**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Feb 02 02:59:58 2011 Feb 02 12:03:52 ogra: Dude! Feb 02 12:11:02 lag, yo ! Feb 02 12:11:30 ogra: There you are Feb 02 12:11:43 ogra: How do you build kernels for the images? Feb 02 12:11:43 whats up ? Feb 02 12:12:29 you mean rolling uimage out of vmlinuz ? Feb 02 12:13:04 No, where is it built? Feb 02 12:13:07 On LP? Feb 02 12:13:14 on the cdimage server Feb 02 12:13:35 using the debian-cd scripts Feb 02 12:13:44 Okay, let me re-phase the question Feb 02 12:13:50 I have created a PPA Feb 02 12:14:05 Is there any point in putting a kernel image in it? Feb 02 12:14:17 And u-boot image? Feb 02 12:14:28 Or it is only used for userspace packages? Feb 02 12:14:29 i think there are possibilities to b uild from PPAs but i have never used them Feb 02 12:14:49 and i dont know if that would work for kernels at all or just userspace Feb 02 12:15:11 'cos your PPA is just userspace stuff isn't it? Feb 02 12:15:12 i know there is code in livecd-rootfs (the script that rolls the rootfses) to use PPAs Feb 02 12:15:29 but i dont know if debian-cd could use that Feb 02 12:15:35 Okay Feb 02 12:15:38 Thanks for your help Feb 02 12:15:45 ask cjwatson about that Feb 02 12:15:58 our images all have kernels in the archive usually Feb 02 12:16:25 if its urgent for you i'd write a script that just grabs the image and replaces the kernel Feb 02 12:16:47 on chinstrap or people.canonical.com Feb 02 12:26:01 Great, cheers Feb 02 15:17:44 Using karmic build on my "HTC Evo" I am trying to get my login name's desktop to be loaded instead of roots's desktop. I have export USER=dad and HOME=/home/dad in my chroot script what am i missing (the reason all of roots folders are rdonly and when i install Darwin Streaming Server I get all these "socket errors" and permission errors. I have tried as root and as user dad to install, in Feb 02 15:17:44 different folders root and dad doesnt make a diff. any help would be appreciated Feb 02 16:30:08 ok, panda image looks good, installs and runs Feb 02 16:32:44 GrueMaster, could you start with XM so we have the set complete ? Feb 02 16:33:02 * ogra only has one microSD left and i dont want to overwrite that Feb 02 16:33:06 Already on it. Doing both side by side. Feb 02 16:33:13 ah, sweet Feb 02 16:34:42 GrueMaster: so the dvi output seems to be working for you with rev B Feb 02 16:34:56 Yes, with the latest kernel. Feb 02 16:35:00 I could only test with my rev A Feb 02 16:35:02 good Feb 02 16:35:14 cool, so we have a working alpha 2 for both machines Feb 02 16:35:25 Which means images prior to today will fail on A3. Feb 02 16:35:46 that's fine Feb 02 16:35:51 XM A3 that is. Feb 02 16:36:05 Yea, I'm not too concerned either. Feb 02 16:37:12 Anyone know anything about the server images in http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily ? I pulled them for later examination and curiosity. Feb 02 16:37:26 Not part of the release though. Feb 02 16:41:17 no idea Feb 02 16:41:22 i didnt build them Feb 02 16:41:54 and they wont work anyway Feb 02 16:42:10 yea, I figured as much. Feb 02 16:42:16 ask persia, he has the list of flavours and who is responsible iirc Feb 02 17:17:57 I get a handful of "note: the mangling of ‘va_list’ has changed in GCC 4.4" when cross compiling qt apps using the arm-linux-gnueabi-g++ compiler. And someone at #qt claims this to be a compiler bug. Anyone familiar with this? Feb 02 17:22:53 thats simply a note about code that hasnt been ported to new compiler behavior Feb 02 17:23:25 shouldnt cause any issue, its just to notify the devs to make the change at some point as i understand it Feb 02 17:23:35 Well, our developers get like 500 of those when compiling the apps and cant find the real warnings within it Feb 02 17:24:43 grep va_list Feb 02 17:24:45 ? Feb 02 17:25:14 It's in Qt headers, and Qt points to armel qt bug.... Feb 02 17:25:27 i ment armel gcc bug Feb 02 17:25:37 well, talk to #linaro, they maintain the toolchain Feb 02 17:25:43 thanks Feb 02 17:26:14 but since thats done mostly by codesourcery guys i cant really imagine its the compiler side being at fault here Feb 02 17:26:24 especially regarding the text of the message Feb 02 17:27:16 I agree. In essence I'm looking for a way to supress the message. But that's OT here, so thanks anyways Feb 02 17:45:09 ogra: https://code.launchpad.net/~lool/jasper-initramfs/mkimage-move is still marked as pending review, is this obsolete? Feb 02 17:45:27 It would need to be updated ot use u-boot-tools nowadays Feb 02 17:45:57 actually rejecting my own mp Feb 02 17:46:09 lool, yeah, its obsolete Feb 02 17:46:46 all mkimage stuff will move to flash-kernel-installer right after A2 and jasper will use that Feb 02 17:47:06 i just didnt get to