**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Jan 13 02:59:59 2013 Jan 13 03:32:36 Hi I am looking for the latest builds for the nexus7 I am looking at the git repository and I am thinking of installing the stock image Jan 13 03:51:07 does anyone know how to put Windows Ce Or UBUNTU on a Generic Android 2.2 Tablet (it doesnt have sync cable, but does have microsd, and is a tablet, not a netbook AKA Eken m009s or WM8650)? Jan 13 03:54:05 does anyone know how to put Windows Ce Or UBUNTU on a Generic Android 2.2 Tablet (it doesnt have sync cable, but does have microsd, and is a tablet, not a netbook AKA Eken m009s or WM8650)? Jan 13 03:56:45 does anyone know how to put Windows Ce Or UBUNTU on a Generic Android 2.2 Tablet (it doesnt have sync cable, but does have microsd, and is a tablet, not a netbook AKA Eken m009s or WM8650)? Jan 13 03:58:05 How can I install ubuntu on an android device? Jan 13 04:16:35 jon654: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zpwebsites.linuxonandroid&hl=en ?? Jan 13 04:17:25 Yes XorA, but I want to completely take off android and put on ubuntu instead Jan 13 04:18:24 jon654: then you probably need to compile your own kernel and install it, then I would point it to the SD card with a Ubuntu FS on it Jan 13 04:18:45 please explain Jan 13 04:18:49 jon654: without a sync cable though installing a custom kernel could be difficult Jan 13 04:19:47 when i have installed android updates, it boots off the sd card, but when using and .iso extracted, it wont boot from the sd Jan 13 04:19:59 XorA Jan 13 04:20:33 jon654: I suspect this task is beyong a beginner, and each device is different so I couldnt give you a guide! Jan 13 04:21:16 i just bought the cheapest chinese tablet with two names, EKEN M009s and MID WM8640 Jan 13 04:21:36 it had 256MB Ram, 4GB Disk Space, Android 2.2, webcam Jan 13 04:21:48 and it is called generic Jan 13 04:22:30 jon654: do you have a local LUG? Jan 13 04:22:38 what is LUG Jan 13 04:22:43 Linux Users Group Jan 13 04:22:58 Whats that? Jan 13 04:23:13 bunch of geeks get together drink beers and solve issues like this Jan 13 04:23:21 no Jan 13 04:23:32 I have had ubuntu in the past, but now i want it on my tablet Jan 13 04:23:34 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_user_group Jan 13 04:24:15 256MB ram will not be a nice experience though Jan 13 04:24:16 trouble is here there is very little likely hood of finding someone with same tablet Jan 13 04:24:33 oh ok Jan 13 04:24:49 lilstevie: is the man if you buy a Transformer :-D Jan 13 04:24:55 I have had 1GB ram and it was super fast Jan 13 04:25:41 so 256Ram for a tablet should be fast for ubuntu Jan 13 04:25:44 just slow for android Jan 13 04:26:41 hehe Jan 13 04:26:44 jon654: not really Jan 13 04:26:59 I have ported ubuntu to 3 tablets now Jan 13 04:27:08 1 with 512MB ram and 2 with 1GB Jan 13 04:27:14 could you help me port it onto mine? Jan 13 04:27:17 and 512 is painful Jan 13 04:27:29 256 is like 1999 memory levels :-D Jan 13 04:27:35 i really don't care about speed for what I'm using it for Jan 13 04:27:40 :) Jan 13 04:27:41 it isn't speed Jan 13 04:27:58 just loading firefox takes 100+M Jan 13 04:27:59 I call the device with 512MB RAM Crashy McCrashCrash Jan 13 04:28:00 Ok, but it's good enough for me Jan 13 04:28:07 cause LowMem killer Jan 13 04:28:11 hahaha! Jan 13 04:28:24 :) Jan 13 04:28:35 can you tell me how to port it to my droid tab? Jan 13 04:28:38 open more than 3 or 4 tabs in Chromium of Firefox and say goodbye to Chromium or Firefox Jan 13 04:28:52 with great difficulty if you have no idea what you are doing Jan 13 04:29:00 you need to be able to compile a kernel Jan 13 04:29:10 how can i do that? Jan 13 04:29:14 I have the iso ready Jan 13 04:29:17 and be comfortable with flashing it/configuring it Jan 13 04:29:21 