ok thx May 28 04:54:17 thought it somehow related to my ipset+dnsmasq+mwan3 experiments :) May 28 04:55:52 unlikely :) May 28 05:05:48 system went offline for a while and its time was way out, is running /e/init.d/sysntpd restart the right way to fix time? May 28 05:06:10 abenz: that should help May 28 09:18:21 hi all May 28 09:20:10 hi matteo May 28 09:34:59 doesn't it try and step time at bootup anyway? May 28 09:35:09 or you mean offline by not having connectivity? May 28 09:40:27 will 17.01.5 update the kernel? if so, to what? May 28 09:41:10 Shred00: you can read the log here and see it being continually updated: https://git.openwrt.org/?p=openwrt/openwrt.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/lede-17.01 May 28 09:41:53 karlp: thanks! May 28 10:00:49 Does anyone know the effect of passing duplicate bootargs to the kernel? e.g. "console= console=ttyS0" May 28 10:01:01 Is this invalid? Or does it take the first, last, both? May 28 10:27:22 Lantis: I'd say the last one wins May 28 10:27:38 Lantis: though I could also depends on the particular arg May 28 10:27:47 *I could imagine that it May 28 11:05:52 managed to get very early experimental support of the ipq8 nss working using SDK drivers May 28 11:06:02 able to pass 500k+ fps May 28 11:06:14 performance is comparable to MTK May 28 11:20:10 how do I make ssyupgrade do "compatible" type devices? May 28 11:20:43 my old ar71xx was rme-eg200, which was the old company name, but as ath79 was a new target, I thoguht I should use the current name, and the name that's ont he actual hardware, May 28 11:21:16 but sysupgrade says, "rme-eg200 not supported by this image, supported devices: etactica-eg200" May 28 11:21:47 and that "etactica-eg200" is neither the devicetree "model", nor the device tree "compatible" fields? May 28 11:22:13 it seems to be based on the filename from target/linux/ath79/image/generic.mk Device/blah ? May 28 11:24:17 karlp: it's SUPPORTED_DEVICES in Device/* sections in target/*/image/Makefile May 28 11:24:46 karlp: see target/linux/ar71xx/image/mikrotik.mk for examples May 28 11:25:58 ahh, thanks, May 28 11:33:59 hrm, sysupgrade from ar71xx to ath79 is leaving me with an old radio0 platform/ar933x_wmac UCI entry and a new radio1 platform/ahb/18100000.gmac entry. Clean install works fine, wifi works, but is it _meant_ to be able to upgrade across ar71xx->ath79 like that? May 28 12:00:59 karlp: no May 28 12:02:28 karlp: I mean the is no procedent for two different targets supporting the same device May 28 12:02:54 karlp: also if the device is reachable (and even wifi working) after sysupgrade then I'd consider that to be good enough May 28 12:03:18 karlp: we could add migration scripts to nuke old ar71xx specific entries of course May 28 12:15:55 I seem to remember the wireless radio stuff changed in maybe backfire->AA or something too, or AA->BB, don't remember. May 28 12:16:07 yeah, eth comes up ok, but wireless doesn't. May 28 12:16:21 you get a duplicate set of configs, May 28 12:17:48 https://zerobin.net/?eafeb56443878815#BBDz4Mbu8cht0DkTZaKvw7+2wvnvj/4IDg9CA+RHJUQ= May 28 12:18:42 it would certainly be nice to upgrade and not lose wifi, but it's not the end of the world May 28 12:20:17 karlp: we could add a migration script i guess May 28 12:21:14 but right now did not even think about that yet May 28 12:21:35 yeah, np, early days. May 28 12:22:16 there's lots of warnings from dtc abotu address-cells and size-cells for the mdio blocks, is that just a missing property at the ath79.dtsi level? May 28 12:22:39 karlp: correct May 28 12:22:54 i've seen them already , we should fix them early May 28 12:23:01 busy with nss offloading today though May 28 12:23:13 I'll leave that alone then, I've got no _extra_ ones from my dts now. May 28 12:23:20 and with it starting to do stuff i am currently tunnel vioning on that stuff May 28 12:23:28 np, keep it up May 28 12:23:57 I think my only quirk now is that I have a /sys/class/leds/ath9k-phy0 that I didn't make and that doesn't exist. May 28 12:24:03 wish i had access to the SDK wifi hyfi driver May 28 12:24:35 karlp: led_pins inside ahb code prolly not set to -1 May 28 12:24:39 it should be May 28 12:24:47 but not sure May 28 12:25:42 I have that led, and my dts defined "wlan" led both trigger on phy0tpt, and it works at least :) May 28 12:29:59 ok May 28 14:12:17 got my dts finished, and fixed a bunch of the warnings from all the existing boards: https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/pull/991 May 28 14:34:39 * blogic wonders if mauro's mum knows how he is behaving May 28 14:34:47 sure she would be dissappointed ... May 28 14:54:48 Hey guys, does anyone know how to use (if possible at all) the qualcomm wifi drivers with openwrt for ipq40xx? Seems like the included drivers give me quite some issues May 28 15:01:23 * ldir lols May 28 15:18:41 dedomraz: possible yes but they are really bad drivers May 28 15:18:48 dedomraz: require patches hostapd May 28 15:18:58 userland integration would be messy but doable May 28 15:19:04 do you have the hyfi src code ? May 28 15:22:44 ah, I have no idea what the hyfi src code is :-) May 28 15:23:50 I have the b1300, and the drivers in openwrt (ath10k) are just.. not stable at all, constantly dropping speeds to ~25Mbps, and the proprietary drivers work just fine, but are unfortunately tied to openwrt CC, which does not include some packages, that I really need :-/ May 28 15:33:41 As I can see we take the same and make the same mistakes. No news, horrible unreadable website, no new release since half a year etc ... May 28 15:35:29 perhaps I fork should be necessary May 28 15:35:32 a May 28 15:46:13 yann-kaelig: LEDE remerged with OpenWrt recently so a fork doesn't make much sense at all May 28 15:47:25 help May 28 15:53:46 DanRanger: what's up? May 28 15:55:57 has anyone here been using dslreports.org to test their bufferbloat recently? May 28 15:56:20 I can't seem to get the bufferbloat bit to work. May 28 15:57:06 After the test has finished the bufferbloat rating is just a grey circle with no grade. May 28 15:57:18 tried