it before A2 because of unity-2d Feb 02 17:47:55 Hmm flash-kernel wasn't merged from Debian was it? Feb 02 17:49:55 lool, no, and i wont merge it i think, there is nothing in it apart from additional arches we dont care about Feb 02 17:50:12 lool, unless linaro has a strong interest in supporting kirkwood Feb 02 17:50:53 i have a bunch of pending patches on LP to merge, thats more intresting than the debian merge actually Feb 02 17:52:10 lool, and it looks like we need to rework the flash-kernel handling of initramfs-tools completely, upstream demands that the triggers are shipped by the linux packages Feb 02 17:53:08 i.e. we are not allowed to call flash-kernel in update-initramfs anymore Feb 02 17:54:08 Will you work on that? Feb 02 17:54:28 for the ubuntu kernels, yes, linaro will have to adapt that Feb 02 17:54:45 in essence it should be similar to how grub is handled Feb 02 17:55:05 lool, do you have any strong interest in a debian merge of flash-kernel ? Feb 02 17:55:54 (if there is any demand i'm fine to do it ... but i wont do it just for doing it ;) ) Feb 02 18:08:30 ogra: I'm reviewing my lp inbox, and found https://code.launchpad.net/~sveinse/project-rootstock/apt-source-fix/+merge/47387 seems to be waiting for review Feb 02 18:09:22 ogra: flash-kernel > I think we have accumulated a large delta in Ubuntu and we should try to merge support for these platforms in Debian; I personally suspect flash-kernel needs rearchitecturing to be a bit more versatile, and it would be best if Debian and Ubuntu were close to each other before that happens Feb 02 18:09:43 lool, yep, i think rsalveti has it on his radar Feb 02 18:09:44 (the rootstock fix) Feb 02 18:09:49 I'm not so much interested in getting the latest Debian changes into Ubuntu as in shrinking the delta Feb 02 18:09:55 and sveinse talked to us here Feb 02 18:10:03 ogra: yup Feb 02 18:10:24 lool, i would prefer to shrink the delta by supplying our changes to debian first Feb 02 18:11:01 the upstream delta to what we have in ubuntu atm isnt big Feb 02 18:11:14 only our additions are Feb 02 18:11:28 i agree that flas-kernel needs redesign Feb 02 18:11:50 bug 702898 Feb 02 18:11:50 Launchpad bug 702898 in ubiquity "ubiquity crashed with TypeError in changed(): value is of wrong type for this column" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/702898 Feb 02 18:12:07 GrueMaster, is that the geoip bug ? Feb 02 18:12:17 * ogra is to lazy to open it :P Feb 02 18:13:20 Yes. My crash report has the exact same error information, so it's a match. It is also fixed. I just updated all the packages on my panda image between boots and ubiquity doesn't crash anymore. Feb 02 18:13:45 ah, thats why i didnt get it, i did a networked install Feb 02 18:13:53 But I don't think it warrants an image respin. Feb 02 18:14:03 and we agreed that armel doesnt need a respin for it Feb 02 18:14:08 I have a networked install as well, but through a nat firewall. Feb 02 18:14:09 * ogra discussed it this afternoon Feb 02 18:14:20 Ah. Must have missed it. Feb 02 18:14:30 in -release Feb 02 18:14:32 ogra, My list isn't complete or official currently: there's another call for product managers just post Alpha 2. Feb 02 18:14:48 persia, well, do you have anyone for dove server images ? Feb 02 18:14:56 i think thats rather a mistake Feb 02 18:15:04 No. Nobody I talked to said they wanted to support dove. Feb 02 18:15:09 given that we dont support dove at all Feb 02 18:15:32 and the omap server images have no bootloader handling Feb 02 18:16:01 i'm all for selling janimo's headless image as server on omap rather than wasting space for non working images Feb 02 18:16:06 I agree. Feb 02 18:17:43 The only armel images I've heard about are Ubuntu Desktop/omap3 Ubuntu Netbook/omap4, Kubuntu Desktop/omap4, Kubuntu Desktop/imx51, Kubuntu Mobile/N900, Xubuntu Desktop/imx51, headless/omap3, headless/omap4 Feb 02 18:17:59 But for lots of those, there's no kernel in the archive, so it looks doubtful Feb 02 18:18:06 Ubuntu Desktop/omap3 ??? Feb 02 18:18:17 what for would that be ? Feb 02 18:18:33 we ship Desktop on the image Feb 02 18:18:44 Oh, right, Ubuntu Desktop/Ubuntu Netbook merged. Feb 02 18:18:58 not really either ;) Feb 02 18:19:05 the image is netbook Feb 02 18:19:17 but thanks to gdm requirements it ships gnome desktop Feb 02 18:20:12 Oh, then maybe I'm confused. Feb 02 18:20:41 I think Ubuntu Desktop/omap3 was as proof-of-concept for the better-subarch-detect spec. Feb 02 18:21:01 I suppose that could be done with Ubuntu Server/omap3 Feb 02 18:25:50 Other than the normal netbook and now server images, I am not seeing anything for armel in weeks. Feb 02 18:27:22 persia, if you find a product manager for it Feb 02 18:29:58 ogra, Indeed. The purge didn't