and no iso is going to help Jan 13 04:29:47 i have the Ubuntu12.10.iso Jan 13 04:29:56 but what should i do to port it over to the tablet? Jan 13 04:29:58 * lilstevie walks away Jan 13 04:30:28 lilstevie? Jan 13 04:31:56 hello? Jan 13 04:35:52 Has anyone else ever ported Ubuntu onto an android tablet? by taking off android and putting on ubuntu? Jan 13 04:42:24 jon654: ubuntu will not run on your tablet Jan 13 04:45:05 the tablet runs an ARM9 (ARMv5) SoC, ubuntu only supports SoCs that are ARMv7 Jan 13 04:51:45 hello? Jan 13 05:30:31 lilstevie, what about Ubuntu 8? Jan 13 05:40:05 jon655: past EOL Jan 13 05:40:43 8.04, im downloading it from Ubuntus site right now Jan 13 05:44:47 lilstevie Jan 13 05:49:15 let me guess you downloaded an iso Jan 13 05:52:39 maybe.... Jan 13 05:52:45 yes i did Jan 13 05:53:13 lilstevie Jan 13 05:53:42 arm versions of ubuntu do not ship in ISOs Jan 13 05:54:43 you are just randomly downloading isos thinking it will work, yet you haven't even investigated compiling a kernel Jan 13 05:56:43 Hey! Anyone's got an idea for helping me about the post I've just made on: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1683145&page=57 (Jhinta kernel for lilstevie ubuntu) Jan 13 05:58:18 sim590: a few things Jan 13 05:59:17 yes yes, I'm quiet and listening Jan 13 05:59:31 apply_binaries does not register the binaries correctly as far as ubuntu expects (with update-alternatives), jhintas kernel doesn't support the latest release of tegra drivers this is why the package didn't seem to work Jan 13 05:59:39 unity does not work at this time with tegra drivers Jan 13 06:00:08 ok, so I'm better with lxde I guess Jan 13 06:00:26 also I would advise caution when using jhintas kernel, it is a fluke that it even works Jan 13 06:01:00 I posted the link to the kernel I use. I don't know if it's jintha's kernel really.. Jan 13 06:01:13 lilstevie Jan 13 06:01:22 i am using this kernel now Jan 13 06:01:24 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=FfbnpfMGTAU Jan 13 06:01:30 the one he listed Jan 13 06:01:34 i'll see if it works Jan 13 06:01:57 14 minutes left to extract Jan 13 06:03:37 jon655: arm versions of ubuntu do not ship in ISOs Jan 13 06:04:09 i know Jan 13 06:04:09 it wasnt an iso Jan 13 06:05:23 then why did you say yes when I asked you if you downloaded an iso Jan 13 06:05:37 that was before this one Jan 13 06:05:38 and more importantly what did you download Jan 13 06:05:53 It's Arch Linux for ARM Jan 13 06:07:30 and that kernel is for your device yes? cause in that video isn't it a different device Jan 13 06:08:13 i believe so Jan 13 06:08:22 It is the netbook version of my tablet Jan 13 06:09:01 then that is not the same thing Jan 13 06:09:09 With the same WM8650 Jan 13 06:09:34 It contains the same processor as my tablet Jan 13 06:10:20 that means nothing Jan 13 06:10:50 Its the same android just with a touch screen and with a keyboard attached Jan 13 06:11:36 Sasmsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, Asus Transformer TF101, Motorola Xoom, Toshiba Thrive, Acer A500 all use the same Tegra2 cpu yet each has a different kernel, why? cause they are not the same device Jan 13 06:12:50 They are both Wonder Media Tablets! Mine has two names, EKEN M009s, and Wonder Media WM8650... This is by the same people! Jan 13 06:13:03 with just 2 differences Jan 13 06:13:50 ok, Jan 13 06:14:17 in the description he writes tablets for the download, not netbook Jan 13 06:14:18 Asus Transformer prime and Asus Nexus 7 are by the same people yet run different kernels Jan 13 06:14:33 in the description he writes tablets for the download, not netbook Jan 13 06:14:39 point is be prepared that the kernel may not work Jan 13 06:14:52 cause arm kernels tend to be horribly device specific Jan 13 06:17:58 k Jan 13 06:27:01 Noskcaj Jan 