another browser? May 28 15:57:33 Yeah, Firefox and Edge May 28 15:57:46 may sound stupid, but there a lot of browser racism going on lately :( May 28 15:57:52 lol May 28 15:58:15 like Chrome getting preferential treatment? May 28 15:58:25 basicly if you're not running chrome or chromium you're out of luck May 28 15:58:30 hmm May 28 15:58:41 I'll give it a shot May 28 15:58:44 waiting for today's 18.06-snapshot May 28 15:59:12 huaracheguarache: actually for me it shows a gray circle with - for speed in firefox May 28 15:59:21 bufferbloat shows A May 28 15:59:57 huaracheguarache: if any consolation I've just noticed it's no longer working for me either - and note 06.07s Internet connection interrupted? - websocket error just after it does the idle BB setup. May 28 16:00:18 ldir: where do you see that error? May 28 16:00:21 getting A+ bufferbloat. speed always C or D on a 15/10 DSL connection May 28 16:01:06 stintel: strange May 28 16:01:11 and I'm using safari, the ultimate in white supremacist web browser....and clearly the best in web racism. May 28 16:01:19 I got interruptions last week on DSLReports, on Friday. May 28 16:01:41 * ldir puts tongue firmly in cheek May 28 16:02:26 ldir: damn poacher! May 28 16:02:54 ldir: lol. even I don't consider safari a browser May 28 16:03:02 heretic! May 28 16:03:38 ldir: i use brave, the ultimate kekistani REEEEE browser :) May 28 16:04:11 The dslreports forums have some posts from people complaining about issues with the bufferbloat rating as well May 28 16:04:15 build #840 of ixp4xx/harddisk is complete: Failure [failed tools] Build details are at http://phase1.builds.lede-project.org/builders/ixp4xx%2Fharddisk/builds/840 blamelist: Daniel Golle , John Crispin May 28 16:04:36 huaracheguarache: if you clikc 'results & share' you'll see the run log at the bottom of the page. May 28 16:06:44 ldir: just checked and I also get it May 28 16:07:18 so it's not web browser racism. /me carries on running safari. May 28 16:07:22 No dice with Chromium either =/ May 28 16:07:28 ))) May 28 16:07:59 ldir: know of any good alternatives for testing bufferbloat? May 28 16:09:30 ldir: huaracheguarache: apparently if you click "results & share" you also get a "report bug" button May 28 16:10:10 https://www.thinkbroadband.com/speedtest does a latency graph as well. May 28 16:10:41 ldir: nice, thanks May 28 16:10:54 stintel: thanks, will report it May 28 16:12:29 only getting A for bufferbloat May 28 16:12:33 wonder what's going wrong May 28 16:13:13 you're not putting enough packets down the link - try harder! May 28 16:14:09 today is stupid email day .... May 28 16:14:30 the tone on the lede list was so much nicer May 28 16:15:36 https://pastebin.com/A8WEJkt5 can someone explain why the first rule is created/needed for nat reflection? May 28 16:16:10 blogic: /me laughs May 28 16:17:55 * ldir wonders whether we should fork? May 28 16:18:12 and waits to be stoned to death :-) May 28 16:22:30 ldir: yikkeees dont say that word May 28 16:22:34 its called rebooting May 28 16:23:34 oh yes, I remember now. Mea culpa :-) May 28 16:23:57 what's the forbidden word May 28 16:24:04 blogic: i like your response on the ml :P May 28 16:24:16 guy's been grumpy from the start May 28 16:24:32 ldir: did you break something? May 28 16:24:53 * ldir realises he could have a lot of fun with this..... erm... now what word is forbidden..... erm. May 28 16:25:05 thanks is the forbidden word. May 28 16:25:46 * ldir waits to see if Borromini buys this. May 28 16:28:43 you overplayed your hand, sorry May 28 16:28:46 not credible :P May 28 16:28:52 doesn't bring me any closer though QQ May 28 16:31:36 * blogic eats stroop waffles May 28 16:31:48 oooh share!!! May 28 16:31:51 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stroopwafel May 28 16:32:13 so the story goes, a company pinged me regarding ath79 and wanted that glinet ar150 ported May 28 16:32:31 I did not have the SoC inside so i said "sure send me one and i'll use it as a test device" May 28 16:32:36 that's funny... dutch word in english, even spellec correctly :D May 28 16:32:39 * spelled May 28 16:32:49 ^^^ironic May 28 16:32:50 so that unit arrived with a tin of stroop waffles May 28 16:33:07 I like this company May 28 16:33:09 they figure you'll code faster on a sugar high! May 28 16:33:12 yeah May 28 16:33:13 Give them my email May 28 16:33:21 and then i sent them an email saying all ported and today, ding dong at the door, package from amazon.nl with 5 more tins inside May 28 16:33:26 any hidden substances in those stroopwafels? May 28 16:33:29 noooo! May 28 16:33:32 o_O May 28 16:33:34 that's amazing May 28 16:33:41 pretty cool, never happened before :-D May 28 16:33:52 normally best you get is nothing or maro style mails May 28 16:33:58 maro? May 28 16:34:01 mauro May 28 16:34:12 sorry don't know the reference. May 28 16:34:23 I should go and look at this device and see if I should buy one. May 28 16:34:26 gl-inet seems pretty cooperative May 28 16:34:27 I'm just reading up on that reference.. May 28 16:34:34 ldir: buy one from blogic May 28 16:34:49 he has them on sale :D May 28 16:35:07 ldir: The AR150? May 28 16:35:19 Borromini: keeping them May 28 16:35:22 they are pretty cool May 28 16:35:30 :P May 28 16:35:35 Yeah, they're an old chipset but they do work well May 28 16:35:45 i can't imagine what you'd do with five of those, but i'm not into iot or anything May 28 16:35:53 which is what gl-inet seems to be pushing them for May 28 16:35:54 I went with the MT300N and regretted it May 28 16:35:57 blogic: so they're paying you in stroopwafels ? :P May 28 16:36:17 stintel: at least stroopwafels is less of a hype than bitcoin ;) May 28 16:36:21 :P May 28 16:36:21 Borromini: Er, I think he meant five tins of stroopwafles, not five AR150s :P May 28 16:36:30 Monkeh: correct May 28 16:36:38 oh :( May 28 16:36:39 * ldir ROFLs May 28 16:36:42 Not that I'd be disappointed with five AR150s May 28 16:36:44 gahhh now I want stroopwafels May 28 16:36:47 sorry i thought they sent you five routers more :D :D May 28 16:36:49 no one? second rule makes