**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Jan 17 02:59:58 2012 Jan 17 11:43:50 infinity: are you a good person to ask about how to get an arm build with extra swap for qtwebkit? Jan 17 11:53:25 Riddell: See -devel. Jan 17 13:06:27 Hi. I'm using my panda rev A3 with kubuntu-desktop, installed with netboot. Board was compiling xbmc, suddenly it freezed. Through ssh connection i got this dmesg output https://ideone.com/GEKEq. Any idea? Thank you Jan 17 13:32:39 are you using an USB disk for your rootfs ? Jan 17 13:37:08 yep ogra_ Jan 17 13:37:31 is an adaptor for IDE disk Jan 17 13:39:23 well, eth0 is a usb device as well, looks a bit like an issue with the host controller or its driver, file a bug against linux-omap4 with the data from your pastebin Jan 17 13:40:19 ok thank you ogra_. Where I should post bug? Jan 17 13:40:38 see channel topic ;) Jan 17 13:40:57 or just use "ubuntu-bug linux-omap4" in a terminal Jan 17 13:42:00 ok thank you again ogra_ Jan 17 13:52:03 ogra_: hi. i tried to upload a pkg with Arch = any-arm on our PPA, and the upload was rejected with "Cannot build any of the architectures requested: any-arm". is that expected? Jan 17 13:52:26 what would you expect "any-arm" to be ? Jan 17 13:52:49 it uses the any-cpu convention from debian policy Jan 17 13:52:55 it works with dpkg-buildpackage Jan 17 13:53:08 * ogra_ never heard of it ... infinity ?? Jan 17 13:53:09 it would be any arch that is based on arm. so armel or armhf Jan 17 13:53:34 i would just put "armel armhf" in that field Jan 17 13:53:47 sure, that works... but any-arm should work too ;-) Jan 17 13:53:52 based on my understanding. Jan 17 13:54:13 with any-arm, i can build locally with dpkg-buildpackage from a armel or armhf root fs Jan 17 13:54:29 well, as i said, i never head about that ... Jan 17 13:54:42 probably ask in #ubuntu-devel Jan 17 13:55:01 there might be people that have used it and are brighter than me ;) Jan 17 13:55:56 ogra_: so i saw that you enabled armhf on tiomap-dev/release, can you also do it for all other PPA from tiomap-dev team? Jan 17 13:56:05 i can ask :) Jan 17 13:56:12 thx Jan 17 13:56:15 will take a few days Jan 17 13:56:18 sure Jan 17 14:02:04 ndec, btw dpkg-architecture -L should list all valid options for the Architecture field Jan 17 14:04:18 ogra_: any-arm is indeed not listed. however the policy mentions 'architecture wildcard', http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-customized-programs.html Jan 17 14:07:00 ndec, well, there is a footnote (88) Jan 17 14:08:02 yes, but this isn't very clear to me... Jan 17 14:08:03 i think our triplet uses armel and armhf in the end ... so arm wouldnt match if any- is a normalization of the triplet string Jan 17 14:09:33 as i said, better ask someone that knows more about it than me, but to me it appears that with the hf and el endings for our arch names any-arm cant work Jan 17 15:18:35 Are there any debian/ubuntu based busybox which can be compiled for armel? Jan 17 15:18:59 can you elaborate ? Jan 17 15:19:11 we have a bunch of busybox binary packages in ubuntu Jan 17 15:19:12 I'm investigating to make a small recovery partition, and need to execute a small script with mke2fs, tar and chroot Jan 17 15:19:39 just roll an initramfs with these included (hint: readf up about initamfs-tools) Jan 17 15:20:28 The selection of which initramfs can be controlled from the kernel parameter line, yes? Jan 17 15:20:55 Yes... It's loaded by u-boot, not the kernel nor init Jan 17 15:20:56 no, the tools to roll an initrd Jan 17 15:21:27 Well, then I have something to work on, thanks! Jan 17 15:21:34 you can add hooks to an ubuntu initrd and make it just include the binarties from the rootfs you like Jan 17 15:22:00 like mkfs and friends (chroot is in there by default already i think) Jan 17 15:24:07 ( I plan to put a small tarball with a minimal bootstrap image and a set of debs on a separate partition. The recovery process will then be to mke2fs root partition, unzip the tarball into the partition, chroot into it and install the rest of the debs ) Jan 17 15:24:59 The boot partition holding the kernel image and/or the initrd for recovery is untouched by this Jan 17 15:39:56 ogra_: so where should i open the bug? on the 'launchpad' project directly? Jan 17 15:41:03 look if there is a soyuz project, else just start with LP and leave it to the LP team to move it to the right component Jan 17 17:32:35 ndec, is GLES support affected by any of that syslink stuff you mention in your mail ? ppisati and i were just