**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Nov 27 02:59:57 2011 Nov 27 05:18:22 gildean, you about? Nov 27 08:46:00 hi Nov 27 08:46:15 anyone have a hercules ecafe slim with ubuntu installed? Nov 27 08:46:29 Its netbook have a modified ubuntu thats i dont like Nov 27 08:46:48 this use uboot for boot kernel but i dont know how works it for install new ubuntu Nov 27 09:44:08 System is crashed??? ASUS Eee pad transformer i have (in tried to install Ubuntu). e.g: http://i.imgur.com/E9o16.png Nov 27 09:45:13 I copied also the file rootfs.ext2 but why its showing that? Nov 27 09:45:38 IamTrying: which install is that Nov 27 09:45:54 clearly the outdated one from jhinta actually Nov 27 09:46:11 IamTrying: m.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=19731842 Nov 27 09:46:15 hm Nov 27 09:46:33 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=19731842 even Nov 27 09:47:32 lilstevie, i did this one, i have splash screen but not booting to ubuntu http://eeepadhacks.net/transformer-hacks/how-to-install-native-ubuntu-on-eeepad-transformer/ Nov 27 09:48:10 Once i boot > I see the splash penguin icons > And then i get > http://i.imgur.com/E9o16.png Nov 27 09:48:48 that information is outdated Nov 27 09:49:58 lilstevie, should i be doing then OLiFE? But is that same way? Nov 27 09:50:38 OLiFE is not quite the same, it uses the internal emmc Nov 27 09:50:52 OLiFE.tar.gz , OLiFE-Prime-Edition.tar.gz , Ubuntu.img.gz (3 files it got). Nov 27 09:52:20 OLiFE-Prime-Edition has a rom included Nov 27 09:52:41 OLiFE.tar.gz requires you to supply a rom, and the ubuntu.img.gz Nov 27 09:53:05 What confusing me is that. I use nvflash but i do not have any external MicroSD cards will Olife do that? Nov 27 09:53:46 Using SSHDroid i included the rootfs.exe2 files in /sdcard/Ubuntu/rootfs.ext2 Nov 27 09:54:03 nvflash if i can tell to look into that directory i think it should work. Nov 27 09:54:32 not the same Nov 27 09:54:59 using olife it reflashes the entire emmc, including /sdcard Nov 27 09:55:14 and reparitions it so ubuntu has its own partition Nov 27 09:55:24 also, with that kit you used, it requires an external SDcard Nov 27 09:55:31 that is why you are getting that error Nov 27 09:56:14 I got it, but i do not have MicroSD card, i want to do it what i got now like not wait for SD card to buy etc. Nov 27 09:56:18 If i use Olife Nov 27 09:56:22 Can i at-least go back like i did with restore.sh? Nov 27 09:56:31 lilstevie: just woke up, why Nov 27 09:57:16 IamTrying: you can restore yes Nov 27 09:57:39 gildean: I saw in the logs you upgraded compulabs modified natty to oneiric on the trimslice Nov 27 09:57:54 yeah Nov 27 09:58:00 was just wondering what you did, cause every time I try it dies horribly Nov 27 09:59:16 i think it was just mostly using apt in apt the wrong way and changing the distro in sources.list Nov 27 09:59:33 lilstevie, that is great. Just to make sure before i make mistake 1) i followed this link http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1191141 2) I downloaded OLiFE-Prime-Edition.tar.gz 3) Does it have the latest Ubuntu ARM or its old? Nov 27 09:59:39 then multiple upgrades and dist-upgrades Nov 27 10:00:08 first upgrade, then dist-upgrade, then dist-upgrade again and then upgrade && dist-upgrade Nov 27 10:00:11 iirc Nov 27 10:00:23 fair enough Nov 27 10:00:28 using do-dist-upgrade fails Nov 27 10:00:38 IamTrying: it is oneiric Nov 27 10:00:55 i did apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade Nov 27 10:01:11 the first upgrade and dist-upgrade fail Nov 27 10:01:12 gildean: cool Nov 27 10:01:27 gildean: will try it in an hour or so :) Nov 27 10:01:52 gildean: tbh I have been considering getting a generic image running on it Nov 27 10:01:53 then the second dist-upgrade worked and then the last upgrade && dist-upgrade fixed the broken ones Nov 27 10:02:03 yeah, me too Nov 27 10:02:07 Ok, that is very latest to test with. Nov 27 10:02:24 IamTrying: I maintain that image, and installer Nov 27 10:02:31 actually i made a site for it already, just haven't had time to start the project in more depth Nov 27 10:02:37 fair enough Nov 27 10:02:39 http://julkinen.salaliitto.com/trimslice/ Nov 27 10:03:06 hah I saw that the other day Nov 27 10:03:08 pretty cool Nov 27 10:03:10 Wow Nov 27 10:03:27 gildean: actually I would be interested in adding trimslice support to my image for the tf Nov 27 10:03:31 lilstevie, you are Genius Nov 27 10:03:49 IamTrying: not really Nov 27 10:04:14 :) Nov 27 11:44:16 lilstevie.... , I installed the OLiFE-Prime-Edition but now its doing a loop auto reboot 1) http://i.imgur.com/gmLrs.png 2) http://i.imgur.com/4ISkR.png without stop its like loop. Nov 27 11:45:28 This is the steps i took https://gist.github.com/1397454 Nov 27 11:49:31 ok yeah, sorry about that, can you switch the boot order Nov 27 11:49:37 you can do that without reflashing Nov 27 11:49:52 by going into the update menu Nov 27 11:50:25 there is an issue in the current kernel that doesn't allow ubuntu to be default Nov 27 11:50:28 only secondary Nov 27 11:51:20 lilstevie, https://gist.github.com/1397454 So i go to APX mode and reinstall and choose secondary? Nov 27 11:52:04 or go into the update menu Nov 27 11:52:40 Yes i am now in Update menu> its saying 2. Ubuntu/Linux kernel 4. Ubuntu Rootfs Nov 27 11:52:46 Should i take 2? Nov 27 11:52:48 so yeah Nov 27 11:52:52 option 1 and 2 Nov 27 11:52:59 * infinity is tempted to buy a TrimSlice... Nov 27 11:53:18 Because my desk isn't littered with enough little ARM devices... Nov 27 11:53:29 infinity: heh Nov 27 11:53:33 Applied 2 asking 1. Turn device on or 2. Hold vol-down then press vol-up ? Nov 27 11:53:51 press 2 Nov 27 11:55:48 lilstevie, i have black screen now : https://gist.github.com/1397463 Nov 27 11:56:33 ok, Nov 27 11:56:44 reboot the device hold vol- Nov 27 11:56:47 Now i started. And its again those loop Nov 27 11:56:51 and press vol+ when asked Nov 27 11:57:49 After power-on i have same loop again: 1) http://i.imgur.com/gmLrs.png 2) http://i.imgur.com/4ISkR.png (auto restart and loop) Nov 27 11:58:19 lilstevie: Do you know off the top of your head what the odds are of us being able to do a generic tegra2 kernel that supports, say, AC100, TF101, and TrimSlice? Nov 27 11:58:33 lilstevie: The idea of shipping a different kernel image for every device is really off-putting. Nov 27 11:58:48 IamTrying: you didn't follow the instruction I just gave Nov 27 11:59:03 i did vol+ yes Nov 27 11:59:03 infinity: I was actually going to suggest something like that Nov 27 11:59:17 IamTrying: you wouldn't have had that pic Nov 27 11:59:24 lilstevie, i applied vol+ but still the same Nov 27 11:59:30 pressing vol- white writing would have appeared Nov 27 11:59:34 then you press vol+ Nov 27 11:59:49 lilstevie: Suggest away. Better yet, give me something based on our AC100 source that works on your TF101, I'll verify that it still works on my AC100, and we'll call it good. :P Nov 27 11:59:53 infinity: it would require patching device bootloaders though Nov 27 11:59:56 lilstevie: (Lather, rinse, repeat for TS) Nov 27 12:00:06 except for trimslice Nov 27 12:00:15 lilstevie: Oh, that sounds less pleasant (the bootloader hackery). Nov 27 12:00:24 to report a boardID Nov 27 12:00:32 lilstevie: Due to AC100 and TF101 using messed-up Android boot/partition semantics, I'm assuming? Nov 27 12:00:40 Oh, or just boardID? Nov 27 12:00:45 because all tegra2 tablets seem to report ventana as the board identifier Nov 27 12:00:50 We could perhaps fudge that heuristically. Nov 27 12:00:57 maybe Nov 27 12:01:06 that would be more plesant Nov 27 12:01:19 infinity: using in kernel pt hacks are probably a little bit better Nov 27 12:01:36 lilstevie, I have first this screen 1) http://i.imgur.com/gmLrs.png > Pressing vol- / + or vol + or only vol - just not responding its doing the same loop over and over. Nov 27 12:01:37 the TF101 uses GPT Nov 27 12:01:47 It does? Nov 27 12:01:50 Curious. Nov 27 12:01:51 IamTrying: you are still not following Nov 27 12:01:55 infinity: yeah Nov 27 12:02:10 GPT + forcing GPT on the commandline Nov 27 12:02:38 IamTrying: white writing will appear on screen telling you to press volume up to boot RCK Nov 27 12:02:55 you need to hold volume down while pushing power until that writing appears Nov 27 12:02:56 Well, assuming we're dealing with factory PT schemes, then, we could just assume nvflash+MBR is ac100, nvflash+GPT is TF101, and uBoot is TrimSlice. That all falls apart when people do fun things like install uBoot on their AC100, though. ;) Nov 27 12:02:58 then press volume up Nov 27 12:03:07 I'm sure we can come up with saner ways to gently probe. Nov 27 12:03:10 Or something. Nov 27 12:03:13 heh Nov 27 12:03:15 I dunno. Something to toss around anyway. Nov 27 12:03:34 well personally I am moving to u-boot as soon as it is more stable on the tf101 Nov 27 12:03:41 Three kernel images won't kill us either. At the very least, we should generate them from the same source, so it's a bit more maintainable. Nov 27 12:04:11 at the moment though u-boot is small enough to put the MBR at the start of "rest of flash" as per swarrens brain dump Nov 27 12:04:29 the tf101 does a similar thing with boot blocks on emmc Nov 27 12:04:41 Yeah. Nov 27 12:04:47 that take up the first 0x38000000 Nov 27 12:05:03 I'd like to fast forward ~5 year to when most ARM devices boot with a sane and standardised method. Nov 27 12:05:12 yeah Nov 27 12:05:12 s/year/years/ Nov 27 12:05:27 I actually am an advocate for standardising the boot process on arm Nov 27 12:05:59 I think almost everyone is. Nov 27 12:06:11 But getting people to agree on what should be the standard has been a nightmare. Nov 27 12:06:13 I am also wanting to have a minimal kernel core Nov 27 12:06:22 Oddly enough, I think our largest competitor may help a lot there. Nov 27 12:06:39 Cause Microsoft (quite rightly, and I wish we had the balls to do this) just refuses to work with people who don't all boot shit the same way. Nov 27 12:06:43 that gives us room for a reasonably large kernel but most of it being modular Nov 27 12:06:49 yeah Nov 27 12:07:08 tbh I would be happy even if it were u-boot Nov 27 12:07:52 I'd die laughing if uBoot became the standard first-stage BIOS/firmware that chained into Windows8 on ARM. Nov 27 12:08:01 Given that uBoot is 95% cargo-culted linux kernel code. Nov 27 12:08:19 heh Nov 27 12:08:29 well I know come win8 it will be UEFI Nov 27 12:08:39 but that is not going to be feasable for current devices Nov 27 12:08:46 lilstevie, i did by following the screen it was saying what you mentioned. But after that now i have this screen nothing happening: http://i.imgur.com/xzy6n.png Nov 27 12:08:58 Well, yes, but UEFI