sense to me. if a client does a request to the public ip, it gets redirected to the internal hosts. But why is it needed to change the change the source address to the router address by the first rule? May 28 16:36:50 * stintel goes to find stroopwafels in Bulgaria May 28 16:36:52 evening May 28 16:36:56 o/ May 28 16:37:05 stintel: blogic has them but isn't sharing. BOOOOOOO!!! May 28 16:37:15 hoarding stroopwafels May 28 16:37:20 in a german backwater May 28 16:37:31 blogic: They need to send you an AR300M and more stroopwafels now ;) May 28 16:37:44 ldir: by the time they arrive here I would have forgotten about it May 28 16:37:57 'Hoarding Stroopwafels' should be his skype status. May 28 16:38:03 hehe May 28 16:38:15 skype? what's this proprietary blasphemy?! May 28 16:38:30 lord almighty May 28 16:38:42 is this GNU/OpenWrt or just OpenWrt btw May 28 16:38:48 or GNU/BSD/OpenWrt May 28 16:39:03 strpwfl/openwrt May 28 16:39:08 :D May 28 16:39:09 * ldir goes to start a fresh build on his MACBOOK! May 28 16:39:15 ldir: Heretic May 28 16:39:41 * ldir doesn't care ;-) May 28 16:39:47 * Monkeh uses his Thinkpad to reduce the Macbook to small pieces May 28 16:40:08 * Borromini keeps his xps 13 out of sight May 28 16:40:26 * Monkeh crushes Borromini's XPS 13 under a Latitude May 28 16:40:34 you're no fun :'( May 28 16:40:45 I like 'em big and lethally heavy. May 28 16:40:48 along with #openwrt we have gotten the bullies as well it seems :D :D May 28 16:40:57 * stintel throws his Coolermaster Cosmos II based workstation at Monkeh May 28 16:40:59 Monkeh: but mine is running linux O:-) May 28 16:41:09 * Monkeh catches it and holds it close May 28 16:41:10 * Borromini peels Monkeh off the wall May 28 16:41:15 :D May 28 16:41:17 I am used to these objects May 28 16:41:27 * Monkeh throws a Powermac G5 at stintel May 28 16:41:37 weeeee May 28 16:41:40 always wanted a G5 May 28 16:41:45 i think i prefer girls doing pillowfights, but that's just me :P May 28 16:41:47 Mine's special May 28 16:41:52 It belonged to Microsoft. May 28 16:42:00 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cumbria-44279079 May 28 16:42:44 * ldir has a stinkpad W520 upstairs, which is just too darned heavy to carry around these days :-) May 28 16:43:14 it turns out my server is so old i have no cables anymore to hook it up to my new monitor :( :( May 28 16:43:41 Missus ldir has just discovered this evening's culinary delight requires marinading overnight...which hasn't been done. So we're ordering pizza. Now that's what I call a result! May 28 16:44:19 so you get to decide what you're eating tonight, but you'll sleep on the couch May 28 16:44:24 great tradeoff, i say May 28 16:44:36 Borromini: VGA strikes back, or is it the anti-DVI brigade at work again? May 28 16:44:48 Monkeh: monitor only has displayports and HDMI May 28 16:45:01 Anti-DVI brigade again May 28 16:45:09 server has hdmi and everything except DP... and i've been stocking up on DP cables :( May 28 16:45:22 DP is tolerable May 28 16:45:29 But I'm still fond of my nice robust connectors May 28 16:45:40 Borromini: heh, what monitor(s) do you have that it doesn't have VGA anymore o_O May 28 16:45:41 yeah except i have no converter for my server... so i'll have to get out my old monitor >_> May 28 16:45:56 schm0: it might be to do with coping with potential source port re-writing rather than just address. May 28 16:46:05 stintel: I'm actually kinda glad to see VGA go away! May 28 16:46:06 stintel: Dell U2712D May 28 16:46:16 I'd rather have a DVI-I port May 28 16:46:20 even the last one I have still has VGA May 28 16:46:31 I actually have one with just DVI-I ports May 28 16:46:33 dvi-i would be handy for backup. at least most moderately modern stuff has dvi May 28 16:46:37 but no. May 28 16:46:47 and i just have one hdmi -> mini hdmi cable >_> May 28 16:47:26 https://tweakers.net/pricewatch/498395/dell-ultrasharp-u2717d-zwart/specificaties/ < stintel May 28 16:47:38 still brand new :) May 28 16:48:03 16:9, sad. May 28 16:48:06 i could hook up my server to my desktop tv screen as well. problem solved, lol May 28 16:48:11 Monkeh: why is that. May 28 16:48:16 what do you have May 28 16:48:21 4:3? :P May 28 16:48:25 :P May 28 16:48:27 (and 16:9 and 16:10) May 28 16:48:32 i thought 'what's with that trump reply' May 28 16:48:35 Monkeh: don't get me wrong, I don't mind it going away, but both my Dell U2410 and iiyama B2888 still have vga May 28 16:48:42 I want more vertical resolution May 28 16:48:49 Monkeh: this one is 2560 x 1440 May 28 16:48:51 but yeah May 28 16:49:00 The ongoing trend to making things as wide as possible when all useful information is vertically oriented is offensive May 28 16:49:01 16:10 is as good as dead unfortunately, no ? May 28 16:49:04 but 4k would have been too small probably May 28 16:49:10 yeah haven't seen much 16:10 anymore May 28 16:49:12 stintel: Still plenty about, actually, just not for the higher resolutions May 28 16:49:19 ah yeah May 28 16:49:27 1920x1200 is about the limit you can easily find May 28 16:49:29 there's little choice at 2560x... alas May 28 16:49:34 well I've been looking out for a nice 4k monitor May 28 16:49:35 Which means 24" May 28 16:49:38 24" May 28 16:49:59 @ldir hmm i dont know. -s -d -j SNAT --to-source So if a client in the same network uses the internal ip of the nat reflection target it gets changed to the router ip? why? May 28 16:50:07 I'd rather have a couple 16:10 24" monitors than a 4K in 16:9 May 28 16:50:51 maybe I should get a 3rd U2410 somehow May 28 16:51:02 (I want to go from dual monitor to triple May 28 16:51:11 o_O May 28 16:51:18 i went from single to single but higher-res May 28 16:51:26 my desk only has so much spare space May 28 16:51:35 stintel: http://www.dell.com/en-uk/work/shop/dell-24-ultrasharp-monitor-u2415/apd/210-aevc/monitors-monitor-accessories May 28 16:52:00 schm0: I have no idea - jow is probably the man for this May 28 16:52:13 okay ty^^ May 28 16:52:28 stintel: They still make the old U2412M: http://www.dell.com/en-uk/work/shop/dell-ultrasharp-24-monitor-u2412m/apd/210-agyr/monitors-monitor-accessories