**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Aug 24 03:00:04 2012 Aug 24 09:38:11 http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-preinstalled/20120824/ Aug 24 09:38:14 there we go Aug 24 09:38:22 ac100 lubuntu Aug 24 09:39:10 wow, and only 400M Aug 24 09:39:43 nice Aug 24 09:40:12 I've recently renewed some work on the tf101 Aug 24 09:40:16 (took long enough) :p Aug 24 09:40:45 heh Aug 24 09:40:46 but u-boot won't play ball with my usb keyboard :/ Aug 24 09:41:03 get a bluetooth one Aug 24 09:41:08 will surely be better :P Aug 24 09:41:10 u-boot Aug 24 09:41:16 :p Aug 24 09:41:20 yeah, that was the joke :P Aug 24 09:41:40 instead I have started writing a driver for the dock keyboard Aug 24 09:41:46 ++ Aug 24 09:41:52 ood move Aug 24 09:41:56 *good even Aug 24 09:42:05 we have no serial Aug 24 09:42:48 so playing with involves putting a boot.scr with the commands I want to execute on a usb stick Aug 24 09:43:15 speaking of u-boot though, documentation on device tree stuff is really lacking Aug 24 09:43:48 yep Aug 24 09:43:57 * ogra_ agrees Aug 24 09:44:15 is there any documentation anywhere that could give me a hand, so far I have had nothing but fail in trying to get a kernel running using a device tree Aug 24 09:48:24 i dont know of an, oogle ... Aug 24 09:48:28 *google Aug 24 09:48:56 yeah tried that Aug 24 09:48:57 :( Aug 24 09:49:12 fragments, none of which seem to help tegra Aug 24 09:51:51 well, what i know is that you need a devicetree file and u-boot needs to load it somehow Aug 24 09:56:51 heh Aug 24 09:56:55 well I managed that part Aug 24 09:57:19 and indeed your u-boot version needs to know how to handle it Aug 24 10:03:07 and ran the fdt commands Aug 24 10:03:21 yeah, I'm using the l4t-r15 u-boot Aug 24 11:03:05 lilstevie: what's the problem? Aug 24 11:04:03 on ac100 the device tree get appended to the u-boot binary Aug 24 11:04:38 which is transfered to the kernel later in the boot process Aug 24 11:05:04 the problem is that kernel has a slightly different device tree than u-boot Aug 24 11:07:16 ouch Aug 24 11:07:29 it shouldnt, should it ? Aug 24 11:07:49 no it shouldn't Aug 24 11:07:52 (at least by my knowledge of DT one DT file should work with bootloader as welll as kernel) Aug 24 11:08:10 but mainline u-boot isn't updated yet Aug 24 11:08:30 but I guess you can just copy the kernel dt to u-boot Aug 24 11:08:39 as long as the syntax is equal Aug 24 11:09:11 ogra_: is the new quantal image installable? Aug 24 11:09:38 marvin24, havent tested it since teh switch to lubuntu, download is just done Aug 24 11:10:06 I wonder if it also has the limitation to be only installable to the internal mmc Aug 24 11:10:07 http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/daily-preinstalled/20120824/ Aug 24 11:10:14 I will try out later Aug 24 11:10:23 i havent changed anything in the installer Aug 24 11:10:35 everything should work/fail as it did before :) Aug 24 11:11:22 :-( Aug 24 11:12:03 * ogra_ doesnt get what was broken, for me all install variants worked last time i tested Aug 24 11:32:08 ah, sweet i'm in lubuntus oem-config :) Aug 24 11:32:47 X took quite long to come up ... i already thought it had crashed Aug 24 11:33:11 maybe it restarted several times Aug 24 11:33:36 might be, i'll check the logs once i can Aug 24 11:34:30 hmm, weird that they use the same slideshow Aug 24 11:34:37 doesnt really match the color theme Aug 24 11:37:01 oh their slideshow was crashing or something Aug 24 11:37:11 ah Aug 24 11:37:15 * xnox ponders if I should continue ubiquity development on lubuntu Aug 24 11:37:30 yay, oem-config survived ... i'm in package removal Aug 24 11:37:50 ogra_: based on the foundations-team report, is there a bug tracking compiz llvmpipe landing in ubuntu? Aug 24 11:38:01 not yet, no Aug 24 11:38:13 and will there be a release meeting today? Aug 24 11:38:14 and i'm pretty sure we wont enable it at all for arm builds Aug 24 11:38:21 ask kate :) Aug 24 11:38:30 i have it on my gcal but that doesnt mean much :) Aug 24 11:39:37 xnox, we're still waiting for input from doko in the mail discussion about llvmpipe (thouh i suspect he wont maically pull code out of a hat that makes arm work) Aug 