is a spec, not an implementation. What actually implements it is still up in the air. Nov 27 12:09:17 IamTrying: just wait a moment with that, it is resizing the filesystem to fit the partition Nov 27 12:09:23 infinity: heh Nov 27 12:11:04 WOW, lilstevie yea it works, thanks a lot Guru. Nov 27 12:16:04 infinity: anyway, I would like to see a universal arm kernel Nov 27 12:16:14 for more than just tegra2 as well Nov 27 12:16:22 That's much further down the road. Nov 27 12:16:34 yeah of course Nov 27 12:16:35 But ACPI and/or DT will get us there some day. Nov 27 12:17:07 solving just one cpu type is going to be enough Nov 27 12:17:57 I do not have Keyboard, for this Device. Is there any way System configuration i can skip my username/password i can not type, and its not showing any virtual keyboard. Nov 27 12:19:21 IamTrying: there is an option for that Nov 27 12:19:23 in the menu Nov 27 12:19:24 I mean here: http://i.imgur.com/Imqim.png Nov 27 12:20:27 yeah as I said Nov 27 12:20:33 menu option in OLiFE Nov 27 12:20:48 activates onscreen keyboard via usb Nov 27 12:21:14 Aha, wow i must have to, is this in the OLiFE.sh? Nov 27 12:21:26 yes Nov 27 12:21:27 Oh yea got it Nov 27 12:23:48 Thanks got it. 1) https://gist.github.com/1397487 2) http://i.imgur.com/enL8j.png Nov 27 12:26:48 just don't disconnect until you have finished initial setup Nov 27 12:27:06 Sure, Touch keyboard is it normal? When i press wireless password: 14788 it just keeps one typing more Nov 27 12:27:21 s/one/on Nov 27 12:27:38 ldm and unity allow you to invoke it, but ubiquity doesn't Nov 27 12:28:05 um, yea I have noticed that, I don't know why it happens Nov 27 12:28:39 Maybe because i made the keyboard bigger? My finger is large and the default layout was very tiny. Nov 27 12:29:09 no, it is random, no matter what size the keyboard is Nov 27 12:29:18 I personally do not undock my tf101 Nov 27 12:30:30 This is horrible keyboard. I am typing username: sun and its typing suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Nov 27 12:30:41 yeah it happens sometimes Nov 27 12:31:23 infinity: actaully the other thing I wouldn't mind setting up is a preinstall image like what panda and beagle have, but for tegra Nov 27 13:03:18 After installation. 1) ./adb shell 2) export DISPLAY=:0.0 && xterm ; does not open anything is it normal? Nov 27 13:03:43 "xterm Xt error: Can't open display: %s" Nov 27 13:04:29 Ok it works, i needed to su s Nov 27 13:06:46 why would you need to do that? Nov 27 13:06:57 you can launch onboard from unity Nov 27 13:07:37 lilstevie, i am searching a keyboard lol i dont find anymore and OLiFE is not after installation not loading that virtual keyboard. Nov 27 13:08:20 it is called onboard Nov 27 13:08:49 Aha wow its there, thank you. Nov 27 13:23:23 It is almost impossible to use onboard to put the password for my Wifi: 14788. Is there any command line way i can configure this? I still can not make the internet connection because of the onBoad is randomly putting invalid numbers. Nov 27 18:41:00 This is second boot and now its not booting anymore e.g: http://i.imgur.com/SURhE.png Nov 27 18:41:06 How to resolve this? Nov 27 20:20:57 Question... building a kernel for an omap3621 on the Nook Color, would using the default config file for the board suffice, or are there any other changes I should make, to make sure Ubuntu runs correctly? Nov 27 22:12:21 btw, anyone know if there is a way to get debuild to recompile something (ie. not a clean from-scratch build)? **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Nov 28 02:59:56 2011