May 28 16:52:33 It seems to be well loved May 28 16:52:48 Certainly enjoyed the few I've supplied others - never have saved my pennies to get my own May 28 16:52:54 afk, gf stuff May 28 16:54:40 blogic: I see you're having fun with all the entitled users :) May 28 17:02:23 :) May 28 17:08:22 terribly hot weather... May 28 17:08:47 i think the first rule only makes sense if the request comes from a different zone? May 28 17:09:31 e.g. when you have a dmz zone. then it looks like the request comes from the router May 28 17:31:51 blogic: what is your rate for porting the archer c7 v2 to ath79 ? May 28 17:34:17 ldir: Well my rate is an Archer C7 v2. :) May 28 17:34:34 and a banana no doubt? May 28 17:34:42 Bananas always accepted May 28 17:34:52 lol May 28 17:37:19 ldir: I am porting a very similar device... With my router, everything is working except internal wifi. I haven't test usb yet. May 28 17:41:33 numero53_: are you on the ath79 thread on the forum? May 28 17:42:50 Borromini: this one? https://forum.lede-project.org/t/is-anybody-working-on-linux-4-14-for-ar71xx-platform-porting-guide/13013/ May 28 17:43:22 numero53_: yeah :) May 28 17:43:51 Yes it's me ;) May 28 17:44:51 blogic: well played sir. well played. (talking about the wnr2000v3) May 28 17:45:38 although it's hard to take serious when his email is @memeware.net May 28 17:46:03 numero53_: ^_^ May 28 17:46:12 mangix: overly cautious tinfoil hat i reckon May 28 17:49:16 ultito: yeah, those temps look pretty boiling at 19 CEST: http://portal.chmi.cz/?l=en May 28 17:49:39 same here :( May 28 17:50:14 Borromini: hot? May 28 17:51:17 ldir: there is no rate, just yell at him and demand it. It also helps to point out how you expect him to do the work for free May 28 17:51:37 lol May 28 17:51:38 jow: oh you've been reading the emails too :-) May 28 17:52:30 that's why I was asking about the current stroopwaffle to device porting exchange rate May 28 17:52:39 it seems today is complaining day May 28 17:52:57 we suck, we have a horribly outdated website and didn't make a release in *half a year* May 28 17:53:18 what a bunch of losers we are May 28 17:53:34 apparently Monkeh consumes the device...and optionally bananas - go figure :-) May 28 17:53:37 huaracheguarache: yeah 27° atm and 24° 'predicted' at 22:00 her ein belgium >_> May 28 17:54:01 ldir: I sacrifice hardware on the altar of the machine god. May 28 17:54:47 jow: yeah, I suggested we fork^w reboot... didn't go down well ;-) May 28 17:55:10 Monkeh: yeah I've had the magic smoke escape a few times myself. May 28 17:55:14 * mangix throws a banana at ldir to attract Monke May 28 17:55:29 I rarely let the magic smoke out these days May 28 17:55:30 schm0: that first rule is required to make the reflecting router appear to be the sender May 28 17:55:43 schm0: otherwise the target host attempts to reply directly, bypassing the router May 28 17:56:04 schm0: most hosts will drop such traffic (unexpected reply, does not match the tcp stream etc.) May 28 17:56:35 Borromini: things have cooled down here a bit for now. Here's the outlook for my location: https://www.yr.no/place/Norway/Oslo/Oslo/Oslo/long.html May 28 17:56:55 is that normal for oslo this time of the year? May 28 17:57:00 no May 28 17:57:07 ok :-/ May 28 17:57:14 Borromini: https://www.yr.no/place/Norway/Oslo/Oslo/Oslo/statistics.html May 28 17:57:26 28°C :( May 28 17:57:32 was 32 two hours ago May 28 17:57:40 That's a lot warmer than Tromso in winter! May 28 17:58:15 antwerp, belgium here, we have no nice detailed weather stats from our meteorological institute May 28 17:58:36 yeah, the Norwegian website is pretty nice May 28 18:01:57 Borromini: what about this: https://www.meteo.be/meteo/view/nl/65657-Klimaat.html May 28 18:09:24 https://www.meteo.be/meteo/view/nl/123386-Waarnemingen.html < this is the closest we get May 28 18:09:32 it's 27,9° C here now May 28 18:09:53 https://www.meteo.be/meteo/view/en/123386-Waarnemingen.html < in english even :) May 28 18:11:30 too hot =( May 28 18:11:59 huaracheguarache: in the afternoon 32C May 28 18:12:09 here in Netherlands 27.3°C http://knmi.nl/nederland-nu/weer/waarnemingen May 28 18:12:35 now when night comes is outside only 25°C May 28 18:13:45 Borromini: btw, I visited Brussels recently and I couldn't find any app to buy tickets for public transportation. Do you know if there's an app for that? May 28 18:14:03 all of that without air condition May 28 18:16:02 I hope that 18.06 wil be released soon. In that moment I can forget about terribly hot weather during router upgrades May 28 18:16:41 huaracheguarache: not that i know of... i barely take public transport in brussels (barely go to brussels as well) May 28 18:18:40 Borromini: form what I saw they only have some sort of chip card as an alternative for good old paper tickets. May 28 18:19:07 someone has some suggestion for digital thermometer i can use to measure temperature outside? May 28 18:19:27 ultito: sleep in the basement if you have one. it's a lot cooler May 28 18:20:12 nope, I don't have May 28 18:20:18 =( May 28 18:28:37 huaracheguarache: yeah. but it requires registration i think. May 28 18:28:45 or a subscription May 28 18:34:57 huaracheguarache: i think in amsterdam public transport can't be paid in cash anymore, e.g. May 28 18:35:14 and they discourage it here as well (nor are you able to pay tickets with a bank card on the streetcar e.g.) May 28 18:35:49 They want your money far in advance May 28 18:48:36 @jow but this is only needed if the nat reflect target is in a different zone? May 28 18:49:16 hmm but then the -s makes no sense May 28 18:53:01 so.. the rule is needed to make internal requests look like, that they are coming from the router? May 28 19:22:14 Borromini: apps are pretty convenient, and you would expect an international city like Brussels to have one May 28 19:53:18 anyone working on a 4.14.44 bump ? May 28 20:02:52 stintel: i have one i can share but the layerscape patch adjustments need looking at May 28 20:02:57 when working with iptables destination is always abbreviated