discussion in the kernel channel Jan 17 17:33:38 ndec, i dont mind having another release without mm support but we cant afford not shipping GLEs after all that work that went into unity GLES porting ... and by the looks of it ubuntu wont easily accept 3.3 Jan 17 17:34:28 s/discussion/discussing/ Jan 17 17:34:48 rsalveti, ^^^ any idea ? Jan 17 18:01:03 ogra_: I don't think sgx would be a problem Jan 17 18:01:17 with 3.2 or with 3.3 Jan 17 18:01:29 and something the lt can help fixing if if doesn't work Jan 17 18:01:53 the syslink one is more complicated, because it's on top of another version, and a lot is happening at the kernel side Jan 17 18:02:16 but for sgx it's an dkms package Jan 17 18:30:23 rsalveti, right, i thought so, ubuntu shipped with non working (existing) MM stack before, i guess we can do that again, even if its not great Jan 17 18:40:02 ogra_: yup Jan 17 20:25:15 HI! Jan 17 20:26:39 Something is blocking my access to Serial Console. I can see output, but I cannot use the terminal. I tried this: http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-set-up-a-serial-console-on-ubuntu I have root access through RCS.d, so I can run anything. what can I do to make my terminal start working again? Jan 17 20:27:08 The terminal must be blocked by something.. I just don't know what. Jan 17 20:51:19 any ideas? I need a console. I was able to get it once from /dev/ttyO2 on my UART. Jan 17 20:53:07 AdamOutler_: What image are you using? Jan 17 20:54:20 GrueMaster, Texas Instruments, Blaze board, on a device based on Blaze Board. Jan 17 20:55:00 ubuntu desktop image? Jan 17 20:55:23 You might not have /etc/init/ttyO2.conf for serial console. Jan 17 20:56:11 yes. Jan 17 20:56:34 I have prepared a ttyO2.conf, I also created the /dev/ttyO2 device. Jan 17 20:56:52 I see dmesg output, but not Console. Jan 17 20:57:04 Not sure. I haven't tested on a blaze in ages. Jan 17 20:57:18 GrueMaster, maybe you can pastebin an OMAP ttyO2? Jan 17 20:57:33 You shouldn't need to create the ttyO2 device. Jan 17 20:57:45 it was not there by default. Jan 17 20:58:30 Hmm. I would check dmesg or syslog then to see if the kernel is detecting a serial port. Jan 17 20:58:40 Which kernel? Jan 17 21:00:00 My /etc/init/ttyO2.conf looks the same as the rest of the tty*.conf files, except the exec line is "exec /sbin/getty -L ttyO2 115200 vt102". But if your system isn't detecting the serial port this is moot. Jan 17 21:12:16 kernel for this device. Jan 17 21:12:32 this kernel supports ttyO2 as a shell GrueMaster Jan 17 21:12:55 hrm.. i'm using vt100 I'll try that. Jan 17 21:13:37 ttyO2 as a shell? Maybe a console, but not a shell. Jan 17 21:13:48 yeah, sorry.. Jan 17 21:15:19 GrueMaster, can you ls -l /dev/ttyO2 for me? Jan 17 21:15:30 I have CRW-RW-RW Jan 17 21:15:54 crw------- 1 ubuntu tty 249, 2 2012-01-17 13:14 /dev/ttyO2 Jan 17 21:16:07 udev should have created it on boot. Jan 17 21:16:40 I created mine manually. I'll try deleting it. Jan 17 21:17:17 mknod ./ ttyO2 247 2 Jan 17 21:17:25 mine is a 247 when running under ubuntu. Jan 17 21:17:30 er.. Android. Jan 17 21:18:15 I don't work with android here, so I won't be able to help. Jan 17 21:18:31 understood. Jan 17 21:18:37 I'm working with Ubuntu now. Jan 17 21:27:44 GrueMaster, I put the following hack into my RC.local Jan 17 21:27:45 while true Jan 17 21:27:45 do Jan 17 21:27:45 exec /sbin/getty -L ttyO2 115200 vt102 Jan 17 21:27:45 done Jan 17 21:27:53 it's still not working. Jan 17 21:29:16 Can you type "dmesg|fgrep ttyO2" and see what comes up? Jan 17 21:29:35 (or fgrep ttyO2 /var/log/syslog) Jan 17 21:29:58 I have a feeling the device isn't being configured. Jan 17 21:31:19 I just booted without a device created, no change, I'm making a 249 device. Jan 17 21:31:35 omap-hsuart.2: ttyO2 at MMIO 0x48020000 (irq = 106) is a OMAP UART2 Jan 17 21:32:25 Ok, that is correct. When the system boots, it should have a /dev/ttyO2 device already created by udev. Jan 17 21:35:27 here's something interesting... I did an ls -l /dev/ttyO* and a dmesg|fgrep ttyO Jan 17 21:35:28 crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 247, 0 Jan 17 21:34 /dev/ttyO0 Jan 17 21:35:28 crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 247, 1 Jan 17 21:34 /dev/ttyO1 Jan 17 21:35:28 crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 247, 2 Jan 17 21:34 /dev/ttyO2 Jan 17 21:35:28 crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 247, 3 Jan 17 21:34 /dev/ttyO3 Jan 17 21:35:28 omap-hsuart.0: ttyO0 at MMIO 0x4806a000 (irq = 104) is a OMAP UART0 Jan 17 