13 06:27:04 * jon655 wow Jan 13 06:34:15 lilstevie you still here? Jan 13 07:04:13 aasodk Jan 13 07:04:25 oops (cat) Jan 13 07:54:53 anyone uses links2 as web browser? Jan 13 10:35:57 pandaboard: how do I restore my previous kernel if the new one doesn't boot? Jan 13 10:55:40 teiler: The previous one should be on the SD card's first parition backed up as uImage.bak and uInitrd.bak Jan 13 10:55:58 teiler: You can swap them back and it should boot fine (assuming this was done by flash-kernel) Jan 13 10:56:12 ok, but how? Jan 13 10:57:21 Well, either on another machine with an SD reader, or interrupt the uBoot process and do it by hand. Jan 13 10:58:21 Running something like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1527006/ Jan 13 10:58:42 (This is what boot.scr on the SD card runs in uBoot automatically, but with .bak added to the two image files) Jan 13 10:58:55 I hope building for ubuntu phone isn't as head-deskish as building desktop applications for windows rt is Jan 13 10:59:17 lilstevie: Well, it's just Ubuntu on the underside. Jan 13 10:59:36 infinity: and windows rt is windows on the underside Jan 13 10:59:36 :p Jan 13 10:59:48 lilstevie: Now, I'm still not sure where things will go as far as "app frameworks" and "official APIs", but for people doing native work, it's just Ubuntu. Jan 13 11:00:33 lilstevie: Well, I a bit more "just Ubuntu" than RT is "just Windows". As in, it's the same archive repository, the same binaries. Self-hosting, you can build natively, no need for cross sandboxes and voodoo. Jan 13 11:00:43 infinity: thanks. I was looking for a command reference for this shell. Is it uboot? Jan 13 11:00:46 s/I a/it's a/ Jan 13 11:00:57 teiler: It's uBoot, yes. Jan 13 11:01:14 infinity: windows rt doesn't require too much voodoo, they just haven't offered the framework libraries in the sdk Jan 13 11:01:15 teiler: It does have a help command though I suppose the help is a bit arcane. Jan 13 11:01:19 that is pretty simple Jan 13 11:01:31 lilstevie: Ahh, yeah, I haven't looked at RT, due to a lack of carefactor. Jan 13 11:01:45 lilstevie: But in our case, it's all there. Or, will be once the UI stuff lands in the archive. Jan 13 11:01:48 infinity: sadly native compilation on ubuntu phone will solve 99.9% of the issues Visual Studio presents Jan 13 11:02:29 well, what puzzled me was the device taxanomy Jan 13 11:02:38 (And, of course, we're working hard on making or cross-building story less crap too, if you've noticed but, still, the joy of a self-hosting platform and ARM devices being pretty speedy these days is that you can just go native and it works) Jan 13 11:03:49 infinity: with SoCs like S4 and beyond (aarch64, big.LITTLE, etc) building on device isn't scary anymore Jan 13 11:04:09 lilstevie: I've been saying that since the Cortex-A8. Jan 13 11:04:29 lilstevie: But yes, the situation just keeps improving. A15s are really impressing me a lot more than I thought they would when I first saw them on paper. Jan 13 11:05:12 infinity: My dual-core S4 does not perform much worse than my quad-core A9 Jan 13 11:05:22 which is a damn good sign Jan 13 11:06:02 And someone announced an 8-core big.LITTLE at CES. Forgot who already. Jan 13 11:06:08 Samsung Jan 13 11:06:23 Exynos 5 'octo' Jan 13 11:06:24 4xA7, 4xA15. Curious to see how it'll work in practice, rather than theory. Jan 13 11:06:30 RaYmAn: Right, thanks. Jan 13 11:06:43 Getting old, trivia just slips in one ear and out the other these days. Jan 13 11:06:48 that will be interesting Jan 13 11:07:02 I didn't really pay much attention to CES Jan 13 11:07:11 most of it was pretty boring crap Jan 13 11:07:30 Then again, even if we're all still scrambling to make big.LITTLE scheduling as awesome as possible, just firing it up with the 4xA15s and ignoring the A7s will be fine for my use