to dst and in uci firewall config it is dest. why ? i know its only cosmetical but somewhat confusing May 28 20:03:04 running .44 on 18.06 on my dir-860l May 28 20:03:47 so, i only have a bump for 18.06 May 28 20:03:59 ah May 28 20:04:02 I'm doing for trunk May 28 20:04:05 damnit May 28 20:04:05 ok May 28 20:04:13 at this point it shouldn't differ much? May 28 20:04:15 stintel: there is no such thing as trunk May 28 20:04:20 hehe May 28 20:04:33 i renamed my checkout to 'master' to remind myself it's not trunk anymore :P May 28 20:04:43 mine is "source" May 28 20:04:53 I hated that "source" repo name May 28 20:05:04 lol May 28 20:05:06 I'm usually the first to nag about using "trunk" May 28 20:05:13 now I'm saying it myself May 28 20:05:22 "there is only one source. this is the source of everything." May 28 20:05:37 one source to rule them all, and bind them into darkness May 28 20:06:01 Hello people does kernel-4.14 work with wireguard ? May 28 20:06:14 stintel: you could git apply my patch on trunk, then run the refresh again May 28 20:06:31 trunk.... aaarggghhhh!!!!! May 28 20:06:37 gonzo__: yup May 28 20:07:03 last night, i got like so trunk... May 28 20:07:26 i didnt make it work :/ May 28 20:07:35 Ore cant install it May 28 20:08:17 gonzo__: did you install kmod-wireguard wireguard-tools? May 28 20:09:12 It is this version i hade on my router master-r7050-9c409cb4e2-20180527-kernel-4.14 May 28 20:09:49 It is a custom made for r7800 May 28 20:10:25 that is fine. May 28 20:10:41 Borromini: did you already send it ? May 28 20:11:16 Ok i will try again thx :D May 28 20:11:31 gonzo__: do you have the util May 28 20:11:35 stintel: no, will send it right away May 28 20:11:41 gonzo__: do you have the util 'wg' on the router? May 28 20:11:58 gonzo__: or only the kernel module? May 28 20:12:08 Hmm i will reinstall the router and try and see that May 28 20:13:20 stintel: help me out. how do i create/send a patch series with git send-email May 28 20:13:29 because i have both the 4.9 and 4.14 bump May 28 20:14:10 Ihttps://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/HowToUseGitSendEmail/ May 28 20:14:29 is a useful guide May 28 20:14:55 Borromini: 4.9.what ? May 28 20:14:58 i have set up git send-email May 28 20:15:02 ldir: .103 May 28 20:15:12 for master? May 28 20:15:16 git send-email is set up correctly May 28 20:15:18 no for 18.06 May 28 20:15:42 i'm a chicken May 28 20:15:55 Borromini: or format-patch -1 and send it to me as attachment May 28 20:16:01 i switched as soon as 18.06 got branched :^) May 28 20:16:02 May 28 20:16:06 :D :D May 28 20:16:07 I doubt that very much. If you are a chicken you've mastered typing May 28 20:16:15 which is bloody clever May 28 20:16:32 humans routinely underestimate animal kingdom intelligence May 28 20:17:05 Borromini: or we can just let my update_kernel.sh finish :P May 28 20:17:13 anyway monsoir poulet - did you have any 'moments' in with layerscape with your bump? May 28 20:17:18 as it's already running, that's probably the laziest solution of all ;) May 28 20:17:21 stintel: :P May 28 20:17:29 ldir: i did kind sir May 28 20:17:37 and they require looking at from my modest point of view May 28 20:17:56 so did I - and not sure I resolved correctly which is why I haven't got round to sending mine in yet. May 28 20:18:19 let's see what the expert says when he hits the layerscape refresh snag. May 28 20:19:08 expert? where May 28 20:19:43 this is what I did https://github.com/ldir-EDB0/openwrt/commit/28debe7b026957ce68253b73f2ef704f54e278a3 May 28 20:19:56 ldir: i just need to use git format-patch -2 to create a two-part patch series May 28 20:20:08 http://ix.io/1bF9 < this is my .103 bump ldir May 28 20:20:33 i think commit ffab87fdecc655cc676f8be8dd1a2c5e22bd6d47 fixed the first layerscape hiccup May 28 20:20:37 yes, if you don't actually want to send it :-) May 28 20:20:55 oh i want to May 28 20:21:23 i was just unsure, and since it's for 18.06 and a minor bump i'm not sure if it will even be accepted May 28 20:22:20 must be the heat, talking gibberish May 28 20:22:26 well format patch will give you that patches - but you still then have the potential hassles of sending in 'in line' plain text format May 28 20:22:41 how do you mean May 28 20:22:52 format-patch + send-email works fine no? May 28 20:23:05 git send-mail is the best way to do that IMO. May 28 20:23:26 oh so you do have send-email set up? May 28 20:24:09 i do May 28 20:24:16 i just didn't know how people created patch series May 28 20:24:28 turns out it's as easy as git format-patch $amount_of_commits May 28 20:24:42 so it looks like we share the same thoughts on the layerscape bump May 28 20:24:59 so you can do it as 2 part process but you could do it in one step - git send-email -2 --cover-letter --annotate May 28 20:25:24 stintel: dslreports can only grade the connection speed if you're logged in and have configured a reference speed - that's all that bubble does, grade how far off the reference speed you are May 28 20:25:37 ha so either we're equally clever or equally dumb. stintel has the casting vote :-) May 28 20:25:57 ldir: hehe. thanks for the tip. will add that to my git cheat sheet. May 28 20:26:12 it's in that web page I linked. May 28 20:26:18 huaracheguarache: dslreports is sometimes weird when it comes to the bufferbloat value, it often works - sometimes it fails to compute it (browsers don't matter, I see no reason why it succeeds or not) May 28 20:26:37 ldir: sorry... haven't had time to look at it May 28 20:27:10 np - it's not that long and I found it very useful. May 28 20:27:11 maybe server overloaded, maybe too much packet loss for a valid benchmark, it's not obvious May 28 20:27:33 pkgadd: sorry for disappearing yesterday. yeah, I reported it as a bug. May 28 20:28:00 pkgadd: the logs show some kind of websocket error May 28 20:30:26 pkgadd: btw, my ISP finally got around to fix iptv =) May 28 20:30:31 :) May 28 20:30:38 ldir: I'll vote dumb, just for me ;) May 28 20:31:05 there's not much benevolent in your dictatorship oh stintel May 28 20:31:17 at least *some* on the guys