21:35:29 console [ttyO0] enabled Jan 17 21:35:33 omap-hsuart.1: ttyO1 at MMIO 0x4806c000 (irq = 105) is a OMAP UART1 Jan 17 21:35:36 omap-hsuart.2: ttyO2 at MMIO 0x48020000 (irq = 106) is a OMAP UART2 Jan 17 21:35:38 omap-hsuart.3: ttyO3 at MMIO 0x4806e000 (irq = 102) is a OMAP UART3 Jan 17 21:36:08 my console is on ttyO0... maybe I can hack it with a rm /dev/ttyO2;ln -P /dev/ttyO0 /dev/ttyO2; Jan 17 21:36:57 That is interesting. I'd just create a /etc/init/ttyO0.conf and call it good. Jan 17 21:37:33 that does not explain why my uart would be ported to ttyO0 and not be able to go to ttyO2... it's odd Jan 17 21:37:56 You can have multiple consoles correct? or is that wrong? Jan 17 21:39:41 Your device is creating multiple serial ports, but they aren't visible to the host pc. Only one is (ttyO0 in this case). Jan 17 21:40:23 GrueMaster, any ideas on that? Jan 17 21:40:37 what did you mean by create an /etc/init/ttyO0.conf? Jan 17 21:41:20 Copy the /etc/init/ttyO2.conf file to /etc/init/ttyO0.conf, and edit the new copy to make sure it points to ttyO0. Jan 17 21:41:54 but I'm monitoring on ttyO2. Jan 17 21:42:30 by doing a symlink from ttyO0 to ttyO2 I was able to get a shell prompt Jan 17 21:44:08 I'll have to dig out my blaze and try. I haven't worked with it since Natty (11.04), so I won't be much help until then. Jan 17 21:44:23 Which ubuntu release are you running on it? Jan 17 21:49:56 11.10 Jan 17 21:50:07 I think I have it now. Jan 17 21:50:19 I just linked O2 back to the active O0 terminal Jan 17 21:50:23 Ok, I will try it shortly. Jan 18 01:02:45 can someone do me a favor and try building something for me? nothing i do seems to make it want to cooperate Jan 18 01:03:03 tried crosspompiling, building in qemu Jan 18 01:11:36 NotJimCarrey, i'm going to try, if you say what Jan 18 01:35:41 sorry Jan 18 01:35:43 https://github.com/koush/node Jan 18 01:35:57 need it compiled for ARM, but can't get it to work Jan 18 01:56:17 NotJimCarrey, could take a while Jan 18 01:57:00 thank you Jan 18 01:57:18 i've been trying different ways of cross-compiling for about a week Jan 18 01:57:27 oh Jan 18 01:57:42 and where it fails? Jan 18 01:57:46 It fails to build for me due to a missing header. Not sure why it can't find it. Jan 18 01:58:14 /usr/include/features.h:323:26: fatal error: bits/predefs.h: No such file or directory Jan 18 01:58:52 The file is in /usr/include/arm-linux-gnueabihf/bits/predefs.h Jan 18 01:59:19 it's been failing for me due to lack of eabi support Jan 18 02:03:16 https://twitter.com/wtfuckfacts/status/159364371145957376 Jan 18 02:03:26 er wrong chan Jan 18 02:04:19 lilstevie: LOL Jan 18 02:05:02 GrueMaster: there are some funny facts on that twitter timeline :p Jan 18 02:21:08 my first error compiling natively was "For thumb inter-working we require an architecture which supprots blx" so i tried 'make CXXFLAGS=-march=armv5t' something about "pure virtual machine called. terminate called without an active exception" Jan 18 02:22:14 on an OMAP3530 system Jan 18 02:31:16 Interesting. I am getting further with Natty than on Precise. Both systems are on a Panda (omap4430). Jan 18 02:31:42 i really need to get a panda Jan 18 02:32:02 anyone with a steam account like adventure games? Jan 18 02:32:10 Get 2. They're cheap. :P Jan 18 02:32:20 yeah, i know, but tell my wife that Jan 18 02:32:21 lol Jan 18 02:32:32 (I have 7). Jan 18 02:32:52 Mostly for testing. Jan 18 02:33:25 telling my wife i want one to develop stuff i won't make any money on doesn't convince her Jan 18 02:33:37 <.<" Jan 18 02:34:17 Better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission. Jan 18 02:34:39 yeah, but i'm still living down getting 100Mb internet Jan 18 02:34:40 lol Jan 18 02:34:54 or don't tell her anything, she wouldn't know without your help Jan 18 02:35:12 my wife is always home, she'll know Jan 18 02:35:35 she notices if i'm using a different mouse Jan 18 02:35:42 No, they have a way of finding out. Mine somehow knows when I buy new shop tools, yet she hasn't set foot in my shop in 2 years. Jan 18 02:36:12 * mythos shivers Jan 18 02:38:07 NotJimCarrey: I have the same problem Jan 18 02:38:45 I'm trying to convince mine that getting 2 raspberry pis will be a good thing Jan 18 02:40:00 NotJimCarrey: So far, the build on Natty is still going strong, whereas the build on Precise armhf fails fairly quickly. Not sure, but it could be eabi related. Jan 18 02:40:31 i think it is, cause that was hanging me up **** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Jan 18 02:59:56 2012