cases. :P Jan 13 11:07:57 heh Jan 13 11:08:13 what would really make my day is being able to turn on both CPU Complexes at once Jan 13 11:08:42 Most of the big.LITTLE people I've talked to have mentioned that as a nice-to-have goal. Jan 13 11:08:53 For people like me who don't give a shit about power and just want as much juice as possible. Jan 13 11:09:04 But, it makes SMP scheduling a bit of a nightmare to have mismatched CPUs. Jan 13 11:09:12 Cause timeslices are no longer equal units. Jan 13 11:10:26 And, to be fair, the A7 is intentionally so much slower than the A15 that you might not really care about the modest performance boost anyway. Jan 13 11:10:42 Especially after you factor in the complexity overhead, plus the development time that went into the shiny. :P Jan 13 11:10:59 Given that they should be living on 2 different buses (with one central) that you may be able to async between the complexes while maintaining SMP in each complex Jan 13 11:12:21 I do kinda wonder why they didn't just go with big.BIGGER as the model. Jan 13 11:12:32 that would be cool Jan 13 11:12:45 but probably power profile Jan 13 11:12:50 (As in, a bunch of identical cores, but recommend that you turn all but one off and frequency scale that one into the ground) Jan 13 11:12:59 anyone got an idea why linux would put a filesystem in readonly? I got a guess: dpkg tried to access to some corrupted file. Seeing it was corrupted, linux put the FS in read-only FS. Does this make sense? Jan 13 11:13:05 But I get the impression the A7 part itself is just plain designed to be far more efficient than the A15. Jan 13 11:13:07 trying to make little as power efficient as possible Jan 13 11:13:31 sim590: dmesg may give some clues. Jan 13 11:13:37 sim590: RO is considered safe but yeah check dmesg Jan 13 11:14:01 sim590: But as a general rule, if your filesystem throws errors, your kernel will remount it RO to prevent you from damaging it further until you can sort it out. Jan 13 11:15:12 lilstevie: I do look forward to big.LITTLE in practice on smart phones, though. I dream of a day when my smart phone can go two days without charging. :P Jan 13 11:15:29 (Who else misses all the old Nokia feature phones that went a week? Seems like forever ago now) Jan 13 11:15:46 infinity: agreed Jan 13 11:15:54 I miss feature phones for that reason Jan 13 11:16:46 thanks guys. I'll try to trigger the error again and look dmegs Jan 13 11:17:01 I miss the good old days of "oh, my phone is bleeping at me, what do you know it has been like 8 days since I charged it" Jan 13 11:17:59 then as phones got more advanced and their battery lives started dropping I thought, ok fair enough, give it time for the battery tech to catch up. Now here we are years later and stuck at 1, maybe 2 days if you are lucky Jan 13 11:20:37 Maybe I should throw my SIM in my old Sony W700 and see how long I can survive without a web browser and apps. Jan 13 11:20:41 At least it was a good music player. Jan 13 11:20:51 And it probably wouldn't take long to relearn T9. Jan 13 11:21:59 infinity,lilstevie: Thanks for your advice guys Jan 13 11:22:30 Oh, except I'm on a cheap carrier than doesn't actually offer GSM service, so I'd be perpetually roaming. That would be problematic. :P Jan 13 11:23:43 heh sometimes I consider trying to find a nokia 1100 again, I used to consistently get 8-10 days from that thing Jan 13 11:24:31 I probably still have my 8860 in a box somewhere. Jan 13 11:26:12 heh Jan 13 11:26:29 Oh, wait, no, it was an 8850. Jan 13 11:26:42 The 8860 was the silly North American TDMA model, and I had that phone in Australia. Jan 13 11:26:52 ah Jan 13 11:27:10 as long as it is not TDMA it will probably still work here Jan 13 11:27:51 The 8850 is GSM 900/1800 Jan 13 11:28:01 Should work on a fair few carriers still. Jan 