happen for Alpha 2, and when I started asking questions, I was told it couldn't happen until Alpha 3. Feb 02 18:30:18 But I suspect the product manager for the PoC for better-subarch-detect will end up being the better-subarch-detect folk. Feb 02 18:30:22 well, its trivial for NCommander or me to stop them building Feb 02 18:31:05 though indeed i dont hack around on antimony during a milestone release ;) Feb 02 18:31:46 but i'll disable the server builds on friday, if someone needs it back he can ask for it Feb 02 18:32:28 Go ahead, if there's resource issues. I believe skaet will be sending out something Monday or Tuesday, and we'll end up trimming with the results of that later. Feb 02 18:33:10 there is always space issues Feb 02 18:33:24 i.e. for todays milestone images jaunty had to be removed Feb 02 18:33:37 jaunty belongs on old-images anyway. Feb 02 18:33:52 indeed Feb 02 18:34:06 that was just to point out how short on space we are Feb 02 18:34:31 it wasnt removed because it belongs somewhere else but because the space was needed Feb 02 18:34:52 that it belonds to old-releases was just a sideefect Feb 02 18:46:15 ogra: The ti-omap-extras is missing. Is that known? Feb 02 18:46:26 GrueMaster, i havent seeded it yet Feb 02 18:46:32 Ah, ok. Feb 02 18:46:40 since it went out of jasper Feb 02 18:46:44 Thought I'd point it out. Feb 02 18:46:56 yep, thanks Feb 02 18:47:04 i'll care for that after alpha Feb 02 18:47:05 Better to ask before filing a bug. I'll add it to the comments. Feb 02 18:47:23 feel free to file a bug and assign it to me if you feel like Feb 02 18:49:14 Looks like univers/multiverse are still not being added to sources.list. Feb 02 18:49:57 That might have been a victim of the jasper re-write, sadly. The code to do it is still in the original bug. Feb 02 18:50:27 well, i'll add it to jasper if needed Feb 02 18:50:37 do you have the bug # Feb 02 18:50:54 * persia digs it up Feb 02 18:50:57 (saves me having to search). Feb 02 18:50:59 i still need to generate .symbols files for all the unity-2d libs and then should be done with that Feb 02 18:51:12 so i can concentrate on jasper again after A2 Feb 02 18:51:19 bug #659754 Feb 02 18:51:21 Launchpad bug 659754 in ubuntu-netbook-efl-default-settings "Universe & multiverse are not enabled on OMAP4 preinstalled image" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/659754 Feb 02 19:24:38 Using karmic build on my "HTC Evo" I am trying to get my login name's desktop to be loaded instead of roots's desktop. I have export USER=dad and HOME=/home/dad in my chroot script what am i missing (the reason all of roots folders are rdonly and when i install Darwin Streaming Server I get all these "socket errors" and permission errors. I have tried as root and as user dad to install, in Feb 02 19:24:38 different folders root and dad doesnt make a diff. any help would be appreciated Feb 02 19:29:01 In qemu i log in as user but in Evo it logs in as root Feb 02 19:30:54 is it because the chroot is in root, is there a remidy? Feb 02 19:40:06 Homefix1: I'm a little confused. Does the Evo support armv7? Feb 02 20:28:34 im sorry it does Feb 02 20:28:52 Grumaster: im sorry it does Feb 02 20:30:55 GrueMaster:My scripts are her in this tutorial i put together http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=10584098#post10584098 Feb 02 20:31:33 scroll to mid-page bootubuntu.sh Feb 02 20:48:02 Homefix1: My main question is why you would be using karmic as opposed to Lucid (LTS), Maverick (latest stable) or Natty (bleading edge). Feb 02 20:48:18 Karmic is due to be EOL once Natty releases. Feb 02 20:49:12 And it is only Armv6+vfp optimized. Not armv7. Feb 02 20:58:20 Gru: everything is fine i just need a litttle assist. getting it to boot into my personal desktop rather than root. Feb 02 20:58:45 I have used lucid and mav. too Feb 02 20:59:12 I should have said lucid. Feb 02 20:59:35 I dont use Mav because i get seg fault in qemu Feb 02 20:59:53 Ah. Feb 02 21:00:12 just like if i made lucid .img on lucid build i get seg faults Feb 02 21:01:03 I won't be able to help as this is outside of my scope. I just wanted to make sure you were actually using a supported distro. Of course, most of us are currently focused on natty, so I don't know how much help you will get, but good luck. Feb 02 21:02:19 in qemu i can boot into my personal (user)desktop fine in my evo it boots into roots desktop no matter what i do Feb 02 21:02:39 and of corse it is read only Feb 02 23:55:19 hi. does any one successfully install ubuntu server on beagleboard xm? Feb 02 23:59:31 hipaulshi, i run my beagle's as server's... apache/etc.. are you looking at speicif meta package or what? **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Feb 03 02:59:57 2011