**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Mar 13 02:59:57 2008 Mar 13 14:12:35 morningf Mar 13 15:23:27 Hei. I have a little problem. I cannot get my qt library programs to compile with dev-c++. What environment variables do I need to set up to get qt and Dev-c++ working in XP? Mar 13 16:27:35 is there a very plain and simple guide on how to put qtopia on a n800 ? google seems to be not my friend ... Mar 13 16:54:14 pusling: you get a n800 ? Mar 13 16:54:26 maybe. Mar 13 16:56:59 but I kind of have problems getting scratchbox to behave nicely for me. Mar 13 16:58:01 i hva one since two days now :), maybe i should ask ljp if he need some help Mar 13 17:00:41 have you gotten qtopia running on it ? Mar 13 17:40:46 pusling: i did no try, but should be easy to compile the current version and just start application, my only question for ljp is what is better Xomap (aka x11) or directfb ? **** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Mar 14 02:59:57 2008