on the team are nice :^) May 28 20:31:40 s/benevolent/benevolence/ May 28 20:31:52 sweaty spring days stink. May 28 20:33:42 896+ May 28 20:35:29 is that fahrenheit May 28 20:36:15 I think stintel's vote now means we've got to get a 4th person to do the bump. Sigh. 8) May 28 20:36:26 ldir: :D May 28 20:37:09 ldir: hehe May 28 20:37:33 i know another monkey that can run that script May 28 20:38:15 might need to be bribed with a banana May 28 20:39:01 they always tell me: you pay *peanuts*, you get monkeys ;) May 28 20:39:14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0YBAjquaAk May 28 20:39:28 that usually summons him May 28 20:40:52 god 90 seconds of that drivel May 28 20:42:58 oh there's worse/better https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIyixC9NsLI&list=RDo0YBAjquaAk It's out surrealed me! May 28 20:43:44 Badger badger badger badger badger badger May 28 20:44:25 yeah that's the one! May 28 20:45:03 anyway, the monkeh summoning has worked.... get 'im Borromini ... use a banana May 28 20:45:04 mushroom mushroom! May 28 20:45:08 why does everyone here want to run wireguard? is it some kind of new fad or hype like docker was back in the day? May 28 20:46:17 because it's the systemd of embedded linux! May 28 20:46:21 * Borromini hides May 28 20:46:24 https://www.badgerbadgerbadger.com/ May 28 20:46:49 ldir: https://youtu.be/iiqkwPJTJko?t=46 May 28 20:46:50 it's a tunneling protocol that's a) in kernel b) fast c) err. d) new e) good a) good May 28 20:47:06 c) err. ? May 28 20:47:18 f != a May 28 20:47:30 very secure by default too? May 28 20:48:01 b) secure May 28 20:48:14 What happened to fast? May 28 20:48:44 I think the badgers may have caused some temporary confusion May 28 20:48:49 snaaake snaaaake May 28 20:49:11 temporary - how very dare you Sir!!! May 28 20:49:20 ldir: "in-kernel", but not mainline and "new" are actually its downsides as well - because you can't expect it to be present on 'normal' systems May 28 20:49:26 this is permanent May 28 20:49:27 Sorry, a slight increase in the state of the permanent confusion. May 28 20:49:41 ldir: permanent as in brain damage? May 28 20:49:47 ldir: whats a new tunneling protocol ? May 28 20:50:03 wireguard May 28 20:50:04 Borromini: The internet is known to the state of California to cause brain damage May 28 20:50:09 yeah May 28 20:50:18 and studies cause cancer in rats May 28 20:50:34 ahhh yeah wireguard is decent May 28 20:50:37 let's take an unvetted cryptographic network tunneling application and put all of the attack surface in the fucking kernel. GREAT IDEA GUYS! May 28 20:51:34 salcedo: so vet it :) May 28 20:51:42 salcedo: What could possibly go wrong? :) May 28 20:52:20 if by vetting you mean being a honeypot... i guess that could work? :) May 28 20:54:28 openvpn/openssl (and other ssl libraries) have their fair share of recurring security vulnerabilities, i still feel safer using openvpn than something IN THE KERNEL running immature crypto. May 28 20:54:33 even Linus wants WireGuard :D https://lkml.org/lkml/2018/2/13/752 May 28 20:54:44 linus is always right May 28 20:54:54 at least, when he trashes nVidia he is :^) May 28 20:55:00 :) May 28 20:56:03 salcedo: Have you considered taking your concerns to the wireguard mail list wireguard@lists.zx2c4.com ? May 28 20:56:27 ldir: nope. installed openvpn and called it a day ;) May 28 20:56:40 https://www.wireguard.com/protocol/ & https://www.wireguard.com/papers/wireguard.pdf May 28 20:57:19 it is really awesome May 28 20:57:55 whatever floats your particular boat. May 28 20:58:12 and i hope more people use it. May 28 20:58:13 ipsec being overly complex.. I thought i was the only one May 28 20:58:34 those long "right: " "left: " configs... May 28 20:58:35 * ldir wonders if it's him? May 28 20:59:40 Now imagine using ipsec with weird, bastardised implementations from certain large vendors who shall not be named. May 28 20:59:56 Monkeh: exactly! May 28 21:00:08 Borromini: so the layerscape bit you need looking at is 4.9 ? May 28 21:00:23 ldir: read the paper a couple weeks ago actually. and i was amazed. May 28 21:00:59 ldir: the kernel thing and the "newish crypto" still scare me a bit. i hope more folks test the waters first :D May 28 21:01:27 It's got a little bit to go yet May 28 21:01:37 stintel: yeah but ldir has the same implementation it seems, and his github stuff is way more readable than mine May 28 21:01:47 afaik there's still no working implementations for other platforms for a start May 28 21:01:49 I don't speak github though May 28 21:02:05 stintel: i did raise my observations/concerns above the tear line May 28 21:02:33 Once wireguard works on *BSD and Android at least, there should be a bit more uptake May 28 21:03:00 Monkeh: there's an alpha freebsd (I think) and mac os. May 28 21:03:02 yeah I gave wireguard a try when I was in a hotel and my ipsec roadwarrior config turned out to be broken May 28 21:03:15 I ended up fixing the ipsec config because I couldn't get wg to work May 28 21:03:34 ldir: Yeah, once that gets an official stable release things should pick up May 28 21:03:46 i should look into wireguard or sth... but i haven't really tried/needed it May 28 21:04:04 it's userspace only of course..... but bloody useful as a quick road worrier solution. May 28 21:04:22 you worry too much :D May 28 21:04:23 ldir: I'm imagining (probably optimistically) there should be some serious movement by the end of the year. May 28 21:04:50 stintel: ;-) May 28 21:05:08 My driving probably does worry the roads. May 28 21:05:13 heh May 28 21:05:19 ugh, speaking about driving May 28 21:05:48 my tranny was acting up yesterday :( May 28 21:06:11 I guess to much torque in 2nd gear, and too confused when driving over the factory speed limit May 28 21:06:17 in 7th May 28 21:06:40 you have a transgender driver? May 28 21:06:44 how fast? what car? May 28 21:06:57 careful May 28 21:07:04 your answer may be used in a court of law May 28 21:07:05 abenz: 2014 BMW M235i, factory speed limit is 250kph May 28 21:07:10 ldir: :P May 28 21:07:23 we all know about german 'factory' speed