24 11:39:56 yay, "removing cryptsetp" :) Aug 24 11:39:59 *setup Aug 24 11:40:56 lightdm ! Aug 24 11:41:14 * ogra_ logs in Aug 24 11:41:38 heh Aug 24 11:41:51 the games subment uses the same icon for all games Aug 24 11:41:59 *submenu Aug 24 11:48:00 marvin24, so at least the default install works just fine here Aug 24 11:48:31 * ogra_ is surprised to see the initial desktop use 267MB Aug 24 11:48:47 thats way more than unity-2d used Aug 24 11:49:06 (about 100M) Aug 24 11:49:15 nice it worked so far Aug 24 11:49:25 I will try install on sd card then Aug 24 11:50:43 hmm, chromium is not working Aug 24 11:55:08 crashes? Aug 24 11:55:15 it did for me, i switched to chrome Aug 24 11:55:17 yep Aug 24 11:55:31 on your panda ? Aug 24 11:55:34 * xnox 'for me' usually means 'on my amd64' Aug 24 11:55:39 ah Aug 24 11:55:41 * xnox has no screen for panda remember =) Aug 24 11:55:58 well, there is always ssh -X Aug 24 11:55:59 ;) Aug 24 11:57:03 sigh, apport Aug 24 12:02:33 aport - is the command you give your dog to 'fetch' in Russian Aug 24 12:03:10 haha Aug 24 12:15:05 * ogra_ tries suspend Aug 24 12:15:32 bah Aug 24 12:18:29 let me just tell you =) quantal daily amd64 is awesome in the VM: no dash, no indicators, no panel on the top. Simply a pretty background + icon install ubuntu Aug 24 12:18:39 simply precise =) awesome Aug 24 12:18:45 haha Aug 24 12:19:03 you should try it on the panda ... there its awesome and breaking :) Aug 24 12:20:18 i am pretty sure that it's the fallback metacity without any acceleration Aug 24 12:20:34 btw what did happen to the gnome fallback (ubuntu classic) Aug 24 12:30:11 * ogra_ thinks now that he has to look at xcreensaver again regulary it is time to reintroduce the xft patch for the unlock window as infinity suggested Aug 24 12:30:37 this thing is just to ugly Aug 24 12:35:08 ogra_: see what unity does to you! calling other projects "too ugly" Aug 24 12:49:43 marvin24, screen black (backlight on) and nothing Aug 24 13:01:38 lilstevie: serial console available? Aug 24 13:01:49 no Aug 24 13:02:18 if the kernel is compiled for device tree support and no dt is supplied it will just stop Aug 24 13:02:33 not enough resources have gone into locating the serial Aug 24 13:02:56 hacking u-boot without a serial console is ... Aug 24 13:03:18 by supplying dt you mean fatload ; fdt address {blah}; fdt resize; bootm Aug 24 13:03:39 lilstevie: mmh, we use u-boot-dtb.bin Aug 24 13:03:40 without a serial console is... fun? :p Aug 24 13:04:00 which does not require loading it from somewhere else Aug 24 13:04:05 hm Aug 24 13:04:49 do you have patches for tf101 on mainline? Aug 24 13:05:02 3.1 kernel won't boot with device tree anyway Aug 24 13:05:10 oh Aug 24 13:05:19 even though it has generic DT support? Aug 24 13:05:32 yes Aug 24 13:05:42 that could be the issue Aug 24 13:05:51 a *lot* of dt work went into mainline in the last version Aug 24 13:05:57 ah Aug 24 13:06:20 that's what the nvidia folks mostly did over the last months Aug 24 13:06:36 mainline just removed board file support ;-) Aug 24 13:06:42 :) Aug 24 13:07:21 so, better spend your time towrite a nice device tree file for tf*01 Aug 24 13:07:29 and add u-boot support Aug 24 13:08:20 well the seaboard device tree pretty much works with a resolution change Aug 24 13:08:50 so you got mainline kernel working already? Aug 24 13:08:56 no u-boot Aug 24 13:08:59 ah Aug 24 13:09:34 I think linux kernel support should be a big problem then Aug 24 13:10:07 haven't really tried much past trying to get the device tree to load on a working 3.1 Aug 24 13:27:52 marvin24, is the ac100 stuff somewhere? Aug 24 13:56:49 ogra_: hey, any news about the pvr driver? Aug 24 13:56:51 :-) Aug 24 14:35:58 rsalveti, hmm, didnt infinity upload it yesterday ? Aug 24 14:38:53 ogra_: nops Aug 24 14:39:04 yeah, doesnt seem to be in any queue Aug 24 14:39:13 i'm in a call now, will take care afterwards Aug 24 14:39:20 ogra_: great, thanks Aug 24 14:47:21 rsalveti, uploaded (will be stuck in NEW now) Aug 24 14:48:03 ogra_: did you also upload libdri2? Aug 24 14:48:07 ogra_: bug 1040611 Aug 24 14:48:08 Launchpad bug 1040611 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] libdri2" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1040611 