13 11:28:46 yeah that would work just fine here Jan 13 11:28:58 on my carrier Jan 13 11:29:09 It was pretty, too. I've mostly forgotten how much design went into these things. Jan 13 11:29:16 Before we all started carrying black rectangles. Jan 13 11:29:21 yeah Jan 13 11:29:59 "The phone's memory can store up to 250 names and 50 calendar notes. SMS messages can only be stored on the SIM card." Jan 13 11:30:08 ^-- How did that not drive me insane? Jan 13 11:30:22 oh...my...god that just reminded me Jan 13 11:30:26 I have tens of thousands of text messages on my current phone, that wouldn't fit on a SIM. :P Jan 13 11:30:26 of the hell Jan 13 11:30:49 "Your phones simcard is full please delete some text messages" Jan 13 11:30:56 *grin* Jan 13 11:30:59 The good old days. Jan 13 11:31:03 yep Jan 13 11:31:23 back in the day when having 30 text messages was it Jan 13 11:33:34 I suspect I spent more time talking to people in person back then. Jan 13 11:33:37 Yay, progress. Jan 13 11:35:15 yeah Jan 13 11:35:24 or talking on the phone Jan 13 11:35:29 now days it is all text Jan 13 11:35:53 I know my old phones spent a lot more time against my ear than new ones Jan 13 11:36:07 the new ones* Jan 13 12:20:41 infinity: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1527006/ root=UUID=c8fabf2c-f023-41d8-83bd-98dcde49d64f won't work … Jan 13 12:21:59 teiler: Erm, yeah, that's my root device, not yours. :P Jan 13 12:22:32 teiler: Is your root on the SD card or an external USB drive? Jan 13 12:22:40 SD card Jan 13 12:23:04 teiler: You'll want something like "root=/dev/mmcblk0p2" probably. Jan 13 12:26:44 hah Jan 13 12:27:52 you can probably also get your uuid from the boot.scr/boot.cmd on your u-boot partition Jan 13 12:28:29 lilstevie: Yeah, but if he could get at his SD card, he could also just swap uImage and uImage.bak. I get the impression he's not flush with non-Panda SD readers. Jan 13 12:28:45 ah Jan 13 12:29:07 I thought u-boot had a cat like command though Jan 13 12:29:15 Plus, mmcblk0p2 is a hell of a lot easier to type than a UUID. ;) Jan 13 12:29:20 true Jan 13 12:29:43 also that said, I do only have 1 device with u-boot and I don't tend to poke around its console very often Jan 13 12:31:30 Yeah, I can't find a catish thing in the first reference sheet I googled. Jan 13 12:31:44 You can fatls directories, but no fatcat or similar. Jan 13 12:32:07 Shame, cause fatcat would be an awesome command name. Jan 13 12:32:22 I'm being stared at by a fat cat right now, actually. Jan 13 12:32:28 I think he thinks it's breakfast time cause I'm awake. :/ Jan 13 12:32:36 lol Jan 13 12:33:39 ffs why do people think it is a good idea to hardcode something like /MACHINE:X86 even though there is the same option elsewhere which is controlled by the target platform Jan 13 12:34:16 This is why I love free software, at least. Jan 13 12:34:47 Can you imagine the pain of the poor porters who had to sift through the Windows codebase after more than a decade of no one caring about it being portable? Jan 13 12:34:55 haha Jan 13 12:34:56 yeah Jan 13 12:35:09 it is painful enough that some of this stuff depends on cpucontext Jan 13 12:35:14 which doesn't quite line up Jan 13 12:35:21 (direct register access) Jan 13 12:35:24 Though, they could surprise me. Maybe they maintained internal port builds all along to prevent just that sort of oops. Jan 13 12:35:42 from what it sounds like it is a cleanroom port Jan 13 12:36:11 Yeah. Sounds more likely. Jan 13 12:36:22 I somehow doubt the portability of NT4 survived 15 years. Jan 13 12:36:22 a lot of the outdated crap is gone Jan 13 12:36:24 or so I hear Jan 13 12:36:35 infinity: it worked, thanks. Jan 13 12:36:50 there should be at least a little portability in the original code Jan 13 12:37:07 Well, as much as any generic C and C++ is