limits May 28 21:07:40 you look at the car the right ay and the limits disappear, probably May 28 21:07:55 just like their emission checks May 28 21:07:59 haha May 28 21:09:04 abenz: in 2nd gear, iirc somewhere around 4500RPM, I suspect one of the clutches (it's ZF8HP auto) slipped, hitting revlimiter, shifting up to 3rd, then stopped slipping and found itself to be in too low RPM and shifted back from 3rd to 2nd May 28 21:09:14 totally killing 0-100 times May 28 21:09:40 so you removed the electronic speed limit of 250, how fast were you actually going? I feel I'm about to take off once I pass 170.. May 28 21:09:44 careful man.. May 28 21:09:54 abenz: did 260 on GPS on an abandonned airstrip May 28 21:10:52 stintel: Silly autos. May 28 21:10:55 intense May 28 21:13:27 Monkeh: :) May 28 21:13:40 it's my daily May 28 21:13:49 stintel: I've just got a daft 5-speed manual with a USB-like fifth gear (takes three tries) May 28 21:13:52 considering ordering an M2 Competition with manual May 28 21:13:58 o_O May 28 21:14:08 (and keeping the M235i May 28 21:14:08 Not sure what I'm going to do about that, doesn't seem to be an easy part to get May 28 21:15:36 the tranny software learn your driving behavior or something May 28 21:15:40 going to reset that and see if it helps May 28 21:15:48 if not I guess I'll be replacing some clutches May 28 21:16:24 Or, considering how 'fun' those are May 28 21:16:27 Paying someone else to May 28 21:16:32 even with that shifting errors I managed to get .1s of the 0-100 spec time May 28 21:16:40 yeah that May 28 21:16:56 Heh, 0-100 time - so that's about equivalent to my 0-40 then. :P May 28 21:16:57 oh and it was slightly uphill too May 28 21:20:41 * Borromini wonders if he can tune his bike May 28 21:21:59 Borromini: I wouldn't quite suggest this https://www.presseportal.de/blaulicht/pm/4971/3949165 approach though... May 28 21:22:35 hahaha May 28 21:24:29 man, talking about cars in this channel too May 28 21:24:34 can't get away May 28 21:27:32 stintel must be everywhere May 28 21:29:51 stintel is in _some_ of teh other channels I'm in, but not the other one currently discussing cars :) May 28 21:30:17 :P May 28 21:39:23 Hmm... I'm just a bit suspicious about that bike story - the article claims there was almost no profile on the tires, while the picture shows more profile than the tires on my bike even started with. The brake pads, on the other hand, look sketchy at best.. May 28 21:42:36 valdisk: if you look at the detail images on the bottom, you'll see that the profile is basically gone in the middle, where the tire touches the ground May 28 21:58:56 4.14.44 pushed May 28 21:58:59 nighty night folks May 28 22:00:24 Holla! Can anyone recommend a good and cheap pcie ac wifi card? Possibly with option to get from amazon (us)? Thanks! May 28 22:00:42 and of course well supported by openwrt :-) May 28 22:05:02 oh cool May 28 22:05:10 .44 has a 64-bit time fix May 28 23:09:22 hey. any prognostication on ar71xx/etc getting to 4.14? May 28 23:10:44 or is that all going into the ath79 side of dev? May 28 23:17:02 hanetzer: the gospel has been to leave ar71xx on 4.9 indefinately, with ath79 taking over at kernel 4.14 May 28 23:17:16 k, cool. May 28 23:18:13 how do you feel about taking some of https://github.com/bbrezillon/linux-0day/tree/nand/spi-nand/drivers/mtd/nand/spi << this and sticking it into openwrt? May 28 23:22:33 and heres another question: target/linux/ar71xx/files/arch/mips/ath79/mach-*.c; those get stuck into the kernel dir when building ar71xx targets; is there a more global location one can use which will work on any target? May 28 23:27:17 hanetzer: I've only been relaying the gist of http://lists.infradead.org/pipermail/openwrt-devel/2018-February/011312.html May 28 23:37:26 Hmm May 28 23:37:51 Any idea why ramips is desired to stay 4.9? May 28 23:38:14 Monkeh: it's on 4.14 currently... May 28 23:38:28 Well, that's an old email, so.. May 28 23:38:37 yes, I has read it May 28 23:39:08 the reasoning was for stability reasons May 28 23:39:32 which was bogus since 4.9 and 4.14 both have a bug with data corruption May 28 23:39:51 Isn't that a had now? May 28 23:40:35 yes and no. The patch for it is in OpenWrt but not in mainline linux yet May 28 23:40:39 it's in linux-next though May 28 23:40:59 Close enough. May 28 23:41:23 * Monkeh tidies patches May 28 23:41:35 * mangix throws a banana to help May 28 23:41:36 I might actually get this stuff emailed out tomorrow, that'd be a shocker May 28 23:46:35 I'm thinking about ordering one of those: https://wiki.openwrt.org/toh/zbt/we-826 May 28 23:47:10 I understand it has a sim slot, but I need to buy an LTE module and connect mpcie port? May 28 23:47:45 anyone running a similar setup, I'm open to other model suggestions (primarily, want to have a single box with working simslot) May 28 23:47:52 abenz: those are usually pure USB devices, using the mini-pcie formfactor exlusively for its USB lanes (and power) May 28 23:49:48 abenz: usually I'd assume mt7621 based SOCs would be more reliable (wlan), so zbt we1326 or zbt wg3526 might be more interesting. disclaimer, I don't have any ramips devices, nor anything lte May 28 23:50:48 pkgadd: I have a wg3526, it works good apart from flaky 2.4Ghz May 28 23:51:10 but I'm yet to have any device with a built-in lte module May 28 23:52:35 Please no more MT7620 May 28 23:52:51 And this is coming from the guy who can asplode an MT7628 at will. May 28 23:57:34 ZBT-WE2216-5G May 28 23:57:58 ^ what about this model, QCA9531 based and has 5G May 28 23:58:10 pic shows a small slot but their spec sheet doesn't say much May 29 00:01:15 Appears to be an SD slot May 29 00:01:58 ..and no trunk support May 29 00:02:17 abenz: you want support, use briefs :P May 29 00:02:50 although I think most likely its a clone of another device which already has support +QCA9887 May 29 00:03:30 Probably not hard to port. May 29 00:03:59 yup May 29 00:10:35 btw is kernel 4.14 now working on your c2600? May 29 00:13:54 pkgadd: after I recovered it I switched it off (using wg3526 as daily now). I saw a