Aug 24 14:48:12 only libdri2 yet Aug 24 14:48:19 oh, ok Aug 24 14:48:33 good, we can poke infinity when he's back on-line Aug 24 14:48:34 under the assumption that NEW processing might take a bit Aug 24 14:49:06 we just need to get someone from the desktop to update compiz again Aug 24 14:49:10 now using the right revision Aug 24 14:49:37 seeing seb128's release report on the ubuntu-release ML they are aware it seems Aug 24 14:50:23 "* compiz GLES landing to compiz-trunk, needs to be tested and released" Aug 24 14:50:38 seems they wait for an upstream release for it Aug 24 15:02:38 got it Aug 24 15:38:10 ogra_: Care to take a look at http://ubuntuone.com/0E3feYdrhGY1ywL9vNBjbS and tell me what I did wrong please? That's a netboot install on my panda using the latest fb image. :-) Aug 24 15:39:29 Laney, they system needs the SD card to boot (and write the bootloader to it during install) Aug 24 15:39:39 so dont unplug it ;) Aug 24 15:40:13 sorry, i'm behind with the install instructions, the wiki should say that Aug 24 15:40:22 unplug? I unplugged nothing Aug 24 15:40:28 I just did what this says http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/ARM/NetBoot Aug 24 15:40:34 how did you boot the netboot image ? Aug 24 15:40:57 and the Sd is still in the slot ? Aug 24 15:41:00 yes Aug 24 15:41:03 hmm Aug 24 15:41:06 unless it fell out ... Aug 24 15:41:19 probably bug 806751 Aug 24 15:41:19 Launchpad bug 806751 in debian-installer "Boot partition on SD is too small on omap/omap4" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/806751 Aug 24 15:41:49 Fix Released? Aug 24 15:42:00 though that shouldnt say "is not a block device" Aug 24 15:42:53 I'm installing with / on an attached USB drive if that matters Aug 24 15:43:05 thats fine Aug 24 15:43:14 and you used guided partitioning ? Aug 24 15:43:38 manual → select free space → auto partition Aug 24 15:44:19 hmm Aug 24 15:44:56 I think it made a separate /boot partition Aug 24 15:45:20 yes, it does that by default Aug 24 15:48:01 ho hum Aug 24 15:48:05 * Laney gets a live image instead Aug 24 15:48:56 noo ! Aug 24 15:49:04 get a server image at best :) Aug 24 15:49:17 desktop is totally borked due to the removal of unity-2d Aug 24 15:49:24 argh, really? Aug 24 15:49:31 yep Aug 24 15:49:42 llvmpipe on arm doesnt work... Aug 24 15:49:49 sigh Aug 24 15:49:54 and there is no 2D desktop anymore ... Aug 24 15:50:02 nor are there 3D drivers yet Aug 24 15:50:24 the alpha milestone might work ... but you should refrain from upgradin Aug 24 15:54:37 i'll just get that and hold unity-2d then Aug 24 15:54:55 that should work Aug 24 15:55:18 sorry, that netboot didnt work out for you, i'll have a look over the weekend what that is Aug 24 15:55:24 weird error ... really Aug 24 15:56:03 I chose the desktop task so it would have been a bit doomed anyway :P Aug 24 15:56:15 heh, yeah Aug 24 15:58:56 there was a weird "Ubuntu Desktop (USB)" task too — wonder what that's about Aug 24 15:59:14 tasksel should be able to tell Aug 24 15:59:31 it should have at least a long description (that d-i doesnt show i think) Aug 24 16:08:12 ogra_: shall we ship gnome-session-fallback on arm then? Aug 24 16:08:17 to unbreak desktop images Aug 24 16:09:14 xnox, nope, we're waiting for NEW prosessing of libdrm2 and will then have the new GLES driver in the archive shortly after Aug 24 16:09:21 no need to invest time into hacks Aug 24 16:17:17 is there some way to dump the sym versions using a kernel image? Aug 24 16:17:31 I tried looking at /proc/kallsyms but that doesn't give me the versions Aug 24 20:09:29 I am running a padaboard. is a dist-upgrade from ubuntu 11.10 server to 12.04 server a standard procedure or is there anythins special to take care of? Aug 24 20:09:48 How much time will such a dist-upgrade take? Aug 24 20:10:44 rolf__: Given that 12.04 was the introduction of armhf as our supported arch, I'd recommend a reinstall. Aug 24 20:10:59 rolf__: But dist-upgrading your armel install should work fine. Aug 24 20:11:07 (It'll just not be armhf) Aug 24 20:14:46 thank you **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Aug 25 03:00:04 2012