portable, obviously. Jan 13 12:37:17 But I'm sure there are x86isms all over the effin' place too. Jan 13 12:37:36 given that NT4 ran on mips and alpha Jan 13 12:37:40 At least they don't have to care about endianisms this time around. Jan 13 12:38:01 and there has been Itanium for a lot too Jan 13 12:38:14 Yeah, MIPS, Alpha, and PPC. Jan 13 12:38:35 I don't know that I ever actually saw an NT ia64 port in the wild. Jan 13 12:38:41 Though I'm sure it must have existed. Jan 13 12:38:50 All the ia64 kit I met ran HP/UX (or Debian). Jan 13 12:41:57 hm Jan 13 12:42:14 I am not sure, doesn't appear to be an IA64 version that I can find Jan 13 12:48:03 inifinity: I made a dist-upgrade frrom 12.04 to 12.10, but it seems there is no omap4 linux packet any more? Jan 13 12:48:27 teiler: linux-omap4 Jan 13 12:48:35 teiler: Definitely exists. Jan 13 12:49:00 If you've done something strange to remove it, just "apt-get install linux-omap4" Jan 13 12:49:29 Oh, unless you're running armel... Jan 13 12:49:52 that would probably not go down well Jan 13 12:49:53 :p Jan 13 12:49:53 We didn't officially support armel for 12.04 for a reason. :P Jan 13 12:50:01 And dropped the kernels from armel in 12.10. Jan 13 12:50:08 (And dropped the userspace in 13.04) Jan 13 12:50:57 So, in conclusion, use armhf. :P Jan 13 12:51:05 And I should get some sleep. It's 6am. Jan 13 12:51:22 infinity: lol wow yeah get some sleep, 23:51 here Jan 13 12:51:22 :p Jan 13 12:52:00 infinity: 'No candidate version found for linux-omap4' Jan 13 12:52:31 yeah probably cause of armel Jan 13 12:52:35 teiler: Yeah, like I said... Jan 13 12:53:00 teiler: If you installed precise/armel, you were installing a dead-end and unsupported platform. We tried to make that clear. Maybe not clear enough. Jan 13 12:53:15 teiler: You want armhf. It's the way and the light. Jan 13 12:54:19 I wonder when canonical is going to say screw armv7 and move to armv8 Jan 13 12:54:27 :p Jan 13 12:55:01 Well, we're doing aardvarch64 stuff pretty heavily right now. But I doubt we'll drop armhf any time soon. Jan 13 12:55:20 yeah Jan 13 12:55:35 Plus, there may always be a neat use-case for armhf/arm64 multiarch for 32-bit goodness on your 64-bit kernel. Jan 13 12:55:52 one big stopper on dropping armhf is no aarch64 stuff available :p Jan 13 12:56:13 and I suppose aarch64 has the ability to multiarch a bit better Jan 13 12:56:21 like x86/x86_64 Jan 13 12:56:28 infinity: so how do I switch? Can I dist-upgrade? Jan 13 12:56:39 teiler: No. You're pretty much stuck reinstalling. Jan 13 12:56:42 teiler: the best way is to download a new image Jan 13 12:56:55 dist-upgrade will leave you in a horridly broken state Jan 13 12:57:03 teiler: Cross-grading arches is a stretch goal for multiarch, but it doesn't really work without a lot of manual fiddling right now. Jan 13 12:57:23 And isn't worth the effort of trying. Jan 13 17:30:10 hmm, nexus 7 has "serial debug shell" thing, where you can just "screen /dev/ttyACM0 115200" into the shell via usb Jan 13 17:30:22 is that just kernel thing or must be something in userspace running? Jan 13 17:33:37 Tassadar: you need to have login running in user space on correct port. It's ttyGS0 on nexus side Jan 13 17:56:22 ah, that's what getty is for Jan 13 17:56:35 now to figure out where should it be started in archlinux Jan 13 18:02:20 hi Jan 13 18:03:22 * itu would like to get some linux on his Jay-tech 9903H mini-netbook Jan 13 18:08:31 ha, there it works now, thanks Jan 13 18:16:27 hmm, that reminds me: is there support in the ubuntu nexus7 kernel for the USB ethernet gadget device? on my openmoko gta02, I'm used to ssh'ing in via the USB connection (it's more versatile than just a serial port, for file transfers etc.), and I'd like to get the same on nexus7... Jan 13 18:17:23 Rjs: at least it's possible to