comment from John about merging DSA drivers soon (with partition size + 4.14 bump), so I will jump back once this happens May 29 00:14:13 you know all of that was because I was trying to use dsa drivers so I can dial 2 WANs with same tag May 29 00:14:33 for now I'm using a cheap tplink desktop smart switch to untag the second ISP fiber modem May 29 00:14:57 abenz: yep, and the older dsa patches were most likely your problem (as well, my nbg6817 bricked with them as well) May 29 00:15:17 I see May 29 00:16:27 pkgadd: do you have any devices with mt7530 switch ? May 29 00:16:55 abenz: nope, ar71xx/ ath79, lantiq and ipq8065 May 29 00:17:43 any one using samba with username credentials? May 29 00:18:47 i am trying to use with username and password, i made entry into passwd file and smbpasswd on the user, but it doesnt work May 29 00:18:54 what is that i am missing May 29 00:19:35 that would be Marvell 88E6060, RTL8366RB, AR8327N, AR8337, PSB 80910 - I think May 29 00:19:45 followed this https://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/uci/samba May 29 00:19:46 chandoo: do you have option users 'your user name' May 29 00:20:05 pkgadd: I asked because I saw there was some dsa work on mt7530 too May 29 00:20:16 from 2017, but it seems that stalled May 29 00:20:25 abenz, yes i have that entry May 29 00:20:37 there is also some work (upstream) for RTL8366RB and for lantiq May 29 00:21:33 chandoo: it doesnt work how? what error/behaviour you are seeing? May 29 00:21:57 pkgadd: any idea on current state of mt7530 dsa? May 29 00:22:07 accessing from windows it says username and password not correct May 29 00:22:14 google shows lkml links from late 2017 May 29 00:22:23 http://lists.infradead.org/pipermail/openwrt-devel/2018-May/012582.html and https://git.openwrt.org/?p=openwrt/staging/hauke.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/lantiq-dsa unfortunately I don't really know about ramips devices May 29 00:22:26 i gave same password using passwd and smbpasswd May 29 00:22:48 abenz, do i need have passwd set for the user? or no need May 29 00:24:05 chandoo: not sure if this is related, but here's my setup: I have a user named nginx, this is a normal linux user (ie can be seen in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow), then I run smbpasswd nginx, and enter a password for samba May 29 00:24:09 I'd like to get a zbt we1326 or wg3526, but neither are available from .eu (and I don't really want fun with customs), the xiaomi mir3g would be easier to get (but just 2+1 ethernet ports just don't cut it for me) May 29 00:24:13 and no it doesn't have to be the same as the system password May 29 00:24:25 I mean the nginx linux password May 29 00:24:46 I'll paste my samba config May 29 00:25:09 pkgadd: the wg3526 is very good value for money. the only problem like I mentioned is flaky 2.4Ghz wifi May 29 00:25:40 I compile a new build from trunk every time I see "mt76: update to latest version", hoping the 2.4 issues will be resolved May 29 00:25:46 it seems to be getting better.. but still flaky May 29 00:25:52 ie nowhere near ath9k for example May 29 00:26:04 abenz: interference is supposed to be a problem with mt7602 (more than with-) and mt7603 May 29 00:26:53 abenz, have you created nginx group as well? May 29 00:27:16 chandoo: http://paste.debian.net/1027035/ May 29 00:27:45 chandoo: no May 29 00:29:02 pkgadd: I see May 29 00:29:15 abenz, i did user creation by hand, copied line nobody and changed username and uid May 29 00:29:19 I tried all suggestions in current github discussion thread May 29 00:30:30 abenz, this is my line nginx:*:1009:65534:nobody:/var:/bin/false May 29 00:30:32 chandoo: that should be fine, I have a passwd file in my /files/etc so I don't need to create the user everytime (or install linux utils just to add a new user) May 29 00:30:37 what about the shadow file? May 29 00:31:12 mine: nginx:x:2:2:nginx:/mnt/storage/:/bin/ash May 29 00:31:20 I use this user to run a torrent client too May 29 00:39:51 abenz, i made entry into shadow May 29 00:40:04 do i need to restart anything other than samba? May 29 00:40:56 chandoo: Depends. Does anything other than Samba use that userid for anything? May 29 00:41:06 no May 29 00:41:39 it works now, but not asking for passwd May 29 00:42:48 is it a good idea to point home directory to a usb drive? May 29 00:46:22 chandoo: I do, no issues May 29 00:46:35 careful tho May 29 00:47:12 if directory is there and its not mounted and you do stuff on it, it will fill up your flash May 29 00:47:23 so depending on how you set it up May 29 00:47:51 my torrent client config file is on the usb drive itself, if the drive is not mounted, then the client will error out and wont start May 29 00:48:04 so a setup like that (no risk of filling up flash) should be fine May 29 00:48:12 okay May 29 00:53:11 abenz, thank you I will fix not asking for password later May 29 00:53:31 chandoo: np May 29 00:54:48 null passwords = yes ; what is this in edit template, is it becuase of this it is not asking for samba user password? May 29 01:08:57 chandoo: just edit /etc/config/samba May 29 01:09:21 don't modify the config files manually May 29 01:09:30 see the my config in paste above May 29 01:09:39 -the May 29 01:19:56 abenz, it is working now. asking for password as well, thanks May 29 02:07:17 hmm May 29 02:07:31 want happend to luci May 29 02:07:47 the firewall rules overview looks a bit ugly now xD May 29 02:18:42 just about done with the ar71xx->ath79 port for the gl-ar300m (spi nor boot0 May 29 02:20:58 很好 May 29 02:21:04 mangix: hmm? May 29 02:21:26 never mind May 29 02:21:48 are there any QCA9558 devices ported yet? May 29 02:22:09 mangix: openmesh om5pacv3 apparently May 29 02:22:31 I'm guessing the c7 v2 should be relatively easy to port then May 29 02:22:46 i'm guessing no DSA on ath79 yet though May 29 02:22:59 dsa being? May 29 02:23:15 distributed switch architecture? May 29 02:23:18 i forgot May 29 02:46:00 and port is pretty much done on the spi boot side :) **** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue May 29 03:00:04 2018