recompile kernel so that it's supported (usb0). I'm not sure if that's on by default with ubuntu's config Jan 13 18:17:36 g_multi supports both the getty and the usb0 at the same time Jan 13 18:19:32 kulve: ok, g_multi sounds very good :) (just found drivers/usb/gadget/Kconfig in the kernel source) thanks! I'll try that when I compile my own kernel Jan 13 18:21:08 hmm, there's also USB_CDC_COMPOSITE which seems to have only serial + ethernet, while USB_G_MULTI also has mass storage (and is marked EXPERIMENTAL), maybe composite is better for me Jan 13 18:22:31 if you run into compilation problems with fsl lock something functions related to those, just comment them out.. Jan 13 18:23:20 ok, I'll keep that in mind (not trying it right now, maybe later today or tomorrow) Jan 13 18:29:29 it's not on in ubuntu's default kernel: only CONFIG_USB_SERIAL=y in /proc/config.gz, the other CONFIG_USB_G_* are unset (i.e., not even compiled as modules) Jan 13 18:42:31 how to solve "Cannot build any of the architectures requested: armel armhf" ? Jan 13 18:42:48 * marvin24 hopes this is the right channel Jan 13 18:46:54 is there any reason why my install of the omap4 preinstalled image wouldn't set $HOME for root? Jan 13 18:50:56 Hello, I'm trying to install ubuntu on a tablet, Does anyone know how to boot android device from the sd card slot Jan 13 18:51:09 How could i root it, it's a chinese generic Tab. Jan 13 18:55:30 all devices are different, no generic rule Jan 13 18:56:19 It;s known as Eken M009s/MID v7/WM8650 Jan 13 19:05:14 Hello, I'm trying to install ubuntu on a tablet, Does anyone know how to boot android device from the sd card slot. How could i root it, it's a chinese generic Tab. It;s known as Eken M009s/MID v7/WM8650 Jan 13 19:11:58 jon654: You've been told that already yesterday and things didn't change overnight, Ubuntu won't work on this tablet as it's an ARMv5 and we only support ARMv7 Jan 13 19:12:31 Not even an older version stgraber? Jan 13 19:14:13 the last time Ubuntu was fully built for ARMv5 armel, was around jaunty/karmic IIRC, neither of those are still around today Jan 13 19:14:47 and as other people told you, even if you get a userspace that works for your tablet, you'll still need to build a kernel for it yourself as that specific ARM platform has never been supported by Ubuntu or Linaro Jan 13 19:27:03 Hey Guys! Jan 13 19:28:16 Someone there ? Jan 13 19:29:10 147 users Jan 13 19:41:17 Can someone please reply? Jan 13 19:42:02 !ask | Dj_Sammy Jan 13 19:42:02 Dj_Sammy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience Jan 13 19:42:20 OKay... Im sorry for that :S Jan 13 19:42:44 I like that bot Oo Jan 13 19:43:13 i used a usb keyboard on ubuntu on my nexus7, but when i reboot without the keyboard plugged in, i can't get a virtual one to sign in Jan 13 19:43:37 I want install Ubuntu on my Nexus7 16 G w/o Cellular. First: I must unlock the Kernel... But do i need an installed UBUNTU System on my PC? ? Jan 13 19:44:17 komradefox: one of the icons in upper right corner should turn it on Jan 13 19:47:16 Tassadar: ah yes, thank you Jan 13 19:47:36 does the software update work on the n7? Jan 13 19:49:02 oh hmm i guess not, i get an error Jan 13 19:49:27 failed to fetch, sum mismatch, Jan 13 19:49:29 Tassadar? Jan 13 19:51:44 You don't, but it is much easier Jan 13 19:52:11 just download the live cd and boot from it, that should be enough (I am not "from ubuntu") Jan 13 19:52:37 ive got some old pc's, ill think that will work too Jan 13 19:56:22 komradefox: it should Jan 13 19:56:34 apt-get update && apt-get (dist-)upgrade works for me Jan 13 19:57:20 huh, i followed a guide to clear my apt. http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=11951697&postcount=2 Jan 13 19:57:23 and that fixed it Jan 13 19:58:07 something must have gotten corrupted was all Jan 13 20:42:23 Anyone got this error with Lilstevie ubuntu (updated to 12.04, k2.6.36.4) when from a certain point after installing it.. It only reboots in readonly FS? Jan 13 20:44:11 no matter if I run e2fsck.. it still does this Jan 13 20:48:33 nvm.. It seems like fsck doesn't fix it really.. but e2fsck fixes it. For now it seems to work. You guys can light down Gondor's alarm firelights! Jan 13 20:49:27 my u-boot command line contains "splash," is there any reason why I wouldn't still get a splash screen? Jan 13 20:49:31 i have plymouth installed Jan 13 21:08:15 well, it just randomly went back to read-only file system.. Jan 13 21:10:54 sim590: try to run dmesg, maybe there is more info in there Jan 13 21:12:47 Yeah.. I've just done that and it says: [sda] Device not ready, [sda] Result: hostbyte=0x00 drivebyte=0x08,[sda] Sense key : 0x2 [current] ........... I/O error, dev sda, sector 6578354, lost page write due to I/O error on sda1 Jan 13 21:13:13 it's usb flash drive? Jan 13 21:13:15 I'm using the SD card on the keyboard of the TF101 Jan 13 21:13:20 it's my rootfs Jan 13 21:13:33 it is quiet possible that it the sdcard is corrupted Jan 13 21:13:35 maybe I should use micro sd card Jan 13 21:13:59 *quite Jan 13 21:14:31 Or may be it sometimes has some bad contact with between the tablet and the keyboard Jan 13 21:14:43 therefore, the journal is messed up Jan 13 21:14:53 you could try to connect it to computer or something Jan 13 21:16:30 I/O error wouldn't indicate that there's a connectivity problem? Jan 13 21:17:28 well, it can as well might be that the sdcard is bad Jan 13 21:17:56 I know that USB drives do that Jan 13 21:18:23 my sd card is new Jan 13 21:18:37 I've just bought it Jan 13 21:19:12 then it is probably just bad contact, as you say Jan 13 21:19:59 that's unfortunate.. I've bought that for nothing and costed 40$.. Jan 13 21:20:12 32Go.. it's going to cost double the price for micro SD Jan 13 21:22:33 I dunno how is sdcard connector mad in TF101, but can't you just, I don't know, put a piece of paper or something on top of the card so that the contact is correct? Jan 13 21:22:41 *made Jan 13 21:23:28 may be the problem is from the connection between the tablet adn the keyboard Jan 13 21:23:56 you know where the table fixes itself. It's a little bit mobile there Jan 13 21:24:00 it moves a little bit Jan 13 21:24:09 may be the bad contact is there. Jan 13 21:25:40 I'd really just try to stick that sd-card to computer and try if it is not bad Jan 13 21:25:51 or try to use some other sdcard with the tablet Jan 13 21:26:28 The sd card is ok. I use it with my pc and it always mounts Jan 13 21:27:01 well, mount is one thing, have you tried to actually transfer some data to it? Jan 13 21:27:24 the image i put on it took 2hours to dd Jan 13 21:27:50 and everything was fine Jan 13 21:28:15 it corrupts itself only when I put it in TF101 Jan 13 21:33:56 btw, how big was the image you dd-ed to it? Jan 13 21:34:17 About 30Go Jan 13 21:35:21 oh, okay, 2 hours seemed a little too much to me, but if the image is that big, then it's okay Jan 13 21:36:08 well, I don't have anything else to tell, just try to make sure that the contacts are correct, but I guess you can figure that out) Jan 13 21:36:17 I could resize it to less than this in order to take less time, but if I want to take advantage of the whole space on the partition, I have to resize it afterwards on the TF101 Jan 13 21:36:47 Thank you for your assistance, it's good to see we can get some echo Jan 13 21:38:12 I just blow air in the slot. I hope it helps ^^ Jan 14 00:18:56 sim590: the SD card slot on tf101 keyboard is just broken in my experience :-( Jan 14 02:26:23 Anyone use multirom for nexus7? **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Jan 14 02:59:59 2013